Beispiel #1
function baw_display_screensizes($set)
    global $BAW_MES, $BAW_CURR, $BAW_CONF, $BAW_LIB;
    $format = array(0 => array('title' => $BAW_MES[135], 'format' => 'layout_text', 'colspan' => 2), 1 => array('format' => 'layout_text'), 2 => array('percent' => true, 'title' => $BAW_MES[57], 'format' => 'layout_hits'));
    $format_chart = array(0 => array('title' => $BAW_MES[135], 'format' => 'layout_text'), 1 => array('title' => $BAW_MES[57], 'format' => 'layout_hits'));
    $val = array();
    $newval = array();
    $url = $BAW_CONF['site_url'] . "/icons/screen.png";
    if ($val = baw_data($BAW_CURR['site_name'], 'SCREENSIZE', $BAW_CURR['yearmonth'])) {
        foreach ($val as $size => $data) {
            $size_arr = explode("x", $size);
            $sizex = $size_arr[0] / 80;
            $sizey = $size_arr[1] / 80;
            $img_arr = array('height' => $sizey, 'width' => $sizex, 'title' => $size, 'class' => 'screensize');
            $newval[$size] = array(baw_create_image($url, $img_arr), $size, $data[0]);
    } else {
        if ($BAW_CONF['hideempty']) {
            return '';
    $newval = baw_array_sorting($newval, $set['sort'], $set['sort_dir']);
    $out = '';
    if ($set['chart']) {
        $newval_chart = array();
        foreach ($newval as $size => $data) {
            $newval_chart[$size] = array($data[0], $data[2]);
        $out .= baw_render_htmlchart($newval_chart, $format_chart, $set['avg'], $set['top_x']);
    if ($set['table']) {
        $out .= baw_render_table($set['name'], $newval, $format, $set['avg'], $set['total'], $set['top_x'], false);
    return $out;
Beispiel #2
function baw_render_htmlchart($chart, $format, $get_avg = false, $top_x = false, $dataformat = false)
    baw_debug("rendering chart");
    global $BAW_CONF, $BAW_LIB, $BAW_MES;
    // FORMATS -----------------------------------------------------------------
    $format_arr = array();
    $itemcount = count($chart);
    // we have time data, $top_x has to work from the back instead of the front
    $time_data = false;
    if ($top_x < 0) {
        $time_data = true;
        $top_x = abs($top_x);
    if ($get_avg) {
    $top_x = min($BAW_CONF['max_chart_items'], $top_x);
    $top_x_count = $top_x;
    // if its not set, use count of items (day, month etc)
    if (!$top_x_count) {
        $top_x_count = $itemcount;
    // find the smaller one to know the resulting lines
    if (min($top_x_count, $itemcount) > 12) {
        $width = 4;
    } else {
        $width = 6;
    // iterate formats for header
    $text_fields = 0;
    foreach ($format as $cell => $attr) {
        // iterate one formats attributes
        $format_arr[] = $attr['format'];
        // we need the number of textfields so we can prepend them to the averages array.
        // otherwise the fields for avg and others are not in the right columns
        if ($attr['format'] == 'layout_text') {
        // $title_arr[] = $attr['title'];
    // Max & averages calculation ----------------------------------------------
    // the max has to be calculated before so the bar height can be calculated
    // the sum has to be known for averages
    // iterate all the table and count the sums of all numeric data
    $max_arr = array();
    $sum_arr = array();
    $avg_arr = array();
    $others = array();
    $filled_lines = $itemcount;
    // get the value for substraction
    $row_no = 0;
    $othercount = 0;
    $hasothers = false;
    foreach ($chart as $lineid => $row) {
        $cell_no = 0;
        $rowsum = 0;
        $hasothers = false;
        foreach ($row as $cell) {
            if ($format_arr[$cell_no] != 'layout_text') {
                // we dont include the text
                // max calculation
                @($max_arr[$cell_no] = max($max_arr[$cell_no], $cell));
                // sum calculation
                @($sum_arr[$cell_no] += $cell);
                // average calculation
                if (is_numeric($cell) && $get_avg) {
                    $rowsum += $cell;
                    if ($row_no == $itemcount - 1 && $filled_lines >= 1) {
                        // last line, assume sums are done
                        if ($rowsum == 0 && $cell_no == 0) {
                            // do once again for last line, dont substract further after first cell
                        $avg_arr[$cell_no] = $sum_arr[$cell_no] / $filled_lines;
                } else {
                    if ($get_avg) {
                        $avg_arr[$cell_no] = '';
                // others calculation
                if (!$time_data && $top_x && $row_no >= $top_x) {
                    // max calculation
                    @($max_arr[$cell_no] = max($max_arr[$cell_no], $others[$cell_no]));
                    $hasothers = true;
                    @($others[$cell_no] += $cell);
                } else {
                    if ($time_data && $top_x && $itemcount - $row_no >= $top_x) {
                        $hasothers = true;
                        // for now, we do not accumulate old data for months/days -- optional?
                        // risk is that 'others' is so big that it does not make sense
                        //@$others[$cell_no] += $cell;
                        //@$max_arr[$cell_no] = max($max_arr[$cell_no], $others[$cell_no]);
        // we processes the line, if we are already in the 'others' remove the line
        if ($hasothers) {
        // remove one line from avg-count if data empty
        if ($rowsum == 0) {
        // count to find out if we are ready to do averages
    // make the array longer to fit, first index is 1 since it comes after the array title
    if ($text_fields >= 1) {
        $empty_arr = array_pad(array(), $text_fields - 1, '');
    } else {
        $empty_arr = array();
    // add others to the table
    if ($hasothers && !$time_data) {
        // we got others, add them to the end
        $others = $empty_arr + array($text_fields - 1 => $BAW_MES[2]) + $others;
        $chart += array('layout_others' => $others);
    } else {
        if ($hasothers && $time_data) {
            $others = $empty_arr + array($text_fields - 1 => $BAW_MES[2]) + $others;
            //$temp = array('layout_others' => $others);
            //$chart = $temp + $empty_arr + $chart;
    // add averages to the table
    if ($get_avg) {
        $avg_arr = $empty_arr + array($text_fields - 1 => $BAW_MES[96]) + $avg_arr;
        $chart += array('layout_avg' => $avg_arr);
    $out = "\n<table class=\"charttable\">\n";
    $out .= "    <tr>\n";
    // create the title
    if (isset($format[0]['title']) && $BAW_CONF['chart_titles']) {
        $count_str = sprintf($BAW_MES['records'], baw_num_format($itemcount));
        $out .= "    <tr>\n        <th class=\"header_wrap\" colspan=\"{$row_no}\">{$format[0]['title']} ({$count_str})</th>\n    </tr>\n";
    $l = 0;
    $fieldcount = 0;
    $legend = array();
    foreach ($chart as $lineid => $row) {
        $class = '';
        if (isset($dataformat[$lineid])) {
            $class = " {$dataformat[$lineid]}";
        } else {
            if ($lineid === 'layout_others' || $lineid === 'layout_avg') {
                $class .= " {$lineid}";
        $out .= "        <td class=\"chartcell{$class}\">\n";
        $cell_no = 0;
        foreach ($row as $cell) {
            // only take the numeric values
            if ($format_arr[$cell_no] != 'layout_text') {
                $tags = '';
                $function = $BAW_LIB['formats'][$format_arr[$cell_no]]['frm'];
                $txt = $BAW_LIB['formats'][$format_arr[$cell_no]]['txt'];
                $img = $BAW_LIB['formats'][$format_arr[$cell_no]]['img'];
                $alt = "{$BAW_MES[$txt]}: " . exec_function($function, $cell);
                $max_string = str_replace('layout_', '', $format[$cell_no]['format']);
                // scale after what?
                $max_key = array_search($BAW_CONF["max_{$max_string}"], $format_arr);
                if (isset($max_arr[$max_key]) && $max_arr[$max_key] > 0) {
                    $height = $cell / ($max_arr[$max_key] / 100);
                } else {
                    $height = 1;
                if ($height < 1) {
                    $height = 1;
                $attr = array('height' => $height, 'width' => $width, 'alt' => $alt, 'title' => $alt, 'class' => 'chartimg');
                $out .= baw_create_image($BAW_CONF['icons_url'] . "/other/{$img}", $attr);
            } else {
                // write legend
                $fieldcount = max($cell_no, $fieldcount);
                @($legend[$l][$cell_no] = "        <td{$tags} colspan=\"1\">{$cell}</td>\n");
                if (isset($legend[$l - 1][$cell_no]) && isset($cell)) {
                    if (preg_match('#colspan=\\"(\\d+)\\">' . $cell . '</td>#', $legend[$l - 1][$cell_no], $number)) {
                        @($legend[$l][$cell_no] = "        <td{$tags} colspan=\"{$number[1]}\">{$cell}</td>\n");
                        $legend[$l - 1][$cell_no] = "";
        $out .= "\n        </td>\n";
        $f = 1;
    $out .= "    </tr>\n";
    // Display legend
    $linecount = $l;
    // we inverse the order so the ones standing closer to the data in the table
    // are on top here
    for ($f = $fieldcount; $f >= 0; $f--) {
        $out .= "    <tr class=\"chartlegend\">\n";
        for ($l = 0; $l < $linecount; $l++) {
            $out .= $legend[$l][$f];
        $out .= "    </tr>\n";
    $out .= "</table>\n";
    baw_debug("rendering chart finished");
    return $out;
Beispiel #3
function baw_show_expand_collapse($name, $collapse)
    global $BAW_CONF, $BAW_MES;
    $url = $BAW_CONF['site_url'] . "/icons/expand.gif";
    $arr_show = array('class' => "showhidebutton", 'onclick' => "showElement('{$name}');", 'title' => $BAW_MES['show'], 'id' => "button_show_{$name}");
    $arr_hide = array('class' => "showhidebutton", 'onclick' => "hideElement('{$name}');", 'id' => "button_hide_{$name}", 'title' => $BAW_MES['hide']);
    if ($collapse) {
        $arr_hide += array('style' => "display:none");
    } else {
        $arr_show += array('style' => "display:none");
    $url = $BAW_CONF['site_url'] . "/icons/expand.gif";
    $out = baw_create_image($url, $arr_show);
    $url = $BAW_CONF['site_url'] . "/icons/collapse.gif";
    $out .= baw_create_image($url, $arr_hide);
    return $out;