
 * A batch script to clean up balances data and move it into the database as necessary.
 * This always executes (no job framework) so it should be used sparingly or as necessary.
 * Arguments (in command line, use "-" for no argument):
 *   $key/1 required the automated key
define('USE_MASTER_DB', true);
// always use the master database for selects!
require __DIR__ . "/../inc/global.php";
require __DIR__ . "/_batch.php";
batch_header("Batch cleanup balances", "batch_cleanup_balances");
crypto_log("Current time: " . date('r'));
// find all ticker data that needs to be inserted into the graph_data table
// TODO currently all database dates and PHP logic is based on server side timezone, not GMT/UTC
// database values need to all be modified to GMT before we can add '+00:00' for example
$cutoff_date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime(get_site_config('archive_balances_data'))) . ' 23:59:59';
// +00:00';
$summary_date_prefix = " 00:00:00";
// +00:00
crypto_log("Cleaning up balances data earlier than " . htmlspecialchars($cutoff_date) . " into summaries...");
$q = db_master()->prepare("SELECT * FROM balances WHERE created_at <= :date ORDER BY created_at ASC");
$q->execute(array("date" => $cutoff_date));
// we're going to store this all in memory, because at least that way we don't have to
// execute logic twice
$stored = array();
$count = 0;
while ($balance = $q->fetch()) {
Beispiel #2

 * A batch script to calculate performance metrics from data that has been collected.
 * This always executes (no job framework) so it should be used sparingly or as necessary.
 * Arguments (in command line, use "-" for no argument):
 *   $key/1 required the automated key
define('USE_MASTER_DB', true);
// always use the master database for selects!
require __DIR__ . "/../inc/global.php";
require __DIR__ . "/_batch.php";
batch_header("Batch metrics", "batch_metrics");
crypto_log("Current time: " . date('r'));
// "What database queries take the longest?"
$report_type = "db_slow_queries";
// select the worst ten queries
$q = db_master()->prepare("SELECT query_id, SUM(query_count) AS qc, SUM(query_time) AS qt, MIN(page_id) AS pid FROM performance_metrics_slow_queries\n      GROUP BY query_id ORDER BY SUM(query_time) / SUM(query_count) LIMIT 10");
$data = $q->fetchAll();
$q = db_master()->prepare("INSERT INTO performance_reports SET report_type=?");
$report_id = db_master()->lastInsertId();
foreach ($data as $row) {
    $q = db_master()->prepare("INSERT INTO performance_report_slow_queries SET report_id=?, query_id=?, query_count=?, query_time=?, page_id=?");
    $q->execute(array($report_id, $row['query_id'], $row['qc'], $row['qt'], $row['pid']));
crypto_log("Created report '{$report_type}'");
// "What URLs take the longest to request?"

 * Batch script: calculate site statistics.
 * Arguments (in command line, use "-" for no argument):
 *   $key/1 required the automated key
require __DIR__ . "/../inc/global.php";
require __DIR__ . "/_batch.php";
batch_header("Batch statistics", "batch_statistics");
crypto_log("Current time: " . date('r'));
// calculate statistics
$data = array();
$q = db()->prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) AS c, SUM(emails_sent) AS e FROM user_properties");
$c = $q->fetch();
$data['total_users'] = $c['c'];
$data['total_emails_sent'] = $c['e'];
$q = db()->prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) AS c FROM user_properties WHERE is_disabled=1");
$c = $q->fetch();
$data['disabled_users'] = $c['c'];
$q = db()->prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) AS c FROM user_properties WHERE is_premium=1");
$c = $q->fetch();
$data['premium_users'] = $c['c'];
$q = db()->prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) AS c FROM user_properties WHERE graph_managed_type=?");
$c = $q->fetch();

 * A batch script to clean up old jobs.
 * This always executes (no job framework) so it should be used sparingly or as necessary.
 * Arguments (in command line, use "-" for no argument):
 *   $key/1 required the automated key
define('USE_MASTER_DB', true);
// always use the master database for selects!
require __DIR__ . "/../inc/global.php";
require __DIR__ . "/_batch.php";
batch_header("Batch cleanup jobs", "batch_cleanup_jobs");
crypto_log("Current time: " . date('r'));
// simply delete all jobs that haven't executed and are over three months old
$q = db_master()->prepare("DELETE FROM jobs WHERE is_executed=1 AND executed_at < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 MONTH)");
crypto_log("Deleted old jobs.");
Beispiel #5

 * Batch script: update external APIs status.
 * Arguments (in command line, use "-" for no argument):
 *   $key/1 required the automated key
define('USE_MASTER_DB', true);
// always use the master database for selects!
require __DIR__ . "/../inc/global.php";
require __DIR__ . "/_batch.php";
batch_header("Batch external status", "batch_external");
crypto_log("Current time: " . date('r'));
// we just summarise the data from the last X jobs
// (rather than the last X minutes, which would require a sort of all jobs)
// because 'ticker' jobs are broken down into exchanges, we also want to get each individual exchange data
$summary = array();
$jobs = (int) get_site_config('external_sample_size');
$queries = array("SELECT jobs.* FROM jobs\n    WHERE jobs.id > (SELECT MAX(jobs.id) FROM jobs WHERE is_executed=1) - {$jobs} AND is_executed=1 AND job_type <> 'ticker' AND job_type <> 'securities_update'", "SELECT jobs.*, exchanges.name AS exchange FROM jobs\n    JOIN exchanges ON jobs.arg_id=exchanges.id\n    WHERE jobs.id > (SELECT MAX(jobs.id) FROM jobs WHERE is_executed=1) - {$jobs} AND is_executed=1 AND job_type = 'ticker'", "SELECT jobs.*, securities_update.exchange AS exchange FROM jobs\n    JOIN securities_update ON jobs.arg_id=securities_update.id\n    WHERE jobs.id > (SELECT MAX(jobs.id) FROM jobs WHERE is_executed=1) - {$jobs} AND is_executed=1 AND job_type = 'securities_update'");
$sample_size = 0;
foreach ($queries as $query) {
    $q = db()->prepare($query);
    while ($job = $q->fetch()) {
        $job_type = $job['job_type'];
        if (isset($job['exchange'])) {
            $job_type .= "_" . $job['exchange'];
        if (!isset($summary[$job_type])) {

 * A batch script to clean up summary data and move it into the database as necessary.
 * This always executes (no job framework) so it should be used sparingly or as necessary.
 * Arguments (in command line, use "-" for no argument):
 *   $key/1 required the automated key
define('USE_MASTER_DB', true);
// always use the master database for selects!
require __DIR__ . "/../inc/global.php";
require __DIR__ . "/_batch.php";
batch_header("Batch cleanup summary", "batch_cleanup_summary");
crypto_log("Current time: " . date('r'));
// find all ticker data that needs to be inserted into the graph_data table
// TODO currently all database dates and PHP logic is based on server side timezone, not GMT/UTC
// database values need to all be modified to GMT before we can add '+00:00' for example
$cutoff_date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime(get_site_config('archive_summary_data'))) . ' 23:59:59';
// +00:00';
$summary_date_prefix = " 00:00:00";
// +00:00
crypto_log("Cleaning up ticker data earlier than " . htmlspecialchars($cutoff_date) . " into summaries...");
$q = db_master()->prepare("SELECT * FROM summary_instances WHERE created_at <= :date ORDER BY created_at ASC");
$q->execute(array("date" => $cutoff_date));
// we're going to store this all in memory, because at least that way we don't have to
// execute logic twice
$stored = array();
$count = 0;
while ($ticker = $q->fetch()) {

 * A batch script to clean up ticker data and move it into the database as necessary.
 * This always executes (no job framework) so it should be used sparingly or as necessary.
 * Arguments (in command line, use "-" for no argument):
 *   $key/1 required the automated key
define('USE_MASTER_DB', true);
// always use the master database for selects!
require __DIR__ . "/../inc/global.php";
require __DIR__ . "/_batch.php";
batch_header("Batch cleanup ticker", "batch_cleanup_ticker");
crypto_log("Current time: " . date('r'));
// find all ticker data that needs to be inserted into the graph_data table
// TODO currently all database dates and PHP logic is based on server side timezone, not GMT/UTC
// database values need to all be modified to GMT before we can add '+00:00' for example
$cutoff_date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime(get_site_config('archive_ticker_data'))) . ' 23:59:59';
// +00:00';
$summary_date_prefix = " 00:00:00";
// +00:00
crypto_log("Cleaning up ticker data earlier than " . htmlspecialchars($cutoff_date) . " into summaries...");
// issue #243: make sure we store all historical data in a backup table
$q = db_master()->prepare("REPLACE INTO ticker_historical (SELECT * FROM ticker WHERE created_at <= :date ORDER BY created_at ASC)");
$q->execute(array("date" => $cutoff_date));
crypto_log("Backed up historical data...");
$q = db_master()->prepare("SELECT * FROM ticker WHERE created_at <= :date ORDER BY created_at ASC");
$q->execute(array("date" => $cutoff_date));
// we're going to store this all in memory, because at least that way we don't have to