Beispiel #1
//affichage de la page
echo '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN">' . "\n";
echo '<html>' . "\n";
echo '<head>' . "\n";
echo '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">' . "\n";
echo '<title>' . NOMAPPLICATION . '</title>' . "\n";
echo '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css">' . "\n";
echo '</head>' . "\n";
echo '<body>' . "\n";
//bandeaux de tete
bandeau_titre(_("Organiser des rendez-vous simplement, librement."));
echo '<div class=corps>' . "\n";
#echo '<p><b>'.NOMAPPLICATION.'<br>'. _("What is it about?") .'</b></p>';
#echo '<p>'. _("Making polls to schedule meetings or events, quickly and easily. <br> You can also run polls to determine what will be your next meeting place, the meeting topic or anything like the country you would like to visit during your next holidays.") .'</p>'."\n".'<br>'."\n";
#echo '<div class="nouveau_sondage"><b>'. _("Make a poll") .'</b>';
#     '<span>' .
#     '<a href="/infos_sondage.php"><img alt="' . _('Make a poll') . '" src="images/next-32.png" /></a>' .
#     '</span>';
#echo '</div>' . "\n";
echo '<br>' . "\n";
echo '<div class="index_date">';
echo '<div><a href="./infos_sondage.php?choix_sondage=date"/><image class="opacity" src="images/date.png"/></a></div>';
echo '<a href="./infos_sondage.php?choix_sondage=date" class="button orange bigrounded"/><strong><img src="images/calendar-32.png" alt="" />' . _('Schedule an event') . '</strong></a>';
echo '</div>';
echo '<div class="index_sondage">';
$sql = $connect->Prepare($sql);
$sondage = $connect->Execute($sql, array($numsondageadmin));
if ($sondage !== false) {
    $sql = 'SELECT * FROM sujet_studs WHERE id_sondage = ' . $connect->Param('numsondage');
    $sql = $connect->Prepare($sql);
    $sujets = $connect->Execute($sql, array($numsondage));
    $sql = 'SELECT * FROM user_studs WHERE id_sondage = ' . $connect->Param('numsondage') . ' order by id_users';
    $sql = $connect->Prepare($sql);
    $user_studs = $connect->Execute($sql, array($numsondage));
} else {
    echo '<body>' . "\n";
    echo '<div class=corpscentre>' . "\n";
    print "<H2>" . _("This poll doesn't exist !") . "</H2><br><br>" . "\n";
    print "" . _("Back to the homepage of ") . " <a href=\"index.php\"> " . NOMAPPLICATION . "</A>. " . "\n";
    echo '<br><br><br><br>' . "\n";
    echo '</div>' . "\n";
    echo '</body>' . "\n";
    echo '</html>' . "\n";
//on recupere les données et les sujets du sondage
$dsujet = $sujets->FetchObject(false);
$dsondage = $sondage->FetchObject(false);
$toutsujet = explode(",", $dsujet->sujet);
$toutsujet = str_replace("@", "<br>", $toutsujet);
Beispiel #3
// pour modifier les sondages directement sans avoir reçu les mails. C'est l'interface d'aministration
// de l'application.
// Affichage des balises standards
echo '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN">' . "\n";
echo '<html>' . "\n";
echo '<head>' . "\n";
echo '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">' . "\n";
echo '<title>ADMINISTRATEUR de la base ' . NOMAPPLICATION . '</title>' . "\n";
echo '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../style.css">' . "\n";
echo '</head>' . "\n";
echo '<body>' . "\n";
//Affichage des bandeaux et début du formulaire
bandeau_titre(_("Polls administrator"));
$sondage = $connect->Execute("select * from sondage");
echo '<div class=corps>' . "\n";
echo '<form action="index.php" method="POST">' . "\n";
// Test et affichage du bouton de confirmation en cas de suppression de sondage
while ($dsondage = $sondage->FetchNextObject(false)) {
    if (issetAndNoEmpty('supprimersondage' . $dsondage->id_sondage) === true) {
        echo '<table>' . "\n";
        echo '<tr><td bgcolor="#EE0000" colspan="11">' . _("Confirm removal of the poll ") . '"' . $dsondage->id_sondage . '" : <input type="submit" name="confirmesuppression' . $dsondage->id_sondage . '" value="' . _("Remove this poll!") . '">' . "\n";
        echo '<input type="submit" name="annullesuppression" value="' . _("Keep this poll!") . '"></td></tr>' . "\n";
        echo '</table>' . "\n";
        echo '<br>' . "\n";
    // Traitement de la confirmation de suppression
//modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL-B
//license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL
//The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
//knowledge of the CeCILL-B license and that you accept its terms. You can
//find a copy of this license in the file LICENSE.
include '../bandeaux.php';
echo '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN">' . "\n";
echo '<html>' . "\n";
echo '<head>' . "\n";
echo '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">' . "\n";
echo '<title>Erreur !</title>' . "\n";
echo '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../style.css">' . "\n";
echo '</head>' . "\n";
echo '<body>' . "\n";
bandeau_titre(_("Make your polls"));
echo '<div class=corpscentre>' . "\n";
print "<H2>Vous n'avez pas l'autorisation de voir ce r&eacute;pertoire.<br> </H2>Vous devez, pour cela, initier votre connexion depuis une machine de l'Universit&eacute;.<br> Si vous avez un compte &agrave; l'Universit&eacute;, vous pouvez &eacute;galement utiliser le <a href=\"\">VPN s&eacute;curis&eacute;</a>.<br><br>" . "\n";
print "Vous pouvez retourner &agrave; la page d'accueil de <a href=\"../index.php\"> " . NOMAPPLICATION . "</A>." . "\n";
echo '<br><br><br>' . "\n";
echo '</div>' . "\n";
// Affichage du bandeau de pied
echo '</body>' . "\n";
echo '</html>' . "\n";
             <p>' . __('Step 3', 'Then, you will receive quickly two emails: one contening the link of your poll for sending it to the voters, the other contening the link to the administration page of your poll.') . '</p>';
         echo '
         <p class="text-right">
             <button class="btn btn-default" onclick="javascript:window.history.back();" title="' . __('Step 3', 'Back to step 2') . '">' . __('Generic', 'Back') . '</button>
             <button name="confirmecreation" value="confirmecreation" type="submit" class="btn btn-success">' . __('Step 3', 'Create the poll') . '</button>
 </form>' . "\n";
         // Step 2/4 : Select choices of the poll
     } else {
         Utils::print_header(__('Step 2 classic', 'Poll subjects (2 on 3)'));
         bandeau_titre(__('Step 2 classic', 'Poll subjects (2 on 3)'));
         echo '
 <form name="formulaire" action="' . Utils::get_server_name() . 'create_classic_poll.php" method="POST" class="form-horizontal" role="form">
 <div class="row">
     <div class="col-md-8 col-md-offset-2">';
         echo '
         <div class="alert alert-info">
             <p>' . __('Step 2 classic', 'To make a generic poll you need to propose at least two choices between differents subjects.') . '</p>
             <p>' . __('Step 2 classic', 'You can add or remove additional choices with the buttons') . ' <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-minus text-info"></span><span class="sr-only">' . __('Generic', 'Remove') . '</span> <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus text-success"></span><span class="sr-only">' . __('Generic', 'Add') . '</span></p>';
         if ($config['user_can_add_img_or_link']) {
             echo '    <p>' . __('Step 2 classic', 'It\'s possible to propose links or images by using') . ' <a href="http://' . $locale . '">' . __('Step 2 classic', 'the Markdown syntax') . '</a>.</p>';
         echo '    </div>' . "\n";
         // Fields choices : 5 by default
         $choices = $_SESSION['form']->getChoices();
         $nb_choices = max(count($choices), 5);
                 $choice = new Choice($time);
                 $schedules = $inputService->filterArray($_POST['horaires' . $i], FILTER_DEFAULT);
                 for ($j = 0; $j < count($schedules); $j++) {
                     if (!empty($schedules[$j])) {
 // Step 3/4 : Confirm poll creation
 if (!empty($_POST['choixheures']) && !isset($_SESSION['form']->totalchoixjour)) {
     Utils::print_header(__('Step 3', 'Removal date and confirmation (3 on 3)'));
     bandeau_titre(__('Step 3', 'Removal date and confirmation (3 on 3)'));
     $end_date_str = utf8_encode(strftime('%d/%m/%Y', $max_expiry_time));
     // textual date
     // Summary
     $summary = '<ul>';
     $choices = $_SESSION['form']->getChoices();
     foreach ($choices as $choice) {
         $summary .= '<li>' . strftime($date_format['txt_full'], $choice->getName());
         $first = true;
         foreach ($choice->getSlots() as $slots) {
             $summary .= $first ? ': ' : ', ';
             $summary .= $slots;
             $first = false;
         $summary .= '</li>';
Beispiel #7
//affichage de la page
echo '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN">' . "\n";
echo '<html>' . "\n";
echo '<head>' . "\n";
echo '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">' . "\n";
echo '<title>' . NOMAPPLICATION . '</title>' . "\n";
echo '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css">' . "\n";
echo '</head>' . "\n";
echo '<body>' . "\n";
//debut du formulaire
echo '<form name=formulaire action="apropos.php" method="POST">' . "\n";
//bandeaux de tete
echo '<div class=corps>' . "\n";
echo <<<mentions
  <li><a href="#faq">Questions fréquentes</a></li>
    <li><a href="#framadate">Qu'est-ce que Framadate
    <li><a href="#studs">Quelles différences entre
Framadate et STUdS ?</a></li>
    <li><a href="#doodle">Quelles différences entre
Framadate et Doodle ?</a></li>
    <li><a href="#longevite">Mon sondage
restera-t-il longtemps en ligne ?</a></li>
 } else {
     //nombre de cases par défaut
     $_SESSION["nbrecases"] = 10;
 if (isset($_POST["ajoutcases"]) || isset($_POST["ajoutcases_x"])) {
     $_SESSION["nbrecases"] = $_SESSION["nbrecases"] + 5;
 echo '<body>' . "\n";
 echo '<form name="formulaire" action="#bas" method="POST" onkeypress="javascript:process_keypress(event)">' . "\n";
 bandeau_titre(_("Poll subjects (2 on 2)"));
 echo '<div class=corps>' . "\n";
 echo '<br>' . _("Your poll aim is to make a choice between different subjects.<br>Enter the subjects to vote for:") . '<br><br>' . "\n";
 echo '<table>' . "\n";
 //affichage des cases texte de formulaire
 for ($i = 0; $i < $_SESSION["nbrecases"]; $i++) {
     $j = $i + 1;
     if (isset($_SESSION["choix{$i}"]) === false) {
         $_SESSION["choix{$i}"] = '';
     echo '<tr><td>' . _("Choice") . ' ' . $j . ' : </td><td><input type="text" name="choix[]" size="40" maxlength="40" value="' . str_replace("\\", "", $_SESSION["choix{$i}"]) . '" id="choix' . $i . '"></td></tr>' . "\n";
 echo '</table>' . "\n";
 //focus javascript sur premiere case
 echo '<script type="text/javascript">' . "\n";
Beispiel #9
 //affichage de la page
 echo '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN">' . "\n";
 echo '<html>' . "\n";
 echo '<head>' . "\n";
 echo '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">' . "\n";
 echo '<title>' . NOMAPPLICATION . '</title>' . "\n";
 echo '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css">' . "\n";
 echo '</head>' . "\n";
 echo '<body>' . "\n";
 //debut du formulaire
 echo '<form name=formulaire action="contacts.php" method="POST">' . "\n";
 //bandeaux de tete
 bandeau_titre(_("Contact us"));
 echo '<div class=corps>' . "\n";
 echo _("If you have questions, you can send a message here.") . '<br><br>' . "\n";
 echo _("Your name") . ' :<br>' . "\n";
 echo '<input type="text" size="40" maxlength="64" name="nom" value="' . $_SESSION["nom"] . '">';
 if ((isset($_POST['envoiquestion']) || isset($_POST['envoiquestion_x'])) && $_SESSION["nom"] == "") {
     echo ' <font color="#FF0000">' . _("Enter a name") . '</font>';
 echo '<br><br>' . "\n";
 echo _("Your email address ") . ' :<br>' . "\n";
 echo '<input type="text" size="40" maxlength="64" name="adresse_mail" value="' . $_SESSION["adresse_mail"] . '">' . "\n";
 if ((isset($_POST['envoiquestion']) || isset($_POST['envoiquestion_x'])) && empty($_SESSION["adresse_mail"]) === false && validateEmail($_SESSION["adresse_mail"]) === false) {
     echo ' <font color="#FF0000">' . _("The address is not correct!") . '</font>';
 echo '<br><br>';
Beispiel #10
 //debut de la page web
 echo '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN">' . "\n";
 echo '<html>' . "\n";
 echo '<head>' . "\n";
 echo '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">' . "\n";
 echo '<title>' . NOMAPPLICATION . '</title>' . "\n";
 echo '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css">' . "\n";
 echo '<script type="text/javascript" src="block_enter.js"></script>';
 echo '</head>' . "\n";
 echo '<body>' . "\n";
 //Debut du formulaire et bandeaux de tete
 bandeau_titre(_("Poll dates (2 on 2)"));
 echo '<form name="formulaire" action="choix_date.php" method="POST" onkeypress="javascript:process_keypress(event)">' . "\n";
 //ajout pyg pour la cohérence graphique
 echo ' <div class="corps">';
 //affichage de l'aide pour les jours
 echo '<div class="bodydate">' . "\n";
 echo _("Select your dates amoung the free days (green). The selected days are in blue.<br> You can unselect a day previously selected by clicking again on it.") . "\n";
 echo '</div>' . "\n";
 //debut du tableau qui affiche le calendrier
 echo '<div class=calendrier>' . "\n";
 echo '<table align=center>' . "\n";
 echo '<tr><td><input type="image" name="anneeavant" value="<<" src="images/rewind.png"></td><td><input type="image" name="moisavant" value="<" src="images/previous.png"></td><td align="center" class="choix_date_mois"> ' . $motmois . ' ' . $_SESSION["annee"] . ' </td><td><input type="image" name="moisapres" value=">" src="images/next.png"></td><td><input type="image" name="anneeapres" value=">>" src="images/fforward.png"></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><input type="image" name="retourmois" value="Aujourd\'hui" src="images/reload.png"></td></tr>' . "\n";
 echo '</table>' . "\n";
 echo '<table>' . "\n";
 echo '<tr>' . "\n";