  * Controller constructor
 function __construct($request)
     $this->backup_enabled = (bool) ConfigOptions::getValue('backup_enabled');
     $this->how_many_backups = (int) ConfigOptions::getValue('backup_how_many_backups');
     $total_size = dir_size(UPLOAD_PATH);
     $total_size += dir_size(PUBLIC_PATH . '/avatars');
     $total_size += dir_size(PUBLIC_PATH . '/projects_icons');
     $total_size += dir_size(PUBLIC_PATH . '/logos');
     $total_size += backup_module_calculate_database_size(TABLE_PREFIX) * 1.1685;
     $existing_backups = backup_module_get_backups(BACKUP_PATH);
     $this->smarty->assign(array('backup_admin_url' => assemble_url('backup_admin'), 'backup_enabled' => $this->backup_enabled, 'backup_how_many_backups' => $this->how_many_backups, 'total_size' => $total_size, 'backup_dir_size' => dir_size(BACKUP_PATH), 'existing_backups' => $existing_backups));
 * do daily backup
 * @param null
 * @return null
function backup_handle_on_daily()
    $start_time = time();
    if (!ConfigOptions::getValue('backup_enabled')) {
        return true;
    // if
    // check if backup path exists and if it's writable
    recursive_mkdir(BACKUP_PATH, 0777, WORK_PATH);
    if (!is_dir(BACKUP_PATH) || !folder_is_writable(BACKUP_PATH)) {
        backup_module_log_error('Backup path (' . BACKUP_PATH . ') does not exists or it is not writable', BACKUP_MODULE_SEND_ERROR_EMAIL);
        return false;
    // if
    $htaccess = BACKUP_PATH . '/.htaccess';
    if (!is_file($htaccess)) {
        file_put_contents($htaccess, 'Deny from all');
    $folder_name = "backup " . date('Y-m-d H-i') . " GMT";
    $backup_dir = BACKUP_PATH . '/' . $folder_name;
    // check if backup already exists
    if (is_dir($backup_dir)) {
        backup_module_log_error("Backup already exists ({$folder_name})", BACKUP_MODULE_SEND_ERROR_EMAIL);
        return false;
    // if
    // try to create backup directory
    if (!recursive_mkdir($backup_dir, 0777, WORK_PATH)) {
        backup_module_log_error("Could not create backup folder ({$backup_dir})", BACKUP_MODULE_SEND_ERROR_EMAIL);
        return false;
    // if
    chmod($backup_dir, 0777);
    // backup database (all tables that starts with TABLE_PREFIX)
    $tables = db_list_tables(TABLE_PREFIX);
    if (is_foreachable($tables)) {
        $result = db_dump_tables($tables, $backup_dir . '/database.sql');
        if (is_error($result)) {
            safe_delete_dir($backup_dir, BACKUP_PATH);
            backup_module_log_error($result->getMessage(), BACKUP_MODULE_SEND_ERROR_EMAIL);
            return false;
        // if
    } else {
        safe_delete_dir($backup_dir, BACKUP_PATH);
        backup_module_log_error("Database specified in config.php file does not have exportable tables. Check your config settings", BACKUP_MODULE_SEND_ERROR_EMAIL);
        return false;
    // backup uploads
    $errors = array();
    $result = backup_module_copy_dir(UPLOAD_PATH, $backup_dir . '/upload', true, $errors);
    if (!$result) {
        safe_delete_dir($backup_dir, BACKUP_PATH);
        backup_module_log_error($errors, BACKUP_MODULE_SEND_ERROR_EMAIL);
        return false;
    // if
    // backup project icons
    $errors = array();
    $result = backup_module_copy_dir(PUBLIC_PATH . '/projects_icons', $backup_dir . '/projects_icons', true, $errors);
    if (!$result) {
        safe_delete_dir($backup_dir, BACKUP_PATH);
        backup_module_log_error($errors, BACKUP_MODULE_SEND_ERROR_EMAIL);
        return false;
    // if
    // backup avatars
    $errors = array();
    $result = backup_module_copy_dir(PUBLIC_PATH . '/avatars', $backup_dir . '/avatars', true, $errors);
    if (!$result) {
        safe_delete_dir($backup_dir, BACKUP_PATH);
        backup_module_log_error($errors, BACKUP_MODULE_SEND_ERROR_EMAIL);
        return false;
    // if
    // backup logos
    $errors = array();
    $result = backup_module_copy_dir(PUBLIC_PATH . '/logos', $backup_dir . '/logos', true, $errors);
    if (!$result) {
        safe_delete_dir($backup_dir, BACKUP_PATH);
        backup_module_log_error($errors, BACKUP_MODULE_SEND_ERROR_EMAIL);
        return false;
    // if
    $app =& application();
    $checksum = backup_module_calculate_checksum($folder_name);
    $backup_note = "<?php \n/* \n";
    $backup_note .= 'Backup is created with activeCollab v' . $app->version . ' on ' . date(DATETIME_MYSQL, $start_time) . "\n\n";
    $backup_note .= "To restore system using this backup, visit this page: \n" . ROOT_URL . '/restore.php?backup=' . urlencode($folder_name) . '&checksum=' . $checksum;
    $backup_note .= "\n*/\n?>";
    if (!file_put_contents($backup_dir . '/restore_instructions.php', $backup_note)) {
        safe_delete_dir($backup_dir, BACKUP_PATH);
        backup_module_log_error("Could not create restore instructions for backup.", BACKUP_MODULE_SEND_ERROR_EMAIL);
        return false;
    // if
    // remove old backups
    $how_many_backups = ConfigOptions::getValue('backup_how_many_backups');
    $how_many_backups = (int) $how_many_backups <= 0 ? 5 : $how_many_backups;
    $folders_in_backup_directory = backup_module_get_backups(BACKUP_PATH);
    if (count($folders_in_backup_directory) > $how_many_backups) {
        $old_backups = array_splice($folders_in_backup_directory, -(count($folders_in_backup_directory) - $how_many_backups));
        foreach ($old_backups as $old_backup) {
            safe_delete_dir($old_backup['path'], BACKUP_PATH);
        // foreach
    // if
    log_message('Daily backup created', LOG_LEVEL_INFO, 'backup');