Beispiel #1
 function show()
     $q = "SELECT, t.type, program, args, state, hostname, periodicity, \n                     latest_run, resource_id resource, \n                     f.url, feed_id, '' jobs                \n              FROM ssscrapecontrol.ssscrape_task t \n                   LEFT JOIN ssscrape_feed f ON f.url=REPLACE(REPLACE(t.args, '-u ', ''), \"'\", '')\n              ?where?";
     $this->m->append(ax_p(ax_a_href("Create new task", "editor/?show=tasks&id=NEW")));
Beispiel #2
 function display($args)
     $show = array_get_default($args, 'show', 'home');
     $page = null;
     foreach ($this->pages as $page) {
         if ($page['name'] == $show) {
     if (!$page) {
         $show = 'home';
         $main_show = 'home';
     } else {
         $main_show = array_key_exists('parent', $page) ? $page['parent'] : $show;
     $args['show'] = $show;
     // Go to monitor if no id is specified
     $id = array_get_default($args, 'id', '');
     if ($id == '') {
         header('Location: ../?' . http_build_query($args));
     // Display menu
     $menu = $this->display_menu($main_show);
     $this->append(ax_ul_items($menu, array('id' => 'tablist')));
     foreach ($this->forms as $form) {
         if ($form['name'] == $show) {
     if (!$form or $form['name'] != $show) {
     $title = $form['descr'];
     $form = new $form['class']($args);
     if ($form->get_data($id)) {
         // Editing existing entity
         $title .= " {$id}";
     } else {
         // Adding new entity
         $form->set_control_value('id', '');
         $id = "";
         $title .= " (new)";
     if (Request::is_post()) {
         $msg = $form->save_data();
         $id = $form->get_control_value('id');
         if ($msg != "") {
     $fr = new AnewtFormRendererDefault();
Beispiel #3
  * The constructor takes care of the page contents.
 function __construct()
     $text = 'this page intentionally left blank';
     $this->set('title', $text);
     $link = ax_a_href($text, '', array('style' => 'color:black; text-decoration:none;'));
     $paragraph = ax_p($link, array('style' => 'position: absolute; right: 4em; bottom: 2em; font-size: small;'));
Beispiel #4
 function count_feeds()
     $q = "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT i.feed_id) AS num FROM ssscrape_feed_item i, shuffler_track s WHERE s.feed_item_id = AND ?temp-constraint? -- ";
     //$num_active_feeds = $this->count($this->prepare_query($q, 'sent'));
     $db = DB::get_instance();
     $cnt = $db->prepare_execute_fetch($this->prepare_query($q, 'sent'));
     $num_active_feeds = array_pop($cnt);
     $num_feeds = $this->count("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `ssscrape_feed` -- ");
     $num_feeds_pct = round($num_active_feeds * 100 / $num_feeds);
     $this->m->append(ax_p("{$num_active_feeds} feeds out of {$num_feeds} have tracks in this period ({$num_feeds_pct} %)"));
Beispiel #5
  * \private
  * Show a simple error page.
  * \param $exception
  *   The AnewtHTTPException instance
 protected function show_error_page($exception)
     assert('$exception instanceof Exception;');
     $p = new AnewtPage();
     $p->show_dublin_core = false;
     /* Title */
     if ($exception instanceof AnewtHTTPException) {
         $title = sprintf('%d - %s', $exception->getCode(), http_status_to_string($exception->getCode()));
     } else {
         $title = sprintf('%d - %s', HTTP_STATUS_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, http_status_to_string(HTTP_STATUS_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR));
     $p->title = $title;
     /* Add default explanation (instead of just a title) for some exceptions. */
     $message = $exception->getMessage();
     if ($message) {
     } else {
         switch ($exception->getCode()) {
             case HTTP_STATUS_NOT_FOUND:
                 $p->append(ax_p('The requested resource cannot be found.'));
             case HTTP_STATUS_FORBIDDEN:
                 $p->append(ax_p('Access to the requested resource was denied.'));
                 $p->append(ax_p('An internal server error occurred while processing your request.'));
     /* Backtrace */
Beispiel #6

echo to_string(ax_div_id(ax_p('This is a paragraph of text wrapped in a div with an id attribute'), 'this-is-the-div-id'));
Beispiel #7
        $ctx1->draw_filled_rectangle_size(3, 3, 4, 3);
        $ctx1->set('color', $img->color_from_string('#969'));
        $ctx1->draw_rectangle(3, 3, 6, 7);
        $ctx1->draw_filled_rectangle_size(15, 2, 2, 2);
        $ctx1->draw_filled_rectangle_size(15, 2, -1, -1);
        $col = $img->color_from_string('#36c');
        $ctx1->set('color', $col);
        $ctx1->draw_filled_rectangle(20, 2, 18, 3);
        assert('$ctx1->color_at(19, 2) == $col');
        /* Blow up so we can count the pixels in the result */
        $img->resize_relative(10, false);
$test = AnewtRequest::get_string('test');
if (is_null($test)) {
    /* Show test chooser */
    $p = new AnewtPage();
    $p->set('title', 'Choose a test');
    $p->append(ax_h1('Choose a test'));
    foreach (get_class_methods('AnewtImageTestCases') as $name) {
        $url = AnewtURL::build(AnewtRequest::relative_url(), array('test' => $name));
        $p->append(ax_p(ax_a_href(sprintf('Test: %s', $name), $url)));
} else {
    /* Invoke test function */
Beispiel #8
 function build_footer()
     return ax_p('Contact:');
Beispiel #9
  * Build an error node.
 protected function _build_error_node($obj)
     /* FIXME: share code with _build_description_node */
     $error = $obj->_get('error');
     if (is_null($error)) {
         $out = null;
         return $out;
     $error_node = new AnewtXHTMLDiv();
     if (is_string($error)) {
         /* Wrap string in a paragraph. */
     } else {
         /* Assume it's an XHTML element and append it directly */
         assert('$error instanceof AnewtXMLDomNode;');
     if ($obj instanceof AnewtForm) {
         $class = 'form-error form-error-form';
     } elseif ($obj instanceof AnewtFormFieldset) {
         $class = 'form-error form-error-fieldset';
     } elseif ($obj instanceof AnewtFormControl) {
         $class = 'form-error form-error-control';
     } else {
         assert('false; // not reached');
     return $error_node;
Beispiel #10
 function run_query($q, $extra_field = null)
     $q = $this->prepare_query($q, $extra_field);
     $m = $this->m;
     $db = DB::get_instance();
     $rows = $db->prepare_execute_fetch_all($q);
     $more_results = false;
     if (count($rows) == $this->limit + 1) {
         $more_results = true;
         # remove the extra row
     cycle(array('bg1', 'bg0'));
     $this->stat = array();
     $descr = array();
     if ($this->query_restriction) {
         array_push($descr, "Condition: " . $this->query_restriction);
     if ($this->interval) {
         array_push($descr, $this->make_interval_selection($this->interval));
     $table = ax_table_class('results');
     $m->append($this->make_results_summary(count($rows), $more_results));
     $m->append(ax_p(array(ax_raw('Generated with query:<br /><textarea class="query">'), $q, ax_raw('</textarea>'))));

// Results in <p class="foo">Paragraph text</p> when rendered
$p = ax_p_class('Paragraph text', 'foo');
// The same can be achieved like this:
$p = ax_p('Paragraph text');
// Results in <div id="bar">Text here</div> when rendered
$p = ax_div_id('Text here', 'bar');
// The same can be achieved like this:
$div = ax_div('Text here');
$div->set_attribute('id', 'bar');
// Hyperlinks can be built like this:
$link = ax_a_href('Hyperlink text', '');
$link = ax_a_href_title('Hyperlink text', '', 'This will be a tooltip');
// Images can be built like this:
$img = ax_img_src_alt('example.png', 'An example image');
 function build_footer()
     return ax_p('This is the footer');
Beispiel #13

// Building a paragraph using the class constructor:
$p = new AnewtXHTMLParagraph('This is some text');
// The same, but now using the convenience API:
$p = ax_p('This is some text.');
Beispiel #14

$p = new AnewtPage();
$p->append(ax_p('This is a paragraph of text.'));
$p->append(ax_raw('<p>This is some <code>pre-formatted</code> text.</p>'));
$p->append('This string will be escaped: <, &, and > are no problem!');
Beispiel #15
 function TestForm()
     /* General form setup and test some properties */
     $this->setup('test-name', ANEWT_FORM_METHOD_POST, AnewtRequest::url(true));
     $this->set('error', 'This is a general form error.');
     $this->set('description', 'This is the form\'s description.');
     /* Test text entry controls */
     $text1 = new AnewtFormControlText('text1');
     $text1->set('label', 'Text field:');
     $text1->set('secondary-label', 'Secondary label');
     $text1->set('value', 'Short string with & spécial chars');
     $text1->set('help', 'You can type some text here.');
     $text1->set('description', 'Type at least 3 characters here.');
     $text1->add_validator(new AnewtValidatorLength(3, null), 'Too short (minimum number of characters is 3).');
     $text2 = new AnewtFormControlTextMultiline('text2');
     /* Set properties after adding to test references */
     $text2->set('description', 'You may enter some longer text here.');
     $text2->set('value', "Some readonly text\nwith multiple\nlines\nand some spécial characters\nlike &, ', < and >.");
     $text2->set('label', 'Multiline textfield:');
     $text2->set('readonly', true);
     $text3 = new AnewtFormControlTextMultiline('text3');
     $text3->set('value', "A larger control with a\nbit more space (4 lines!)\nto type some text, if only\nit wasn't disabled…");
     $text3->set('label', 'Larger multiline:');
     $text3->set('secondary-label', 'Secondary label');
     $text3->set('rows', 4);
     $text3->set('columns', 40);
     $text3->set('disabled', true);
     $text3->set('error', 'This is an error description.');
     $text4 = new AnewtFormControlTextMultiline('text4');
     $text4->set('value', 'Okay, this is multiline text you can edit yourself…');
     $text4->set('label', 'Another multiline:');
     $text4->set('rows', 2);
     $text4->set('columns', 50);
     /* Test adding custom nodes to the form */
     $this->add_node(ax_p('This is a normal paragraph inside the form.'));
     $this->add_node(ax_raw('<p><strong>Formatted text</strong> can be here as well.</p>'));
     /* Some more text controls with various property combinations */
     $text5 = new AnewtFormControlText('text5');
     $text5->set('label', 'A number between 1 and 10:');
     $text5->set('description', 'This should be 8 by default. You should not be able to type more than 2 characters into this field.');
     $text5->set('value', '7');
     // Set again to 8 later using set_control_value!
     $text5->set('help', 'Enter a number between 1 and 10 inclusive, please.');
     $text5->set('size', 2);
     $text5->set('maxlength', 2);
     $text5->add_validator(new AnewtValidatorInteger(1, 10), 'This number is not valid.');
     $text6 = new AnewtFormControlPassword('text6');
     $text6->set('label', 'Password:'******'description', 'This control can hold only 8 characters. This field is not required and will give a NULL value when left empty.');
     $text6->set('size', 8);
     $text6->set('maxlength', 8);
     $text6->set('value', 'not-shown');
     $text6->set('required', false);
     $text6->set('help', 'Enter a password, please.');
     $text7 = new AnewtFormControlPassword('text7');
     $text7->set('label', 'Echoed password:'******'description', 'This password is echoed back when the form is submitted.');
     $text7->set('value', 'shown');
     $text7->set('show-value', true);
     $text8 = new AnewtFormControlText('text8');
     $text8->set('label', 'Email:');
     $text8->set('value', '*****@*****.**');
     $text8->add_validator(new AnewtValidatorEmail(), 'This does not look like an email address.');
     /* Check box */
     $check1 = new AnewtFormControlCheckbox('check1');
     $check1->set('label', 'Checkbox:');
     $check1->set('secondary-label', 'Check me');
     $check1->set('help', 'Feel free to check me!');
     $check2 = new AnewtFormControlCheckbox('check2');
     $check2->set('label', 'Disabled checkbox:');
     $check2->set('disabled', true);
     $check3 = new AnewtFormControlCheckbox('check3');
     $check3->set('label', 'Another checkbox:');
     $check3->set('secondary-label', 'Check me too');
     $check3->set('value', true);
     /* Choice control, multiple same values */
     $choice_same_values = new AnewtFormControlChoice('choice-same-values');
     $choice_same_values->set('label', 'Choose:');
     $choice_same_values->set('description', 'Multiple options have the same value. Only the first should be selected.');
     $choice_same_values->add_option_value_label('same-value', 'Option 1 (same value as option 2');
     $choice_same_values->add_option_value_label('same-value', 'Option 2 (same value as option 1');
     $choice_same_values->add_option_value_label('other-value', 'Option 3');
     $choice_same_values->set('value', 'same-value');
     /* Choice control, single select */
     $single_choice_fieldset = new AnewtFormFieldset('single-choice');
     $single_choice_fieldset->set('label', 'Single select');
     $single_choice_fieldset->set('description', 'You can select a single value here. By default, the second option is selected in both cases, and the first option is disabled.');
     $choice1 = new AnewtFormControlChoice('choice1');
     $choice1->set('label', 'Make a choice:');
     $option = new AnewtFormOption('first', 'First option');
     $option->set('disabled', true);
     $choice1->add_option_value_label('second', 'Second option');
     $choice1->add_option_value_label('third', 'Third option');
     $choice1->add_option_value_label('fourth', 'Fourth option');
     $choice1->set('value', 'second');
     $choice2 = new AnewtFormControlChoice('choice2');
     $choice2->set('threshold', 3);
     $choice2->set('label', 'Make a choice:');
     $option = new AnewtFormOption('first', 'First option');
     $option->set('disabled', true);
     $choice2->add_option_value_label('second', 'Second option');
     $choice2->add_option_value_label('third', 'Third option');
     $choice2->add_option_value_label('fourth', 'Fourth option');
     $choice2->set('value', 'second');
     $choice3 = new AnewtFormControlChoice('choice3');
     $choice3->set('threshold', 3);
     $choice3->set('size', 4);
     $choice3->set('label', 'Make a choice:');
     $option = new AnewtFormOption('first', 'First option');
     $option->set('disabled', true);
     $choice3->add_option_value_label('second', 'Second option');
     $choice3->add_option_value_label('third', 'Third option');
     $choice3->add_option_value_label('fourth', 'Fourth option');
     $choice3->set('value', 'second');
     $single_choice_fieldset->add_node(ax_p('This is a normal paragraph inside a fieldset.'));
     /* Choice control, multiple select */
     $multiple_choice_fieldset = new AnewtFormFieldset('multiple-choice');
     $multiple_choice_fieldset->set('label', 'Multiple select');
     $multiple_choice_fieldset->set('description', 'You can select multiple values here. By default, the second and third options are selected in both cases, and the first option is disabled.');
     $choice4 = new AnewtFormControlChoice('choice4');
     $choice4->set('multiple', true);
     $choice4->set('label', 'Make a choice:');
     $option = new AnewtFormOption('first', 'First option');
     $option->set('disabled', true);
     $choice4->add_option_value_label('second', 'Second option');
     $choice4->add_option_value_label('third', 'Third option');
     $choice4->add_option_value_label('fourth', 'Fourth option');
     /* Value is deliberately set twice to test unsetting of old values */
     $choice4->set('value', array('first', 'second'));
     $choice4->set('value', array('second', 'third'));
     $choice5 = new AnewtFormControlChoice('choice5');
     $choice5->set('multiple', true);
     $choice5->set('threshold', 3);
     $choice5->set('label', 'Make a choice:');
     $option = new AnewtFormOption('first', 'First option');
     $option->set('disabled', true);
     $choice5->add_option_value_label('second', 'Second option');
     $choice5->add_option_value_label('third', 'Third option');
     $choice5->add_option_value_label('fourth', 'Fourth option');
     $choice5->set('value', array('second', 'third'));
     /* Choice control, with option groups */
     $option_groups_fieldset = new AnewtFormFieldset('option-groups-fieldset');
     $option_groups_fieldset->set('label', 'Option groups');
     $option_groups_fieldset->set('description', 'Single and multiple select controls with option groups.');
     $choice6 = new AnewtFormControlChoice('choice6');
     $og = new AnewtFormOptionGroup('First group');
     $og->add_option_value_label('1a', 'A');
     $og->add_option_value_label('1b', 'B');
     $og = new AnewtFormOptionGroup('Second group');
     $og->add_option_value_label('2a', 'A');
     $og->add_option_value_label('2b', 'B');
     $choice6->set('label', 'Make a choice:');
     $choice6->set('description', 'Choice 2a selected by default.');
     $choice6->set('value', '2a');
     $choice7 = new AnewtFormControlChoice('choice7');
     $choice7->add_option_value_label('o1', 'First option (not in a group)');
     $option_group_1 = new AnewtFormOptionGroup('First group');
     $option = new AnewtFormOption('g1o1', 'First disabled suboption in first group');
     $option->set('disabled', true);
     $option_group_1->add_option_value_label('g1o2', 'Second suboption in first group');
     $option_group_1->add_option_value_label('g1o3', 'Third suboption in first group');
     $option_group_2 = new AnewtFormOptionGroup('Second group');
     $option_group_2->add_option_value_label('g2o1', 'First suboption in second group');
     $option_group_2->add_option_value_label('g2o2', 'Second suboption in second group');
     $choice7->add_option_value_label('o3', 'Third option (not in a group)');
     $option_group_3 = new AnewtFormOptionGroup('Third group (completely disabled)');
     $option_group_3->set('disabled', true);
     $option_group_3->add_option_value_label('g3o1', 'Only suboption in third group');
     $choice7->add_option_value_label('04', 'Fourth option, not in a group');
     $choice7->set('label', 'Make multiple choices:');
     $choice7->set('description', 'Options 1 and group 2 option 1 are selected by default.');
     $choice7->set('multiple', true);
     $choice7->set('value', array('g2o1', 'o1'));
     $choice8 = new AnewtFormControlChoice('choice8');
     $choice8->set('label', 'No selection here:');
     $choice8->set('description', 'This choice control only contains disabled options and disabled or empty option groups. The first one should be forcibly selected. Yes, this is a really nasty edge case.');
     $og = new AnewtFormOptionGroup('Empty group 1');
     $og = new AnewtFormOptionGroup('Disabled group 2');
     $og->set('disabled', true);
     $og->add_option_value_label('none', '1a');
     $og->add_option_value_label('none', '1b');
     $option = new AnewtFormOption('none', 'Disabled option');
     $option->set('disabled', true);
     $choice8->set('value', 'too bad this is totally invalid');
     /* Hidden controls */
     $hidden1 = new AnewtFormControlHidden('hidden1');
     $hidden1->set('value', 'sekr1t!');
     $this->add_hidden_control('hidden2', 'another && śèkŕ1t');
     /* Buttons */
     $button_fieldset = new AnewtFormFieldset('buttons');
     $button_fieldset->set('label', 'Button fieldset');
     $submit = new AnewtFormControlButtonSubmit('submit');
     $submit->set('label', 'Submit form');
     $submit->set('help', 'Press this button to submit this form');
     $submit2 = new AnewtFormControlButtonSubmit('submit2');
     $submit2->set('label', 'Disabled submit button');
     $submit2->set('disabled', true);
     $submit = new AnewtFormControlButtonSubmit('submit3');
     $submit->set('label', 'Another submit button');
     $reset = new AnewtFormControlButtonReset('reset');
     $reset->set('label', 'Reset to default values');
     $reset->set('help', 'Reset the values of the form fields to their original values');
     $extra = new AnewtFormControlButton('extra-button');
     $extra->set('label', 'Extra button that does not do anything');
Beispiel #16

require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../anewt.lib.php';
$p = new AnewtPage();
$p->set('title', 'Textile formatting test');
if (AnewtRequest::get_bool('debug')) {
    header('Content-type: text/plain');
    $p->set('content_type', 'text/plain');
} else {
    list($base_url, $params) = AnewtUrl::parse(AnewtRequest::url());
    $params['debug'] = '1';
    $debug_url = AnewtUrl::build(array($base_url), $params);
    $p->append(ax_p(ax_a_href('(Page source for debugging)', $debug_url)));
$text = file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . '/sample-text.txt');
$formatted_text = TextFormatter::format($text, 'textile');
Beispiel #17

$div = ax_blockquote(ax_p('Some text in a blockquote.'));
$div = ax_blockquote(array(ax_p('Some text in a blockquote.'), ax_p('Another paragraph in the same blockquote.')));
$p = ax_p(array('This is a ', ax_a_href('hyperlink', ''), ' inside some text.'));
Beispiel #18
 function show()
     $q = "SELECT, f.url, f.title, task, t.periodicity periodicity, t.state task_state, m.kind, m.tags, f.mod_date, \n                     count(i.feed_id) items, count(i.feed_id)-count(i.content_clean) errors, 2_weeks\n              FROM ssscrape.ssscrape_feed f \n                   LEFT JOIN ssscrape_feed_metadata m ON \n                   LEFT JOIN (SELECT feed_id, content_clean \n                              FROM ssscrape_feed_item \n                              WHERE ?temp-constraint?) i \n                        ON \n                   LEFT JOIN ssscrapecontrol.ssscrape_task t ON LOCATE(f.url, t.args)\n              ?where?\n              GROUP BY";
     $this->m->append(ax_p(ax_a_href("Create new feed", "editor/?show=feeds&id=NEW")));
     $this->run_query($q, 'pub_date');
Beispiel #19
 * Create an AnewtXHTMLParagraph element with a class.
 * \param $content The content for this element
 * \param $class The class name for this element
 * \param $attributes Additional element attributes (optional)
function ax_p_class($content, $class, $attributes = null)
    $element = ax_p($content, $attributes);
    $element->set_attribute('class', $class);
    return $element;
Beispiel #20
$fragment->append_child(new AnewtXHTMLHeader2('Forms'));
$form = new AnewtXHTMLForm(null, array('method' => 'GET'));
$input_fragment = new AnewtXHTMLFragment();
$input_fragment->append_child(new AnewtXHTMLLabel('Label: ', array('for' => 'test')));
$input_fragment->append_child(new AnewtXHTMLInput(null, array('name' => 'test', 'id' => 'test', 'type' => 'text')));
$form->append_child(new AnewtXHTMLParagraph($input_fragment));
$select = new AnewtXHTMLSelect(null, array('name' => 'select'));
$select->append_child(new AnewtXHTMLOption('First', array('value' => 'first')));
$select->append_child(new AnewtXHTMLOption('Second', array('value' => 'second')));
$select->append_child(new AnewtXHTMLOption('Third', array('value' => 'third')));
$form->append_child(new AnewtXHTMLParagraph($select));
$form->append_child(new AnewtXHTMLParagraph(new AnewtXHTMLInput(null, array('type' => 'submit'))));
/* Convenience API */
$r = array();
$r[] = ax_h2('Convenience API');
$r[] = ax_p('Test with some <& special characters.', array('style' => 'color: #ccc;'));
$r[] = ax_p_class(ax_raw('This is <strong>strong</strong>'), 'someclass');
$r[] = ax_p(ax_abbr('ICE', 'InterCity Express'));
$r[] = ax_p(array('Test', ax_br(), 'after the break'));
$p = ax_p(array('testje', array('1', '2'), ax_strong('blablabla')));
$p->set_attribute('id', 'paragraph-id');
$p->set_class('foo bar baz');
$p->append_child(ax_a_href('name', '/url/'));
$r[] = $p;
$r[] = ax_p(ax_sprintf('%s & %s', ax_span_class('Sugar', 'sweet'), 'Spice'));
$fragment->append_child(ax_fragment($r, ax_p('final paragraph')));
/* Final output */
echo to_string($fragment), NL;
Beispiel #21
  * \private
  * Show a simple error page.
  * \param $http_status_code
  *   The http status code.
 function _show_error_page($http_status_code)
     $title = sprintf('%d - %s', $http_status_code, http_status_to_string($http_status_code));
     $p = new AnewtPage();
     $p->set('show-dublin-core', false);
     $p->set('title', $title);
     switch ($http_status_code) {
         case HTTP_STATUS_NOT_FOUND:
             $p->append(ax_p('The requested resource cannot be found.'));
             $p->append(ax_p('Access to the requested resource was denied.'));
             /* No explanation (just a title) */
Beispiel #22

// This will result in <a href="#">...</a> showing up in your browser:
$p = ax_p('This should be a <a href="#">hyperlink</a>, but it is not.');
// This will result in a functioning hyperlink:
$p = ax_p(ax_raw('This is a real <a href="#">hyperlink</a>.'));
// This is the same as the previous line of code:
$p = new AnewtXHTMLParagraph(new AnewtXHTMLRaw('This is a real <a href="#">hyperlink</a>.'));
Beispiel #23

$p = new AnewtPage();
$p->append(ax_h1('Hello, world!'));
$p->append(ax_p('This is a simple test page.'));
Beispiel #24

$p = new AnewtPage();
$p->blocks = array('header', 'content', 'footer');
$p->default_block = 'content';
/* Add content to specific blocks */
$p->append_to('header', ax_p('This is the header text.'));
$p->append_to('footer', ax_p('This is the footer text.'));
/* Add content to the default block */
$p->append(ax_h1('Hello, world!'));
$p->append(ax_p('This is a simple test page.'));
/* You can add content to the default block using append_to() as well, but that
 * involves a bit more typing. */
$p->append_to('content', ax_p('Another paragraph.'));
Beispiel #25
 function build_header()
     return ax_fragment(array(ax_p('Header line 1'), ax_p('Header line 2')));
Beispiel #26

/* Build a fragment containing a few paragraphs of text */
$paragraphs = array(ax_p('Paragraph one.'), ax_p('Paragraph two.'), ax_p('Paragraph three.'));
$fragment = ax_fragment($paragraphs);
$fragment->append_child(ax_p('Paragraph four'));