err("Connection limit exceeded! You may only leech from one location at a time."); } if ($valid[0] >= 3 && $seeder == 'yes') { err("Connection limit exceeded!"); } } $res = SQL_Query_exec("SELECT {$peerfields} FROM peers WHERE {$selfwhere}"); $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res); if ($row) { $self = $row; } } // END $SELF FILL if ($MEMBERSONLY && $seeder != "yes") { $query = @mysql_fetch_row(@SQL_Query_exec("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT torrent) FROM `peers` WHERE `userid` = '{$userid}' AND `seeder`='no'")); $maxslot = avail_slots($userid, $user["class"]); if ($query[0] >= $maxslot) { err("Maximum {$maxslot} Slot exceeded! You dont have any more download slots available, wait for 1 or more to finish then you can download this."); } } if (!isset($self)) { //IF PEER IS NOT IN PEERS TABLE DO THE WAIT TIME CHECK if ($MEMBERSONLY_WAIT && $MEMBERSONLY) { //wait time check if ($left > 0 && in_array($user["class"], explode(",", $site_config["WAIT_CLASS"]))) { //check only leechers and lowest user class $gigs = $user["uploaded"] / (1024 * 1024 * 1024); $elapsed = floor((gmtime() - $torrent["ts"]) / 3600); $ratio = $user["downloaded"] > 0 ? $user["uploaded"] / $user["downloaded"] : 1; if ($ratio == 0 && $gigs == 0) { $wait = $site_config["WAITA"];
<?php if (!$CURUSER) { echo ""; } else { print T_("<font color='white'>Howdy!</font>") . " " . class_user($CURUSER[username]) . ""; $userdownloaded = mksize($CURUSER["downloaded"]); $useruploaded = mksize($CURUSER["uploaded"]); if ($CURUSER["uploaded"] > 0 && $CURUSER["downloaded"] == 0) { $userratio = "Inf."; } elseif ($CURUSER["downloaded"] > 0) { $userratio = number_format($CURUSER["uploaded"] / $CURUSER["downloaded"], 2); } else { $userratio = "---"; } $query_slots = @mysql_fetch_row(@SQL_Query_exec("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT torrent) FROM peers WHERE userid = {$CURUSER['id']} AND seeder='no'")); $maxslot = avail_slots($CURUSER["id"], $CURUSER["class"]); $slots = number_format($maxslot) . "/" . number_format($query_slots[0]); $invites = $CURUSER["invites"]; $seedbonus = $CURUSER["seedbonus"]; print ", <img src='../images/download.png' border='none' height='20' width='20' alt='Downloaded' title='Downloaded'> <font color='#CC0000'><b>{$userdownloaded}</b> </font> <img src='../images/upload.png' border='none' height='20' width='20' alt='Uploaded' title='Uploaded'> <font color='#009900'><b>{$useruploaded}</b></font> <img src='../images/ratio.png' border='none' height='20' width='20' alt='Ratio' title='Ratio'> <font color='blue'><b>{$userratio}</b></font> <img src='../images/invite.png' border='none' height='20' width='20' alt='Invites' title='invites'> <b><font color='white'>Invites</font></b> : <a href='" . $site_config["SITEURL"] . "../invite.php'><b><font color='purple'>{$invites}</font></b></a> <font color='white'><b>Download Slots:</b></font> <b><font color='yellow'>{$slots}</b></font>"; echo " <a class='profile' href='" . $site_config["SITEURL"] . "/account/'><img src='/images/setting.png' border='none' height='20' width='20' alt='Account Setting' title='Account Setting'></a> <a class='account' href='../user/?id={$CURUSER['id']}'><img src='../images/profile.png' border='none' height='20' width='20' alt='Profile' title='Profile'></a> <a class='logout' href=\"" . $site_config["SITEURL"] . "/account-logout.php\"><img src='../images/logout.png' border='none' height='20' width='20' alt='Logout' title='Logout'></a>"; //check for new pm's $res = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM messages WHERE receiver=" . $CURUSER["id"] . " and unread='yes' AND location IN ('in','both')") or print mysql_error(); $arr = mysql_fetch_row($res); $unreadmail = $arr[0]; if ($unreadmail) { print "<embed src='../mail.mp3' autostart='true' width='0' height='0' hidden='true'><a class='mail_n' href=" . $site_config["SITEURL"] . "/message/?inbox><img src='../images/mails.png' border='none' height='20' width='20' alt='New PM' title='({$unreadmail}) New PM'S'><font color='red'>({$unreadmail})</font><p></a> "; } else { print "<a class='mail' href=" . $site_config["SITEURL"] . "/message/><img src='../images/mail.png' border='none' height='20' width='20' alt='My Messages' title='My Messages'></a> "; } //end check for pm's