Beispiel #1
function au_login()
    global $aulis;
    // Error messages!
    $errormsg = array();
    // Are we currently attempting to login?
    if (isset($_POST['au_login'])) {
        // Did we provide our username?
        if (empty($_POST['au_username'])) {
            $errormsg[] = LOGIN_NO_USERNAME;
        // What about our password?
        if (empty($_POST['au_password'])) {
            $errormsg[] = LOGIN_NO_PASSWORD;
        // Create variables that are easier to type
        $login['username'] = $_POST['au_username'];
        $login['password'] = $_POST['au_password'];
        // Usernames don't contain HTML
        if ($login['username'] != htmlspecialchars($login['username'], ENT_NOQUOTES, 'UTF-8', false)) {
            $errormsg[] = LOGIN_USERNAME_NO_HTML;
        // We don't want to mess up the database
        $login['username'] = mysqli_real_escape_string($aulis['connection'], $login['username']);
        // Hash the password
        $login['password'] = au_hash($login['password']);
        // Okay. Now check if the database has any record of the user
        $result = au_query("\n\t\t\tSELECT user_id, user_username, user_password\n\t\t\t\tFROM users\n\t\t\t\tWHERE user_username = '******'username'] . "'\n\t\t");
        // This is only run if the user exists
        foreach ($result as $userlogin) {
            // Get the user id
            $userid = $userlogin['user_id'];
            // Does the password match?
            if ($userlogin['user_password'] == $login['password']) {
                $correctpass = true;
            } else {
                $errormsg[] = LOGIN_PASSWORD_FAIL;
        // Can we login?
        if (!empty($correctpass)) {
            // The user agent
            $login['user_agent'] = mysqli_real_escape_string($aulis['connection'], $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
            // The IP address
            $login['user_ip'] = addslashes($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
            // How long should we keep the session active?
            $sessionlength = !empty($_POST['au_forever']) ? '0' : '60';
            // Set the session
            $_SESSION[$setting['session_name']] = array('user' => $userid, 'agent' => $login['user_agent'], 'ip' => $login['user_ip'], 'sessionlength' => $sessionlength);
            // Show a nice information page
            template_info('login_success', 'login_success_title', 'user_green.png', $basefilenq, 'login_link');
    // This array is used in the login template
    $logindata = array('errors' => empty($_POST['au_login']) ? 0 : 1, 'error_message' => $errormsg, 'username' => !empty($login['username']) ? $login['username'] : '');
    // Okay, load this app's template
    au_load_template('login', false);
    // Show the registration template
    au_template_login(!empty($login_complete) ? true : false);
function au_hash_password($password, $user_name, $user_actcode)
    // Let's make the $extra_data
    $extra_data = $user_name . ":" . $user_actcode;
    // Now let's hash this thing
    return au_hash($password, $extra_data);