public function skip_contact($skip, $form_id, $inline_shortcodes) { if ($skip) { return $skip; } $params = array(); $params['comment_author'] = strtr(atmb_get_field('form_akismet_author', $form_id), $inline_shortcodes); $params['comment_author_email'] = strtr(atmb_get_field('form_akismet_author_email', $form_id), $inline_shortcodes); $params['comment_author_url'] = strtr(atmb_get_field('form_akismet_author_url', $form_id), $inline_shortcodes); $params['comment_content'] = strtr(atmb_get_field('form_akismet_content', $form_id), $inline_shortcodes); $params['blog'] = get_option('home'); $params['blog_lang'] = get_locale(); $params['blog_charset'] = get_option('blog_charset'); $params['user_ip'] = POJO_FORMS()->helpers->get_client_ip(); $params['user_agent'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; $params['referrer'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; // $params['comment_type'] = 'contact-form'; $ignore = array('HTTP_COOKIE', 'HTTP_COOKIE2', 'PHP_AUTH_PW'); foreach ($_SERVER as $key => $value) { if (!in_array($key, $ignore) && is_string($value)) { $params[$key] = $value; } } if ($this->remote_check_comment($params)) { $skip = true; } return $skip; }
public function mail_validation($form_id) { $recaptcha = atmb_get_field('form_recaptcha_enable', $form_id); if ('enable' === $recaptcha) { if (empty($_POST['g-recaptcha-response'])) { wp_send_json_error(array('message' => __('The Captcha field cannot be blank. Please enter a value.', 'pojo-forms'))); } $recaptcha_errors = array('missing-input-secret' => __('The secret parameter is missing.', 'pojo-forms'), 'invalid-input-secret' => __('The secret parameter is invalid or malformed.', 'pojo-forms'), 'missing-input-response' => __('The response parameter is missing.', 'pojo-forms'), 'invalid-input-response' => __('The response parameter is invalid or malformed.', 'pojo-forms')); $recaptcha_response = $_POST['g-recaptcha-response']; $recaptcha_secret = atmb_get_field('form_recaptcha_secret_key', $form_id); $client_ip = POJO_FORMS()->helpers->get_client_ip(); $request = array('body' => array('secret' => $recaptcha_secret, 'response' => $recaptcha_response, 'remoteip' => $client_ip)); $response = wp_remote_post('', $request); $response_code = wp_remote_retrieve_response_code($response); if (200 !== $response_code) { wp_send_json_error(array('message' => sprintf(__('Can not connect to the reCAPTCHA server (%d).', 'pojo-forms'), $response_code))); } $body = wp_remote_retrieve_body($response); $result = json_decode($body, true); if (!$result['success']) { $message = __('Invalid Form', 'pojo-forms'); $result_errors = array_flip($result['error-codes']); foreach ($recaptcha_errors as $error_key => $error_desc) { if (isset($result_errors[$error_key])) { $message = $recaptcha_errors[$error_key]; break; } } wp_send_json_error(array('message' => $message)); } } }
public static function get_message($form_id, $id) { $message_type = atmb_get_field('form_messages', $form_id); if (empty($message_type)) { return self::get_default_message($id); } $message = atmb_get_field('form_message_' . $id, $form_id); if (empty($message)) { return self::get_default_message($id); } return $message; }
public function do_shortcode($atts = array()) { $atts = wp_parse_args($atts, array('id' => 0)); if (empty($atts['id'])) { return ''; } $form = get_post($atts['id']); if (!$form || 'pojo_forms' !== $form->post_type) { return ''; } $repeater_fields = atmb_get_field_without_type('fields', 'form_', $form->ID); if (empty($repeater_fields)) { return ''; } $rows = array(); foreach ($repeater_fields as $field_index => $field) { $field_html = $this->_get_field_html($form->ID, $field_index + 1, $field); if (!empty($field_html)) { $rows[] = $field_html; } } // No found any fields, so return empty string if (empty($rows)) { return ''; } $recaptcha_html = ''; $recaptcha = atmb_get_field('form_recaptcha_enable', $form->ID); if ('enable' === $recaptcha) { $recaptcha_html .= '<div class="field-group column-12">'; $recaptcha_site_key = atmb_get_field('form_recaptcha_site_key', $form->ID); $recaptcha_secret_key = atmb_get_field('form_recaptcha_secret_key', $form->ID); if (empty($recaptcha_site_key)) { $recaptcha_html .= __('ERROR for site owner: Invalid site key', 'pojo-forms'); } elseif (empty($recaptcha_secret_key)) { $recaptcha_html .= __('ERROR for site owner: Invalid secret key', 'pojo-forms'); } else { wp_enqueue_script('recaptcha-api'); $recaptcha_attributes = array('class' => 'pojo-g-recaptcha', 'data-sitekey' => $recaptcha_site_key); $recaptcha_style = atmb_get_field('form_recaptcha_style', $form->ID); if (!empty($recaptcha_style)) { $recaptcha_attributes['data-theme'] = $recaptcha_style; } $recaptcha_size = atmb_get_field('form_recaptcha_size', $form->ID); if (!empty($recaptcha_size)) { $recaptcha_attributes['data-size'] = $recaptcha_size; } $recaptcha_html .= '<div ' . pojo_array_to_attributes($recaptcha_attributes) . '></div>'; } $recaptcha_html .= '</div>'; } $forms_html = '<div class="columns">'; $forms_html .= implode("\n", $rows); $forms_html .= $recaptcha_html; $forms_html .= $this->_get_button_html($form->ID); $forms_html .= '</div>'; $form_align_text = atmb_get_field('form_style_align_text', $form->ID); if (empty($form_align_text) || !in_array($form_align_text, array('top', 'inside', 'right', 'left'))) { $form_align_text = 'top'; } $form_style_inline = array(); $fields_style = atmb_get_field('form_style_fields_style', $form->ID); if ('custom' === $fields_style) { $label_size = atmb_get_field('form_style_fields_lbl_size', $form->ID); if (!empty($text_size)) { $form_style_inline[] = 'font-size:' . $label_size; } $label_color = atmb_get_field('form_style_fields_lbl_color', $form->ID); if (!empty($label_color)) { $form_style_inline[] = 'color:' . $label_color; } } $edit_form_link = ''; if (current_user_can('publish_posts') && !is_admin()) { $edit_form_link = sprintf('<a href="%s" class="button size-small edit-form edit-link"><i class="fa fa-pencil"></i> %s</a>', get_edit_post_link($form->ID), __('Edit Form', 'pojo-forms')); } $forms_html = sprintf('<form class="pojo-form pojo-form-%3$d pojo-form-ajax form-align-%1$s"%2$s action="" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="pojo_form_contact_submit" /> <input type="hidden" name="form_id" value="%3$d" /> %4$s %5$s %6$s </form>', $form_align_text, !empty($form_style_inline) ? ' style="' . implode(';', $form_style_inline) . '"' : '', $form->ID, wp_nonce_field('contact-form-send-' . $form->ID, '_nonce', true, false), $forms_html, $edit_form_link); $this->_form_index++; return $forms_html; }
public function form_contact_submit() { $return_array = array('fields' => array(), 'link' => ''); if (empty($_POST['form_id'])) { $return_array['message'] = Pojo_Forms_Messages::get_default_message(Pojo_Forms_Messages::INVALID_FORM); wp_send_json_error($return_array); } $form = get_post(absint($_POST['form_id'])); if (!$form || 'pojo_forms' !== $form->post_type || !isset($_POST['_nonce']) || !wp_verify_nonce($_POST['_nonce'], 'contact-form-send-' . $form->ID)) { $return_array['message'] = Pojo_Forms_Messages::get_default_message(Pojo_Forms_Messages::INVALID_FORM); wp_send_json_error($return_array); } $repeater_fields = atmb_get_field_without_type('fields', 'form_', $form->ID); if (empty($repeater_fields)) { $return_array['message'] = Pojo_Forms_Messages::get_message($form->ID, Pojo_Forms_Messages::INVALID_FORM); wp_send_json_error($return_array); } $this->_files = array(); foreach ($repeater_fields as $field_index => $field) { $field_name = 'form_field_' . ($field_index + 1); $field_label = $field['name']; // TODO: Valid by field type if ($field['required'] && empty($_POST[$field_name]) && $field['type'] != 'file') { $return_array['fields'][$field_name] = Pojo_Forms_Messages::get_message($form->ID, Pojo_Forms_Messages::FIELD_REQUIRED); } if ('file' === $field['type']) { $file_upload_error = array(UPLOAD_ERR_OK => __('There is no error, the file uploaded with success.', 'pojo-forms'), UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE => __('The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini.', 'pojo-forms'), UPLOAD_ERR_FORM_SIZE => __('The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form.', 'pojo-forms'), UPLOAD_ERR_PARTIAL => __('The uploaded file was only partially uploaded.', 'pojo-forms'), UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE => __('No file was uploaded.', 'pojo-forms'), UPLOAD_ERR_NO_TMP_DIR => __('Missing a temporary folder.', 'pojo-forms'), UPLOAD_ERR_CANT_WRITE => __('Failed to write file to disk.', 'pojo-forms'), UPLOAD_ERR_EXTENSION => __('A PHP extension stopped the file upload. PHP does not provide a way to ascertain which extension caused the file upload to stop; examining the list of loaded extensions with phpinfo() may help.', 'pojo-forms')); // The file is required? $is_file_uploaded = isset($_FILES[$field_name]) && UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE !== $_FILES[$field_name]['error']; if (!$is_file_uploaded) { if ($field['required']) { $return_array['fields'][$field_name] = Pojo_Forms_Messages::get_message($form->ID, Pojo_Forms_Messages::FIELD_REQUIRED); } continue; } $file = $_FILES[$field_name]; // Has any error with upload the file? if ($file['error'] > UPLOAD_ERR_OK && UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE !== $file['error'] && empty($return_array['fields'])) { $error_code = $file['error']; $return_array['fields'][$field_name] = $file_upload_error[$error_code]; } // File type validation if (empty($field['file_types'])) { $field['file_types'] = 'jpg,jpeg,png,gif,pdf,doc,docx,ppt,pptx,odt,avi,ogg,m4a,mov,mp3,mp4,mpg,wav,wmv'; } $file_extension = pathinfo($file['name'], PATHINFO_EXTENSION); $file_types_meta = explode(',', $field['file_types']); $file_types_meta = array_map('trim', $file_types_meta); if (!in_array($file_extension, $file_types_meta) && empty($return_array['fields'])) { $return_array['fields'][$field_name] = __('This file type is not allowed.', 'pojo-forms'); } // File size validation $file_size_meta = $field['file_sizes'] * pow(1024, 2); $upload_file_size = $file['size']; if ($upload_file_size > $file_size_meta && empty($return_array['fields'])) { $return_array['fields'][$field_name] = __('This file size is to big, try smaller one.', 'pojo-forms'); } // If we don't have any errors if (empty($return_array['fields'])) { $uploads_dir = POJO_FORMS()->helpers->get_upload_dir(); $filename = uniqid() . '.' . $file_extension; $filename = wp_unique_filename($uploads_dir, $filename); $new_file = trailingslashit($uploads_dir) . $filename; if (is_dir($uploads_dir) && is_writable($uploads_dir)) { $move_new_file = @move_uploaded_file($file['tmp_name'], $new_file); if (false !== $move_new_file) { // Set correct file permissions. $perms = 0644; @chmod($new_file, $perms); $this->_files[$field_label] = $new_file; } else { $return_array['fields'][$field_name] = __('There was an error while trying uploading your file.', 'pojo-forms'); } } else { $return_array['fields'][$field_name] = __('Upload directory is not writable, or does not exist.', 'pojo-forms'); } } } } // End foreach // This action for private used. // Please do not use this action for this moment. do_action('__pojo_forms_mail_validation', $form->ID); if (empty($return_array['fields'])) { $email_to = trim(atmb_get_field('form_email_to', $form->ID)); $email_subject = trim(atmb_get_field('form_email_subject', $form->ID)); if (empty($email_subject)) { $email_subject = sprintf(__('New message from "%s"', 'pojo-forms'), get_bloginfo('name')); } $email_html = ''; $inline_shortcodes = $field_values = array(); foreach ($repeater_fields as $field_index => $field) { $field_name = 'form_field_' . ($field_index + 1); $field_label = $field['name']; $field_value = ''; if (isset($_POST[$field_name])) { $field_value = stripslashes_deep($_POST[$field_name]); if (is_array($field_value)) { $field_value = implode(', ', $field_value); } } if (isset($this->_files[$field_label])) { $field_value = $this->_get_file_url($this->_files[$field_label]); } $inline_shortcodes[$field['shortcode']] = $field_value; $field_values[] = array('title' => $field['name'], 'value' => $field_value); $email_html .= sprintf('%s: %s' . PHP_EOL, $field['name'], $field_value); } $metadata_types = (array) atmb_get_field('form_metadata', $form->ID, Pojo_MetaBox::FIELD_CHECKBOX_LIST); if (!empty($metadata_types)) { $email_html .= PHP_EOL . '---' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; $tmpl_line_html = '%s: %s' . PHP_EOL; foreach ($metadata_types as $metadata_type) { switch ($metadata_type) { case 'time': $email_html .= sprintf($tmpl_line_html, __('Time', 'pojo-forms'), date('H:i', current_time('timestamp'))); break; case 'date': $email_html .= sprintf($tmpl_line_html, __('Date', 'pojo-forms'), date('d/m/Y', current_time('timestamp'))); break; case 'page_url': $title = __('Page URL', 'pojo-forms'); $value = home_url($_POST['_wp_http_referer']); $field_values[] = array('title' => $title, 'value' => $value); $email_html .= sprintf($tmpl_line_html, $title, $value); break; case 'user_agent': $title = __('User Agent', 'pojo-forms'); $value = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; $field_values[] = array('title' => $title, 'value' => $value); $email_html .= sprintf($tmpl_line_html, $title, $value); break; case 'remote_ip': $email_html .= sprintf($tmpl_line_html, __('Remote IP', 'pojo-forms'), POJO_FORMS()->helpers->get_client_ip()); break; case 'credit': $email_html .= apply_filters('pojo_forms_email_credit', __('Powered by', 'pojo-forms')) . PHP_EOL; break; } } } $skip = apply_filters('pojo_forms_skip_contact', false, $form->ID, $inline_shortcodes); if (!$skip) { $email_from_name = atmb_get_field('form_email_form_name', $form->ID); if (empty($email_from_name)) { $email_from_name = get_bloginfo('name'); } $email_from = atmb_get_field('form_email_form', $form->ID); if (empty($email_from)) { $email_from = get_bloginfo('admin_email'); } $email_reply_to = atmb_get_field('form_email_reply_to', $form->ID); if (empty($email_reply_to)) { $email_reply_to = $email_from; } $email_subject = strtr($email_subject, $inline_shortcodes); $email_from_name = strtr($email_from_name, $inline_shortcodes); $email_from = strtr($email_from, $inline_shortcodes); $email_reply_to = strtr($email_reply_to, $inline_shortcodes); $headers = sprintf('From: %s <%s>' . "\r\n", $email_from_name, $email_from); $headers .= sprintf('Reply-To: %s' . "\r\n", $email_reply_to); $headers = apply_filters('pojo_forms_wp_mail_headers', $headers); // Temp filter $email_html = apply_filters('pojo_forms_wp_mail_message', $email_html); wp_mail($email_to, $email_subject, $email_html, $headers); do_action('pojo_forms_mail_sent', $form->ID, $field_values, $this->_files); } else { do_action('pojo_forms_mail_blocked', $form->ID); } $redirect_to = atmb_get_field('form_redirect_to', $form->ID); if (empty($redirect_to) || !filter_var($redirect_to, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL)) { $redirect_to = ''; } $return_array['link'] = $redirect_to; $return_array['message'] = Pojo_Forms_Messages::get_message($form->ID, Pojo_Forms_Messages::SUCCESS); wp_send_json_success($return_array); } else { $return_array['message'] = Pojo_Forms_Messages::get_message($form->ID, Pojo_Forms_Messages::ERROR); wp_send_json_error($return_array); } wp_send_json_error($return_array); die; }