 * Get smarty template from database
 * Smarty resource plugin for fetching email templates from
 * the database. $tpl_name is parsed as a uri type of string where
 * the path to the template field is encoded as:
 * code/module/field
 * results in:
 *    SELECT field FROM email_template WHERE code='code' ...
 * @param string $tpl_name
 * @param string $tpl_source
 * @param ibject $smarty
 * @param boolean $default
 * @return string
function smarty_resource_templatedb_fetch($tpl_name, &$tpl_source, &$smarty, $default = false)
    $_url = parse_url($tpl_name);
    // (required) expected syntax: table/source_field
    $_path_items = explode('/', $_url['path']);
    $code = $_path_items[0];
    $module = $_path_items[1];
    $field = $_path_items[2];
    if (!isset($smarty->templatedb_driver)) {
        $smarty->templatedb_driver =& atkGetDb();
    $tmp_source = $smarty->templatedb_driver->getrows("SELECT {$field} FROM email_template WHERE code='{$code}' AND module='{$module}' LIMIT 1;");
    if (count($tmp_source) == 1) {
        $tmp_source = array_values($tmp_source[0]);
        $tpl_source = $tmp_source[0];
        return true;
    } else {
        return $default;
Beispiel #2

$config_atkroot = "../../";
include_once $config_atkroot . './atk.inc';
$table = @$_SERVER['argv'][1];
if ($table == null) {
    die("Please specify a table name!\n");
$table = strtolower($table);
$db = atkGetDb();
$db->query("SELECT * FROM {$table}");
for ($i = 1; $db->next_record(); $i++) {
    $record = $db->m_record;
    $yaml = atkYAML::dump(array("{$table}_{$i}" => $db->m_record));
    $yaml = substr($yaml, strpos($yaml, "\n") + 1);
    echo $yaml;
Beispiel #3
function getBooked($projectid)
    $db =& atkGetDb();
    $rows = $db->getrows("SELECT sum(time) as booked FROM hours, phase\n                            WHERE hours.phaseid = phase.id AND phase.projectid=" . $projectid);
    return $rows[0]["booked"];
Beispiel #4
$user =& atkGetUser();
$user['name'] = strtolower($user['name']);
 * if not administrator perform security checks...
if ($user['name'] != 'administrator') {
     * check if user is suspended or already logged in
    // read data directly from database because session is cached
    // secutity class.auth_db.inc->selectUser writes user info to db
    $usertable = atkconfig("auth_usertable");
    $userfield = atkconfig("auth_userfield");
    $userid = $user['id'];
    $query = "SELECT allowed_ip, is_suspended, last_seen_on, tbl_prefix FROM {$usertable} WHERE id ='{$userid}'";
    $db =& atkGetDb(atkconfig("auth_database"));
    $recs = $db->getrows($query);
    $db_allowed_ip = $recs[0]['allowed_ip'];
    $db_is_suspended = $recs[0]['is_suspended'];
    $db_last_seen_on = $recs[0]['last_seen_on'];
    $db_tbl_prefix = $recs[0]['tbl_prefix'];
    $exp = explode(';', $db_last_seen_on);
    $db_last_seen_ip = $exp[0];
    $last_seen_on = $_SERVER[REMOTE_ADDR] . '; ' . atkconfig('identifier') . '=' . htmlspecialchars($_COOKIE[atkconfig('identifier')]);
    // check if IP is allowed
    if ($db_allowed_ip && $db_allowed_ip != '0' && $db_allowed_ip != ';') {
        $pass_ip = false;
        $exp = explode(';', $db_allowed_ip);
        foreach ($exp as $ip) {
            if (trim($ip) == $_SERVER[REMOTE_ADDR]) {
                $pass_ip = true;
Beispiel #5
function getFirmData($id)
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM ia32_config";
    $conn = atkGetUser(atkconfig('auth_dbconfigfield'));
    $db =& atkGetDb($conn);
    $user_prefix = atkGetUser(atkconfig('auth_tblprefixfield'));
    $sql = str_replace('ia32_', $user_prefix, $sql);
    $ret = $db->getrows($sql);
    return $ret[0];
Beispiel #6
  for ($i=0;$i<count($dep_record);$i++)
    $before[] = $dep_record[$i]['dependency_phaseid_row'];
    $after[] = $dep_record[$i]['dependency_phaseid_col'];

  return array("befores"=>$before, "afters"=>$after);
function addDefaultConditions(&$query)
    $query->addCondition("phase.startdate IS NOT null");
    $query->addCondition("phase.enddate IS NOT null");
// Select the dependency's  for the gantchart
$db =& atkGetDb();
$querydep =& $db->createQuery();
$querydep->addJoin('project', '', 'project.id=phase.projectid', FALSE);
$querydep->addJoin('dependency', '', 'dependency.phaseid_row=phase.id', FALSE);
$querydep->addField('phaseid_row', ' ', 'dependency', 'dependency_');
$querydep->addField('phaseid_col', ' ', 'dependency', 'dependency_');
$querydep->addCondition("project.id='" . $projectid . "'");
$querystringdep = $querydep->buildSelect(TRUE);
$dbrecordsdep = $db->getrows($querystringdep);
$cntrec = count($dbrecordsdep);
for ($i = 0; $i < $cntrec; $i++) {
// Get the database configuration parameters