public function cmp_ok($exp1, $op, $exp2, $message = '')
     switch ($op)
         case '==':
         case '===':
             assertEquals($exp2, $exp1);
         case '!=':
         case '!==':
             assertNotEquals($exp2, $exp1);
         case '>':
             assertGreaterThan($exp2, $exp1);
         case '<':
             assertLessThan($exp2, $exp1);
         case '>=':
             assertGreaterThanOrEqual($exp2, $exp1);
         case '<=':
             assertLessThanOrEqual($exp2, $exp1);
Beispiel #2
 public function test_ensure_interpret_doesnt_make_deleted_at()
     assertEquals(count($this->input['fields']), 4);
     assertNotEquals($this->input['fields'][2]['name'], 'deleted_at');
Beispiel #3
 /** @test */
 public function it_allows_a_closure_to_be_used_for_defining_factories()
     $comments = TestDummy::times(2)->create('Comment');
     assertInstanceOf('Comment', $comments[0]);
     assertInternalType('string', $comments[0]->body);
     // Faker should produce a unique value for each generation.
     assertNotEquals($comments[0]->body, $comments[1]->body);
  * @Then /^It should (fail|pass)$/
 public function assertFailOrPass($success)
     if ('fail' === $success) {
         assertNotEquals(0, $this->return);
     } else {
         assertEquals(0, $this->return);
Beispiel #5
 public function test_it_copies_page()
     $newPage = $this->PageManager->copyPage(1, ['title' => 'Some page title', 'slug' => '/some-page-title', 'http_verb' => 'get', 'view' => 'some.view.path']);
     assertNotEquals(1, $newPage->id);
     assertEquals('Some page title', $newPage->title);
Beispiel #6
 public function test()
     $ret = rglob(ROOT_PATH . '/*.php');
     assert(1 < count($ret));
     assertEquals('autoload.php', basename($ret[0]));
     $ret = rglob(ROOT_PATH . '/*.php', 0, RGLOB_UP);
     assert(1 < count($ret));
     assertNotEquals('autoload.php', basename($ret[0]));
     assertEquals('autoload.php', basename($ret[count($ret) - 1]));
  * @Then /^there (should|should not) be a user with the username "([^"]*)"$/
 public function thereShouldBeAUserWithUsername($not, $username)
     $not = $not == 'should not';
     $users = db_select('users', 'u')->fields('u', array('uid'))->condition('', $username)->execute()->fetchCol();
     $users = count($users);
     if ($not) {
         assertEquals(0, $users, 'Found user with email address: ' . $email);
     } else {
         assertNotEquals(0, $users, 'Failed to find user with email address: ' . $email);
Beispiel #8
 public function testCanGenerateUniquePasswordWithSymbols()
     $generator = new Generator();
     $password = $generator->generate();
     assertInternalType('string', $password);
     assertEquals(8, strlen($password));
     assertEquals(5, $this->helper->countSymbols($password));
     assertEquals(3, $this->helper->countLowerCaseLetters($password));
     assertNotEquals($password, $generator->generate());
Beispiel #9
 protected function getColumnsWithProperty($property)
     $columns = $this->model->getColumnsDefinition();
     $columns = array_filter($columns, function ($def) use($property) {
         if (isset($def[$property]) && $def[$property]) {
             return true;
         return false;
     assertNotEquals(0, count($columns), "No column with property '{$property}'");
     return $columns;
  * @covers Mobileka\MosaiqHelpers\MosaiqArray::replaceTarget()
 public function test_replaces_target_array()
     $ma = new MosaiqArray([]);
     $ma2 = clone $ma;
     assertEquals(new MosaiqArray([]), $this->ma->replaceTarget([]));
     assertEquals([], $this->ma->toArray());
     assertNotEquals($ma2, $ma->replaceTarget(['new']));
     assertEquals(['new'], $ma->toArray());
Beispiel #11
    exec($command, $world->output, $world->return);
    // Remove formatting & time from output
    $world->output = trim(implode("\n", $world->output));
$steps->Then('/^display last command exit code$/', function ($world) {
    $world->printDebug("`" . $world->command . "`  =>  " . $world->return);
$steps->Then('/^display last command output$/', function ($world) {
    $world->printDebug("`" . $world->command . "`:\n" . $world->output);
$steps->Then('/^it should (fail|pass) with:$/', function ($world, $success, $data) {
    if ('fail' === $success) {
        assertNotEquals(0, $world->return);
    } else {
        assertEquals(0, $world->return);
    assertEquals((string) $data, $world->output);
$steps->Then('/^it should (fail|pass)$/', function ($world, $success) {
    if ('fail' === $success) {
        assertNotEquals(0, $world->return);
    } else {
        assertEquals(0, $world->return);
$steps->Then('/^the output should contain$/', function ($world, $text) {
    assertContains($text, $world->output);
$steps->Then('/^the output should not contain$/', function ($world, $text) {
    assertNotContains($text, $world->output);
Beispiel #12
  * Checks, that form field with specified id|name|label|value doesn't have specified value.
  * @Then /^the "(?P<field>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" field should not contain "(?P<value>(?:[^"]|\\")*)"$/
 public function assertFieldNotContains($field, $value)
     $field = str_replace('\\"', '"', $field);
     $node = $this->getSession()->getPage()->findField($field);
     $value = str_replace('\\"', '"', $value);
     if (null === $node) {
         throw new ElementNotFoundException($this->getSession(), 'form field', 'id|name|label|value', $field);
     try {
         assertNotEquals($value, $node->getValue());
     } catch (AssertException $e) {
         $message = sprintf('Form field with id|name|label|value "%s" has "%s" value, but it should not have that value', $field, $node->getValue());
         throw new ExpectationException($message, $this->getSession(), $e);
Beispiel #13
require_once getenv("PUBNUB_PATH") . "/manual_tests/parallel/init.php";
echo "# WC Presence and Subscribe at one level...";
$i = 0;
$pubnub->subscribe("foo.*,foo.*-pnpres", function ($response) use($pubnub, &$i) {
    if (array_key_exists("message", $response) && $i == 0) {
        assertEquals('join', $response['message']['action']);
        assertEquals($pubnub->getUUID(), $response['message']['uuid']);
        $i = 1;
        return true;
    } elseif (array_key_exists("message", $response) && $i == 1) {
        assertEquals('join', $response['message']['action']);
        assertNotEquals($pubnub->getUUID(), $response['message']['uuid']);
        $pubnub->publish("", "stop");
        $i = 2;
        return true;
    } elseif ($i == 2) {
        // NOTICE: Sometimes presence event is received before message. Just rerun this test.
        $i = 3;
        return true;
    } elseif (array_key_exists("message", $response) && $i == 3) {
        assertEquals('leave', $response['message']['action']);
        assertNotEquals($pubnub->getUUID(), $response['message']['uuid']);
        echo " OK\n";
        return false;
    } else {
        echo " Failed\nUnhandled response:\n";
        return false;
  * @Then /^I should see a nice loading message$/
 public function iShouldSeeANiceLoadingMessage()
     $message = $this->spin(function () {
         return trim($this->getSession()->getPage()->find('css', $this->elements['Loading message']['css'])->getHtml());
     }, 'Unable to find any loading message');
     assertNotEquals('Loading ...', $message, 'The loading message should not equals the default value');
  * @covers Mobileka\MosaicArray\MosaicArray::replaceTarget()
 public function test_replaces_target_array()
     $ma = new MosaicArray($this->target);
     $expect = ['some value'];
     $result = $ma->replaceTarget($expect)->toArray();
     assertEquals($expect, $result);
     assertNotEquals($this->target, $result);
Beispiel #16
            if (!$test($path)) {
                throw new Exception("{$path} doesn't exist.");
            $action = substr($action, 0, -1);
            $expected = $world->replace_variables((string) $expected);
            if ('file' == $type) {
                $contents = file_get_contents($path);
            } else {
                if ('directory' == $type) {
                    $files = glob(rtrim($path, '/') . '/*');
                    foreach ($files as &$file) {
                        $file = str_replace($path . '/', '', $file);
                    $contents = implode(PHP_EOL, $files);
            checkString($contents, $expected, $action);
$steps->Then('/^an email should (be sent|not be sent)$/', function ($world, $expected) {
    if ('be sent' === $expected) {
        assertNotEquals(0, $world->email_sends);
    } else {
        if ('not be sent' === $expected) {
            assertEquals(0, $world->email_sends);
        } else {
            throw new Exception('Invalid expectation');
  * @Given /^data should not have key "([^"]*)" with value "([^"]*)"$/
 public function dataShouldNotHaveKeyWithValue($key, $value)
     $results = $this->getResponsePayload();
     foreach ($results->data as $content) {
         if (isset($content->{$key})) {
             $message = sprintf("The value %s exists and should not", $value);
             assertNotEquals($content->{$key}, $value, $message);
  * @Then Assert the value :arg1 is not equal :arg2
  * @param $actualValue
  * @param $expectedValue
 public function assertNotEquals($actualValue, $expectedValue)
     assertNotEquals($actualValue, $expectedValue, sprintf("Assert the value [%s] is not equal [%s]: ", $actualValue, $expectedValue));
  * @Then /^current player is not the same$/
 public function currentPlayerIsNotTheSame()
     $currentPlayer = $this->game->getCurrentPlayer();
     assertNotEquals($currentPlayer, $this->savedPlayer);
Beispiel #20
 function testGetKey()
     $faber = $this->getFaber('foo');
     $key1 = $faber->getObjectKey('foo');
     $key2 = $faber->getObjectKey('foo', ['foo']);
     $key3 = $faber->getObjectKey('foo', ['foo', 'bar']);
     $key4 = $faber->getObjectKey('foo');
     $key5 = $faber->getObjectKey('foo', ['foo', 'bar']);
     assertNotEquals($key1, $key2);
     assertNotEquals($key1, $key3);
     assertNotEquals($key2, $key3);
     assertEquals($key1, $key4);
     assertEquals($key3, $key5);
Beispiel #21
  * Checks whether previously runned command failed|passed.
  * @Then /^it should (fail|pass)$/
  * @param   string  $success    "fail" or "pass"
 public function itShouldFail($success)
     if ('fail' === $success) {
         assertNotEquals(0, $this->return);
     } else {
         assertEquals(0, $this->return);
  * @test(expectedFail=true)
  * @profile(fork)
 public function testAssertNotEqualsFailed()
     assertNotEquals(Boolean::valueOf(true), Boolean::valueOf(true));