Beispiel #1
 function admin_index()
     $this->Ticket->recursive = 0;
     $filters = $this->AlaxosFilter->get_filter();
     $data_ticket = array();
     if (empty($this->params['named']['export_excel'])) {
         $this->set('tickets', $this->paginate($this->Ticket, $filters));
     } else {
         Configure::write('debug', 0);
         $options = array();
         $this->set('export_to_excel', 1);
         $i = 0;
         $tickets = $this->Ticket->find('all', array_merge_recursive($options, array('conditions' => $filters)));
         foreach ($tickets as $ticket) {
             foreach ($ticket as $indx => $module) {
                 foreach ($module as $k => $v) {
                     $arr_fields_in_xls = array();
                     if (!empty($arr_fields_in_xls) && in_array($k, $arr_fields_in_xls[$indx])) {
                         $data_ticket[$i][__($indx, true) . ' ' . __($k, true)] = $module[$k];
                     } else {
                         $data_ticket[$i][__($indx, true) . ' ' . __($k, true)] = $module[$k];
         $this->set('tickets', $data_ticket);
  * Add dynamic fields
  * @param BuildBefore $event
  * @param string|null $alias
  * @param string|null $itemType
  * @param bool        $dynamicFirst flag if true - dynamic columns will be placed before static, false - after
 public function doBuildBefore(BuildBefore $event, $alias = null, $itemType = null, $dynamicFirst = true)
     $config = $event->getConfig();
     // get dynamic columns and merge them with static columns from configuration
     $additionalColumnSettings = $this->getDynamicFields($alias, $itemType);
     $filtersSorters = $this->getDynamicSortersAndFilters($additionalColumnSettings);
     $additionalColumnSettings = ['columns' => $additionalColumnSettings, 'sorters' => $filtersSorters['sorters'], 'filters' => $filtersSorters['filters']];
     $additionalColumnSettings = $this->datagridResolver->resolve($config->getName(), $additionalColumnSettings);
     foreach (['columns', 'sorters', 'filters'] as $itemName) {
         $path = '[' . $itemName . ']';
         // get already defined items
         $items = $config->offsetGetByPath($path, []);
         // merge additional items with existing
         if ($dynamicFirst) {
             $items = array_merge_recursive($additionalColumnSettings[$itemName], $items);
         } else {
             $items = array_merge_recursive($items, $additionalColumnSettings[$itemName]);
         // set new item set with dynamic columns/sorters/filters
         $config->offsetSetByPath($path, $items);
     // add/configure entity config properties
     $this->addEntityConfigProperties($config, $itemType);
     // add/configure entity config actions
     $actions = $config->offsetGetByPath(self::PATH_ACTIONS, []);
     $this->prepareRowActions($actions, $itemType);
     $config->offsetSetByPath(self::PATH_ACTIONS, $actions);
Beispiel #3
  * Initialize fixture data
  * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.ExcessiveMethodLength)
 protected function _initData()
     $this->_data['checkout'] = ['prices' => ['price_from' => 110, 'price_to' => 120], 'selection' => [0]];
     $this->_data['fields'] = array_merge_recursive($this->_data['fields'], ['sku_type' => ['value' => 'Fixed', 'input_value' => '1', 'group' => static::GROUP_PRODUCT_DETAILS, 'input' => 'select'], 'price_type' => ['value' => 'Fixed', 'input_value' => '1', 'group' => static::GROUP_PRODUCT_DETAILS, 'input' => 'select'], 'price' => ['value' => 100, 'group' => static::GROUP_PRODUCT_DETAILS], 'tax_class_id' => ['value' => 'Taxable Goods', 'input_value' => '2', 'group' => static::GROUP_PRODUCT_DETAILS, 'input' => 'select'], 'weight_type' => ['value' => 'Fixed', 'input_value' => '1', 'group' => static::GROUP_PRODUCT_DETAILS, 'input' => 'select'], 'weight' => ['value' => '1', 'group' => static::GROUP_PRODUCT_DETAILS], 'product_website_1' => ['value' => 'Yes', 'input_value' => [1], 'group' => static::GROUP_PRODUCT_WEBSITE, 'input' => 'checkbox', 'input_name' => 'website_ids'], 'shipment_type' => ['value' => 'Separately', 'input_value' => '1', 'group' => static::GROUP_PRODUCT_DETAILS, 'input' => 'select'], 'bundle_selections' => ['value' => ['bundle_options' => [['title' => 'Drop-down Option', 'type' => 'Drop-down', 'required' => 'Yes', 'assigned_products' => [['search_data' => ['name' => '%item1_simple1::getName%'], 'data' => ['selection_price_value' => 10, 'selection_price_type' => 'Fixed', 'selection_qty' => 1, 'product_id' => '%item1_simple1::getProductId%']], ['search_data' => ['name' => '%item1_virtual2::getName%'], 'data' => ['selection_price_value' => 20, 'selection_price_type' => 'Percent', 'selection_qty' => 1, 'product_id' => '%item1_virtual2::getProductId%']]]]]], 'group' => static::GROUP]]);
     $this->_repository = Factory::getRepositoryFactory()->getMagentoBundleBundle($this->_dataConfig, $this->_data);
 protected function getRendererdActivityMaps()
     $default_content = '<img src="/static/themes/whitelabel/binaries/icons/favicon-64.png">';
     // Customizations should be set here
     // @todo Add case with custom 'toggle_content'
     $subjects = ['Splitbutton-normal' => ['settings' => ['as_dropdown' => false, 'css' => 'activity-map']], 'Splitbutton-normal-empty' => ['settings' => ['as_dropdown' => false, 'toggle_disabled' => true, 'css' => 'activity-map']], 'Splitbutton-normal-custom_content' => ['settings' => ['as_dropdown' => false, 'default_content' => $default_content, 'css' => 'activity-map']], 'Dropdown-normal' => ['settings' => ['as_dropdown' => true, 'css' => 'activity-map']], 'Dropdown-normal-empty' => ['settings' => ['as_dropdown' => true, 'toggle_disabled' => true, 'css' => 'activity-map']], 'Dropdown-normal-custom_content' => ['settings' => ['as_dropdown' => true, 'default_content' => $default_content, 'css' => 'activity-map']], 'Splitbutton-emphasized' => ['settings' => ['as_dropdown' => false, 'emphasized' => true, 'css' => 'activity-map']], 'Splitbutton-emphasized-empty' => ['settings' => ['as_dropdown' => false, 'emphasized' => true, 'css' => 'activity-map', 'toggle_disabled' => true]], 'Splitbutton-emphasized-custom_content' => ['settings' => ['as_dropdown' => false, 'emphasized' => true, 'css' => 'activity-map', 'default_content' => $default_content]], 'Dropdown-emphasized' => ['settings' => ['as_dropdown' => true, 'emphasized' => true, 'css' => 'activity-map']], 'Dropdown-emphasized-empty' => ['settings' => ['as_dropdown' => true, 'emphasized' => true, 'css' => 'activity-map', 'toggle_disabled' => true]], 'Dropdown-emphasized-custom_content' => ['settings' => ['as_dropdown' => true, 'emphasized' => true, 'default_content' => $default_content, 'css' => 'activity-map']]];
     foreach ($this->activity_types as $activity_type_name => $activity_type) {
         $activity_type_selector = $activity_type['selector'];
         foreach ($subjects as $subject_name => $subject) {
             // create activity map
             $activity_map = new ActivityMap();
             foreach ($this->sample_activities as $key => $activity_custom_state) {
                 $activity_settings = array_merge_recursive(['form_id' => 'randomId-' . rand()], $activity_custom_state['activity']['settings']);
                 $activity_state = ['name' => $key, 'label' => $activity_custom_state['activity']['label'], 'type' => Activity::TYPE_GENERAL, 'description' => $activity_custom_state['activity']['description'], 'verb' => 'read', 'rels' => $activity_custom_state['activity']['rels'], 'settings' => new Settings($activity_settings), 'url' => new Url(['type' => Url::TYPE_URI, 'value' => $activity_custom_state['link']])];
                 $activity = new Activity($activity_state);
                 $activity_map->setItem($key, $activity);
             // render map
             $render_settings = ['default_activity_name' => $activity_type_name, 'css' => $subject['settings']['css'] . ' ' . $activity_type_selector];
             $render_settings = array_replace_recursive($subject['settings'], $render_settings);
             $rendered_maps[$subject_name] = $this->renderSubject($activity_map, $render_settings);
         $rendered_activity_maps[$activity_type_name] = $rendered_maps;
     return $rendered_activity_maps;
Beispiel #5
 public function getContent(array $extra_attr = array())
     $attr = array_merge_recursive($extra_attr, $this->attr);
     $sattr = $this->serializeAttr($attr, ['name', 'id']);
     $soptions = $this->options->serializeOptions($this->selected);
     return "<select {$sattr}>\n{$soptions}\n</select>";
 function icl_register_admin_options($array, $key = "", $option = array())
     if (is_object($option)) {
         $option = object_to_array($option);
     foreach ($array as $k => $v) {
         $option = $key === '' ? array($k => maybe_unserialize($this->get_option_without_filtering($k))) : $option;
         if (is_array($v)) {
             $this->icl_register_admin_options($v, $key . '[' . $k . ']', $option[$k]);
         } else {
             $context = $this->get_context($key, $k);
             if ($v === '') {
                 icl_unregister_string($context, $key . $k);
             } elseif (isset($option[$k]) && ($key === '' || preg_match_all('#\\[([^\\]]+)\\]#', (string) $key, $opt_key_matches) > 0)) {
                 icl_register_string($context, $key . $k, $option[$k]);
                 $vals = array($k => 1);
                 $opt_keys = isset($opt_key_matches) ? array_reverse($opt_key_matches[1]) : array();
                 foreach ($opt_keys as $opt) {
                     $vals = array($opt => $vals);
                 update_option('_icl_admin_option_names', array_merge_recursive((array) get_option('_icl_admin_option_names'), $vals));
 function paginate($term = null, $paginateOptions = array())
     $this->_controller->paginate = array('SearchIndex' => array_merge_recursive(array('conditions' => array(array('' => 1), 'or' => array(array('SearchIndex.published' => null), array('SearchIndex.published <= ' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'))))), $paginateOptions));
     if (isset($this->_controller->request->params['named']['type']) && $this->_controller->request->params['named']['type'] != 'All') {
         $this->_controller->request->data['SearchIndex']['type'] = Sanitize::escape($this->_controller->request->params['named']['type']);
         $this->_controller->paginate['SearchIndex']['conditions']['model'] = $this->_controller->data['SearchIndex']['type'];
     // Add term condition, and sorting
     if (!$term && isset($this->_controller->request->params['named']['term'])) {
         $term = $this->_controller->request->params['named']['term'];
     if ($term) {
         $term = Sanitize::escape($term);
         $this->_controller->request->data['SearchIndex']['term'] = $term;
         $term = implode(' ', array_map(array($this, 'replace'), preg_split('/[\\s_]/', $term))) . '*';
         if ($this->like) {
             $this->_controller->paginate['SearchIndex']['conditions'][] = array('or' => array("MATCH(data) AGAINST('{$term}')", ' LIKE' => "%{$this->_controller->data['SearchIndex']['term']}%"));
         } else {
             $this->_controller->paginate['SearchIndex']['conditions'][] = "MATCH(data) AGAINST('{$term}' IN BOOLEAN MODE)";
         $this->_controller->paginate['SearchIndex']['fields'] = "*, MATCH(data) AGAINST('{$term}' IN BOOLEAN MODE) AS score";
         if (empty($this->_controller->paginate['SearchIndex']['order'])) {
             $this->_controller->paginate['SearchIndex']['order'] = "score DESC";
     return $this->_controller->paginate('SearchIndex');
Beispiel #8
  * Adds a rule $rule to the class $classname.
  * The container can be fully configured using rules provided by associative arrays.
  * See {@link} for a description of the rules.
  * @param string $classname The name of the class to add the rule for
  * @param array $rule The rule to add to it
 public function addRule($classname, $rule)
     if (isset($rule['instanceOf']) && \is_string($rule['instanceOf']) && (!\array_key_exists('inherit', $rule) || $rule['inherit'] === true)) {
         $rule = \array_merge_recursive($this->getRule($rule['instanceOf']), $rule);
     $this->rules[self::normalizeName($classname)] = \array_merge_recursive($this->getRule($classname), $rule);
Beispiel #9
 /** {@inheritDoc} */
 public function outputArray(array $array, $count = false)
     if ($this->getProperty('addall')) {
         $array = array_merge_recursive(array(array('id' => 0, 'name' => $this->modx->lexicon('mlmsystem_all'))), $array);
     return parent::outputArray($array, $count);
  * Execute shortcode.
  * @param  Event        $event An event object.
  * @return string|null         Return modified contents.
 public function execute(Event $event)
     /* @var \Grav\Common\Data\Data $options */
     $options = $event['options'];
     /* @var \Grav\Common\Grav $grav */
     $grav = $event['grav'];
     /* @var \Grav\Common\Page\Page $page */
     $page = $event['page'];
     /* @var Config $config */
     $config = $grav['config'];
     $body = trim($event['body']);
     // Mimic \Grav\Common\Page\Page processMarkdown() method
     $defaults = (array) $config->get('system.pages.markdown');
     $defaults = array_merge_recursive($defaults, $this->defaults);
     if (isset($page->header()->markdown)) {
     // Initialize the preferred variant of Parsedown
     if ($options->get('extra')) {
         $parsedown = new ParsedownExtra($page, $options->toArray());
     } else {
         $parsedown = new Parsedown($page, $options->toArray());
     $content = $parsedown->text($body);
     return $content;
Beispiel #11
  * {@inheritDoc}
 public function render($content, array $attribs = [], ElementInterface $element = null, FormInterface $form = null)
     if ($class = $this->getElementStateClass($element, $form)) {
         $attribs = array_merge_recursive(compact('class'), $attribs);
     return parent::render($content, $attribs, $element, $form);
  * Méthode qui charge le fichier plugins.xml
  * @return	null
  * @author	Stephane F
 public function loadPlugins()
     if (!is_file(path('XMLFILE_PLUGINS'))) {
     # Mise en place du parseur XML
     $data = implode('', file(path('XMLFILE_PLUGINS')));
     $parser = xml_parser_create(PLX_CHARSET);
     xml_parser_set_option($parser, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, 0);
     xml_parser_set_option($parser, XML_OPTION_SKIP_WHITE, 0);
     xml_parse_into_struct($parser, $data, $values, $iTags);
     # On verifie qu'il existe des tags "plugin"
     if (isset($iTags['plugin'])) {
         # On compte le nombre de tags "plugin"
         $nb = sizeof($iTags['plugin']);
         # On boucle sur $nb
         for ($i = 0; $i < $nb; $i++) {
             $name = $values[$iTags['plugin'][$i]]['attributes']['name'];
             if ($instance = $this->getInstance($name)) {
                 $this->aPlugins[$name] = $instance;
                 $this->aHooks = array_merge_recursive($this->aHooks, $instance->getHooks());
 public function indexAction()
     /** @var UserInterface $user */
     $user = $this->identity();
     $form = new UserForm($this->entityManager, 'user', $this->config);
     $form->setInputFilter(new ProfileFilter($this->entityManager, $this->config));
     $form->setAttribute('action', $this->url()->fromRoute($this->routes['account']['name'], $this->routes['account']['params'], $this->routes['account']['options'], $this->routes['account']['reuseMatchedParams']));
     $avatar = $user->getAvatar();
     $request = $this->getRequest();
     if ($request->isPost()) {
         $post = array_merge_recursive($request->getPost()->toArray(), $request->getFiles()->toArray());
         if ($form->isValid()) {
             if ($user->getAvatar()['error'] == 0) {
             } else {
             $this->flashMessenger()->addInfoMessage(_('Profile updated with success!'));
             return $this->redirect()->toRoute($this->routes['account']['name'], $this->routes['account']['params'], $this->routes['account']['options'], $this->routes['account']['reuseMatchedParams']);
         } else {
             $this->flashMessenger()->addErrorMessage(_('Form with errors!'));
     $viewModel = new ViewModel(array('form' => $form, 'user' => $user, 'routes' => $this->routes));
     return $viewModel;
  * Fetch policy list
  * Used by fetch( 'user', 'user_role', hash( 'user_id', $id ) ) template function.
  * @param int $id User id or normal content object id in case of none user object (user group)
  * @return array(string=>array)
 function fetchUserRole($id)
     $user = eZUser::fetch($id);
     if ($user instanceof eZUser) {
         $roleList = $user->roles();
     } else {
         // user group or other non user classes:
         $roleList = eZRole::fetchByUser(array($id), true);
     $accessArray = array();
     foreach (array_keys($roleList) as $roleKey) {
         $role = $roleList[$roleKey];
         $accessArray = array_merge_recursive($accessArray, $role->accessArray(true));
     $resultArray = array();
     foreach ($accessArray as $moduleKey => $module) {
         $moduleName = $moduleKey;
         if ($moduleName != '*') {
             foreach ($module as $functionKey => $function) {
                 $functionName = $functionKey;
                 if ($functionName != '*') {
                     $hasLimitation = true;
                     foreach ($function as $limitationKey) {
                         if ($limitationKey == '*') {
                             $hasLimitation = false;
                             $limitationValue = '*';
                             $resultArray[] = array('moduleName' => $moduleName, 'functionName' => $functionName, 'limitation' => $limitationValue);
                     if ($hasLimitation) {
                         foreach ($function as $limitationKey => $limitation) {
                             if ($limitationKey !== '*') {
                                 $policyID = str_replace('p_', '', $limitationKey);
                                 $userRoleIdSeperator = strpos($policyID, '_');
                                 if ($userRoleIdSeperator !== false) {
                                     $policyID = substr($policyID, 0, $userRoleIdSeperator);
                                 $limitationValue = eZPolicyLimitation::fetchByPolicyID($policyID);
                                 $resultArray[] = array('moduleName' => $moduleName, 'functionName' => $functionName, 'limitation' => $limitationValue);
                             } else {
                                 $limitationValue = '*';
                                 $resultArray[] = array('moduleName' => $moduleName, 'functionName' => $functionName, 'limitation' => $limitationValue);
                 } else {
                     $limitationValue = '*';
                     $resultArray[] = array('moduleName' => $moduleName, 'functionName' => $functionName, 'limitation' => $limitationValue);
         } else {
             $functionName = '*';
             $resultArray[] = array('moduleName' => '*', 'functionName' => $functionName, 'limitation' => '*');
     return array('result' => $resultArray);
  * Reconfigure asset
  * @return void
 protected function reconfigureAsset()
     $configuredAssetConfig = $this->app['config']->get('assets', []);
     $foundationAssetConfig = $this->app['config']->get('', []);
     $assetConfig = array_merge_recursive($configuredAssetConfig, $foundationAssetConfig);
 public function getNewChildSelectOptions()
     if ($this->getRule()->getType()) {
         $type = $this->getRule()->getType();
     } else {
         $type = Mage::app()->getRequest()->getParam('rule_type');
     $attributes = array();
     $ruleClasses = $this->_getRuleClasses();
     foreach ($ruleClasses as $key => $class) {
         $classCondition = Mage::getModel($class);
         $classAttributes = $classCondition->loadAttributeOptions()->getAttributeOption();
         if (is_array($classAttributes)) {
             foreach ($classAttributes as $code => $label) {
                 $attributes[ucfirst($key)][] = array('value' => 'email/rule_condition_' . $key . '|' . $code, 'label' => $label);
     $conditions = parent::getNewChildSelectOptions();
     $conditions = array_merge_recursive($conditions, array(array('value' => 'email/rule_condition_combine', 'label' => Mage::helper('email')->__('Conditions Combination'))));
     foreach ($attributes as $group => $arrAttributes) {
         $conditions = array_merge_recursive($conditions, array(array('label' => $group, 'value' => $arrAttributes)));
     return $conditions;
 function admin_index()
     $this->FrequencyType->recursive = 0;
     $filters = $this->AlaxosFilter->get_filter();
     $data_frequencyType = array();
     if (empty($this->params['named']['export_excel'])) {
         $this->set('frequencyTypes', $this->paginate($this->FrequencyType, $filters));
     } else {
         Configure::write('debug', 0);
         $options = array();
         $this->set('export_to_excel', 1);
         $i = 0;
         $frequencyTypes = $this->FrequencyType->find('all', array_merge_recursive($options, array('conditions' => $filters)));
         foreach ($frequencyTypes as $frequencyType) {
             foreach ($frequencyType as $indx => $module) {
                 foreach ($module as $k => $v) {
                     $arr_fields_in_xls = array();
                     if (!empty($arr_fields_in_xls) && in_array($k, $arr_fields_in_xls[$indx])) {
                         $data_frequencyType[$i][__($indx, true) . ' ' . __($k, true)] = $module[$k];
                     } else {
                         $data_frequencyType[$i][__($indx, true) . ' ' . __($k, true)] = $module[$k];
         $this->set('frequencyTypes', $data_frequencyType);
     $frequencies = $this->FrequencyType->Frequency->find('list');
  * Returns aggregated metrics from all available metrics providers
  * @param string $url page URL
  * @param array $options additional parameters, can contains:
  * 							$noexternals boolean only load Wikia code
  * 							$mobile boolean check wikiamobile skin
  * 							$providers array list of providers to get data from (defaults to all providers)
  * 							$loggedIn boolean should the metrics be aggregated for loggged-in version of the site
  * @return mixed report
 public function getReport($url, array $options = array())
     $providers = !empty($options['providers']) ? $options['providers'] : $this->wg->PerformanceMetricsProviders;
     $instances = $this->getProviders($providers);
     $metrics = array();
     // apply options
     if ($options['noexternals']) {
         $url .= (strpos($url, '?') !== false ? '&' : '?') . 'noexternals=1';
     if ($options['mobile']) {
         $url .= (strpos($url, '?') !== false ? '&' : '?') . 'useskin=wikiamobile';
     // run each provider
     foreach ($instances as $provider) {
         $report = $provider->getReport($url, $options);
         if (!empty($report)) {
             $metrics = array_merge_recursive($metrics, $report);
     // each provider emits "url" entry, use only one of them
     if (is_array($metrics['url'])) {
         $metrics['url'] = reset($metrics['url']);
     return $metrics;
Beispiel #19
 public function registrarProfesor()
     $new_profesor = new Profesor();
     $new_profesor->num_empleado = Input::get("num_empleado");
     $new_profesor->password = Input::get("password");
     $new_profesor->email = Input::get("email");
     $new_datos_profesor = new DatosProfesor();
     $new_datos_profesor->nombre = Input::get("nombre");
     $new_datos_profesor->apellido_paterno = Input::get("apellido_paterno");
     $new_datos_profesor->apellido_materno = Input::get("apellido_materno");
     $new_datos_profesor->sexo = Input::get("sexo");
     $new_datos_profesor->celular = Input::get("celular");
     // Pequeño hack. Primero lo ponemos como archivo para validarlo, después le asignamos la ruta real para guardarlo
     $new_datos_profesor->ruta = Input::file('cv');
     if ($new_profesor->validate()) {
         if ($new_datos_profesor->validate()) {
             $nombreCV = Input::get("nombre") . "_" . Input::get("apellido_paterno") . "_" . Input::get("apellido_materno") . "_CV.pdf";
             Input::file('cv')->move("CVs", $nombreCV);
             $new_datos_profesor->ruta = "/CVs/" . $nombreCV;
             //Ahora si, guardamos todo después de haberlo validado
             // Forzamos Save porque sabemos que no validará ruta como un string, sino como un file
             return Redirect::to('/');
         } else {
             return Redirect::route('registro')->withErrors($new_datos_profesor->errors())->withInput();
     } else {
         $erroresValidaciones = array_merge_recursive($new_profesor->errors()->toArray(), $new_datos_profesor->errors()->toArray());
         return Redirect::route('registro')->withErrors($erroresValidaciones)->withInput();
Beispiel #20
 public function __invoke() : array
     $config = [];
     $config = array_merge_recursive($config, require __DIR__ . '/../config/');
     $config = array_merge_recursive($config, require __DIR__ . '/../config/');
     return $config;
Beispiel #21
  * Setup function
  * @param object $Model The calling model
 public function setup(&$Model, $settings = array())
     $Model->RevisionModel = new Model(array('table' => Inflector::tableize($Model->name) . '_revs', 'name' => 'Revision', 'ds' => $Model->useDbConfig));
     $Model->RevisionModel->primaryKey = 'version_id';
     $default = array('fields' => array());
     $this->settings[$Model->alias] = array_merge_recursive($default, $settings);
Beispiel #22
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function create($namespace, $data = null, array $options = [])
     $schema = $this->schemaRegistry->getSchema($namespace);
     $builder = $this->formFactory->createBuilder('form', $data, array_merge_recursive(['data_class' => null], $options));
     return $builder->getForm();
 function icl_register_admin_options($array, $key = "", $option = array())
     foreach ($array as $k => $v) {
         if (is_array($v)) {
             array_push($option, $k);
             $this->icl_register_admin_options($v, $key . '[' . $k . ']', $option);
         } else {
             $context = $this->get_context($key, $k);
             if ($v === '') {
                 icl_unregister_string($context, $key . $k);
             } else {
                 icl_register_string($context, $key . $k, $v);
                 $vals = array($k => 1);
                 if (count($option)) {
                     for ($i = count($option) - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) {
                         $vals = array($option[$i] => $vals);
                 $_icl_admin_option_names = get_option('_icl_admin_option_names');
                 $_icl_admin_option_names = array_merge_recursive((array) $_icl_admin_option_names, $vals);
                 update_option('_icl_admin_option_names', $_icl_admin_option_names);
  * Execute the console command.
  * @return mixed
 public function fire(Filesystem $files)
     $langDirectory = base_path('resources' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'lang' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'vendor' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
     $diff = [];
     foreach (ModulesLoader::getRegisteredModules() as $module) {
         if (!is_dir($module->getLocalePath()) or !$module->isPublishable()) {
         $locale = $this->input->getOption('locale');
         foreach ($files->directories($module->getLocalePath()) as $localeDir) {
             foreach ($files->allFiles($localeDir) as $localeFile) {
                 $vendorFileDir = $module->getKey() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $locale . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $localeFile->getFilename();
                 $vendorFilePath = $langDirectory . $vendorFileDir;
                 if (file_exists($vendorFilePath)) {
                     $localArray = $files->getRequire($localeFile->getRealPath());
                     $vendorArray = $files->getRequire($vendorFilePath);
                     $array = array_keys_exists_recursive($localArray, $vendorArray);
                     $arrayDiff = '';
                     foreach (array_dot($array) as $key => $value) {
                         $arrayDiff .= "{$key}: {$value}\n";
                     if (empty($arrayDiff)) {
                     $diff[] = ['modules' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $vendorFileDir, 'vendor' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $vendorFileDir];
                     $diff[] = new TableSeparator();
                     $diff[] = [$arrayDiff, var_export(array_merge_recursive($array, $vendorArray), true)];
                     $diff[] = new TableSeparator();
     $this->table($this->headers, $diff);
Beispiel #25
  * @param EntityManager         $entityManager
  * @param Entity\EntityAbstract $object
 public function __construct(EntityManager $entityManager, Entity\EntityAbstract $object)
     $doctrineHydrator = new DoctrineHydrator($entityManager);
     $builder = new AnnotationBuilder();
      * Go over the different form elements and add them to the form
     foreach ($builder->createForm($object)->getElements() as $element) {
          * Go over each element to add the objectManager to the EntitySelect
         if ($element instanceof EntitySelect || $element instanceof EntityMultiCheckbox) {
             $element->setOptions(array_merge_recursive($element->getOptions(), ['object_manager' => $entityManager]));
         if ($element instanceof Radio) {
             $attributes = $element->getAttributes();
             $valueOptionsArray = 'get' . ucfirst($attributes['array']);
             $element->setOptions(array_merge_recursive($element->getOptions(), ['value_options' => $object->{$valueOptionsArray}()]));
         //Add only when a type is provided
         if (array_key_exists('type', $element->getAttributes())) {
Beispiel #26
 public function mount($pattern, $mux, $options = array())
     if ($mux instanceof \Pux\Controller) {
         $mux = $mux->expand();
     } else {
         if ((!is_object($mux) || !$mux instanceof Mux) && is_callable($mux)) {
             $mux($mux = new Mux());
     if ($this->expand) {
         $pcre = strpos($pattern, ':') !== false;
         // rewrite submux routes
         foreach ($mux->routes as $route) {
             // process for pcre
             if ($route[0] || $pcre) {
                 $newPattern = $pattern . ($route[0] ? $route[3]['pattern'] : $route[1]);
                 $routeArgs = PatternCompiler::compile($newPattern, array_merge_recursive($route[3], $options));
                 $this->appendPCRERoute($routeArgs, $route[2]);
             } else {
                 $this->routes[] = array(false, $pattern . $route[1], $route[2], isset($route[3]) ? array_merge($options, $route[3]) : $options);
     } else {
         $muxId = $mux->getId();
         $this->add($pattern, $muxId, $options);
         $this->submux[$muxId] = $mux;
 function admin_index()
     $this->City->recursive = 0;
     $filters = $this->AlaxosFilter->get_filter();
     $data_city = array();
     if (empty($this->params['named']['export_excel'])) {
         $this->set('cities', $this->paginate($this->City, $filters));
     } else {
         Configure::write('debug', 0);
         $options = array();
         $this->set('export_to_excel', 1);
         $i = 0;
         $cities = $this->City->find('all', array_merge_recursive($options, array('conditions' => $filters)));
         foreach ($cities as $city) {
             foreach ($city as $indx => $module) {
                 foreach ($module as $k => $v) {
                     $arr_fields_in_xls = array();
                     if (!empty($arr_fields_in_xls) && in_array($k, $arr_fields_in_xls[$indx])) {
                         $data_city[$i][__($indx, true) . ' ' . __($k, true)] = $module[$k];
                     } else {
                         $data_city[$i][__($indx, true) . ' ' . __($k, true)] = $module[$k];
         $this->set('cities', $data_city);
     $districts = $this->City->District->find('list');
     $this->City->bindModel(array('belongsTo' => array('State' => array('className' => 'State', 'foreignKey' => '', 'conditions' => ' = District.state_id', 'fields' => '', 'order' => ''))));
     $states = $this->City->State->find('list');
     $this->set(compact('districts', 'states'));
  * @param \StackFormation\Template[] $templates
  * @param string|null                $description
  * @param array                      $additionalData
  * @return string
  * @throws \Exception
 public function merge(array $templates, $description = null, array $additionalData = [])
     if (count($templates) == 0) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException('No templates given');
     $mergedTemplate = ['AWSTemplateFormatVersion' => '2010-09-09'];
     $mergeKeys = ['Parameters', 'Mappings', 'Conditions', 'Resources', 'Outputs', 'Metadata'];
     foreach ($templates as $template) {
         if (!$template instanceof \StackFormation\Template) {
             throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Expecting an array of \\StackFormation\\Template objects');
         try {
             $array = $template->getDecodedJson();
             // Copy the current description into the final template
             if (!empty($array['Description'])) {
                 $mergedTemplate['Description'] = $array['Description'];
             // Merge keys from current template with final template
             foreach ($mergeKeys as $mergeKey) {
                 if (isset($array[$mergeKey]) && is_array($array[$mergeKey])) {
                     foreach ($array[$mergeKey] as $key => $value) {
                         if (isset($mergedTemplate[$mergeKey][$key])) {
                             // it's ok if the parameter has the same name and type...
                             if ($mergeKey != 'Parameters' || $value['Type'] != $mergedTemplate[$mergeKey][$key]['Type']) {
                                 throw new \Exception("Duplicate key '{$key}' found in '{$mergeKey}'");
                         $mergedTemplate[$mergeKey][$key] = $value;
         } catch (TemplateDecodeException $e) {
             if (Div::isProgramInstalled('jq')) {
                 $tmpfile = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'json_validate_');
                 file_put_contents($tmpfile, $template->getProcessedTemplate());
                 passthru('jq . ' . $tmpfile);
             throw $e;
     // If a description override is specified use it
     if (!empty($description)) {
         $mergedTemplate['Description'] = trim($description);
     if (empty($mergedTemplate['Description'])) {
         $mergedTemplate['Description'] = 'Merged Template';
     $mergedTemplate = array_merge_recursive($mergedTemplate, $additionalData);
     // Check for max template size
     if (strlen($json) > self::MAX_CF_TEMPLATE_SIZE) {
         $json = json_encode($mergedTemplate, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES | JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE);
         // Re-check for max template size
         if (strlen($json) > self::MAX_CF_TEMPLATE_SIZE) {
             throw new \Exception(sprintf('Template too big (%s bytes). Maximum template size is %s bytes.', strlen($json), self::MAX_CF_TEMPLATE_SIZE));
     return $json;
  * @return \Zend\Http\Response|ViewModel
 public function detailAction()
     $id = (int) $this->params()->fromRoute('id', 0);
     $helper = new ContactHelper($this->companyCombos(), $this->getDbAdapter());
     $form = $helper->getForm();
     $contact = $this->contactTable()->getContact($id);
     $isEdit = true;
     if (!$contact) {
         $isEdit = false;
         $contact = new Contact();
     $request = $this->getRequest();
     if ($request->isPost()) {
         $post_data = array_merge_recursive($request->getPost()->toArray(), $request->getFiles()->toArray());
         $form->setInputFilter($helper->getInputFilter($isEdit ? $post_data['contactId'] : 0, $post_data['name']));
         if ($form->isValid()) {
             $this->flashMessenger()->addSuccessMessage('Save Successful');
             return $this->redirect()->toRoute('cr_contact');
     return new ViewModel(array('form' => $form, 'id' => $id, 'isEdit' => $isEdit));
 public function getLatestTweets($endpoint, $params)
     foreach ($this->usernames as $username) {
         $params = $this->getParamsForUser($username, $params, $endpoint);
         $oauth = array('oauth_consumer_key' => $this->consumerKey, 'oauth_nonce' => time(), 'oauth_signature_method' => 'HMAC-SHA1', 'oauth_token' => $this->oAuthAccessToken, 'oauth_timestamp' => time(), 'oauth_version' => '1.0');
         $baseInfo = $this->buildBaseString(self::$endPoints[$endpoint], 'GET', $oauth, $params);
         $compositeKey = rawurlencode($this->consumerSecret) . '&' . rawurlencode($this->oAuthAccessTokenSecret);
         $oauthSignature = base64_encode(hash_hmac('sha1', $baseInfo, $compositeKey, true));
         $oauth['oauth_signature'] = $oauthSignature;
         $url = $this->buildTwitterUrl(self::$endPoints[$endpoint], $params);
         // Make Requests
         $header = array($this->buildAuthorizationHeader($oauth), 'Expect:');
         $arrayOfJsonTweets[] = $this->curlService->execJson($url, $header);
     //end for loop
     //turn all the seperate json strings into one merged json string
     $mergedFeedsJson = array();
     foreach ($arrayOfJsonTweets as $jsonFeed) {
         $mergedFeedsJson = array_merge_recursive($mergedFeedsJson, $jsonFeed);
     //sort tweets by time - new
     // usort($mergedFeedsJson, function($a, $b) {
     //    return strtotime($b['created_at']) - strtotime($a['created_at']);
     // });
     return $mergedFeedsJson;