Beispiel #1
function porto_product_get_postdata()
    global $porto_settings, $product_meta_boxes, $product_view_meta_boxes, $product_skin_meta_boxes, $product_cat_meta_boxes;
    $product_columns = porto_ct_product_columns();
    $addlinks_pos = porto_ct_category_addlinks_pos();
    // Product View Meta Boxes
    $product_view_meta_boxes = porto_ct_default_meta_view_boxes();
    // Sidebar
    $product_view_meta_boxes['sidebar']['default'] = 'woo-product-sidebar';
    // Product Skin Meta Boxes
    $product_skin_meta_boxes = porto_ct_default_meta_skin_boxes();
    // Product Meta Boxes
    $product_meta_boxes = array("custom_tab_title1" => array("name" => "custom_tab_title1", "title" => __("Custom Tab Title 1", 'porto'), "desc" => __("Input the custom tab title.", 'porto'), "type" => "text"), "custom_tab_content1" => array("name" => "custom_tab_content1", "title" => __("Custom Tab Content 1", 'porto'), "desc" => __("Input the custom tab content.", 'porto'), "type" => "editor"), "custom_tab_title2" => array("name" => "custom_tab_title2", "title" => __("Custom Tab Title 2", 'porto'), "desc" => __("Input the custom tab title.", 'porto'), "type" => "text"), "custom_tab_content2" => array("name" => "custom_tab_content2", "title" => __("Custom Tab Content 2", 'porto'), "desc" => __("Input the custom tab content.", 'porto'), "type" => "editor"));
    // Category Meta Boxes
    $product_cat_meta_boxes = porto_ct_default_meta_view_boxes();
    // Sidebar
    $product_cat_meta_boxes['sidebar']['default'] = 'woo-category-sidebar';
    // Columns
    $product_cat_meta_boxes = array_insert_after('sidebar', $product_cat_meta_boxes, "product_cols", array("name" => "product_cols", "title" => __("Product Columns", 'porto'), "type" => "select", "options" => $product_columns));
    $product_cat_meta_boxes = array_insert_after('product_cols', $product_cat_meta_boxes, "addlinks_pos", array("name" => "addlinks_pos", "title" => __("Add Links Position", 'porto'), "desc" => __('Select position of add to cart, add to wishlist, quickview.', 'porto'), "type" => "select", "options" => $addlinks_pos));
    // Category Image
    $product_cat_meta_boxes = array_insert_after('content_inner_bottom', $product_cat_meta_boxes, "category_image", array("name" => "category_image", "title" => __("Category Image", 'porto'), "type" => "upload"));
    if (isset($porto_settings['show-category-skin']) && $porto_settings['show-category-skin']) {
        $product_cat_meta_boxes = array_merge($product_cat_meta_boxes, porto_ct_default_meta_skin_boxes());
Beispiel #2
 function execute()
     // establish a new table object
     $this->obj_table = new table();
     $this->obj_table->language = $_SESSION["user"]["lang"];
     $this->obj_table->tablename = "service_groups";
     // define all the columns and structure
     $this->obj_table->add_column("standard", "group_name", "");
     $this->obj_table->add_column("standard", "group_description", "");
     // defaults
     $this->obj_table->columns = array("group_name", "group_description");
     $this->obj_table->columns_order = array("id_parent", "group_name");
     // define SQL structure
     $this->obj_table->sql_obj->prepare_sql_addfield("id", "");
     $this->obj_table->sql_obj->prepare_sql_addfield("id_parent", "");
     // fetch all the service group information
     // sort the data by parent ID and index by id, add a prefix to make it associative
     $sorted_data = array();
     foreach ($this->obj_table->data as $data_row) {
         $data_row['level'] = 0;
         $sorted_data['pid_' . $data_row['id_parent']]['id_' . $data_row['id']] = $data_row;
     $regenerated_list = array();
     // add the items with no parent  and unset the parent group
     $regenerated_list = $sorted_data['pid_0'];
     // loop while there is still sorted data remaining
     while (count($sorted_data) > 0) {
         // loop through the sorted data
         foreach ($sorted_data as $sorted_key => $sorted_rows) {
             // obtain the parent ID from the key
             $parent_id = (int) str_replace("pid_", '', $sorted_key);
             if (isset($regenerated_list['id_' . $parent_id])) {
                 // generate the target parent key, increment the level and modify the name of the items
                 $parent_key = "id_{$parent_id}";
                 $parent_level = $regenerated_list['id_' . $parent_id]['level'];
                 $set_level = $parent_level + 1;
                 foreach ($sorted_rows as $row_key => $row) {
                     $sorted_rows[$row_key]['level'] = $set_level;
                     $sorted_rows[$row_key]['group_name'] = str_repeat("-", $set_level) . " " . $row['group_name'];
                 $regenerated_list = array_insert_after($regenerated_list, $parent_key, $sorted_rows);
                 // unset the sorted data after adding it to the new list.
     $this->obj_table->data = array_values($regenerated_list);
     //echo "<pre>".print_r( $sorted_data, true ).//"</pre>";
     //echo "<pre>".print_r( $regenerated_list, true )."</pre>";
Beispiel #3
function porto_product_get_postdata()
    global $porto_settings, $product_meta_boxes, $product_view_meta_boxes, $product_skin_meta_boxes, $product_cat_meta_boxes;
    $view_mode = porto_ct_category_view_mode();
    $product_columns = porto_ct_product_columns();
    $addlinks_pos = porto_ct_category_addlinks_pos();
    // Product View Meta Boxes
    $product_view_meta_boxes = porto_ct_default_meta_view_boxes();
    // Sidebar
    $product_view_meta_boxes['sidebar']['default'] = 'woo-product-sidebar';
    // Product Skin Meta Boxes
    $product_skin_meta_boxes = porto_ct_default_meta_skin_boxes();
    $custom_tabs_count = isset($porto_settings['product-custom-tabs-count']) ? $porto_settings['product-custom-tabs-count'] : '2';
    $custom_tabs = array();
    if ($custom_tabs_count) {
        for ($i = 0; $i < $custom_tabs_count; $i++) {
            $index = $i + 1;
            // Custom Tab Title
            $custom_tabs['custom_tab_title' . $index] = array("name" => "custom_tab_title" . $index, "title" => sprintf(__('Custom Tab Title %d', 'porto'), $index), "desc" => __("Input the custom tab title.", 'porto'), "type" => "text");
            // Content Tab Content
            $custom_tabs['custom_tab_content' . $index] = array("name" => "custom_tab_content" . $index, "title" => sprintf(__('Custom Tab Content %d', 'porto'), $index), "desc" => __("Input the custom tab content.", 'porto'), "type" => "editor");
    // Product Meta Boxes
    $product_meta_boxes = array_merge($custom_tabs, array("product_share" => array("name" => "product_share", "title" => __("Share", 'porto'), "type" => "radio", "default" => "", "options" => array_merge(porto_ct_share_options())), "product_more_link" => array("name" => "product_more_link", "title" => __("Read More Link in Catalog Mode", 'porto'), "type" => "text")));
    // Category Meta Boxes
    $product_cat_meta_boxes = porto_ct_default_meta_view_boxes();
    // Sidebar
    $product_cat_meta_boxes['sidebar']['default'] = 'woo-category-sidebar';
    // View Mode
    $product_cat_meta_boxes = array_insert_after('sidebar', $product_cat_meta_boxes, "view_mode", array("name" => "view_mode", "title" => __("View Mode", 'porto'), "type" => "radio", "options" => $view_mode));
    // Columns
    $product_cat_meta_boxes = array_insert_after('view_mode', $product_cat_meta_boxes, "product_cols", array("name" => "product_cols", "title" => __("Product Columns", 'porto'), "type" => "select", "options" => $product_columns));
    $product_cat_meta_boxes = array_insert_after('product_cols', $product_cat_meta_boxes, "addlinks_pos", array("name" => "addlinks_pos", "title" => __("Add Links Position", 'porto'), "desc" => __('Select position of add to cart, add to wishlist, quickview.', 'porto'), "type" => "select", "options" => $addlinks_pos));
    // Category Image
    $product_cat_meta_boxes = array_insert_after('addlinks_pos', $product_cat_meta_boxes, "category_image", array("name" => "category_image", "title" => __("Category Image", 'porto'), "type" => "upload"));
    if (isset($porto_settings['show-category-skin']) && $porto_settings['show-category-skin']) {
        $product_cat_meta_boxes = array_merge($product_cat_meta_boxes, porto_ct_default_meta_skin_boxes());
Beispiel #4
function sql_get_grouped_structure($sql_query)
    log_write("debug", "inc_sql", "Executing function sql_get_grouped({$sql_query})");
    // so many bugs are caused by forgetting to request fields from the DB as "value", so
    // this function has been added.
    if (!strstr($sql_query, 'value_id') || !strstr($sql_query, 'value_key') || !strstr($sql_query, 'value_parent')) {
        die("Error: SQL queries to sql_get_singlevalue must request the field with the name of \"value_id\", \"value_key\" and \"value_parent\". Eg: \"SELECT id as value_id, name as value_key, parent as value_parent FROM mytable WHERE id=foo\"");
    // query the database
    $obj_sql = new sql_query();
    $obj_sql->string = $sql_query;
    if ($obj_sql->num_rows()) {
        // sort the data by parent ID and index by id, add a prefix to make it associative
        $sorted_data = array();
        foreach ($obj_sql->data as $data_row) {
            $data_clean = array();
            $data_clean['id'] = $data_row["value_id"];
            $data_clean['id_parent'] = $data_row["value_parent"];
            $data_clean['level'] = 0;
            $data_clean['key_orig'] = $data_row["value_key"];
            $data_clean['key_formatted'] = $data_row["value_key"];
            $sorted_data['pid_' . $data_row['value_parent']]['id_' . $data_row['value_id']] = $data_clean;
        $regenerated_list = array();
        // add the items with no parent  and unset the parent group
        $regenerated_list = $sorted_data['pid_0'];
        // loop while there is still sorted data remaining
        while (count($sorted_data) > 0) {
            // loop through the sorted data
            foreach ($sorted_data as $sorted_key => $sorted_rows) {
                // obtain the parent ID from the key
                $parent_id = (int) str_replace("pid_", '', $sorted_key);
                if (isset($regenerated_list['id_' . $parent_id])) {
                    // generate the target parent key, increment the level and modify the name of the items
                    $parent_key = "id_{$parent_id}";
                    $parent_level = $regenerated_list['id_' . $parent_id]['level'];
                    $set_level = $parent_level + 1;
                    foreach ($sorted_rows as $row_key => $row) {
                        $sorted_rows[$row_key]['level'] = $set_level;
                        $sorted_rows[$row_key]['key_formatted'] = str_repeat("-", $set_level) . " " . $row['key_orig'];
                    $regenerated_list = array_insert_after($regenerated_list, $parent_key, $sorted_rows);
                    // unset the sorted data after adding it to the new list.
        return $regenerated_list;
    // end if rows
    return 0;
 public function add_custom_post_columns($columns)
     $place = 'title';
     foreach ($this->columns['add'] as $key => $col) {
         if (!isset($columns[$key])) {
             $columns = array_insert_after($place, $columns, $key, $col);
             $place = $key;
     return $columns;