Beispiel #1
  * @param modX $modx
  * @param array $config
 public function __construct(modX &$modx, $config = array())
     $this->modx =& $modx;
     $config = array_merge(array('firstClass' => 'first', 'lastClass' => 'last', 'hereClass' => 'active', 'parentClass' => '', 'rowClass' => '', 'outerClass' => '', 'innerClass' => '', 'levelClass' => '', 'selfClass' => '', 'webLinkClass' => '', 'limit' => 0, 'hereId' => 0), $config, array('return' => 'data'));
     if (empty($config['tplInner']) && !empty($config['tplOuter'])) {
         $config['tplInner'] = $config['tplOuter'];
     if (empty($config['hereId']) && !empty($modx->resource)) {
         $config['hereId'] = $modx->resource->id;
     $fqn = $modx->getOption('pdoFetch.class', null, 'pdotools.pdofetch', true);
     if ($pdoClass = $modx->loadClass($fqn, '', false, true)) {
         $this->pdoTools = new $pdoClass($modx, $config);
     } elseif ($pdoClass = $modx->loadClass($fqn, MODX_CORE_PATH . 'components/pdotools/model/', false, true)) {
         $this->pdoTools = new $pdoClass($modx, $config);
     } else {
         $this->modx->log(modX::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, 'Could not load pdoFetch from "MODX_CORE_PATH/components/pdotools/model/".');
         return false;
     if ($config['hereId'] && ($currentResource = $this->pdoTools->getObject('modResource', $config['hereId']))) {
         $tmp = $modx->getParentIds($currentResource['id'], 100, array('context' => $currentResource['context_key']));
         $tmp[] = $config['hereId'];
         $this->parentTree = array_flip($tmp);
     return true;
  * Validates a partial array. Some data may be missing from the given $array, then it will be taken from the
  * full array.
  * Since the array can be incomplete, this method does not validate required parameters.
  * @param array $array
  * @param array $fullArray
  * @return bool
 public function validatePartial(array $array, array $fullArray)
     $unvalidatedFields = array_flip(array_keys($array));
     // field validators
     foreach ($this->validators as $field => $validator) {
         // if the value is present
         if (isset($array[$field])) {
             // validate it if a validator is given, skip it otherwise
             if ($validator && !$validator->validate($array[$field])) {
                 return false;
     // check if any unsupported fields remain
     if ($unvalidatedFields) {
         $field = key($unvalidatedFields);
         $this->error($this->messageUnsupported, $field);
         return false;
     // post validators
     foreach ($this->postValidators as $validator) {
         if (!$validator->validatePartial($array, $fullArray)) {
             return false;
     return true;
Beispiel #3
 public static function widgetsHandler($type, $disable = '')
     $wtype = 'widgets_' . $type;
     $widgets = $GLOBALS['core']->blog->settings->widgets->{$wtype};
     if (!$widgets) {
         // If widgets value is empty, get defaults
         $widgets = self::defaultWidgets($type);
     } else {
         // Otherwise, load widgets
         $widgets = dcWidgets::load($widgets);
     if ($widgets->isEmpty()) {
         // Widgets are empty, don't show anything
     $disable = preg_split('/\\s*,\\s*/', $disable, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
     $disable = array_flip($disable);
     foreach ($widgets->elements() as $k => $w) {
         if (isset($disable[$w->id()])) {
         echo $w->call($k);
  * This method will return a native type that corresponds to the specified
  * Creole (JDBC-like) type.  Remember that this is really only for "hint" purposes
  * as SQLite is typeless.
  * If there is more than one matching native type, then the LAST defined 
  * native type will be returned.
  * @param int $creoleType
  * @return string Native type string.
 public static function getNativeType($creoleType)
     if (self::$reverseMap === null) {
         self::$reverseMap = array_flip(self::$typeMap);
     return @self::$reverseMap[$creoleType];
Beispiel #5
 public function initialize($content = array(), $identifier = '')
     // check for template
     if (isset($content['template'])) {
         $this->_template = $content['template'];
     if (isset($identifier)) {
         $this->_identifier = $identifier;
     if (count($content)) {
         $renderItems = array();
         foreach ($content as $key => $item) {
             if (is_array($item)) {
                 $usedItem = array_intersect_key($item, array_flip($this->_allowAttributes));
                 $usedItem['active'] = false;
                 // if language, than replace the url
                 if ($this->_page->config['use_language']) {
                     $usedItem['url'] = $this->_page->currentLanguage . "/" . $usedItem['url'];
                 // check active
                 if ($usedItem['url'] == $this->_page->uri) {
                     $usedItem['active'] = true;
                 $usedItem['url'] = $this->_page->config['url'] . $usedItem['url'];
                 $renderItems[] = $usedItem;
             } else {
                 echo "Menu Item must have title and url, please provide!";
         $this->_renderItems = $renderItems;
Beispiel #6
  * Get the fillable attributes of a given array.
  * @param  array $attributes
  * @return array
 protected function fillableFromArray(array $attributes)
     if (count($this->getFillable()) > 0 && !static::$unguarded) {
         return array_intersect_key($attributes, array_flip($this->getFillable()));
     return $attributes;
  * Generate query expression for a Criterion this handler accepts
  * accept() must be called before calling this method.
  * @param \eZ\Publish\Core\Search\Legacy\Content\Common\Gateway\CriteriaConverter $converter
  * @param \eZ\Publish\Core\Persistence\Database\SelectQuery $query
  * @param \eZ\Publish\API\Repository\Values\Content\Query\Criterion $criterion
  * @param array $fieldFilters
  * @return \eZ\Publish\Core\Persistence\Database\Expression
 public function handle(CriteriaConverter $converter, SelectQuery $query, Criterion $criterion, array $fieldFilters)
     $languages = array_flip($criterion->value);
     /** @var $criterion \eZ\Publish\API\Repository\Values\Content\Query\Criterion\LanguageCode */
     $languages['always-available'] = $criterion->matchAlwaysAvailable;
     return $query->expr->gt($query->expr->bitAnd($this->dbHandler->quoteColumn('language_mask', 'ezcontentobject'), $this->maskGenerator->generateLanguageMask($languages)), 0);
function checkIndividually()
    global $competitionCondition, $chosenWhich;
    echo "<hr /><p>Checking <b>" . $chosenWhich . " individual results</b>... (wait for the result message box at the end)</p>\n";
    #--- Get all results (id, values, format, round).
    $dbResult = mysql_query("\n    SELECT\n, formatId, roundId, personId, competitionId, eventId, result.countryId,\n      value1, value2, value3, value4, value5, best, average\n    FROM Results result, Competitions competition\n    WHERE = competitionId\n      {$competitionCondition}\n    ORDER BY formatId, competitionId, eventId, roundId,\n  ") or die("<p>Unable to perform database query.<br/>\n(" . mysql_error() . ")</p>\n");
    #--- Build id sets
    $countryIdSet = array_flip(getAllIDs(dbQuery("SELECT id FROM Countries")));
    $competitionIdSet = array_flip(getAllIDs(dbQuery("SELECT id FROM Competitions")));
    $eventIdSet = array_flip(getAllIDs(dbQuery("SELECT id FROM Events")));
    $formatIdSet = array_flip(getAllIDs(dbQuery("SELECT id FROM Formats")));
    $roundIdSet = array_flip(getAllIDs(dbQuery("SELECT id FROM Rounds")));
    #--- Process the results.
    $badIds = array();
    echo "<pre>\n";
    while ($result = mysql_fetch_array($dbResult)) {
        if ($error = checkResult($result, $countryIdSet, $competitionIdSet, $eventIdSet, $formatIdSet, $roundIdSet)) {
            echo "Error: {$error}\nid:{$id} format:{$formatId} round:{$roundId}";
            echo " ({$value1},{$value2},{$value3},{$value4},{$value5}) best+average({$best},{$average})\n";
            echo "{$personId}   {$countryId}   {$competitionId}   {$eventId}\n\n";
            $badIds[] = $id;
    echo "</pre>";
    #--- Free the results.
    #--- Tell the result.
    noticeBox2(!count($badIds), "All checked results pass our checking procedure successfully.<br />" . wcaDate(), count($badIds) . " errors found. Get them with this:<br /><br />SELECT * FROM Results WHERE id in (" . implode(', ', $badIds) . ")");
Beispiel #9
 public function writeUntouched()
     $touched = array_flip($this->getTouchedFiles());
     $untouched = array();
     $this->getUntouchedFiles($untouched, $touched, '.', '.');
 /** The constructor
  * @access public
  * @param array $options
  * @return void
 public function __construct(array $options = null)
     $finds = new Findspots();
     $schema = $finds->info();
     $fields = array_flip($schema['cols']);
     $remove = array('updated', 'created', 'updatedBy', 'createdBy', 'institution', 'findID', 'address', 'fourFigure', 'gridlen', 'postcode', 'easting', 'northing', 'declong', 'declat', 'fourFigureLat', 'fourFigureLon', 'woeid', 'geonamesID', 'osmNode', 'elevation', 'geohash', 'country', 'map25k', 'map10k', 'soiltype', 'smrref', 'otherref', 'id', 'accuracy', 'secuid', 'old_occupierid', 'occupier', 'old_findspotid', 'date');
     foreach ($remove as $rem) {
     $labels = array('gridrefcert' => 'Grid reference certainty', 'gridref' => 'Grid reference', 'knownas' => 'Known as', 'disccircum' => 'Discovery circumstances', 'gridrefsrc' => 'Grid reference source', 'landusevalue' => 'Land use value', 'landusecode' => 'Land use code', 'depthdiscovery' => 'Depth of discovery', 'Highsensitivity' => 'High sensitivity');
     $elements = array();
     foreach (array_keys($fields) as $field) {
         $label = $field;
         $field = new Zend_Form_Element_Checkbox($field);
         if (array_key_exists($label, $labels)) {
             $clean = ucfirst($labels[$label]);
         } else {
             $clean = ucfirst($label);
         $field->setLabel($clean)->setRequired(false)->addValidator('NotEmpty', 'boolean');
         $elements[] = $field;
     $this->addDisplayGroup($elements, 'details');
     //Submit button
     $submit = new Zend_Form_Element_Submit('submit');
     $submit->setLabel('Submit find spot configuration');
     $this->details->setLegend('Choose fields: ');
Beispiel #11
  * Return the views output
  *  @return string 	The output of the view
 public function render()
     $rows = '';
     $columns = array();
     $rowset = $this->getModel()->getRowset();
     // Get the columns
     foreach ($rowset as $row) {
         $data = $row->toArray();
         $columns = array_merge($columns + array_flip(array_keys($data)));
     // Empty the column values
     foreach ($columns as $key => $value) {
         $columns[$key] = '';
     //Create the rows
     foreach ($rowset as $row) {
         $data = $row->toArray();
         $data = array_merge($columns, $data);
         $rows .= $this->_arrayToString(array_values($data)) . $this->eol;
     // Create the header
     $header = $this->_arrayToString(array_keys($columns)) . $this->eol;
     // Set the content
     $this->setContent($header . $rows);
     return parent::render();
Beispiel #12
  * Get materials count grouped by structure selectors
  * @param mixed $selectors Collection of structures selectors to group materials
  * @param string $selector Selector to find structures, [Url] is used by default
  * @param callable $handler External handler
  * @return \integer[] Collection where key is structure selector and value is materials count
 public static function getMaterialsCountByStructures($selectors, $selector = 'Url', $handler = null)
     // If not array is passed
     if (!is_array($selectors)) {
         // convert it to array
         $selectors = array($selectors);
     /** @var integer[] $results Collection of materials count grouped by selectors as array keys */
     $results = array_flip($selectors);
     /** @var Navigation[] $countData */
     $countData = null;
     $query = dbQuery('structure')->cond($selector, $selectors)->add_field('Count(material.materialid)', '__Count', false)->join('structurematerial')->join('material')->cond('material_Active', 1)->cond('material_Published', 1)->cond('material_Draft', 0)->group_by('structureid');
     if (is_callable($handler)) {
         call_user_func($handler, array(&$query));
     // Perform db request to get materials count by passed structure selectors
     if ($query->exec($countData)) {
         foreach ($countData as $result) {
             // Check if we have this structure in results array
             if (isset($results[$result->Url])) {
                 // Store materials count
                 $results[$result->Url . 'Count'] = $result->__Count;
     foreach ($selectors as $select) {
     return $results;
Beispiel #13
 public function dump_export_data()
     if ($this->exporter->get('viewexportmode') == PluginExport::EXPORT_LIST_OF_VIEWS && $this->exporter->get('artefactexportmode') == PluginExport::EXPORT_ARTEFACTS_FOR_VIEWS) {
         // Dont' care about profile information in this case
     $smarty = $this->exporter->get_smarty('../../', 'internal');
     $smarty->assign('page_heading', get_string('profilepage', 'artefact.internal'));
     // Profile page
     $profileviewid = $this->exporter->get('user')->get_profile_view()->get('id');
     foreach ($this->exporter->get('views') as $viewid => $view) {
         if ($profileviewid == $viewid) {
             $smarty->assign('breadcrumbs', array(array('text' => 'Profile page', 'path' => 'profilepage.html')));
             $view = $this->exporter->get('user')->get_profile_view();
             $outputfilter = new HtmlExportOutputFilter('../../');
             $smarty->assign('view', $outputfilter->filter($view->build_columns()));
             $content = $smarty->fetch('export:html/internal:profilepage.tpl');
             if (!file_put_contents($this->fileroot . 'profilepage.html', $content)) {
                 throw new SystemException("Unable to write profile page");
             $this->profileviewexported = true;
     // Generic profile information
     $smarty->assign('page_heading', get_string('profileinformation', 'artefact.internal'));
     $smarty->assign('breadcrumbs', array(array('text' => 'Profile information', 'path' => 'index.html')));
     // Organise profile information by sections, ordered how it's ordered
     // on the 'edit profile' page
     $sections = array('aboutme' => array(), 'contact' => array(), 'messaging' => array(), 'general' => array());
     $elementlist = call_static_method('ArtefactTypeProfile', 'get_all_fields');
     $elementlistlookup = array_flip(array_keys($elementlist));
     $profilefields = get_column_sql('SELECT id FROM {artefact} WHERE owner=? AND artefacttype IN (' . join(",", array_map(create_function('$a', 'return db_quote($a);'), array_keys($elementlist))) . ")", array($this->exporter->get('user')->get('id')));
     foreach ($profilefields as $id) {
         $artefact = artefact_instance_from_id($id);
         $rendered = $artefact->render_self(array('link' => true));
         if ($artefact->get('artefacttype') == 'introduction') {
             $outputfilter = new HtmlExportOutputFilter('../../');
             $rendered['html'] = $outputfilter->filter($rendered['html']);
         $sections[$this->get_category_for_artefacttype($artefact->get('artefacttype'))][$artefact->get('artefacttype')] = array('html' => $rendered['html'], 'weight' => $elementlistlookup[$artefact->get('artefacttype')]);
     // Sort the data and then drop the weighting information
     foreach ($sections as &$section) {
         uasort($section, create_function('$a, $b', 'return $a["weight"] > $b["weight"];'));
         foreach ($section as &$data) {
             $data = $data['html'];
     $smarty->assign('sections', $sections);
     $iconid = $this->exporter->get('user')->get('profileicon');
     if ($iconid) {
         $icon = artefact_instance_from_id($iconid);
         $smarty->assign('icon', '<img src="../../static/profileicons/200px-' . PluginExportHtml::sanitise_path($icon->get('title')) . '" alt="Profile Icon">');
     $content = $smarty->fetch('export:html/internal:index.tpl');
     if (!file_put_contents($this->fileroot . 'index.html', $content)) {
         throw new SystemException("Unable to write profile information page");
Beispiel #14
 function loadCharset($charset)
     $charset = preg_replace(array('/^WINDOWS-*125([0-8])$/', '/^CP-/'), array('CP125\\1', 'CP'), $charset);
     if (isset($aliases[$charset])) {
         $charset = $aliases[$charset];
     $this->charset = $charset;
     if (empty($this->ascMap[$charset])) {
         $file = UTF8_MAP_DIR . '/' . $charset . '.map';
         if (!is_file($file)) {
             $this->onError(ERR_OPEN_MAP_FILE, "Failed to open map file for {$charset}");
         $lines = file_get_contents($file);
         $lines = preg_replace("/#.*\$/m", "", $lines);
         $lines = preg_replace("/\n\n/", "", $lines);
         $lines = explode("\n", $lines);
         foreach ($lines as $line) {
             $parts = explode('0x', $line);
             if (count($parts) == 3) {
                 $asc = hexdec(substr($parts[1], 0, 2));
                 $utf = hexdec(substr($parts[2], 0, 4));
                 $this->ascMap[$charset][$asc] = $utf;
         $this->utfMap = array_flip($this->ascMap[$charset]);
Beispiel #15
 public function run()
     $app = $this->xtr->getApplication();
     /** @var $matcher RedirectableUrlMatcher */
     $context = $app['request_context'];
     $matched = false;
     $path = $this->xtr->getRequest()->getPathInfo();
     $lastException = null;
     // matching fallback route groups:
     foreach ($this->xtr['routes'] as $fallback => $routes) {
         $routes = RouteCollection::FromArray($routes)->flat();
         $matcher = new RedirectableUrlMatcher($routes->toSilexCollection(), $context);
         try {
             $matched = $fallback;
         } catch (ResourceNotFoundException $e) {
             // not found: silent continue
             $lastException = $e;
     if ($matched === false) {
         throw $lastException;
     // configuring distinct service:
     $allow = [$matched];
     $fallbacks = array_flip(array_keys($this->xtr['routes']));
     $deny = array_keys($fallbacks);
     $this->xtr['@distinct.settings'] = ['allow' => $allow, 'deny' => $deny];
  * Constructor.
  * @param \TokenReflection\IReflection $reflection Inspected reflection
  * @param \ApiGen\Generator $generator ApiGen generator
 public function __construct(IReflection $reflection = null, Generator $generator = null)
     $this->reflectionType = get_class($this);
     if (!isset(self::$reflectionMethods[$this->reflectionType])) {
         self::$reflectionMethods[$this->reflectionType] = array_flip(get_class_methods($this));
Beispiel #17
  * When the user clicks the Search button, the form is posted back here and this action sets the
  * search parameters in the session.  Once this call returns, the tabs will then call RetrieveSource to load
  * the data that was saved in the session.
 function action_SetSearch()
     if (empty($_REQUEST)) {
     $this->view = 'ajax';
     require_once 'include/connectors/utils/ConnectorUtils.php';
     $searchdefs = ConnectorUtils::getSearchDefs();
     $merge_module = $_REQUEST['merge_module'];
     $record_id = $_REQUEST['record'];
     $searchDefs = isset($searchdefs) ? $searchdefs : array();
     $sMap = array();
     $search_source = $_REQUEST['source_id'];
     $source_instance = ConnectorFactory::getInstance($search_source);
     $source_map = $source_instance->getModuleMapping($merge_module);
     $module_fields = array();
     foreach ($_REQUEST as $search_term => $val) {
         if (!empty($source_map[$search_term])) {
             $module_fields[$source_map[$search_term]] = $val;
     foreach ($module_fields as $search_term => $val) {
         foreach ($searchDefs as $source => $modules) {
             if (empty($sMap[$source])) {
                 $instance = ConnectorFactory::getInstance($source);
                 $sMap[$source] = array_flip($instance->getModuleMapping($merge_module));
             if (!empty($sMap[$source][$search_term])) {
                 $source_key = $sMap[$source][$search_term];
                 $_SESSION['searchDefs'][$merge_module][$record_id][$source][$source_key] = $val;
  * Escape strings for safe use in an LDAP filter or DN
  * @see RFC2254 define how string search filters must be represented
  * @see For PHP >= 5.6.0, ldap_escape() is a core function
  * @author Chris Wright
  * @see
  * @return String
 private function escape($value, $ignore = '', $flags = 0)
     if (function_exists('ldap_escape')) {
         return ldap_escape($value, $ignore, $flags);
     $value = (string) $value;
     $ignore = (string) $ignore;
     $flags = (int) $flags;
     if ($value === '') {
         return '';
     $char_list = array();
     if ($flags & self::LDAP_ESCAPE_FILTER) {
         $char_list = array("\\", "*", "(", ")", "");
     if ($flags & self::LDAP_ESCAPE_DN) {
         $char_list = array_merge($char_list, array("\\", ",", "=", "+", "<", ">", ";", "\"", "#"));
     if (!$char_list) {
         for ($i = 0; $i < 256; $i++) {
             $char_list[] = chr($i);
     $char_list = array_flip($char_list);
     for ($i = 0; isset($ignore[$i]); $i++) {
     foreach ($char_list as $k => &$v) {
         $v = sprintf('\\%02x', ord($k));
     return strtr($value, $char_list);
  * Returns all of the attributes in the collection
  * If an optional mask array is passed, this only
  * returns the keys that match the mask
  * @param array $mask  The parameter mask array
  * @access public
  * @return array
 public function all($mask = null)
     if (null !== $mask) {
         // Support a more "magical" call
         if (!is_array($mask)) {
             $mask = func_get_args();
          * Remove all of the keys from the attributes
          * that aren't in the passed mask
         $attributes = array_intersect_key($this->attributes, array_flip($mask));
          * Make sure that each key in the mask has at least a
          * null value, since the user will expect the key to exist
         foreach ($mask as $key) {
             if (!isset($attributes[$key])) {
                 $attributes[$key] = null;
         return $attributes;
     return $this->attributes;
Beispiel #20
 public static function get_tests($root_file, $root_class, $add_skip = null)
     $tests = array();
     if (!isset($root_file) || !isset($root_class)) {
         return $tests;
     $skip = array('.', '..', 'all.php');
     if (is_array($add_skip)) {
         $skip = array_merge($skip, $add_skip);
     $skip = array_flip($skip);
     $path_parts = pathinfo($root_file);
     $tests_dir = dir($path_parts['dirname']);
     $prefix = str_replace('_all', '', $root_class);
     while (($testfile = $tests_dir->read()) !== false) {
         if (array_key_exists($testfile, $skip)) {
         $path_parts = pathinfo($testfile);
         $test_name = str_replace('.php', '', $path_parts['filename']);
         $test_name = str_replace('Test', '', $test_name);
         if ($test_name != '') {
             require_once realpath(dirname($root_file)) . "/{$testfile}";
             $tests[] = "{$prefix}_{$test_name}";
     return $tests;
Beispiel #21
 public function call()
     $propName = $this->callName;
     $arguments = $this->callArguments;
     if (empty($arguments)) {
         return false;
     if (!isset($this->model->{$propName})) {
         $propName[0] = strtolower($propName[0]);
     $collection = $this->model->{$propName};
     if (!empty($collection) && is_array($collection)) {
         $ids = $arguments;
         if (count($arguments) == 1 && is_array($arguments[0])) {
             $ids = $arguments[0];
         $idsToDelete = array_flip($ids);
         foreach ($collection as $item) {
             if (isset($idsToDelete[$item->id])) {
         return true;
     return false;
 public function execute()
     $params = $this->extractRequestParams();
     $prop = array_flip($params['prop']);
     $this->fld_displayname = isset($prop['displayname']);
     $this->fld_description = isset($prop['description']);
     $this->fld_hitcount = isset($prop['hitcount']);
     $this->limit = $params['limit'];
     $this->result = $this->getResult();
     $this->addFieldsIf(array('hitcount' => 'COUNT(*)'), $this->fld_hitcount);
     $this->addOption('LIMIT', $this->limit + 1);
     $this->addOption('GROUP BY', 'ct_tag');
     $this->addWhereRange('ct_tag', 'newer', $params['continue'], null);
     $res = $this->select(__METHOD__);
     $ok = true;
     foreach ($res as $row) {
         if (!$ok) {
         $ok = $this->doTag($row->ct_tag, $this->fld_hitcount ? $row->hitcount : 0);
     // include tags with no hits yet
     foreach (ChangeTags::listDefinedTags() as $tag) {
         if (!$ok) {
         $ok = $this->doTag($tag, 0);
     $this->result->setIndexedTagName_internal(array('query', $this->getModuleName()), 'tag');
  * @see EventListener::execute()
 public function execute($eventObj, $className, $eventName)
     if ($eventName == 'readFormParameters') {
         if (isset($_POST['usedQuotes']) && is_array($_POST['usedQuotes'])) {
             $this->usedQuotes = $_POST['usedQuotes'];
     } else {
         if ($eventName == 'saved') {
             if (count($this->usedQuotes) > 0) {
                 require_once WCF_DIR . 'lib/data/message/multiQuote/MultiQuoteManager.class.php';
                 foreach ($this->usedQuotes as $quoteID) {
         } else {
             if ($eventName == 'assignVariables') {
                 require_once WCF_DIR . 'lib/data/message/multiQuote/MultiQuoteManager.class.php';
                 $quotes = MultiQuoteManager::getStorage();
                 $usedQuotes = array_flip($this->usedQuotes);
                 foreach ($quotes as $quoteID => $quote) {
                     $quote['used'] = isset($usedQuotes[$quoteID]) ? 1 : 0;
                     $quotes[$quoteID] = $quote;
                 WCF::getTPL()->assign('quotes', $quotes);
                 WCF::getTPL()->append(array('additionalTabs' => '<li id="multiQuoteTab"><a onclick="tabbedPane.openTab(\'multiQuote\');"><span>' . WCF::getLanguage()->get('wcf.multiQuote.title') . '</span></a></li>', 'additionalSubTabs' => WCF::getTPL()->fetch('messageFormMultiQuote')));
Beispiel #24
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function preprocessElement(Element $element, Variables $variables)
     $variables->addClass(['image-widget', 'js-form-managed-file', 'form-managed-file', 'clearfix']);
     $data =& $variables->offsetGet('data', []);
     foreach ($element->children() as $key => $child) {
         // Modify the label to be a placeholder instead.
         if ($key === 'alt') {
             $child->setProperty('form_group', FALSE);
             $placeholder = (string) $child->getAttribute('placeholder');
             if (!$placeholder) {
                 $label = ['#theme' => 'form_element_label'];
                 $label += array_intersect_key($child->getArray(), array_flip(['#id', '#required', '#title', '#title_display']));
                 $child->setProperty('title_display', 'invisible');
                 $placeholder = trim(strip_tags(Element::create($label)->render()));
                 if ($child->getProperty('required')) {
                     $child->setProperty('description', t('@description (Required)', ['@description' => $child->getProperty('description')]));
             if ($placeholder) {
                 $child->setAttribute('placeholder', $placeholder);
         $data[$key] = $child->getArray();
Beispiel #25
 public function __construct()
     $logPath = CoreHelper::loadConfig("log_path", "config");
     $logFileExtension = CoreHelper::loadConfig("log_file_extension", "config");
     $logThreshold = CoreHelper::loadConfig("log_threshold", "config");
     $logDateFormat = CoreHelper::loadConfig("log_date_format", "config");
     $logFilePermissions = CoreHelper::loadConfig("log_file_permissions", "config");
     $this->_log_path = $logPath !== '' ? $logPath : APPPATH . 'logs/';
     $this->_file_ext = isset($logFileExtension) && $logFileExtension !== '' ? ltrim($logFileExtension, '.') : 'php';
     file_exists($this->_log_path) || mkdir($this->_log_path, 0755, true);
     if (!is_dir($this->_log_path) || !CoreHelper::isWriteable($this->_log_path)) {
         $this->_enabled = false;
     if (is_numeric($logThreshold)) {
         $this->_threshold = (int) $logThreshold;
     } elseif (is_array($logThreshold)) {
         $this->_threshold = 0;
         $this->_threshold_array = array_flip($logThreshold);
     if (!empty($logDateFormat)) {
         $this->_date_fmt = $logDateFormat;
     if (!empty($logFilePermissions) && is_int($logFilePermissions)) {
         $this->_file_permissions = $logFilePermissions;
Beispiel #26
 protected function _setSlugOptions()
     foreach (Set::normalize($this->options['slugs']) as $slug => $options) {
         $defaultBySlug = array('display' => $slug);
         $this->_slugOptions[$slug] = Set::merge(array_intersect_key($this->options, array_flip(array('model', 'urlencode'))), $defaultBySlug, self::$defaultSlugOptions, $options);
  * Show truncated long text and hide full version for flyout
  * When there is a lot of text for a small area, this shows just the 
  * truncated lead. The full text is in an element that is hidden. 
  * Javascript or css can implement a flyout to show the full thing.
  * Attributes:
  *	$filed.leadPlus =>
  *		div			// div containing the hidden full text
  *		p			// div > p containg the full text
  *		span		// div + span containg truncated text
  *		truncate	// [truncate][limit] charcter count in truncated text
  * @param type $helper
 public function leadPlus($field)
     if (!$this->hasUuid()) {
         $uuid = new Uuid();
     } else {
         $uuid = $this->helper->entity->_uuid;
     // established passed and default attributes
     $passed_attributes = $this->helper->attributes("{$field}.leadPlus");
     $default = new \Cake\Collection\Collection(['full_text' => ['span' => ['id' => $uuid->uuid('full'), 'class' => 'full_text', 'style' => 'cursor: pointer; display: none;', 'onclick' => 'var id ="full", "truncated"); = "none"; document.getElementById(id).style.display = "inline-block";']], 'truncated_text' => ['span' => ['id' => $uuid->uuid('truncated'), 'class' => 'truncated_text', 'style' => 'cursor: pointer; display: inline-block;', 'onclick' => 'var id ="truncated", "full"); = "none"; document.getElementById(id).style.display = "inline-block";']], 'truncate' => ['limit' => [100]], 'p' => []]);
     // intermediary values for calculations
     $key_template = $default->map(function ($value, $key) {
         return null;
     // this yeilds array with all keys. values will be int if passed in, null if default
     $attribute_keys = array_flip(array_keys($passed_attributes)) + $key_template->toArray();
     // get attributes to use during rendering
     $attribute = $default->map(function ($value, $key) use($attribute_keys, $passed_attributes) {
         if (is_null($attribute_keys[$key])) {
             return $value;
         } else {
             return array_merge($value, $passed_attributes[$key]);
     // output
     $hidden = $this->helper->Html->tag('span', $this->helper->entity->{$field}, $attribute['full_text']['span']);
     $text = $this->helper->Html->tag('span', Text::truncate($this->helper->entity->{$field}, $attribute['truncate']['limit']), $attribute['truncated_text']['span']);
     return $this->helper->Html->tag('p', $text . $hidden, $attribute['p']);
Beispiel #28
function SIEM_trends_week($param = "")
    global $tz;
    $tzc = Util::get_tzc($tz);
    $data = array();
    $plugins = $plugins_sql = "";
    require_once '';
    $db = new ossim_db();
    $dbconn = $db->connect();
    $sensor_where = make_sensor_filter($dbconn);
    if ($param != "") {
        require_once "classes/";
        $oss_p_id_name = Plugin::get_id_and_name($dbconn, "WHERE name LIKE '{$param}'");
        $plugins = implode(",", array_flip($oss_p_id_name));
        $plugins_sql = "AND acid_event.plugin_id in ({$plugins})";
    $sqlgraph = "SELECT COUNT(acid_event.sid) as num_events, day(convert_tz(timestamp,'+00:00','{$tzc}')) as intervalo, monthname(convert_tz(timestamp,'+00:00','{$tzc}')) as suf FROM snort.acid_event LEFT JOIN ossim.plugin ON WHERE timestamp BETWEEN '" . gmdate("Y-m-d 00:00:00", gmdate("U") - 604800) . "' AND '" . gmdate("Y-m-d 23:59:59") . "' {$plugins_sql} {$sensor_where} GROUP BY suf,intervalo ORDER BY suf,intervalo";
    if (!($rg =& $dbconn->Execute($sqlgraph))) {
        print $dbconn->ErrorMsg();
    } else {
        while (!$rg->EOF) {
            $hours = $rg->fields["intervalo"] . " " . substr($rg->fields["suf"], 0, 3);
            $data[$hours] = $rg->fields["num_events"];
    return $param != "" ? array($data, $oss_plugin_id) : $data;
 public function __construct($name, array $cd = array())
     // elementary key verification
     $illegalKeys = array_diff_key($cd, array_flip(array('columns', 'tableName', 'inheritance', 'i18n', 'indexes', 'options')));
     if ($illegalKeys) {
         throw new sfDoctrineSchemaException(sprintf('Invalid key "%s" in description of class "%s"', array_shift(array_keys($illegalKeys)), $name));
     if (isset($cd['inheritance'])) {
     // set i18n
     if (isset($cd['i18n'])) {
     // add indexes
     if (isset($cd['indexes'])) {
     // add options
     if (isset($cd['options'])) {
     // add columns
     if (isset($cd['columns'])) {
         foreach ($cd['columns'] as $colName => $column) {
             $docCol = new sfDoctrineColumnSchema($colName, $column);
 function createFile($imgURL)
     $remImgURL = urldecode($imgURL);
     $urlParced = pathinfo($remImgURL);
     $remImgURLFilename = $urlParced['basename'];
     $imgData = wp_remote_get($remImgURL);
     if (is_wp_error($imgData)) {
         $badOut['Error'] = print_r($imgData, true) . " - ERROR";
         return $badOut;
     $imgData = $imgData['body'];
     $tmp = array_search('uri', @array_flip(stream_get_meta_data($GLOBALS[mt_rand()] = tmpfile())));
     if (!is_writable($tmp)) {
         return "Your temporary folder or file (file - " . $tmp . ") is not witable. Can't upload images to Flickr";
     rename($tmp, $tmp .= '.png');
     register_shutdown_function(create_function('', "unlink('{$tmp}');"));
     file_put_contents($tmp, $imgData);
     if (!$tmp) {
         return 'You must specify a path to a file';
     if (!file_exists($tmp)) {
         return 'File path specified does not exist';
     if (!is_readable($tmp)) {
         return 'File path specified is not readable';
     //  $data['name'] = basename($tmp);
     return "@{$tmp}";