Beispiel #1
function recordTrial($extraData = array(), $exitIfDone = true, $advancePosition = true)
    global $_CONFIG, $_PATH;
    #### setting up aliases (for later use)
    $currentPos =& $_SESSION['Position'];
    $currentTrial =& $_SESSION['Trials'][$currentPos];
    #### Calculating time difference from current to last trial
    $oldTime = $_SESSION['Timestamp'];
    $_SESSION['Timestamp'] = microtime(true);
    $timeDif = $_SESSION['Timestamp'] - $oldTime;
    #### Writing to data file
    $data = array('Username' => $_SESSION['Username'], 'ID' => $_SESSION['ID'], 'ExperimentName' => $_CONFIG->experiment_name, 'Session' => $_SESSION['Session'], 'Trial' => $_SESSION['Position'], 'Date' => date("c"), 'TimeDif' => $timeDif, 'Condition Number' => $_SESSION['Condition']['Number'], 'Stimuli File' => $_SESSION['Condition']['Stimuli'], 'Order File' => $_SESSION['Condition']['Procedure'], 'Condition Description' => $_SESSION['Condition']['Condition Description'], 'Condition Notes' => $_SESSION['Condition']['Condition Notes']);
    foreach ($currentTrial as $category => $array) {
        $data += AddPrefixToArray($category . '*', $array);
    if (!is_array($extraData)) {
        $extraData = array($extraData);
    foreach ($extraData as $header => $datum) {
        $data[$header] = $datum;
    $writtenArray = arrayToLine($data, $_PATH->get('Experiment Output'));
    // write data line to the file
    // progresses the trial counter
    if ($advancePosition) {
        $_SESSION['PostNumber'] = 0;
    // are we done with the experiment? if so, send to finalQuestions.php
    if ($exitIfDone) {
        $item = $_SESSION['Trials'][$currentPos]['Procedure']['Item'];
        if ($item == 'ExperimentFinished') {
            $_SESSION['finishedTrials'] = true;
            // stops people from skipping to the end
            header('Location: ' . $_PATH->get('Final Questions Page'));
    return $writtenArray;
Beispiel #2
    if ($_CONFIG->stop_for_errors == true) {
        echo '<br/> <h2>The program will not run until you have addressed the above errors</h2>';
#### Record info about the person starting the experiment to the status start file
// information about the user loging in
$userAgent = getUserAgentInfo();
$UserData = array('Username' => $_SESSION['Username'], 'ID' => $_SESSION['ID'], 'Date' => $_SESSION['Start Time'], 'Session' => $_SESSION['Session'], 'Condition_Number' => $_SESSION['Condition']['Number'], 'Condition_Description' => $_SESSION['Condition']['Condition Description'], 'Output_File' => $outputFile, 'Stimuli_File' => $_SESSION['Condition']['Stimuli'], 'Procedure_File' => $_SESSION['Condition']['Procedure'], 'Browser' => $userAgent->Parent, 'DeviceType' => $userAgent->Device_Type, 'OS' => $userAgent->Platform, 'IP' => $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]);
arrayToLine($UserData, $_FILES->status_begin);
#### Send participant to next phase of experiment (demographics or instructions)
if ($_CONFIG->run_demographics == true) {
    $link = 'BasicInfo.php';
} elseif ($_CONFIG->run_instructions) {
    $link = 'instructions.php';
} else {
    $link = 'experiment.php';
if ($_CONFIG->stop_at_login == true) {
    // if things are going wrong this info will help you figure out when the program broke
    Readable($_SESSION['Condition'], 'Condition information');
    Readable($stimuli, 'Stimuli file in use (' . $_FILES->stim_files . '/' . $_SESSION['Condition']['Stimuli'] . ')');
    Readable($procedure, 'Procedure file in use (' . $_FILES->proc_files . '/' . $_SESSION['Condition']['Procedure'] . ')');
    Readable($trialTypeColumns, 'Levels of trial types being used');
 public function recordData($extraData = null, $filename = null, $position = null, $relPos = false)
     if ($extraData === null) {
         $extraData = array();
     if ($filename === null) {
         $filename = $this->outputFile;
     if ($position === null) {
         $position = $this->position;
     if ($postTrial === null) {
         $postTrial = $this->postTrial;
     $realPos = $this->getProcIndex($position, $relPos);
     $procRow = $this->procedure[$realPos];
     $item = $procRow['Item'];
     $stim = getStimData($item);
     foreach ($stim as &$stimArray) {
         $stimArray = implode('|', $stimArray);
     $output = addPrefixToArray('Resp*', $this->responses[$realPos]) + addPrefixToArray('Stim*', $stim) + addPrefixToArray('Proc*', $procRow) + $this->extraRecords;
     $output['Trial'] = $realPos + 1;
     // add 1 to be human-readable
     $output['Date'] = date('c');
     $output['Timestamp_Diff'] = microtime(true) - $this->recordTimestamp;
     $this->recordTimestamp = microtime(true);
     if (!is_array($extraData)) {
         $extraData = array('ExtraData' => $extraData);
     foreach ($extraData as $key => $value) {
         $output[$key] = $value;
     arrayToLine($output, $filename);

/*  Collector
    A program for running experiments on the web
require 'initiateCollector.php';
$data = array('Username' => $_SESSION['Username'], 'ID' => $_SESSION['ID'], 'Date' => date('c'));
$data += $_POST;
arrayToLine($data, $_PATH->get('Instructions Data'));
header('Location: ' . $_PATH->get('Experiment Page'));
Beispiel #5
 $hours = floor($durationFormatted / 3600);
 $minutes = floor(($durationFormatted - $hours * 3600) / 60);
 $seconds = $durationFormatted - $hours * 3600 - $minutes * 60;
 if ($hours < 10) {
     $hours = '0' . $hours;
 if ($minutes < 10) {
     $minutes = '0' . $minutes;
 if ($seconds < 10) {
     $seconds = '0' . $seconds;
 $durationFormatted = $hours . ':' . $minutes . ':' . $seconds;
 #### Record info about the person ending the experiment to status finish file
 $data = array('Username' => $_SESSION['Username'], 'ID' => $_SESSION['ID'], 'Date' => date('c'), 'Duration' => $duration, 'Duration_Formatted' => $durationFormatted, 'Session' => $_SESSION['Session'], 'Condition_Number' => $_SESSION['Condition']['Number']);
 arrayToLine($data, $_PATH->get('Status End Data'));
 ######## Save the $_SESSION array as a JSON string
 $ExpOverFlag = $_SESSION['Trials'][$_SESSION['Position']]['Procedure']['Item'];
 // if you haven't finished all sessions yet
 if ($ExpOverFlag != 'ExperimentFinished') {
     // increment counter so next session will begin after the *NewSession* (if multisession)
     // increment session # so next login will be correctly labeled as the next session
     $_SESSION['ID'] = rand_string();
     // generate a new ID (for next login)
     $_SESSION['finishedTrials'] = false;
     // will stop them from skipping to done.php during next session
     $_SESSION['LastFinish'] = time();
 $jsonSession = json_encode($_SESSION);

$files = array('core/arrayToLine/benchmark.csv', 'core/arrayToLine/benchmark2.csv');
$args = array(array('Username' => 'Participant001', 'ID' => 'aaaaaaaa', 'Condition' => 'control', 'Stim*Cue' => 'A', 'Proc*Item' => '2', 'Resp*Resp' => 'hello world', 'Resp*RT' => 12.231231, 'Resp*RT1' => 2.435452, 'Resp*RT2' => 11.254728, 'Resp*Focu' => 0.9812340000000001, 'Resp*Acc' => 100, 'Resp*Len' => 1, 'Resp*Str' => 1, 'Resp*JOL' => '100'), $files[0]);
echo 't1 is using the benchmark function, t2 is without<br><br>';
$iterations = 100;
$time = benchmark('arrayToLine', $iterations, $args);
echo 't1: ' . $time . '<br>';
$start = microtime(true);
for ($i = 0; $i < $iterations; ++$i) {
    arrayToLine($args[0], $files[1]);
$time = microtime(true) - $start;
echo 't2: ' . $time;
Beispiel #7
    if ($_CONFIG->stop_for_errors == true) {
        echo '<br/> <h2>The program will not run until you have addressed the above errors</h2>';
#### Record info about the person starting the experiment to the status start file
// information about the user logging in
$userAgent = getUserAgentInfo();
$UserData = array('Username' => $_SESSION['Username'], 'ID' => $_SESSION['ID'], 'Date' => $_SESSION['Start Time'], 'Session' => $_SESSION['Session'], 'Condition_Number' => $_SESSION['Condition']['Number'], 'Condition_Description' => $_SESSION['Condition']['Condition Description'], 'Output_File' => $_PATH->getDefault('Output'), 'Stimuli_File' => $_SESSION['Condition']['Stimuli'], 'Procedure_File' => $_SESSION['Condition']['Procedure'], 'Browser' => $userAgent->Parent, 'DeviceType' => $userAgent->Device_Type, 'OS' => $userAgent->Platform, 'IP' => $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]);
arrayToLine($UserData, $_PATH->get('Status Begin Data'));
#### Send participant to next phase of experiment (demographics or instructions)
if ($_CONFIG->run_demographics == true) {
    $link = $_PATH->get('Basic Info');
} elseif ($_CONFIG->run_instructions) {
    $link = $_PATH->get('Instructions Page');
} else {
    $link = $_PATH->get('Experiment Page');
if ($_CONFIG->stop_at_login == true) {
    // if things are going wrong this info will help you figure out when the program broke
    Readable($_SESSION['Condition'], 'Condition information');
    Readable($stimuli, 'Stimuli file in use (' . $_PATH->get('Stimuli', 'root') . ')');
    Readable($procedure, 'Procedure file in use (' . $_PATH->get('Procedure', 'root') . ')');
    Readable($trialTypeColumns, 'Levels of trial types being used');
Beispiel #8
// setting up aliases for later use
$allFQs =& $_SESSION['FinalQs'];
$pos =& $_SESSION['FQpos'];
$FQ =& $allFQs[$pos];
// all info about current final question
$readablePos = $pos - 1;
// capture data
$formData = isset($_POST['formData']) ? $_POST['formData'] : '';
// it wouldn't be set, if they left all checkboxes blank
$data = array('Username' => $_SESSION['Username'], 'ID' => $_SESSION['ID'], 'Trial' => $readablePos, 'Question' => $FQ['Question'], 'Type' => $FQ['Type'], 'RT' => $_POST['RT']);
if (is_array($formData)) {
    foreach ($formData as $resp) {
        $data['Response'] = $resp;
        arrayToLine($data, $_PATH->final_questions_data);
} else {
    $data['Response'] = $formData;
    arrayToLine($data, $_PATH->final_questions_data);
// advance position counter
if (!isset($allFQs[$pos])) {
    // if there isn't a question coming up
    header("Location: " . $_PATH->get('Done'));
    // send to done.php
    // don't run the code below
header("Location: " . $_PATH->get('Final Questions Page'));
// send back to FinalQuestions.php before any HTML is sent

/*  Collector
    A program for running experiments on the web
    Copyright 2012-2015 Mikey Garcia & Nate Kornell
require 'initiateCollector.php';
$data = array('Username' => $_SESSION['Username'], 'ID' => $_SESSION['ID']) + $_POST;
// write user demographics data to demographics file
arrayToLine($data, $_PATH->demographics_data);
if ($_CONFIG->run_instructions) {
    $next = $_PATH->get('Instructions Page');
} else {
    $next = $_PATH->get('Experiment Page');
header("Location: {$next}");