function updateUser($db, $dbUser) { $username = arrayExtract($dbUser, "username"); $dbUser["table"] = "user"; $where = array("username" => $username); return $db->update($dbUser, $where); }
function importUsers($users, $questions) { $rows = array(); foreach ($users as $user) { $username = arrayExtract($user, "username"); if(!$username) continue; $username = str_replace(" ", "", $username); if(!$username) continue; //1 insert into user $userRow = array(); $userRow["table"] = "user"; $userRow["username"] = $username; $userRow["password"] = md5($username); $rows[] = $userRow; //2 insert into user_answer 1 row per user column foreach ($user as $column => $userValues) { if(!isset($questions[$column]) || !$userValues) continue; $q = $questions[$column]; //TODO: if question type == multiple, $userValue is array: insert several rows $userValues = toArray($userValues, ";"); foreach ($userValues as $key => $userValue) { $row = array(); $row["table"] = "user_answer"; $row["username"] = $username; // $row["field"] = $column; // $row["value"] = $userValue; $row["question_id"] = $q["id"]; $answer = findAnswer($q, $userValue); if($answer) { $row["answer_id"] = $answer["id"]; // $row["answer"] = $answer; if(@$answer["value"]) $row["answer_value"] = $answer["value"]; else if(@$answer["data_type"] == "number") $row["answer_value"] = $userValue; else if(@$answer["data_type"] == "text") $row["answer_text"] = $userValue; } else if(@$q["data_type"] == "number") $row["answer_value"] = $userValue; else if(@$q["data_type"] == "text") $row["answer_text"] = $userValue; if(@$row["answer_id"] || @$row["answer_text"] || @$row["answer_value"]) $rows[] = $row; } } } return $rows; }
private function loadParentGroups() { if ($this->_parentGroups === false) { global $Controller; $this->_parentGroups = array(); $groups = $Controller->get($this->_mygroupIds, OVERRIDE); $parentGroups = array(); foreach ($groups as $g) { $parentGroups += $g->groups(); } $this->_parentGroups = arrayExtract($parentGroups, 'ID'); } }
function schematicEditor() { global $DB, $CONFIG, $USER, $Controller; $bookItems = $DB->booking_items->asArray(false, 'id,parent,place', false, false, 'place ASC'); $Controller->get(arrayExtract($bookItems, 'id')); foreach ($bookItems as &$bi) { $bi['item'] = $Controller->{$bi['id']}; } $inflatedBookItems = inflate($bookItems); $content = self::renderItems($inflatedBookItems); if ($this->mayI(EDIT)) { $content .= Form::quick(null, null, new Input(__('Object name'), 'oname'), new Select(__('Parent'), 'oparent', $inflatedBookItems, false, false, __('None'))); } $this->setContent('main', $content); }
function ageToYearBorn($db, &$params) { $age = arrayExtract($params, "age"); if (!$age) { return; } $age = explode(":", $age); $currentYear = date("Y"); $years = array(); foreach ($age as $a) { array_unshift($years, $a ? $currentYear - $a : $a); } $question = getFormQuestions($db, array("field_name" => "year_born")); if (!count($question)) { return; } debug("question", $question, true); $qid = $question[0]["id"]; return $params["Q_{$qid}"] = implode(":", $years); }
/** * Returns true if the given booking is one of the object's * @param $booking Booking * @return bool */ function bookingExists($booking) { $this->loadBookingObject(); $this->loadBookings(mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m', $booking['starttime']), date('d', $booking['starttime']), date('Y', $booking['starttime'])), mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m', $booking['starttime'] + $booking['duration']), date('d', $booking['starttime'] + $booking['duration']) + 1, date('Y', $booking['starttime'] + $booking['duration']))); if (in_array($booking['b_id'], arrayExtract($this->bookings, 'b_id'))) { return true; } else { return false; } }
* * DISCLAIMER * * Do not edit or add to this file if you wish to upgrade ExidoEngine to newer * versions in the future. If you wish to customize ExidoEngine for your * needs please refer to for more information. * * @license (GNU General Public License v3) * @author ExidoTeam * @copyright Copyright (c) 2009 - 2013, ExidoEngine Solutions * @link * @since Version 1.0 * @filesource *******************************************************************************/ // List actions menu $view->action_menu = array('/user/action/create' => __('Create user')); // Include menu code $view->getView('layout/inc.list-action-menu-panel'); $helper->heading(__('Users')); if ($view->item_list) { print tableOpen('-i-table -i-table-striped'); print tableHead(array(__('ID'), __('User name'), __('Email'), __('Owner'), __('Group'), __('Role'), __('Joined at'), __('Status'), __('Actions'))); foreach ($view->item_list as $item) { $item->is_enabled = htmlStatus($item->is_enabled); $item->created_at = dateConvertSQL2Human($item->created_at, Exido::config('')); $item->actions = '<a href="user/action/edit/' . $item->user_id . '">' . __('Edit') . '</a> '; $item->actions .= '<a class="remove" href="user/action/remove/' . $item->user_id . '">' . __('Remove') . '</a>'; print tableTR(arrayExtract((array) $item, array('user_id', 'user_name', 'user_email', 'owner_name', 'group_name', 'role_name', 'created_at', 'is_enabled', 'actions'))); } print tableClose(); }
function editTab() { $_REQUEST->addType('view', 'string'); $_REQUEST->addType('lang', 'string'); $_REQUEST->setType('ch', 'numeric'); global $Controller, $CONFIG, $DB, $USER; $this->setContent('header', __('Editing user') . ': ' . $this->that); $form = new Form('editUser'); /** * User settings */ global $SITE; $settingsform = $this->that->settings->getFormElements('usersettings'); /** * Load voluntary groups * @var groups */ $volkeys = $DB->{'spine,metadata'}->asList(array('spine.class' => 'Group', 'metadata.field' => 'GroupType', 'metadata.value' => array('vol', 'volpre')), ''); $volgroups = $Controller->get($volkeys, OVERRIDE); propsort($volgroups, 'Name'); /** * Group membership page */ $groups = $this->that->groups(); $gTypes = array('vol' => array(), 'assigned' => array()); foreach ($groups as $group) { if (!$group->isMember($this->that)) { continue; } switch ($group->GroupType) { case 'vol': case 'volpre': $gTypes['vol'][] = $group->ID; break; default: $gTypes['assigned']['g' . $group->ID] = $group; break; } } $checked = array(); foreach ($volgroups as $vg) { if (in_array($vg->ID, $gTypes['vol'])) { $checked[] = $vg->ID; } } asort($gTypes['assigned']); return array(@$this->that->password !== 'LDAP' ? new Formsection(__('Login information'), new Input(__('Username'), 'username', @$this->that->username), new Password(__('Password'), 'password1'), new Password(__('Password again'), 'password2')) : null, new Formsection(__('Presentation'), new HTMLField(false, 'presentation', $this->that->getContent('presentation'))), $settingsform ? new Formsection(__('User settings'), $settingsform) : null, @UInfoFields::edit($id, 'Tab'), new Formsection(__('Group membership'), new Fieldset(__('Assigned groups'), listify(arrayExtract($gTypes['assigned'], 'link', false, true))), empty($volgroups) ? null : new checkset(__('Voluntary groups'), 'volgroups', $volgroups, $checked))); }
function surveyInfoSelect($survey_code, $url) { $survey['info'] = M(TB_BAS_SURVEY_INFO)->where("survey_code = '{$survey_code}'")->find(); if ($survey['info']) { // $survey['info']['survey_desc'] = str_replace("\n", "<br/>", $survey['info']['survey_desc']) ; // 调查说明输出前换行符转换 $survey['url']['url_user'] = U('user/user/visit') . '?code=' . $survey['info']['user_code']; // 调查创建者访问地址 $survey['url']['url_create'] = U('survey/survey/create') . '?code=' . $survey['info']['survey_code']; // 调查参与地址 $survey['url']['url_visit'] = U('survey/survey/visit') . '?code=' . $survey['info']['survey_code']; // 调查参与地址 $survey['url']['url_answer'] = U('survey/survey/answer') . '?code=' . $survey['info']['survey_code']; // 调查参与地址 $survey['url']['url_analyse'] = U('survey/survey/analyse') . '?code=' . $survey['info']['survey_code']; // 调查分析地址 $survey['stats']['answer_count'] = M(TB_BAS_SURVEY_ACTION)->where("survey_code = '{$survey_code}'")->count(); // 参与统计 $survey['stats']['follow_count'] = M(TB_BAS_USER_FOLLOW_SURVEY)->where("follow_code = '{$survey_code}'")->count(); // 收藏统计 $survey['stats']['share_count'] = M(TB_BAS_USER_SHARE_SURVEY)->where("share_code = '{$survey_code}'")->count(); // 分享统计 $option = optionInfoSelect($survey_code); $question = M(TB_BAS_QUESTION_INFO)->where("survey_code = '{$survey_code}'")->order('question_code')->select(); // 自定义推荐规则查询 if ($survey['info']['recomm_type'] == 2) { $survey['recommend'] = M(TB_BAS_SURVEY_RECOMMEND_RULE)->where("survey_code = '{$survey_code}'")->select(); } for ($q = 0; $q < count($question); $q++) { $survey['question'][$q] = $question[$q]; if ($question[$q]['question_type'] != 'textarea') { for ($o = 0, $i = 0; $o < count($option); $o++) { if ($question[$q]['question_code'] == $option[$o]['question_code']) { $survey['question'][$q]['option'][$i] = arrayExtract($option[$o], array('option_code', 'option_name', 'option_seq', 'option_type')); $i++; } } } } return $survey; } else { return false; } }
function api_user_accout_update() { $action = func_get_args()[0]['action']; // 取参数:用户行为 $times_type = func_get_args()[0]['times_type']; // 取参数:次数类型 $times_type = $_POST['times_type']; $action = json_decode($_POST['action'], true); // 用户行为信息 $action['action_time'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); // 行为发生时间 $user_code = $action['user_code']; $action_code = $action['action_code']; if ($times_type) { $times_type = $times_type . '_times'; } // 取行为编码对应行为规则信息合并到用户行为信息数据中 $actionConfig = M(TB_DET_USER_ACTION_CONFIG)->where("action_code = '{$action_code}'")->find(); $action = array_merge($actionConfig, $action); // 生成行为名称$action['action_name'] $condition = $action['action_column'] . '=' . $action['action_value']; $dtAction = M($action['action_table'])->where("{$condition}")->find(); $target = $action['action_target']; $action['action_name'] = $dtAction[$target]; // 取两个行为日志表表结构 $keyBasScoreActionLog = M(TB_BAS_SCORE_ACTION_LOG)->getDbFields(); $keyBasCoinsActionLog = M(TB_BAS_COINS_ACTION_LOG)->getDbFields(); // 生成两个行为日志表对应字段的数据 $action_score = arrayExtract($action, $keyBasScoreActionLog); $action_coins = arrayExtract($action, $keyBasCoinsActionLog); // 计算需要更新的用户积分值和金币值 $accout_add['user_score'] = $action['score_value'] * $action['score_logic']; $accout_add['user_coins'] = $action['coins_value'] * $action['coins_logic']; if ($times_type) { $accout_add["{$times_type}"] = 1; } // 更新用户账户信息表中的金币积分等级 if (userAccoutUpdate($user_code, $accout_add)) { if ($action_score['score_value']) { $res_sc = userActionAdd($action_score, 'score'); // 用户积分累计日志 // 如果更新过用户积分,再判断是否需要更新用户等级 $userAccout = M(TB_BAS_USER_ACCOUT)->where("user_code = '{$user_code}'")->find(); // 取当前用户账户信息 $condition = "score_lower_value <= " . $userAccout['user_score'] . " and score_upper_value >= " . $userAccout['user_score']; $userLvl = M(TB_DET_USER_LEVEL)->where($condition)->find(); // 取需要的积分规则 // 如果计算出的最新等级与之前等级不同,更新用户最新等级 if ($userLvl['user_level_value'] != $userAccout['user_level']) { $userAc['user_level'] = $userLvl['user_level_value']; alterUserAccout($user_code, $userAc); } } if ($action_coins['coins_value']) { $res_co = userActionAdd($action_coins, 'coins'); // 用户金币使用日志 } } if ($res_sc && $res_co) { $this->ajaxReturn(1, "success", 1); } else { $this->ajaxReturn(0, "failed", 0); } }
private static function sqlWhere(&$params = null) { $sql = ""; $sep = "WHERE"; setIfNull($params, $_REQUEST); //TODO: list of reserved keywords. check if params are valid columm names unset($params["debug"]); unset($params["table"]); unset($params["group_by"]); unset($params["order_by"]); unset($params["limit"]); $where = arrayExtract($params, "where"); foreach ($params as $key => $param) { $sql .= " {$sep} " . SqlManager::sqlCondition($params, $key, true); $sep = "AND"; } if ($where) { $sql .= " {$sep} {$where}"; } return $sql; }
} $username = fpCurrentUsername(); $db = new SqlManager($fpConfig); if ($db->offline) { echo file_get_contents("query.json"); return; } $questions = getFormQuestions($db); $questions = arrayIndexBy($questions, "id"); //debugVar("questions", true); $portraitType = arrayExtract($params, "portrait"); //convert age to year_born ageToYearBorn($db, $params); $order = arrayExtract($params, "order"); $groupBy = arrayExtract($params, "group"); $interval = arrayExtract($params, "interval"); if (!$groupBy) { $results = demographicPortrait($db, $params, $portraitType); //$users = arrayDistinct($results, "username"); $users = filterUsers($db, $params); arrayDistinct($results, "username"); setExists($results); $results = array("all" => $results); } else { //if groupBy is a profile question, translate group=gender => group=Q_0 $questionsByField = arrayIndexBy($questions, "field_name"); if (array_key_exists($groupBy, $questionsByField)) { $qid = $questionsByField[$groupBy]["id"]; $groupBy = "Q_{$qid}"; } $groups = getDistinctGroups($db, $params, $groupBy, $interval);