Beispiel #1

include './';
* Loop through all of the test directories cleaning out any tests that have
* finished processing and have been archived successfully.
archive_scan_dirs(function ($info) {
    if (isset($info['dir']) && strlen($info['dir']) && is_file("{$info['dir']}/processing.done")) {
        $dir = $info['dir'];
        $files = scandir($dir);
        if ($files !== FALSE) {
            $children = array();
            foreach ($files as $file) {
                if ($file != '.' && $file != '..' && is_dir("{$dir}/{$file}")) {
                    $children[] = $file;
            if (count($children)) {
                echo "Pruning {$dir}\n";
                foreach ($children as $child) {
}, true);
Beispiel #2
archive_scan_dirs(function ($info) {
    global $now, $bucket_base, $download_path;
    $dir = $info['dir'];
    $id = $info['id'];
    $dir_lock = Lock("archive-{$id}", false, 86400);
    if (isset($dir_lock)) {
        if (is_file("{$dir}/testing.complete") && is_file("{$dir}/har.complete")) {
            $suffix = '';
            // Re-archive anything that was archived > 30 days ago but still hasn't shown up as a valid archive
            if (is_file("{$dir}/archive.dat") && !ArchiveExists("{$dir}/archive.dat")) {
                $modified = filemtime("{$dir}/archive.dat");
                if ($modified > 0 && $modified < $now && $now - $modified > 2592000) {
                    $suffix = '_' . date('ymd');
            $archiveDir = "{$dir}/archive";
            if (is_dir($archiveDir)) {
            if (!is_file("{$dir}/archive.dat")) {
                $children = array();
                $files = scandir($dir);
                if ($files !== FALSE) {
                    foreach ($files as $file) {
                        if ($file != '.' && $file != '..' && strpos($file, 'archive') === false && is_dir("{$dir}/{$file}")) {
                            $children[] = $file;
                $count = count($children);
                if ($count > 0) {
                    logMessage("Archiving {$id} ({$count} tests)...");
                    mkdir($archiveDir, 0777, true);
                    $index = 0;
                    foreach ($children as $child) {
                        logMessage("Compressing {$index} of {$count} - {$id}/{$child}...");
                        ZipDirectory("{$dir}/{$child}", "{$archiveDir}/{$id}_{$child}.zip", true);
                    $zipFile = "{$dir}/{$id}.zip";
                    if (is_file($zipFile)) {
                    logMessage("Combining tests into {$zipFile}...");
                    ZipDirectory($archiveDir, $zipFile, true);
                    if (is_file($zipFile)) {
                        $bucket = "{$bucket_base}{$info['year']}_{$info['month']}_{$info['day']}_{$info['group']}{$suffix}";
                        logMessage("Uploading {$zipFile} to {$bucket}");
                        if (ArchiveFile($zipFile, $bucket)) {
                            logMessage("Archiving {$id} Complete");
                            file_put_contents("{$dir}/archive.dat", "{$download_path}{$bucket}/{$id}.zip");
                        } else {
                            logMessage("Archiving {$id} FAILED");
                    } else {
                        logMessage("Failed to combine files");
                } else {
                    // Nothing to process, mark the group as done
                    file_put_contents("{$dir}/archive.dat", "");
                    file_put_contents("{$dir}/archive.dat.valid", "");
                    logMessage("{$id} - No tests to Archive");
            } else {
                logMessage("{$id} - Already Archived");
        } else {
            logMessage("{$id} - Tests still running");
    } else {
        logMessage("{$id} is already being processed");
Beispiel #3
archive_scan_dirs(function ($info) {
    global $now, $bucket_base, $download_path;
    $dir = $info['dir'];
    $id = $info['id'];
    $dir_lock = Lock("har-{$id}", false, 86400);
    if (isset($dir_lock)) {
        if (is_file("{$dir}/testing.complete") && !is_file("{$dir}/har.complete")) {
            if (is_file("{$dir}/tests.json")) {
                $tests = json_decode(file_get_contents("{$dir}/tests.json"), true);
            if (isset($tests) && is_array($tests) && isset($tests['tests']) && count($tests['tests']) && isset($tests['crawls']) && count($tests['crawls'])) {
                $ok = true;
                logMessage("{$id} - Processing");
                foreach ($tests['crawls'] as $crawlId => $crawl) {
                    if (!is_file("{$dir}/{$crawlId}.har")) {
                        $name = $crawl['name'];
                        $type = array_shift(explode('-', $name));
                        $harDir = "{$dir}/{$name}";
                        if (is_dir($harDir)) {
                        $traceDir = "{$dir}/traces-{$name}";
                        if (is_dir($traceDir)) {
                        $testIDs = array();
                        foreach ($tests['tests'] as $test) {
                            if (isset($test['crawl']) && isset($test['id']) && $test['crawl'] == $crawlId) {
                                $testIDs[] = $test['id'];
                        $count = count($testIDs);
                        if ($count > 0) {
                            logMessage("{$id} - {$count} {$type} tests: {$harDir}");
                            mkdir($harDir, 0777, true);
                            if (CollectHARs($testIDs, $harDir)) {
                                logMessage("Uploading to Google storage...");
                                if (gsUpload($harDir, $name)) {
                                    logMessage("Upload complete...");
                                } else {
                                    $ok = false;
                            } else {
                                $ok = false;
                            logMessage("{$id} - {$count} {$type} tests (traces): {$traceDir}");
                            mkdir($traceDir, 0777, true);
                            if (CollectTraces($testIDs, $traceDir)) {
                                gsUpload($traceDir, "traces-{$name}");
                if ($ok) {
                    file_put_contents("{$dir}/har.complete", '');
            } else {
                // Bogus test data, mark it as done
                file_put_contents("{$dir}/har.complete", '');
                logMessage("{$id} - No tests available");
        } else {
            if (!is_file("{$dir}/testing.complete")) {
                logMessage("{$id} - Tests still running");
            if (is_file("{$dir}/har.complete")) {
                logMessage("{$id} - HAR already processed");
    } else {
        logMessage("{$id} is already being processed");
Beispiel #4
archive_scan_dirs(function ($info) {
    global $UTC, $now, $checkedCrawl, $pendingTests, $finishedTests, $crawls;
    $dir = $info['dir'];
    $id = $info['id'];
    // Only look at tests that were started at least 1 day ago (eliminates any possible race conditions)
    $date = DateTime::createFromFormat('ymd', "{$info['year']}{$info['month']}{$info['day']}", $UTC);
    $daytime = $date->getTimestamp();
    $elapsed = max($now - $daytime, 0) / 86400;
    if ($elapsed >= 1 && !is_file("{$dir}/testing.complete")) {
        if (!$checkedCrawl) {
            $checkedCrawl = UpdateCrawlState();
        $pending = 0;
        $complete = 0;
        if (isset($pendingTests[$id])) {
            $pending = $pendingTests[$id];
        if (isset($finishedTests[$id])) {
            $complete = count($finishedTests[$id]);
        $total = $pending + $complete;
        echo "{$id} : {$complete} of {$total} complete ({$pending} pending)\n";
        if ($complete > 0 && !$pending) {
            // Write out the test and crawl information
            $tests = array('crawls' => $crawls, 'tests' => $finishedTests[$id]);
            file_put_contents("{$dir}/tests.json", json_encode($tests));
            // mark it as complete
            file_put_contents("{$dir}/testing.complete", '');
        } elseif (!$total) {
            // flag any groups that are not part of a crawl as complete
            file_put_contents("{$dir}/testing.complete", '');
    // See if all of the individual processing steps are done.  If so, mark mrocessing as complete.
    echo "Checking {$dir}\n";
    if (is_file("{$dir}/testing.complete") && is_file("{$dir}/har.complete") && is_file("{$dir}/archive.dat") && ArchiveExists("{$dir}/archive.dat")) {
    } else {
        if (!is_file("{$dir}/testing.complete")) {
            echo "  Missing {$dir}/testing.complete\n";
        if (!is_file("{$dir}/har.complete")) {
            echo "  Missing {$dir}/har.complete\n";
        if (!is_file("{$dir}/archive.dat")) {
            echo "  Missing {$dir}/archive.dat\n";
        } else {
            if (!ArchiveExists("{$dir}/archive.dat")) {
                echo "  Archive not valid\n";