function apms_popular_rows($arr) { global $g5; $list = array(); $rows = isset($arr['rows']) && $arr['rows'] > 0 ? $arr['rows'] : 10; $dayterm = isset($arr['dayterm']) && $arr['dayterm'] > 0 ? $arr['dayterm'] : 0; $term = isset($arr['term']) && $arr['term'] ? $arr['term'] : ''; $term = $term == 'day' && $dayterm > 0 ? $dayterm : $term; $sql_term = apms_sql_term($term, 'pp_date'); // 기간(일수,today,yesterday,month,prev) $sql = " select pp_word, count(pp_word) as cnt from {$g5['popular_table']} where 1 {$sql_term} group by pp_word order by cnt desc limit 0, {$rows} "; $result = sql_query($sql, false); for ($i = 0; $row = sql_fetch_array($result); $i++) { $list[$i] = $row; $list[$i]['cnt'] = $row['cnt']; $list[$i]['word'] = get_text($row['pp_word']); $list[$i]['href'] = G5_BBS_URL . '/search.php?stx=' . urlencode($list[$i]['word']); } return $list; }
function apms_item_post_rows($arr) { global $g5; $list = array(); //정리 $type = isset($arr['type']) && $arr['type'] ? apms_escape_string($arr['type']) : ''; $pt_list = isset($arr['pt_list']) && $arr['pt_list'] ? apms_escape_string($arr['pt_list']) : ''; $ex_pt = isset($arr['ex_pt']) && $arr['ex_pt'] ? apms_escape_string($arr['ex_pt']) : ''; $ca_id = isset($arr['ca_id']) && $arr['ca_id'] ? apms_escape_string($arr['ca_id']) : ''; $ex_ca = isset($arr['ex_ca']) && $arr['ex_ca'] ? apms_escape_string($arr['ex_ca']) : ''; $mode = isset($arr['mode']) && $arr['mode'] ? $arr['mode'] : 'comment'; $rows = isset($arr['rows']) && $arr['rows'] > 0 ? $arr['rows'] : 5; $page = isset($arr['page']) && $arr['page'] > 1 ? $arr['page'] : 1; $sort = isset($arr['sort']) && $arr['sort'] ? $arr['sort'] : ''; $newtime = isset($arr['newtime']) && $arr['newtime'] > 0 ? $arr['newtime'] : 24; $thumb_w = isset($arr['thumb_w']) && $arr['thumb_w'] > 0 ? $arr['thumb_w'] : 0; $thumb_h = isset($arr['thumb_h']) && $arr['thumb_h'] > 0 ? $arr['thumb_h'] : 0; $thumb_no = isset($arr['thumb_no']) && $arr['thumb_no'] ? true : false; $no_img = isset($arr['no_img']) && $arr['no_img'] ? $arr['no_img'] : ''; $start_rows = 0; // 타입 $sql_type = $type ? "and b.it_type{$type} = '1'" : ""; // 분류 $sql_ca = $ca_id ? "and (b.ca_id like '{$ca_id}%' or b.ca_id2 like '{$ca_id}%' or b.ca_id3 like '{$ca_id}%')" : ""; $sql_ca_ex = $ex_ca ? "and (b.ca_id not like '{$ex_ca}%' and b.ca_id2 not like '{$ex_ca}%' and b.ca_id3 not like '{$ex_ca}%')" : ""; // 파트너 $sql_pt = $pt_list ? "and find_in_set(b.pt_id, '{$pt_list}')" : ""; $sql_pt_ex = $ex_pt ? "and find_in_set(b.pt_id, '{$ex_pt}')=0" : ""; // 정렬 $orderby = ''; switch ($sort) { case 'hp': $orderby = 'b.it_price desc'; break; case 'lp': $orderby = 'b.it_price asc'; break; case 'qty': $orderby = 'b.it_sum_qty desc, '; break; case 'use': $orderby = 'b.it_use_cnt desc, '; break; case 'hit': $orderby = 'b.it_hit desc, '; break; case 'star': $orderby = 'b.it_use_avg desc'; break; case 'comment': $orderby = 'b.pt_comment desc, '; break; case 'good': $orderby = 'b.pt_good desc, '; break; case 'nogood': $orderby = 'b.pt_nogood desc, '; break; case 'like': $orderby = '(b.pt_good - b.pt_nogood) desc, '; break; } $dayterm = isset($arr['dayterm']) && $arr['dayterm'] > 0 ? $arr['dayterm'] : 0; $term = isset($arr['term']) && $arr['term'] ? $arr['term'] : ''; $term = $term == 'day' && $dayterm > 0 ? $dayterm : $term; $sql_term = apms_sql_term($term, 'b.it_datetime'); // 기간(일수,today,yesterday,month,prev) if ($mode == 'comment') { $orderby .= "a.wr_id desc"; $sql_common = "from `{$g5['apms_comment']}` a join `{$g5['g5_shop_item_table']}` b on (a.it_id=b.it_id)\n\t\t\t\t\t\twhere b.it_use = '1' and b.it_soldout <> '1' {$sql_type} {$sql_ca} {$sql_ca_ex} {$sql_pt} {$sql_pt_ex} {$sql_term} "; } else { if ($mode == 'use') { $orderby .= "a.is_id desc"; $sql_common = "from `{$g5['g5_shop_item_use_table']}` a join `{$g5['g5_shop_item_table']}` b on (a.it_id=b.it_id)\n\t\t\t\t\t\twhere a.is_confirm = '1' and b.it_use = '1' and b.it_soldout <> '1' {$sql_type} {$sql_ca} {$sql_ca_ex} {$sql_pt} {$sql_pt_ex} {$sql_term} "; } else { if ($mode == 'qa') { $orderby .= "a.iq_id desc"; $sql_common = "from `{$g5['g5_shop_item_qa_table']}` a join `{$g5['g5_shop_item_table']}` b on (a.it_id=b.it_id)\n\t\t\t\t\t\twhere b.it_use = '1' and b.it_soldout <> '1' {$sql_type} {$sql_ca} {$sql_ca_ex} {$sql_pt} {$sql_pt_ex} {$sql_term} "; } else { return; } } } if ($page > 1) { $total = sql_fetch("select count(*) as cnt {$sql_common} ", false); $total_count = $total['cnt']; $total_page = ceil($total_count / $rows); // 전체 페이지 계산 $start_rows = ($page - 1) * $rows; // 시작 열을 구함 } $result = sql_query(" select a.*, b.it_name {$sql_common} order by {$orderby} limit {$start_rows}, {$rows} ", false); for ($i = 0; $row = sql_fetch_array($result); $i++) { $list[$i] = thema_widget_item_list('item' . $mode, $ca_id, $row, $newtime, $thumb_w, $thumb_h, false, true); if (!$list[$i]['img']['src'] && $no_img) { $list[$i]['img'] = $thumb_no ? apms_thumbnail($no_img, 0, 0, false, true) : apms_thumbnail($no_img, $thumb_w, $thumb_h, false, true); // no-image $list[$i]['img']['org'] = $no_img; $list[$i]['img']['alt'] = ''; } } return $list; }