  * Asks the author (through e-mail) for additional information about the given course request.
  * @param int/string $id            The database primary id of the given request.
  * @return bool                     Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure.
 public static function ask_for_additional_info($id)
     $id = (int) $id;
     // Retrieve request's data
     $course_request_info = self::get_course_request_info($id);
     if (!is_array($course_request_info)) {
         return false;
     $user_id = intval($course_request_info['user_id']);
     if ($user_id <= 0) {
         return false;
     $user_info = api_get_user_info($user_id);
     if (!is_array($user_info)) {
         return false;
     $code = $course_request_info['code'];
     $info = intval($course_request_info['info']);
     // Error is to be returned on a repeated attempt for asking additional information.
     if (!empty($info)) {
         return false;
     // E-mail notification.
     // E-mail language: The platform language seems to be the best choice.
     //$email_language = $course_language;
     //$email_language = api_get_interface_language();
     $email_language = api_get_setting('platformLanguage');
     $email_subject = sprintf(get_lang('CourseRequestAskInfoEmailSubject', null, $email_language), '[' . api_get_setting('platform.site_name') . ']', $code);
     $email_body = get_lang('Dear', null, $email_language) . ' ';
     $email_body .= api_get_person_name($user_info['firstname'], $user_info['lastname'], null, null, $email_language) . ",\n\n";
     $email_body .= sprintf(get_lang('CourseRequestAskInfoEmailText', null, $email_language), $code) . "\n";
     $email_body .= "\n" . get_lang('Formula', null, $email_language) . "\n";
     $email_body .= api_get_person_name(api_get_setting('platform.administrator_name'), api_get_setting('platform.administrator_surname'), null, null, $email_language) . "\n";
     $email_body .= get_lang('Manager', null, $email_language) . ' ' . api_get_setting('platform.site_name') . "\n";
     $email_body .= get_lang('Phone', null, $email_language) . ': ' . api_get_setting('administratorTelephone') . "\n";
     $email_body .= get_lang('Email', null, $email_language) . ': ' . api_get_setting('emailAdministrator', null, $email_language) . "\n";
     $email_body .= "\n" . get_lang('CourseRequestLegalNote', null, $email_language) . "\n";
     $sender_name = api_get_person_name(api_get_setting('platform.administrator_name'), api_get_setting('platform.administrator_surname'), null, PERSON_NAME_EMAIL_ADDRESS);
     $sender_email = api_get_setting('platform.administrator_email');
     $recipient_name = api_get_person_name($user_info['firstname'], $user_info['lastname'], null, PERSON_NAME_EMAIL_ADDRESS);
     $recipient_email = $user_info['mail'];
     $extra_headers = 'Bcc: ' . $sender_email;
     $result = @api_mail($recipient_name, $recipient_email, $email_subject, $email_body, $sender_name, $sender_email);
     if (!$result) {
         return false;
     // Marking the fact that additional information about the request has been asked.
     $sql = "UPDATE " . Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE_REQUEST) . " SET info = 1 WHERE id = " . $id;
     $result = Database::query($sql) !== false;
     return $result;
Beispiel #2
        $portal_url = api_get_path(WEB_PUBLIC_PATH);
        if ($_configuration['multiple_access_urls']) {
            $access_url_id = api_get_current_access_url_id();
            if ($access_url_id != -1) {
                $url = api_get_access_url($access_url_id);
                $portal_url = $url['url'];
        if ($courseRegSucceed) {
            $emailbody = get_lang('Dear') . " " . stripslashes(api_get_person_name($firstname_form, $lastname_form)) . ",\n" . get_lang('OneResp') . " {$currentCourseName} " . get_lang('RegYou') . " " . api_get_setting('platform.site_name') . " " . get_lang('WithTheFollowingSettings') . "\n\n" . get_lang('Username') . " : {$username_form}\n" . get_lang('Pass') . ": {$password_form}\n" . get_lang('Address') . " " . api_get_setting('platform.site_name') . " " . get_lang('Is') . ": " . $portal_url . "\n" . get_lang('Problem') . "\n" . get_lang('Formula') . ",\n" . api_get_person_name(api_get_setting('platform.administrator_name'), api_get_setting('platform.administrator_surname')) . "\n" . get_lang('Manager') . " " . api_get_setting('platform.site_name') . " \nT. " . api_get_setting('administratorTelephone') . "\n" . get_lang('Email') . ": " . api_get_setting('platform.administrator_email') . "\n";
            $message = get_lang('TheU') . " " . stripslashes(api_get_person_name($firstname_form, $lastname_form)) . " " . get_lang('AddedToCourse') . "<a href=\"user.php\">" . get_lang('BackUser') . "</a>\n";
        } else {
            $emailbody = get_lang('Dear') . " " . api_get_person_name($firstname_form, $lastname_form) . ",\n " . get_lang('YouAreReg') . "  " . api_get_setting('platform.site_name') . "  " . get_lang('WithTheFollowingSettings') . "\n\n" . get_lang('Username') . " : {$username_form}\n" . get_lang('Pass') . ": {$password_form}\n" . get_lang('Address') . " " . api_get_setting('platform.site_name') . " " . get_lang('Is') . ": " . $portal_url . "\n" . get_lang('Problem') . "\n" . get_lang('Formula') . ",\n" . api_get_person_name(api_get_setting('platform.administrator_name'), api_get_setting('platform.administrator_surname')) . "\n" . get_lang('Manager') . " " . api_get_setting('platform.site_name') . " \nT. " . api_get_setting('administratorTelephone') . "\n" . get_lang('Email') . ": " . api_get_setting('platform.administrator_email') . "\n";
            $message = stripslashes(api_get_person_name($firstname_form, $lastname_form)) . " " . get_lang('AddedU');
        @api_mail($recipient_name, $email_form, $emailsubject, $emailbody, $sender_name, $email_admin);
         * remove <form> variables to prevent any pre-filled fields
        unset($lastname_form, $firstname_form, $username_form, $password_form, $email_form, $admin_form, $tutor_form);
    // end if ($platformRegSucceed)
    //	$message = get_lang('UserAlreadyRegistered');
// end if register request
$interbreadcrumb[] = array("url" => "user.php", "name" => get_lang('ToolUser'));
$nameTools = get_lang('AddAU');
Display::display_header($nameTools, "User");
  * Sends email according to an event
  * @param string $event_name the name of the event that was triggered
  * @param array $event_data what to put in the mail
  * Possible key :
  * - $event_data["about_user"] (= $user_id)
  * - $event_data["prior_lang"]
  * Warning :
  * - $event_data["send_to"] MUST BE an array
 public static function send_mail($event_name, $event_data)
      * Global explanation :
      * 1. we get information about the user that fired the event (in $event_data["about_user"])
      * 2. we send mail to people that are in the $event_data["send_to"]
      * 2b. if a language was specified, we use that one to send the mail, else we get the user's language, if there isn't any, we get the english one
      * 3. we do the same with the people associated to the event through the admin panel
     global $event_config;
     // common variable for every mail sent
     $sender_name = api_get_person_name(api_get_setting('administratorName'), api_get_setting('administratorSurname'), null, PERSON_NAME_EMAIL_ADDRESS);
     $email_admin = api_get_setting('emailAdministrator');
     // basic  keys
     $event_data["sitename"] = api_get_setting('siteName');
     $event_data["administrator_name"] = api_get_setting('administratorName');
     $event_data["administrator_surname"] = api_get_setting('administratorSurname');
     $event_data["administrator_phone"] = api_get_setting('administratorTelephone');
     $event_data["administrator_email"] = api_get_setting('emailAdministrator');
     $event_data["portal"] = api_get_path(WEB_PATH);
     // Fill the array's cells with info regarding the user that fired the event
     // (for the keys in the template)
     if (isset($event_data["about_user"])) {
         $about_user = api_get_user_info($event_data["about_user"]);
         $event_data["firstname"] = $about_user["firstname"];
         $event_data["lastname"] = $about_user["lastname"];
         $event_data["username"] = $about_user["username"];
         $event_data["usermail"] = $about_user["mail"];
         $event_data["language"] = $about_user["language"];
         $event_data["user_id"] = $about_user["user_id"];
     // First, we send the mail to people we put in the $event_data["send_to"]
     if ($event_data["send_to"] != null) {
         // the users we precised need to receive the mail
         foreach ($event_data["send_to"] as $id) {
             // for every member put in the array
             // get user's info (to know where to send)
             $user_info = api_get_user_info($id);
             // get the language the email will be in
             if ($event_data["prior_lang"] != null) {
                 // if $lang is not null, we use that lang
                 $language = $event_data["prior_lang"];
             } else {
                 // else we use the user's language
                 $sql = 'SELECT language FROM ' . Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_USER) . ' u
                 WHERE u.user_id = "' . $id . '"
                 $language = Database::store_result(Database::query($sql), 'ASSOC');
                 $language = $language[0]["language"];
             // we get the message in the correct language (or in english if doesn't exist)
             $result = self::getMessage($event_name, $language);
             $message = "";
             $subject = "";
             self::getCorrectMessage($message, $subject, $language, $result);
             // replace the keycodes used in the message
             self::formatMessage($message, $subject, $event_config, $event_name, $event_data);
             // sending email
             $recipient_name = api_get_person_name($user_info['firstname'], $user_info['lastname']);
             // checks if there's a file we need to join to the mail
             if (isset($values["certificate_pdf_file"])) {
                 $message = str_replace("\n", "<br />", $message);
                 @api_mail_html($recipient_name, $user_info["mail"], $subject, $message, $sender_name, $email_admin, null, array($values['certificate_pdf_file']));
             } else {
                 @api_mail_html($recipient_name, $user_info["mail"], $subject, $message, $sender_name, $email_admin);
             // If the mail only need to be send once (we know that thanks to the events.conf), we log it in the table
             if ($event_config[$event_name]["sending_mail_once"]) {
                 $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . Database::get_main_table(TABLE_EVENT_SENT) . '
                     (user_from, user_to, event_type_name)
                     VALUES (' . $event_data["user_id"] . ', ' . $id . ' ,"' . Database::escape_string($event_name) . '");
     // Second, we send to people linked to the event
     // So, we get everyone
     $sql = 'SELECT u.user_id, u.language, u.email, u.firstname, u.lastname FROM ' . Database::get_main_table(TABLE_EVENT_TYPE_REL_USER) . ' ue
             INNER JOIN ' . Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_USER) . ' u ON u.user_id = ue.user_id
             WHERE event_type_name = "' . $event_name . '"';
     $result = Database::store_result(Database::query($sql), 'ASSOC');
     foreach ($result as $key => $value) {
         // for each of the linked users
         // we get the language
         if ($event_data["prior_lang"] != null) {
             // if $lang is not null, we use that lang
             $language = $event_data["prior_lang"];
         } else {
             // else we get the user's lang
             $sql = 'SELECT language FROM ' . Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_USER) . '
                 where user_id = ' . $value["user_id"] . ' ';
             $result = Database::store_result(Database::query($sql), 'ASSOC');
             $language = $result[0]["language"];
         // we get the message in the correct language (or in english if doesn't exist)
         $result = self::getMessage($event_name, $language);
         $message = "";
         $subject = "";
         self::getCorrectMessage($message, $subject, $language, $result);
         // replace the keycodes used in the message
         self::formatMessage($message, $subject, $event_config, $event_name, $event_data);
         // we send the mail
         $recipient_name = api_get_person_name($value['firstname'], $value['lastname']);
         @api_mail($recipient_name, $value["email"], $subject, $message, $sender_name, $email_admin);
         // If the mail only need to be send once (we know that thanks to the events.conf, we log it in the table
         if ($event_config[$event_name]["sending_mail_once"]) {
             $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . Database::get_main_table(TABLE_EVENT_SENT) . '
                 (user_from, user_to, event_type_name)
                 VALUES (' . $event_data["user_id"] . ', ' . $value["user_id"] . ' , "' . Database::escape_string($event_name) . '");
Beispiel #4
  * Send an email to tutor after the auth-suscription of a student in your course
  * @author Carlos Vargas <*****@*****.**>, Dokeos Latino
  * @param  int $user_id the id of the user
  * @param  string $course_code the course code
  * @param  string $send_to_tutor_also
  * @return string we return the message that is displayed when the action is succesfull
 public static function email_to_tutor($user_id, $course_code, $send_to_tutor_also = false)
     if ($user_id != strval(intval($user_id))) {
         return false;
     $course_code = Database::escape_string($course_code);
     $student = Database::fetch_array(Database::query("SELECT * FROM " . Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_USER) . "\n                WHERE user_id='" . $user_id . "'"));
     $courseInfo = api_get_course_info($course_code);
     $name_course = $courseInfo['title'];
     $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE_USER) . " WHERE c_id = '" . $courseInfo['real_id'] . "'";
     // TODO: Ivan: This is a mistake, please, have a look at it. Intention here is diffcult to be guessed.
     //if ($send_to_tutor_also = true)
     // Proposed change:
     if ($send_to_tutor_also) {
         $sql .= " AND tutor_id=1";
     } else {
         $sql .= " AND status=1";
     $result = Database::query($sql);
     while ($row = Database::fetch_array($result)) {
         $tutor = Database::fetch_array(Database::query("SELECT * FROM " . Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_USER) . "\n                    WHERE user_id='" . $row['user_id'] . "'"));
         $emailto = $tutor['email'];
         $emailsubject = get_lang('NewUserInTheCourse') . ': ' . $name_course;
         $emailbody = get_lang('Dear') . ': ' . api_get_person_name($tutor['firstname'], $tutor['lastname']) . "\n";
         $emailbody .= get_lang('MessageNewUserInTheCourse') . ': ' . $name_course . "\n";
         $emailbody .= get_lang('UserName') . ': ' . $student['username'] . "\n";
         if (api_is_western_name_order()) {
             $emailbody .= get_lang('FirstName') . ': ' . $student['firstname'] . "\n";
             $emailbody .= get_lang('LastName') . ': ' . $student['lastname'] . "\n";
         } else {
             $emailbody .= get_lang('LastName') . ': ' . $student['lastname'] . "\n";
             $emailbody .= get_lang('FirstName') . ': ' . $student['firstname'] . "\n";
         $emailbody .= get_lang('Email') . ': ' . $student['email'] . "\n\n";
         $recipient_name = api_get_person_name($tutor['firstname'], $tutor['lastname'], null, PERSON_NAME_EMAIL_ADDRESS);
         $sender_name = api_get_person_name(api_get_setting('platform.administrator_name'), api_get_setting('platform.administrator_surname'), null, PERSON_NAME_EMAIL_ADDRESS);
         $email_admin = api_get_setting('platform.administrator_email');
         @api_mail($recipient_name, $emailto, $emailsubject, $emailbody, $sender_name, $email_admin);
Beispiel #5
 * Sends an email to the students of a course when a homework is created
 * @param string course_id
 * @author Guillaume Viguier <*****@*****.**>
 * @author Julio Montoya <*****@*****.**> Adding session support - 2011
function send_email_on_homework_creation($course_id)
    // Get the students of the course
    $session_id = api_get_session_id();
    if (empty($session_id)) {
        $students = CourseManager::get_student_list_from_course_code($course_id);
    } else {
        $students = CourseManager::get_student_list_from_course_code($course_id, true, $session_id);
    $emailsubject = '[' . api_get_setting('platform.site_name') . '] ' . get_lang('HomeworkCreated');
    $currentUser = api_get_user_info(api_get_user_id());
    if (!empty($students)) {
        foreach ($students as $student) {
            $user_info = api_get_user_info($student["user_id"]);
            if (!empty($user_info["mail"])) {
                $name_user = api_get_person_name($user_info["firstname"], $user_info["lastname"], null, PERSON_NAME_EMAIL_ADDRESS);
                $emailbody = get_lang('Dear') . " " . $name_user . ",\n\n";
                $emailbody .= get_lang('HomeworkHasBeenCreatedForTheCourse') . " " . $course_id . ". " . "\n\n" . get_lang('PleaseCheckHomeworkPage');
                $emailbody .= "\n\n" . api_get_person_name($currentUser["firstname"], $currentUser["lastname"]);
                @api_mail($name_user, $user_info["mail"], $emailsubject, $emailbody, api_get_person_name($currentUser["firstname"], $currentUser["lastname"], null, PERSON_NAME_EMAIL_ADDRESS), $currentUser["mail"]);
 * @return array|null|string
function store_add_dropbox()
    $_course = api_get_course_info();
    $_user = api_get_user_info();
    $dropbox_cnf = getDropboxConf();
    // Validating the form data
    // there are no recipients selected
    if (!isset($_POST['recipients']) || count($_POST['recipients']) <= 0) {
        return get_lang('YouMustSelectAtLeastOneDestinee');
    } else {
        // Check if all the recipients are valid
        $thisIsAMailing = false;
        $thisIsJustUpload = false;
        foreach ($_POST['recipients'] as $rec) {
            if ($rec == 'mailing') {
                $thisIsAMailing = true;
            } elseif ($rec == 'upload') {
                $thisIsJustUpload = true;
            } elseif (strpos($rec, 'user_') === 0 && !isCourseMember(substr($rec, strlen('user_')))) {
                return get_lang('InvalideUserDetected');
            } elseif (strpos($rec, 'group_') !== 0 && strpos($rec, 'user_') !== 0) {
                return get_lang('InvalideGroupDetected');
    // we are doing a mailing but an additional recipient is selected
    if ($thisIsAMailing && count($_POST['recipients']) != 1) {
        return get_lang('MailingSelectNoOther');
    // we are doing a just upload but an additional recipient is selected.
    // note: why can't this be valid? It is like sending a document to yourself AND to a different person (I do this quite often with my e-mails)
    if ($thisIsJustUpload && count($_POST['recipients']) != 1) {
        return get_lang('MailingJustUploadSelectNoOther');
    if (empty($_FILES['file']['name'])) {
        $error = true;
        return get_lang('NoFileSpecified');
    // are we overwriting a previous file or sending a new one
    $dropbox_overwrite = false;
    if (isset($_POST['cb_overwrite']) && $_POST['cb_overwrite']) {
        $dropbox_overwrite = true;
    // doing the upload
    $dropbox_filename = $_FILES['file']['name'];
    $dropbox_filesize = $_FILES['file']['size'];
    $dropbox_filetype = $_FILES['file']['type'];
    $dropbox_filetmpname = $_FILES['file']['tmp_name'];
    // check if the filesize does not exceed the allowed size.
    if ($dropbox_filesize <= 0 || $dropbox_filesize > $dropbox_cnf['maxFilesize']) {
        return get_lang('DropboxFileTooBig');
        // TODO: The "too big" message does not fit in the case of uploading zero-sized file.
    // check if the file is actually uploaded
    if (!is_uploaded_file($dropbox_filetmpname)) {
        // check user fraud : no clean error msg.
        return get_lang('TheFileIsNotUploaded');
    $upload_ok = FileManager::process_uploaded_file($_FILES['file'], true);
    if (!$upload_ok) {
        return null;
    // Try to add an extension to the file if it hasn't got one
    $dropbox_filename = FileManager::add_ext_on_mime($dropbox_filename, $dropbox_filetype);
    // Replace dangerous characters
    $dropbox_filename = api_replace_dangerous_char($dropbox_filename);
    // Transform any .php file in .phps fo security
    $dropbox_filename = FileManager::php2phps($dropbox_filename);
    //filter extension
    if (!FileManager::filter_extension($dropbox_filename)) {
        return get_lang('UplUnableToSaveFileFilteredExtension');
    // set title
    $dropbox_title = $dropbox_filename;
    // set author
    if (!isset($_POST['authors'])) {
        $_POST['authors'] = getUserNameFromId($_user['user_id']);
    // note: I think we could better migrate everything from here on to separate functions: store_new_dropbox, store_new_mailing, store_just_upload
    if ($dropbox_overwrite) {
        $dropbox_person = new Dropbox_Person($_user['user_id'], api_is_course_admin(), api_is_course_tutor());
        foreach ($dropbox_person->sentWork as $w) {
            if ($w->title == $dropbox_filename) {
                if ($w->recipients[0]['id'] > dropbox_cnf('mailingIdBase') xor $thisIsAMailing) {
                    return get_lang('MailingNonMailingError');
                if ($w->recipients[0]['id'] == $_user['user_id'] xor $thisIsJustUpload) {
                    return get_lang('MailingJustUploadSelectNoOther');
                $dropbox_filename = $w->filename;
                $found = true;
                // note: do we still need this?
    } else {
        // rename file to login_filename_uniqueId format
        $dropbox_filename = getLoginFromId($_user['user_id']) . "_" . $dropbox_filename . "_" . uniqid('');
    // creating the array that contains all the users who will receive the file
    $new_work_recipients = array();
    foreach ($_POST['recipients'] as $rec) {
        if (strpos($rec, 'user_') === 0) {
            $new_work_recipients[] = substr($rec, strlen('user_'));
        } elseif (strpos($rec, 'group_') === 0) {
            $userList = GroupManager::get_subscribed_users(substr($rec, strlen('group_')));
            foreach ($userList as $usr) {
                if (!in_array($usr['user_id'], $new_work_recipients) && $usr['user_id'] != $_user['user_id']) {
                    $new_work_recipients[] = $usr['user_id'];
    @move_uploaded_file($dropbox_filetmpname, dropbox_cnf('sysPath') . '/' . $dropbox_filename);
    $b_send_mail = api_get_course_setting('email_alert_on_new_doc_dropbox');
    if ($b_send_mail) {
        foreach ($new_work_recipients as $recipient_id) {
            $recipent_temp = UserManager::get_user_info_by_id($recipient_id);
            @api_mail(api_get_person_name($recipent_temp['firstname'] . ' ' . $recipent_temp['lastname'], null, PERSON_NAME_EMAIL_ADDRESS), $recipent_temp['email'], get_lang('NewDropboxFileUploaded'), get_lang('NewDropboxFileUploadedContent') . ' ' . api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH) . 'dropbox/index.php?cidReq=' . $_course['sysCode'] . "\n\n" . api_get_person_name($_user['firstName'], $_user['lastName'], null, PERSON_NAME_EMAIL_ADDRESS) . "\n" . get_lang('Email') . " : " . $_user['mail'], api_get_person_name($_user['firstName'], $_user['lastName'], null, PERSON_NAME_EMAIL_ADDRESS), $_user['mail']);
    new Dropbox_SentWork($_user['user_id'], $dropbox_title, $_POST['description'], strip_tags($_POST['authors']), $dropbox_filename, $dropbox_filesize, $new_work_recipients);
    return get_lang('FileUploadSucces');
                $sql = "UPDATE {$user_table} SET active='" . $status . "' WHERE user_id='" . $user_id . "'";
                $result = Database::query($sql);
                //Send and email if account is active
                if ($status == 1) {
                    $user_info = api_get_user_info($user_id);
                    $recipient_name = api_get_person_name($user_info['firstname'], $user_info['lastname'], null, PERSON_NAME_EMAIL_ADDRESS);
                    $emailsubject = '[' . api_get_setting('siteName') . '] ' . get_lang('YourReg') . ' ' . api_get_setting('siteName');
                    $email_admin = api_get_setting('emailAdministrator');
                    $sender_name = api_get_person_name(api_get_setting('administratorName'), api_get_setting('administratorSurname'), null, PERSON_NAME_EMAIL_ADDRESS);
                    $emailbody = get_lang('Dear') . " " . stripslashes($recipient_name) . ",\n\n";
                    $emailbody .= sprintf(get_lang('YourAccountOnXHasJustBeenApprovedByOneOfOurAdministrators'), api_get_setting('siteName')) . "\n";
                    $emailbody .= sprintf(get_lang('YouCanNowLoginAtXUsingTheLoginAndThePasswordYouHaveProvided'), api_get_path(WEB_PATH)) . ",\n\n";
                    $emailbody .= get_lang('HaveFun') . "\n\n";
                    //$emailbody.=get_lang('Problem'). "\n\n". get_lang('SignatureFormula');
                    $emailbody .= api_get_person_name(api_get_setting('administratorName'), api_get_setting('administratorSurname')) . "\n" . get_lang('Manager') . " " . api_get_setting('siteName') . "\nT. " . api_get_setting('administratorTelephone') . "\n" . get_lang('Email') . " : " . api_get_setting('emailAdministrator');
                    $additionalParameters = array('smsType' => ClockworksmsPlugin::ACCOUNT_APPROVED_CONNECT, 'userId' => $user_id);
                    $result = api_mail($recipient_name, $user_info['mail'], $emailsubject, $emailbody, $sender_name, $email_admin, '', $additionalParameters);
                    event_system(LOG_USER_ENABLE, LOG_USER_ID, $user_id);
                } else {
                    event_system(LOG_USER_DISABLE, LOG_USER_ID, $user_id);
                echo $status;
        } else {
            echo '-1';
        echo '';
        $email = $_SESSION['bc_user']['mail'];
    } else {
        $name = $_SESSION['bc_user']['firstname'] . ' ' . $_SESSION['bc_user']['lastname'];
        $email = $_SESSION['bc_user']['email'];

    $message = $plugin->get_lang('bc_message');
    $message = str_replace("{{name}}", $name, $message);
    $_SESSION['bc_codetext'] === 'THIS_IS_A_SESSION' ?
        $message = str_replace("{{session}}", sessionInfo($_SESSION['bc_code'])['name'], $message) :
        $message = str_replace("{{course}}", courseInfo($_SESSION['bc_code'])['title'], $message);
    $message = str_replace("{{".$parameterName."}}", $title, $message);
    $message = str_replace("{{reference}}", $reference, $message);
    $message .= $text;

    api_mail($name, $email, $asunto, $message);
    // Return to course list

$currencyType = $_POST['currency_type'];
$_SESSION['bc_currency_type'] = $currencyType;
$server = $_POST['server'];

if ($_POST['payment_type'] == "PayPal") {
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM $tableBuyCoursePaypal WHERE id='1';";
    $res = Database::query($sql);
    $row = Database::fetch_assoc($res);
    $pruebas = ($row['sandbox'] == "YES") ? true: false;
    $paypalUsername = $row['username'];