public function sqlConnect()
        if (!$this->connection_handler) {
            $this->connection_handler = @mysql_connect($this->connection['server'], $this->connection['login'], $this->connection['password'], true);

            // The system has not been designed to use special SQL modes that were introduced since MySQL 5
            @mysql_query("set session sql_mode='';", $this->connection_handler);

            @mysql_select_db($this->connection['base'], $this->connection_handler);

            // Initialization of the database connection encoding to be used.
            // The internationalization library should be already initialized.
            @mysql_query("SET SESSION character_set_server='utf8';", $this->connection_handler);
            @mysql_query("SET SESSION collation_server='utf8_general_ci';", $this->connection_handler);
            $system_encoding = api_get_system_encoding();
            if (api_is_utf8($system_encoding)) {
                // See Bug #1802: For UTF-8 systems we prefer to use "SET NAMES 'utf8'" statement in order to avoid a bizarre problem with Chinese language.
                @mysql_query("SET NAMES 'utf8';", $this->connection_handler);
            } else {
                @mysql_query("SET CHARACTER SET '" . Database::to_db_encoding($system_encoding) . "';", $this->connection_handler);

        return ($this->connection_handler) ? true : false;
  * Detects the encoding of a given manifest (a xml-text).
  * It is possible the encoding of the manifest to be wrongly declared or
  * not to be declared at all. The proposed method tries to resolve these problems.
  * @param string $xml    The input xml-text.
  * @return string        The detected value of the input xml.
 private function detect_manifest_encoding(&$xml)
     if (api_is_valid_utf8($xml)) {
         return 'UTF-8';
     if (preg_match(_PCRE_XML_ENCODING, $xml, $matches)) {
         $declared_encoding = api_refine_encoding_id($matches[1]);
     } else {
         $declared_encoding = '';
     if (!empty($declared_encoding) && !api_is_utf8($declared_encoding)) {
         return $declared_encoding;
     $test_string = '';
     if (preg_match_all('/<langstring[^>]*>(.*)<\\/langstring>/m', $xml, $matches)) {
         $test_string = implode("\n", $matches[1]);
     if (preg_match_all('/<title[^>]*>(.*)<\\/title>/m', $xml, $matches)) {
         $test_string .= "\n" . implode("\n", $matches[1]);
     if (empty($test_string)) {
         $test_string = $xml;
     return api_detect_encoding($test_string);
 * Sorts an array with maintaining index association, elements will be arranged from the lowest to the highest.
 * @param array $array                    The input array.
 * @param int $sort_flag (optional)        Shows how elements of the array to be compared.
 * @param string $language (optional)    The language in which comparison is to be made. If language is omitted, interface language is assumed then.
 * @param string $encoding (optional)    The used internally by this function character encoding. If it is omitted, the platform character set will be used by default.
 * @return bool                            Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on error.
 * Note: $sort_flag may have the following values:
 * SORT_REGULAR - internal PHP-rules for comparison will be applied, without preliminary changing types;
 * SORT_NUMERIC - items will be compared as numbers;
 * SORT_STRING - items will be compared as strings. If intl extension is enabled, then comparison will be language-sensitive using internally a created ICU locale;
 * SORT_LOCALE_STRING - items will be compared as strings depending on the current POSIX locale. If intl extension is enabled, then comparison will be language-sensitive using internally a created ICU locale.
 * This function is aimed at replacing the function asort() for sorting human-language strings.
 * @link
 * @link
function api_asort(&$array, $sort_flag = SORT_REGULAR, $language = null, $encoding = null)
        if (empty($encoding)) {
            $encoding = _api_mb_internal_encoding();
        $collator = _api_get_collator($language);
        if (is_object($collator)) {
            if (api_is_utf8($encoding)) {
                $sort_flag = $sort_flag == SORT_LOCALE_STRING ? SORT_STRING : $sort_flag;
                return collator_asort($collator, $array, _api_get_collator_sort_flag($sort_flag));
            } elseif ($sort_flag == SORT_STRING || $sort_flag == SORT_LOCALE_STRING) {
                global $_api_collator, $_api_encoding;
                $_api_collator = $collator;
                $_api_encoding = $encoding;
                return uasort($array, '_api_cmp');
    return asort($array, $sort_flag);
 * Splits a string by a regular expression, UTF-8 aware when it is applicable.
 * @param string $pattern				The pattern to search for, as a string.
 * @param string $subject				The input string.
 * @param int $limit (optional)			If specified, then only substrings up to $limit are returned with the rest of the string being placed in the last substring. A limit of -1, 0 or null means "no limit" and, as is standard across PHP.
 * @param int $flags (optional)			$flags can be any combination of the following flags (combined with bitwise | operator):
 * PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY - if this flag is set, only non-empty pieces will be returned;
 * PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE - if this flag is set, parenthesized expression in the delimiter pattern will be captured and returned as well;
 * PREG_SPLIT_OFFSET_CAPTURE - If this flag is set, for every occurring match the appendant string offset will also be returned.
 * Note that this changes the return value in an array where every element is an array consisting of the matched string at offset 0 and its string offset into subject at offset 1.
 * @param string $encoding (optional)	The used internally by this function character encoding. If it is omitted, the platform character set will be used by default.
 * @return array						Returns an array containing substrings of $subject split along boundaries matched by $pattern.
 * @link
function api_preg_split($pattern, $subject, $limit = -1, $flags = 0, $encoding = null)
    if (empty($encoding)) {
        $encoding = _api_mb_internal_encoding();
    return preg_split(api_is_utf8($encoding) ? $pattern . 'u' : $pattern, $subject, $limit, $flags);
Beispiel #5
 function xmddoc($strings, $charset = null, $textstring = '')
     if (empty($charset)) {
         $charset = api_get_system_encoding();
     $this->parent = array();
     $this->name = array();
     $this->ns = array();
     $this->attributes = array();
     $this->atns = array();
     $this->children = array();
     $this->error = '';
     $this->_nesting = array();
     $this->_ns = array();
     $this->_last = -1;
     $this->_nsp = array();
     foreach (explode(',', 'eb,tn,eg,ut,as,ne,jt,ne,ah,en,er') as $pfx) {
         $this->_nsp[$pfx] = '';
     if (is_array($charset)) {
         $this->names = $strings;
         $this->numbers = $charset;
         $this->textstring = $textstring;
     $this->names = array();
     // empty ns is number 0
     // This is a quick workaround.
     // The xml-parser supports only ISO-8859-1, UTF-8 and US-ASCII.
     // See
     //$xml_parser = xml_parser_create_ns($charset, ':');
     $xml_parser = xml_parser_create_ns(api_is_utf8($charset) ? 'UTF-8' : 'ISO-8859-1', ':');
     xml_set_object($xml_parser, $this);
     // instead of ...,&$this
     // See PHP manual: Passing by Reference vs. xml_set_object
     xml_set_element_handler($xml_parser, '_startElement', '_endElement');
     xml_set_character_data_handler($xml_parser, '_cData');
     xml_set_start_namespace_decl_handler($xml_parser, '_startNs');
     // xml_set_end_namespace_decl_handler($xml_parser, '_endNs');
     // xml_set_default_handler ($xml_parser, '');
     xml_parser_set_option($xml_parser, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, FALSE);
     if (!is_array($strings)) {
         $strings = array($strings);
     if (count($strings) && api_substr($strings[0], 0, 5) != '<?xml' && !xml_parse($xml_parser, '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="' . $charset . '"?>', FALSE)) {
         $this->error = 'Encoding ' . $charset . ': ' . xml_error_string(xml_get_error_code($xml_parser));
         $strings = array();
     foreach ($strings as $s) {
         if (api_substr($s, -1) != "\n") {
             $s .= "\n";
         if (!xml_parse($xml_parser, $s, FALSE)) {
             $errCode = xml_get_error_code($xml_parser);
             $this->error = 'Line ' . xml_get_current_line_number($xml_parser) . ' (c' . xml_get_current_column_number($xml_parser) . '): error ' . $errCode . '= ' . xml_error_string($errCode);
             // the error string is English...
     xml_parse($xml_parser, '', TRUE);
Beispiel #6
while ($row = @Database::fetch_array($result)) {
    $charset = $row[0];
if (empty($charset)) {
    $charset = 'UTF-8';
// Preserving the value of the global variable $charset.
$charset_initial_value = $charset;
// Initialization of the internationalization library.
// Initialization of the default encoding that will be used by the multibyte string routines in the internationalization library.
// Initialization of the database encoding to be used.
Database::query("SET SESSION character_set_server='utf8';");
Database::query("SET SESSION collation_server='utf8_general_ci';");
if (api_is_utf8($charset)) {
    // See Bug #1802: For UTF-8 systems we prefer to use "SET NAMES 'utf8'" statement in order to avoid a bizarre problem with Chinese language.
    Database::query("SET NAMES 'utf8';");
} else {
    Database::query("SET CHARACTER SET '" . Database::to_db_encoding($charset) . "';");
// Start session after the internationalization library has been initialized.
// Remove quotes added by PHP  - get_magic_quotes_gpc() is deprecated in PHP 5 see #2970
if (function_exists('get_magic_quotes_gpc') && get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
    array_walk_recursive_limited($_GET, 'stripslashes', true);
    array_walk_recursive_limited($_POST, 'stripslashes', true);
    array_walk_recursive_limited($_COOKIE, 'stripslashes', true);
    array_walk_recursive_limited($_REQUEST, 'stripslashes', true);
// access_url == 1 is the default chamilo location
 * Detects encoding of plain text.
 * @param string $string				The input text.
 * @param string $language (optional)	The language of the input text, provided if it is known.
 * @return string						Returns the detected encoding.
function api_detect_encoding($string, $language = null)
    // Testing against valid UTF-8 first.
    if (api_is_valid_utf8($string)) {
        return 'UTF-8';
    $result = null;
    $delta_points_min = LANGUAGE_DETECT_MAX_DELTA;
    // Testing non-UTF-8 encodings.
    $encodings = api_get_valid_encodings();
    foreach ($encodings as &$encoding) {
        if (api_is_encoding_supported($encoding) && !api_is_utf8($encoding)) {
            $stringToParse = api_substr($string, 0, LANGUAGE_DETECT_MAX_LENGTH, $encoding);
            $strintToParse2 = _api_generate_n_grams($stringToParse, $encoding);
            $result_array = _api_compare_n_grams($strintToParse2, $encoding);
            if (!empty($result_array)) {
                list($key, $delta_points) = each($result_array);
                if ($delta_points < $delta_points_min) {
                    $pos = strpos($key, ':');
                    $result_encoding = api_refine_encoding_id(substr($key, $pos + 1));
                    if (api_equal_encodings($encoding, $result_encoding)) {
                        if ($string == api_utf8_decode(api_utf8_encode($string, $encoding), $encoding)) {
                            $delta_points_min = $delta_points;
                            $result = $encoding;
    // "Broken" UTF-8 texts are to be detected as UTF-8.
    // This functionality is enabled when language of the text is known.
    $language = api_purify_language_id((string) $language);
    if (!empty($language)) {
        $encoding = 'UTF-8';
        $result_array =& _api_compare_n_grams(_api_generate_n_grams(api_substr($string, 0, LANGUAGE_DETECT_MAX_LENGTH, $encoding), $encoding), $encoding);
        if (!empty($result_array)) {
            list($key, $delta_points) = each($result_array);
            if ($delta_points < $delta_points_min) {
                $pos = strpos($key, ':');
                $result_encoding = api_refine_encoding_id(substr($key, $pos + 1));
                $result_language = substr($key, 0, $pos);
                if ($language == $result_language && api_is_utf8($result_encoding)) {
                    $delta_points_min = $delta_points;
                    $result = $encoding;
    return $result;