function getavatarflash($uid, $type = 'virtual', $returnhtml = 1) { $uid = intval($uid); $input = api_input("uid={$uid}"); $avatarflash = SITEURL . DIR . '/camera.swf?inajax=1&appid=1&input=' . $input . '&agent=' . md5($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) . '&ucapi=' . urlencode(str_replace('http://', '', SITEURL . DIR)) . '&avatartype=' . $type . '&uploadSize=1024'; if ($returnhtml) { return '<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase=",0,0,0" width="450" height="253" id="mycamera" align="middle"> <param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always" /> <param name="scale" value="exactfit" /> <param name="wmode" value="transparent" /> <param name="quality" value="high" /> <param name="bgcolor" value="#ffffff" /> <param name="movie" value="' . $avatarflash . '" /> <param name="menu" value="false" /> <embed src="' . $avatarflash . '" quality="high" bgcolor="#ffffff" width="450" height="253" name="mycamera" align="middle" allowScriptAccess="always" allowFullScreen="false" scale="exactfit" wmode="transparent" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="" /> </object>'; } }
public function skills() { //print_r($dB); $sql = getenv('DB_HOST'); $sql_u = getenv('DB_USERNAME'); $sql_p = getenv('DB_PASSWORD'); $db = getenv('DB_DATABASE'); $Db = new eveDb($sql, $sql_u, $sql_p, $db); $userid = 4526453; $apikey = "REcp21O2Djg2uSfv5ioLLpGuJyeVh4rxrd3sdk8V1TDGRpNSuzXTAk67gsoGh6MJ"; $chid = 93501378; $charSelect = true; //$charSelect = false; //require_once("login.php"); $_SESSION['redirect'] = "index.php"; $cookielogin = false; if (isset($_GET['newapi'])) { clear_api_cookie(); } // load variables n such - defined here temporary before being set to constants later on if (isset($_GET['usid'])) { $userid = trim($_GET['usid']); } if (isset($_GET['apik'])) { $apikey = trim($_GET['apik']); } if (isset($_GET['chid'])) { $chid = trim($_GET['chid']); } if (isset($_GET['key'])) { $short_api_key = trim($_GET['key']); } /*if (!login_load_creds($Db, (isset($userid) && isset($apikey) || isset($short_api_key)))) { // handle cookie stuff if (isset($_COOKIE["api"]) && ($_COOKIE["api"] != "") && !isset($userid) && !isset($short_api_key)) { // if a cookie was present, and we were not passed args via get, try to use what is in the cookie $login = explode(',',$_COOKIE["api"]); $cookielogin = true; if ($login[0] == "api") { $userid = trim($login[1]); $apikey = trim($login[2]); if (count($login) > 3) $chid = trim($login[3]); } else $short_api_key = trim($login[1]); $_GET['save'] = "1"; } } else $_GET['save'] = "1";*/ if (isset($short_api_key)) { // get stored apikey $charSelect = false; $ret = retrieve_api_key($Db->link, $short_api_key); if ($ret != null) { $chid = $ret["chid"]; $userid = $ret["usid"]; $apikey = $ret["apik"]; } else { unset($short_api_key); // invalid key $cookielogin = false; } } if (!isset($chid) && isset($_GET['chid'])) { $chid = trim($_GET['chid']); $charSelect = true; } define("COOKIE_LOGIN", $cookielogin); if ((!isset($apikey) || !isset($userid)) && !isset($short_api_key)) { $info = ""; if (isset($_GET['fittingid'])) { $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM " . DB_PREFIX . FITTINGS_TABLE . " WHERE keyv=\"" . mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['fittingid']) . "\"", $Db->link); if ($result != false && mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) { // yay! got a cached value $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); mysql_free_result($result); $info = "Your ability to use the fitting '{$row['name']}' ({$row['ship']}) will be shown after you log in."; } $Db->close(); } api_input($info); // die } define("USER_ID", $userid); define("API_KEY", isset($_GET['oldkey']) && $_GET['oldkey'] == "1" ? "old_{$apikey}" : $apikey); $multiplechars = false; if (strpos(API_KEY, "old_") === 0) { // old api key, must load characters and other horseshit $keyinfo = 1; $chars = $Db->fetchApiChars(USER_ID, API_KEY); if (!$chars) { fatal_error("Unable to load API. Verify the key is correct and not expired."); } $keys = array_keys($chars); define("KEY_MASK", isFullApi($Db->link, $keys[0], USER_ID, API_KEY) ? 268435455 : 8); $multiplechars = count($chars) > 1; if (!$multiplechars) { $chid = $keys[0]; } if (isset($chid)) { foreach ($chars as $ch_id => $char) { if ($ch_id == $chid) { define("CHAR_NAME", $char["name"]); } } if (!defined("CHAR_NAME")) { fatal_error("The character ID was not found on this account."); } } define("CORP_MODE", false); define("KEY_TYPE", "Account"); } else { // modern fancy ass keys //////////////////////// $keyInfo = eveApi\cache_api_retrieve($Db->link, "/account/APIKeyInfo.xml.aspx", array("keyID" => USER_ID, "vCode" => API_KEY), 5 * 60)->value; if ($keyInfo->error) { fatal_error("Unable to load API. Verify the key is correct and not expired."); } define("KEY_MASK", (double) $keyInfo->result->key["accessMask"]); $multiplechars = count($keyInfo->result->key->rowset->row) > 1; if (!$multiplechars) { $chid = (string) $keyInfo->result->key->rowset->row[0]["characterID"]; } if (isset($chid)) { $char = $keyInfo->api->xpath("//row[@characterID='{$chid}']"); if (count($char) == 0) { fatal_error("The character ID was not found on this account."); } define("CHAR_NAME", (string) $char[0]["characterName"]); } define("KEY_TYPE", (string) $keyInfo->result->key["type"]); if (KEY_TYPE == "Corporation") { define("CORP_MODE", true); define("CORP_ID", (string) $keyInfo->result->key->rowset->row[0]["corporationID"]); define("CORP_NAME", (string) $keyInfo->result->key->rowset->row[0]["corporationName"]); $multiplechars = false; } else { define("CORP_MODE", false); } } if (isset($short_api_key) && $charSelect) { $urlAuthInfo = "key={$short_api_key}&chid={$chid}"; } elseif (isset($short_api_key) && !$charSelect) { $urlAuthInfo = "key={$short_api_key}"; } else { $urlAuthInfo = (isset($chid) ? "chid={$chid}&" : "") . "usid=" . USER_ID . "&apik=" . API_KEY; } define("FULL_URL", "?" . $urlAuthInfo . (isset($_GET['save']) && $_GET['save'] == "1" ? "&save=1" : "")); /* . ((!isset($_GET['view']) && isset($_GET['fittingid'])) ? "&fittingid=$_GET[fittingid]" : "")*/ if ($multiplechars && !isset($chid)) { // must resolve a character id if (!isset($chars)) { $chars = $Db->fetchApiChars(USER_ID, API_KEY); } character_select($Db, $chars); } define("CHAR_ID", $chid); define("USER_NAME", CORP_MODE ? CORP_NAME : CHAR_NAME); // set to corp name or char name depending on key type if (!CORP_MODE && isset($_GET['save']) && $_GET['save'] == "1") { // save api key into a cookie if present if (isset($short_api_key)) { $auth = "key,{$short_api_key}"; } else { $auth = "api," . USER_ID . "," . API_KEY . "," . CHAR_ID; } setcookie("api", $auth, time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * 30); } // load pages into registered_pages (all pages),eligible_pages (supported by key type),enabled_pages require_once "audit.pages.php"; if (isset($_GET['makeshorturl'])) { $key = make_short_key($Db->link, USER_ID, API_KEY, CHAR_NAME, CHAR_ID); if ($key) { header("Location: " . SELF_URL . "key={$key}" . (isset($_GET['view']) ? "&view=" . $_GET['view'] : "")); die("<html><body><a href=\"" . SELF_URL . "key={$key}" . (isset($_GET['view']) ? "&view=" . $_GET['view'] : "") . "\">Click here to continue.</a><body></html>"); } else { fatal_error("Unable to create key.", "Please try again later.", true); } } $infobar = "<span class=\"infobar\">< "; $getpage = "none"; if (isset($_GET['view'])) { $getpage = trim($_GET['view']); if (!isset($eligible_pages[$getpage])) { $getpage = "none"; } } foreach ($eligible_pages as $name => $page) { if (isset($enabled_pages[$name])) { if ($getpage == "none") { $getpage = $name; } if ($name != $getpage) { $infobar .= "<a href=\"" . FULL_URL . "&view={$name}\">{$name}</a>"; } else { $infobar .= "<span class=\"current_page\">{$name}</span>"; } } else { $infobar .= "<span class=\"disabled_page\">{$name}</span>"; } $infobar .= " "; } if ($getpage == "none") { fatal_error("This API has no pages that the Jackknife can display."); } define("PAGE_VIEW", $getpage); $infobar .= "| "; $infobar .= "<a href=\"" . SELF_URL . "newapi\">new api</a> "; if ($multiplechars && $charSelect) { if (isset($short_api_key)) { $infobar .= "<a href=\"" . SELF_URL . "key={$short_api_key}\">char select</a> "; } else { $infobar .= "<a href=\"" . SELF_URL . "usid=" . USER_ID . "&apik=" . API_KEY . (isset($_GET['save']) && $_GET['save'] == "1" ? "&save=1" : "") . "\">char select</a> "; } } if (!isset($short_api_key)) { $infobar .= "<a href=\"" . FULL_URL . "&makeshorturl&view=" . PAGE_VIEW . "\">short url</a> "; } //$infobar.="| ".get_loginbar().get_api_bar(); $infobar .= "> <b>" . strtoupper(KEY_TYPE); $infobar .= "</b></span>"; //$infobar .=get_form_divs(); //////// FINAL OUTPUT if (PAGE_VIEW == "onepage") { insert_header("Ataglance for " . USER_NAME); echo $infobar . "<br>"; $next = 1; $time_start2 = microtime_float(); foreach ($enabled_pages as $name => $page) { if ($page == "onepage") { continue; } $error = !$page->GetOutput($Db); if ($error) { //fatal_error("API: " . $page->Output); } else { echo "<br>"; echo "<a name=\"s" . ($next - 1) . "\"></a>"; echo "<span style=\"font-size: 70%\"><a href=\"#s{$next}\">skip to next section</a></span><br>"; $next++; echo "<h2>" . ucfirst($name) . "</h2>"; if ($page->Header != "") { echo $page->Header . "<br>"; } echo $page->Output . "<hr>"; } } echo "<a name=\"s" . ($next - 1) . "\"></a>"; $time_end2 = microtime_float(); $time_exec = $time_end2 - $time_start2; echo "<br><span style=\"font-size:80%;\"><a href=\"#top\">top</a></span><br>\n"; echo "<span style=\"font-size:80%;\">"; if ($Db->queries != 0) { echo "\n" . $Db->queries . " queries<br>"; } echo "exec time: {$time_exec} s<br>"; echo "</span>"; echo "</body></html>"; } else { $page = $eligible_pages[PAGE_VIEW]; $error = ""; //print_r($page->GetOutput($Db)); //exit; $error = !$page->GetOutput($Db); echo $infobar . "<br>"; if ($error) { fatal_error("API: " . $page->Output, "", true); } else { $page->SetHeaders(); insert_header($page->Title); if ($page->Updated) { echo "<span class=\"updated_text\">" . $page->Updated . "</span><br>"; } if ($page->Header != "") { echo $page->Header . "<br>"; } else { echo "<span style=\"font-size:450%\">" . USER_NAME . "</span><br>"; } echo $page->Output . "<br>"; echo $page->Times . "<br>"; echo "</body></html>"; } } //print_r($chars); echo "FInal"; }
$chid = trim($_GET['chid']); $charSelect = true; } define("COOKIE_LOGIN", $cookielogin); if ((!isset($apikey) || !isset($userid)) && !isset($short_api_key)) { $info = ""; if (isset($_GET['fittingid'])) { $result = $Db->selectWhere(FITTINGS_TABLE, ["keyv" => $_GET['fittingid']]); if ($result != false && $result->rows) { // yay! got a cached value $row = $result->results[0]; $info = "Your ability to use the fitting '{$row['name']}' ({$row['ship']}) will be shown after you log in."; } $Db->close(); } api_input($info); // die } if (!isset($_SESSION['redFlagText'])) { $_SESSION['redFlagText'] = ""; } if (!isset($_SESSION['redFlagIds'])) { $_SESSION['redFlagIds'] = array(); } define("USER_ID", $userid); define("API_KEY", $apikey); $multiplechars = false; function canAccess($mask) { return (KEY_MASK & $mask) == $mask; }