function post_articles() { valid_authorization(); // get json object from request body $data = json_decode(urldecode(Flight::request()->getBody())); if ($data == null) { Flight::halt(403, 'Article not well formed.'); } // indicate error if (!all_in_array(Flight::get('articleAttrAccepted'), array_keys(get_object_vars($data)))) { Flight::halt(403, 'Article not well formed.'); } // ensure good associative array for insertion into database $newArticle = []; $attrAccepted = Flight::get('articleAttrAccepted'); foreach ($data as $attr => $val) { if (in_array($attr, $attrAccepted)) { if ($attr == 'tags') { $val = implode(' ', $val); } $newArticle[$attr] = $val; } } // insert article $articleId = Flight::get('db')->insert(Flight::get('dbtables')['article'], $newArticle); // indicate error if ($articleId == 0) { Flight::halt(403, 'Article cannot be added.'); } $newArticle['id'] = $articleId; Flight::halt(201, json_encode((object) $newArticle)); }
$list[$i1][3][$i2] = $fullfn; } else { echo "WARNING: could not determine real file name for plugin '$fn'<br>\n"; } } } } */ #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #-- inject values (into $list[]) imported from earlier loaded ewiki.ini if ($ini) { foreach ($list as $fid => $row) { #-- enable feature, if all requ/mentioned plugins were loaded in .ini if ($row[0] === 0 || $row[0] === 1) { $is = all_in_array($row[3], $ini["plugins"]["load"]); $list[$fid][0] = $is ? 1 : 0; } #-- set feature options if ($row[4]) { foreach ($row[4] as $oid => $opts) { $name = $opts[2]; $val = $ini["settings"][$name][0]; if (strlen($val)) { $list[$fid][4][$oid][3] = $val; } } } } } #-- compare two arrays, all elements of first must be in second