Beispiel #1
             $battle_message .= '<span class="gensmall">';
             // set new span class
             $battle_message .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;>&nbsp;' . sprintf($lang['Adr_pvp_potion_hp_dura'], $current_name, adr_get_lang($item['item_name'])) . '<br />';
             $battle_message .= '</span>';
             // reset span class to default
         // Update the database
         $check_mp = $user_id === $battle_challenger_id ? 'battle_challenger_mp' : 'battle_opponent_mp';
         $sql = "UPDATE " . ADR_BATTLE_PVP_TABLE . "\r\n  \t\t\t\tSET {$check_mp} = ({$check_mp} + {$power})\r\n  \t\t\t\tWHERE battle_id = '{$battle_id}'";
         if (!($result = $db->sql_query($sql))) {
             message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, 'Could not update battle', '', __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql);
     } else {
         if ($item['item_type_use'] == 19) {
             include_once $phpbb_root_path . '/adr/includes/adr_functions_battle_setup.' . $phpEx;
             $e_message = adr_battle_effects_initialise($user_id, $item_potion, $opponent_infos['character_name'], 1);
             // Use item
             adr_use_item($item_potion, $user_id);
             $battle_message .= $e_message;
             // Check for low dura
             if ($item['item_duration'] < '2') {
                 $battle_message .= '<span class="gensmall">';
                 // set new span class
                 $battle_message .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;>&nbsp;' . sprintf($lang['Adr_pvp_potion_hp_dura'], $current_name, adr_get_lang($item['item_name'])) . '<br />';
                 $battle_message .= '</span>';
                 // reset span class to default
     // end us 19
 } else {
function adr_potion_generic()
    global $monster, $bat, $adr_user, $opponent_element, $item, $db, $lang, $user_id, $power;
    global $challenger, $battle_message, $user_action, $monster_action, $attack_img, $attackwith_overlay;
    include_once $phpbb_root_path . '/adr/includes/adr_functions_battle_setup.' . $phpEx;
    $e_message = adr_battle_effects_initialise($user_id, $item_potion, $monster['monster_name'], 0);
    // Use item
    adr_use_item($item_potion, $user_id);
    $battle_message .= $e_message;
    // low dura message
    if ($item['item_duration'] < '2' && $power > '0') {
        $battle_message .= '</span><span class="gensmall">';
        // set new span class
        $battle_message .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;>&nbsp;' . sprintf($lang['Adr_battle_potion_mp_dura_none'], $challenger['character_name'], adr_get_lang($item['item_name']), adr_get_lang($item['item_name'])) . '<br>';
        $battle_message .= '</span><span class="genmed">';
        // reset span class to default
    //($item['item_duration'] < '2') && ($power > '0')
    // Update the database
    $sql = "UPDATE " . ADR_BATTLE_LIST_TABLE . "\n\t\tSET battle_turn = 2,\n\t\t\tbattle_round = (battle_round + 1)\n\t\tWHERE battle_challenger_id = '{$user_id}'\n\t\tAND battle_result = '0'\n\t\tAND battle_type = '1'";
    if (!($result = $db->sql_query($sql))) {
        message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, 'Could not update battle', '', __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql);
    //!($result = $db->sql_query($sql))
    // Let's sort out the potion (mp) animations...
    // Make table for start battle sequence...
    // 0 = Standing image , 1 = Attack image
    $user_action = 0;
    $monster_action = 1;
    $attack_img = $item['item_name'];
    $attackwith_overlay = file_exists("adr/images/battle/spells/" . $attack_img . ".gif") ? '<img src="adr/images/battle/spells/' . $attack_img . '.gif" width="256" height="96" border="0">' : '';
Beispiel #3
        if ($adr_general['Adr_character_limit_enable'] == '1') {
        // Fix the items ids
        $armor = intval($HTTP_POST_VARS['item_armor']);
        $buckler = intval($HTTP_POST_VARS['item_buckler']);
        $helm = intval($HTTP_POST_VARS['item_helm']);
        $greave = intval($HTTP_POST_VARS['item_greave']);
        $boot = intval($HTTP_POST_VARS['item_boot']);
        $gloves = intval($HTTP_POST_VARS['item_gloves']);
        $amulet = intval($HTTP_POST_VARS['item_amulet']);
        $ring = intval($HTTP_POST_VARS['item_ring']);
        // Battle start infos gone into adr_functions_battle_setup.php
        include_once $phpbb_root_path . '/adr/includes/adr_functions_battle_setup.' . $phpEx;
        adr_battle_equip_initialise($user_id, $armor, $buckler, $helm, $gloves, $amulet, $ring, $greave, $boot);
        adr_battle_effects_initialise($user_id, 0, '', 0);
        // V: auto-call pet
        $sql = "UPDATE " . RABBITOSHI_USERS_TABLE . "\r\n\tSET creature_invoc = 1\r\n\tWHERE owner_id = {$user_id} ";
        if (!$db->sql_query($sql)) {
            message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, '', __LINE__, __FILE__, $usql);
        // Update battle limit for user
        $sql = "UPDATE " . ADR_CHARACTERS_TABLE . "\r\n\t\tSET character_battle_limit = character_battle_limit - 1  \r\n\t\t\tWHERE character_id = {$user_id} ";
        if (!($result = $db->sql_query($sql))) {
            message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, 'Could not update battle limit', '', __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql);
        //!($result = $db->sql_query($sql))
//!(is_numeric($bat['battle_id'])) && $equip