function MetaForeignKeys($table, $owner = false, $upper = false) { $sql = "\n\t SELECT fum.ftblname AS lookup_table, split_part(fum.rf, ')'::text, 1) AS lookup_field,\n\t fum.ltable AS dep_table, split_part(fum.lf, ')'::text, 1) AS dep_field\n\t FROM (\n\t SELECT fee.ltable, fee.ftblname, fee.consrc, split_part(fee.consrc,'('::text, 2) AS lf, \n\t split_part(fee.consrc, '('::text, 3) AS rf\n\t FROM (\n\t SELECT foo.relname AS ltable, foo.ftblname,\n\t pg_get_constraintdef(foo.oid) AS consrc\n\t FROM (\n\t SELECT c.oid, c.conname AS name, t.relname, ft.relname AS ftblname\n\t FROM pg_constraint c \n\t JOIN pg_class t ON (t.oid = c.conrelid) \n\t JOIN pg_class ft ON (ft.oid = c.confrelid)\n\t JOIN pg_namespace nft ON (nft.oid = ft.relnamespace)\n\t LEFT JOIN pg_description ds ON (ds.objoid = c.oid)\n\t JOIN pg_namespace n ON (n.oid = t.relnamespace)\n\t WHERE c.contype = 'f'::\"char\"\n\t ORDER BY t.relname, n.nspname, c.conname, c.oid\n\t ) foo\n\t ) fee) fum\n\t WHERE fum.ltable='" . strtolower($table) . "'\n\t ORDER BY fum.ftblname, fum.ltable, split_part(fum.lf, ')'::text, 1)\n\t "; $rs = $this->Execute($sql); if (!$rs || $rs->EOF) { return false; } $a = array(); while (!$rs->EOF) { if ($upper) { $a[strtoupper($rs->Fields('lookup_table'))][] = strtoupper(ereg_replace('"', '', $rs->Fields('dep_field') . '=' . $rs->Fields('lookup_field'))); } else { $a[$rs->Fields('lookup_table')][] = ereg_replace('"', '', $rs->Fields('dep_field') . '=' . $rs->Fields('lookup_field')); } adodb_movenext($rs); } return $a; }
/** * Random access to a specific row in the recordset. Some databases do not support * access to previous rows in the databases (no scrolling backwards). * * @param rowNumber is the row to move to (0-based) * * @return true if there still rows available, or false if there are no more rows (EOF). */ function Move($rowNumber = 0) { $this->EOF = false; if ($rowNumber == $this->_currentRow) { return true; } if ($rowNumber >= $this->_numOfRows) { if ($this->_numOfRows != -1) { $rowNumber = $this->_numOfRows - 2; } } if ($this->canSeek) { if ($this->_seek($rowNumber)) { $this->_currentRow = $rowNumber; if ($this->_fetch()) { return true; } } else { $this->EOF = true; return false; } } else { if ($rowNumber < $this->_currentRow) { return false; } global $ADODB_EXTENSION; if ($ADODB_EXTENSION) { while (!$this->EOF && $this->_currentRow < $rowNumber) { adodb_movenext($this); } } else { while (!$this->EOF && $this->_currentRow < $rowNumber) { $this->_currentRow++; if (!$this->_fetch()) { $this->EOF = true; } } } return !$this->EOF; } $this->fields = false; $this->EOF = true; return false; }
function _adodb_getcount(&$zthis, $sql, $inputarr = false, $secs2cache = 0) { $qryRecs = 0; if (!empty($zthis->_nestedSQL) || preg_match("/^\\s*SELECT\\s+DISTINCT/is", $sql) || preg_match('/\\s+GROUP\\s+BY\\s+/is', $sql) || preg_match('/\\s+UNION\\s+/is', $sql)) { $rewritesql = adodb_strip_order_by($sql); // ok, has SELECT DISTINCT or GROUP BY so see if we can use a table alias // but this is only supported by oracle and postgresql... if ($zthis->dataProvider == 'oci8') { // Allow Oracle hints to be used for query optimization, Chris Wrye if (preg_match('#/\\*+.*?\\*\\/#', $sql, $hint)) { $rewritesql = "SELECT " . $hint[0] . " COUNT(*) FROM (" . $rewritesql . ")"; } else { $rewritesql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (" . $rewritesql . ")"; } } else { if (strncmp($zthis->databaseType, 'postgres', 8) == 0 || strncmp($zthis->databaseType, 'mysql', 5) == 0) { $rewritesql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ({$rewritesql}) _ADODB_ALIAS_"; } else { $rewritesql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ({$rewritesql})"; } } } else { // now replace SELECT ... FROM with SELECT COUNT(*) FROM if (strpos($sql, '_ADODB_COUNT') !== FALSE) { $rewritesql = preg_replace('/^\\s*?SELECT\\s+_ADODB_COUNT(.*)_ADODB_COUNT\\s/is', 'SELECT COUNT(*) ', $sql); } else { $rewritesql = preg_replace('/^\\s*?SELECT\\s.*?\\s+(.*?)\\s+FROM\\s/is', 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ', $sql); } // fix by alexander zhukov,, because count(*) and 'order by' fails // with mssql, access and postgresql. Also a good speedup optimization - skips sorting! // also see $rewritesql = adodb_strip_order_by($rewritesql); } if (isset($rewritesql) && $rewritesql != $sql) { if (preg_match('/\\sLIMIT\\s+[0-9]+/i', $sql, $limitarr)) { $rewritesql .= $limitarr[0]; } if ($secs2cache) { // we only use half the time of secs2cache because the count can quickly // become inaccurate if new records are added $qryRecs = $zthis->CacheGetOne($secs2cache / 2, $rewritesql, $inputarr); } else { $qryRecs = $zthis->GetOne($rewritesql, $inputarr); } if ($qryRecs !== false) { return $qryRecs; } } //-------------------------------------------- // query rewrite failed - so try slower way... // strip off unneeded ORDER BY if no UNION if (preg_match('/\\s*UNION\\s*/is', $sql)) { $rewritesql = $sql; } else { $rewritesql = $rewritesql = adodb_strip_order_by($sql); } if (preg_match('/\\sLIMIT\\s+[0-9]+/i', $sql, $limitarr)) { $rewritesql .= $limitarr[0]; } if ($secs2cache) { $rstest = $zthis->CacheExecute($secs2cache, $rewritesql, $inputarr); if (!$rstest) { $rstest = $zthis->CacheExecute($secs2cache, $sql, $inputarr); } } else { $rstest = $zthis->Execute($rewritesql, $inputarr); if (!$rstest) { $rstest = $zthis->Execute($sql, $inputarr); } } if ($rstest) { $qryRecs = $rstest->RecordCount(); if ($qryRecs == -1) { global $ADODB_EXTENSION; // some databases will return -1 on MoveLast() - change to MoveNext() if ($ADODB_EXTENSION) { while (!$rstest->EOF) { adodb_movenext($rstest); } } else { while (!$rstest->EOF) { $rstest->MoveNext(); } } $qryRecs = $rstest->_currentRow; } $rstest->Close(); if ($qryRecs == -1) { return 0; } } return $qryRecs; }
function MoveNext() { return adodb_movenext($this); }
function _adodb_getcount(&$zthis, $sql, $inputarr = false, $secs2cache = 0) { $qryRecs = 0; if (preg_match("/^\\s*SELECT\\s+DISTINCT/is", $sql) || preg_match('/\\s+GROUP\\s+BY\\s+/is', $sql)) { // ok, has SELECT DISTINCT or GROUP BY so see if we can use a table alias // but this is only supported by oracle and postgresql... if ($zthis->dataProvider == 'oci8') { $rewritesql = preg_replace('/(\\sORDER\\s+BY\\s.*)/is', '', $sql); $rewritesql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ({$rewritesql})"; } else { if ($zthis->databaseType == 'postgres' || $zthis->databaseType == 'postgres7') { $info = $zthis->ServerInfo(); if (substr($info['version'], 0, 3) >= 7.1) { // good till version 999 $rewritesql = preg_replace('/(\\sORDER\\s+BY\\s.*)/is', '', $sql); $rewritesql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ({$rewritesql}) _ADODB_ALIAS_"; } } } } else { // now replace SELECT ... FROM with SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $rewritesql = preg_replace('/^\\s*SELECT\\s.*\\s+FROM\\s/Uis', 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ', $sql); // fix by alexander zhukov,, because count(*) and 'order by' fails // with mssql, access and postgresql. Also a good speedup optimization - skips sorting! $rewritesql = preg_replace('/(\\sORDER\\s+BY\\s.*)/is', '', $rewritesql); } if (isset($rewritesql) && $rewritesql != $sql) { if ($secs2cache) { // we only use half the time of secs2cache because the count can quickly // become inaccurate if new records are added $qryRecs = $zthis->CacheGetOne($secs2cache / 2, $rewritesql, $inputarr); } else { $qryRecs = $zthis->GetOne($rewritesql, $inputarr); } if ($qryRecs !== false) { return $qryRecs; } } //-------------------------------------------- // query rewrite failed - so try slower way... // strip off unneeded ORDER BY if no UNION if (preg_match('/\\s*UNION\\s*/is', $sql)) { $rewritesql = $sql; } else { $rewritesql = preg_replace('/(\\sORDER\\s+BY\\s.*)/is', '', $sql); } $rstest =& $zthis->Execute($rewritesql, $inputarr); if ($rstest) { $qryRecs = $rstest->RecordCount(); if ($qryRecs == -1) { global $ADODB_EXTENSION; // some databases will return -1 on MoveLast() - change to MoveNext() if ($ADODB_EXTENSION) { while (!$rstest->EOF) { adodb_movenext($rstest); } } else { while (!$rstest->EOF) { $rstest->MoveNext(); } } $qryRecs = $rstest->_currentRow; } $rstest->Close(); if ($qryRecs == -1) { return 0; } } return $qryRecs; }
<?php dl(''); include_once 'phplens/adodb/'; $db = ADONewConnection('mysql'); $server = 'jaguar'; $user = '******'; $password = $_GET['pwd']; $database = 'northwind'; $db->Connect($server, $user, $pwd, $database); $rs = $db->Execute('select productname,unitsinstock from products'); while (!$rs->EOF) { print_r($rs->fields); print HTML_BR; adodb_movenext($rs); ## ADODB extension function } $rs->Close(); echo '<hr/>'; $rs = $db->Execute("select productname, unitsinstock from products where productid < 5"); $arr = adodb_getall($rs); ## ADOdb extension function echo '<pre>'; print_r($arr); echo '</pre>';
public function MoveNext() { return @adodb_movenext($this); }