function dumpTable($table, $style, $is_view = false)
     if ($_POST["format"] == "sql_alter") {
         $create = create_sql($table, $_POST["auto_increment"]);
         if ($is_view) {
             echo substr_replace($create, " OR REPLACE", 6, 0) . ";\n\n";
         } else {
             echo substr_replace($create, " IF NOT EXISTS", 12, 0) . ";\n\n";
             // create procedure which iterates over original columns and adds new and removes old
             echo "DELIMITER ;;\nCREATE PROCEDURE adminer_alter (INOUT alter_command text) BEGIN\n\tDECLARE _column_name, _collation_name, after varchar(64) DEFAULT '';\n\tDECLARE _column_type, _column_default text;\n\tDECLARE _is_nullable char(3);\n\tDECLARE _extra varchar(30);\n\tDECLARE _column_comment varchar(255);\n\tDECLARE done, set_after bool DEFAULT 0;\n\tDECLARE add_columns text DEFAULT '";
             $fields = array();
             $after = "";
             foreach (get_rows($query) as $row) {
                 $default = $row["COLUMN_DEFAULT"];
                 $row["default"] = $default !== null ? q($default) : "NULL";
                 $row["after"] = q($after);
                 //! rgt AFTER lft, lft AFTER id doesn't work
                 $row["alter"] = escape_string(idf_escape($row["COLUMN_NAME"]) . " {$row['COLUMN_TYPE']}" . ($row["COLLATION_NAME"] ? " COLLATE {$row['COLLATION_NAME']}" : "") . ($default !== null ? " DEFAULT " . ($default == "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP" ? $default : $row["default"]) : "") . ($row["IS_NULLABLE"] == "YES" ? "" : " NOT NULL") . ($row["EXTRA"] ? " {$row['EXTRA']}" : "") . ($row["COLUMN_COMMENT"] ? " COMMENT " . q($row["COLUMN_COMMENT"]) : "") . ($after ? " AFTER " . idf_escape($after) : " FIRST"));
                 echo ", ADD {$row['alter']}";
                 $fields[] = $row;
                 $after = $row["COLUMN_NAME"];
             echo "';\n\tDECLARE columns CURSOR FOR {$query};\n\tDECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR NOT FOUND SET done = 1;\n\tSET @alter_table = '';\n\tOPEN columns;\n\tREPEAT\n\t\tFETCH columns INTO _column_name, _column_default, _is_nullable, _collation_name, _column_type, _extra, _column_comment;\n\t\tIF NOT done THEN\n\t\t\tSET set_after = 1;\n\t\t\tCASE _column_name";
             foreach ($fields as $row) {
                 echo "\n\t\t\t\tWHEN " . q($row["COLUMN_NAME"]) . " THEN\n\t\t\t\t\tSET add_columns = REPLACE(add_columns, ', ADD {$row['alter']}', IF(\n\t\t\t\t\t\t_column_default <=> {$row['default']} AND _is_nullable = '{$row['IS_NULLABLE']}' AND _collation_name <=> " . (isset($row["COLLATION_NAME"]) ? "'{$row['COLLATION_NAME']}'" : "NULL") . " AND _column_type = " . q($row["COLUMN_TYPE"]) . " AND _extra = '{$row['EXTRA']}' AND _column_comment = " . q($row["COLUMN_COMMENT"]) . " AND after = {$row['after']}\n\t\t\t\t\t, '', ', MODIFY {$row['alter']}'));";
                 //! don't replace in comment
             echo "\n\t\t\t\tELSE\n\t\t\t\t\tSET @alter_table = CONCAT(@alter_table, ', DROP ', '`', REPLACE(_column_name, '`', '``'), '`');\n\t\t\t\t\tSET set_after = 0;\n\t\t\tEND CASE;\n\t\t\tIF set_after THEN\n\t\t\t\tSET after = _column_name;\n\t\t\tEND IF;\n\t\tEND IF;\n\tUNTIL done END REPEAT;\n\tCLOSE columns;\n\tIF @alter_table != '' OR add_columns != '' THEN\n\t\tSET alter_command = CONCAT(alter_command, 'ALTER TABLE " . adminer_table($table) . "', SUBSTR(CONCAT(add_columns, @alter_table), 2), ';\\n');\n\tEND IF;\nEND;;\nDELIMITER ;\nCALL adminer_alter(@adminer_alter);\nDROP PROCEDURE adminer_alter;\n\n";
             //! indexes
         return true;
 function editInput($table, $field, $attrs, $value)
     static $foreignTables = array();
     static $values = array();
     $foreignKeys =& $foreignTables[$table];
     if ($foreignKeys === null) {
         $foreignKeys = column_foreign_keys($table);
     foreach ((array) $foreignKeys[$field["field"]] as $foreignKey) {
         if (count($foreignKey["source"]) == 1) {
             $target = $foreignKey["table"];
             $id = $foreignKey["target"][0];
             $options =& $values[$target][$id];
             if (!$options) {
                 $options = array("" => "") + get_vals("SELECT " . idf_escape($id) . " FROM " . adminer_table($target) . " ORDER BY 1");
                 if ($this->_limit && count($options) - 1 > $this->_limit) {
             return "<select{$attrs}>" . optionlist($options, $value) . "</select>";
 /** Insert data into table
  * @param string
  * @param array escaped columns in keys, quoted data in values
  * @return bool
 function insert($table, $set)
     return queries("INSERT INTO " . adminer_table($table) . ($set ? " (" . implode(", ", array_keys($set)) . ")\nVALUES (" . implode(", ", $set) . ")" : " DEFAULT VALUES"));
Beispiel #4
/** Format foreign key to use in SQL query
* @param array ("table" => string, "source" => array, "target" => array, "on_delete" => one of $on_actions, "on_update" => one of $on_actions)
* @return string
function format_foreign_key($foreign_key)
    global $on_actions;
    return " FOREIGN KEY (" . implode(", ", array_map('idf_escape', $foreign_key["source"])) . ") REFERENCES " . adminer_table($foreign_key["table"]) . " (" . implode(", ", array_map('idf_escape', $foreign_key["target"])) . ")" . (preg_match("~^({$on_actions})\$~", $foreign_key["on_delete"]) ? " ON DELETE {$foreign_key['on_delete']}" : "") . (preg_match("~^({$on_actions})\$~", $foreign_key["on_update"]) ? " ON UPDATE {$foreign_key['on_update']}" : "");
Beispiel #5
 function _extractIds($table, $queryWhere, $limit)
     $return = array();
     if (preg_match_all("~itemName\\(\\) = (('[^']*+')+)~", $queryWhere, $matches)) {
         $return = array_map('idf_unescape', $matches[1]);
     } else {
         foreach (sdb_request_all('Select', 'Item', array('SelectExpression' => 'SELECT itemName() FROM ' . adminer_table($table) . $queryWhere . ($limit ? " LIMIT 1" : ""))) as $item) {
             $return[] = $item->Name;
     return $return;
Beispiel #6
 // edit
 $result = true;
 $affected = 0;
 $set = array();
 if (!$_POST["delete"]) {
     foreach ($columns as $name => $val) {
         //! should check also for edit or insert privileges
         $val = process_input($fields[$name]);
         if ($val !== null && ($_POST["clone"] || $val !== false)) {
             $set[idf_escape($name)] = $val !== false ? $val : idf_escape($name);
 if ($_POST["delete"] || $set) {
     if ($_POST["clone"]) {
         $query = "INTO " . adminer_table($TABLE) . " (" . implode(", ", array_keys($set)) . ")\nSELECT " . implode(", ", $set) . "\nFROM " . adminer_table($TABLE);
     if ($_POST["all"] || $unselected === array() && is_array($_POST["check"]) || $is_group) {
         $result = $_POST["delete"] ? $driver->delete($TABLE, $where_check) : ($_POST["clone"] ? queries("INSERT {$query}{$where_check}") : $driver->update($TABLE, $set, $where_check));
         $affected = $connection->affected_rows;
     } else {
         foreach ((array) $_POST["check"] as $val) {
             // where is not unique so OR can't be used
             $where2 = "\nWHERE " . ($where ? implode(" AND ", $where) . " AND " : "") . where_check($val, $fields);
             $result = $_POST["delete"] ? $driver->delete($TABLE, $where2, 1) : ($_POST["clone"] ? queries("INSERT" . limit1($query, $where2)) : $driver->update($TABLE, $set, $where2));
             if (!$result) {
             $affected += $connection->affected_rows;
    $location = ME . "table=" . urlencode($name);
    $message = lang('View has been altered.');
    if ($_GET["materialized"]) {
        $type = "MATERIALIZED VIEW";
    } else {
        $type = "VIEW";
        if ($jush == "pgsql") {
            $status = table_status($name);
            $type = $status ? strtoupper($status["Engine"]) : $type;
    if (!$_POST["drop"] && $TABLE == $name && $jush != "sqlite" && $type != "MATERIALIZED VIEW") {
        query_adminer_redirect(($jush == "mssql" ? "ALTER" : "CREATE OR REPLACE") . " VIEW " . adminer_table($name) . $as, $location, $message);
    } else {
        $temp_name = $name . "_adminer_" . uniqid();
        drop_create("DROP {$type} " . adminer_table($TABLE), "CREATE {$type} " . adminer_table($name) . $as, "DROP {$type} " . adminer_table($name), "CREATE {$type} " . adminer_table($temp_name) . $as, "DROP {$type} " . adminer_table($temp_name), $_POST["drop"] ? substr(ME, 0, -1) : $location, lang('View has been dropped.'), $message, lang('View has been created.'), $TABLE, $name);
if (!$_POST && $TABLE != "") {
    $row = view($TABLE);
    $row["name"] = $TABLE;
    if (!$error) {
        $error = error();
page_header($TABLE != "" ? lang('Alter view') : lang('Create view'), $error, array("table" => $TABLE), h($TABLE));

<form action="" method="post">
echo lang('Name');
Beispiel #8
 if ($_POST["table_style"] || $_POST["data_style"]) {
     $views = array();
     foreach (table_status('', true) as $name => $table_status) {
         $table = DB == "" || in_array($name, (array) $_POST["tables"]);
         $data = DB == "" || in_array($name, (array) $_POST["data"]);
         if ($table || $data) {
             if ($ext == "tar") {
                 $tmp_file = new TmpFile();
                 ob_start(array($tmp_file, 'write'), 100000.0);
             $adminer->dumpTable($name, $table ? $_POST["table_style"] : "", is_view($table_status) ? 2 : 0);
             if (is_view($table_status)) {
                 $views[] = $name;
             } elseif ($data) {
                 $fields = fields($name);
                 $adminer->dumpData($name, $_POST["data_style"], "SELECT *" . convert_fields($fields, $fields) . " FROM " . adminer_table($name));
             if ($is_sql && $_POST["triggers"] && $table && ($triggers = trigger_sql($name, $_POST["table_style"]))) {
                 echo "\nDELIMITER ;;\n{$triggers}\nDELIMITER ;\n";
             if ($ext == "tar") {
                 tar_file((DB != "" ? "" : "{$db}/") . "{$name}.csv", $tmp_file);
             } elseif ($is_sql) {
                 echo "\n";
     foreach ($views as $view) {
         $adminer->dumpTable($view, $_POST["table_style"], 1);

$TABLE = $_GET["trigger"];
$name = $_GET["name"];
$trigger_options = trigger_options();
$row = (array) trigger($name) + array("Trigger" => $TABLE . "_bi");
if ($_POST) {
    if (!$error && in_array($_POST["Timing"], $trigger_options["Timing"]) && in_array($_POST["Event"], $trigger_options["Event"]) && in_array($_POST["Type"], $trigger_options["Type"])) {
        // don't use drop_create() because there may not be more triggers for the same action
        $on = " ON " . adminer_table($TABLE);
        $drop = "DROP TRIGGER " . idf_escape($name) . ($jush == "pgsql" ? $on : "");
        $location = ME . "table=" . urlencode($TABLE);
        if ($_POST["drop"]) {
            query_adminer_redirect($drop, $location, lang('Trigger has been dropped.'));
        } else {
            if ($name != "") {
            queries_adminer_redirect($location, $name != "" ? lang('Trigger has been altered.') : lang('Trigger has been created.'), queries(create_trigger($on, $_POST)));
            if ($name != "") {
                queries(create_trigger($on, $row + array("Type" => reset($trigger_options["Type"]))));
    $row = $_POST;
page_header($name != "" ? lang('Alter trigger') . ": " . h($name) : lang('Create trigger'), $error, array("table" => $TABLE));

<form action="" method="post" id="form">
<table cellspacing="0">
$row = $_POST;
if ($_POST && !$error && !$_POST["add"] && !$_POST["change"] && !$_POST["change-js"]) {
    $message = $_POST["drop"] ? lang('Foreign key has been dropped.') : ($name != "" ? lang('Foreign key has been altered.') : lang('Foreign key has been created.'));
    $location = ME . "table=" . urlencode($TABLE);
    $row["source"] = array_filter($row["source"], 'strlen');
    // enforce input order
    $target = array();
    foreach ($row["source"] as $key => $val) {
        $target[$key] = $row["target"][$key];
    $row["target"] = $target;
    if ($jush == "sqlite") {
        queries_adminer_redirect($location, $message, recreate_table($TABLE, $TABLE, array(), array(), array(" {$name}" => $_POST["drop"] ? "" : " " . format_foreign_key($row))));
    } else {
        $alter = "ALTER TABLE " . adminer_table($TABLE);
        $drop = "\nDROP " . ($jush == "sql" ? "FOREIGN KEY " : "CONSTRAINT ") . idf_escape($name);
        if ($_POST["drop"]) {
            query_adminer_redirect($alter . $drop, $location, $message);
        } else {
            query_adminer_redirect($alter . ($name != "" ? "{$drop}," : "") . "\nADD" . format_foreign_key($row), $location, $message);
            $error = lang('Source and target columns must have the same data type, there must be an index on the target columns and referenced data must exist.') . "<br>{$error}";
            //! no partitioning
page_header(lang('Foreign key'), $error, array("table" => $TABLE), h($TABLE));
if ($_POST) {
    if ($_POST["add"]) {
        $row["source"][] = "";