function setUp() { parent::setUp(); require_code('menus2'); $this->menu_id = add_menu_item('Test', 1, NULL, 'testing menu', '', 1, 'downloads', 0, 1, 'testing'); // Test the forum was actually created $this->assertTrue('Test' == $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_value('menu_items', 'i_menu', array('id' => $this->menu_id))); }
function xml_to_menu($menu_name, $menus_xml) { $html = ""; $html .= "<hr style=\"clear: both;\"/>"; $html .= "<ul class=\"Smaller_Left_Padding Smaller_Top_Margin\">"; foreach ($menus_xml->{$menu_name}->children() as $key => $value) { $html .= add_menu_item($value) . "\n"; } $html .= "</ul>"; return $html; }
function modgearmanxi_component_addmenu($arg = null) { global $modgearmanxi_component_name; $urlbase = get_component_url_base($modgearmanxi_component_name); $mi = find_menu_item(MENU_ADMIN, "menu-admin-managesystemconfig", "id"); if ($mi == null) { return; } $order = grab_array_var($mi, "order", ""); if ($order == "") { return; } $neworder = $order + 1; add_menu_item(MENU_ADMIN, array("type" => "link", "title" => "ModGearman XI Manager", "id" => "menu-admin-modgearmanxi", "order" => $neworder, "opts" => array("href" => $urlbase . "/modgearmanxi.php"))); }
function bpi_component_addmenu($arg = null) { global $bpi_component_name; $urlbase = get_component_url_base($bpi_component_name); $mi = find_menu_item(MENU_HOME, "menu-home-servicegroupgrid", "id"); if ($mi == null) { return; } $order = grab_array_var($mi, "order", ""); if ($order == "") { return; } $neworder = $order + 0.1; add_menu_item(MENU_HOME, array("type" => "linkspacer", "title" => "", "id" => "menu-home-bpa_spacer", "order" => $neworder, "opts" => array())); $neworder = $neworder + 0.1; add_menu_item(MENU_HOME, array("type" => "link", "title" => "Nagios BPI", "id" => "menu-home-bpi", "order" => $neworder, "opts" => array("href" => $urlbase . "/index.php"))); }
function add_menu_items($name, $items) { if (is_array($items)) { foreach ($items as $item) { add_menu_item($name, $item); } } }
/** * Setting other things */ function setting_other_things() { global $userquery, $Cbucket; // Search type if (isSectionEnabled('photos')) { $Cbucket->search_types['photos'] = "cbphoto"; } // My account links $accountLinks = array(); $accountLinks = array(lang('manage_photos') => "manage_photos.php", lang('manage_favorite_photos') => "manage_photos.php?mode=favorite", lang('Manage Avatars') => "manage_photos.php?mode=avatars", lang('manage_my_album') => "manage_photos.php?mode=my_album"); if (isSectionEnabled('photos')) { $userquery->user_account[lang('Photos')] = $accountLinks; } //Setting Cbucket links $Cbucket->links['photos'] = array('photos.php', 'photos/'); $Cbucket->links['manage_photos'] = array('manage_photos.php', 'manage_photos.php'); $Cbucket->links['edit_photo'] = array('edit_photo.php?photo=', 'edit_photo.php?photo='); $Cbucket->links['photo_upload'] = array('photo_upload.php', 'photo_upload'); $Cbucket->links['manage_favorite_photos'] = array('manage_photos.php?mode=favorite', 'manage_photos.php?mode=favorite'); $Cbucket->links['manage_orphan_photos'] = array('manage_photos.php?mode=orphan', 'manage_photos.php?mode=orphan'); $Cbucket->links['user_photos'] = array('user_content.php?object_group=content&object=photos&user='******'user_content.php?object_group=content&object=photos&user='******'user_fav_photos'] = array('user_content.php?object_group=content&object=photos&content_type=favorite&user='******'user_content.php?object_group=content&object=photos&content_type=favorite&user='******'navigation', lang('Photos'), cblink(array("name" => "photos")), "photos", "icon-picture icon-white"); // Adding photo upload options register_upload_option(array('object' => 'photos', 'title' => lang('Upload from computer'), 'description' => lang('Upload photos from your computer. Supported formats are <i>' . implode(', ', $this->exts) . '</i>'), 'function' => 'load_photo_plupload_block')); $plupload_js_files = array(MODULES_URL . '/uploader/plupload/plupload.js', MODULES_URL . '/uploader/plupload/plupload.html5.js', MODULES_URL . '/uploader/plupload/plupload.flash.js'); add_js($plupload_js_files, 'photo_upload'); }
/** * Add a menu item, without giving tedious/unnecessary detail. * * @param SHORT_TEXT The name of the menu to add the item to. * @param ?mixed The menu item ID of the parent branch of the menu item (AUTO_LINK) / the URL of something else on the same menu (URLPATH) (NULL: is on root). * @param SHORT_TEXT The caption. * @param SHORT_TEXT The URL (in entry point form). * @param BINARY Whether it is an expanded branch. * @param BINARY Whether people who may not view the entry point do not see the link. * @param boolean Whether the caption is a language code. * @param SHORT_TEXT The tooltip (blank: none). * @param BINARY Whether the link will open in a new window. * @return AUTO_LINK The ID of the newly added menu item. */ function add_menu_item_simple($menu, $parent, $caption, $url = '', $expanded = 0, $check_permissions = 0, $dereference_caption = true, $caption_long = '', $new_window = 0) { global $ADD_MENU_COUNTER; $id = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_value_null_ok('menu_items', 'id', array('i_url' => $url, 'i_menu' => $menu)); if (!is_null($id)) { return $id; } // Already exists if (is_string($parent)) { $parent = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_value_null_ok('menu_items', 'i_parent', array('i_url' => $parent)); } $_caption = strpos($caption, ':') === false ? do_lang($caption, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, false) : NULL; if (is_null($_caption)) { $_caption = $caption; } $id = add_menu_item($menu, $ADD_MENU_COUNTER, $parent, $dereference_caption ? $_caption : $caption, $url, $check_permissions, '', $expanded, $new_window, $caption_long); $ADD_MENU_COUNTER++; return $id; }