<td>' . $image['lastviewed'] . '</td> <td>' . $image['gallery'] . '</td> <td>' . $image['hotlink'] . '</td> <td' . $bandwidthStyle . '>' . format_size($image['bandwidth']) . '</td> <td>' . (array_key_exists('private', $image) && $image['private'] ? 'Yes' : 'No') . '</td> </tr>'; } } else { //make image list $list_item = '<tr class="odd"><td colspan="10"><h1>No Images Found</h1></td></tr>'; $pagination = ''; } // set any header hooks add_code_line('admin-footer', '<script type= "text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { removeImageFromList(this); }); </script>'); // page settings $page['id'] = 'images'; $page['title'] = _T("admin_menu_image_list"); $page['description'] = ''; $page['tipsy'] = true; $page['lightbox'] = true; require CFADMINPATH . 'admin_page_header.php'; ?> <!-- admin image list --> <div class="ibox full"> <h2><?php echo _T("admin_menu_image_list"); ?>
* * You should have received a full copy of the LICENSE AGREEMENT along with * Codefuture Image Hosting Script. If not, see http://codefuture.co.uk/projects/imagehost/license/. * * * ABOUT THIS PAGE ----- * Used For: Web site Footer * Last edited: 19/12/2012 * *************************************************************************************************************/ if (isset($pageSet['image_widgit']) && $pageSet['image_widgit'] && isset($settings['SET_IMAGE_WIDGIT']) && $settings['SET_IMAGE_WIDGIT']) { add_code_line('footer', '<script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $(\'#ImageWidget\').fadeOut(\'slow\', function(){ $(\'#ImageWidget\').load("' . $settings['SET_SITEURL'] . 'cfajax.php",{widgit: 25}, function(){ $(\'#ImageWidget\').fadeIn(\'slow\'); }); }); }); </script>'); echo '<div id="ImageWidget" class="boxpanel"></div>'; } ?> <div class="clear_both"></div> <?php get_ad('footer', 'footer_ad'); ?> </div> <div id="footer"> <p><?php get_site('copyright');
* * You may not modify and/or remove any copyright notices or labels on the software on each * page (unless full license is purchase) and in the header of each script source file. * * You should have received a full copy of the LICENSE AGREEMENT along with * Codefuture Image Hosting Script. If not, see http://codefuture.co.uk/projects/imagehost/license/. * * * ABOUT THIS PAGE ----- * Used For: Web site Header * Last edited: 19/12/2012 * *************************************************************************************************************/ // check if admin is login if ($checklogin = checklogin()) { add_code_line('header', '<link rel="stylesheet" href="' . $settings['SET_SITEURL'] . '/css/adminbar.css" type="text/css" />'); $adminMenu = '<div id="admin_bar"> <div class="title">Admin Menu</div> <ul class="nav"> <li><a href="' . $settings['SET_SITEURL'] . '/admin.php?act=logout" title="' . _T("admin_menu_logout") . '">' . _T("admin_menu_logout") . '</a></li> <li><a href="' . $settings['SET_SITEURL'] . '/admin.php?act=set" title="' . _T("admin_menu_settings") . '">' . _T("admin_menu_settings") . '</a></li> <li><a href="' . $settings['SET_SITEURL'] . '/admin.php?act=ban" title="' . _T("admin_menu_banned") . '">' . _T("admin_menu_banned") . '</a></li> <li><a href="' . $settings['SET_SITEURL'] . '/admin.php?act=db" title="' . _T("admin_menu_database") . '">' . _T("admin_menu_database") . '</a></li> <li><a href="' . $settings['SET_SITEURL'] . '/admin.php?act=images" title="' . _T("admin_menu_image_list") . '">' . _T("admin_menu_image_list") . '</a></li> <li><a href="' . $settings['SET_SITEURL'] . '/admin.php" title="' . _T("admin_menu_home") . '">' . _T("admin_menu_home") . '</a></li> </ul> </div>'; } // 404 page error if (isset($_GET['err'])) { $page_error = error_header($_GET['err']);
header('Location: thumbnail.php'); exit; } // DELETE IMAGE removeImage(); // header page var $pageSet['id'] = 'home'; $pageSet['title'] = ' - ' . $settings['SET_SLOGAN']; $pageSet['description'] = 'Free Image Hosting, Just upload your image and share them around the web'; $pageSet['keywords'] = 'images, photos, image hosting, photo hosting, free image hosting'; $pageSet['image_widgit'] = true; // set any header hooks add_code_line('header', '<script type= "text/javascript"> var extArray = new Array("' . implode('","', $imgFormats) . '"); var js_text = { t101:"Please only upload files that end in types: ' . implode(", ", $imgFormats) . '\\nPlease select a new image to upload and submit again.", t103:' . ($settings['SET_MAX_UPLOAD'] < 1 ? 1 : $settings['SET_MAX_UPLOAD']) . ' } </script>'); // load header require CFROOTPATH . 'header.php'; //home page (upload) variables $homeVar['inactive_files'] = $settings['SET_AUTO_DELETED'] ? _T("site_index_auto_deleted", $settings['SET_AUTO_DELETED_TIME']) . '<br />' : ''; $homeVar['hot_linking_limit'] = $settings['SET_MAX_BANDWIDTH'] ? '<b>' . _T("site_index_max_bandwidth") . ':</b> ' . format_size(1048576 * $settings['SET_MAX_BANDWIDTH']) . ' ' . _T("site_index_max_bandwidth_per") . ($settings['SET_AUTO_DELETED_JUMP'] == 'm' ? _T("site_index_max_bandwidth_per_month") : _T("site_index_max_bandwidth_per_week")) . '<br />' : ''; $homeVar['max_upload'] = $settings['SET_MAX_UPLOAD'] ? '<div class="Upload_Multiple"><span>' . _T("site_index_max_upload") . ' </span><a href="#" class="add_another_file_input"></a><small>(' . _T("site_index_max_upload_max") . ' ' . $settings['SET_MAX_UPLOAD'] . ')</small></div>' : ''; $homeVar['hide_tos'] = $settings['SET_HIDE_TOS'] ? '<p>' . _T("site_index_tos_des", '<a href="tos.php" title="' . _T("site_menu_tos") . '">' . _T("site_menu_tos") . '</a>') . '</p>' : ''; $homeVar['private_img'] = $settings['SET_PRIVATE_IMG_ON'] ? '<input id="private" name="private[0]" value="1" type="checkbox" /> <label for="private">' . _T("site_index_private_img") . '</label><br/>' : ''; $homeVar['short_url'] = $settings['SET_SHORT_URL_ON'] ? '<input id="shorturl" name="shorturl[0]" value="1" type="checkbox" /> <label for="shorturl">' . _T("site_index_short_url") . ' ' . $settings['SET_SHORT_URL_API'] . '</label><br/>' : ''; $homeVar['resize_img'] = $settings['SET_RESIZE_IMG_ON'] ? '<span class="title">' . _T("site_index_resize_title") . ':</span> <label for="new_height">' . _T("site_index_resize_height") . '</label> <input type="text" maxlength="4" size="4" class="text_input" id="new_height" name="new_height[]"><br/><label for="new_width">' . _T("site_index_resize_width") . '</label> <input type="text" maxlength="4" size="4" class="text_input" id="new_width" name="new_width[]"><span class="small">' . _T("site_index_resize_des") . '</span>' : ''; ?> <div class="contentBox">
if ($act == "report" && cl($_GET['id']) != '') { if (db_remove_from_report(cl($_GET['id']))) { user_feedback('success', _T("admin_home_report_remove_suc"), 'image_report_remove'); } else { user_feedback('error', _T("admin_home_report_remove_err"), 'admin_home_report_remove'); } } // set any header hooks add_code_line('admin-footer', '<script type= "text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $("#overview").load(\'admin/ajax/admin_dashboard_ajax.php' . (!$ADMIN_DASHBOARD_FULL ? '?t=b' : '') . '\', function(response, status, xhr) { if (status == "error") { // handle error }else{ $(this).fadeIn(); ' . ($settings['SET_ALLOW_REPORT'] ? ' $("#report").load(\'admin/ajax/admin_report_ajax.php\', function() { $(this).fadeIn(); removeImageFromList(this); });' : '') . ' } }); }); </script>'); // page settings $page['id'] = 'home'; $page['title'] = _T("admin_menu_home"); $page['description'] = ''; $page['tipsy'] = true; $page['lightbox'] = true; // load page header require CFADMINPATH . 'admin_page_header.php';
// error send back to home page and show the error if (!isset($thumbHtml)) { header('Location: ' . $settings['SET_SITEURL'] . 'index.php?err=404'); exit; } // set any header hooks add_code_line('header', '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="' . $settings['SET_SITEURL'] . 'js/lightbox/lightbox.css" media="screen" /> <script type= "text/javascript"> var homeUrl = "' . $settings['SET_SITEURL'] . '"; </script>'); // set any footer hooks add_code_line('footer', '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . $settings['SET_SITEURL'] . 'js/lightbox/lightbox.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){ $(".lightbox").lightbox({ fitToScreen: true, imageClickClose: true, displayDownloadLink: true }); }); </script>'); // header page var $pageSet['id'] = 'thumb'; $pageSet['title'] = ' - ' . (isset($alt) ? $alt : ' No Image Found'); $pageSet['description'] = 'Thumb page for ' . $alt . ' image on ' . $settings['SET_TITLE']; $pageSet['keywords'] = 'Thumb image, gallery, images, photos, image gallery, photo gallery, image hosting'; $pageSet['image_widgit'] = true; require CFROOTPATH . 'header.php'; echo $thumbHtml; // print Thumbnail page require CFROOTPATH . 'footer.php'; // end cache