$data->password = $data->enrolpassword;
 // we need some other name for password field MDL-9929
 /// process data if submitted
 //preprocess data
 if ($data->enrolstartdisabled) {
     $data->enrolstartdate = 0;
 if ($data->enrolenddisabled) {
     $data->enrolenddate = 0;
 $data->timemodified = time();
 if (empty($course)) {
     if (!($course = create_course($data))) {
     if (!addQSCourse($course)) {
         // Added: JAM 12.30.2010 - sends ws call to create a course in quota system
         // id is required to create course in WS
         admin_webservicefailed_email($USER, 'addCourse', $course);
     if (!addVLCourse($course)) {
         // Added: JAM 02.23.2012 - sends ws call to create a course in virtualLabs
         admin_webservicefailed_email($USER, 'addCourse', $course);
     $context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $course->id);
     // assign default role to creator if not already having permission to manage course assignments
     if (!has_capability('moodle/course:view', $context) or !has_capability('moodle/role:assign', $context)) {
         role_assign($CFG->creatornewroleid, $USER->id, 0, $context->id);
     // ensure we can use the course right after creating it
    print_error('confirmsesskeybad', 'error');
// OK checks done, delete the course now.
add_to_log(SITEID, "course", "delete", "view.php?id={$course->id}", "{$course->fullname} (ID {$course->id})");
$strdeletingcourse = get_string("deletingcourse", "", format_string($course->shortname));
$navlinks[] = array('name' => $stradministration, 'link' => "../{$CFG->admin}/index.php", 'type' => 'misc');
$navlinks[] = array('name' => $strcategories, 'link' => "index.php", 'type' => 'misc');
$navlinks[] = array('name' => $category->name, 'link' => "category.php?id={$course->category}", 'type' => 'misc');
$navlinks[] = array('name' => $strdeletingcourse, 'link' => null, 'type' => 'misc');
$navigation = build_navigation($navlinks);
print_header("{$site->shortname}: {$strdeletingcourse}", $site->fullname, $navigation);
// Added: JAM 12.30.2010 - sends ws call to delete a course in quota system
if (deleteQSCourse($course)) {
    if (deleteVLCourse($course)) {
        // Added: JAM 02.23.2012 - sends ws call to delete a course in virtualLabs
        //update course count in catagories
        print_heading(get_string("deletedcourse", "", format_string($course->shortname)));
    } else {
        admin_webservicefailed_email($USER, 'deleteCourse', $course);
        error('Course could not be deleted');
} else {
    admin_webservicefailed_email($USER, 'deleteCourse', $course);
    error('Course could not be deleted');