
ini_set('max_execution_time', 3600);
$appName = $argv[1];
define('CURRENT_DIR', realpath(dirname(__FILE__)));
define('_SUB_DIR', CURRENT_DIR . '/dns/');
require_once './create-po-config.php';
$poAccountName = $appName . '-cvc';
$vpoClient = new bsVideoPublisherServicesSoapClient($vpoBaseUrl, null, $poKey, 'Admin');
$response = $vpoClient->createCustomer($poAccountName);
$adminKey = new bsVideoPublisherKeyHelper($poKey);
$result = bsVideoPublisherCryptoHelper::aesDecryptData($response['CreateCustomerResult']['Data'], $adminKey->getPrivateKey(), $adminKey->getIvSalt());
$xml = @simplexml_load_string($result);
if (!$xml) {
    pake_error("Error creating po account for " . $appName);
$poCustomerId = (string) $xml->CustomerGuid;
$poCustomerKey = (string) $xml->ApiKey;
//TODO Store this in order to user with deployment
$info = array('po_customer_id' => $poCustomerId, 'po_customer_key' => $poCustomerKey);
pake_echo($appName . ' : ' . serialize($info));
addPillarInformation($appName, "po_customer_id", $poCustomerId);
addPillarInformation($appName, "po_customer_key", $poCustomerKey);
echo "\nDONE\n";

ini_set('max_execution_time', 3600);
$appName = $argv[1];
define('CURRENT_DIR', realpath(dirname(__FILE__)));
require_once "../utils.php";
$commands = array();
$mysqlUser = "******";
$mysqlDatabase = $mysqlUser;
$mysqlPassword = substr(md5(uniqid()), 0, 10);
//$mysqlHost = "";
$mysqlHost = "";
addPillarInformation($appName, "mysql_password", $mysqlPassword);
addPillarInformation($appName, "mysql_user", $mysqlUser);
addPillarInformation($appName, "mysql_database", $mysqlUser);
addPillarInformation($appName, "mysql_host", $mysqlHost);
$saltCommand = 'salt ' . $appName . '-node1 state.sls eztv.deploydatabase';
echo pake_echo($saltCommand);
echo "\n";
$playerManagerApi->accountCreate($playerManagerSecretKey, $accountName, $packages);
if ($result['status'] !== bsPlayerManagerApi::STATUS_SUCCESS) {
    pake_error("Error creating PM Account");
$accountUid = $result['data']['guid'];
//pad name (can not exist if error on creation)
$url_pad = "";
if (array_key_exists('url_pad', $result['data'])) {
    $url_pad = $result['data']['url_pad'];
$playerManagerApi->userCreate($playerManagerSecretKey, $email, $firstname, $lastname, $accounts, $username, $plainPassword);
if ($result['status'] !== bsPlayerManagerApi::STATUS_SUCCESS) {
    bsLogger::err('Player Manager: Failed to create user with email ' . $email . ' and username ' . $username);
    return null;
$userUid = $result['data']['guid'];
if (!$userUid) {
    throw new sfException("Player manager create user account error : " . json_encode($result));
$pmUser = bsPlayerManager::userGet("guid", $userUid);
$tvPmUserUid = $pmUser['guid'];
$tvPmUserSecret = $pmUser['secret'];
//We have to store following informations :
$info = array('pad' => $url_pad, 'accountUid' => $accountUid, 'userUid' => $tvPmUserUid, 'userSecret' => $tvPmUserSecret);
pake_echo($appName . ' : ' . serialize($info));
addPillarInformation($appName, "pm_pad", $url_pad);
addPillarInformation($appName, "pm_account_uid", $accountUid);
addPillarInformation($appName, "pm_user_uid", $tvPmUserUid);
addPillarInformation($appName, "pm_user_secret", $tvPmUserSecret);
//Log some information in order to debug
file_put_contents("/tmp/create_ext_ress", "\n\n" . serialize($informations), FILE_APPEND);
$informations['storageAccountName'] = $storageAccountName;
$informations['storageAccountKey'] = $storageAccountKey;
//Log some information in order to debug
file_put_contents("/tmp/create_ext_ress", "\n\n" . serialize($informations), FILE_APPEND);
$portalUser = "******";
$portalPassword = substr(md5(uniqid()), 0, 10);
$apiKey = substr(md5(uniqid()), 0, 20);
addPillarInformation($appName, "portal_username", $portalUser);
addPillarInformation($appName, "portal_password", $portalPassword);
addPillarInformation($appName, "portal_apikey", $apiKey);
addPillarInformation($appName, "number_of_front", $numberOfFront);
addPillarInformation($appName, "number_of_node", $numberOfNode);
addPillarInformation($appName, "storage_account_name", $storageAccountName);
addPillarInformation($appName, "storage_account_key", $storageAccountKey);
define('CURRENT_DIR', realpath(dirname(__FILE__)));
define('_SUB_DIR', CURRENT_DIR . '/_sub/');
#TODO : mail about this script run
//TODO inputs
//TODO : Placer les pillars MySQL
file_put_contents("/tmp/salt-ask-" . $appName, $secret);
$tasks = array();
$command = "sudo php " . _SUB_DIR . "create-pad.php " . escapeshellarg($appName) . " " . $numberOfFront . " " . $numberOfNode;
$tasks[] = $command;
$command = "sudo php " . _SUB_DIR . "create-dns.php " . escapeshellarg($appName) . " " . $numberOfFront . " " . $numberOfNode;
$tasks[] = $command;
$command = "sudo php " . _SUB_DIR . "create-po-account.php " . escapeshellarg($appName) . " " . $numberOfFront . " " . $numberOfNode;
$tasks[] = $command;
$command = "sudo php " . _SUB_DIR . "create-pm-account.php " . escapeshellarg($appName) . " " . $numberOfFront . " " . $numberOfNode;
$tasks[] = $command;