  * 广告分页查询
  * position广告位置
  * pageNo页码
  * pageSize 显示个数
 public function query()
     $notes = "应用" . $this->client_id . ",调用Banners分页查询接口";
     addLog("Banners/query", $_GET, $_POST, $notes);
     $arr = array('app_index' => 6007, 'app_finance' => 6008, 'app_carousel' => 6009, 'app_life' => 6010);
     $position = $this->_post('position', '', "位置参数必须");
     if (!isset($arr[$position])) {
     $position = $arr[$position];
     $curpage = $this->_post('curpage', 0);
     $pagesize = $this->_post('pagesize', 10);
     $map = array('position' => $position);
     $order = " sort asc ";
     $page = array('curpage' => $curpage, 'size' => $pagesize);
     $result = apiCall(BannersApi::QUERY, array($map, $page, $order));
     if ($result['status']) {
         $list = $result['info']['list'];
         $list = $this->convertImgUrl($list);
     } else {
 public function index()
     addLog("Token/index", $_GET, $_POST, "");
     $grant_type = I('get.grant_type', '');
     if (empty($grant_type)) {
         $grant_type = I('post.grant_type', '');
     if (empty($grant_type)) {
     $client_id = I('get.client_id', '');
     if (empty($client_id)) {
         $client_id = I('post.client_id', '');
     $client_secret = I('get.client_secret', '');
     if (empty($client_secret)) {
         $client_secret = I('post.client_secret', '');
     if (empty($client_id) || empty($grant_type) || empty($client_secret)) {
         $this->ajaxReturn(array('code' => -1, 'data' => $grant_type . "参数缺失!" . $client_id), "json");
     $notes = $client_id . "调用接口";
     $_POST['grant_type'] = $grant_type;
     $_POST['client_id'] = $client_id;
     $_POST['client_secret'] = $client_secret;
     addLog("Token/index", $_GET, $_POST, "");
Beispiel #3
function startProcess($db)
    $businessComfirmUrl = Yii::app()->params['orderUrl'] . "update/order/business-confirm-order";
    $time = time();
    $formatTime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $time);
    try {
        $payTime = $time - 1800;
        $sql = "SELECT b.business_id,o.order_sn from " . get_tables('business_info') . " as b left join " . get_tables('order_info') . " as o on b.business_id=o.business_id WHERE b.express_type in (2, 11, 12) and o.order_status=1 and o.express_type > 0  and o.pay_time <= " . $payTime . " LIMIT 100";
        $data = $db->createCommand($sql)->queryAll();
        if (!empty($data)) {
            foreach ($data as $k => $v) {
                $post = ['business_id' => $v['business_id'], 'order_sn' => $v['order_sn'], 'user_id' => 1, 'user_name' => 'jiaoben', 'source' => 'autoStockUp'];
                $return = curlPost($businessComfirmUrl, $post);
                if ($return['code'] != 0) {
                    addLog("data:" . json_encode($return, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE) . '|time:' . $formatTime);
                    echo $v['order_sn'] . ":fail" . "\r\n";
                } else {
                    echo $v['order_sn'] . ":success" . "\r\n";
            echo "data update:" . count($data) . "\r\n";
        } else {
            echo "no data \r\n";
        echo 'finish';
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        $msg = "filename:autoStockUp|functionname:start_process|error:" . $e->getMessage() . "|time:" . $formatTime;
        echo $msg . "\r\n";
Beispiel #4
function hook_level_up($db, &$tpl, $player, $args = 0)
    //No player data
    if ($args === 0 || LOGGED_IN == false) {
        return $args;
    //Check if player has leveled up
    if ($args->exp >= $args->max_exp) {
        //Update the current player variable ($args)
        $args->exp = $args->exp - $args->max_exp;
        $args->level += 1;
        $args->stat_points += 2;
        $args->max_exp += 20;
        $args->max_energy += 1;
        $args->energy += 1;
        $args->hp += 5;
        $args->max_hp += 5;
        //Update the database
        $db->execute('UPDATE `<ezrpg>players` SET `exp`=?, `level`=level+1, `stat_points`=stat_points+2, `max_exp`=max_exp+20, `energy`=energy+1, `max_energy`=max_energy+1, `hp`=hp+5, `max_hp`=max_hp+5 WHERE `id`=?', array(intval($args->exp), intval($args->id)));
        //Add event log
        $msg = 'You have leveled up! You gained +2 stat points and +1 max energy!';
        addLog(intval($args->id), $msg, $db);
    return $args;
Beispiel #5
function updatePrevisionStateWithDeliveryType($deliveryType)
    global $country;
    $resultInfo = array();
    $clothIds = "";
    $query = "SELECT distinct(pc.clothId) as id, c.name, p.orderNumber\n\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM previsions p\n\t\t\t\t\t\tJOIN previsioncloth pc on p.id=pc.previsionId\n\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN plotters pl on pl.previsionId = p.id\n\t\t\t\t\t\tJOIN cloths c on c.id=pc.clothId\n\t\t\t\t\t\twhere (p.designed=false or (p.designed=true and pl.id is not null))\n\t\t\t\t\t\tand (pl.cutted is null or pl.cutted=false)\n\t\t\t\t\t\tand p.state = '{$deliveryType}'\n\t\t\t\t\t\tand p.country = '{$country}'\n\t\t\t\t\t\torder by p.orderNumber, p.id, pc.clothId";
    $result = mysql_query($query);
    foreach (fetch_array($result) as $cloth) {
        $clothResult = new stdClass();
        $res = updatePrevisionState($cloth['id']);
        $clothResult->countModified = count($res->modifiedPrevisions);
        $clothResult->clothId = $cloth['id'];
        $clothResult->clothName = $cloth['name'];
        $clothResult->orderNumber = $cloth['orderNumber'];
        $clothIds .= $cloth['id'] . " / " . $cloth['orderNumber'] . ", ";
        array_push($resultInfo, $clothResult);
    $obj->successful = true;
    $obj->method = "updatePrevisionStateWithDeliveryType({$deliveryType})";
    $obj->resultInfo = $resultInfo;
    // log manual action of previ state update
    $log->type = "info.updatePrevisionStateWithDeliveryType({$deliveryType})";
    $log->log = $clothIds;
    //implode(" == ", $resultInfo);
    $log->user = '******';
    return $obj;
  * 登录接口
  * @param  string $username 用户名
  * @param  string $password 用户密码
  * @param int|string $type 用户名类型 (1-用户名,2-邮箱,3-手机,4-UID)
  * @param string $from
  * @return int 登录成功-用户ID,登录失败-错误编号
 public function login($username, $password, $type = '1', $from = '')
     $result = apiCall(UserApi::LOGIN, array($username, $password, $type));
     $notes = "[用户" . $username . ",类型:" . $type . "],调用登录接口";
     addLog("/Account/login", "", "", $notes);
     return $result;
  * 产品
 public function products()
     $request = new SFProduct();
     $carrier = 0;
     $result = $request->getProductList(1, 20, $carrier);
     if (!$result['status']) {
         addLog("products", $result, $_POST, "[getProductList]");
     $prodList = $result['info']['prodList'];
     $resultCode = $result['info']['resultCode'];
     $resultReason = $result['info']['resultReason'];
     if ($resultCode == '1000') {
         $this->assign('prod_list', $prodList);
     } else {
         addLog("products", $resultReason, $resultReason, "[getProductList result]");
     $request = new SFOrder();
     $result = $request->queryBalance();
     if ($result['status']) {
         $this->assign('channel', $result['info']);
     $this->assign("appkey", $request->getAppKey());
  * 流量购回调地址
 public function index()
      * {"channelOrderNo":"158581990641014538769441118","extraData":"",
      * "orderNo":"1453876701223039",
      * "orderStatus":"4","providerResultCode":"1",
      * "providerResultReason":"\u8ba2\u8d2d\u6210\u529f",
      * "resultCode":"1000","resultMessage":"\u6210\u529f",
      * "sign":"8194b64649a34e8619a74c76c5ef436e"}*/
     addLog("Santi/callback", $_GET, $_POST, '[调试]三体回调地址');
     //        exit;
     $order_no = $this->_get('orderNo', '', '缺失orderNo参数');
     $order_status = $this->_get('orderStatus', '');
     $channel_order_no = $this->_get('channelOrderNo', '');
     $result_code = $this->_get('resultCode', '');
     $result_message = $this->_get('resultMessage', '');
     $provider_result_code = $this->_get('providerResultCode', '');
     $provider_result_reason = $this->_get('providerResultReason', '');
     $extraData = $this->_get('extraData', '');
     $sign = $this->_get('sign', '', '缺失sign参数');
     $entity = array('order_no' => $order_no, 'order_status' => $order_status, 'channel_order_no' => $channel_order_no, 'result_code' => $result_code, 'result_message' => $result_message, 'provider_result_code' => $provider_result_code, 'provider_result_reason' => $provider_result_reason, 'extra_data' => $extraData, 'sign' => $sign, 'create_time' => time());
     $update_entity = array('order_status' => $order_status);
     $result = apiCall(SantiCallbackApi::ADD, array($entity));
     $result = apiCall(SantiOrderApi::SAVE, array(array('order_no' => $order_no), $update_entity));
     if ($result['status']) {
         echo "SUCCESS";
     } else {
         echo "FAIL";
Beispiel #9
 public function run($route)
     global $routes;
     //Si la route n'est pas dans le tableau des routes - on en déduit qu'il s'agit d'une route à argument
     if (!in_array($route, $routes)) {
         $potentialRoute = [];
         $nbParamRoute = count(explode("/", $route)) - 1;
         //On vérifie les routes qui contiennent le même nombre de paramètre que la route récupérée
         foreach ($routes as $routeList => $controller) {
             $nb = count(explode("/", $routeList)) - 1;
             if ($nb === $nbParamRoute) {
                 $potentialRoute[$routeList] = $controller;
         //On vérifie si les routes potentielles ont les mêmes données hors arguments, si non, non valable
         foreach ($potentialRoute as $routeString => $controller) {
             $routeExpl = explode("/", $route);
             $potExpl = explode("/", $routeString);
             foreach ($routeExpl as $key => $value) {
                 if ($value !== $potExpl[$key] && strpos($potExpl[$key], "{") === FALSE) {
         $road = array_keys($potentialRoute)[0];
         $ArgRoad = explode("/", $road);
         $nbArgRoad = 0;
         foreach ($ArgRoad as $item) {
             if (strpos($item, "{") === FALSE && !empty($item)) {
         $ArgRoute = explode("/", $route);
         $route = $road;
         $args = [];
         for ($i = $nbArgRoad + 1; $i < count($ArgRoute); $i++) {
             $args[str_replace(["{", "}"], "", $ArgRoad[$i])] = $ArgRoute[$i];
     if (!empty($routes[$route])) {
         $parts = explode(':', $routes[$route]);
         $controller_name = $parts[0] . 'Controller';
         require_once '../src/controller/' . $controller_name . '.php';
         $controller = new $controller_name();
         if (!empty($args)) {
             return $controller->{$parts}[1]($args);
         } else {
             return $controller->{$parts}[1]();
     } else {
         addErrorLog("No route for :" . $route, __FILE__);
         header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found");
         require_once "../web/error/404.php";
         throw new Exception('No route for : ' . $route);
function desactive_mach_serv($list_id, $packid)
    global $l;
    $id_pack = found_id_pack_serv($packid);
    $sql_desactive = "delete from devices where hardware_id in ";
    $arg_desactive = mysql2_prepare($sql_desactive, array(), $list_id);
    $arg_desactive = mysql2_prepare($arg_desactive['SQL'] . " and name='DOWNLOAD' and IVALUE in ", $arg_desactive['ARG'], $id_pack);
    $res_active = mysql2_query_secure($arg_desactive['SQL'], $_SESSION['OCS']["writeServer"], $arg_desactive['ARG']);
    addLog($l->g(512), $l->g(876) . $packid . " => " . $list_id);
Beispiel #11
 function setUp()
     addLog("\n\n====== Testcase: " . $this->getName() . " ======\n\n");
     if (self::$skipAll) {
         $this->markTestSkipped('Skip all as critical case fails.');
     if (self::$isIT && self::$skipIT) {
         $this->markTestSkipped('Skip scenario test as sanity case fails.');
  * 查看收货地址
 public function queryNoPaging()
     $notes = "应用" . $this->client_id . ",调用Address查询接口";
     addLog("Address/add", $_GET, $_POST, $notes);
     $map = array('uid' => I('uid'));
     $result = apiCall(AddressApi::QUERY_NO_PAGING, array($map));
     if ($result['status']) {
     } else {
 public function app()
     $notes = "客户端" . $this->client_id . ",调用APP配置查询接口";
     addLog("Config/app", $_GET, $_POST, $notes);
     $group = 6;
     $result = apiCall(ConfigApi::QUERY_NO_PAGING, array(array('group' => $group)));
     if (!$result['status']) {
  * 广告分页查询
  * position广告位置
  * pageNo页码
  * pageSize 显示个数
 public function query()
     $notes = "应用" . $this->client_id . ",调用Banners分页查询接口";
     addLog("Banners/query", $_GET, $_POST, $notes);
     $postion = I('position', 18);
     $map = array('position' => $postion);
     $page = array('curpage' => I('pageNo', 0), 'size' => I('pageSize', 10));
     $result = apiCall(BannersApi::QUERY, array($map, $page));
     if ($result['status']) {
     } else {
  * 不分页查询
  * parentId 父项ID
 public function queryNoPaging()
     $notes = "应用" . $this->client_id . ",调用数据字典不分页查询接口";
     addLog("Datatree/queryNoPaging", $_GET, $_POST, $notes);
     $parentId = I('parentId', 0);
     if ($parentId == 0) {
     $map = array('parentId' => $parentId);
     $result = apiCall(DatatreeApi::QUERY_NO_PAGING, array($map));
     if ($result['status']) {
     } else {
  * 商品详情展示
  * pid 商品ID
 public function detail()
     $notes = "应用" . $this->client_id . ",调用商品详情接口";
     addLog("Product/detail", $_GET, $_POST, $notes);
     $pid = I('pid', 0);
     if ($pid == 0) {
     $map = array('id' => $pid);
     $result = apiCall(ProductApi::QUERY_NO_PAGING, array($map));
     if ($result['status']) {
     } else {
 public function upload()
     addLog("File/upload", $_GET, $_POST, $this->client_id . "调用文件上传接口!");
     if (IS_POST) {
         $uid = $this->_post('uid', 0);
         $type = $this->_post('type', '');
         if (!in_array($type, $this->Accept_Type)) {
         if ($uid <= 0) {
         $result = apiCall(UserApi::GET_INFO, array($uid));
         if (!$result['status']) {
         if (!isset($_FILES['image'])) {
         $result['info'] = "";
         /* 返回标准数据 */
         /* 调用文件上传组件上传文件 */
         $Picture = D('UserPicture');
         $extInfo = array('uid' => $uid, 'imgurl' => C('SITE_URL'), 'type' => $type);
         $info = $Picture->upload($_FILES, C('USER_PICTURE_UPLOAD'), $extInfo);
         /* 记录图片信息 */
         if ($info) {
             $info['image']['imgurl'] = C('SITE_URL') . $info['image']['path'];
             if ($type == 'avatar') {
                 $result = $this->saveToUserHead($uid, $info['image']['id']);
                 $head = C('API_URL') . '/Picture/index?id=' . $info['image']['id'];
                 $info['image']['api_img_url'] = $head;
                 if ($result['status']) {
                 } else {
         } else {
 public function index()
     $grant_type = I('get.grant_type', '');
     if (empty($grant_type)) {
         $grant_type = I('post.grant_type', '');
     if (empty($grant_type)) {
     $client_id = I('get.client_id', '');
     if (empty($client_id)) {
         $client_id = I('post.client_id', '');
     $notes = $client_id . "调用接口";
     addLog('/Api/Token/index', serialize(I('get.')), serialize(I('post.')), $notes);
  * 分页类目查询
  * parentId 父项ID
  * pageNo 页码
  * pageSize 显示个数
 public function query()
     $notes = "应用" . $this->client_id . ",调用类目分页查询接口";
     addLog("Category/query", $_GET, $_POST, $notes);
     $parent = I('parentId', 0);
     if ($parent == "") {
         $parent = 0;
     $map = array('parent' => $parent);
     $page = array('curpage' => I('pageNo', 0), 'size' => I('pageSize', 10));
     $result = apiCall(CategoryApi::QUERY, array($map, $page));
     if ($result['status']) {
     } else {
Beispiel #20
 * @param type $uid
 * @param type $username
 * @param \uLogin $ulogin
function appLogin($uid, $username, $ulogin){
	$_SESSION['admin']['adminid'] = $uid;
	$_SESSION['admin']['username'] = $username;
	$_SESSION['admin']['is_logged'] = true;
    $db = new \DBConnection();
    $adminModel = new \App\Model\Admin($db);
    $admin = $adminModel->getAdmin($uid);
    $_SESSION['admin']['refnum'] = $admin['ref'];
    $_SESSION['admin']['name']   = $admin['name'];
    $_SESSION['admin']['email']  = $admin['email'];
    $_SESSION['admin']['type']   = $admin['type'];
    addLog('Back-end', 'Login', ''.$admin['name'].' ('.$admin['ref'].')',''.$admin['name'].' ('.$admin['ref'].')','Successfully logged in');

	if (isset($_SESSION['appRememberMeRequested']) && ($_SESSION['appRememberMeRequested'] === true))
		// Enable remember-me
		if ( !$ulogin->SetAutologin($username, true)) {
			echo "cannot enable autologin<br>";

		// Disable remember-me
		if ( !$ulogin->SetAutologin($username, false)) {
            echo 'cannot disable autologin<br>';
    echo '<img src="../images/lploader.gif" border="0"><br /><b>System is loading, please wait...</b>';
 public function upload()
     $notes = "应用" . $this->client_id . ",调用上传接口";
     addLog("File/upload", $_GET, $_POST, $notes);
     if (IS_POST) {
         $uid = $this->_post('uid', 0);
         $type = $this->_post('type', '');
         if (!in_array($type, $this->Accept_Type)) {
         if ($uid <= 0) {
         $result = apiCall(UserApi::GET_INFO, array($uid));
         if (!$result['status']) {
         //            addWeixinLog($_FILES,"FILES");
         if (!isset($_FILES['image'])) {
         $result['info'] = "";
         /* 返回标准数据 */
         /* 调用文件上传组件上传文件 */
         $Picture = D('UserPicture');
         $extInfo = array('uid' => $uid, 'imgurl' => C('SITE_URL'), 'type' => $type);
         $info = $Picture->upload($_FILES, C('USER_PICTURE_UPLOAD'), $extInfo);
         /* 记录图片信息 */
         if ($info) {
             $info['image']['imgurl'] = C('SITE_URL') . $info['image']['path'];
         } else {
 public function info()
     if (IS_GET) {
         $this->apiReturnErr("不支持GET请求!", $this->business_code . '03');
     $notes = "客户端" . $this->client_id . ",调用优惠码查询接口";
     addLog("Coupon/info", $_GET, $_POST, $notes);
     $idcode = $this->_post('idcode', '', "优惠码缺失");
     $map = array('IDCode' => $idcode);
     $result = apiCall(MemberConfigApi::GET_INFO, array($map));
     if (!$result['status']) {
         $this->apiReturnErr($result['info'], $this->business_code . '01');
     if (is_null($result['info'])) {
         $this->apiReturnErr("优惠码不存在", $this->business_code . '02');
     $uid = $result['info']['uid'];
     $result = apiCall(UidMgroupApi::QUERY_WITH_UID, array($uid));
     if (!$result['status']) {
         $this->apiReturnErr($result['info'], $this->business_code . '03');
  * 用户信息更新
 public function update()
     $notes = "用户信息更新接口";
     addLog("User/update", $_GET, $_POST, $notes);
     if (IS_POST) {
         $sex = $this->_post('sex', 0);
         $nickname = $this->_post('nickname', '');
         $signature = $this->_post("signature", '');
         $birthday = $this->_post('birthday', date('Y-M-d', time()));
         $height = $this->_post('height', 0);
         $weight = $this->_post('weight', 0);
         $target_weight = $this->_post('target_weight', 0);
         //            $avatar_id = $this->_post('avatar_id',0);
         $uid = $this->_post('uid', 0);
         $entity = array('nickname' => $nickname, 'height' => $height, 'weight' => $weight, 'sex' => $sex, 'target_weight' => $target_weight, 'birthday' => $birthday, 'signature' => $signature, 'avatar_id' => 0);
         $result = apiCall(AccountApi::UPDATE, array($uid, $entity));
         if ($result['status']) {
         } else {
             LogRecord($result['info'], __FILE__ . __LINE__);
Beispiel #24
     foreach ($o_photos_creditset['Createalbum'] as $key => $value) {
         if ($value > 0) {
             $moneyname = $credit->cType[$key];
             if ($value > $credit->get($winduid, $key)) {
                 createfail($checkpwd, 'colony_moneylimit2');
     $creditset = getCreditset($o_photos_creditset['Createalbum'], false);
     $credit->sets($winduid, $creditset, true);
 if ($creditlog = unserialize($o_photos_creditlog)) {
     addLog($creditlog['Createalbum'], $windid, $winduid, 'photos_Createalbum');
 if ($o_camoney) {
 	require_once R_P.'require/credit.php';
 	if ($o_camoney > $credit->get($winduid,$o_moneytype)) {
 		$moneyname = $credit->cType[$o_moneytype];
 	$credit->addLog('hack_cyalbum',array($o_moneytype => -$o_camoney),array(
 		'uid'		=> $winduid,
 		'username'	=> $windid,
 		'ip'		=> $onlineip,
 		'aname'		=> $aname
Beispiel #25
header("Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8");
require_once './lib/mysql.func.php';
require_once './lib/common.func.php';
require_once './lib/Logs.php';
$invite_by = isset($_REQUEST['invite_by']) ? $_REQUEST['invite_by'] : '';
    $action = isset($_POST[action]) ? $_POST[action] : "";
    // account 显示为昵称, 默认为邮箱,资料页可以修改
    $account = "";
    //isset($_POST[account]) ? $_POST[account] : "";
    $email = isset($_POST[email]) ? $_POST[email] : "";
    $pwd = isset($_POST[pwd]) ? $_POST[pwd] : "";
    $pwd = strtoupper(substr(md5($pwd), 8, 16));
    // echo "$email";
    addLog("pwd = " . $pwd);
    // $taobao_account = isset($_POST[taobao_account]) ? $_POST[taobao_account] : "";
    // $invite_code = ""; //isset($_POST[invite_code]) ? $_POST[invite_code] : "";
    if ($invite_by == '') {
        $invite_by = 0;
    //$invite_by = isset($_POST[invite_by]) ? $_POST[invite_by] : 0;
    $query = "";
    $query .= " select count(0) as email";
    $query .= " from   BS_User";
    $query .= " where  email = '{$email}'";
    // echo $query;
    $msg = "";
    $page = "";
Beispiel #26
if (isset($_POST['ans'])) {
    if (stristr($_POST['ans'], "easyone")) {
        if ($_SESSION['level'] == "7") {
            include_once "db.php";
            $query = "update ihax set level = 8, timestamp = '" . time() . "' where username = '******'name'] . "'";
            $result = mysqli_query($conn, $query);
            $_SESSION['level'] = "8";
        header('Location: imagine.php');
    } else {
        header('Location: infection.php');
    include_once "log_function.inc.php";
    $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
    $text = $_SESSION['name'] . "   " . $ip . "   " . $_SESSION['level'] . "   " . $_POST['ans'];
if (!isset($_SESSION['username'])) {
if ($_SESSION['level'] < 7) {
include_once "header.inc.php";
   <div id="details">
 <div id="navlist">
 <font style="font-family: horr2;font-size : 25px">
if(!$_SESSION['admin']['is_logged']) {
	header('Location: index.php');
echo '<div class="mainHolder">';
if(isset($_POST['_submit'])) {
	echo '
	<div class="successHolder">'.getLang('hints_trans_front_success').'</div>';
	addLog('Back-end','Front-end Settings',0,''.$_SESSION['admin']['name'].' ('.$_SESSION['admin']['refnum'].')','Translations edited');
echo '
	<div class="hintHolder ui-state-default"><b>'.getLang('hints_trans_front_title').':</b></div> 
	<form name="test" method="POST">
	<textarea name="TAContent">'.OaRFile('../lang/english.php').'</textarea>
	<br />
	<input type="submit" name="_submit" value="'.getLang('sform_savebtn').'" class="submitBtn ui-state-default">

Beispiel #28

// insert new user or update it if already exists
include_once '../include/headers.php';
include_once '../include/dbutils.php';
include_once '../include/main.php';
include_once 'domain/logs.php';
    $request_payload = file_get_contents('php://input');
    $log = json_decode($request_payload);
    if (isset($_GET['files'])) {
        $response = addFilesLog($log);
    } else {
        $response = addLog($log);
    //return JSON array
Beispiel #29
	$fixPostTotal=str_replace(',', '', $_POST['tr_total']);

	if ($row['user_balance']>=$fixPostTotal){

		$tradeRef=hexdec(substr(uniqid(''), 4, 13))-505050505;

		$query='INSERT INTO transfers SET '.$mysql_fields.', tr_type=2, transfers_id="'.NID.'", tr_ref='.($tradeRef+0).', tr_system_date="'.date('Y-m-d H:i:s', CUSTOMTIME).'", 

	tr_status=2, user_account_num='.($_SESSION['user']['user_account_num']+0).'';



		addLog('Front-end', 'Withdraw', ''.$_SESSION['user']['user_firstname'].' '.$_SESSION['user']['user_lastname'].' ('.$_SESSION['user']['user_account_num'].')', 0, 'Users request withdraw '.($tradeRef+0));






function delete_tab($id_tab)
    $info_fields_into_tab = find_all_field_by_tab($id_tab);
    if (isset($info_fields_into_tab) and $info_fields_into_tab != '') {
        $result = delete_field($info_fields_into_tab);
    } else {
        $result = true;
    if ($result) {
        $id_tab = prepare_id($id_tab);
        if (is_array($id_tab)) {
            $sql_downloadwk_tab_values = "DELETE FROM downloadwk_tab_values WHERE ID in ";
            $downloadwk_tab_values = mysql2_prepare($sql_downloadwk_tab_values, array(), $id_tab);
            mysql2_query_secure($downloadwk_tab_values['SQL'], $_SESSION['OCS']["writeServer"], $downloadwk_tab_values['ARG']);
            addLog('DEL_WK_TELEDIFF', 'delete TAB (downloadwk_tab_values) => ' . mysql_affected_rows() . ' values');