Beispiel #1
function gs_add_c_slashes($str)
    return addCSlashes($str, "\\\r\n\t....ÿ");
Beispiel #2
  * A helper function for getTriggers that translates
  * an array of attribute numbers to an array of field names.
  * Note: Only needed for pre-7.4 servers, this function is deprecated 
  * @param $trigger An array containing fields from the trigger table
  * @return The trigger definition string
 function getTriggerDef($trigger)
     // Constants to figure out tgtype
     if (!defined('TRIGGER_TYPE_ROW')) {
         define('TRIGGER_TYPE_ROW', 1 << 0);
     if (!defined('TRIGGER_TYPE_BEFORE')) {
         define('TRIGGER_TYPE_BEFORE', 1 << 1);
     if (!defined('TRIGGER_TYPE_INSERT')) {
         define('TRIGGER_TYPE_INSERT', 1 << 2);
     if (!defined('TRIGGER_TYPE_DELETE')) {
         define('TRIGGER_TYPE_DELETE', 1 << 3);
     if (!defined('TRIGGER_TYPE_UPDATE')) {
         define('TRIGGER_TYPE_UPDATE', 1 << 4);
     $trigger['tgisconstraint'] = $this->phpBool($trigger['tgisconstraint']);
     $trigger['tgdeferrable'] = $this->phpBool($trigger['tgdeferrable']);
     $trigger['tginitdeferred'] = $this->phpBool($trigger['tginitdeferred']);
     // Constraint trigger or normal trigger
     if ($trigger['tgisconstraint']) {
         $tgdef = 'CREATE CONSTRAINT TRIGGER ';
     } else {
         $tgdef = 'CREATE TRIGGER ';
     $tgdef .= "\"{$trigger['tgname']}\" ";
     // Trigger type
     $findx = 0;
     if (($trigger['tgtype'] & TRIGGER_TYPE_BEFORE) == TRIGGER_TYPE_BEFORE) {
         $tgdef .= 'BEFORE';
     } else {
         $tgdef .= 'AFTER';
     if (($trigger['tgtype'] & TRIGGER_TYPE_INSERT) == TRIGGER_TYPE_INSERT) {
         $tgdef .= ' INSERT';
     if (($trigger['tgtype'] & TRIGGER_TYPE_DELETE) == TRIGGER_TYPE_DELETE) {
         if ($findx > 0) {
             $tgdef .= ' OR DELETE';
         } else {
             $tgdef .= ' DELETE';
     if (($trigger['tgtype'] & TRIGGER_TYPE_UPDATE) == TRIGGER_TYPE_UPDATE) {
         if ($findx > 0) {
             $tgdef .= ' OR UPDATE';
         } else {
             $tgdef .= ' UPDATE';
     $f_schema = $this->_schema;
     // Table name
     $tgdef .= " ON \"{$f_schema}\".\"{$trigger['relname']}\" ";
     // Deferrability
     if ($trigger['tgisconstraint']) {
         if ($trigger['tgconstrrelid'] != 0) {
             // Assume constrelname is not null
             $tgdef .= " FROM \"{$trigger['tgconstrrelname']}\" ";
         if (!$trigger['tgdeferrable']) {
             $tgdef .= 'NOT ';
         $tgdef .= 'DEFERRABLE INITIALLY ';
         if ($trigger['tginitdeferred']) {
             $tgdef .= 'DEFERRED ';
         } else {
             $tgdef .= 'IMMEDIATE ';
     // Row or statement
     if ($trigger['tgtype'] & TRIGGER_TYPE_ROW == TRIGGER_TYPE_ROW) {
         $tgdef .= 'FOR EACH ROW ';
     } else {
         $tgdef .= 'FOR EACH STATEMENT ';
     // Execute procedure
     $tgdef .= "EXECUTE PROCEDURE \"{$trigger['tgfname']}\"(";
     // Parameters
     // Escape null characters
     $v = addCSlashes($trigger['tgargs'], "");
     // Split on escaped null characters
     $params = explode('\\000', $v);
     for ($findx = 0; $findx < $trigger['tgnargs']; $findx++) {
         $param = "'" . str_replace('\'', '\\\'', $params[$findx]) . "'";
         $tgdef .= $param;
         if ($findx < $trigger['tgnargs'] - 1) {
             $tgdef .= ', ';
     // Finish it off
     $tgdef .= ')';
     return $tgdef;
Beispiel #3
function gs_log($level, $msg, $logfile = null, $fifo = false)
    global $gs_is_in_gs_log;
    static $log_to = null;
    static $logfiles = array();
    static $levels = array(GS_LOG_DEBUG => array('v' => 'debug', 'sll' => LOG_DEBUG), GS_LOG_NOTICE => array('v' => 'note', 'sll' => LOG_INFO), GS_LOG_WARNING => array('v' => 'WARN', 'sll' => LOG_WARNING), GS_LOG_FATAL => array('v' => 'ERROR', 'sll' => LOG_ERR));
    static $syslog_opened = false;
    static $syslog_facility = null;
    if (@$gs_is_in_gs_log) {
        return false;
    # prevent recursive calls to gs_log()
    if ($level > GS_LOG_LEVEL) {
        return true;
    $gs_is_in_gs_log = true;
    if ($log_to === null) {
        $log_to = gs_get_conf('GS_LOG_TO');
    $level_info = array_key_exists($level, $levels) ? $levels[$level] : array('v' => '???? ', 'sll' => LOG_WARNING);
    //$msg = str_replace(GS_DIR, '<GS_DIR>', $msg);
    $msg = str_replace(GS_DIR, '', $msg);
    $backtrace = debug_backtrace();
    if (is_array($backtrace) && isset($backtrace[0])) {
        $file = @$backtrace[0]['file'];
        if (subStr($file, 0, strLen(GS_DIR)) === GS_DIR) {
            $file = str_replace(GS_DIR, '', $file);
        $line = @$backtrace[0]['line'];
    } else {
        $file = '';
        $line = 0;
    if ($fifo) {
        $log_to = 'file';
    if ($log_to === 'file') {
        $dateFn = GS_LOG_GMT ? 'gmDate' : 'date';
        if (strLen($line) < 4) {
            $line = str_pad($line, 4, ' ', STR_PAD_LEFT);
        $msg = $dateFn('Y-m-d H:i:s') . ' [' . str_pad($level_info['v'], 5) . '] ' . $file . ':' . $line . ': ' . $msg . "\n";
        if (!$logfile) {
            $logfile = GS_LOG_FILE;
        if (@subStr($logfile, 0, 1) != '/') {
            $logfile = '/var/log/gemeinschaft/' . $logfile;
        if (!@array_key_exists($logfile, $logfiles)) {
            $sudo = posix_getEUid() == 0 ? '' : 'sudo ';
            # if the logfile should be a fifo but isn't then remove it so
            # it will be created as a fifo
            if ($fifo && file_exists($logfile) && !@is_fifo($logfile)) {
                $err = 0;
                $out = array();
                @exec($sudo . 'rm -f ' . qsa($logfile) . ' 1>>/dev/null 2>>/dev/null', $out, $err);
                if ($err != 0) {
                    # probably permission denied
                    $gs_is_in_gs_log = false;
                    return false;
            if (!@file_exists($logfile)) {
                $err = 0;
                $out = array();
                @exec($sudo . 'mkdir -p ' . qsa(dirName($logfile)) . ' 1>>/dev/null 2>>/dev/null', $out, $err);
                if ($err != 0) {
                    # probably permission denied
                    $gs_is_in_gs_log = false;
                    return false;
                if ($fifo) {
                    $err = 0;
                    $out = array();
                    @exec($sudo . 'mkfifo ' . qsa($logfile) . ' 1>>/dev/null 2>>/dev/null', $out, $err);
                    if ($err != 0) {
                        # probably permission denied
                        $gs_is_in_gs_log = false;
                        return false;
            //@chmod($logfile, 0666);  # in octal mode!
            @exec($sudo . 'chmod 0666 ' . qsa($logfile) . ' 1>>/dev/null 2>>/dev/null');
            if (!$fifo) {
                $logfiles[$logfile] = @fOpen($logfile, 'ab');
                # might fail if permission denied
            } else {
                $logfiles[$logfile] = fOpen($logfile, 'ab+');
                # The trick is to open the FIFO for reading *and writing*.
                # "a" : open(..., O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_APPEND|O_LARGEFILE, ...)
                # "a+": open(..., O_RDWR  |O_CREAT|O_APPEND|O_LARGEFILE, ...)
                # O_WRONLY blocks for FIFOs. O_RDWR does not.
            if (!$logfiles[$logfile]) {
                $gs_is_in_gs_log = false;
                return false;
        if ($fifo) {
            @stream_set_blocking($fd, false);
            # not even really needed
            # Just to be sure check that the stream will not block.
            # However by using the above trick it will not block anyways.
            $select = array($logfiles[$logfile]);
            # needs to be passed by reference
            $null = null;
            # needs to be passed by reference
            if (stream_select($null, $select, $null, 0, 0) < 1) {
                $gs_is_in_gs_log = false;
                return false;
        $ok = @fWrite($logfiles[$logfile], $msg, strLen($msg)) !== false;
    } elseif ($log_to === 'syslog') {
        if ($syslog_facility === null) {
            $fac_name = strToUpper(gs_get_conf('GS_LOG_SYSLOG_FACILITY'));
            if (in_array($fac_name, array('LOCAL0', 'LOCAL1', 'LOCAL2', 'LOCAL3', 'LOCAL4', 'LOCAL5', 'LOCAL6', 'LOCAL7', 'USER', 'MAIL', 'DAEMON', 'AUTH', 'AUTHPRIV', 'SYSLOG', 'LPR', 'NEWS', 'UUCP', 'CRON'), true) && defined('LOG_' . $fac_name)) {
                $syslog_facility = constant('LOG_' . $fac_name);
            } else {
                $syslog_facility = LOG_USER;
        if (subStr($file, -4) === '.php') {
            $file = subStr($file, 0, -4);
        if (strLen($file) <= 32) {
            $tag = $file;
        } else {
            $tag = baseName($file);
        $msg = $tag . '#' . $line . ': (' . $level_info['v'] . ') ' . $msg;
        if (!$syslog_opened) {
            if (!$syslog_facility) {
                $syslog_facility = LOG_LOCAL5;
            $syslog_opened = @openLog('gemeinschaft', LOG_ODELAY, $syslog_facility);
        $sll = @$level_info['sll'];
        if ($sll === null) {
            $sll = LOG_WARNING;
        $ok = @sysLog($sll, addCSlashes($msg, "\\\r\n\t....ÿ"));
    } else {
        $ok = false;
    $gs_is_in_gs_log = false;
    return $ok;