function item_store_update($arr, $allow_exec = false) { $d = array('item' => $arr, 'allow_exec' => $allow_exec); call_hooks('item_store_update', $d); $arr = $d['item']; $allow_exec = $d['allow_exec']; $ret = array('success' => false, 'item_id' => 0); if (!intval($arr['uid'])) { logger('item_store_update: no uid'); $ret['message'] = 'no uid.'; return $ret; } if (!intval($arr['id'])) { logger('item_store_update: no id'); $ret['message'] = 'no id.'; return $ret; } $orig_post_id = $arr['id']; $uid = $arr['uid']; $orig = q("select * from item where id = %d and uid = %d limit 1", intval($orig_post_id), intval($uid)); if (!$orig) { logger('item_store_update: original post not found: ' . $orig_post_id); $ret['message'] = 'no original'; return $ret; } // override the unseen flag with the original if (intval($arr['item_flags'])) { $arr['item_unseen'] = 0; } if ($orig[0]['item_flags'] & ITEM_VERIFIED) { $orig[0]['item_flags'] = $orig[0]['item_flags'] ^ ITEM_VERIFIED; } if ($orig[0]['item_flags'] & ITEM_OBSCURED) { $orig[0]['item_flags'] = $orig[0]['item_flags'] ^ ITEM_OBSCURED; } $arr['item_flags'] = intval($arr['item_flags']) | $orig[0]['item_flags']; $arr['item_restrict'] = intval($arr['item_restrict']) | $orig[0]['item_restrict']; if (array_key_exists('edit', $arr)) { unset($arr['edit']); } $arr['mimetype'] = x($arr, 'mimetype') ? notags(trim($arr['mimetype'])) : 'text/bbcode'; if ($arr['mimetype'] == 'application/x-php' && !$allow_exec) { logger('item_store: php mimetype but allow_exec is denied.'); $ret['message'] = 'exec denied.'; return $ret; } if (!($arr['item_flags'] & ITEM_OBSCURED)) { $arr['lang'] = detect_language($arr['body']); // apply the input filter here - if it is obscured it has been filtered already $arr['body'] = trim(z_input_filter($arr['uid'], $arr['body'], $arr['mimetype'])); if (local_channel() && !$arr['sig']) { $channel = get_app()->get_channel(); if ($channel['channel_hash'] === $arr['author_xchan']) { $arr['sig'] = base64url_encode(rsa_sign($arr['body'], $channel['channel_prvkey'])); $arr['item_flags'] |= ITEM_VERIFIED; } } $allowed_languages = get_pconfig($arr['uid'], 'system', 'allowed_languages'); if (is_array($allowed_languages) && $arr['lang'] && !array_key_exists($arr['lang'], $allowed_languages)) { $translate = array('item' => $arr, 'from' => $arr['lang'], 'to' => $allowed_languages, 'translated' => false); call_hooks('item_translate', $translate); if (!$translate['translated'] && intval(get_pconfig($arr['uid'], 'system', 'reject_disallowed_languages'))) { logger('item_store: language ' . $arr['lang'] . ' not accepted for uid ' . $arr['uid']); $ret['message'] = 'language not accepted'; return $ret; } $arr = $translate['item']; } if ($arr['item_private']) { $key = get_config('system', 'pubkey'); $arr['item_flags'] = $arr['item_flags'] | ITEM_OBSCURED; if ($arr['title']) { $arr['title'] = json_encode(crypto_encapsulate($arr['title'], $key)); } if ($arr['body']) { $arr['body'] = json_encode(crypto_encapsulate($arr['body'], $key)); } } } if (x($arr, 'object') && is_array($arr['object'])) { activity_sanitise($arr['object']); $arr['object'] = json_encode($arr['object']); } if (x($arr, 'target') && is_array($arr['target'])) { activity_sanitise($arr['target']); $arr['target'] = json_encode($arr['target']); } if (x($arr, 'attach') && is_array($arr['attach'])) { activity_sanitise($arr['attach']); $arr['attach'] = json_encode($arr['attach']); } unset($arr['id']); unset($arr['uid']); unset($arr['aid']); unset($arr['mid']); unset($arr['parent']); unset($arr['parent_mid']); unset($arr['created']); unset($arr['author_xchan']); unset($arr['owner_xchan']); unset($arr['thr_parent']); unset($arr['llink']); $arr['edited'] = x($arr, 'edited') !== false ? datetime_convert('UTC', 'UTC', $arr['edited']) : datetime_convert(); $arr['expires'] = x($arr, 'expires') !== false ? datetime_convert('UTC', 'UTC', $arr['expires']) : $orig[0]['expires']; if (array_key_exists('comments_closed', $arr) && $arr['comments_closed'] != NULL_DATE) { $arr['comments_closed'] = datetime_convert('UTC', 'UTC', $arr['comments_closed']); } else { $arr['comments_closed'] = $orig[0]['comments_closed']; } $arr['commented'] = $orig[0]['commented']; $arr['received'] = datetime_convert(); $arr['changed'] = datetime_convert(); $arr['route'] = array_key_exists('route', $arr) ? trim($arr['route']) : $orig[0]['route']; $arr['diaspora_meta'] = x($arr, 'diaspora_meta') ? $arr['diaspora_meta'] : $orig[0]['diaspora_meta']; $arr['location'] = x($arr, 'location') ? notags(trim($arr['location'])) : $orig[0]['location']; $arr['coord'] = x($arr, 'coord') ? notags(trim($arr['coord'])) : $orig[0]['coord']; $arr['verb'] = x($arr, 'verb') ? notags(trim($arr['verb'])) : $orig[0]['verb']; $arr['obj_type'] = x($arr, 'obj_type') ? notags(trim($arr['obj_type'])) : $orig[0]['obj_type']; $arr['object'] = x($arr, 'object') ? trim($arr['object']) : $orig[0]['object']; $arr['tgt_type'] = x($arr, 'tgt_type') ? notags(trim($arr['tgt_type'])) : $orig[0]['tgt_type']; $arr['target'] = x($arr, 'target') ? trim($arr['target']) : $orig[0]['target']; $arr['plink'] = x($arr, 'plink') ? notags(trim($arr['plink'])) : $orig[0]['plink']; $arr['allow_cid'] = array_key_exists('allow_cid', $arr) ? trim($arr['allow_cid']) : $orig[0]['allow_cid']; $arr['allow_gid'] = array_key_exists('allow_gid', $arr) ? trim($arr['allow_gid']) : $orig[0]['allow_gid']; $arr['deny_cid'] = array_key_exists('deny_cid', $arr) ? trim($arr['deny_cid']) : $orig[0]['deny_cid']; $arr['deny_gid'] = array_key_exists('deny_gid', $arr) ? trim($arr['deny_gid']) : $orig[0]['deny_gid']; $arr['item_private'] = array_key_exists('item_private', $arr) ? intval($arr['item_private']) : $orig[0]['item_private']; $arr['title'] = array_key_exists('title', $arr) ? trim($arr['title']) : $orig[0]['title']; $arr['body'] = array_key_exists('body', $arr) ? trim($arr['body']) : $orig[0]['body']; $arr['attach'] = x($arr, 'attach') ? notags(trim($arr['attach'])) : $orig[0]['attach']; $arr['app'] = x($arr, 'app') ? notags(trim($arr['app'])) : $orig[0]['app']; // $arr['item_restrict'] = ((x($arr,'item_restrict')) ? intval($arr['item_restrict']) : $orig[0]['item_restrict'] ); // $arr['item_flags'] = ((x($arr,'item_flags')) ? intval($arr['item_flags']) : $orig[0]['item_flags'] ); $arr['sig'] = x($arr, 'sig') ? $arr['sig'] : ''; $arr['layout_mid'] = array_key_exists('layout_mid', $arr) ? dbesc($arr['layout_mid']) : $orig[0]['layout_mid']; $arr['public_policy'] = x($arr, 'public_policy') ? notags(trim($arr['public_policy'])) : $orig[0]['public_policy']; $arr['comment_policy'] = x($arr, 'comment_policy') ? notags(trim($arr['comment_policy'])) : $orig[0]['comment_policy']; call_hooks('post_remote_update', $arr); if (x($arr, 'cancel')) { logger('item_store_update: post cancelled by plugin.'); $ret['message'] = 'cancelled.'; return $ret; } // pull out all the taxonomy stuff for separate storage $terms = null; if (array_key_exists('term', $arr)) { $terms = $arr['term']; unset($arr['term']); } dbesc_array($arr); logger('item_store_update: ' . print_r($arr, true), LOGGER_DATA); $str = ''; foreach ($arr as $k => $v) { if ($str) { $str .= ","; } $str .= " `" . $k . "` = '" . $v . "' "; } $r = dbq("update `item` set " . $str . " where id = " . $orig_post_id); if ($r) { logger('item_store_update: updated item ' . $orig_post_id, LOGGER_DEBUG); } else { logger('item_store_update: could not update item'); $ret['message'] = 'DB update failed.'; return $ret; } $r = q("delete from term where oid = %d and otype = %d", intval($orig_post_id), intval(TERM_OBJ_POST)); if (is_array($terms)) { foreach ($terms as $t) { q("insert into term (uid,oid,otype,type,term,url)\n\t\t\t\tvalues(%d,%d,%d,%d,'%s','%s') ", intval($uid), intval($orig_post_id), intval(TERM_OBJ_POST), intval($t['type']), dbesc($t['term']), dbesc($t['url'])); } $arr['term'] = $terms; } call_hooks('post_remote_update_end', $arr); send_status_notifications($orig_post_id, $arr); tag_deliver($uid, $orig_post_id); $ret['success'] = true; $ret['item_id'] = $orig_post_id; return $ret; }
function item_store_update($arr, $allow_exec = false, $deliver = true) { $d = array('item' => $arr, 'allow_exec' => $allow_exec); call_hooks('item_store_update', $d); $arr = $d['item']; $allow_exec = $d['allow_exec']; $ret = array('success' => false, 'item_id' => 0); if (!intval($arr['uid'])) { logger('item_store_update: no uid'); $ret['message'] = 'no uid.'; return $ret; } if (!intval($arr['id'])) { logger('item_store_update: no id'); $ret['message'] = 'no id.'; return $ret; } $orig_post_id = $arr['id']; $uid = $arr['uid']; $orig = q("select * from item where id = %d and uid = %d limit 1", intval($orig_post_id), intval($uid)); if (!$orig) { logger('item_store_update: original post not found: ' . $orig_post_id); $ret['message'] = 'no original'; return $ret; } // override the unseen flag with the original $arr['item_unseen'] = $orig[0]['item_unseen']; if (array_key_exists('edit', $arr)) { unset($arr['edit']); } $arr['mimetype'] = x($arr, 'mimetype') ? notags(trim($arr['mimetype'])) : 'text/bbcode'; if ($arr['mimetype'] == 'application/x-php' && !$allow_exec) { logger('item_store: php mimetype but allow_exec is denied.'); $ret['message'] = 'exec denied.'; return $ret; } if (!array_key_exists('item_obscured', $arr) || $arr['item_obscured'] == 0) { $arr['lang'] = detect_language($arr['body']); // apply the input filter here - if it is obscured it has been filtered already $arr['body'] = trim(z_input_filter($arr['uid'], $arr['body'], $arr['mimetype'])); if (local_channel() && !$arr['sig']) { $channel = App::get_channel(); if ($channel['channel_hash'] === $arr['author_xchan']) { $arr['sig'] = base64url_encode(rsa_sign($arr['body'], $channel['channel_prvkey'])); $arr['item_verified'] = 1; } } $allowed_languages = get_pconfig($arr['uid'], 'system', 'allowed_languages'); if (is_array($allowed_languages) && $arr['lang'] && !array_key_exists($arr['lang'], $allowed_languages)) { $translate = array('item' => $arr, 'from' => $arr['lang'], 'to' => $allowed_languages, 'translated' => false); call_hooks('item_translate', $translate); if (!$translate['translated'] && intval(get_pconfig($arr['uid'], 'system', 'reject_disallowed_languages'))) { logger('item_store: language ' . $arr['lang'] . ' not accepted for uid ' . $arr['uid']); $ret['message'] = 'language not accepted'; return $ret; } $arr = $translate['item']; } } if (x($arr, 'obj') && is_array($arr['obj'])) { activity_sanitise($arr['obj']); $arr['obj'] = json_encode($arr['obj']); } if (x($arr, 'target') && is_array($arr['target'])) { activity_sanitise($arr['target']); $arr['target'] = json_encode($arr['target']); } if (x($arr, 'attach') && is_array($arr['attach'])) { activity_sanitise($arr['attach']); $arr['attach'] = json_encode($arr['attach']); } unset($arr['id']); unset($arr['uid']); unset($arr['aid']); unset($arr['mid']); unset($arr['parent']); unset($arr['parent_mid']); unset($arr['created']); unset($arr['author_xchan']); unset($arr['owner_xchan']); unset($arr['thr_parent']); unset($arr['llink']); $arr['edited'] = x($arr, 'edited') !== false ? datetime_convert('UTC', 'UTC', $arr['edited']) : datetime_convert(); $arr['expires'] = x($arr, 'expires') !== false ? datetime_convert('UTC', 'UTC', $arr['expires']) : $orig[0]['expires']; if (array_key_exists('comments_closed', $arr) && $arr['comments_closed'] > NULL_DATE) { $arr['comments_closed'] = datetime_convert('UTC', 'UTC', $arr['comments_closed']); } else { $arr['comments_closed'] = $orig[0]['comments_closed']; } $arr['commented'] = $orig[0]['commented']; if ($deliver) { $arr['received'] = datetime_convert(); $arr['changed'] = datetime_convert(); } else { // When deliver flag is false, we are *probably* performing an import or bulk migration. // If one updates the changed timestamp it will be made available to zotfeed and delivery // will still take place through backdoor methods. Since these fields are rarely used // otherwise, just preserve the original timestamp. $arr['received'] = $orig[0]['received']; $arr['changed'] = $orig[0]['changed']; } $arr['route'] = array_key_exists('route', $arr) ? trim($arr['route']) : $orig[0]['route']; $arr['diaspora_meta'] = x($arr, 'diaspora_meta') ? $arr['diaspora_meta'] : $orig[0]['diaspora_meta']; $arr['location'] = x($arr, 'location') ? notags(trim($arr['location'])) : $orig[0]['location']; $arr['coord'] = x($arr, 'coord') ? notags(trim($arr['coord'])) : $orig[0]['coord']; $arr['verb'] = x($arr, 'verb') ? notags(trim($arr['verb'])) : $orig[0]['verb']; $arr['obj_type'] = x($arr, 'obj_type') ? notags(trim($arr['obj_type'])) : $orig[0]['obj_type']; $arr['obj'] = x($arr, 'obj') ? trim($arr['obj']) : $orig[0]['obj']; $arr['tgt_type'] = x($arr, 'tgt_type') ? notags(trim($arr['tgt_type'])) : $orig[0]['tgt_type']; $arr['target'] = x($arr, 'target') ? trim($arr['target']) : $orig[0]['target']; $arr['plink'] = x($arr, 'plink') ? notags(trim($arr['plink'])) : $orig[0]['plink']; $arr['allow_cid'] = array_key_exists('allow_cid', $arr) ? trim($arr['allow_cid']) : $orig[0]['allow_cid']; $arr['allow_gid'] = array_key_exists('allow_gid', $arr) ? trim($arr['allow_gid']) : $orig[0]['allow_gid']; $arr['deny_cid'] = array_key_exists('deny_cid', $arr) ? trim($arr['deny_cid']) : $orig[0]['deny_cid']; $arr['deny_gid'] = array_key_exists('deny_gid', $arr) ? trim($arr['deny_gid']) : $orig[0]['deny_gid']; $arr['item_private'] = array_key_exists('item_private', $arr) ? intval($arr['item_private']) : $orig[0]['item_private']; $arr['title'] = array_key_exists('title', $arr) && strlen($arr['title']) ? trim($arr['title']) : ''; $arr['body'] = array_key_exists('body', $arr) && strlen($arr['body']) ? trim($arr['body']) : ''; $arr['html'] = array_key_exists('html', $arr) && strlen($arr['html']) ? trim($arr['html']) : ''; $arr['attach'] = array_key_exists('attach', $arr) ? notags(trim($arr['attach'])) : $orig[0]['attach']; $arr['app'] = array_key_exists('app', $arr) ? notags(trim($arr['app'])) : $orig[0]['app']; $arr['item_origin'] = array_key_exists('item_origin', $arr) ? intval($arr['item_origin']) : $orig[0]['item_origin']; $arr['item_unseen'] = array_key_exists('item_unseen', $arr) ? intval($arr['item_unseen']) : $orig[0]['item_unseen']; $arr['item_starred'] = array_key_exists('item_starred', $arr) ? intval($arr['item_starred']) : $orig[0]['item_starred']; $arr['item_uplink'] = array_key_exists('item_uplink', $arr) ? intval($arr['item_uplink']) : $orig[0]['item_uplink']; $arr['item_consensus'] = array_key_exists('item_consensus', $arr) ? intval($arr['item_consensus']) : $orig[0]['item_consensus']; $arr['item_wall'] = array_key_exists('item_wall', $arr) ? intval($arr['item_wall']) : $orig[0]['item_wall']; $arr['item_thread_top'] = array_key_exists('item_thread_top', $arr) ? intval($arr['item_thread_top']) : $orig[0]['item_thread_top']; $arr['item_notshown'] = array_key_exists('item_notshown', $arr) ? intval($arr['item_notshown']) : $orig[0]['item_notshown']; $arr['item_nsfw'] = array_key_exists('item_nsfw', $arr) ? intval($arr['item_nsfw']) : $orig[0]['item_nsfw']; $arr['item_relay'] = array_key_exists('item_relay', $arr) ? intval($arr['item_relay']) : $orig[0]['item_relay']; $arr['item_mentionsme'] = array_key_exists('item_mentionsme', $arr) ? intval($arr['item_mentionsme']) : $orig[0]['item_mentionsme']; $arr['item_nocomment'] = array_key_exists('item_nocomment', $arr) ? intval($arr['item_nocomment']) : $orig[0]['item_nocomment']; $arr['item_obscured'] = array_key_exists('item_obscured', $arr) ? intval($arr['item_obscured']) : $orig[0]['item_obscured']; $arr['item_verified'] = array_key_exists('item_verified', $arr) ? intval($arr['item_verified']) : $orig[0]['item_verified']; $arr['item_retained'] = array_key_exists('item_retained', $arr) ? intval($arr['item_retained']) : $orig[0]['item_retained']; $arr['item_rss'] = array_key_exists('item_rss', $arr) ? intval($arr['item_rss']) : $orig[0]['item_rss']; $arr['item_deleted'] = array_key_exists('item_deleted', $arr) ? intval($arr['item_deleted']) : $orig[0]['item_deleted']; $arr['item_type'] = array_key_exists('item_type', $arr) ? intval($arr['item_type']) : $orig[0]['item_type']; $arr['item_hidden'] = array_key_exists('item_hidden', $arr) ? intval($arr['item_hidden']) : $orig[0]['item_hidden']; $arr['item_unpublished'] = array_key_exists('item_unpublished', $arr) ? intval($arr['item_unpublished']) : $orig[0]['item_unpublished']; $arr['item_delayed'] = array_key_exists('item_delayed', $arr) ? intval($arr['item_delayed']) : $orig[0]['item_delayed']; $arr['item_pending_remove'] = array_key_exists('item_pending_remove', $arr) ? intval($arr['item_pending_remove']) : $orig[0]['item_pending_remove']; $arr['item_blocked'] = array_key_exists('item_blocked', $arr) ? intval($arr['item_blocked']) : $orig[0]['item_blocked']; $arr['sig'] = x($arr, 'sig') ? $arr['sig'] : ''; $arr['layout_mid'] = array_key_exists('layout_mid', $arr) ? dbesc($arr['layout_mid']) : $orig[0]['layout_mid']; $arr['public_policy'] = x($arr, 'public_policy') ? notags(trim($arr['public_policy'])) : $orig[0]['public_policy']; $arr['comment_policy'] = x($arr, 'comment_policy') ? notags(trim($arr['comment_policy'])) : $orig[0]['comment_policy']; call_hooks('post_remote_update', $arr); if (x($arr, 'cancel')) { logger('item_store_update: post cancelled by plugin.'); $ret['message'] = 'cancelled.'; return $ret; } // pull out all the taxonomy stuff for separate storage $terms = null; if (array_key_exists('term', $arr)) { $terms = $arr['term']; unset($arr['term']); } $meta = null; if (array_key_exists('iconfig', $arr)) { $meta = $arr['iconfig']; unset($arr['iconfig']); } dbesc_array($arr); logger('item_store_update: ' . print_r($arr, true), LOGGER_DATA); $str = ''; foreach ($arr as $k => $v) { if ($str) { $str .= ","; } $str .= " `" . $k . "` = '" . $v . "' "; } $r = dbq("update `item` set " . $str . " where id = " . $orig_post_id); if ($r) { logger('item_store_update: updated item ' . $orig_post_id, LOGGER_DEBUG); } else { logger('item_store_update: could not update item'); $ret['message'] = 'DB update failed.'; return $ret; } // fetch an unescaped complete copy of the stored item $r = q("select * from item where id = %d", intval($orig_post_id)); if ($r) { $arr = $r[0]; } $r = q("delete from term where oid = %d and otype = %d", intval($orig_post_id), intval(TERM_OBJ_POST)); if (is_array($terms)) { foreach ($terms as $t) { q("insert into term (uid,oid,otype,ttype,term,url)\n\t\t\t\tvalues(%d,%d,%d,%d,'%s','%s') ", intval($uid), intval($orig_post_id), intval(TERM_OBJ_POST), intval($t['ttype']), dbesc($t['term']), dbesc($t['url'])); } $arr['term'] = $terms; } $r = q("delete from iconfig where iid = %d", intval($orig_post_id)); if ($meta) { foreach ($meta as $m) { set_iconfig($orig_post_id, $m['cat'], $m['k'], $m['v'], $m['sharing']); } $arr['iconfig'] = $meta; } $ret['item'] = $arr; call_hooks('post_remote_update_end', $arr); if ($deliver) { send_status_notifications($orig_post_id, $arr); tag_deliver($uid, $orig_post_id); } $ret['success'] = true; $ret['item_id'] = $orig_post_id; return $ret; }