break; default: // Plugin body // @todo if ( $values = array(); $values_domain["ATTRIBUTES"] = array(); $values_postmaster["ATTRIBUTES"] = array(); // Attributes in the table if (isset($pv[$pn]["DOMAIN"])) { $values_domain = $pv[$pn]["DOMAIN"]; } // Attributes in the table if (isset($pv[$pn]["POSTMASTER"])) { $values_postmaster = $pv[$pn]["POSTMASTER"]; } $values["ATTRIBUTES"] = array_merge($values_domain["ATTRIBUTES"], $values_postmaster["ATTRIBUTES"]); // @todo only one query... if ($_SESSION["login"]["level"] == 10) { if ($initial) { $vds = PhammLdap::phamm_list(LDAP_BASE, "(&(objectClass=virtualDomain)(vd={$initial}*))", array('vd')); } else { $vds = PhammLdap::phamm_list(LDAP_BASE, 'objectClass=virtualDomain', array('vd')); } phamm_print_xhtml(form_add_domain()); phamm_print_xhtml(domains_list($vds, $values)); phamm_print_xhtml(action_select('domain')); } break; } } echo $page_end;
//Affichage de l'arborescence d'arrivée if ($selection1 == "ok") { $directory = "./" . $CONFIG['fullpath']; $Drep = path_name($dfolder); $RepD = $Drep; starttable('100%', $titre); echo "<tr><td align='left'>{$lang_plugin_FileMove['DFolder']}<b>{$Drep}</b></td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td>"; list_dir($directory, 1, $dfolder, $selection, $selection1, $RepD); echo "</td></tr>"; endtable(); } else { $selection = "ok"; //Affichage du choix de l'action (déplacer tout le contenu du répertoire ou travailler sur certains fichier echo "<tr><td>"; action_select($dfolder, $selection); echo "</td></tr>"; } break; case "oui": $Arep = path_name($dfolder); $RepD = $superCage->get->getRaw('RepD'); //affichage des deux répertoires à déplacer et confirmation pour traitement echo "<tr><td>"; confirm_choix($RepD, $Arep); echo "</td></tr>"; break; default: $directory = "./" . $CONFIG['fullpath']; starttable('100%', $titre); echo "<tr><td>";