Beispiel #1
    if (isset($item['children']) && count($item['children']) && $nest < $maxDepth) {
        include_partial('aNavigation/accordion', array('nav' => $item['children'], 'draggable' => $draggable, 'maxDepth' => $maxDepth - 1, 'name' => $name, 'nest' => $nest + 1, 'dragIcon' => $dragIcon, 'class' => $class, 'active' => $active));

    if ($dragIcon && $draggable) {
        echo a_js_button('Drag', array('icon', 'a-drag', 'no-label', 'alt', 'no-bg'));


if ($draggable) {
Beispiel #2
function a_js_cancel_button($label = null, $classes = array(), $id = null)
    if (is_null($label)) {
        $label = a_('Cancel');
    $classes[] = 'a-cancel';
    return a_js_button($label, $classes, $id);
Beispiel #3
		<div class="a-form-field">
echo $form['title']->render(array('class' => 'big'));
echo $form['title']->renderError();
  <div class="a-form-row">
    <ul class="a-ui a-controls">
echo a_anchor_submit_button(a_('Create'), array('a-show-busy'));
echo a_js_button(a_('Cancel'), array('icon', 'a-cancel', 'a-options-cancel', 'alt'));

a_js_call('apostrophe.menuToggle(?)', array('button' => '.a-blog-new-post-button', 'classname' => 'a-options-open', 'overlay' => false, 'focus' => '#a_blog_new_post_title'));
a_js_call('apostrophe.selfLabel(?)', array('selector' => '#a_blog_new_post_title', 'title' => a_('Title'), 'persistentLabel' => true));
Beispiel #4

if ($sf_params->get('module') != 'aFeedback') {
<div class="a-feedback-footer clearfix" id="a-feedback-footer">
    echo a_js_button(a_('Submit a Bug Report'), array('a-link', 'a-feedback'), 'a-feedback-link');
	<div class="a-feedback-form-container clearfix" id="a-feedback-form-container">
    include_partial('aFeedback/feedback', array('form' => new aFeedbackForm(), 'feedbackSubmittedBy' => false, 'failed' => false));
    if ($reportSubmittedBy = $sf_user->getFlash('reportSubmittedBy')) {
 	<div class="a-feedback-submitted clearfix"><span class="submitted-by"><?php 
        echo $reportSubmittedBy;
</span> &ndash; <?php 
        echo a_('Thank you for submitting a bug report.');
    a_js_call('aFeedback.feedbackForm(?)', array('url' => url_for('aFeedback/feedback') . "?" . http_build_query(array('section' => $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']))));
Beispiel #5

use_helper('a', 'Date');
<li class="a-admin-action-new"><?php 
echo a_js_button(a_('New Post'), array('big', 'icon', 'a-add', 'a-blog-new-post-button'), 'a-blog-new-post-button');
  <div class="a-ui a-options a-blog-admin-new-ajax dropshadow">
include_component('aBlogAdmin', 'newPost');
if (sfConfig::get('app_aBlog_disqus_enabled', true) && sfConfig::get('app_aBlog_disqus_shortname')) {
    echo link_to('Comments', 'http://' . sfConfig::get('app_aBlog_disqus_shortname') . '', array('class' => 'a-btn big'));
<h5 class="a-account-preview-description"><?php 
echo $description;
<ul class="a-account-preview-recent">
foreach ($results['results'] as $result) {
    echo $service->embed($result['id'], aMediaTools::getOption('video_account_preview_width'), aMediaTools::getOption('video_account_preview_height'));

<div class="a-account-preview-confirm">
<p class="a-help">Add this account so that all new media associated with it will automatically be added to the media repository on an ongoing basis.</p>
<ul class="a-ui a-controls">
echo a_js_button(a_('Add This Account'), array('big', 'icon', 'a-add'), 'a-account-preview-ok');
echo a_js_button(a_('Cancel'), array('icon', 'a-cancel', 'big', 'alt'), 'a-account-preview-cancel');
Beispiel #7
    include_component($editModule, "editView", array("name" => $name, "type" => $type, "permid" => $permid, "options" => $options, "updating" => $updating, "validationData" => $validationData));

	<ul class="a-ui a-controls">  
    // We need an id, not a name. Fix Jake's "I can't edit anything" bug
    echo a_anchor_submit_button(a_('Save'), array('a-save', 'a-show-busy'), null, 'a-slot-form-submit-' . $id);
    echo a_js_button(a_('Cancel'), array('icon', 'a-cancel', 'alt'), 'a-slot-form-cancel-' . $id);

    a_js_call('apostrophe.slotEnableForm(?)', array('slot-form' => '#a-slot-form-' . $id, 'slot-content' => '#a-slot-content-' . $id, 'url' => url_for($type . 'Slot/edit') . '?' . http_build_query(array('slot' => $name, 'permid' => $permid, 'slug' => $slug))));

if ($editable) {
Beispiel #8

<div class="a-ui a-history-browser dropshadow clearfix">
	<div class="a-history-browser-heading-container clearfix">
		<h4 class="a-history-browser-heading"><?php 
echo a_('You are browsing past revisions for this area.');
echo a_js_button(a_('Close History Browser'), array('icon', 'a-close', 'no-label', 'big', 'no-bg', 'alt'), 'a-history-close-button');
	<div class="a-history-browser-crop clearfix">
		<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" title="<?php 
echo htmlspecialchars(__('Choose a revision.', null, 'apostrophe'));
				<th class="date"><?php 
echo __('Date', null, 'apostrophe');
				<th class="editor"><?php 
echo __('Editor', null, 'apostrophe');
				<th class="preview"><?php 
echo __('Preview', null, 'apostrophe');
Beispiel #9
        if ($infinite || $options['delete']) {
            // Tom: Just a quick note about this -- Enabling the delete button for singleton slot works, it just clears out the value for that slot instead of deleting the slot.
            $delete_button_style = sfConfig::get('app_a_delete_button_style', 'no-label');
            $delete_button_id = "a-slot-{$pageid}-{$name}-{$permid}-delete-button";
            echo a_js_button(a_('Delete'), array('icon', 'a-delete', 'alt', $delete_button_style), $delete_button_id, a_('Delete Slot'));
            a_js_call('apostrophe.areaEnableDeleteSlotButton(?)', array('pageId' => $page->id, 'name' => $name, 'permid' => $permid, 'buttonId' => $delete_button_id, 'confirmPrompt' => a_('Are you sure you want to delete this slot?'), "url" => url_for("a/deleteSlot?" . http_build_query(array("id" => $page->id, "name" => $name, "permid" => $permid)))));
    // End Slot Controls
Beispiel #10
          <span class="a-btn alt a-disabled icon a-checked no-bg"><span class="icon"></span><?php 
        echo $settings['label'];
        <li id="<?php 
        echo $id;
-inactive" class="inactive" style="<?php 
        echo !$active ? '' : 'display: none';
        echo a_js_button(a_($settings['label']), array('alt', 'icon', 'a-unchecked', 'no-bg'), $id . '-button');
        a_js_call('apostrophe.slotEnableVariantButton(?)', array('buttonId' => $id . '-button', 'slotContentId' => "a-slot-content-{$pageid}-{$name}-{$permid}", 'variant' => $variant, 'slotFullId' => "{$pageid}-{$name}-{$permid}", 'url' => url_for('a/setVariant?' . http_build_query(array('id' => $pageid, 'name' => $name, 'permid' => $permid, 'variant' => $variant)))));

    if (!$slot->isNew()) {
Beispiel #11
        // otherwise, use the slot's own label
        $label = $areaLabel ? $areaLabel : a_('Add') . ' ' . $info['label'];
    $buttonClass = $singleSlot ? array('a-add-slot', 'icon', 'big', $info['class']) : array('alt', 'icon', 'no-bg', 'slot', $info['class']);
    $buttonId = 'a-area-' . $id . '-' . $name . '-add-' . $info['class'] . '-slot-button';
    echo a_js_button($label, $buttonClass, $buttonId);
    echo a_js_call('apostrophe.areaEnableAddSlotChoice(?)', array('url' => url_for("a/addSlot") . '?' . http_build_query(array('name' => $name, 'id' => $id, 'type' => $type, 'actual_url' => $sf_request->getUri())), 'pageId' => $id, 'name' => $name, 'buttonId' => $buttonId, 'debug' => false));

    if (!$singleSlot) {

Beispiel #12
		<div class="a-form-field">
echo $form['embed']->render(array('class' => 'a-search-video a-search-form', 'id' => 'a-media-video-embed'));

	<div class="a-form-row example">
echo __('Example: %embed%', array('%embed%' => htmlspecialchars('<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" width="437" height="291" ...</object>')), 'apostrophe');
    <input type="hidden" name="first_pass" value="1" class="a-hidden" /> 

	<ul class="a-ui a-controls" id="a-media-video-add-by-embed-form-submit">
echo a_anchor_submit_button(a_('Save Embed'), array('big'));
echo a_js_button(a_('Cancel'), array('icon', 'a-cancel', 'big', 'alt'));


a_js_call('apostrophe.selfLabel(?)', array('selector' => '#a-media-video-embed', 'title' => isset($search) ? $search : '<object>...</object>'));
Beispiel #13
    echo a_js_button(a_('Drag'), array('icon', 'a-drag', 'lite', 'no-label', 'alt'));
    echo a_button(a_('Edit'), aUrl::addParams(url_for("aMedia/edit"), array("slug" => $item->getSlug())), array('icon', 'a-edit', 'lite', 'no-label', 'alt'));
    echo a_js_button(a_('Crop'), array('icon', 'a-crop', 'lite', 'no-label', 'alt'));
    echo a_js_button(a_('Delete'), array('icon', 'a-delete', 'lite', 'no-label', 'alt'));

	  <div class="a-thumbnail-container" style="background-image: url('<?php 
    echo url_for($item->getCropThumbnailUrl());
'); overflow: hidden;">
			<img src="<?php 
    echo url_for($item->getCropThumbnailUrl());
" class="a-thumbnail" style="visibility:hidden;" />	

$tag = !is_null($sf_params->get('tag')) ? $sf_params->get('tag') : null;
$selected = array('icon', 'a-selected');
// Class names for selected filters

// url_for is the LAST step after other addParams calls play with what we want to include. Don't do it now
$filterUrl = aUrl::addParams($url, array('tag' => $sf_params->get('tag'), 'cat' => $sf_params->get('cat'), 'year' => $sf_params->get('year'), 'month' => $sf_params->get('month'), 'day' => $sf_params->get('day'), 'q' => $sf_params->get('q')));

if (aBlogItemTable::userCanPost()) {
	<div class="a-ui clearfix a-subnav-section a-sidebar-button-wrapper">
    echo a_js_button($newLabel, array('big', 'a-add', 'a-blog-new-post-button', 'a-sidebar-button'), 'a-blog-new-post-button');
    <div class="a-options a-blog-admin-new-ajax dropshadow">
    include_component($newModule, $newComponent);

<div class="a-subnav-section search">
  <div class="a-search a-search-sidebar blog">
    <form action="<?php 
echo url_for(aUrl::addParams($filterUrl, array('q' => '')));