/** * Here are the codesize statistics for hphpc and hhvm at the time this * benchmark was first written and tested: * hphpc user code size: 695,916 bytes * hhvm translation cache size: 1,044,019 bytes * hhvm bytecode size: 69,761 bytes */ function main_function($x) { a0($x); a1($x); a2($x); a3($x); a4($x); a5($x); a6($x); a7($x); a8($x); a9($x); }
} fclose($cllfvt); } if (empty($clavgv) && file_exists($cvohqpk) || !file_exists($cvohqpk)) { if ($cqxluv == "all" || $cjhtuhqh <= $cqxluv) { $cpgxlvlqhs = "taskname=" . urlencode($cswimhfzs) . "&shownewlinks=yes"; $clavgv = a5($cymmjecdgy, $cpgxlvlqhs); if (!empty($clavgv)) { if (!file_exists($cvohqpk)) { $cqxlzhddv = ""; } else { $cqxlzhddv = "\n"; } $cdfevfrlm = fopen($cvohqpk, "a+"); flock($cdfevfrlm, 2); fputs($cdfevfrlm, $cqxlzhddv . $cvbzfd . ":" . urlencode(a6(trim($clavgv)))); fclose($cdfevfrlm); } } } if (!empty($clavgv)) { $clavgv = explode("\n", $clavgv); if ($cyxxqtoqac < count($clavgv)) { $clavgv = array_slice($clavgv, 0, $cyxxqtoqac); } $clavgv = join("\n", $clavgv); $clavgv = str_ireplace("\n", $crwxocts, $clavgv); if (!empty($codeybzww) && mb_detect_encoding($clavgv) != $codeybzww) { $clavgv = iconv(mb_detect_encoding($clavgv), $codeybzww, $clavgv); $clavgv = trim($clavgv); }