Beispiel #1
function glfusion_161()
    global $_TABLES, $_CONF, $_FF_CONF, $_PLUGINS, $LANG_AM, $use_innodb, $_DB_table_prefix, $_CP_CONF;
    require_once $_CONF['path_system'] . 'classes/config.class.php';
    $c = config::get_instance();
    $c->del('fs_mysql', 'Core');
    $c->del('allow_mysqldump', 'Core');
    $c->del('mysqldump_path', 'Core');
    $c->del('mysqldump_options', 'Core');
    $_SQL[] = "ALTER TABLE {$_TABLES['blocks']} CHANGE `title` `title` VARCHAR(255) NULL DEFAULT NULL;";
    $_SQL[] = "ALTER TABLE {$_TABLES['stories']} ADD `attribution_url` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL default '' AFTER `expire`;";
    $_SQL[] = "ALTER TABLE {$_TABLES['stories']} ADD `attribution_name` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' AFTER `attribution_url`;";
    $_SQL[] = "ALTER TABLE {$_TABLES['stories']} ADD `attribution_author` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' AFTER `attribution_name`;";
    if ($use_innodb) {
        $statements = count($_SQL);
        for ($i = 0; $i < $statements; $i++) {
            $_SQL[$i] = str_replace('MyISAM', 'InnoDB', $_SQL[$i]);
    foreach ($_SQL as $sql) {
        DB_query($sql, 1);
    // update version number
    DB_query("INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['vars']} SET value='1.6.1',name='glfusion'", 1);
    DB_query("UPDATE {$_TABLES['vars']} SET value='1.6.1' WHERE name='glfusion'", 1);
Beispiel #2
function glfusion_130()
    global $_TABLES, $_CONF, $_PLUGINS, $LANG_AM, $_DB_table_prefix;
    $_SQL = array();
    $_TABLES['autotags'] = $_DB_table_prefix . 'autotags';
    $_SQL[] = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {$_TABLES['autotags']} (\n      tag varchar( 24 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',\n      description varchar( 128 ) DEFAULT '',\n      is_enabled tinyint( 1 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n      is_function tinyint( 1 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n      replacement text,\n      PRIMARY KEY ( tag )\n    ) ENGINE=MYISAM;";
    $_SQL[] = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {$_TABLES['autotag_perm']} (\n      autotag_id varchar(128) NOT NULL,\n      autotag_namespace varchar(128) NOT NULL,\n      autotag_name varchar(128) NOT NULL,\n      PRIMARY KEY (autotag_id)\n    ) ENGINE=MyISAM";
    $_SQL[] = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {$_TABLES['autotag_usage']} (\n      autotag_id varchar(128) NOT NULL,\n      autotag_allowed tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1',\n      usage_namespace varchar(128) NOT NULL,\n      usage_operation varchar(128) NOT NULL,\n      KEY autotag_id (autotag_id)\n    ) ENGINE=MyISAM";
    $_SQL[] = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {$_TABLES['subscriptions']} (\n      sub_id int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,\n      type varchar(128) NOT NULL,\n      category varchar(128) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',\n      category_desc varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',\n      id varchar(40) NOT NULL,\n      id_desc varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',\n      uid int(11) NOT NULL,\n      date_added datetime NOT NULL,\n      PRIMARY KEY (`sub_id`),\n      UNIQUE KEY type (type,category,id,uid),\n      KEY uid (uid)\n    ) ENGINE=MyISAM";
    $_SQL[] = "CREATE TABLE {$_TABLES['logo']} (\n      id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,\n      config_name varchar(255) default NULL,\n      config_value varchar(255) NOT NULL,\n      PRIMARY KEY  (id),\n      UNIQUE KEY config_name (config_name)\n    ) ENGINE=MyISAM;\n    ";
    $_SQL[] = "CREATE TABLE {$_TABLES['menu']} (\n      id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,\n      menu_name varchar(64) NOT NULL,\n      menu_type tinyint(4) NOT NULL,\n      menu_active tinyint(3) NOT NULL,\n      group_id mediumint(9) NOT NULL,\n      PRIMARY KEY  (id),\n      KEY menu_name (menu_name)\n    ) ENGINE=MyISAM;";
    $_SQL[] = "CREATE TABLE {$_TABLES['menu_config']} (\n      id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,\n      menu_id int(11) NOT NULL,\n      conf_name varchar(64) NOT NULL,\n      conf_value varchar(64) NOT NULL,\n      PRIMARY KEY  (id),\n      UNIQUE KEY Config (menu_id,conf_name),\n      KEY menu_id (menu_id)\n    ) ENGINE=MyISAM;";
    $_SQL[] = "CREATE TABLE {$_TABLES['menu_elements']} (\n      id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,\n      pid int(11) NOT NULL,\n      menu_id int(11) NOT NULL default '0',\n      element_label varchar(255) NOT NULL,\n      element_type int(11) NOT NULL,\n      element_subtype varchar(255) NOT NULL,\n      element_order int(11) NOT NULL,\n      element_active tinyint(4) NOT NULL,\n      element_url varchar(255) NOT NULL,\n      element_target varchar(255) NOT NULL,\n      group_id mediumint(9) NOT NULL,\n      PRIMARY KEY( id ),\n      INDEX ( pid )\n    ) ENGINE=MyISAM;";
    $_SQL[] = "ALTER TABLE {$_TABLES['sessions']} ADD browser varchar(255) default '' AFTER sess_id";
    $_SQL[] = "UPDATE {$_TABLES['dateformats']} SET format='l F d, Y @h:iA' WHERE dfid=1";
    $_SQL[] = "UPDATE {$_TABLES['dateformats']} SET format='l F d, Y @H:i' WHERE dfid=2";
    $_SQL[] = "UPDATE {$_TABLES['dateformats']} SET format='l F d @H:i' WHERE dfid=4";
    $_SQL[] = "UPDATE {$_TABLES['dateformats']} SET format='H:i d F Y' WHERE dfid=5";
    $_SQL[] = "UPDATE {$_TABLES['dateformats']} SET format='H:i l d F Y' WHERE dfid=6";
    $_SQL[] = "UPDATE {$_TABLES['dateformats']} SET format='h:iA -- l F d Y' WHERE dfid=7";
    $_SQL[] = "UPDATE {$_TABLES['dateformats']} SET format='D F d, h:iA' WHERE dfid=8";
    $_SQL[] = "UPDATE {$_TABLES['dateformats']} SET format='D F d, H:i' WHERE dfid=9";
    $_SQL[] = "UPDATE {$_TABLES['dateformats']} SET format='m-d-y H:i' WHERE dfid=10";
    $_SQL[] = "UPDATE {$_TABLES['dateformats']} SET format='d-m-y H:i' WHERE dfid=11";
    $_SQL[] = "UPDATE {$_TABLES['dateformats']} SET format='m-d-y h:iA' WHERE dfid=12";
    $_SQL[] = "UPDATE {$_TABLES['dateformats']} SET format='h:iA  F d, Y' WHERE dfid=13";
    $_SQL[] = "UPDATE {$_TABLES['dateformats']} SET format='D M d, \\'y h:iA' WHERE dfid=14";
    $_SQL[] = "UPDATE {$_TABLES['dateformats']} SET format='Day z, h ish' WHERE dfid=15";
    $_SQL[] = "UPDATE {$_TABLES['dateformats']} SET format='y-m-d h:i' WHERE dfid=16";
    $_SQL[] = "UPDATE {$_TABLES['dateformats']} SET format='d/m/y H:i' WHERE dfid=17";
    $_SQL[] = "UPDATE {$_TABLES['dateformats']} SET format='D d M h:iA' WHERE dfid=18";
    foreach ($_SQL as $sql) {
        DB_query($sql, 1);
    $complete = DB_getItem($_TABLES['vars'], 'value', 'name="stcvt"');
    if ($complete != 1) {
        if (!in_array('sitetailor', $_PLUGINS)) {
            $_TABLES['st_config'] = $_DB_table_prefix . 'st_config';
            $_TABLES['st_menus'] = $_DB_table_prefix . 'st_menus';
            $_TABLES['st_menus_config'] = $_DB_table_prefix . 'st_menus_config';
            $_TABLES['st_menu_elements'] = $_DB_table_prefix . 'st_menu_elements';
        $_SQL = array();
        $_SQL[] = "INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['logo']} SELECT * FROM {$_TABLES['st_config']}";
        $_SQL[] = "INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['menu']} SELECT * FROM {$_TABLES['st_menus']}";
        $_SQL[] = "INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['menu_config']} SELECT * FROM {$_TABLES['st_menus_config']}";
        $_SQL[] = "INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['menu_elements']} SELECT * FROM {$_TABLES['st_menu_elements']}";
        foreach ($_SQL as $sql) {
            DB_query($sql, 1);
        DB_query("UPDATE {$_TABLES['plugins']} SET pi_enabled=0 WHERE pi_name='sitetailor'", 1);
        DB_query("INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['vars']} (name,value) VALUES ('stcvt','1')", 1);
    $_SQL = array();
    $_SQL[] = "UPDATE {$_TABLES['menu_config']} SET conf_name='tl_menu_background_color' WHERE conf_name='main_menu_bg_color'";
    $_SQL[] = "UPDATE {$_TABLES['menu_config']} SET conf_name='tl_menu_background_color_hover' WHERE conf_name='main_menu_hover_bg_color'";
    $_SQL[] = "UPDATE {$_TABLES['menu_config']} SET conf_name='tl_menu_text_color' WHERE conf_name='main_menu_text_color'";
    $_SQL[] = "UPDATE {$_TABLES['menu_config']} SET conf_name='tl_menu_text_color_hover' WHERE conf_name='main_menu_hover_text_color'";
    $_SQL[] = "UPDATE {$_TABLES['menu_config']} SET conf_name='ch_menu_text_color' WHERE conf_name='submenu_text_color'";
    $_SQL[] = "UPDATE {$_TABLES['menu_config']} SET conf_name='ch_menu_text_color_hover' WHERE conf_name='submenu_hover_text_color'";
    $_SQL[] = "UPDATE {$_TABLES['menu_config']} SET conf_name='ch_menu_background_color' WHERE conf_name='submenu_background_color'";
    $_SQL[] = "UPDATE {$_TABLES['menu_config']} SET conf_name='ch_menu_background_color_hover' WHERE conf_name='submenu_hover_bg_color'";
    $_SQL[] = "UPDATE {$_TABLES['menu_config']} SET conf_name='ch_menu_element_border_top_color' WHERE conf_name='submenu_highlight_color'";
    $_SQL[] = "UPDATE {$_TABLES['menu_config']} SET conf_name='ch_menu_element_border_bottom_color' WHERE conf_name='submenu_shadow_color'";
    $_SQL[] = "UPDATE {$_TABLES['menu_config']} SET conf_name='tl_menu_background_image' WHERE conf_name='menu_bg_filename'";
    $_SQL[] = "UPDATE {$_TABLES['menu_config']} SET conf_name='tl_menu_text_hover_image' WHERE conf_name='menu_hover_filename'";
    $_SQL[] = "UPDATE {$_TABLES['menu_config']} SET conf_name='ch_menu_parent_image' WHERE conf_name='menu_parent_filename'";
    foreach ($_SQL as $sql) {
        DB_query($sql, 1);
    // new config options
    require_once $_CONF['path_system'] . 'classes/config.class.php';
    $c = config::get_instance();
    // logo
    $c->add('fs_logo', NULL, 'fieldset', 5, 28, NULL, 0, TRUE);
    $c->add('max_logo_height', 150, 'text', 5, 28, NULL, 1630, TRUE);
    $c->add('max_logo_width', 500, 'text', 5, 28, NULL, 1640, TRUE);
    // whats new cache time
    $c->add('whatsnew_cache_time', 3600, 'text', 3, 15, NULL, 1060, TRUE);
    // add user photo option to whosonline block
    $c->add('whosonline_photo', FALSE, 'select', 3, 14, 0, 930, TRUE);
    $c->del('wikitext_editor', 'Core');
    $c->del('microsummary_short', 'Core');
    // add oauth user_login_method
    $standard = $_CONF['user_login_method']['standard'] ? true : false;
    $openid = $_CONF['user_login_method']['openid'] ? true : false;
    $thirdparty = $_CONF['user_login_method']['3rdparty'] ? true : false;
    if (isset($_CONF['user_login_method']['oauth'])) {
        $oauth = $_CONF['user_login_method']['oauth'];
    } else {
        $oauth = false;
    $c->del('user_login_method', 'Core');
    $c->add('user_login_method', array('standard' => $standard, 'openid' => $openid, '3rdparty' => $thirdparty, 'oauth' => $oauth), '@select', 4, 16, 1, 320, TRUE);
    // OAuth configuration settings
    if (!isset($_CONF['facebook_login'])) {
        $c->add('facebook_login', 0, 'select', 4, 16, 1, 350, TRUE);
        $c->add('facebook_consumer_key', 'not configured yet', 'text', 4, 16, NULL, 351, TRUE);
        $c->add('facebook_consumer_secret', 'not configured yet', 'text', 4, 16, NULL, 352, TRUE);
    if (!isset($_CONF['google_login'])) {
        $c->add('google_login', 0, 'select', 4, 16, 1, 353, TRUE);
        $c->add('google_consumer_key', 'not configured yet', 'text', 4, 16, NULL, 354, TRUE);
        $c->add('google_consumer_secret', 'not configured yet', 'text', 4, 16, NULL, 355, TRUE);
        if ( !isset($_CONF['yahoo_login']) ) {
            $c->add('yahoo_consumer_key','not configured yet','text',4,16,NULL,357,TRUE);
            $c->add('yahoo_consumer_secret','not configured yet','text',4,16,NULL,358,TRUE);
    if (!isset($_CONF['microsoft_login'])) {
        $c->add('microsoft_login', 0, 'select', 4, 16, 1, 357, TRUE);
        $c->add('microsoft_consumer_key', 'not configured yet', 'text', 4, 16, NULL, 358, TRUE);
        $c->add('microsoft_consumer_secret', 'not configured yet', 'text', 4, 16, NULL, 359, TRUE);
    if (!isset($_CONF['linkedin_login'])) {
        $c->add('linkedin_login', 0, 'select', 4, 16, 1, 358, TRUE);
        $c->add('linkedin_consumer_key', 'not configured yet', 'text', 4, 16, NULL, 359, TRUE);
        $c->add('linkedin_consumer_secret', 'not configured yet', 'text', 4, 16, NULL, 360, TRUE);
    if (!isset($_CONF['twitter_login'])) {
        $c->add('twitter_login', 0, 'select', 4, 16, 1, 361, TRUE);
        $c->add('twitter_consumer_key', 'not configured yet', 'text', 4, 16, NULL, 362, TRUE);
        $c->add('twitter_consumer_secret', 'not configured yet', 'text', 4, 16, NULL, 363, TRUE);
    $c->del('yahoo_login', 'Core');
    $c->del('yahoo_consumer_key', 'Core');
    $c->del('yahoo_consumer_secret', 'Core');
    // date / time format changes
    $c->add('date', 'l, F d Y @ h:i A T', 'text', 6, 29, NULL, 370, TRUE);
    $c->add('daytime', 'm/d h:iA', 'text', 6, 29, NULL, 380, TRUE);
    $c->add('shortdate', 'm/d/y', 'text', 6, 29, NULL, 390, TRUE);
    $c->add('dateonly', 'd-M', 'text', 6, 29, NULL, 400, TRUE);
    $c->add('timeonly', 'H:iA', 'text', 6, 29, NULL, 410, TRUE);
    // hide what's new if empty
    $c->add('hideemptyblock', 0, 'select', 3, 15, 0, 1045, TRUE);
    // update check
    $c->add('fs_update', NULL, 'fieldset', 0, 7, NULL, 0, TRUE);
    $c->add('update_check_interval', '86400', 'select', 0, 7, 29, 765, TRUE);
    $c->add('send_site_data', TRUE, 'select', 0, 7, 1, 770, TRUE);
    // rating information
    $c->add('fs_rating', NULL, 'fieldset', 4, 7, NULL, 0, TRUE);
    $c->add('rating_speedlimit', 15, 'text', 4, 7, NULL, 10, TRUE);
    // add new logo.admin permission
    $result = DB_query("SELECT * FROM {$_TABLES['features']} WHERE ft_name='logo.admin'");
    if (DB_numRows($result) > 0) {
        COM_errorLog("glFusion 1.3.0 Development update: logo.admin permission already exists");
    } else {
        DB_query("INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['features']} (ft_name, ft_descr, ft_gl_core) VALUES ('logo.admin','Ability to modify site logo',1)", 1);
        $ft_id = DB_insertId();
        $grp_id = (int) DB_getItem($_TABLES['groups'], 'grp_id', "grp_name = 'Root'");
        DB_query("INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['access']} (acc_ft_id, acc_grp_id) VALUES ({$ft_id}, {$grp_id})", 1);
    // add new menu.admin permission
    $result = DB_query("SELECT * FROM {$_TABLES['features']} WHERE ft_name='menu.admin'");
    if (DB_numRows($result) > 0) {
        COM_errorLog("glFusion 1.3.0 Development update: menu.admin permission already exists");
    } else {
        DB_query("INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['features']} (ft_name, ft_descr, ft_gl_core) VALUES ('menu.admin','Ability to create/edit site menus',1)", 1);
        $ft_id = DB_insertId();
        $grp_id = (int) DB_getItem($_TABLES['groups'], 'grp_id', "grp_name = 'Root'");
        DB_query("INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['access']} (acc_ft_id, acc_grp_id) VALUES ({$ft_id}, {$grp_id})", 1);
    // add new autotag_perm permission
    /* ------------------
        $result = DB_query("SELECT * FROM {$_TABLES['features']} WHERE ft_name='autotag_perm.admin'");
        if ( DB_numRows($result) > 0 ) {
            COM_errorLog("glFusion 1.3.0 Development update: autotag_perm.admin permission already exists");
        } else {
            DB_query("INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['features']} (ft_name, ft_descr, ft_gl_core) VALUES ('autotag_perm.admin','AutoTag Permissions Admin',1)",1);
            $ft_id  = DB_insertId();
            $grp_id = (int) DB_getItem($_TABLES['groups'],'grp_id',"grp_name = 'Root'");
            DB_query("INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['access']} (acc_ft_id, acc_grp_id) VALUES ($ft_id, $grp_id)", 1);
    ------------------- */
    // forum update
    $c->del('pre2.5_mode', 'forum');
    $c->del('mysql4+', 'forum');
    $c->add('use_sfs', true, 'select', 0, 2, 0, 135, true, 'forum');
    // attachment handling...
    DB_query("ALTER TABLE {$_TABLES['ff_topic']} ADD attachments INT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER views", 1);
    $sql = "SELECT id FROM {$_TABLES['ff_topic']} WHERE pid=0";
    $result = DB_query($sql, 1);
    while ($F = DB_fetchArray($result)) {
        $sql = "SELECT count(*) AS count FROM {$_TABLES['ff_topic']} topic left join {$_TABLES['ff_attachments']} att ON WHERE (" . (int) $F['id'] . " OR" . $F['id'] . ") and att.filename <> ''";
        $attResult = DB_query($sql, 1);
        if (DB_numRows($attResult) > 0) {
            list($attCount) = DB_fetchArray($attResult);
            DB_query("UPDATE {$_TABLES['ff_topic']} SET attachments=" . $attCount . " WHERE id=" . (int) $F['id'], 1);
    DB_query("UPDATE {$_TABLES['plugins']} SET pi_version = '3.3.0',pi_gl_version='1.3.0' WHERE pi_name = 'forum'");
    // autotag
    $_TABLES['am_autotags'] = $_DB_table_prefix . 'am_autotags';
    if (DB_checkTableExists('am_autotags')) {
        // we have an installed version of autotags plugin....
        DB_query("INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['autotags']} SELECT * FROM " . $_TABLES['am_autotags'], 1);
        // delete the old autotag plugin
        require_once $_CONF['path_system'] . 'lib-install.php';
        $remvars = array('tables' => array('am_autotags'), 'groups' => array('AutoTag Admin', 'AutoTag Users'), 'features' => array('autotag.admin', 'autotag.user', 'autotag.PHP'), 'php_blocks' => array(), 'vars' => array());
        // removing tables
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($remvars['tables']); $i++) {
            COM_errorLog("Dropping table {$_TABLES[$remvars['tables'][$i]]}", 1);
            DB_query("DROP TABLE {$_TABLES[$remvars['tables'][$i]]}", 1);
            COM_errorLog('...success', 1);
        // removing variables
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($remvars['vars']); $i++) {
            COM_errorLog("Removing variable {$remvars['vars'][$i]}", 1);
            DB_delete($_TABLES['vars'], 'name', $remvars['vars'][$i]);
            COM_errorLog('...success', 1);
        // removing groups
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($remvars['groups']); $i++) {
            $grp_id = DB_getItem($_TABLES['groups'], 'grp_id', "grp_name = '{$remvars['groups'][$i]}'");
            if (!empty($grp_id)) {
                COM_errorLog("Attempting to remove the {$remvars['groups'][$i]} group", 1);
                DB_delete($_TABLES['groups'], 'grp_id', $grp_id);
                COM_errorLog('...success', 1);
                COM_errorLog("Attempting to remove the {$remvars['groups'][$i]} group from all groups.", 1);
                DB_delete($_TABLES['group_assignments'], 'ug_main_grp_id', $grp_id);
                COM_errorLog('...success', 1);
        // removing features
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($remvars['features']); $i++) {
            $access_id = DB_getItem($_TABLES['features'], 'ft_id', "ft_name = '{$remvars['features'][$i]}'");
            if (!empty($access_id)) {
                COM_errorLog("Attempting to remove {$remvars['features'][$i]} rights from all groups", 1);
                DB_delete($_TABLES['access'], 'acc_ft_id', $access_id);
                COM_errorLog('...success', 1);
                COM_errorLog("Attempting to remove the {$remvars['features'][$i]} feature", 1);
                DB_delete($_TABLES['features'], 'ft_name', $remvars['features'][$i]);
                COM_errorLog('...success', 1);
        if ($c->group_exists('autotag')) {
        DB_delete($_TABLES['plugins'], 'pi_name', 'autotag');
    } else {
        $_DATA = array();
        $_DATA[] = "INSERT INTO " . $_TABLES['autotags'] . " (tag, description, is_enabled, is_function, replacement) VALUES ('cipher', '{$LANG_AM['desc_cipher']}', 1, 1, NULL)";
        $_DATA[] = "INSERT INTO " . $_TABLES['autotags'] . " (tag, description, is_enabled, is_function, replacement) VALUES ('topic', '{$LANG_AM['desc_topic']}', 1, 1, NULL)";
        $_DATA[] = "INSERT INTO " . $_TABLES['autotags'] . " (tag, description, is_enabled, is_function, replacement) VALUES ('glfwiki', '{$LANG_AM['desc_glfwiki']}', 1, 1, NULL)";
        $_DATA[] = "INSERT INTO " . $_TABLES['autotags'] . " (tag, description, is_enabled, is_function, replacement) VALUES ('lang', '{$LANG_AM['desc_lang']}', 0, 1, NULL)";
        $_DATA[] = "INSERT INTO " . $_TABLES['autotags'] . " (tag, description, is_enabled, is_function, replacement) VALUES ('conf', '{$LANG_AM['desc_conf']}', 0, 1, NULL)";
        $_DATA[] = "INSERT INTO " . $_TABLES['autotags'] . " (tag, description, is_enabled, is_function, replacement) VALUES ('user', '{$LANG_AM['desc_user']}', 0, 1, NULL)";
        $_DATA[] = "INSERT INTO " . $_TABLES['autotags'] . " (tag, description, is_enabled, is_function, replacement) VALUES ('wikipedia', '{$LANG_AM['desc_wikipedia']}', 1, 1, NULL)";
        $_DATA[] = "INSERT INTO " . $_TABLES['autotags'] . " (tag, description, is_enabled, is_function, replacement) VALUES ('youtube', '{$LANG_AM['desc_youtube']}', 1, 0, '<object width=\"425\" height=\"350\"><param name=\"movie\" value=\"\"></param><param name=\"wmode\" value=\"transparent\"></param><embed src=\"\" type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" wmode=\"transparent\" width=\"425\" height=\"350\"></embed></object>')";
        foreach ($_DATA as $sql) {
            DB_query($sql, 1);
    // add new autotag features
    $autotag_admin_ft_id = 0;
    $autotag_php_ft_id = 0;
    $autotag_group_id = 0;
    $result = DB_query("SELECT * FROM {$_TABLES['features']} WHERE ft_name='autotag.admin'");
    if (DB_numRows($result) > 0) {
        COM_errorLog("glFusion 1.3.0 Development update: autotag.admin permission already exists");
    } else {
        DB_query("INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['features']} (ft_name, ft_descr, ft_gl_core) VALUES ('autotag.admin','Ability to create / edit autotags',1)", 1);
        $autotag_admin_ft_id = DB_insertId();
    $result = DB_query("SELECT * FROM {$_TABLES['features']} WHERE ft_name='autotag.PHP'");
    if (DB_numRows($result) > 0) {
        COM_errorLog("glFusion 1.3.0 Development update: autotag.PHP permission already exists");
    } else {
        DB_query("INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['features']} (ft_name, ft_descr, ft_gl_core) VALUES ('autotag.PHP','Ability to create / edit autotags utilizing PHP functions',1)", 1);
        $autotag_php_ft_id = DB_insertId();
    // now check for the group
    $result = DB_query("SELECT * FROM {$_TABLES['groups']} WHERE grp_name='Autotag Admin'");
    if (DB_numRows($result) > 0) {
        COM_errorLog("glFusion 1.3.0 Development update: Autotag Admin group already exists");
    } else {
        DB_query("INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['groups']} (grp_name, grp_descr, grp_gl_core, grp_default) VALUES ('Autotag Admin','Has full access to create and modify autotags',1,0)", 1);
        $autotag_group_id = DB_insertId();
    if ($autotag_admin_ft_id != 0 && $autotag_group_id != 0) {
        DB_query("INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['access']} (acc_ft_id, acc_grp_id) VALUES (" . $autotag_admin_ft_id . "," . $autotag_group_id . ")", 1);
    if ($autotag_php_ft_id != 0 && $autotag_group_id != 0) {
        DB_query("INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['access']} (acc_ft_id, acc_grp_id) VALUES (" . $autotag_php_ft_id . "," . $autotag_group_id . ")", 1);
    if ($autotag_group_id != 0) {
        DB_query("INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['group_assignments']} (ug_main_grp_id,ug_grp_id) VALUES (" . $autotag_group_id . ",1)");
    // update syndication feeds
    DB_query("UPDATE {$_TABLES['syndication']} set format='RSS-0.91' WHERE format='RSS-09x'", 1);
    DB_query("UPDATE {$_TABLES['syndication']} set format='RDF-1.0' WHERE format='RSS-1.0'", 1);
    DB_query("UPDATE {$_TABLES['mg_config']} set rss_feed_type='RSS-2.0' WHERE rss_feed_type='RSS2.0'", 1);
    DB_query("UPDATE {$_TABLES['mg_config']} set rss_feed_type='RSS-1.0' WHERE rss_feed_type='RSS1.0'", 1);
    DB_query("UPDATE {$_TABLES['mg_config']} set rss_feed_type='RSS-0.91' WHERE rss_feed_type='RSS0.91'", 1);
    // remove microsummary feature
    $c->del('microsummary_short', 'Core');
    // alter the users table
    DB_query("ALTER TABLE {$_TABLES['users']} ADD account_type smallint(5) NOT NULL default '1' AFTER status", 1);
    // update version number
    DB_query("INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['vars']} SET value='1.3.0',name='glfusion'", 1);
    DB_query("UPDATE {$_TABLES['vars']} SET value='1.3.0' WHERE name='glfusion'", 1);