function licenseDocumentForm(&$links, &$paths, &$data, $inline = 0) { $action = _taskLink('license_result', JRequest::getInt('gid', 0), array('bid' => $data->id)); ob_start(); ?> <form action="<?php echo DOCMAN_Compat::sefRelToAbs($action); ?> " method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <input type="hidden" name="inline" value="<?php echo $inline; ?> " /> <input type="radio" name="agree" value="0" checked /><?php echo _DML_DONT_AGREE; ?> <input type="radio" name="agree" value="1" /><?php echo _DML_AGREE; ?> <br /><br /> <input name="submit" value="<?php echo _DML_PROCEED; ?> " type="submit" /> </form> <?php $html = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); return $html; }
function fetchMethodForm($uid, $step, $update = false) { global $task; switch ($step) { case 2: $lists = array(); $lists['action'] = _taskLink($task, $uid, array('step' => $step + 1), false); return HTML_DMUploadMethod::linkFileForm($lists); break; case 3: $url = stripslashes(JRequest::getString('url', 'http://')); $err = DMUploadMethod::linkFileProcess($uid, $step, $url); if ($err['_error']) { _returnTo($task, $err['_errmsg'], '', array("method" => 'link', "step" => $step - 1, "localfile" => '', "url" => DOCMAN_Utils::safeEncodeURL($url))); } $uploaded = DOCMAN_Utils::safeEncodeURL(_DM_DOCUMENT_LINK . $url); $catid = $update ? 0 : $uid; $docid = $update ? $uid : 0; $session = JFactory::getSession(); $session->set('docman.dmfilename', _DM_DOCUMENT_LINK); $session->set('docman.document_url', $url); return fetchEditDocumentForm($docid, $uploaded, $catid); break; default: break; } return true; }
function fetchMethodForm($uid, $step, $update) { global $task; switch ($step) { case 2: $lists = array(); $lists['action'] = _taskLink($task, $uid, array('step' => $step + 1), false); return HTML_DMUploadMethod::uploadFileForm($lists); break; case 3: //upload file $file = JRequest::getVar('upload', array(), 'files', 'array'); $err = DMUploadMethod::uploadFileProcess($uid, $step, $file); if ($err['_error']) { _returnTo($task, $err['_errmsg'], '', array('step' => $step - 1, 'method' => 'http')); } $catid = $update ? 0 : $uid; $docid = $update ? $uid : 0; $session = JFactory::getSession(); $session->set('docman.dmfilename', $file->name); $session->set('docman.document_url', null); return fetchEditDocumentForm($docid, $file->name, $catid); break; default: break; } return true; }
function fetchMethodForm($uid, $step, $update) { global $task; switch ($step) { case 2: $lists = array(); $lists['action'] = _taskLink($task, $uid, array('step' => $step + 1), false); return HTML_DMUploadMethod::uploadFileForm($lists); break; case 3: //upload file //$file = mosGetParam(DOCMAN_Utils::stripslashes($_FILES), 'upload'); $file_upload = mosGetParam($_FILES, 'upload'); $err = DMUploadMethod::uploadFileProcess($uid, $step, $file); if ($err['_error']) { _returnTo($task, $err['_errmsg'], '', array('step' => $step - 1, 'method' => 'http')); } $catid = $update ? 0 : $uid; $docid = $update ? $uid : 0; return fetchEditDocumentForm($docid, $file->name, $catid); break; default: break; } return true; }
function fetchMethodForm($uid, $step, $update = false) { global $task; switch ($step) { case 2: $lists = array(); $lists['action'] = _taskLink($task, $uid, array('step' => $step + 1), false); $lists['url'] = ''; $lists['localfile'] = ''; return HTML_DMUploadMethod::transferFileForm($lists); break; case 3: $url = stripslashes(mosGetParam($_REQUEST, 'url', 'http://')); $file = stripslashes(mosGetParam($_REQUEST, 'localfile', '')); $err = DMUploadMethod::transferFileProcess($uid, $step, $url, $file); if ($err['_error']) { _returnTo($task, $err['_errmsg'], '', array("method" => 'transfer', "step" => $step - 1, "localfile" => $file, "url" => DOCMAN_Utils::safeEncodeURL($url))); } $catid = $update ? 0 : $uid; $docid = $update ? $uid : 0; return fetchEditDocumentForm($docid, $file->name, $catid); break; default: break; } return true; }
function updateDocumentForm($list, $links, $paths, $data) { $action = _taskLink('doc_update_process', $data->id); ob_start(); ?> <form action="<?php echo sefRelToAbs($action); ?> " method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" id="dm_frmupdate" class="dm_form" > <fieldset class="input"> <p> <label for="upload"><?php echo _DML_SELECTFILE; ?> </label><br /> <input id="upload" name="upload" type="file" /> </p> </fieldset> <fieldset class="dm_button"> <p> <input name="submit" class="button" value="<?php echo _DML_UPLOAD; ?> " type="submit" /> </p> </fieldset> <?php echo DOCMAN_token::render(); ?> </form> <?php $html = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); return $html; }
function fetchMethodsForm($uid, $step, $method) { global $task; // Prompt with a list of upload methods $lists = array(); $lists['methods'] = dmHTML::uploadSelectList(); $lists['action'] = _taskLink($task, $uid, array('step' => $step + 1), false); return HTML_DMUpload::uploadMethodsForm($lists); }
function fetchDocumentList($catid) { global $_DOCMAN, $_DMUSER, $ordering, $direction, $limit, $limitstart; if (!$catid) { return; } $rows = DOCMAN_Docs::getDocsByUserAccess($catid, $ordering, $direction, $limit, $limitstart); if (!is_array($rows)) { $rows = array(); } $params = array('limit' => $limit, 'limitstart' => $limitstart); // create orderby object $links = array(); $links['name'] = _taskLink('cat_view', $catid, array_merge($params, array('order' => 'name', 'dir' => $direction))); $links['date'] = _taskLink('cat_view', $catid, array_merge($params, array('order' => 'date', 'dir' => $direction))); $links['hits'] = _taskLink('cat_view', $catid, array_merge($params, array('order' => 'hits', 'dir' => $direction))); if ($direction == 'ASC') { $links['dir'] = _taskLink('cat_view', $catid, array_merge($params, array('order' => $ordering, 'dir' => 'DESC'))); } else { $links['dir'] = _taskLink('cat_view', $catid, array_merge($params, array('order' => $ordering, 'dir' => 'ASC'))); } //set pathway information $pathway = new StdClass(); $pathway->links = $links; //set order information $order = new StdClass(); $order->links = $links; $order->direction = $direction; $order->orderby = $ordering; $order->limit = $limit; $order->limitstart = $limitstart; $items = array(); foreach ($rows as $row) { // onFetchDocument event, type = list $bot = new DOCMAN_mambot('onFetchDocument'); $bot->setParm('id', $row->id); $bot->copyParm('type', 'list'); $bot->trigger(); if ($bot->getError()) { _returnTo('cat_view', $bot->getErrorMsg()); } // load doc $doc =& DOCMAN_Document::getInstance($row->id); // process content mambots DOCMAN_Utils::processContentBots($doc, 'dmdescription'); $item = new StdClass(); $item->buttons =& $doc->getLinkObject(); $item->paths =& $doc->getPathObject(); $item->data =& $doc->getDataObject(); $items[] = $item; } return HTML_DMDocuments::displayDocumentList($order, $items); }
function searchForm(&$lists, $search_phrase) { global $_DOCMAN; $action = _taskLink('search_result'); ob_start(); ?> <fieldset class="input"> <table width="100%" class="contentpaneopen"> <form action="<?php echo JRoute::_($action); ?> " method="post" name="adminForm" id="dm_frmsearch" class="dm_searchform"> <tr height="30px"> <td nowrap="nowrap" width="150px"> <label for="search_phrase"><?php echo _DML_PROMPT_KEYWORD; ?> </label>: </td> <td nowrap="nowrap" width="150px"> <input type="text" class="inputbox" id="search_phrase" name="search_phrase" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($search_phrase), ENT_QUOTES); ?> " /> </td> <td nowrap="nowrap"> </td> </tr> <!-- <tr height="30px"> <td nowrap="nowrap"> <label for="catid"><?php //echo _DML_SELECCAT; ?> </label>: </td> <td nowrap="nowrap"> <?php //echo $lists['catid'] ; ?> </td> <td nowrap="nowrap"> </td> </tr> --> <!-- <tr height="30px"> <td nowrap="nowrap"> <label for="ordering"><?php //echo _DML_CMN_ORDERING; ?> </label>: </td> <td nowrap="nowrap"> <?php //echo $lists['ordering'] ; ?> </td> <td nowrap="nowrap"> <?php //echo $lists['reverse_order'] . _DML_SEARCH_REVRS; ?> </td> </tr> <tr height="30px"> <td nowrap="nowrap"> <label for="search_mode"><?php //echo _DML_SEARCH_MODE; ?> </label>: </td> <td> <?php //echo $lists['search_mode'] ?> </td> <td> <?php //echo $lists['invert_search'] . _DML_NOT ; ?> </td> </tr> <tr height="30px"> <td nowrap="nowrap"> <label for="search_where"><?php //echo _DML_SEARCH_WHERE; ?> </label>: </td> <td> <?php //echo $lists['search_where'] ; ?> </td> <td nowrap="nowrap"> </td> </tr> <tr height="30px"> <td nowrap="nowrap"> </td> <td> <input type="submit" class="button" value="<?php //echo _DML_SEARCH; ?> " /> </td> <td> </td> </tr> --> </form> </table> </fieldset> <?php $html = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); return $html; }
function moveDocumentForm($lists, $links, $paths, $data) { $action = _taskLink('doc_move_process', $data->id); ob_start(); ?> <form action="<?php echo DOCMAN_Compat::sefRelToAbs($action); ?> " method="post" id="dm_frmmove" class="dm_form" > <fieldset class="dm_adminform"> <table class="dm_admintable"> <tr> <td class="dm_key"> <label for="name"><?php echo _DML_DOC; ?> </label> </td> <td> <span id="name"><?php echo $data->dmname; ?> (<?php echo $data->filename; ?> )</span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="dm_key"> <label for="catid"><?php echo _DML_MOVETO; ?> </label> </td> <td> <?php echo $lists['categories']; ?> </td> </tr> </table> </fieldset> <fieldset class="dm_button"> <p> <input name="submit" class="button" value="<?php echo _DML_MOVETHEFILES; ?> " type="submit" /> </p> </fieldset> <?php echo DOCMAN_token::render(); ?> </form> <?php $html = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); return $html; }
function fetchMenu($gid = 0) { global $_DOCMAN, $_DMUSER; $task = JRequest::getCmd('task'); if ($gid && in_array($task, array('doc_details', 'doc_edit'))) { $gid = 0; } // create links $links = new StdClass(); $links->home = _taskLink(null); $links->search = _taskLink('search_form'); $links->upload = _taskLink('upload', $gid); // create perms $perms = new StdClass(); $perms->view = DM_TPL_AUTHORIZED; $perms->search = DM_TPL_AUTHORIZED; $perms->upload = DM_TPL_NOT_AUTHORIZED; if ($_DMUSER->canUpload()) { $perms->upload = DM_TPL_AUTHORIZED; } else { if ($_DMUSER->userid == 0 && $_DOCMAN->getCfg('user_upload') != -1) { $perms->upload = DM_TPL_NOT_LOGGED_IN; } } return HTML_docman::fetchMenu($links, $perms); }
function fetchMenu($gid = 0) { global $_DOCMAN, $_DMUSER; // create links $links = new StdClass(); $links->home = _taskLink(null); $links->search = _taskLink('search_form'); $links->upload = _taskLink('upload', $gid); // create perms $perms = new StdClass(); $perms->view = DM_TPL_AUTHORIZED; $perms->search = DM_TPL_AUTHORIZED; $perms->upload = DM_TPL_NOT_AUTHORIZED; if ($_DMUSER->canUpload()) { $perms->upload = DM_TPL_AUTHORIZED; } else { if ($_DMUSER->userid == 0 && $_DOCMAN->getCfg('user_upload') != -1) { $perms->upload = DM_TPL_NOT_LOGGED_IN; } } return HTML_docman::fetchMenu($links, $perms); }
function searchForm(&$lists, $search_phrase) { global $_DOCMAN; $action = _taskLink('search_result'); ob_start(); ?> <form action="<?php echo $action; ?> " method="post" name="adminForm" id="dm_frmsearch" class="dm_form"> <fieldset class="input"> <p> <label for="catid"><?php echo _DML_SELECCAT; ?> </label><br /> <?php echo $lists['catid']; ?> </p> <p> <label for="search_phrase"><?php echo _DML_PROMPT_KEYWORD; ?> </label><br /> <input type="text" class="inputbox" id="search_phrase" name="search_phrase" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($search_phrase), ENT_QUOTES); ?> " /> </p> <p> <label for="search_mode"><?php echo _DML_SEARCH_MODE; ?> </label><br /> <?php echo $lists['invert_search'] . _DML_NOT; echo ' ' . $lists['search_mode']; ?> </p> <p> <label for="ordering"><?php echo _DML_CMN_ORDERING; ?> </label><br /> <?php echo $lists['ordering']; echo " " . _DML_SEARCH_REVRS . ":" . $lists['reverse_order']; ?> </p> <p> <label for="search_where"><?php echo _DML_SEARCH_WHERE; ?> </label><br /> <?php echo $lists['search_where']; ?> </p> </fieldset> <fieldset class="dm_button"> <p> <input type="submit" class="button" value="<?php echo _DML_SEARCH; ?> " /> </p> </fieldset> </form> <?php $html = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); return $html; }