Beispiel #1
function macro_PageHits($formatter = "", $value)
    global $DBInfo;
    if (!$DBInfo->use_counter) {
        return "[[PageHits is not activated. set \$use_counter=1; in the config.php]]";
    $pages = $DBInfo->getPageLists();
    $hits = array();
    foreach ($pages as $page) {
        $hits[$page] = $DBInfo->counter->pageCounter($page);
    if (!empty($value) and ($value == 'reverse' or $value[0] == 'r')) {
    } else {
    $out = '';
    while (list($name, $hit) = each($hits)) {
        if (!$hit) {
            $hit = 0;
        $name = $formatter->link_tag(_rawurlencode($name), "", htmlspecialchars($name));
        $out .= "<li>{$name} . . . . [{$hit}]</li>\n";
    return "<ol>\n" . $out . "</ol>\n";
Beispiel #2
function do_sitemap($formatter, $options)
    global $DBInfo;
    # get page list
    if ($formater->group) {
        $group_pages = $DBInfo->getLikePages($formater->group);
        foreach ($group_pages as $page) {
            $all_pages[] = str_replace($formatter->group, '', $page);
    } else {
        $all_pages = $DBInfo->getPageLists();
    usort($all_pages, 'strcasecmp');
    $items = '';
    // empty string
    # process page list
    $zone = '+00:00';
    foreach ($all_pages as $page) {
        $url = qualifiedUrl($formatter->link_url(_rawurlencode($page)));
        $p = new WikiPage($page);
        $t = $p->mtime();
        $date = gmdate("Y-m-d\\TH:i:s", $t) . $zone;
        // W3C datetime format
        $item = "<url>\n";
        $item .= "  <loc>" . $url . "</loc>\n";
        $item .= "  <lastmod>" . $date . "</lastmod>\n";
        $item .= "</url>\n";
        $items .= $item;
    # process output
    $out = $items;
    if ($options['oe'] and strtolower($options['oe']) != $DBInfo->charset) {
        $charset = $options['oe'];
        if (function_exists('iconv')) {
            $new = iconv($DBInfo->charset, $charset, $items);
            if (!$new) {
                $charset = $DBInfo->charset;
            if ($new) {
                $out = $new;
    } else {
        $charset = $DBInfo->charset;
    $head = <<<HEAD
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="{$charset}"?>
<urlset xmlns:xsi=""

    $foot = <<<FOOT
    # output
    header("Content-Type: text/xml");
    print $head . $out . $foot;
Beispiel #3
function do_Clip($formatter, $options)
    global $DBInfo;
    $enable_replace = 1;
    $keyname = $DBInfo->_getPageKey($options['page']);
    $_dir = str_replace("./", '', $DBInfo->upload_dir . '/' . $keyname);
    // support hashed upload dir
    if (!is_dir($_dir) and !empty($DBInfo->use_hashed_upload_dir)) {
        $prefix = get_hashed_prefix($keyname);
        $_dir = str_replace('./', '', $DBInfo->upload_dir . '/' . $prefix . $keyname);
    $pagename = _urlencode($options['page']);
    $name = $options['value'];
    if (!$name) {
        $title = _("Fatal error !");
        $formatter->send_header("Status: 406 Not Acceptable", $options);
        $formatter->send_title($title, "", $options);
        print "<h2>" . _("No filename given") . "</h2>";
        $formatter->send_footer("", $options);
    $pngname = _rawurlencode($name);
    $imgpath = "{$pngname}";
    $imgparam = '';
    if (file_exists($_dir . '/' . $imgpath . '.png')) {
        $url = qualifiedUrl($DBInfo->url_prefix . '/' . $_dir . '/' . $imgpath . '.png');
        $imgparam = "<param name='image' value='{$url}' />";
    $png_url = "{$imgpath}.png";
    $formatter->send_header("", $options);
    $formatter->send_title(_("Clipboard"), "", $options);
    $prefix = $formatter->prefix;
    $now = time();
    $url_exit = $formatter->link_url($pagename, "?ts={$now}");
    $url_save = $formatter->link_url($pagename, "?action=draw");
    $url_help = $formatter->link_url("ClipMacro");
    $pubpath = $DBInfo->url_prefix . "/applets/ClipPlugin";
    print "<h2>" . _("Cut & Paste a Clipboard Image") . "</h2>\n";
    print <<<APPLET
<applet code="clip"
 archive="clip.jar" codebase="{$pubpath}"
 width='200' height='200' align="center">
        <param name="pngpath"  value="{$png_url}" />
        <param name="savepath" value="{$url_save}" />
        <param name="viewpath" value="{$url_exit}" />
        <param name="compress" value="5" />
<b>NOTE:</b> You need a Java enabled browser to edit the drawing example.
</applet><br />
    $formatter->send_footer("", $options);
Beispiel #4
function macro_PageHits($formatter, $value = '', $params = array())
    global $DBInfo, $Config;
    if (empty($Config['use_counter'])) {
        return "[[PageHits is not activated. set \$use_counter=1; in the config.php]]";
    $perpage = !empty($Config['counter_per_page']) ? intval($Config['counter_per_page']) : 200;
    if (!empty($params['p'])) {
        $p = intval($params['p']);
    } else {
        $p = 0;
    if ($p < 0) {
        $p = 0;
    $hits = $DBInfo->counter->getPageHits($perpage, $p);
    if (!empty($value) and ($value == 'reverse' or $value[0] == 'r')) {
    } else {
    $out = '';
    while (list($name, $hit) = each($hits)) {
        if (!$hit) {
            $hit = 0;
        $name = $formatter->link_tag(_rawurlencode($name), "", _html_escape($name));
        $out .= "<li>{$name} . . . . [{$hit}]</li>\n";
    $start = $perpage * $p;
    if ($start > 0) {
        $start = ' start="' . $start . '"';
    } else {
        $start = '';
    $out = "<ol{$start}>\n" . $out . "</ol>\n";
    $prev = '';
    $next = '';
    if ($p > 0) {
        $prev = $formatter->link_tag($formatter->page->urlname, '?action=pagehits&amp;p=' . ($p - 1), _("&#171; Prev"));
    if (count($hits) >= 0) {
        $next = $formatter->link_tag($formatter->page->urlname, '?action=pagehits&amp;p=' . $p, _("Next &#187;"));
    return $out . $prev . ' ' . $next;
Beispiel #5
function macro_JME($formatter, $value)
    global $DBInfo;
    $jar = '';
    // XXX
    $jar = 'JME.jar';
    $draw_dir = str_replace('./', '', $DBInfo->upload_dir . '/JME');
    if (!file_exists($draw_dir)) {
        mkdir($draw_dir, 0777);
    $name = $value;
    $urlname = _rawurlencode($value);
    $molname = $name . ".mol";
    $now = time();
    $url = $formatter->link_url($formatter->page->name, "?action=jme&amp;value={$urlname}&amp;now={$now}");
    if (!file_exists($draw_dir . "/{$molname}")) {
        if ($name) {
            return "<a href='{$url}'>" . sprintf(_("Draw a new molecule '%s'"), $name) . "</a>";
        } else {
            return "<a href='{$url}'>" . _("Draw a new molecule") . "</a>";
    $fp = fopen($draw_dir . '/' . $molname, 'r');
    if ($fp) {
        $mol = '';
        while (!feof($fp)) {
            $mol .= fgets($fp, 2048);
        $mol = str_replace("\r\n", "|\n", $mol);
    $pubpath = $DBInfo->url_prefix . "/applets/JMEPlugin";
    $mol = _html_escape($mol);
    return <<<APPLET
<applet code="JME.class" name="JME" codebase="{$pubpath}" archive="{$jar}">
<param name="options" value="depict" />
<param name="mol" value="{$mol}" />
You have to enable Java and JavaScript on your machine !
Beispiel #6
function macro_Referer($formatter, $value, &$options)
    global $DBInfo;
    if (empty($DBInfo->use_referer)) {
        return "[[Referer macro: {$use_referer} is off.]]";
    $referer_log_filename = $DBInfo->cache_dir . "/referer/referer.log";
    if ($value !== true) {
        // [[referer]] or ?action=referer
        $needle = $formatter->page->urlname;
    } else {
        // [[referer()]]
    if ($needle and false) {
        // so slow XXX
        $handle = fopen($referer_log_filename, 'r');
        if (!is_resource($handle)) {
            return '';
        $logs = array();
        while (!feof($handle)) {
            $line = fgets($handle);
            list(, $pagename, ) = explode("\t", $line);
            if ($pagename == $needle) {
                $logs[] = $line;
            if ($count > 100) {
        $logs = array_reverse($logs);
    } else {
        $number_of_lines = 200;
        // XXX
        $logs = tail_file($referer_log_filename, $number_of_lines);
    $log = array();
    $counter = 10;
    // XXX
    $count = 0;
    foreach ($logs as $line) {
        list(, $pagename, ) = explode("\t", $line);
        if (strcmp($pagename, $needle) == 0) {
            $log[] = $line;
        if ($count > $counter) {
    $logs = $log;
    $tz_offset = $formatter->tz_offset;
    $length = sizeof($logs);
    for ($c = 0; $c < $length; $c++) {
        $fields = explode("\t", $logs[$c]);
        $fields[0] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime($fields[0]) + $tz_offset);
        $fields[1] = $formatter->link_tag(_rawurlencode($fields[1]), "", urldecode($fields[1]));
        $found = '';
        if (ereg("[?&][pqQ](uery)?=([^&]+)&?", $fields[2], $regs)) {
            $check = strpos($regs[2], '%');
            # is it urlecnoded ?
            if ($check !== false) {
                $found = urldecode($regs[2]);
                if (function_exists('iconv')) {
                    $test = false;
                    if (strcasecmp('utf-8', $DBInfo->charset) != 0) {
                        $test = iconv('utf-8', $DBInfo->charset, $found);
                        if ($test !== false) {
                            $found = $test;
                    if ($test === false and !empty($DBInfo->url_encodings)) {
                        $cs = explode(',', $DBInfo->url_encodings);
                        foreach ($cs as $c) {
                            $test = @iconv($c, $DBInfo->charset, $found);
                            if ($test !== false) {
                                $found = $test;
            } else {
                $found = $regs[2];
        $fields[2] = (!empty($found) ? "[ {$found} ] " : '') . "<a href='{$fields['2']}'>" . urldecode($fields[2]) . "</a>";
        if (isset($needle)) {
        $logs[$c] = "<td class='date' style='width:20%'>" . implode("</td><td>", $fields) . "<td>";
    $ret = '';
    if ($length > 0) {
        $ret = "\n<table>";
        $ret .= "<caption>" . _("Referer history") . "</caption>";
        $ret .= "<tr>";
        $ret .= implode("</tr>\n<tr>", $logs);
        $ret .= "</tr></table>\n";
    return '<div class="Referer">' . $ret . '</div>';
Beispiel #7
function macro_PageList($formatter, $arg = "", $options = array())
    global $DBInfo;
    $offset = '';
    if (!is_numeric($options['offset']) or $options['offset'] <= 0) {
    } else {
        $offset = $options['offset'];
    preg_match("/([^,]*)(\\s*,\\s*)?(.*)?\$/", $arg, $match);
    if ($match[1] == 'date') {
        $options['date'] = 1;
        $arg = '';
    } else {
        if ($match) {
            $arg = $match[1];
            $opts = array();
            if ($match[3]) {
                $opts = explode(",", $match[3]);
            if (in_array('date', $opts)) {
                $options['date'] = 1;
            if (in_array('dir', $opts)) {
                $options['dir'] = 1;
            if (in_array('subdir', $opts)) {
                $options['subdir'] = 1;
            if (in_array('info', $opts)) {
                $options['info'] = 1;
            } else {
                if ($arg and (in_array('metawiki', $opts) or in_array('m', $opts))) {
                    $options['metawiki'] = 1;
    $upper = '';
    if (!empty($options['subdir'])) {
        if (($p = strrpos($formatter->page->name, '/')) !== false) {
            $upper = substr($formatter->page->name, 0, $p);
        $needle = _preg_search_escape($formatter->page->name);
        $needle = '^' . $needle . '\\/';
    } else {
        if (!empty($options['rawre'])) {
            $needle = $arg;
        } else {
            $needle = _preg_search_escape($arg);
    $test = @preg_match("/{$needle}/", "", $match);
    if ($test === false) {
        # show error message
        return "[[PageList(<font color='red'>Invalid \"{$arg}\"</font>)]]";
    $ret = array();
    $options['ret'] =& $ret;
    $options['offset'] = $offset;
    if (!empty($options['date'])) {
        $tz_offset =& $formatter->tz_offset;
        $all_pages = $DBInfo->getPageLists($options);
    } else {
        if (!empty($options['metawiki'])) {
            $all_pages = $DBInfo->metadb->getLikePages($needle);
        } else {
            $all_pages = $DBInfo->getLikePages($needle);
    $hits = array();
    $out = '';
    if (!empty($options['date']) and !is_numeric($k = key($all_pages)) and is_numeric($all_pages[$k])) {
        if ($needle) {
            while (list($pagename, $mtime) = @each($all_pages)) {
                preg_match("/{$needle}/", $pagename, $matches);
                if ($matches) {
                    $hits[$pagename] = $mtime;
        } else {
            $hits = $all_pages;
        while (list($pagename, $mtime) = @each($hits)) {
            $out .= '<li>' . $formatter->link_tag(_rawurlencode($pagename), "", _html_escape($pagename)) . ". . . . [" . gmdate("Y-m-d", $mtime + $tz_offset) . "]</li>\n";
        $out = "<ol>\n" . $out . "</ol>\n";
    } else {
        foreach ($all_pages as $page) {
            preg_match("/{$needle}/", $page, $matches);
            if ($matches) {
                $hits[] = $page;
        if (!empty($options['dir']) or !empty($options['subdir'])) {
            $dirs = array();
            $files = array();
            if ($options['subdir']) {
                $plen = strlen($formatter->page->name) + 1;
            } else {
                $plen = 0;
            foreach ($hits as $pagename) {
                if (($rp = strrpos($pagename, '/')) !== false) {
                    $p = strpos($pagename, '/');
                    $name = substr($pagename, $plen);
                    $dum = explode('/', $name);
                    if (sizeof($dum) > 1) {
                        $dirname = array_shift($dum);
                        $orgname = substr($pagename, 0, $p) . '/' . $dirname;
                        if (empty($dirs[$orgname])) {
                            $dirs[$orgname] = array();
                        $dirs[$orgname][] = implode('/', $dum);
                        $files[$orgname] = $dirname;
                    } else {
                        $files[$pagename] = $name;
                $files[$pagename] = $pagename;
            $iconset = 'tango';
            $icon_dir = $DBInfo->imgs_dir . '/plugin/UploadedFiles/' . $iconset;
            $dicon = "<img src='{$icon_dir}/folder-16.png' width='16px'/>";
            $uicon = "<img src='{$icon_dir}/up-16.png' width='16px'/>";
            $ficon = "<img src='{$icon_dir}/text-16.png' width='16px'/>";
            $now = time();
            if ($upper) {
                $out .= '<tr><td>' . $uicon . '</td><td>' . $formatter->link_tag(_rawurlencode($upper), "", '..') . '</td>';
            foreach ($dirs as $pg => $name) {
                $out .= '<tr><td>' . $dicon . '</td><td>' . $formatter->link_tag(_rawurlencode($pg), "", _html_escape($files[$pg])) . '</td>';
                if ($options['info']) {
                    $p = new WikiPage($pg);
                    $mtime = $p->mtime();
                    $time_diff = (int) ($now - $mtime) / 60;
                    if ($time_diff < 1440) {
                        $date = sprintf(_("[%sh %sm ago]"), (int) ($time_diff / 60), $time_diff % 60);
                    } else {
                        $date = date("Y/m/d H:i", $mtime);
                    $out .= '<td>' . $date . '</td>';
                $out .= "</tr>\n";
                if (isset($files[$pg])) {
            foreach ($files as $pg => $name) {
                $out .= '<tr><td>' . $ficon . '</td><td>' . $formatter->link_tag(_rawurlencode($pg), "", _html_escape($name)) . '</td>';
                if (!empty($options['info'])) {
                    $p = new WikiPage($pg);
                    $mtime = $p->mtime();
                    $time_diff = (int) ($now - $mtime) / 60;
                    if ($time_diff < 1440) {
                        $date = sprintf(_("[%sh %sm ago]"), (int) ($time_diff / 60), $time_diff % 60);
                    } else {
                        $date = date("Y/m/d H:i", $mtime);
                    $out .= '<td>' . $date . '</td>';
                $out .= "</tr>\n";
            $out = '<table>' . $out . '</table>';
        } else {
            foreach ($hits as $pagename) {
                $out .= '<li>' . $formatter->link_tag(_rawurlencode($pagename), "", _html_escape($pagename)) . "</li>\n";
            $out = "<ol>\n" . $out . "</ol>\n";
            $count = count($hits);
            $total = $DBInfo->getCounter();
            // hide the link of next page for anonymous user
            if (!empty($options['id']) and $options['id'] == 'Anonymous') {
                return $out;
            if ($total > $count or $offset < $total) {
                if (isset($ret['offset']) and $ret['offset'] < $total and $count < $total) {
                    $extra = '';
                    if ($options['date']) {
                        $extra .= '&amp;date=1';
                    if ($options['info']) {
                        $extra .= '&amp;info=1';
                    if (isset($needle[0])) {
                        $extra .= '&amp;value=' . $needle;
                    $qoff = '&amp;offset=' . ($ret['offset'] + $count);
                    $out .= $formatter->link_to("?action=pagelist{$extra}{$qoff}", _("Show next page"));
    return $out;
Beispiel #8
function macro_Rss($formatter, $value)
    global $DBInfo;
    $xml_parser = xml_parser_create();
    $rss_parser = new WikiRSSParser();
    xml_set_object($xml_parser, $rss_parser);
    xml_set_element_handler($xml_parser, "startElement", "endElement");
    xml_set_character_data_handler($xml_parser, "characterData");
    $key = _rawurlencode($value);
    $cache = new Cache_text("rss");
    # reflash rss each 7200 second (60*60*2)
    if (!$cache->exists($key) or time() > $cache->mtime($key) + 7200) {
        $fp = @fopen("{$value}", "r");
        if (!$fp) {
            return "[[RSS(ERR: not a valid URL! {$value})]]";
        while ($data = fread($fp, 4096)) {
            $xml_data .= $data;
        $cache->update($key, $xml_data);
    } else {
        $xml_data = $cache->fetch($key);
    list($line, $dummy) = explode("\n", $xml_data, 2);
    preg_match("/\\sencoding=?(\"|')([^'\"]+)/", $line, $match);
    if ($match) {
        $charset = strtoupper($match[2]);
    } else {
        $charset = 'UTF-8';
    # override $charset for php5
    if ((int) phpversion() >= 5) {
        $charset = 'UTF-8';
    $ret = xml_parse($xml_parser, $xml_data);
    if (!$ret) {
        return sprintf("[[RSS(XML error: %s at line %d)]]", xml_error_string(xml_get_error_code($xml_parser)), xml_get_current_line_number($xml_parser));
    $out = ob_get_contents();
    #  if (strtolower(str_replace("-","",$options['oe'])) == 'euckr')
    if (function_exists('iconv') and strtoupper($DBInfo->charset) != $charset) {
        $new = iconv($charset, $DBInfo->charset, $out);
        if ($new !== false) {
            return $new;
    return $out;
Beispiel #9
function do_atom($formatter, $options)
    global $DBInfo;
    global $_release;
    define('ATOM_DEFAULT_DAYS', 7);
    $days = $DBInfo->rc_days ? $DBInfo->rc_days : ATOM_DEFAULT_DAYS;
    $options['quick'] = 1;
    if ($options['c']) {
        $options['items'] = $options['c'];
    $lines = $DBInfo->editlog_raw_lines($days, $options);
    $time_current = time();
    #  $secs_per_day= 60*60*24;
    #  $days_to_show= 30;
    #  $time_cutoff= $time_current - ($days_to_show * $secs_per_day);
    $URL = qualifiedURL($formatter->prefix);
    $img_url = qualifiedURL($DBInfo->logo_img);
    $url = qualifiedUrl($formatter->link_url($DBInfo->frontpage));
    $surl = qualifiedUrl($formatter->link_url($options['page'] . '?action=atom'));
    $channel = <<<CHANNEL
  <link href="{$url}"></link>
  <link rel="self" type="application/atom+xml" href="{$surl}" />
  <subtitle>RecentChanges at {$DBInfo->sitename}</subtitle>
  <generator version="{$_release}">MoniWiki Atom feeder</generator>

    $items = "";
    $ratchet_day = FALSE;
    if (!$lines) {
        $lines = array();
    foreach ($lines as $line) {
        $parts = explode("\t", $line);
        $page_name = $DBInfo->keyToPagename($parts[0]);
        $addr = $parts[1];
        $ed_time = $parts[2];
        $user = $parts[4];
        $user_uri = '';
        if ($DBInfo->hasPage($user)) {
            $user_uri = $formatter->link_url(_rawurlencode($user), "", $user);
            $user_uri = '<uri>' . $user_uri . '</uri>';
        $log = _stripslashes($parts[5]);
        $act = rtrim($parts[6]);
        $url = qualifiedUrl($formatter->link_url(_rawurlencode($page_name)));
        $diff_url = qualifiedUrl($formatter->link_url(_rawurlencode($page_name), '?action=diff'));
        $extra = "<br /><a href='{$diff_url}'>" . _("show changes") . "</a>\n";
        $content = '';
        if (!$DBInfo->hasPage($page_name)) {
            $status = 'deleted';
            $content = "<content type='html'><a href='{$url}'>{$page_name}</a> is deleted</content>\n";
        } else {
            $status = 'updated';
            if ($options['diffs']) {
                $p = new WikiPage($page_name);
                $f = new Formatter($p);
                $options['raw'] = 1;
                $options['nomsg'] = 1;
                $html = $f->macro_repl('Diff', '', $options);
                if (!$html) {
                    $f->send_page('', array('fixpath' => 1));
                    $html = ob_get_contents();
                    $extra = '';
                $content = "  <content type='xhtml'><div xmlns=''>{$html}</content>\n";
            } else {
                if ($log) {
                    $html = str_replace('&', '&amp;', $log);
                    $content = "<content type='text'>" . $html . "</content>\n";
                } else {
                    $content = "<content type='text'>updated</content>\n";
        $zone = '+00:00';
        $date = gmdate("Y-m-d\\TH:i:s", $ed_time) . $zone;
        if (!isset($updated)) {
            $updated = $date;
        #$datetag = gmdate("YmdHis",$ed_time);
        $valid_page_name = str_replace('&', '&amp;', $page_name);
        $items .= "<entry>\n";
        $items .= "  <title>{$valid_page_name}</title>\n";
        $items .= "  <link href='{$url}'></link>\n";
        $items .= '  ' . $content;
        $items .= "  <author><name>{$user}</name>{$user_uri}</author>\n";
        $items .= "  <updated>{$date}</updated>\n";
        $items .= "  <contributor><name>{$user}</name>{$user_uri}</contributor>\n";
        $items .= "</entry>\n";
    $updated = "  <updated>{$updated}</updated>\n";
    $new = "";
    if ($options['oe'] and strtolower($options['oe']) != $DBInfo->charset) {
        $charset = $options['oe'];
        if (function_exists('iconv')) {
            $out = $head . $channel . $items . $form;
            $new = iconv($DBInfo->charset, $charset, $out);
            if (!$new) {
                $charset = $DBInfo->charset;
    } else {
        $charset = $DBInfo->charset;
    $head = <<<HEAD
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="{$charset}"?>
<!--<?xml-stylesheet href="{$DBInfo->url_prefix}/css/_feed.css" type="text/css"?>-->
<feed xmlns="">
    Add "diffs=1" to add change diffs to the description of each items.
    Add "oe=utf-8" to convert the charset of this rss to UTF-8.

    header("Content-Type: application/xml");
    if ($new) {
        print $head . $new;
    } else {
        print $head . $channel . $updated . $items . $form;
    print "</feed>\n";
Beispiel #10
function macro_BBS($formatter, $value, $options = array())
    global $DBInfo;
    # set defaults
    $ncount = 20;
    # default
    $bname = $formatter->page->name;
    $nid = '';
    # check options
    $args = preg_split('/\\s*,\\s*/', $value);
    foreach ($args as $arg) {
        $arg = trim($arg);
        if ($arg == '') {
        if (($p = strpos($arg, '=')) !== false) {
            $k = substr($arg, 0, $p);
            $v = substr($arg, $p + 1);
            if ($k == 'no') {
                $nid = $v;
            } else {
                if ($k == 'mode') {
                    $options['mode'] = $v;
        } else {
            if ($arg == 'mode') {
            } else {
                if ($arg == (int) $arg . "") {
                    $ncount = $arg;
                } else {
                    $bname = $arg;
    $bpage = _rawurlencode($bname);
    $nid = $nid ? $nid : $_GET['no'];
    $nids = array();
    if ($nid) {
        $nids = preg_split('/\\s+/', $nid);
    $options['p'] = $_GET['p'] > 0 ? $_GET['p'] : 1;
    $options['c'] = $ncount != 20 ? $ncount : '';
    $options['p'] = intval($options['p']);
    # is it exists ?
    if (!$DBInfo->hasPage($bname)) {
        return _("This bbs does not exists yet. Please save this page first");
    # load a config file
    $conf0 = array();
    if (file_exists('config/bbs.' . $bname . '.php')) {
        $confname = 'bbs.' . $bname . '.php';
        $conf0 = _load_php_vars('config/bbs.default.php');
    } else {
        $confname = 'bbs.default.php';
    $conf = _load_php_vars('config/' . $confname);
    $conf = array_merge($conf0, $conf);
    $conf['data_dir'] = $DBInfo->data_dir;
    $conf['dba_type'] = $DBInfo->dba_type;
    if (!$DBInfo->use_bbs) {
        return '[[BBS]]';
    #if ($DBInfo->use_bbs == 1);
    #if ($DBInfo->use_bbs == 2);
    $MyBBS = new BBS_text($bname, $conf);
    // XXX
    if ($options['new'] and $MyBBS) {
        return $MyBBS;
    if (!$MyBBS) {
        return '[[BBS]]';
    $msg = '';
    $btn = array();
    # read messages
    $formatter->baserule[] = "/^((-=)+-?\$)/";
    $formatter->baserule[] = "/ comment #(\\d+)\\b/";
    $formatter->baserule[] = "/\\[reply (\\d+)\\]/";
    $formatter->baserepl[] = "<hr />\n";
    $formatter->baserepl[] = " comment [#c\\1 #\\1]";
    $formatter->baserepl[] = "<script type='text/javascript'><!--\n" . " addReplyLink(\\1); //--></script>";
    $msg = '';
    $narticle = sizeof($nids);
    $js = '';
    if ($nid and $narticle == 1 and $options['mode'] == 'simple') {
        $nid = $nids[0];
        if (!$nid or !$MyBBS->hasPage($nid)) {
            return '[[BBS(error)]]';
        include_once 'lib/metadata.php';
        $body = $MyBBS->getPage($nid);
        list($metas, $body) = _get_metadata($body);
        $img = '';
        if ($MyBBS->use_attach) {
            $cache = new Cache_text('attachments');
            $attachs = $cache->fetch($MyBBS->bbsname . ':' . $nid);
            if (preg_match('/^attachment:([^\\?]+)(\\?.*)?$/', $attachs[0], $m)) {
                $img = $formatter->macro_repl('Attachment', $m[1] . '?thumbwidth=100');
            $subject = $formatter->link_tag($bpage, "?no={$nid}", $metas['Subject']);
        $out = "<div class='simpleView'><table>\n" . "<tr><td class='img'>" . $img . "</td><td class='subject'>" . $subject . '</td></tr>' . "<tr><td colspan='2'></td>\n</tr></table></div>";
        return $out;
    foreach ($nids as $nid) {
        if (!$nid or !$MyBBS->hasPage($nid)) {
        $fields = array('Name', 'Subject', 'Date', 'Email', 'HomePage', 'IP', 'Keywords');
        include_once 'lib/metadata.php';
        #Name: wkpark
        #Subject: Oh well
        #Date: 2006-04-29 42:04:39
        $body = $MyBBS->getPage($nid);
        if ($body != null) {
            $options['nosisters'] = 1;
            $MyBBS->counter->incCounter($nid, $options);
            list($metas, $body) = _get_metadata($body);
            $boundary = strtoupper(md5("COMMENT"));
            # XXX
            $copy = $body;
            list($comment, $copy) = explode("----" . $boundary . "\n", $copy, 2);
            while (!empty($comment)) {
                list($comment, $copy) = explode("----" . $boundary . "\n", $copy, 2);
                if (preg_match('/^Comment-Id:\\s*(\\d+)/i', $comment, $m)) {
                    list($myhead, $my) = explode("\n\n", $comment, 2);
                    $hidden .= '<pre style="display:none;" id="comment_text_' . $m[1] . '">' . _html_escape($my) . '</pre>';
            # add some basic rule/repl for bts
            $rule = "/-{4}(?:" . $boundary . ")?\nComment-Id:\\s*(\\d+)\n" . "From:\\s*([^\n]+)\nDate:\\s*([^\n]+)\n\n/im";
            $repl = "----\n'''Comment-Id:''' [#c\\1][#c\\1 #\\1] by \\2 on [[DateTime(\\3)]] [reply \\1]\n\n";
            $body = preg_replace($rule, $repl, $body);
            $formatter->quote_style = 'bbs-comment';
            $options['usemeta'] = 1;
            $q_save = $formatter->self_query;
            $query = '?no=' . $nid . '&amp;p=' . $options['p'];
            $formatter->self_query = $query;
            $save = $formatter->preview;
            $formatter->preview = 1;
            $save_markup = $formatter->format;
            if ($conf['default_markup']) {
                $formatter->pi['#format'] = $conf['default_markup'];
            $formatter->send_page($body, $options);
            $body = ob_get_contents();
            $formatter->pi['#format'] = $save_markup;
            $formatter->self_query = $q_save;
            $msg .= "<div class='bbsArticle'>" . '<div class="head"><h2>' . _("No") . ' ' . $nid . ': ' . $metas['Subject'] . '</h2></div>' . '<div class="body">' . '<div class="extra"> @ ' . $metas['Date'] . ' (' . _mask_hostname($metas['IP'], 3) . ')</div>' . '<div class="user"><h3>' . $metas['Name'] . '</h3></div>' . '<div class="article">' . $body . "</div>\n</div>\n" . '<div class="foot"><div></div></div>' . "</div>\n";
            $snid = $nid;
            $btn['edit'] = $formatter->link_tag($bpage, "?action=bbs&amp;mode=edit&amp;no=" . $nid, '<span>' . _("Edit") . '</span>', 'class="button"');
            $btn['delete'] = $formatter->link_tag($bpage, "?action=bbs&amp;mode=delete&amp;no=" . $nid, '<span>' . _("Delete") . '</span>', 'class="button"');
            if ($narticle == 1 and $conf['use_comment']) {
                $opts['action'] = 'bbs';
                $opts['no'] = $nid;
                $opts['p'] = $options['p'];
                $opts['mode'] = 'comment';
                $opts['nopreview'] = 1;
                $p = new WikiPage($bname . ':' . $opts['no'], $options);
                $opts['datestamp'] = $p->mtime();
                $comment = $formatter->macro_repl('Comment', 'usemeta', $opts);
                # XXX
            $msg .= '<div class="bbsComment">' . $comment . '</div><div class="bbsArticleBtn">' . implode(" ", $btn) . '</div>';
            $title = str_replace('"', '\\"', $metas['Subject']);
            $js .= <<<JS
<script type="text/javascript">
document.title+=" [" + {$snid} + "] - " + "{$title}";
    if (!empty($msg) and !$_GET['p']) {
        return $msg;
    if (1) {
        # XXX
        $nochk = _("Please check article numbers.");
        $js .= <<<JS
<script type='text/javascript'>
  function send_list(obj,mode) {
    var tmp="";
    var i, chk=false;


    for(i=0;i< form.length;i++) {
       if(form[i].type!="checkbox") continue;
       if(form[i].checked) {
          tmp+=form[i].value+" ";
    if(chk==true) { = tmp.substr(0,tmp.length-1);
       if (mode!=undefined) {
         form.elements.action.value = 'bbs';
         form.elements.mode.value = mode;
       } else {
       return false;
    alert ("{$nochk}");
    return false;

    # get list
    $options['perpage'] = $ncount;
    $list = $MyBBS->getList($ncount, $options);
    # get total number of articles
    $tot = $MyBBS->getCount();
    $pages = intval($tot / $ncount);
    if ($tot % $ncount) {
    if ($options['mode'] == 'rss') {
        $rss = '<' . '?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>' . "\n" . '<rss version="2.0">' . "\n";
        $rss .= "<channel>\n<title>" . $DBInfo->sitename . ": </title>\n";
        $rss .= "<link>" . qualifiedUrl($formatter->link_url($bpage)) . "</link>\n";
        $rss .= "<description></description>\n";
        $rss .= "<pubDate>" . gmdate('D, j M Y H:i:s', time()) . " +0000</pubDate>\n";
        foreach ($list as $l) {
            $item = "<item>\n";
            $item .= "<title><![CDATA[" . $l[7] . "]]></title>\n";
            $item .= "<link>" . qualifiedUrl($formatter->link_url($bpage, "?no={$l['0']}")) . "</link>\n";
            $item .= "<author><![CDATA[" . $l[3] . "]]></author>\n";
            $item .= "<description><![CDATA[" . $l[3] . "]]></description>\n";
            $item .= "<pubDate>" . gmdate('D, j M Y H:i:s', $l[2]) . " +0000</pubDate>\n</item>\n";
            $rss .= $item;
        $rss .= "</channel>\n</rss>\n";
        return $rss;
    } else {
        if ($options['mode'] == 'simple') {
            $simple = "<div class='bbsSimple'><table class='bbsSimple'>\n";
            foreach ($list as $l) {
                $date = date("Y-m-d", $l[2]);
                $my = $l[7];
                $title = '';
                if (function_exists('mb_strimwidth') and strlen($l[7]) > 60) {
                    $title = 'title="' . $l[7] . '"';
                    $my = mb_strimwidth($l[7], 0, 40, '...', $DBInfo->charset);
                $simple .= "<tr><td class='date'>[" . $date . "]</td><td>" . $formatter->link_tag($bpage, "?no={$l['0']}" . $extra, $my, $title) . '</td></tr>';
            $simple .= "<tr><td colspan='2' class='more'>" . $formatter->link_tag($bpage, "", _("More") . '&#187;') . "</td>\n</tr>\n";
            $simple .= "</table>";
            return $simple;
    if ($pages > 1) {
        $pnut = _get_pagelist($formatter, $pages, '?' . $extra . ($extra ? '&amp;p=' : 'p='), $options['p'], $ncount);
    } else {
        $pnut = "<div class='clear'></div>";
    $extra = $options['p'] ? '&amp;p=' . $options['p'] : '';
    #$out.="<col width='3%' class='num' /><col width='1%' class='check' /><col width='63%' class='title' /><col width='14%' /><col width='13%' /><col width='7%' class='hit' />\n";
    $item = array();
    foreach ($list as $l) {
        $nid =& $l[0];
        $ip =& $l[1];
        $date = date("Y-m-d", $l[2]);
        $user = $l[3];
        $subject = $formatter->link_tag($bpage, "?no={$nid}" . $extra, $l[7]);
        $hit = $MyBBS->counter->pageCounter($nid);
        $chk = '<input type="checkbox" value="' . $nid . '">';
        #$item=array(in_array($nid,$nids) ? '<strong>&raquo;</strong>':$nid,$chk,$subject,$user,$date,$hit);
        $item[] = array('num' => in_array($nid, $nids) ? '<strong>&raquo;</strong>' : $nid, 'check' => $chk, 'subject' => $subject, 'name' => $user, 'date' => $date, 'hit' => $hit);
        #$tmp="<tr><td class='no'>$item[0]</td><td class='check'>$item[1]</td>".
        #    "<td class='title'>$item[2]</td><td class='name'>$item[3]</td>".
        #    "<td class='date'>$item[4]</td><td class='hit'>$item[5]</td>".
        #    "</tr>\n";
    $formatter->_vars['item'] =& $item;
    $out .= $formatter->include_theme('plugin/BBS/default', 'list', array());
    #$out.= $formatter->include_theme('plugin/BBS/default_tpl','list',array());
    #$out.= $formatter->processor_repl('tpl_','',array('path'=>'theme/plugin/BBS/blue_tpl/list.tpl'));
    $btn['new'] = $formatter->link_tag($bpage, "?action=bbs&amp;mode=edit", '<span>' . _("New") . '</span>', 'class="button"');
    $bn['view'] = $formatter->link_tag($bpage, "", '<span>' . _("Read") . '</span>', 'onclick="return send_list(this)" onfocus="blur()" class="button"');
    $bn['delete'] = $formatter->link_tag($bpage, "", '<span>' . _("Delete") . '</span>', 'onclick="return send_list(this,\'delete\')" onfocus="blur()" class="button"');
    $del = "<div class='bbsAdminBtn'>" . implode(" ", $bn) . "</div>\n";
    $btns = "<div class='bbsBtn'>" . implode(" ", $btn) . "</div>\n";
    $lnk = $formatter->link_url($bpage, '?action=bbs');
    $form0 = "<form method='get' action='{$lnk}'>\n";
    $form1 = '<input type="hidden" name="no" />';
    if ($options['p']) {
        $form1 .= '<input type="hidden" name="p" value="' . $options['p'] . "\" />\n";
    $form1 .= '<input type="hidden" name="mode" />' . '<input type="hidden" name="action" />';
    $form1 .= "</form>\n";
    $pnut = "<div class='pnut'>{$pnut}</div>";
    $info = '<div class="bbsRSS">' . sprintf(_("Total %s articles."), '<strong>' . $tot . '</strong>') . ' ' . $formatter->link_tag($bpage, '?action=bbs&amp;mode=rss', $formatter->icon['rss']) . '</div>';
    return $info . $pnut . $msg . $js . $form0 . $out . $del . $form1 . $pnut . $btns;
Beispiel #11
function macro_UploadedFiles($formatter, $value = "", $options = "")
    global $DBInfo;
    $use_preview = $DBInfo->use_preview_uploads ? $DBInfo->use_preview_uploads : 0;
    $preview_width = 64;
    $use_admin = 1;
    $use_fileinfo = 1;
    $js_tag = 0;
    $js_script = '';
    $uploader = '';
    // get user id
    if (empty($formatter->preview) && empty($options)) {
        $options = array();
        $options['id'] = $DBInfo->user->id;
    if (isset($DBInfo->members) and !in_array($options['id'], $DBInfo->members)) {
        $use_admin = 0;
    $iconset = 'gnome';
    $icon_dir = $DBInfo->imgs_dir . '/plugin/UploadedFiles/' . $iconset;
    $args = !empty($DBInfo->uploadedfiles_options) ? explode(',', $DBInfo->uploadedfiles_options) : array();
    $nargs = explode(',', $value);
    if (!empty($nargs)) {
        $args = array_merge($args, $nargs);
    $value = '';
    $default_column = 8;
    $col = (!empty($options['col']) and $options['col'] > 0) ? (int) $options['col'] : $default_column;
    if (!empty($formatter->preview)) {
        $js_tag = 1;
        $use_preview = 1;
        $uploader = 'UploadForm';
        $use_admin = 0;
        $use_fileinfo = 0;
        $col = 10000;
    } else {
        if (!empty($options['preview'])) {
            $use_preview = 1;
            $use_admin = 0;
            $use_fileinfo = 0;
    if (!empty($options['tag'])) {
        # javascript tag mode
        $js_tag = 1;
        $use_preview = 1;
        $use_admin = 0;
        $use_fileinfo = 0;
        $col = 10000;
    if ($use_fileinfo) {
        $col = 1;
    $href_attr = '';
    $attr = '';
    if (!empty($DBInfo->use_lightbox) and !$js_tag) {
        $href_attr = ' rel="lightbox[upload]" ';
    $nodir = 0;
    foreach ($args as $arg) {
        $arg = trim($arg);
        if (($p = strpos($arg, '=')) !== false) {
            $k = substr($arg, 0, $p);
            $v = substr($arg, $p + 1);
            if ($k == 'preview') {
                $use_preview = $v;
            } else {
                if ($k == 'nodir') {
                    $nodir = $v;
                } else {
                    if ($k == 'tag') {
                        $js_tag = 1;
                        $use_preview = 1;
        } else {
            $value = $arg;
    if (!isset($options['nodir'])) {
        $options['nodir'] = $nodir;
    if (!empty($options['page'])) {
        $value = $options['page'];
    // avoid to set the pagename of the "page,name" as "name"
    if ($js_tag) {
        $form = 'editform';
        $js_script = <<<EOS
      <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
// based on wikibits.js in the MediaWiki
// small fix to use opener in the dokuwiki.

function insertTags(tagOpen,tagClose,myText,replaced)
  var is_ie = document.selection && document.all;
  if (document.{$form}) {
    var txtarea = document.{$form}.savetext;
  } else {

    // some alternate form? take the first one we can find
    var areas = document.getElementsByTagName('textarea');
    if (areas.length > 0) {
        var txtarea = areas[0];
    } else if (opener) {
        // WikiWyg support
        if (opener.document.{$form} && opener.document.{$form}.savetext) {
            txtarea = opener.document.{$form}.savetext;
        } else {
            txtarea = opener.document.getElementsByTagName('textarea')[0];

        var my=opener.document.getElementById('editor_area');
        while (my == null || == 'none') { // wikiwyg hack
            txtarea = opener.document.getElementById('wikiwyg_wikitext_textarea');

            // get iframe and check visibility.
            var myframe = opener.document.getElementsByTagName('iframe')[0];
            if ( == 'none' || == 'none') break;

            var postdata = 'action=markup/ajax&value=' + encodeURIComponent(tagOpen + myText + tagClose);
            var myhtml='';
            myhtml= HTTPPost(self.location, postdata);

            var mnew = myhtml.replace(/^<div>/i,''); // strip div tag
            mnew = mnew.replace(/<\\/div>\\s*\$/i,''); // strip div tag

            if (is_ie) {
                var range = myframe.contentWindow.document.selection.createRange();
                if (range.boundingTop == 2 && range.boundingLeft == 2)
            } else {
                myframe.contentWindow.document.execCommand('inserthtml', false, mnew + ' ');

    } else {
        return; // XXX

  if(is_ie) {
    var theSelection = document.selection.createRange().text;
    if(theSelection.charAt(theSelection.length - 1) == " "){
      // exclude ending space char, if any
      theSelection = theSelection.substring(0, theSelection.length - 1);
      document.selection.createRange().text = theSelection + tagOpen + myText + tagClose + " ";
    } else {
      document.selection.createRange().text = theSelection + tagOpen + myText + tagClose + " ";
  // Mozilla
  else if(txtarea.selectionStart || txtarea.selectionStart == '0') {
\t\t//var replaced = false;
\t\tvar startPos = txtarea.selectionStart;
\t\tvar endPos = txtarea.selectionEnd;
\t\tif (!replaced && endPos-startPos)
\t\t\treplaced = true;
\t\tvar scrollTop = txtarea.scrollTop;

\t\tif (myText.charAt(myText.length - 1) == " ") { // exclude ending space char, if any
\t\t\tsubst = tagOpen + myText.substring(0, (myText.length - 1)) + tagClose + " ";
\t\t} else {
\t\t\tsubst = tagOpen + myText + tagClose;
\t\ttxtarea.value = txtarea.value.substring(0, startPos) + subst +
\t\t\ttxtarea.value.substring(endPos, txtarea.value.length);
\t\t//set new selection
\t\tif (replaced) {
\t\t\tvar cPos = startPos+(tagOpen.length+myText.length+tagClose.length);
\t\t\ttxtarea.selectionStart = cPos;
\t\t\ttxtarea.selectionEnd = cPos;
\t\t} else {
\t\t\ttxtarea.selectionStart = startPos+tagOpen.length;   
\t\t\ttxtarea.selectionEnd = startPos+tagOpen.length+myText.length;
\t\ttxtarea.scrollTop = scrollTop;
  } else { // All others
    txtarea.value += tagOpen + myText + tagClose + " ";
    if (!empty($DBInfo->download_action)) {
        $mydownload = $DBInfo->download_action;
    } else {
        $mydownload = 'download';
    $checkbox = 'checkbox';
    $needle = "//";
    if (!empty($options['download']) || !empty($DBInfo->force_download)) {
        $force_download = 1;
        if (!empty($options['download'])) {
            $mydownload = $options['download'];
    if (!empty($options['needle'])) {
        $needle = '@' . $options['needle'] . '@i';
    if (!empty($options['checkbox'])) {
        $checkbox = $options['checkbox'];
    if (!in_array('UploadFile', $formatter->actions)) {
        $formatter->actions[] = 'UploadFile';
    if ($value and $value != 'UploadFile') {
        $key = $DBInfo->pageToKeyname($value);
        //if ($force_download or $key != $value)
        $down_prefix = $formatter->link_url(_rawurlencode($value), "?action={$mydownload}&amp;value=");
        $dir = $DBInfo->upload_dir . "/{$key}";
    } else {
        $value = $formatter->page->urlname;
        $key = $DBInfo->pageToKeyname($formatter->page->name);
        //if ($force_download or $key != $formatter->page->name)
        $down_prefix = $formatter->link_url($formatter->page->urlname, "?action={$mydownload}&amp;value=");
        $dir = $DBInfo->upload_dir . "/{$key}";
    // support hashed upload_dir
    if (!is_dir($dir) and !empty($DBInfo->use_hashed_upload_dir)) {
        $dir = $DBInfo->upload_dir . '/' . get_hashed_prefix($key) . $key;
    if (!empty($force_download) or $key != $value) {
        $prefix = $down_prefix;
    if (!empty($formatter->preview) and $formatter->page->name == $value) {
        $opener = '';
    } else {
        $opener = $value . ':';
    if ($value != 'UploadFile' and file_exists($dir)) {
        $handle = opendir($dir);
    } else {
        $key = '';
        $value = 'UploadFile';
        if (!$force_download) {
            $prefix .= $prefix ? '/' : '';
        $dir = $DBInfo->upload_dir;
        $handle = opendir($dir);
        $opener = '/';
    $upfiles = array();
    $dirs = array();
    $per = !empty($DBInfo->uploadedfiles_per_page) ? $DBInfo->uploadedfiles_per_page : 100;
    // set nodir option to show only files
    if (!empty($options['needle']) && !isset($options['nodir'])) {
        $options['nodir'] = true;
    } else {
        if (!isset($options['nodir'])) {
            $options['nodir'] = false;
    // count files/dirs
    $count_files = 0;
    $count_dirs = 0;
    $uf = new Cache_text('settings');
    if (($info = $uf->fetch('uploadedfiles')) !== false) {
        $count_files = $info['files'];
        $count_dirs = $info['dirs'];
    } else {
        while (($file = readdir($handle)) !== false) {
            if ($file[0] == '.') {
            if (is_dir($dir . "/" . $file)) {
            } else {
        // TTL = 1 day
        $uf->update('uploadedfiles', array('files' => $count_files, 'dirs' => $count_dirs), 60 * 60 * 24);
    // XXX
    $plink = '';
    if (!empty($options['p'])) {
        $p = $options['p'] ? (int) $options['p'] : 1;
    } else {
        $p = 1;
    $pfrom = ($p - 1) * $per;
    $pto = $pfrom + $per;
    $count = 0;
    while (($file = readdir($handle)) !== false) {
        if ($file[0] == '.') {
        if ($count >= $pfrom) {
            if (is_dir($dir . "/" . $file)) {
                if ($options['nodir']) {
                if ($value == 'UploadFile') {
                    $dirs[] = $DBInfo->keyToPagename($file);
            } else {
                if (preg_match($needle, $file) and $count >= $pfrom) {
                    if ($count < $pto) {
                        $upfiles[] = _p_filename($file);
        if ($count >= $pto) {
            $plink = 1;
    if (!$upfiles and !$dirs) {
        return "<h3>" . _("No files found") . "</h3>";
    $link = $formatter->link_url($formatter->page->urlname);
    $out = "<form method='post' action='{$link}'>";
    $out .= "<p><input type='hidden' name='action' value='DeleteFile' />\n";
    if ($key) {
        $out .= "<input type='hidden' name='value' value=\"{$value}\" />\n";
    $out .= "</p><table style='border:0px' cellpadding='2' class='info'>\n";
    // set colspan to show file informations
    $c = 1;
    if ($use_admin) {
        $c = 2;
    if ($c) {
        $colspan = ' colspan="' . $c . '"';
    if ($use_fileinfo) {
        $mname = _("File name");
        $msize = _("Size");
        $mdate = _("Date");
        $out .= "<tr><th{$colspan}>{$mname}</th><th>{$msize}</th><th>{$mdate}</th></tr>\n";
        $c += 2;
    // set colspan again
    if ($c > 1) {
        $colspan = ' colspan="' . $c . '"';
    $idx = 1;
    if ($js_tag) {
        #$attr=' target="_blank"';
        $extra = '&amp;popup=1&amp;tag=1';
    } else {
        $attr = '';
        $extra = '';
    // support hashed upload_dir
    if (!empty($DBInfo->use_hashed_upload_dir)) {
        $ndirs = array();
        foreach ($dirs as $d0) {
            if (strlen($d0) != 1) {
                $ndirs[] = $d0;
            $handle = opendir($DBInfo->upload_dir . '/' . $d0);
            if (!is_resource($handle)) {
            $pre = $DBInfo->upload_dir . '/' . $d0;
            while (($d = readdir($handle)) !== false) {
                if (!is_dir($pre . '/' . $d)) {
                    $ndirs[] = $d0;
                if ($d[0] == $d0[0]) {
                    $hd = opendir($pre . '/' . $d);
                    if (!is_resource($hd)) {
                    $pre1 = $pre . '/' . $d;
                    while (($d1 = readdir($hd)) !== false) {
                        if ($d1[0] == '.') {
                        if (is_dir($pre1 . '/' . $d1)) {
                            $ndirs[] = $d1;
        $dirs = $ndirs;
    // count dirs
    $didx = 0;
    if (count($dirs)) {
        $out .= "<tr>";
    foreach ($dirs as $file) {
        $link = $formatter->link_url($file, "?action=uploadedfiles{$extra}", $file, $attr);
        $key = $DBInfo->pageToKeyname($file);
        // support hashed upload_dir
        $pre = '';
        if (!empty($DBInfo->use_hashed_upload_dir)) {
            $pre = get_hashed_prefix($key);
            if (!is_dir($dir . '/' . $pre . $key)) {
                $pre = '';
        $dirname = $dir . '/' . $pre . $key;
        $date = date("Y-m-d", filemtime($dirname));
        $file = _html_escape($file);
        if ($use_admin) {
            $out .= "<td class='wiki'><input type='{$checkbox}' name='files[{$idx}]' value=\"{$file}\" /></td>";
        $out .= "<td class='wiki'><a href='{$link}'>{$file}/</a></td>";
        if ($use_fileinfo) {
            $out .= "<td align='right' class='wiki'>&nbsp;</td><td class='wiki'>{$date}</td>";
        if ($didx % $col == 0) {
            $out .= "</tr>\n<tr>\n";
    if (isset($value[0]) and $value != 'UploadFile') {
        if ($js_tag) {
            #$attr=' target="_blank"';
            $extra = '&amp;popup=1&amp;tag=1';
        if (!empty($options['needle'])) {
            $extra .= '&amp;q=' . $options['needle'];
        $link = $formatter->link_tag('UploadFile', "?action=uploadedfiles&amp;value=top{$extra}", "<img src='" . $icon_dir . "/32/up.png' style='border:0' class='upper' alt='..' />", $attr);
        $out .= "<tr>";
        if ($use_admin) {
            $out .= "<td class='wiki'>&nbsp;</td>";
        $out .= "<td class='wiki'>{$link}</td>";
        if ($use_fileinfo) {
            $date = date("Y-m-d", filemtime($dir . "/.."));
            $out .= "<td align='right' class='wiki'>&nbsp;</td><td class='wiki'>{$date}</td>";
        if ($didx % $col == 0) {
            $out .= "</tr>\n<tr>\n";
    if (!empty($options['needle'])) {
        $extra .= '&amp;q=' . $options['needle'];
    if (isset($options['nodir'])) {
        $extra .= '&amp;nodir=' . $options['nodir'];
    if ($plink) {
        $plink = $formatter->link_tag('', "?action=uploadedfiles{$extra}&amp;p=" . ($p + 1), _("Next page &raquo;"), $attr);
    } else {
        if ($p > 1) {
            $plink = $formatter->link_tag('', "?action=uploadedfiles{$extra}", _("&laquo; First page"), $attr);
    if (empty($prefix)) {
        $prefix = str_replace($DBInfo->upload_dir, $DBInfo->upload_dir_url, $dir) . '/';
    $unit = array('Bytes', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB');
    $down_mode = strpos($prefix, ';value=') !== false;
    $mywidth = $preview_width;
    if (empty($didx)) {
        // no dirs found.
        $out .= '<tr>';
    $iidx = $didx;
    // file index
    foreach ($upfiles as $file) {
        $_l_file = _l_filename($file);
        // force download with some extensions. XXX
        if ($down_mode or preg_match('/\\.(pl|cgi|py|php.?)$/', $file)) {
            $link = str_replace(";value=", ";value=" . rawurlencode($file), $down_prefix);
        } else {
            $link = $prefix . rawurlencode($file);
        // XXX
        $previewlink = $link;
        $size = filesize($dir . '/' . $_l_file);
        if (!empty($use_preview)) {
            preg_match("/\\.(.{1,4})\$/", $file, $m);
            $ext = isset($m[1]) ? strtolower($m[1]) : '';
            if ($use_preview > 1 and $ext and stristr('gif,png,jpeg,jpg', $ext)) {
                list($w, $h) = getimagesize($dir . '/' . $file);
                if ($w <= $preview_width) {
                    $mywidth = $w;
                } else {
                    $mywidth = $preview_width;
                if (file_exists($dir . "/thumbnails/" . $_l_file)) {
                    if ($down_mode) {
                        $previewlink = str_replace('value=', 'value=thumbnails/', $previewlink);
                    } else {
                        $previewlink = $prefix . 'thumbnails/' . rawurlencode($file);
        if (!empty($use_fileinfo)) {
            $i = 0;
            for (; $i < 4; $i++) {
                if ($size <= 1024) {
                    #$size= round($size,2).' '.$unit[$i];
                $size = $size / 1024;
            $size = round($size, 2) . ' ' . $unit[$i];
        $date = date('Y-m-d', filemtime($dir . '/' . $_l_file));
        $fname = $file;
        if ($use_preview or $js_tag) {
            $tag_open = 'attachment:';
            $tag_close = '';
            if ($opener != $value) {
                $tag_open .= $opener;
            $alt = "alt='{$tag_open}{$file}{$tag_close}' title='{$file}'";
            if ($ext and stristr('gif,png,jpeg,jpg', $ext)) {
                $fname = "<img src='{$previewlink}' class='icon' width='{$mywidth}' {$alt} />";
                $attr .= $href_attr;
            } else {
                if (preg_match('/^(wmv|avi|mpeg|mpg|swf|wav|mp3|ogg|midi|mid|mov)$/', $ext)) {
                    $tag_open = '[[Media(';
                    $tag_close = ')]]';
                    $alt = "{$tag_open}{$file}{$tag_close}";
                } else {
                    if (!preg_match('/^(bmp|c|h|java|py|bak|diff|doc|css|php|xml|html|mod|' . 'rpm|deb|pdf|ppt|xls|tgz|gz|bz2|zip)$/', $ext)) {
                        $ext = 'unknown';
                $fname = "<img src='{$icon_dir}/{$ext}.png' class='icon' {$alt} /><span>{$file}</span>";
            if ($js_tag) {
                //if (strpos($file,' '))
                $tag = "insertTags('{$tag_open}','{$tag_close}','{$file}',true)";
                $link = "javascript:{$tag}";
        $file = _html_escape($file);
        if ($use_admin) {
            $out .= "<td class='wiki'><input type='{$checkbox}' name='files[{$idx}]' value=\"{$file}\" /></td>";
        $out .= "<td class='wiki'><a href=\"{$link}\"{$attr}>{$fname}</a></td>";
        if ($use_fileinfo) {
            $out .= "<td align='right' class='wiki'>{$size}</td><td class='wiki'>{$date}</td>";
        if ($iidx % $col == 0) {
            $out .= "</tr>\n<tr>\n";
        if ($use_admin && $use_fileinfo) {
            $out .= "<td>&nbsp;</td><td{$colspan}>";
            if ($use_admin) {
                $out .= $dir . '/';
            $out .= "{$file}</td>\n";
            $out .= "</tr>\n<tr>";
    $kidx = $iidx - 1;
    $k = 0;
    // setup colspan to fill up <tr> with colspaned <td>
    while ($kidx % $col != 0) {
        $k += $c;
    if ($k > 0) {
        // fill tr
        $out .= '<td colspan="' . $k . '">&nbsp;</td>';
    if (substr($out, -4) == '<tr>') {
        $out = substr($out, 0, -4);
    } else {
        $out .= "</tr>\n";
    $msg = sprintf(_("%d files"), $idx);
    if (count($dirs)) {
        $msg .= ' / ' . sprintf(_("Total %d files"), $count_files);
        $msg .= ' / ' . sprintf(_("%d dirs"), $count_dirs);
    // colspan for multi column case.
    if ($col > 1) {
        $colspan = ' colspan="' . $col * $c . '"';
    $out .= "<tr>";
    if ($use_admin && $c > 1) {
        $out .= "<td>&nbsp;</td>";
    // fill checkbox column
    $out .= "<th {$colspan}>{$msg}</th></tr>\n";
    if ($plink) {
        $out .= "<tr><th {$colspan}>{$plink}</th></tr>\n";
    $out .= "</table>\n";
    if ($use_admin) {
        if ($DBInfo->security->is_protected("deletefile", $options)) {
            $out .= '<p>' . _("Password") . ": <input type='password' name='passwd' size='10' /></p>\n";
        $out .= "<p><input type='submit' value='" . _("Delete selected files") . "' /></p>";
    $out .= "</form>\n";
    if (!$value and !in_array('UploadFile', $formatter->actions)) {
        $formatter->actions[] = 'UploadFile';
    if ($uploader and !in_array('UploadedFiles', $formatter->actions)) {
        $out .= $formatter->macro_repl($uploader);
    if ($use_preview) {
        $class = ' class="fileList preview"';
        return $js_script . "<div{$class}>" . $out . "</div>\n";
    return $js_script . $out;
Beispiel #12
function macro_RecentChanges($formatter, $value = '', $options = '')
    global $DBInfo, $Config;
    // get members to hide log
    $members = $DBInfo->members;
    $checknew = 1;
    $checkchange = 0;
    $template_bra = "";
    $template = '"$icon&nbsp;&nbsp;$title$updated $date . . . . $user $count$diff $extra<br />\\n"';
    $template_cat = "";
    $use_day = 1;
    $users = array();
    $target = '';
    if (!empty($options['target'])) {
        $target = "target='{$options['target']}'";
    $bookmark_action = empty($options['bookmark_action']) ? '?action=bookmark' : '?action=' . $options['bookmark_action'];
    // $date_fmt='D d M Y';
    $date_fmt = $DBInfo->date_fmt_rc;
    $days = !empty($DBInfo->rc_days) ? $DBInfo->rc_days : RC_DEFAULT_DAYS;
    $perma_icon = $formatter->perma_icon;
    $changed_time_fmt = $DBInfo->changed_time_fmt;
    $args = explode(',', $value);
    // first arg assumed to be a date fmt arg
    if (preg_match("/^[\\s\\/\\-:aABdDFgGhHiIjmMOrSTY\\[\\]]+\$/", $args[0])) {
        $my_date_fmt = $args[0];
    $strimwidth = isset($DBInfo->rc_strimwidth) ? $DBInfo->rc_strimwidth : 20;
    // use javascript
    $use_js = 0;
    // show last edit entry only
    $last_entry_only = 1;
    $last_entry_check = 60 * 60 * 24;
    // show last editor only
    $last_editor_only = 1;
    // show editrange like as MoinMoin
    $use_editrange = 0;
    // avatar
    $use_avatar = 0;
    $avatar_type = 'identicon';
    if (!empty($DBInfo->use_avatar)) {
        $use_avatar = 1;
        if (is_string($DBInfo->use_avatar)) {
            $avatar_type = $DBInfo->use_avatar;
    // RC cache delay
    // $rc_cache_delay <= $rc_delay
    $cache_delay = isset($DBInfo->rc_cache_delay) ? $DBInfo->rc_cache_delay : 0;
    $avatarlink = $formatter->link_url('', '?action=' . $avatar_type . '&amp;seed=');
    $ipicon = '<img src="' . $DBInfo->imgs_dir . '/misc/ip.png" />';
    $trash = 0;
    $rctype = '';
    $opts = array();
    $bra = '';
    $cat = '';
    $cat0 = '';
    $rctitle = "<h2>" . _("Recent Changes") . "</h2>";
    foreach ($args as $arg) {
        $arg = trim($arg);
        if (($p = strpos($arg, '=')) !== false) {
            $k = trim(substr($arg, 0, $p));
            $v = trim(substr($arg, $p + 1));
            if ($k == 'item' or $k == 'items') {
                $opts['items'] = min((int) $v, RC_MAX_ITEMS);
            } else {
                if ($k == 'days') {
                    $days = min(abs($v), RC_MAX_DAYS);
                } else {
                    if ($k == "datefmt") {
                        $my_date_fmt = $v;
                    } else {
                        if ($k == 'ago') {
                            if (is_numeric($v) and $v == abs($v)) {
                                $opts['ago'] = abs($v);
                            } else {
                                $opts['from'] = $v;
                        } else {
                            if ($k == "new") {
                                $checknew = $v;
                            } else {
                                if ($k == "delay") {
                                    $cache_delay = intval($v);
                                } else {
                                    if ($k == 'strimwidth' and is_numeric($v) and (abs($v) > 15 or $v == 0)) {
                                        $strimwidth = abs($v);
        } else {
            if ($arg == "quick") {
                $opts['quick'] = 1;
            } else {
                if ($arg == "nonew") {
                    $checknew = 0;
                } else {
                    if ($arg == "change") {
                        $checkchange = 1;
                    } else {
                        if ($arg == "showhost") {
                            $showhost = 1;
                        } else {
                            if ($arg == "comment") {
                                $comment = 1;
                            } else {
                                if ($arg == "comments") {
                                    $comment = 1;
                                } else {
                                    if ($arg == "nobookmark") {
                                        $nobookmark = 1;
                                    } else {
                                        if ($arg == "noperma") {
                                            $perma_icon = '';
                                        } else {
                                            if ($arg == "button") {
                                                $button = 1;
                                            } else {
                                                if ($arg == "timesago") {
                                                    $timesago = 1;
                                                } else {
                                                    if ($arg == "notitle") {
                                                        $rctitle = '';
                                                    } else {
                                                        if ($arg == "hits") {
                                                            $use_hits = 1;
                                                        } else {
                                                            if ($arg == "daysago") {
                                                                $use_daysago = 1;
                                                            } else {
                                                                if ($arg == "trash") {
                                                                    $trash = 1;
                                                                } else {
                                                                    if ($arg == "editrange") {
                                                                        $use_editrange = 1;
                                                                    } else {
                                                                        if ($arg == "allauthors") {
                                                                            $last_editor_only = 0;
                                                                        } else {
                                                                            if ($arg == "allusers") {
                                                                                $last_editor_only = 0;
                                                                            } else {
                                                                                if ($arg == "allentries") {
                                                                                    $last_entry_only = 0;
                                                                                } else {
                                                                                    if ($arg == "avatar") {
                                                                                        $use_avatar = 1;
                                                                                    } else {
                                                                                        if ($arg == "noavatar") {
                                                                                            $use_avatar = 0;
                                                                                        } else {
                                                                                            if ($arg == "js") {
                                                                                                $use_js = 1;
                                                                                            } else {
                                                                                                if ($arg == "diffwidth") {
                                                                                                    $use_diffwidth = 1;
                                                                                                } else {
                                                                                                    if (in_array($arg, array('simple', 'moztab', 'board', 'table', 'list'))) {
                                                                                                        $rctype = $arg;
    if (!empty($nobookmark)) {
        $use_js = 0;
    // set as dynamic macro or not.
    if ($formatter->_macrocache and empty($options['call']) and empty($use_js) || $rctype != 'list') {
        return $formatter->macro_cache_repl('RecentChanges', $value);
    if (empty($options['call'])) {
        $formatter->_dynamic_macros['@RecentChanges'] = 1;
    if (empty($DBInfo->interwiki)) {
        $formatter->macro_repl('InterWiki', '', array('init' => 1));
    // reset some conflict params
    if (empty($DBInfo->use_counter)) {
        $use_hits = 0;
    if (empty($DBInfo->show_hosts)) {
        $showhost = 0;
    if (!empty($rctype)) {
        if ($rctype == "simple") {
            $checkchange = 0;
            $use_day = 0;
            if ($showhost) {
                $template = '"$icon&nbsp;&nbsp;$title @ $day $date by $user $count $extra<br />\\n"';
            } else {
                $template = '"$icon&nbsp;&nbsp;$title @ $day $date $count $extra<br />\\n"';
        } else {
            if ($rctype == "list") {
                $rctitle = '';
                $changed_time_fmt = !empty($my_date_fmt) ? $my_date_fmt : '[H:i]';
                $checkchange = 0;
                $use_day = 0;
                $template = '"<li>$date $title</li>\\n"';
                $template_bra = "<ul>\n";
                $template_cat = "</ul>\n";
            } else {
                if ($rctype == "moztab") {
                    $use_day = 1;
                    $template = '"<li>$title $date</li>\\n"';
                } else {
                    if ($rctype == "table") {
                        $bra = "<table border='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' width='100%'>";
                        $template = '"<tr><td style=\'white-space:nowrap;width:2%\'>$icon</td><td style=\'width:40%\'>$title$updated</td><td class=\'date\' style=\'width:15%\'>$date</td><td>$user $count$diff $extra</td></tr>\\n"';
                        $cat = "</table>";
                        $cat0 = "";
                    } else {
                        if ($rctype == "board") {
                            $changed_time_fmt = !empty($my_date_fmt) ? $my_date_fmt : 'm-d [H:i]';
                            $use_day = 0;
                            $template_bra = "<table border='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' width='100%'>";
                            if (empty($nobookmark)) {
                                $cols = 3;
                            } else {
                                $cols = 2;
                            $template_bra .= "<thead><tr><th colspan='{$cols}' class='title'>" . _("Title") . "</th>";
                            if (!empty($showhost)) {
                                $template_bra .= "<th class='author'>" . _("Editor") . '</th>';
                            $template_bra .= "<th class='editinfo'>" . _("Changes") . '</th>';
                            if (!empty($use_hits)) {
                                $template_bra .= "<th class='hits'>" . _("Hits") . "</th>";
                            $template_bra .= "<th class='date'>" . _("Change Date") . '</th>';
                            $template_bra .= "</tr></thead>\n<tbody>\n";
                            $template = '"<tr$alt><td style=\'white-space:nowrap;width:2%\'>$icon</td><td class=\'title\' style=\'width:40%\'>$title$updated</td>';
                            if (empty($nobookmark)) {
                                $template .= '<td>$bmark</td>';
                            if (!empty($showhost)) {
                                $template .= '<td class=\'author\'>$user</td>';
                            $template .= '<td class=\'editinfo\'>$count';
                            if (!empty($checkchange) or !empty($checknew)) {
                                $template .= ' $diff';
                            $template .= '</td>';
                            if (!empty($use_hits)) {
                                $template .= '<td class=\'hits\'>$hits</td>';
                            $template .= '<td class=\'date\'>$date</td>';
                            $template_extra = $template . '</tr>\\n<tr class=\'log\'$style><td colspan=\'6\'><div>$extra</div></td></tr>\\n"';
                            $template .= '</tr>\\n"';
                            $template_cat = "</tbody></table>";
                            $cat0 = "";
    // override days
    $days = !empty($_GET['days']) ? min(abs($_GET['days']), RC_MAX_DAYS) : $days;
    // override ago
    empty($opts['ago']) ? $opts['ago'] = 0 : null;
    if (!empty($_GET['ago']) and is_numeric($_GET['ago'])) {
        $opts['ago'] = abs($_GET['ago']);
    } else {
        $opts['from'] = $_GET['ago'];
    // override times
    // accept both 'item' or 'items'
    $tmp = isset($_GET['item']) ? $_GET['item'] : (isset($_GET['items']) ? $_GET['items'] : null);
    !empty($tmp) ? $opts['items'] = min(abs($tmp), RC_MAX_ITEMS) : null;
    // daysago
    $daysago = '&amp;days=' . $days;
    $daysago = $opts['ago'] ? $daysago . '&amp;ago=' . $opts['ago'] : $daysago;
    $u = $DBInfo->user;
    # retrive user info
    // check member
    $ismember = $u->is_member;
    // use uniq avatar ?
    $uniq_avatar = 0;
    if (!empty($DBInfo->use_uniq_avatar)) {
        $uniq_avatar = $DBInfo->use_uniq_avatar;
    if ($ismember) {
        $uniq_avatar = 'Y';
    // change avatar after year :>
    if ($u->id != 'Anonymous') {
        $bookmark = !empty($u->info['bookmark']) ? $u->info['bookmark'] : '';
    } else {
        $bookmark = $u->bookmark;
    $tz_offset = $formatter->tz_offset;
    if (!$bookmark or !empty($nobookmark)) {
        if (!empty($checknew) and preg_match('/^\\d+(\\s*\\*\\s*\\d+)*$/', $checknew)) {
            $checknew = eval('return ' . $checknew . ';');
        if ($checknew > 1) {
            $bookmark = strtotime(date('Y-m-d', time() - $checknew) . ' 00:00:00');
    if (!$bookmark) {
        $bookmark = time();
    // set search query
    if (isset($_GET['q'][0])) {
        $query = _preg_search_escape(trim($_GET['q']));
        if (@preg_match('/' . $query . '/', '') === false) {
    // make rclog uniq key
    $locals = get_defined_vars();
    $rckey = md5(serialize($locals));
    $rckey2 = $rckey;
    $rclog = '<!-- rckey = ' . $rckey . ', cache delay = ' . $cache_delay . ' -->';
    if ($use_js) {
        $rckey2 = md5(serialize($locals));
        // rckey without js option
    // check RC cache
    $lc = new Cache_text('rccache');
    $mtime = $lc->mtime($rckey);
    if (empty($formatter->refresh)) {
        if (($val = $lc->fetch($rckey)) !== false and $DBInfo->checkUpdated($mtime, $cache_delay)) {
            return $val . '<!-- cached at ' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $mtime) . ' -->';
        } else {
            if (!empty($options['ajax']) && $rctype == 'list' && $rckey != $rckey2) {
                // rctype == list with ajax option does not depend on "use_js" option.
                $mtime = $lc->mtime($rckey2);
                if (($val = $lc->fetch($rckey2)) !== false and $DBInfo->checkUpdated($mtime, $cache_delay)) {
                    return $val . '<!-- cached at ' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $mtime) . ' -->';
        // need to update cache
        if ($val !== false and $lc->exists($rckey . '.lock')) {
            return $val . '<!-- cached at ' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $mtime) . ' -->';
        $lc->update($rckey . '.lock', array('lock'), 5);
        // 5s lock
    } else {
        $lc->update($rckey . '.lock', array('lock'), 5);
        // 5s lock
    // $uniq_avatar is numeric case: change avatar icon after 24 hours
    if (is_numeric($uniq_avatar)) {
        $uniq_avatar = $rckey . date('mdH', time());
    } else {
        if (is_string($uniq_avatar) and preg_match('/^[YmdHi]+$/', $uniq_avatar)) {
            // date format string case: change avatar icon after 'Ymd' etc period
            $uniq_avatar = $rckey . date($uniq_avatar, time());
    $time_current = isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME']) ? $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'] : time();
    $secs_per_day = 60 * 60 * 24;
    //$time_cutoff= $time_current - ($days * $secs_per_day);
    $lines = $DBInfo->editlog_raw_lines($days, $opts);
    // make a daysago button
    $btnlist = '';
    if (!empty($use_daysago) or !empty($_GET['ago'])) {
        $msg[0] = _("Show changes for ");
        $agolist = array(-$days, $days, 2 * $days, 3 * $days);
        $btn = array();
        $arg = 'days=' . $days . '&amp;ago';
        $msg[1] = _("days ago");
        foreach ($agolist as $d) {
            $d += $opts['ago'];
            if ($d <= 0) {
            $link = $formatter->link_tag($formatter->page_urlname, "?{$arg}=" . $d, $d);
            $btn[] = $link;
        #if (sizeof($lines)==0) $btn=array_slice($btn,0,1);
        $btn[] = $formatter->link_tag($formatter->page_urlname, "?{$arg}=...", '...', 'onClick="return daysago(this)"');
        $script = "<script type='text/javascript' src='{$DBInfo->url_prefix}/local/rc.js' ></script>";
        $btnlist = $msg[0] . ' <ul><li>' . implode("</li>\n<li>", $btn) . '</li></ul> ' . $msg[1];
        $btnlist = $script . "<div class='rc-button'>\n" . $btnlist . "</div>\n";
    $rc = new Cache_text('rclogs');
    $ratchet_day = FALSE;
    $editors = array();
    $editcount = array();
    $rc_delay = isset($DBInfo->rc_delay) ? $DBInfo->rc_delay : $rc_cache_delay;
    $rctimestamp = 0;
    $needupdate = false;
    $use_val = false;
    while (($val = $rc->fetch($rckey)) !== false) {
        $use_val = true;
        if (!empty($formatter->refresh) or !$DBInfo->checkUpdated($rc->mtime($rckey), $rc_delay)) {
            $use_val = $rc->exists($rckey . '.lock');
        if (!$use_val) {
        $editors = $val['editors'];
        $editcount = $val['editcount'];
        $lastmod = $val['lastmod'];
        $rclastline = $val['lastline'];
        $rctimestamp = $val['timestamp'];
        $users = $val['users'];
    // no cache available
    if (!$use_val) {
        $rc->update($rckey . '.lock', array('lock'), 5);
    // 5s lock
    $lastline = $lines[0];
    $tmp = explode("\t", $lastline, 6);
    $timestamp = $tmp[2];
    $updatemod = array();
    $needupdate = $rctimestamp < $timestamp or $lastline != $rclastline;
    if ($needupdate) {
        foreach ($lines as $line) {
            $parts = explode("\t", $line, 6);
            if ($lastline == $rclastline) {
            $page_key = $parts[0];
            $ed_time = $parts[2];
            $user = $parts[4];
            $addr = $parts[1];
            if ($user == 'Anonymous') {
                $user = '******' . $addr;
            } else {
                $user = $user . "\t" . $addr;
            $day = gmdate('Ymd', $ed_time + $tz_offset);
            //if ($day != $ratchet_day) {
            //  $ratchet_day = $day;
            if ($last_entry_only and !empty($last_entry_check)) {
                if (!empty($lastmod[$page_key]) and $lastmod[$page_key] < $ed_time + $last_entry_check) {
                    $edit_day = gmdate('Ymd', $lastmod[$page_key] + $tz_offset);
                    $editors[$page_key][$edit_day][] = $user;
                    if ($needupdate and empty($updatemod[$page_key])) {
                        $updatemod[$page_key] = $ed_time;
            } else {
                if (!empty($editcount[$page_key][$day])) {
                    $editors[$page_key][$day][] = $user;
                    if ($needupdate and empty($updatemod[$page_key])) {
                        $updatemod[$page_key] = $ed_time;
            if (empty($editcount[$page_key])) {
                $editcount[$page_key] = array();
                $editors[$page_key] = array();
            $editcount[$page_key][$day] = 1;
            $editors[$page_key][$day] = array();
            $editors[$page_key][$day][] = $user;
            $lastmod[$page_key] = $ed_time;
            if ($needupdate) {
                $updatemod[$page_key] = $ed_time;
    if (!empty($lastmod)) {
        $lastmod = array_merge($lastmod, $updatemod);
    // search query
    if (isset($query[0])) {
        $lines = preg_grep("/{$query}/i", $lines);
    // setup hidelog rule
    $hiderule = null;
    if (!$ismember && !empty($Config['ruleset']['hiderule'])) {
        $rule = implode('|', $Config['ruleset']['hiderule']);
        if (preg_match('@' . $rule . '@', null) !== false) {
            $hiderule = '@' . $rule . '@';
    $out = "";
    $ratchet_day = FALSE;
    $br = "";
    $ii = 0;
    $rc_list = array();
    $list = array();
    foreach ($lines as $line) {
        $parts = explode("\t", $line);
        $page_key = $parts[0];
        $ed_time = $parts[2];
        $day = gmdate('Ymd', $ed_time + $tz_offset);
        // show last edit only
        if (!empty($last_entry_only) and !empty($logs[$page_key])) {
        } else {
            if (!empty($logs[$page_key][$day])) {
        $page_name = $DBInfo->keyToPagename($parts[0]);
        if (!empty($hiderule)) {
            if (preg_match($hiderule, $page_name)) {
        // show trashed pages only
        if ($trash and $DBInfo->hasPage($page_name)) {
        $addr = $parts[1];
        $user = $parts[4];
        $log = _stripslashes($parts[5]);
        $act = rtrim($parts[6]);
        $via_proxy = false;
        if (($p = strpos($addr, ',')) !== false) {
            // user via Proxy
            $via_proxy = true;
            $real_ip = substr($addr, 0, $p);
            $log_proxy = '<span class="via-proxy">' . $real_ip . '</span>';
            $log = isset($log[0]) ? $log_proxy . ' ' . $log : $log_proxy;
            $dum = explode(',', $addr);
            $addr = array_pop($dum);
        //    if ($ed_time < $time_cutoff)
        //      break;
        $group = '';
        if ($formatter->group) {
            if (!preg_match("/^({$formatter->group})(.*)\$/", $page_name, $match)) {
            $title = $match[2];
        } else {
            if (!empty($formatter->use_group) and ($p = strpos($page_name, '~')) !== false) {
                $title = substr($page_name, $p + 1);
                $group = ' (' . substr($page_name, 0, $p) . ')';
            } else {
                $title = $page_name;
        if (!empty($changed_time_fmt)) {
            if (empty($timesago)) {
                $date = gmdate($changed_time_fmt, $ed_time + $tz_offset);
            } else {
                $date = _timesago($ed_time, 'Y-m-d', $tz_offset);
        $pageurl = _rawurlencode($page_name);
        // get title
        $title0 = get_title($title) . $group;
        $title0 = _html_escape($title0);
        if ($rctype == 'list') {
            $attr = '';
        } else {
            $attr = " id='title-{$ii}'";
        if (!empty($strimwidth) and strlen(get_title($title)) > $strimwidth and function_exists('mb_strimwidth')) {
            $title0 = mb_strimwidth($title0, 0, $strimwidth, '...', $DBInfo->charset);
        $attr .= ' title="' . $title0 . '"';
        $title = $formatter->link_tag($pageurl, "", $title0, $target . $attr);
        // simple list format
        if ($rctype == 'list') {
            if (empty($logs[$page_key])) {
                $logs[$page_key] = array();
            $logs[$page_key][$day] = 1;
            if (!$DBInfo->hasPage($page_name)) {
                $act = 'DELETE';
                $title = '<strike>' . $title . '</strike>';
            $list[$page_name] = array($title, $date, $ed_time, $act);
        // print $ed_time."/".$bookmark."//";
        $diff = '';
        $updated = '';
        if ($act == 'UPLOAD') {
            $icon = $formatter->link_tag($pageurl, "?action=uploadedfiles", $formatter->icon['attach']);
        } else {
            if (!$DBInfo->hasPage($page_name)) {
                $icon = $formatter->link_tag($pageurl, "?action=info", $formatter->icon['del']);
                if (!empty($use_js)) {
                    $rc_list[] = $page_name;
            } else {
                $icon = $formatter->link_tag($pageurl, "?action=diff", $formatter->icon['diff'], " id='icon-{$ii}'");
                if (empty($use_js) and $ed_time > $bookmark) {
                    $icon = $formatter->link_tag($pageurl, "?action=diff&amp;date={$bookmark}", $formatter->icon['diff']);
                    $updated = ' ' . $formatter->link_tag($pageurl, "?action=diff&amp;date={$bookmark}", $formatter->icon['updated'], 'class="updated"');
                    $add = 0;
                    $del = 0;
                    if ($checknew or $checkchange) {
                        $p = new WikiPage($page_name);
                        $v = $p->get_rev($bookmark);
                        if (empty($v)) {
                            $icon = $formatter->link_tag($pageurl, "?action=info", $formatter->icon['show']);
                            $updated = ' ' . $formatter->link_tag($pageurl, "?action=info", $formatter->icon['new'], 'class="new"');
                            $add += $p->lines();
                    if ($checkchange) {
                        if (empty($v)) {
                            // new
                            $infos = array();
                        } else {
                            $infos = $p->get_info('>' . $bookmark);
                        foreach ($infos as $inf) {
                            $tmp = explode(' ', trim($inf[1]));
                            if (isset($tmp[1])) {
                                $add += $tmp[0];
                                $del += $tmp[1];
                    if (!empty($add)) {
                        $diff .= '<span class="diff-added"><span>+' . $add . '</span></span>';
                    if (!empty($del)) {
                        $diff .= '<span class="diff-removed"><span>' . $del . '</span></span>';
                } else {
                    if (!empty($use_js)) {
                        $diff = '<span id="diff-' . $ii . '"></span>';
                        $rc_list[] = $page_name;
        if (!empty($use_hits)) {
            $hits = $DBInfo->counter->pageCounter($page_name);
        if (!empty($showhost)) {
            if ($last_editor_only) {
                // show last editor only
                $editor = $editors[$page_key][$day];
                if (is_array($editor)) {
                    $editor = $editor[0];
            } else {
                // all show all authors
                // count edit number
                // make range list
                if ($use_editrange) {
                    // MoinMoin like edit range
                    $editor_list = array();
                    if ($editors[$page_key][$day]) {
                        foreach ($editors[$page_key][$day] as $idx => $name) {
                            if (empty($editor_list[$name])) {
                                $editor_list[$name] = array();
                            $editor_list[$name][] = $idx + 1;
                    $editor_counts = array();
                    foreach ($editor_list as $name => $edits) {
                        $range = ',';
                        if (isset($edits[1])) {
                            $edits[] = 999999;
                            // MoinMoin method
                            for ($i = 0, $sz = count($edits) - 1; $i < $sz; $i++) {
                                if (substr($range, -1) == ',') {
                                    $range .= $edits[$i];
                                    if ($edits[$i] + 1 == $edits[$i + 1]) {
                                        $range .= '-';
                                    } else {
                                        $range .= ',';
                                } else {
                                    if ($edits[$i] + 1 != $edits[$i + 1]) {
                                        $range .= $edits[$i] . ',';
                            $range = trim($range, ',-');
                            $editor_counts[$name] = $range;
                        } else {
                            $editor_counts[$name] = $edits[0];
                } else {
                    $editor_counts = array_count_values($editors[$page_key][$day]);
                $editor = array_keys($editor_counts);
            $all_user = array();
            foreach ((array) $editor as $user) {
                if (!$last_editor_only and isset($editor[1]) and isset($editor_counts[$user])) {
                    $count = " <span class='range'>[" . $editor_counts[$user] . "]</span>";
                } else {
                    $count = '';
                if (!empty($showhost) && substr($user, 0, 9) == 'Anonymous') {
                    $ouser = $user;
                    if (isset($users[$ouser])) {
                        $user = $users[$ouser];
                    } else {
                        $checkaddr = null;
                        $addr = null;
                        $tmp = $user;
                        if (strpos($user, "\t") !== false) {
                            list($tmp, $addr) = explode("\t", $user);
                        $checkaddr = substr($tmp, 10);
                        // Anonymous- or
                        if (($p = strpos($checkaddr, ',')) !== false) {
                            $dum = explode(',', $checkaddr);
                            $checkaddr = array_pop($dum);
                            // last address is the REMOTE_ADDR
                        $user = $addr = $addr ? $addr : $checkaddr;
                        if (!is_numeric($checkaddr[0]) and preg_match('/^[a-z][a-z0-9_\\-\\.]+@[a-z][a-z0-9_\\-]+(\\.[a-z0-9_]+)+$/i', $user)) {
                            $user = $checkaddr;
                            if (!empty($DBInfo->hide_emails)) {
                                $user = substr(md5($user), 0, 8);
                            } else {
                                $user = email_guard($user);
                        } else {
                            if (isset($DBInfo->interwiki['Whois'])) {
                                $wip = "<a href='" . $DBInfo->interwiki['Whois'] . "{$addr}' target='_blank'>{$ipicon}</a>";
                            } else {
                                $wip = "<a href='?action=whois&q=" . $addr . "' target='_blank'>{$ipicon}</a>";
                            if ($ismember) {
                                if (in_array($user, $members)) {
                                    $wip = '';
                                if (!empty($DBInfo->use_admin_user_url)) {
                                    $user = '******' . $DBInfo->use_admin_user_url . $user . '">' . $user . '</a>' . $wip;
                                } else {
                                    $user = $user . $wip;
                            } else {
                                if (!empty($DBInfo->mask_hostname)) {
                                    $user = _mask_hostname($addr, intval($DBInfo->mask_hostname));
                        $avatar = '';
                        if (!empty($use_avatar)) {
                            if (!empty($uniq_avatar)) {
                                $key = $addr . $uniq_avatar;
                            } else {
                                $key = $addr . $rckey;
                            $crypted = md5($key);
                            $mylnk = preg_replace('/seed=/', 'seed=' . $crypted, $avatarlink);
                            $avatar = '<img src="' . $mylnk . '" class="avatar" alt="avatar" />';
                        $user = $avatar . $user;
                        $users[$ouser] = $user;
                } else {
                    list($user, $addr) = explode("\t", $user);
                    $ouser = $user;
                    if (!isset($users[$ouser])) {
                        if (isset($DBInfo->interwiki['Whois'])) {
                            $wip = "<a href='" . $DBInfo->interwiki['Whois'] . "{$addr}' target='_blank'>{$ipicon}</a>";
                        } else {
                            $wip = "<a href='?action=whois&q=" . $addr . "' target='_blank'>{$ipicon}</a>";
                        $avatar = '';
                        if (!empty($use_avatar)) {
                            if (!empty($uniq_avatar)) {
                                $key = $addr . $uniq_avatar;
                            } else {
                                $key = $addr . $rckey;
                            if (!$ismember) {
                                $key .= $user;
                            // not a member: show different avatar for login user
                            $crypted = md5($key);
                            $mylnk = preg_replace('/seed=/', 'seed=' . $crypted, $avatarlink);
                            if ($ouser != 'Anonymous') {
                                $mylnk .= '&amp;user='******'<img src="' . $mylnk . '" class="avatar" alt="avatar" />';
                    if (isset($users[$ouser])) {
                        $user = $users[$ouser];
                    } else {
                        if ($ismember) {
                            if (in_array($user, $members)) {
                                $wip = '';
                            if (!empty($DBInfo->use_admin_user_url)) {
                                $user = $avatar . '<a href="' . $DBInfo->use_admin_user_url . $user . '">' . $user . '</a>' . $wip;
                            } else {
                                $user = $avatar . $user . $wip;
                            $users[$ouser] = $user;
                        } else {
                            if (!empty($DBInfo->use_nick)) {
                                $uid = $user;
                                if (($p = strpos($uid, ' ')) !== false) {
                                    $uid = substr($uid, 0, $p);
                                $u = $DBInfo->udb->getUser($uid);
                                if (!empty($u->info)) {
                                    if (!empty($DBInfo->interwiki['User'])) {
                                        $user = $formatter->link_repl('[wiki:User:'******' ' . $u->info['nick'] . ']');
                                    } else {
                                        if (!empty($u->info['home'])) {
                                            $user = $formatter->link_repl('[' . $u->info['home'] . ' ' . $u->info['nick'] . ']');
                                        } else {
                                            if (!empty($u->info['nick'])) {
                                                $user = $formatter->link_repl('[wiki:' . $uid . ' ' . $u->info['nick'] . ']');
                                $user = $avatar . $user;
                                $users[$ouser] = $user;
                            } else {
                                if (strpos($user, ' ') !== false) {
                                    $user = $avatar . $formatter->link_repl($user);
                                    $users[$ouser] = $user;
                                } else {
                                    if (empty($DBInfo->no_wikihomepage) and $DBInfo->hasPage($user)) {
                                        $user = $formatter->link_tag(_rawurlencode($user), "", $user);
                                        $user = $avatar . $user;
                                        $users[$ouser] = $user;
                                    } else {
                                        if (substr($user, 0, 9) == 'Anonymous') {
                                            $addr = substr($user, 10);
                                            $user = _('Anonymous');
                                        $uid = $user;
                                        if (preg_match('/^[a-z][a-z0-9_\\-\\.]+@[a-z][a-z0-9_\\-]+(\\.[a-z0-9_]+)+$/i', $user)) {
                                            if (!empty($DBInfo->hide_emails)) {
                                                $user = substr(md5($user), 0, 8);
                                            } else {
                                                $user = email_guard($user);
                                        $user = $avatar . $user;
                                        $users[$ouser] = $user;
                $all_user[] = $user . $count;
            if (isset($editor[1])) {
                $user = '******' . implode("</span> <span class='editor'>", $all_user) . "</span></span>\n";
            } else {
                $user = '******' . $all_user[0] . "</span>\n";
        } else {
            $user = '******';
        $jsattr = '';
        if (!empty($use_js)) {
            $jsattr = ' onclick="update_bookmark(' . $ed_time . ');return false;"';
        $bmark = '';
        if ($day != $ratchet_day) {
            $ratchet_day = $day;
            if (!empty($use_day)) {
                $tag = str_replace('-', '', $day);
                $perma = "<a name='{$tag}'></a><a class='perma' href='#{$tag}'>{$perma_icon}</a>";
                $out .= $cat0;
                $rcdate = gmdate($date_fmt, $ed_time + $tz_offset);
                $out .= sprintf("%s<span class='rc-date' style='font-size:large'>%s ", $br, $rcdate);
                if (empty($nobookmark)) {
                    $out .= "<span class='rc-bookmark' style='font-size:small'>[" . $formatter->link_tag($formatter->page->urlname, $bookmark_action . "&amp;time={$ed_time}" . $daysago, _("set bookmark"), $jsattr) . "]</span>\n";
                $br = "<br />";
                $out .= '</span>' . $perma . '<br />' . $bra;
                $cat0 = $cat;
            } else {
                $bmark = $formatter->link_to($bookmark_action . "&amp;time={$ed_time}" . $daysago, _("Bookmark"), $jsattr . ' class="button-small"');
        //if (empty($use_day) and empty($nobookmark)) {
        if (empty($nobookmark)) {
            $date = $formatter->link_to($bookmark_action . "&amp;time={$ed_time}" . $daysago, $date, ' id="time-' . $ii . '" ' . $jsattr);
        $count = "";
        $extra = "";
        if ($editcount[$page_key][$day] > 1) {
            $count = '<span id="change-' . $ii . '">' . sprintf(_("%s changes"), " <span class='num'>" . $editcount[$page_key][$day] . "</span>") . '</span>';
        } else {
            $count = '<span id="change-' . $ii . '"></span>';
        if (!empty($comment) && !empty($log)) {
            $extra = "&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <small name='word-break'>{$log}</small>";
        $alt = $ii % 2 == 0 ? ' class="alt"' : '';
        if ($extra and isset($template_extra)) {
            if ($rctype == 'board' and !empty($use_js)) {
                $style = ' style="display:none"';
            } else {
                $style = '';
            if (!empty($use_js)) {
                $title = '<button onclick="toggle_log(this);return false;"><span>+</span></button>' . $title;
            $out .= eval('return ' . $template_extra . ';');
        } else {
            $out .= eval('return ' . $template . ';');
        if (empty($logs[$page_key])) {
            $logs[$page_key] = array();
        $logs[$page_key][$day] = 1;
    if ($needupdate) {
        $rc->update($rckey, array('editors' => $editors, 'editcount' => $editcount, 'lastmod' => $lastmod, 'lastline' => $lastline, 'timestamp' => $timestamp, 'users' => $users));
    $js = '';
    if (!empty($rc_list)) {
        require_once 'lib/JSON.php';
        $json = new Services_JSON();
        $icon_new = $formatter->icon['new'];
        $icon_updated = $formatter->icon['updated'];
        $icon_show = $formatter->icon['show'];
        $icon_diff = $formatter->icon['diff'];
        $js = "<script type='text/javascript'>\n/*<![CDATA[*/\nvar rclist =";
        $ext = array();
        if (!empty($checknew)) {
            $ext[] = 'new=1';
        if (!empty($checkchange)) {
            $ext[] = 'change=1';
        $arg = implode('&', $ext);
        //$url = qualifiedURL($formatter->link_url('RecentChanges')); // FIXME
        //$url = preg_replace('/^https?:/', '', $url);
        $url = $formatter->link_url('RecentChanges');
        $postdata = "action=recentchanges/ajax" . ($arg ? '&' . $arg : '');
        $js .= $json->encode($rc_list) . ";\n";
        if ($use_diffwidth) {
            $js .= "var use_diffwidth = true;\n";
        } else {
            $js .= "var use_diffwidth = false;\n";
        $js .= <<<EOF
function diff_width(size) {
    if (size < 0)
        size = -size;
    if (size < 5)
      return '';
    else if (size < 10)
      return 'display:inline-block;width:25px';
      return 'display:inline-block;width:' + ~~(25 + 2*Math.sqrt(size)) + 'px';

function update_bookmark(time) {
    var url = "{$url}";
    if (rclist.length) {
      var timetag;
      if (typeof time == 'undefined') timetag = '';
      else timetag = '&time=' + time;

      var data = "{$postdata}";
      data += timetag + '&value=' + encodeURIComponent(json_encode(rclist));
      var txt = HTTPPost(url, data);
      var ret;
      if (txt == null) return;

      var icon_new = "{$icon_new}";
      var icon_updated = "{$icon_updated}";
      var icon_show = "{$icon_show}";
      var icon_diff = "{$icon_diff}";

      ret = window["eval"]("(" + txt + ")");
      var bookmark = ret['__-_-bookmark-_-__'];
      var jj = 0;
      for (var ii = 0; ii < rclist.length; ii++) {
        // update time
        var time = document.getElementById('time-' + ii);
        var tstr = time.firstChild.innerText;
        var d0 = Date.parse(tstr); // test
        if (isNaN(d0)) {
          // recalc time string
          var timestamp = time.href.match(/time=(\\d+)/);
          tstr = timesago(timestamp[1], "{$date_fmt}", {$tz_offset});
          if (tstr != null)
            time.firstChild.innerText = tstr;

        var item = document.getElementById('title-' + ii);
        var title = item.getAttribute('title');
        if (rclist[jj] != title) {
          var re = new RegExp("^.*" + url_prefix + '/');
          title = decodeURIComponent(item.href.replace(re, ''));

        if (ret[title] && ret[title]['state'] == 'deleted') { jj++; continue; }

        if (rclist[jj] == title && ret[title]) {
          var icon = document.getElementById('icon-' + ii);
          var state = document.createElement('SPAN');
          if (ret[title]['state'] == 'new') {
            state.innerHTML = icon_new;
            state.setAttribute('class', 'new');
            icon.href = icon.href.replace(/action=(diff|info)((?:&|&amp;)date=\\d+)?/, 'action=info');
            icon.innerHTML = icon_show;
          } else {
            state.innerHTML = icon_updated;
            state.setAttribute('class', 'updated');
            icon.href = icon.href.replace(/action=(diff|info)((?:&|&amp;)date=\\d+)?/, 'action=diff&date=' + bookmark);
            icon.innerHTML = icon_diff;

          // remove previous icon
          if (item.firstChild.nextSibling)
          item.appendChild(state); // add updated / new icon

          var change = document.getElementById('change-' + ii);
          if (!change) continue;
          var diff = document.getElementById('diff-' + ii);
          var nodiff = !diff;

          // remove previous diff info
          if (change.lastChild && change.lastChild.tagName == 'SPAN')
          else if (diff && diff.lastChild)

          // add diff info
          var diff0 = document.createElement('SPAN');
          if (ret[title]['add']) {
            var add = document.createElement('SPAN');
            var add2 = document.createElement('SPAN');
            add.setAttribute('class', 'diff-added');
            var txt = document.createTextNode('+' + ret[title]['add']);
            if (use_diffwidth)
   = diff_width(ret[title]['add']);
          if (ret[title]['del']) {
            var del = document.createElement('SPAN');
            var del2 = document.createElement('SPAN');
            del.setAttribute('class', 'diff-removed');
            var txt = document.createTextNode(ret[title]['del']);
            if (use_diffwidth)
   = diff_width(ret[title]['del']);
          if (nodiff)
        } else {
          if (item.firstChild.nextSibling)

          var change = document.getElementById('change-' + ii);
          if (!change) continue;
          var diff = document.getElementById('diff-' + ii);

          // remove diff info
          if (change.lastChild && change.lastChild.tagName == 'SPAN')
          else if (diff && diff.lastChild)

          // recover diff icon and link
          var icon = document.getElementById('icon-' + ii);
          if (icon && icon.firstChild) {
            var alt = icon.firstChild.getAttribute('alt');
            if (alt != 'D' && alt != '@') {
              icon.innerHTML = icon_diff;
            // recover link
            icon.href = icon.href.replace(/action=(diff|info)(&date=\\d+)?/, 'action=diff');
else if(window.attachEvent)window.attachEvent("onload",update_bookmark);
    } else {
        if (!empty($list)) {
            $out = '';
            foreach ($list as $k => $v) {
                $out .= '<li><span data-timestamp="' . $v[2] . '" class="date">' . $v[1] . '</span> ' . $v[0] . '</li>' . "\n";
            //if (!empty($options['ajax'])) {
            //  return '<ul>'.$out.'</ul>';
    if (in_array($rctype, array('list', 'simple')) and $use_js) {
        static $rc_id = 1;
        $rcid = ' id="rc' . $rc_id . '"';
        $extra = '';
        if (!empty($opts['items'])) {
            $extra .= '&item=' . $opts['items'];
        if (!empty($my_date_fmt)) {
            $extra .= '&datefmt=' . $my_date_fmt;
        $url = $formatter->link_url('RecentChanges', "?action=recentchanges/ajax&type={$rctype}" . $extra);
        $js = <<<JS
<script type='text/javascript'>
(function() {
  var url = "{$url}";
  var txt = HTTPGet(url);
  var rc = document.getElementById("rc{$rc_id}");
  if (txt.substring(0,5) != 'false') {
    var m = null;
    if (m = txt.match(/<ul>[\\s\\S]*<\\/ul>/)) {
      rc.innerHTML = m[0];
    } else {
        if ($use_js and $rctype == 'board') {
            $js .= <<<JS
<script type='text/javascript'>
function toggle_log(el)
  var item = el.parentNode.parentNode; // container
  var log = item.nextSibling;
  if (log.tagName == undefined)
    log = log.nextSibling; // for IE6

  if ( == "none") {
    el.className = "close"; = "";
  } else {
    el.className = "open"; = "none";
    $out = $btnlist . '<div class="recentChanges"' . $rcid . '>' . $rctitle . $template_bra . $out . $template_cat . $cat0 . '</div>' . $js . $rclog;
    $lc->update($rckey, $out);
    $lc->remove($rckey . '.lock');
    // unlock
    $rc->remove($rckey . '.lock');
    // unlock
    return $out;
Beispiel #13
function macro_Rss($formatter, $value)
    global $DBInfo;
    $rsscache = new Cache_text('rsscache');
    $key = _rawurlencode($value);
    // rss TTL = 7200 sec (60*60*2)
    if (!$formatter->refresh && $rsscache->exists($key) && time() < $rsscache->mtime($key) + 7200) {
        return $rsscache->fetch($key);
    if ($rsscache->exists($key . '.lock')) {
        return '';
    $args = explode(',', $value);
    // first arg assumed to be a date fmt arg
    $date_fmt = '';
    $title_width = 0;
    if (count($args) > 1) {
        if (preg_match("/^[\\s\\/\\-:aABdDFgGhHiIjmMOrSTY\\[\\]]+\$/", $args[0])) {
            $date_fmt = array_shift($args);
        if (is_numeric($args[0])) {
            $title_width = array_shift($args);
            // too small or too big
            if ($title_width < 10 || $title_width > 40) {
                $title_width = 0;
        $value = implode(',', $args);
    $cache = new Cache_text("rssxml");
    # reflash rss each 7200 second (60*60*2)
    if (!$cache->exists($key) or time() > $cache->mtime($key) + 7200) {
        $fp = @fopen("{$value}", "r");
        if (!$fp) {
            return "[[RSS(ERR: not a valid URL! {$value})]]";
        while ($data = fread($fp, 4096)) {
            $xml_data .= $data;
        $cache->update($key, $xml_data);
    } else {
        $xml_data = $cache->fetch($key);
    // detect charset
    $charset = 'UTF-8';
    list($line, $dummy) = explode("\n", $xml_data, 2);
    preg_match("/\\sencoding=?(\"|')([^'\"]+)/", $line, $match);
    if ($match) {
        $charset = strtoupper($match[2]);
    // override $charset for php5
    if ((int) phpversion() >= 5) {
        $charset = 'UTF-8';
    $xml_parser = xml_parser_create();
    $rss_parser = new WikiRSSParser($charset);
    if (!empty($date_fmt)) {
    if (!empty($title_width)) {
    xml_set_object($xml_parser, $rss_parser);
    xml_set_element_handler($xml_parser, "startElement", "endElement");
    xml_set_character_data_handler($xml_parser, "characterData");
    $ret = xml_parse($xml_parser, $xml_data);
    if (!$ret) {
        return sprintf("[[RSS(XML error: %s at line %d)]]", xml_error_string(xml_get_error_code($xml_parser)), xml_get_current_line_number($xml_parser));
    $out = ob_get_contents();
    $out = '<ul class="rss">' . $out . '</ul>';
    #  if (strtolower(str_replace("-","",$options['oe'])) == 'euckr')
    if (function_exists('iconv') and strtoupper($DBInfo->charset) != $charset) {
        $new = iconv($charset, $DBInfo->charset, $out);
        if ($new !== false) {
            return $new;
    $rsscache->remove($key . '.lock');
    $rsscache->update($key, $out);
    return $out;
Beispiel #14
function macro_FastSearch($formatter, $value = "", &$opts)
    global $DBInfo;
    $default_limit = isset($DBInfo->fastsearch_limit) ? $DBInfo->fastsearch_limit : 30;
    if ($value === true) {
        $needle = $value = $formatter->page->name;
    } else {
        # for MoinMoin compatibility with [[FullSearch("blah blah")]]
        $needle = $value = preg_replace("/^('|\")([^\\1]*)\\1/", "\\2", $value);
    $needle = _preg_search_escape($needle);
    $pattern = '/' . $needle . '/i';
    $fneedle = str_replace('"', "&#34;", $needle);
    # XXX
    $url = $formatter->link_url($formatter->page->urlname);
    $arena = 'fullsearch';
    $check1 = 'checked="checked"';
    $check2 = $check3 = '';
    if (in_array($opts['arena'], array('titlesearch', 'fullsearch', 'pagelinks'))) {
        $check1 = '';
        $arena = $opts['arena'];
        if ($arena == 'fullsearch') {
            $check1 = 'checked="checked"';
        } else {
            if ($arena == 'titlesearch') {
                $check2 = 'checked="checked"';
            } else {
                $check3 = 'checked="checked"';
    if (!empty($opts['backlinks'])) {
        $arena = 'pagelinks';
        $check1 = '';
        $check3 = 'checked="checked"';
    $msg = _("Fast search");
    $msg2 = _("Display context of search results");
    $msg3 = _("Full text search");
    $msg4 = _("Title search");
    $msg5 = _("Link search");
    $form = <<<EOF
<form method='get' action='{$url}'>
   <input type='hidden' name='action' value='fastsearch' />
   <input name='value' size='30' value='{$fneedle}' />
   <span class='button'><input type='submit' class='button' value='{$msg}' /></span><br />
   <input type='checkbox' name='context' value='20' />{$msg2}<br />
   <input type='radio' name='arena' value='fullsearch' {$check1} />{$msg3}
   <input type='radio' name='arena' value='titlesearch' {$check2} />{$msg4}
   <input type='radio' name='arena' value='pagelinks' {$check3} />{$msg5}<br />
    if (!isset($needle[0]) or !empty($opts['form'])) {
        # or blah blah
        $opts['msg'] = _("No search text");
        return $form;
    } else {
        if (validate_needle($needle) === false) {
            $opts['msg'] = sprintf(_("Invalid search expression \"%s\""), $needle);
            return $form;
    $DB = new Indexer_dba($arena, "r", $DBInfo->dba_type);
    if ($DB->db == null) {
        $opts['msg'] = _("Couldn't open search database, sorry.");
        $opts['hits'] = array();
        $opts['hit'] = 0;
        $opts['all'] = 0;
        return '';
    $opts['form'] = $form;
    $sc = new Cache_text("searchkey");
    if ($arena == "pagelinks") {
        $words = array($value);
    } else {
        $words = getTokens($value);
    // $words=explode(' ', strtolower($value));
    $idx = array();
    $new_words = array();
    foreach ($words as $word) {
        if ($sc->exists($word)) {
            $searchkeys = $sc->fetch($word);
        } else {
            $searchkeys = $DB->_search($word);
            $sc->update($word, $searchkeys);
        $new_words = array_merge($new_words, $searchkeys);
        $new_words = array_merge($idx, $DB->_search($word));
    $words = array_merge($words, $new_words);
    $word = array_shift($words);
    $idx = $DB->_fetchValues($word);
    foreach ($words as $word) {
        $ids = $DB->_fetchValues($word);
        // FIXME
        foreach ($ids as $id) {
            $idx[] = $id;
    $init_hits = array_count_values($idx);
    // initial hits
    $idx = array_keys($init_hits);
    $all_count = $DBInfo->getCounter();
    $pages = array();
    $hits = array();
    foreach ($idx as $id) {
        $key = $DB->_fetch($id);
        $pages[$id] = $key;
        $hits['_' . $key] = $init_hits[$id];
        // HACK. prefix '_' to numerical named pages
    if (!empty($_GET['q']) and isset($_GET['q'][0])) {
        return $pages;
    $context = !empty($opts['context']) ? $opts['context'] : 0;
    $limit = isset($opts['limit'][0]) ? $opts['limit'] : $default_limit;
    $contexts = array();
    if ($arena == 'fullsearch' || $arena == 'pagelinks') {
        $idx = 1;
        foreach ($pages as $page_name) {
            if (!empty($limit) and $idx > $limit) {
            $p = new WikiPage($page_name);
            if (!$p->exists()) {
            $body = $p->_get_raw_body();
            $count = preg_match_all($pattern, $body, $matches);
            // more precisely count matches
            if ($context) {
                # search matching contexts
                $contexts[$page_name] = find_needle($body, $needle, '', $context);
            $hits['_' . $page_name] = $count;
            // XXX hack for numerical named pages
    //uasort($hits, 'strcasecmp');
    //$order = 0;
    //uasort($hits, create_function('$a, $b', 'return ' . ($order ? '' : '-') . '(strcasecmp($a, $b));'));
    $name = array_keys($hits);
    array_multisort($hits, SORT_DESC, $name, SORT_ASC);
    $opts['hits'] = $hits;
    $opts['hit'] = count($hits);
    $opts['all'] = $all_count;
    if (!empty($opts['call'])) {
        return $hits;
    $out = "<!-- RESULT LIST START -->";
    // for search plugin
    $out .= "<ul>";
    $idx = 1;
    while (list($page_name, $count) = each($hits)) {
        $page_name = substr($page_name, 1);
        $out .= '<!-- RESULT ITEM START -->';
        // for search plugin
        $out .= '<li>' . $formatter->link_tag(_rawurlencode($page_name), "?action=highlight&amp;value=" . _urlencode($needle), $page_name, "tabindex='{$idx}'");
        if ($count > 1) {
            $out .= ' . . . . ' . sprintf($count == 1 ? _("%d match") : _("%d matches"), $count);
            if (!empty($contexts[$page_name])) {
                $out .= $contexts[$page_name];
        $out .= "</li>\n";
        $out .= '<!-- RESULT ITEM END -->';
        // for search plugin
        if (!empty($limit) and $idx > $limit) {
    $out .= "</ul>\n";
    $out .= "<!-- RESULT LIST END -->";
    // for search plugin
    return $out;
Beispiel #15
function macro_LikePages($formatter = "", $value, &$opts)
    global $DBInfo;
    $pname = _preg_escape($value);
    $metawiki = !empty($opts['metawiki']) ? $opts['metawiki'] : '';
    if (strlen($pname) < 3) {
        $opts['msg'] = _("Use more specific text");
        return '';
    $opts['extra'] = '';
    $s_re = "^[A-Z][A-Za-z0-9]+";
    $e_re = "[A-Z][A-Za-z0-9]+\$";
    $count = preg_match("/(" . $s_re . ")/", $pname, $match);
    $s_len = 0;
    if ($count) {
        $start = trim($match[1]);
        $s_len = strlen($start);
    $count = preg_match("/(" . $e_re . ")/", $pname, $match);
    if ($count) {
        $end = $match[1];
        $e_len = strlen($end);
    // for non ASCII codeset
    if (empty($start) or empty($end)) {
        if (preg_match('/[^A-Za-z0-9-_]/', $pname)) {
            $myname = preg_replace('/[\\x00-\\x2F\\x3A-\\x40\\x5B-\\x60\\x7B-\\x7F]/', ' ', $pname);
            $words = preg_split('/\\s+/', $myname);
            if (empty($start)) {
                $start = $words[0];
            if (isset($words[1])) {
                if (empty($end)) {
                    $end = $words[count($words) - 1];
        // try to remove suffix
        // "위키에서 글쓰기" => start=위키에서|위키에|위키
        if (!empty($start) and preg_match('/[\\x{AC00}-\\x{D7AF}]/u', $start)) {
            $ws = preg_split('//u', $start, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE | PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
            $nw = array();
            $nw[] = $start;
            for ($i = 2; count($ws) > 2 and $i > 0; $i--) {
                $nw[] = implode('', $ws);
            $start = implode('|', $nw);
        if (!empty($end) and preg_match('/[\\x{AC00}-\\x{D7AF}]/u', $end)) {
            $ws = preg_split('//u', $end, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE | PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
            $nw = array();
            $last = array_splice($ws, -2);
            $last = implode('', $last);
            $nw[] = $last;
            $ws = array_reverse($ws);
            foreach ($ws as $w) {
                $last = $w . $last;
                $nw[] = $last;
            $end = implode('|', $nw);
    if (empty($start)) {
        preg_match("/^(.{2,4})/u", $value, $match);
        $s_len = strlen($match[1]);
        $start = trim(_preg_escape($match[1]));
    if (empty($end)) {
        $end = substr($value, $s_len);
        preg_match("/(.{2,6})\$/u", $end, $match);
        $end = isset($match[1]) ? $match[1] : '';
        $e_len = strlen($end);
        if ($e_len < 2) {
            $end = "";
        } else {
            $end = _preg_escape($end);
    $starts = array();
    $ends = array();
    $likes = array();
    if (empty($metawiki)) {
        if (!$end) {
            $needle = $start;
        } else {
            $needle = "{$start}|{$end}";
        $indexer = $DBInfo->lazyLoad('titleindexer');
        $pages = $indexer->getLikePages($needle);
        // get aliases
        if (empty($DBInfo->alias)) {
        $alias = $DBInfo->alias->getAllPages();
        $pages = array_merge($pages, $alias);
    } else {
        if (empty($DBInfo->metadb)) {
        if (empty($DBInfo->metadb)) {
            $opts['msg'] = _("No metadb found");
            return '';
        if (!$end) {
            $needle = $start;
        } else {
            $needle = "{$start}|{$end}";
        $pages = $DBInfo->metadb->getLikePages($needle);
    if ($start) {
        foreach ($pages as $page) {
            preg_match("/^{$start}/", $page, $matches);
            if ($matches) {
                $starts[$page] = 1;
    if ($end) {
        foreach ($pages as $page) {
            preg_match("/{$end}\$/", $page, $matches);
            if ($matches) {
                $ends[$page] = 1;
    if (!empty($DBInfo->use_similar_text)) {
        $len = strlen($value);
        $ii = 0;
        foreach ($pages as $page) {
            $match = similar_text($value, $page) / min($len, strlen($page));
            if ($match > 0.9 && empty($starts[$page]) && empty($ends[$page])) {
                $likes[$page] = $match;
    } else {
        if ($start || $end) {
            if ($start and $end) {
                $similar_re = "{$start}|{$end}";
            } else {
                if ($start) {
                    $similar_re = $start;
                } else {
                    $similar_re = $end;
            if (!empty($words)) {
                $similar_re .= '|' . implode('|', $words);
            foreach ($pages as $page) {
                preg_match("/({$similar_re})/i", $page, $matches);
                if ($matches && empty($starts[$page]) && empty($ends[$page])) {
                    $likes[$page] = 1;
    $idx = 1;
    $hits = 0;
    $out = "";
    if ($likes) {
        $out .= "<h3>" . _("These pages share a similar word...") . "</h3>";
        $out .= "<ol>\n";
        foreach ($likes as $pagename => $i) {
            $pageurl = _rawurlencode($pagename);
            $pagetext = htmlspecialchars(urldecode($pagename));
            $out .= '<li>' . $formatter->link_tag($pageurl, "", $pagetext, "tabindex='{$idx}'") . "</li>\n";
        $out .= "</ol>\n";
        $hits = count($likes);
    if ($starts || $ends) {
        $out .= "<h3>" . _("These pages share an initial or final title word...") . "</h3>";
        $out .= "<table border='0' width='100%'><tr><td width='50%' valign='top'>\n<ol>\n";
        while (list($pagename, $i) = each($starts)) {
            $pageurl = _rawurlencode($pagename);
            $pagetext = htmlspecialchars(urldecode($pagename));
            $out .= '<li>' . $formatter->link_tag($pageurl, "", $pagetext, "tabindex='{$idx}'") . "</li>\n";
        $out .= "</ol></td>\n";
        $out .= "<td width='50%' valign='top'><ol>\n";
        while (list($pagename, $i) = each($ends)) {
            $pageurl = _rawurlencode($pagename);
            $pagetext = htmlspecialchars(urldecode($pagename));
            $out .= '<li>' . $formatter->link_tag($pageurl, "", $pagetext, "tabindex='{$idx}'") . "</li>\n";
        $out .= "</ol>\n</td></tr></table>\n";
        $hits += count($starts) + count($ends);
    if (empty($hits)) {
        $out .= "<h3>" . _("No similar pages found") . "</h3>";
    $opts['msg'] = sprintf(_("Like \"%s\""), $value);
    while (empty($metawiki)) {
        if (empty($DBInfo->metadb)) {
        if (empty($DBInfo->metadb) or empty($DBInfo->shared_metadb)) {
        $opts['extra'] = _("If you can't find this page, ");
        if (empty($hits) and empty($metawiki) and !empty($DBInfo->metadb)) {
            $opts['extra'] = _("You are strongly recommened to find it in MetaWikis. ");
        $tag = $formatter->link_to("?action=LikePages&amp;metawiki=1", _("Search all MetaWikis"));
        $opts['extra'] .= "{$tag} (" . _("Slow Slow") . ")<br />";
    return $out;
Beispiel #16
function do_post_Draw($formatter, $options = array())
    global $DBInfo;
    $enable_replace = 1;
    $keyname = $DBInfo->_getPageKey($options['page']);
    $_dir = str_replace("./", '', $DBInfo->upload_dir . '/' . $keyname);
    $pagename = $options['page'];
    // support hashed upload dir
    if (!is_dir($_dir) and !empty($DBInfo->use_hashed_upload_dir)) {
        $prefix = get_hashed_prefix($keyname);
        $_dir = str_replace('./', '', $DBInfo->upload_dir . '/' . $prefix . $keyname);
    if (!file_exists($_dir)) {
        _mkdir_p($_dir, 0777);
    $name = $options['value'];
    if (!empty($_FILES['filepath'])) {
        $upfile = $_FILES['filepath']['tmp_name'];
        $temp = explode("/", $_FILES['filepath']['name']);
        $upfilename = $temp[count($temp) - 1];
        preg_match("/(.*)\\.([a-z0-9]{1,4})\$/i", $upfilename, $fname);
        # do not change the extention of the file.
        $file_path = $newfile_path = $_dir . "/" . $upfilename;
        # is file already exists ?
        $dummy = 0;
        while (file_exists($newfile_path)) {
            $dummy = $dummy + 1;
            $ufname = $fname[1] . "_" . $dummy;
            // rename file
            $upfilename = $ufname . ".{$fname['2']}";
            $newfile_path = $_dir . "/" . $upfilename;
        if ($enable_replace) {
            if ($file_path != $newfile_path) {
                $test = @copy($file_path, $newfile_path);
            $test = @copy($upfile, $file_path);
        } else {
            $test = @copy($upfile, $newfile_path);
        if (!$test) {
            $title = sprintf(_("Fail to copy \"%s\" to \"%s\""), $upfilename, $file_path);
            $formatter->send_header("Status: 406 Not Acceptable", $options);
            $formatter->send_title($title, "", $options);
        if ($fname[2] == 'map') {
            # fix map file.
            $map = file($newfile_path);
            $map = implode('', $map);
            # remove useless areas
            $map = preg_replace('/HREF="%TWIKIDRAW%"/', 'nohref', $map);
            $fp = fopen($newfile_path, 'w');
            if ($fp) {
                fwrite($fp, $map);
        chmod($newfile_path, 0644);
        if ($fname[2] == 'draw') {
            $comment = sprintf("Drawing '%s' uploaded", $upfilename);
            $DBInfo->addLogEntry($keyname, $REMOTE_ADDR, $comment, "ATTDRW");
    if (!$name) {
        $title = _("Fatal error !");
        $formatter->send_header("Status: 406 Not Acceptable", $options);
        $formatter->send_title($title, "", $options);
        print "<h2>" . _("No filename given") . "</h2>";
        $formatter->send_footer("", $options);
    $gifname = _rawurlencode($name);
    if (empty($_GET['mode']) or $_GET['mode'] != 'attach') {
        $gifname = 'Draw_' . $gifname;
    $imgpath = "{$_dir}/{$gifname}";
    $ufname = $gifname;
    $dummy = 0;
    while (file_exists($imgpath)) {
        $dummy = $dummy + 1;
        $ufname = $gifname . "_" . $dummy;
        // rename file
        $imgpath = "{$_dir}/{$ufname}";
    $draw_url = "{$DBInfo->upload_dir_url}/{$keyname}/{$ufname}.draw";
    $gif_url = "{$DBInfo->upload_dir_url}/{$keyname}/{$ufname}.gif";
    $formatter->send_header("", $options);
    $formatter->send_title(_("Edit drawing"), "", $options);
    $prefix = $formatter->prefix;
    $now = time();
    $url_exit = $formatter->link_url($options['page'], "?ts={$now}");
    $url_save = $formatter->link_url($options['page'], "?action=draw");
    $url_help = $formatter->link_url("HotDraw");
    $pubpath = $DBInfo->url_prefix . "/applets/TWikiDrawPlugin";
    print "<h2>" . _("Edit new drawing") . "</h2>\n";
    print <<<APPLET
<applet code="CH.ifa.draw.twiki.TWikiDraw.class"
 archive="twikidraw.jar" codebase="{$pubpath}"
 width='500' height='40' align="center">
        <param name="drawpath" value="{$draw_url}">
        <param name="gifpath"  value="{$gif_url}">
        <param name="savepath" value="{$url_save}">
        <param name="viewpath" value="{$url_exit}">
        <param name="helppath" value="{$url_help}">
<b>NOTE:</b> You need a Java enabled browser to edit the drawing example.
</applet><br />
    $formatter->send_footer("", $options);
Beispiel #17
function macro_BlogChanges($formatter, $value, $options = array())
    global $DBInfo;
    $tz_off =& $formatter->tz_offset;
    if (empty($options)) {
        $options = array();
    if (!empty($_GET['date'])) {
        $options['date'] = $date = $_GET['date'];
    } else {
        $date = !empty($options['date']) ? $options['date'] : '';
    // parse args
    preg_match("/^(('|\")([^\\2]+)\\2)?,?(\\s*,?\\s*.*)?\$/", $value, $match);
    $opts = explode(',', $match[4]);
    $opts = array_merge($opts, array_keys($options));
    if (in_array('noaction', $opts)) {
        $options['noaction'] = 1;
    $category_pages = array();
    $options['category'] = !empty($options['category']) ? $options['category'] : $match[3];
    if (!empty($options['category'])) {
        $options['category'] = preg_replace('/(?<!\\.|\\)|\\])\\*/', '.*', $options['category']);
        $test = @preg_match("/" . str_replace('/', '\\/', $options['category']) . "/", '');
        if ($test === false) {
            return '[[BlogChanges(' . sprintf(_("Invalid category expr \"%s\""), $options['category']) . ')]]';
        if ($DBInfo->blog_category) {
            $categories = Blog_cache::get_categories();
            if (isset($categories[$options['category']])) {
                $category_pages = $categories[$options['category']];
        if (!$category_pages) {
            if ($DBInfo->hasPage($options['category'])) {
                // category is not found
                // regard it as a single blog page
                $blog_page = $options['category'];
            } else {
                // or category pattern like as 'Blog/Misc/.*'
                $category_pages = array($options['category']);
    } else {
        $opts['all'] = 1;
    foreach ($opts as $opt) {
        if (($temp = intval($opt)) > 1) {
    $limit = $temp > 1 ? $temp : 0;
    if (!$limit) {
        if ($date) {
            $limit = 30;
        } else {
            $limit = 10;
    if (in_array('all', $opts) or $category_pages) {
        $blogs = Blog_cache::get_rc_blogs($date, $category_pages);
    } else {
        if ($blog_page) {
            $blogs = array($blog_page);
    #  if (empty($blogs)) {
    #    // no blog entries found
    #    return _("No entries found");
    #  }
    #  print_r($blogs);
    if (in_array('summary', $opts)) {
        $logs = Blog_cache::get_summary($blogs, $options);
    } else {
        $logs = Blog_cache::get_simple($blogs, $options);
    usort($logs, 'BlogCompare');
    // get the number of trackbacks
    $trackback_list = array();
    if ($DBInfo->use_trackback) {
        #read trackbacks and set entry counter
        $cache = new Cache_text('trackback');
        foreach ($blogs as $blog) {
            if ($cache->exists($blog)) {
                $trackback_raw = $cache->fetch($blog);
                $trackbacks = explode("\n", $trackback_raw);
                foreach ($trackbacks as $trackback) {
                    if (($p = strpos($trackback, "\t")) !== false) {
                        list($dummy, $entry, $extra) = explode("\t", $trackback);
                        if ($entry) {
                            if (isset($trackback_list[$blog][$entry])) {
                            } else {
                                $trackback_list[$blog] = array($entry => 1);
    if (empty($options['date']) or !preg_match('/^\\d{4}-?\\d{2}$/', $options['date'])) {
        $date = date('Ym');
    $year = substr($date, 0, 4);
    $month = substr($date, 4, 2);
    $day = substr($date, 6, 2);
    if (strlen($date) == 8) {
        $prev_date = gmdate('Ymd', mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, intval($day) - 1, $year) + $tz_off);
        $next_date = gmdate('Ymd', mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, intval($day) + 1, $year) + $tz_off);
    } else {
        if (strlen($date) == 6) {
            $cdate = date('Ym');
            $prev_date = date('Ym', mktime(0, 0, 0, intval($month) - 1, 1, $year) + $tz_off);
            if ($cdate > $date) {
                $next_date = gmdate('Ym', mktime(0, 0, 0, intval($month) + 1, 1, $year) + $tz_off);
    // set output style
    if (in_array('simple', $opts) or in_array('summary', $opts)) {
        $bra = "";
        $sep = "<br />";
        $bullet = "";
        $cat = "";
    } else {
        $bra = "<ul class='blog-list'>";
        $bullet = "<li class='blog-list'>";
        $sep = "</li>\n";
        $cat = "</ul>";
    $template = '$out="$bullet<a href=\\"$url#$tag\\">$title</a> ' . '<span class=\\"blog-user\\">';
    if (in_array('summary', $opts)) {
        $template = '$out="$bullet<div class=\\"blog-summary\\"><div class=\\"blog-title\\"><a name=\\"$tag\\"></a>' . '<a href=\\"$url#$tag\\">$title</a> <a class=\\"perma\\" href=\\"#$tag\\">' . addslashes($formatter->perma_icon) . '</a></div><span class=\\"blog-user\\">';
    if (!in_array('nouser', $opts)) {
        $template .= 'by $user ';
    if (!in_array('nodate', $opts)) {
        $template .= '@ $date ';
    if (in_array('summary', $opts)) {
        $template .= '</span><div class=\\"blog-content\\">$summary</div>$btn</div>\\n";';
    } else {
        $template .= '</span>$sep\\n";';
    $time_current = time();
    $items = '';
    $date_anchor = '';
    $sendopt['nosisters'] = 1;
    $save_page = $formatter->page;
    foreach ($logs as $log) {
        #list($page, $user,$date,$title,$summary,$commentcount)= $log;
        $page = $log[0];
        $user = $log[1];
        $date = $log[2];
        $title = $log[3];
        $summary = !empty($log[4]) ? $log[4] : '';
        $commentcount = !empty($log[5]) ? $log[5] : '';
        $tag = md5($user . ' ' . $date . ' ' . $title);
        $datetag = '';
        $url = qualifiedUrl($formatter->link_url(_urlencode($page)));
        if (empty($opts['nouser'])) {
            if (preg_match('/^[\\d\\.]+$/', $user)) {
                if (!$DBInfo->mask_hostname and $DBInfo->interwiki['Whois']) {
                    $user = '******' . $DBInfo->interwiki['Whois'] . $user . '">' . _("Anonymous") . '</a>';
                } else {
                    $user = _("Anonymous");
            } else {
                if ($DBInfo->hasPage($user)) {
                    $user = $formatter->link_tag(_rawurlencode($user), '', $user);
        if (!$title) {
        $date[10] = ' ';
        $time = strtotime($date . ' GMT');
        $date = gmdate('m-d [h:i a]', $time + $tz_off);
        if (!empty($summary)) {
            $anchor = date('Ymd', $time);
            if ($date_anchor != $anchor) {
                $date_anchor_fmt = $DBInfo->date_fmt_blog;
                $datetag = '<div class="blog-date">' . date($date_anchor_fmt, $time) . ' <a name="' . $anchor . '"></a><a class="perma" href="#' . $anchor . '">' . $formatter->perma_icon . '</a></div>';
                $date_anchor = $anchor;
            $p = new WikiPage($page);
            $formatter->page = $p;
            $summary = str_replace('\\}}}', '}}}', $summary);
            # XXX
            $formatter->send_page($summary, $sendopt);
            $summary = ob_get_contents();
            if (empty($options['noaction'])) {
                if ($commentcount) {
                    $add_button = $commentcount == 1 ? _("%s comment") : _("%s comments");
                } else {
                    $add_button = _("Add comment");
                $count_tag = '<span class="count">' . $commentcount . '</span>';
                $add_button = sprintf($add_button, $count_tag);
                $btn = $formatter->link_tag(_urlencode($page), "?action=blog&amp;value={$tag}#BlogComment", $add_button);
                if ($DBInfo->use_trackback) {
                    if (isset($trackback_list[$page][$tag])) {
                        $counter = ' (' . $trackback_list[$page][$tag] . ')';
                    } else {
                        $counter = '';
                    $btn .= ' | ' . $formatter->link_tag(_urlencode($page), "?action=trackback&amp;value={$tag}", _("track back") . $counter);
                $btn = "<div class='blog-action'><span class='bullet'>&raquo;</span> " . $btn . "</div>\n";
            } else {
                $btn = '';
        $items .= $datetag . $out;
        if (--$limit <= 0) {
    $formatter->page = $save_page;
    $url = qualifiedUrl($formatter->link_url($DBInfo->frontpage));
    # make pnut
    $action = '';
    if (!empty($options['action'])) {
        $action = 'action=blogchanges&amp;';
    if (!empty($options['category'])) {
        $action .= 'category=' . $options['category'] . '&amp;';
    if (!empty($options['mode'])) {
        $action .= 'mode=' . $options['mode'] . '&amp;';
    $prev = $formatter->link_to('?' . $action . 'date=' . $prev_date, "<span class='bullet'>&laquo;</span> " . _("Previous"));
    $next = '';
    if (!empty($next_date)) {
        $next = " | " . $formatter->link_to('?' . $action . 'date=' . $next_date, _("Next") . " <span class='bullet'>&raquo;</span>");
    return $bra . $items . $cat . '<div class="blog-action">' . $prev . $next . '</div>';
Beispiel #18
function macro_Gallery($formatter, $value, &$options)
    global $DBInfo;
    # add some actions at the bottom of the page
    if (!$value and !in_array('UploadFile', $formatter->actions)) {
        $formatter->actions[] = 'UploadFile';
        $formatter->actions[] = 'UploadedFiles';
    $default_column = 3;
    $default_row = 4;
    $col = (!empty($options['col']) and $options['col'] > 0) ? (int) $options['col'] : 0;
    $row = (!empty($options['row']) and $options['row'] > 0) ? (int) $options['row'] : 0;
    $sort = !empty($options['sort']) ? $options['sort'] : '';
    $nocomment = !empty($options['nocomment']) ? $options['nocomment'] : '';
    $href_attr = '';
    if (!empty($DBInfo->gallery_use_lightbox) and !empty($DBInfo->use_lightbox)) {
        $use_lightbox = 1;
        if (is_string($DBInfo->gallery_use_lightbox)) {
            $href_attr = ' rel="' . $DBInfo->gallery_use_lightbox . '[gallery]" ';
        } else {
            $href_attr = ' rel="lightbox[gallery]" ';
    // parse args
    preg_match("/^(('|\")([^\\2]+)\\2)?,?(\\s*,?\\s*.*)?\$/", $value, $match);
    $opts = explode(',', $match[4]);
    foreach ($opts as $opt) {
        if ($opt == 'showall') {
            $show_all = 1;
        } else {
            if ($opt == 'nocomment') {
                $nocomment = 1;
            } else {
                if (($p = strpos($opt, '=')) !== false) {
                    $k = substr($opt, 0, $p);
                    $v = substr($opt, $p + 1);
                    if ($k == 'col') {
                        $col = $v;
                    } else {
                        if ($k == 'row') {
                            $row = $v;
                        } else {
                            if ($k == 'sort') {
                                $sort = $v;
                } else {
                    if ($opt == 'sort') {
                        $sort = 1;
    if (!in_array($sort, array(0, 1, 'name', 'date'))) {
        $sort = 0;
    $img_default_width = 150;
    $col_td_width = '';
    if ($col > 1) {
        $col_td_width = (int) (100 / $col);
        $col_td_width = ' width="' . $col_td_width . '%"';
        $img_default_width = (int) (100 / $col) * 5;
        // XXX assume 500px
    $default_width = !empty($DBInfo->gallery_img_width) ? $DBInfo->gallery_img_width : 600;
    $img_class = "gallery-img";
    $col = ($col <= 0 or $col > 10) ? $default_column : $col;
    $row = ($row <= 0 or $row > 7) ? $default_row : $row;
    $perpage = $col * $row;
    $img_style = '';
    if ($col == 1) {
        $img_style = ' style="float:left"';
    if (!empty($match[3])) {
        # arg has a pagename
        $value = $match[3];
    } else {
        $value = $formatter->page->name;
    $key = $DBInfo->pageToKeyname($value);
    if ($key != $value) {
        $prefix = $formatter->link_url(_rawurlencode($value), "?action=download&amp;value=");
    $dir = $DBInfo->upload_dir . "/{$key}";
    if (empty($prefix)) {
        $prefix = $DBInfo->url_prefix . "/" . $dir . "/";
    if (!file_exists($dir)) {
        mkdir($dir, 0777);
    $top_link = '';
    $bot_link = '';
    $upfiles = array();
    $comments = array();
    if (file_exists($dir . "/list.txt")) {
        $cache = file($dir . "/list.txt");
        foreach ($cache as $line) {
            $tmp = explode("\t", rtrim($line), 3);
            $name = $tmp[0];
            $upfiles[$name] = $tmp[1];
            if (isset($tmp[2])) {
                $comments[$name] = $tmp[2];
    if ($sort) {
        if ($sort == 1) {
        } elseif ($sort == 'name') {
    } else {
    if (!empty($options['value'])) {
        $file = urldecode($options['value']);
    if (!empty($file) and !empty($upfiles[$file]) and !empty($options['comments'])) {
        // admin: edit all comments
        $comment = _stripslashes($options['comments']);
        $comment = str_replace("<", "&lt;", $comment);
        $comment = str_replace("\r", "", $comment);
        $comment = preg_replace("/\n----\n/", "\t", $comment);
        $comment = str_replace("\n", "\\n", $comment);
        $comments[$file] = $comment;
        $update = 1;
    } else {
        if (!empty($file) and !empty($upfiles[$file]) and !empty($options['comment'])) {
            // add new comment
            $comment = $text = _stripslashes($options['comment']);
            // spam filtering
            $fts = preg_split('/(\\||,)/', $DBInfo->spam_filter);
            foreach ($fts as $ft) {
                $text = $formatter->filter_repl($ft, $text, $options);
            if ($text != $comment) {
                $options['err'] = _("Sorry, can not save page because some messages are blocked in this wiki.");
            } else {
                if ($options['id'] == 'Anonymous') {
                    $name = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
                } else {
                    $name = $options['id'];
                if ($options['name']) {
                    $name = $options['name'];
                $date = date("(Y-m-d H:i:s) ");
                $comment = str_replace("\r", "", $comment);
                $comment = str_replace("\n", "\\n", $comment);
                $comment = str_replace("\t", " ", $comment);
                $comment = str_replace("<", "&lt;", $comment);
                $comment .= " -- {$name} {$date}";
                $comments[$file] = $comment . "\t" . $comments[$file];
                $update = 1;
        } else {
            if (!empty($file) and !empty($upfiles[$file])) {
                // show comments of the selected item
                $mtime = $upfiles[$file];
                $comment = !empty($comments[$file]) ? $comments[$file] : '';
                $values = array_keys($upfiles);
                $prev_value = $values[array_search($file, $values) - 1];
                $next_value = $values[array_search($file, $values) + 1];
                $upfiles = array();
                $comments = array();
                $upfiles[$file] = $mtime;
                $comments[$file] = $comment;
                $selected = 1;
                $img_class = "gallery-sel";
                if (!empty($prev_value)) {
                    $prev_link = "<div class='gallery-prev-link'><a href='" . $formatter->link_url($formatter->page->urlname, "?action=gallery&amp;value={$prev_value}") . "'><span class='gallery-prev-text'>&#171;Prev</span></a></div>";
                } else {
                    $prev_link = '';
                if (!empty($next_value)) {
                    $next_link = "<div class='gallery-next-link'><a href='" . $formatter->link_url($formatter->page->urlname, "?action=gallery&amp;value={$next_value}") . "'><span class='gallery-next-text'>Next&#187;</span></a></div>";
                } else {
                    $next_link = '';
                if (!empty($next_link) or !empty($prev_link)) {
                    $top_link = "<div class='gallery-top-link'>{$prev_link}{$next_link}</div>";
                    $bot_link = "<div class='gallery-bottom-link'>{$prev_link}{$next_link}</div>";
    $width = !empty($selected) ? $default_width : $img_default_width;
    $thumb_width = !empty($DBInfo->thumb_width) ? $DBInfo->thumb_width : '250';
    $mtime = file_exists($dir . "/list.txt") ? filemtime($dir . "/list.txt") : 0;
    if (filemtime($dir) > $mtime or !empty($update)) {
        $handle = opendir($dir);
        $cache = '';
        $cr = '';
        while ($file = readdir($handle)) {
            if ($file[0] == '.' or $file == 'list.txt' or is_dir($dir . "/{$file}")) {
            $mtime = filemtime($dir . "/" . $file);
            $cache .= $cr . $file . "\t" . $mtime;
            $upfiles[$file] = $mtime;
            if (!empty($comments[$file])) {
                $cache .= "\t" . $comments[$file];
            $cr = "\n";
        $fp = @fopen($dir . "/list.txt", 'w');
        if ($fp) {
            fwrite($fp, $cache);
    if (empty($upfiles)) {
        return "<h3>" . _("No files found") . "</h3>\n";
    $out = "<table width='100%' border='0' cellpadding='2'>\n<tr>\n";
    $idx = 1;
    $pages = intval(sizeof($upfiles) / $perpage);
    if (sizeof($upfiles) % $perpage) {
    if (!empty($options['p']) and $options['p'] > 1) {
        $slice_index = $perpage * intval($options['p'] - 1);
        $upfiles = array_slice($upfiles, $slice_index);
    $extra = $sort ? "&amp;sort=" . $sort : '';
    $extra .= $nocomment ? "&amp;nocomment=1" : '';
    $pnut = '';
    if ($pages > 1) {
        $pnut = get_pagelist($formatter, $pages, '?action=gallery&amp;col=' . $col . '&amp;row=' . $row . $extra . '&amp;p=', !empty($options['p']) ? $options['p'] : '', $perpage);
    if (!file_exists($dir . "/thumbnails")) {
        @mkdir($dir . "/thumbnails", 0777);
    while (list($file, $mtime) = each($upfiles)) {
        $size = filesize($dir . "/" . $file);
        $id = rawurlencode($file);
        $linksrc = $key == $value ? $prefix . $id : str_replace('value=', 'value=' . $id, $prefix);
        $link = (!empty($selected) or !empty($use_lightbox)) ? $linksrc : $formatter->link_url($formatter->page->urlname, "?action=gallery{$extra}&amp;value={$id}");
        $date = date("Y-m-d", $mtime);
        if (preg_match("/\\.(jpg|jpeg|gif|png)\$/i", $file)) {
            if (!empty($DBInfo->use_convert_thumbs) and !file_exists($dir . "/thumbnails/" . $file)) {
                if (function_exists('gd_info')) {
                    $fname = $dir . '/' . $file;
                    list($w, $h) = getimagesize($fname);
                    if ($w > $thumb_width) {
                        $nh = $thumb_width * $h / $w;
                        $thumb = imagecreatetruecolor($thumb_width, $nh);
                        // XXX only jpeg for testing now.
                        if (preg_match("/\\.(jpg|jpeg)\$/i", $file)) {
                            $imgtype = 'jpeg';
                        } else {
                            if (preg_match("/\\.png\$/i", $file)) {
                                $imgtype = 'png';
                            } else {
                                if (preg_match("/\\.gif\$/i", $file)) {
                                    $imgtype = 'gif';
                        $myfunc = 'imagecreatefrom' . $imgtype;
                        $source = $myfunc($fname);
                        imagecopyresampled($thumb, $source, 0, 0, 0, 0, $thumb_width, $nh, $w, $h);
                        #imagecopyresized($thumb, $source, 0,0,0,0, $thumb_width, $nh, $w, $h);
                        $myfunc = 'image' . $imgtype;
                        $myfunc($thumb, $dir . '/thumbnails/' . $file);
                } else {
                    $fp = popen("convert -scale " . $thumb_width . " " . $dir . "/" . $file . " " . $dir . "/thumbnails/" . $file . $formatter->NULL, 'r');
            if (empty($selected) and file_exists($dir . "/thumbnails/" . $file)) {
                $thumb = $key == $value ? $prefix . 'thumbnails/' . $id : str_replace('value=', 'value=thumbnails/' . $id, $prefix);
                if ($thumb_width > $width) {
                    $mywidth = " width='" . $width . "' ";
                } else {
                    $mywidth = '';
                $object = "<img class='imgGallery' src='{$thumb}' {$mywidth} alt='{$file}' />";
            } else {
                $nwidth = $width;
                if (function_exists('getimagesize')) {
                    list($nwidth, $height, $type, $attr) = getimagesize($dir . '/' . $file);
                    $nwidth = $nwidth > $width ? $width : $nwidth;
                $object = "<img class='imgGallery' src='{$linksrc}' width='{$nwidth}' alt='{$file}' />";
        } else {
            $object = $file;
        $unit = array('Bytes', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB');
        $i = 0;
        for (; $i < 4; $i++) {
            if ($size <= 1024) {
                $size = round($size, 2) . ' ' . $unit[$i];
            $size = $size / 1024;
        #    $size=round($size,2).' '.$unit[$i];
        $comment = '';
        if ($width > 100) {
            $comment_btn = '';
            $comment_btn = $nocomment ? '' : _("add comment");
            $imginfo = (!$nocomment or $selected) ? "{$date} ({$size}) " : '';
            if (!empty($comments[$file]) and !empty($options['value'])) {
                $comment = $comments[$file];
                $comment = str_replace("\\n", "\n", $comment);
                $options['comments'] = str_replace("\t", "\n----\n", $comment);
                $comment = str_replace("\t", "<div class='separator'><hr /></div>", $comment);
                $comment = str_replace("\n", "<br/>\n", $comment);
            } else {
                if ((empty($nocomment) or !empty($selected)) and !empty($comments[$file])) {
                    if (empty($show_all)) {
                        $comment_btn = _("show comments");
                        $tmp = explode("\t", $comments[$file], 2);
                        $comment = $tmp[0];
                    } else {
                        $comment_btn = _("add comment");
                        $comment = str_replace("\t", "<div class='separator'><hr /></div>\n", $comments[$file]);
                    $comment = str_replace("\\n", "<br/>\n", $comment);
        $out .= "<td {$col_td_width} align='center' valign='top'>{$top_link}<div class='{$img_class}' {$img_style}><a href='{$link}'{$href_attr}>{$object}</a>";
        if (!empty($imginfo)) {
            $out .= "<br />" . $imginfo;
        if (!empty($comment_btn)) {
            $out .= '[' . $formatter->link_tag($formatter->page->urlname, "?action=gallery&amp;value={$id}", $comment_btn) . "]<br />\n";
        $out .= '</div>' . $bot_link;
        if (!empty($comment)) {
            $out .= "<div class='gallery-comments'>{$comment}</div>";
        $out .= "</td>\n";
        if ($idx % $col == 0) {
            $out .= "</tr>\n<tr>\n";
        if ($idx > $perpage) {
    $out .= "</tr></table>\n";
    if (!in_array('UploadFile', $formatter->actions)) {
        $formatter->actions[] = 'UploadFile';
    return $pnut . '<div class="gallery">' . $out . '</div>' . $pnut;
Beispiel #19
function macro_Attachment($formatter, $value, $options = array())
    global $DBInfo;
    if (!is_array($options) and $options == 1) {
        $options = array('link' => 1);
    // compatible
    $attr = '';
    if (!empty($DBInfo->force_download) or !empty($DBInfo->pull_url)) {
        $force_download = 1;
    if (!empty($DBInfo->download_action)) {
        $mydownload = $DBInfo->download_action;
    } else {
        $mydownload = 'download';
    $extra_action = '';
    $pull_url = $fetch_url = '';
    if (!empty($DBInfo->pull_url)) {
        $pull_url = $DBInfo->pull_url;
        if (empty($formatter->fetch_action)) {
            $fetch_url = $formatter->link_url('', '?action=fetch&url=');
        } else {
            $fetch_url = $formatter->fetch_action;
    $text = '';
    $caption = '';
    $cap_bra = '';
    $cap_ket = '';
    $bra = '';
    $ket = '';
    if ($options and !$DBInfo->security->is_allowed($mydownload, $options)) {
        return $text;
    if (!empty($formatter->wikimarkup) and empty($options['nomarkup'])) {
        $ll = $rr = '';
        if (strpos($value, ' ') !== false) {
            $ll = '[';
            $rr = ']';
        $bra = "<span class='wikiMarkup'><!-- wiki:\n{$ll}attachment:{$value}{$rr}\n-->";
        $ket = '</span>';
    #  if ($value[0]=='"' and ($p2=strpos(substr($value,1),'"')) !== false)
    #    $value=substr($value,1,$p2); # attachment:"my image.png" => my image.png
    # FIXME attachment:"hello.png" => error
    if (($p = strpos($value, ' ')) !== false and strpos(substr($value, 0, $p), ',') === false) {
        // [[Attachment(my.png,width=100,height=200,caption="Hello(space)World")]]
        // [attachment:my.ext(space)hello]
        // [attachment:my.ext(space)attachment:my.png]
        // [attachment:my.ext(space)http://url/../my.png]
        if ($value[0] == '"' and ($p2 = strpos(substr($value, 1), '"')) !== false) {
            $text = $ntext = substr($value, $p2 + 3);
            $dummy = substr($value, 1, $p2);
            # "my image.png" => my image.png
            $args = substr($value, $p2 + 2);
            $value = $dummy . $args;
            # append query string
        } else {
            $text = $ntext = substr($value, $p + 1);
            $value = substr($value, 0, $p);
        if (substr($text, 0, 11) == 'attachment:') {
            $fname = substr($text, 11);
            $ntext = macro_Attachment($formatter, $fname, array('link' => 1));
        if (preg_match("/\\.(png|gif|jpeg|jpg|bmp)\$/i", $ntext)) {
            $_l_ntext = _l_filename($ntext);
            if (!file_exists($_l_ntext)) {
                $fname = preg_replace('/^"([^"]*)"$/', "\\1", $fname);
                $mydownload = 'UploadFile&amp;rename=' . $fname;
                $text = sprintf(_("Upload new Attachment \"%s\""), $fname);
                $text = str_replace('"', '\'', $text);
            $ntext = qualifiedUrl($DBInfo->url_prefix . '/' . $ntext);
            $img_link = '<img src="' . $ntext . '" alt="' . $text . '" border="0" />';
        } else {
            if (($q = strpos($ntext, ',')) !== false) {
                $alt = substr($ntext, 0, $q);
                $caption = substr($ntext, $q + 1);
            } else {
                $alt = $ntext;
    } else {
        $value = str_replace('%20', ' ', $value);
    $lightbox_attr = '';
    $imgalign = '';
    // allowed thumb widths.
    $thumb_widths = isset($DBInfo->thumb_widths) ? $DBInfo->thumb_widths : array('120', '240', '320', '480', '600', '800', '1024');
    // parse query string of macro arguments
    if ($dummy = strpos($value, '?')) {
        # for attachment: syntax
        parse_str(substr($value, $dummy + 1), $attrs);
        $value = substr($value, 0, $dummy);
    } else {
        if (($dummy = strpos($value, ',')) !== false) {
            # for Attachment macro
            $tmp = substr($value, $dummy + 1);
            $tmp = preg_replace('/,+\\s*/', ',', $tmp);
            $tmp = preg_replace('/\\s*=\\s*/', '=', $tmp);
            $tmp = str_replace(',', '&', $tmp);
            parse_str($tmp, $attrs);
            $value = substr($value, 0, $dummy);
    $use_thumb = !empty($DBInfo->use_thumb_by_default) && empty($options['link_url']) ? true : false;
    if (!empty($attrs)) {
        if (!empty($attrs['action'])) {
            // check extra_action
            if ($attrs['action'] == 'deletefile') {
                $extra_action = $attrs['action'];
            } else {
                $mydownload = $attrs['action'];
        foreach ($attrs as $k => $v) {
            if (in_array($k, array('width', 'height'))) {
                $attr .= "{$k}=\"{$v}\" ";
                if (!empty($DBInfo->use_lightbox)) {
                    $lightbox_attr = ' rel="lightbox" ';
            } else {
                if ($k == 'align') {
                    $imgalign = 'img' . ucfirst($v);
                } else {
                    if (in_array($k, array('caption', 'alt', 'title'))) {
                        $caption = preg_replace("/^([\"'])([^\\1]+)\\1\$/", "\\2", $v);
                        $caption = trim($caption);
                    } else {
                        if (in_array($k, array('thumb', 'thumbwidth', 'thumbheight'))) {
                            if ($k == 'thumbwidth' || $k == 'thumbheight') {
                                if (!empty($thumb_widths)) {
                                    if (in_array($v, $thumb_widths)) {
                                        $thumb[$k] = $v;
                                } else {
                                    $thumb[$k] = $v;
                            } else {
                                $thumb[$k] = $v;
        if (!empty($thumb)) {
            $use_thumb = true;
    if (preg_match('/^data:image\\/(gif|jpe?g|png);base64,/', $value)) {
        // need to hack for IE ?
        return "<img src='" . $value . "' {$attr} />";
    $attr .= $lightbox_attr;
    $info = '';
    if (($p = strrpos($value, ':')) !== false or ($p = strrpos($value, '/')) !== false) {
        $subpage = substr($value, 0, $p);
        $file = substr($value, $p + 1);
        $value = $subpage . '/' . $file;
        # normalize page arg
        if (isset($subpage[0])) {
            $pagename = $subpage;
            $key = $DBInfo->pageToKeyname($subpage);
            $value = $file;
        } else {
            $pagename = '';
            $key = '';
    } else {
        $pagename = $formatter->page->name;
        $key = $DBInfo->pageToKeyname($formatter->page->name);
        $file = $value;
    if (isset($key[0])) {
        $dir = $DBInfo->upload_dir . '/' . $key;
        // support hashed upload_dir
        if (!is_dir($dir) and !empty($DBInfo->use_hashed_upload_dir)) {
            $pre = get_hashed_prefix($key);
            $dir = $DBInfo->upload_dir . '/' . $pre . $key;
            if (!is_dir($dir)) {
                $dir = $DBInfo->upload_dir;
    } else {
        $dir = $DBInfo->upload_dir;
    // check file name XXX
    if (!$file) {
        if (!empty($options['link']) and $options['link'] == 1) {
            return 'attachment:' . $value;
        return $bra . 'attachment:/' . $ket;
    $upload_file = $dir . '/' . $file;
    if (!empty($options['link']) and $options['link'] == 1) {
        return $upload_file;
    if (!$text) {
        $text = $file;
    $_l_file = _l_filename($file);
    $_l_upload_file = $dir . '/' . $_l_file;
    if (file_exists($_l_upload_file)) {
        $file_ok = 1;
    } else {
        if (!empty($pull_url)) {
            if (isset($subpage[0])) {
                $pagename = $subpage;
                $val = _urlencode($file);
            } else {
                $val = _urlencode($value);
            $url = $pull_url . _rawurlencode($pagename) . "?action={$mydownload}&value=" . $val;
            $hsz = $formatter->macro_repl('ImageFileSize', $url);
            $info = ' (' . $hsz . ')';
            $url = $fetch_url . str_replace(array('&', '?'), array('%26', '%3f'), $url);
            // check url to retrieve the size of file
            if (empty($formatter->preview) or floatval($sz) != 0) {
                $file_ok = 2;
    if (empty($file_ok) and !empty($formatter->wikimarkup) and empty($options['nomarkup'])) {
        if (!empty($DBInfo->swfupload_depth) and $DBInfo->swfupload_depth > 2) {
            $depth = $DBInfo->swfupload_depth;
        } else {
            $depth = 2;
        if (session_id() == '') {
            // ip based
            $myid = md5($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . '.' . 'MONIWIKI');
            // FIXME
        } else {
            $myid = session_id();
        $prefix = substr($myid, 0, $depth);
        $mydir = $DBInfo->upload_dir . '/.swfupload/' . $prefix . '/' . $myid;
        if (file_exists($mydir . '/' . $_l_file)) {
            if (!$img_link && preg_match("/\\.(png|gif|jpeg|jpg|bmp)\$/i", $upload_file)) {
                $ntext = qualifiedUrl($DBInfo->url_prefix . '/' . $mydir . '/' . $text);
                $img_link = '<img src="' . $ntext . '" alt="' . $text . '" border="0" />';
                return $bra . "<span class=\"attach\">{$img_link}</span>" . $ket;
            } else {
                $sz = filesize($mydir . '/' . $_l_file);
                $unit = array('Bytes', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB');
                for ($i = 0; $i < 4; $i++) {
                    if ($sz <= 1024) {
                        #$sz= round($sz,2).' '.$unit[$i];
                    $sz = $sz / 1024;
                $info = ' (' . round($sz, 2) . ' ' . $unit[$i] . ') ';
                return $bra . "<span class=\"attach\">" . $formatter->icon['attach'] . $text . '</span>' . $info . $ket;
    if (!empty($file_ok)) {
        $imgcls = 'imgAttach';
        if ($imgalign == 'imgCenter' or $caption && empty($imgalign)) {
            if ($file_ok == 1 and !$attrs['width']) {
                $size = getimagesize($_l_upload_file);
                // XXX
                $attrs['width'] = $size[0];
        $img_width = '';
        if (!empty($attrs['width'])) {
            $img_width = ' style="width:' . $attrs['width'] . 'px"';
        if ($caption) {
            $cls = $imgalign ? 'imgContainer ' . $imgalign : 'imgContainer';
            $cap_bra = '<div class="' . $cls . '"' . '>';
            $cap_ket = '</div>';
            $img_width = '';
        } else {
            $imgcls = $imgalign ? 'imgAttach ' . $imgalign : 'imgAttach';
        if ($file_ok == 1) {
            $sz = filesize($_l_upload_file);
            $unit = array('Bytes', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB');
            for ($i = 0; $i < 4; $i++) {
                if ($sz <= 1024) {
                $sz = $sz / 1024;
            $info = ' (' . round($sz, 2) . ' ' . $unit[$i] . ')';
        if (!in_array('UploadedFiles', $formatter->actions)) {
            $formatter->actions[] = 'UploadedFiles';
        if (empty($img_link) && preg_match("/\\.(png|gif|jpeg|jpg|bmp)\$/i", $upload_file, $m)) {
            // get the extension of the image
            $ext = $m[1];
            $type = strtoupper($m[1]);
            if (!empty($caption)) {
                $caption = '<div class="caption">' . $caption . ' <span>[' . $type . ' ' . _("image") . $info . ']</span></div>';
            } else {
                $caption = '<div class="info"><span>[' . $type . ' ' . _("image") . $info . ']</span></div>';
            if ($file_ok == 1 and !empty($use_thumb)) {
                $thumb_width = !empty($DBInfo->thumb_width) ? $DBInfo->thumb_width : 320;
                if (!empty($thumb['thumbwidth'])) {
                    $thumb_width = $thumb['thumbwidth'];
                // guess thumbnails
                $thumbfiles = array();
                $thumbfiles[] = $_l_file;
                $thumbfiles[] = preg_replace('@' . $ext . '$@i', 'w' . $thumb_width . '.' . $ext, $_l_file);
                $thumb_ok = false;
                foreach ($thumbfiles as $thumbfile) {
                    if (file_exists($dir . '/thumbnails/' . $thumbfile)) {
                        $thumb_ok = true;
                // auto generate thumbnail
                if (!empty($DBInfo->use_convert_thumbs) and !$thumb_ok) {
                    if (!file_exists($dir . "/thumbnails")) {
                        @mkdir($dir . "/thumbnails", 0777);
                    $fname = $dir . '/' . $_l_file;
                    list($w, $h) = getimagesize($fname);
                    // generate thumbnail using the gd func or the ImageMagick(convert)
                    if ($w > $thumb_width) {
                        require_once 'lib/mediautils.php';
                        resize_image($ext, $fname, $dir . '/thumbnails/' . $thumbfile, $w, $h, $thumb_width);
                        $thumb_ok = true;
            $alt = !empty($alt) ? $alt : $file;
            if ($key != $pagename || !empty($force_download)) {
                $val = _urlencode($value);
                if ($thumb_ok and !empty($use_thumb)) {
                    if (($p = strrpos($val, '/')) > 0) {
                        $val = substr($val, 0, $p) . '/thumbnails/' . $thumbfile;
                    } else {
                        $val = 'thumbnails/' . $thumbfile;
                    // use download link ?
                    if (!empty($DBInfo->use_thumb_with_download_link)) {
                        $extra_action = 'download';
                if ($file_ok == 2 and !empty($pull_url)) {
                    if (isset($subpage[0])) {
                        $pagename = $subpage;
                        $val = _urlencode($file);
                    $url = $fetch_url . str_replace(array('&', '?'), array('%26', '%3f'), $pull_url . urlencode(_rawurlencode($pagename)) . "?action={$mydownload}&value=" . $val);
                    if ($use_thumb and isset($thumb['thumb'])) {
                        $url .= '&thumb=' . $thumb['thumb'];
                } else {
                    $url = $formatter->link_url(_rawurlencode($pagename), "?action={$mydownload}&amp;value=" . $val);
            } else {
                if ($thumb_ok and !empty($use_thumb)) {
                    // FIXME
                    $url = str_replace($DBInfo->upload_dir, $DBInfo->upload_dir_url, $dir . '/thumbnails/' . _urlencode($thumbfile));
                } else {
                    $_my_file = str_replace($DBInfo->upload_dir, $DBInfo->upload_dir_url, $dir . '/' . $file);
                    $url = _urlencode($_my_file);
            if (!empty($options['link_url'])) {
                return qualifiedUrl($url);
            $img = "<img src='{$url}' title='{$alt}' alt='{$alt}' style='border:0' {$attr}/>";
            if ($extra_action) {
                $url = $formatter->link_url(_rawurlencode($pagename), "?action={$extra_action}&amp;value=" . urlencode($value));
                if ($file_ok == 2 and !empty($pull_url)) {
                    if (isset($subpage[0])) {
                        $pagename = $subpage;
                    $url = $fetch_url . str_replace(array('&', '?'), array('%26', '%3f'), $pull_url . urlencode(_rawurlencode($pagename)) . "?action={$mydownload}&value=" . $val);
                $img = "<a href='{$url}'>{$img}</a>";
            } else {
                if (preg_match('@^(https?|ftp)://@', $alt)) {
                    $img = "<a href='{$alt}'>{$img}</a>";
            return $bra . $cap_bra . "<div class=\"{$imgcls}\"><div>{$img}{$caption}</div></div>" . $cap_ket . $ket;
            #return $bra.$cap_bra."<span class=\"$cls\">$img$caption</span>".$cap_ket.$ket;
        } else {
            $mydownload = $extra_action ? $extra_action : $mydownload;
            $link = $formatter->link_url(_rawurlencode($pagename), "?action={$mydownload}&amp;value=" . urlencode($value), $text);
            if (!empty($options['link_url'])) {
                return qualifiedUrl($link);
            if (!empty($img_link)) {
                return $bra . "<span class=\"attach\"><a href='{$link}'>{$img_link}</a></span>" . $ket;
            return $bra . "<span class=\"attach\">" . $formatter->icon['attach'] . '<a href="' . $link . '">' . $text . '</a></span>' . $info . $ket;
    // no attached file found.
    if (!empty($options['link_url'])) {
        return 'attachment:' . $value;
    if ($formatter->_macrocache and empty($options['call'])) {
        return $formatter->macro_cache_repl('Attachment', $value);
    if (empty($options['call'])) {
        $formatter->_dynamic_macros['@Attachment'] = 1;
    $paste = '';
    if (!empty($DBInfo->use_clipmacro) and preg_match('/^(.*)\\.png$/i', $file, $m)) {
        $now = time();
        $url = $formatter->link_url($pagename, "?action=clip&amp;value={$m['1']}&amp;now={$now}");
        $paste = " <a href='{$url}'>" . _("or paste a new png picture") . "</a>";
    if (!empty($DBInfo->use_drawmacro) and preg_match('/^(.*)\\.gif$/i', $file, $m)) {
        $now = time();
        $url = $formatter->link_url($pagename, "?action=draw&amp;mode=attach&amp;value={$m['1']}&amp;now={$now}");
        $paste = " <a href='{$url}'>" . _("or draw a new gif picture") . "</a>";
    if ($pagename == $formatter->page->name) {
        return $bra . '<span class="attach">' . $formatter->link_to("?action=UploadFile&amp;rename=" . urlencode($file), sprintf(_("Upload new Attachment \"%s\""), $file)) . $paste . '</span>' . $ket;
    if (!$pagename) {
        $pagename = 'UploadFile';
    return $bra . '<span class="attach">' . $formatter->link_tag($pagename, "?action=UploadFile&amp;rename=" . urlencode($file), sprintf(_("Upload new Attachment \"%s\" on the \"%s\""), $file, $pagename)) . $paste . '</span>' . $ket;
Beispiel #20
function macro_Scrap($formatter, $value = '', $options = array())
    global $DBInfo;
    $user =& $DBInfo->user;
    # get cookie
    if ($user->id == 'Anonymous') {
        return '';
    $userinfo = $DBInfo->udb->getUser($user->id);
    $pages = array();
    if (!empty($userinfo->info['scrapped_pages'])) {
        $pages = explode("\t", $userinfo->info['scrapped_pages']);
    $scrapped = 0;
    $pgname = '';
    if (!empty($formatter->page->name)) {
        $pgname = $formatter->page->name;
        if (!in_array($formatter->page->name, $pages)) {
            $pages[] = $options['page'];
        } else {
            $scrapped = 1;
    $out = '';
    if ($value == 'js') {
        // get the scrapped pages dynamically
        $script = get_scriptname() . $DBInfo->query_prefix;
        $pgname = _rawurlencode($pgname);
        $js = <<<JS
<script type="text/javascript">
(function() {
var script_name = "{$script}";
var page_name = "{$pgname}";
function get_scrap()
    var scrap = document.getElementById('scrap');
    if (scrap == null) {
        // silently ignore
    var pgname = decodeURIComponent(page_name);
    var scrapped = false;

    // get the scrapped pages
    var qp = '?'; // query_prefix
    var loc = '//' +;
    if (location.port) loc+= ':' + location.port;
    loc+= location.pathname + qp + 'action=scrap/ajax';

    var ret = HTTPGet(loc);
    if (ret) {
        var list = JSON.parse(ret);
        var html = '';
        for (i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
            if (list[i] == pgname) scrapped = true;
            html+= '<li><a href="' + script_name + list[i] + '">' + list[i] + "</a></li>\\n";
        if (html != '')
            scrap.innerHTML = "<ul>" + html + "</ul>";

        if (scrapped) {
            // change scrap icon
            var iconmenu = document.getElementById("wikiIcon");
            var icons = iconmenu.getElementsByTagName("A");
            for (i = 0; i < icons.length; i++) {
                if (icons[i].href.match(/action=scrap/)) {
                    icons[i].href = icons[i].href.replace(/=scrap/, '=scrap&unscrap=1');
                    icons[i].firstChild.firstChild.src =
                        icons[i].firstChild.firstChild.src.replace('scrap', 'unscrap');

// onload
var oldOnload = window.onload;
window.onload = function(ev) {
    try { oldOnload(); } catch(e) {};

        return '<i></i>';
        // dummy
    foreach ($pages as $p) {
        if ($DBInfo->hasPage($p)) {
            $out .= '<li>' . $formatter->link_tag(_urlencode($p), '', $p) . '</li>';
        } else {
            if (!empty($p)) {
                $list = $formatter->macro_repl('PageList', $p, array('rawre' => 1));
                if (empty($list)) {
                    $out .= substr($list, 4, -6);
    if (!empty($out)) {
        return '<ul>' . $out . '</ul>';
    return '';
Beispiel #21
function do_rss_rc($formatter, $options)
    global $DBInfo, $Config;
    // get members to hide log
    $members = $DBInfo->members;
    $days = !empty($DBInfo->rc_days) ? $DBInfo->rc_days : RSS_DEFAULT_DAYS;
    $options['quick'] = 1;
    if (!empty($options['c'])) {
        $options['items'] = $options['c'];
    $lines = $DBInfo->editlog_raw_lines($days, $options);
    if (!empty($DBInfo->rss_rc_options)) {
        $opts = $DBInfo->rss_rc_options;
        $opts = explode(',', $opts);
        foreach ($opts as $opt) {
            $options[$opt] = 1;
            // FIXME
    // HTTP conditional get
    $mtime = $DBInfo->mtime();
    $lastmod = gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s \\G\\M\\T', $mtime);
    $cache_ttl = !empty($DBInfo->rss_rc_ttl) ? $DBInfo->rss_rc_ttl : 60;
    /* 60 seconds */
    // make etag based on some options and mtime.
    $check_opts = array('quick', 'items', 'oe', 'diffs', 'raw', 'nomsg', 'summary');
    $check = array();
    foreach ($check_opts as $c) {
        if (isset($options[$c])) {
            $check[$c] = $options[$c];
    $etag = md5($mtime . $DBInfo->logo_img . serialize($check) . $cache_ttl . $options['id']);
    $headers = array();
    $headers[] = 'Pragma: cache';
    $maxage = $cache_ttl;
    $public = 'public';
    if ($options['id'] != 'Anonymous') {
        $public = 'private';
    $headers[] = 'Cache-Control: ' . $public . ', max-age=' . $maxage;
    $headers[] = 'Last-Modified: ' . $lastmod;
    $headers[] = 'ETag: "' . $etag . '"';
    $need = http_need_cond_request($mtime, $lastmod, $etag);
    if (!$need) {
        $headers[] = 'HTTP/1.0 304 Not Modified';
    foreach ($headers as $h) {
    if (!$need) {
    $cache = new Cache_Text('rss_rc');
    $cache_delay = min($cache_ttl, 30);
    $mtime = $cache->mtime($etag);
    $val = false;
    if (empty($formatter->refresh)) {
        if (($val = $cache->fetch($etag)) !== false and $DBInfo->checkUpdated($mtime, $cache_delay)) {
            header("Content-Type: text/xml");
            echo $val;
    // need to update cache
    if ($val !== false and $cache->exists($etag . '.lock')) {
        header("Content-Type: text/xml");
        echo $val . '<!-- cached at ' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $mtime) . ' -->';
    if ($cache->exists($etag . '.lock')) {
        header("Content-Type: text/xml");
        echo '';
    $cache->update($etag . '.lock', array('lock'), 5);
    // 5s lock
    $time_current = time();
    #  $secs_per_day= 60*60*24;
    #  $days_to_show= 30;
    #  $time_cutoff= $time_current - ($days_to_show * $secs_per_day);
    $URL = qualifiedURL($formatter->prefix);
    $img_url = qualifiedURL($DBInfo->logo_img);
    $url = qualifiedUrl($formatter->link_url("RecentChanges"));
    $channel = <<<CHANNEL
<channel rdf:about="{$URL}">
  <description>RecentChanges at {$DBInfo->sitename}</description>
  <image rdf:resource="{$img_url}"></image>

    $items = "";
    $ratchet_day = FALSE;
    if (!$lines) {
        $lines = array();
    foreach ($lines as $line) {
        $parts = explode("\t", $line);
        $page_name = $DBInfo->keyToPagename($parts[0]);
        // hide log
        if (!empty($members) && !in_array($options['id'], $members) && !empty($Config['ruleset']['hidelog'])) {
            if (in_array($page_name, $Config['ruleset']['hidelog'])) {
        $addr = $parts[1];
        $ed_time = $parts[2];
        $user = $parts[4];
        $log = _stripslashes($parts[5]);
        $act = rtrim($parts[6]);
        #    if ($ed_time < $time_cutoff)
        #      break;
        $url = qualifiedUrl($formatter->link_url(_rawurlencode($page_name)));
        $diff_url = qualifiedUrl($formatter->link_url(_rawurlencode($page_name), '?action=diff'));
        $extra = "<br /><a href='{$diff_url}'>" . _("show changes") . "</a>\n";
        if (!$DBInfo->hasPage($page_name)) {
            $status = 'deleted';
            $html = '<![CDATA[' . "<a href='{$url}'>" . $page_name . "</a> is deleted" . ']]>' . "\n";
        } else {
            $status = 'updated';
            if (!empty($options['diffs'])) {
                $p = new WikiPage($page_name);
                $f = new Formatter($p);
                $options['raw'] = 1;
                $options['nomsg'] = 1;
                $html = $f->macro_repl('Diff', '', $options);
                if (!$html) {
                    $f->send_page('', array('fixpath' => 1));
                    $html = ob_get_contents();
                    $extra = '';
                $html = str_replace(']', '&#93;', $html);
                $html = "<![CDATA[" . $html . $extra . "]]>";
            } else {
                if (!empty($options['summary'])) {
                    $p = new WikiPage($page_name);
                    $f = new Formatter($p);
                    $f->section_edit = 0;
                    $f->sister_on = 0;
                    $f->perma_icon = '';
                    $options['nomsg'] = 1;
                    $b = $p->_get_raw_body();
                    $chunks = preg_split('/\\n#{4,}/', $b);
                    # summary breaker is ####
                    if ($chunks) {
                        $f->send_page($chunks[0], array('fixpath' => 1));
                    } else {
                        $f->send_page('', array('fixpath' => 1));
                    $html = ob_get_contents();
                    $chunks = preg_split('/<!-- break -->/', $html);
                    # <!-- break -->
                    if ($chunks[0]) {
                        $html = $chunks[0];
                    $html = str_replace(']', '&#93;', $html);
                    $html = "<![CDATA[" . $html . "]]>";
                } else {
                    $html = str_replace('&', '&amp;', $log);
        $zone = "+00:00";
        $date = gmdate("Y-m-d\\TH:i:s", $ed_time) . $zone;
        #$datetag = gmdate("YmdHis",$ed_time);
        $channel .= "<rdf:li rdf:resource=\"{$url}\"></rdf:li>\n";
        $valid_page_name = preg_replace('/&(?!#?\\w+;)/', '&amp;', _html_escape($page_name));
        $items .= "<item rdf:about=\"{$url}\">\n";
        $items .= "  <title>{$valid_page_name}</title>\n";
        $items .= "  <link>{$url}</link>\n";
        $items .= "  <description>{$html}</description>\n";
        $items .= "  <dc:date>{$date}</dc:date>\n";
        $items .= "<dc:creator>{$user}</dc:creator>\n";
        $items .= "<dc:contributor>{$user}</dc:contributor>\n";
        #    $items.="     <dc:contributor>\n     <rdf:Description>\n"
        #          ."     <rdf:value>$user</rdf:value>\n"
        #          ."     </rdf:Description>\n     </dc:contributor>\n";
        $items .= "     <wiki:status>{$status}</wiki:status>\n";
        $items .= "     <wiki:diff>{$diff_url}</wiki:diff>\n";
        $items .= "</item>\n";
    $url = qualifiedUrl($formatter->link_url($DBInfo->frontpage));
    $channel .= <<<FOOT
<image rdf:about="{$img_url}">

    $url = qualifiedUrl($formatter->link_url("FindPage"));
    $form = <<<FORM

    $new = "";
    if (!empty($options['oe']) and strtolower($options['oe']) != $DBInfo->charset) {
        $charset = $options['oe'];
        if (function_exists('iconv')) {
            $out = $head . $channel . $items . $form;
            $new = iconv($DBInfo->charset, $charset, $out);
            if (!$new) {
                $charset = $DBInfo->charset;
    } else {
        $charset = $DBInfo->charset;
    $head = <<<HEAD
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="{$charset}"?>
<?xml-stylesheet href="{$DBInfo->url_prefix}/css/_feed.css" type="text/css"?>
<rdf:RDF xmlns=""
    Add "diffs=1" to add change diffs to the description of each items.
    Add "summary=1" to add summary to the description of each items.
    Add "oe=utf-8" to convert the charset of this rss to UTF-8.

    header("Content-Type: text/xml");
    if ($new) {
        $out = $head . $new;
    } else {
        $out = $head . $channel . $items . $form;
    $out .= "</rdf:RDF>\n";
    echo $out;
    $cache->update($etag, $out);
    $cache->remove($etag . '.lock');
Beispiel #22
function do_OeKaki($formatter, $options)
    global $DBInfo;
    if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST' && !$DBInfo->security->writable($options)) {
        $options['title'] = _("Page is not writable");
        return do_invalid($formatter, $options);
    $oekaki_dir = $DBInfo->upload_dir . '/OeKaki';
    $pagename = $options['page'];
    $name = $options['value'];
    #  $fp=fopen('php://stderr','w');
    #  fputs($fp,"name=$name\n");
    #  fputs($fp,"page=$options[page]\n");
    #  if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']=='POST') {
    #    $len = $_SERVER['CONTENT_LENGTH'];
    #    fputs($fp,"len=$len\n");
    #    fputs($fp,"method=POST\n");
    #  }
    if (!$name) {
        $name = time();
    # XXX
    $pngname = 'OeKaki_' . _rawurlencode($name);
    $imgurl = "{$DBInfo->url_prefix}/{$oekaki_dir}/{$pngname}.png";
    $imgpath = "{$oekaki_dir}/{$pngname}.png";
    $dummy = 0;
    $backup_imgpath = $imgpath;
    while (file_exists($backup_imgpath)) {
        $dummy = $dummy + 1;
        $ufname = $pngname . "_" . $dummy;
        // rename file
        $upfilename = $ufname . ".png";
        $backup_imgpath = "{$oekaki_dir}/{$upfilename}";
        if ($formatter->page->exists()) {
            $body = $formatter->page->get_raw_body();
        } else {
            $body = '';
        if (!preg_match("/\n?\\[\\[OeKaki\\({$name}\\)\\]\\]\n?/i", $body)) {
            if (preg_match("/\n##Draw\n/i", $body)) {
                $body = preg_replace("/\n##Draw\n/", "\n##Draw\n[[OeKaki({$name})]]\n", $body);
            } else {
                $body .= "[[OeKaki({$name})]]\n";
            $log = "Oekaki drawing added";
            # XXX Oekaki post does not hav any information about user id.
            $DBInfo->savePage($formatter->page, $log, $options);
        if ($backup_imgpath != $imgpath) {
            copy($imgpath, $backup_imgpath);
        $raw = $GLOBALS['HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA'];
        $p = strpos($raw, "\r");
        if ($p < 0) {
            header("Content-type: text/plain");
            print "error\n\n";
        } else {
            $img = fopen($imgpath, 'w');
            if (is_resource($img)) {
                fwrite($img, substr($raw, $p + 2));
        header("Content-type: text/plain");
        print "ok\n\n";
        print $imgpath;
    if ($options['size'] and preg_match("/(\\d{3})x(\\d{3})/", $options['size'], $match)) {
        $sizex = $match[1];
        $sizey = $match[2];
        if ($sizex < 100 or $sizex > 600) {
            $sizex = 300;
        if ($sizey < 100 or $sizey > 600) {
            $sizey = 300;
    } else {
        $sizex = 300;
        $sizey = 300;
    $extra = "<param name='image_canvas' value='{$imgurl}'>";
    $formatter->send_header("", $options);
    $formatter->send_title(_("Create new picture"), "", $options);
    $prefix = $formatter->prefix;
    $now = time();
    $urlpgname = _rawurlencode($options['page']);
    $imgname = _rawurlencode($name);
    $url_exit = $formatter->link_url($urlpgname, "?ts={$now}");
    $url_save = $formatter->link_url($urlpgname, "----OeKaki----{$imgname}");
    $pubpath = $DBInfo->url_prefix . "/applets/OekakiPlugin";
    print "<h2>" . _("Edit Image") . "</h2>\n";
    print <<<APPLET
<applet code="pbbs.PaintBBS.class" archive="PaintBBS.jar"
 width="400" height="400" align="center">

<param name="image_width" value="{$sizex}">
<param name="image_height" value="{$sizey}">
<param name="image_bkcolor" value="#ffffff">
<param name="image_jpeg" value="true">
<param name="image_size" value="60">
<param name="compress_level" value="15">

<param name="undo" value="60">
<param name="undo_in_mg" value="15">

<param name="color_text"value="#708090">
<param name="color_bk" value="#A0A0BB">
<param name="color_bk2" value="#A0A0BB">
<param name="color_icon" value="#eeeeee">

<param name="color_bar" value="#8f93a1">
<param name="color_bar_hl" value="#ffffff">
<param name="color_bar_frame_hl" value="#eeeeee">
<param name="color_bar_frame_shadow" value="#aaaaaa">

<param name="bar_size" value="15">

<param name="url_save" value="{$url_save}">
<param name="url_exit" value="{$url_exit}">

<param name="tool_advance" value="true">
<param name="send_advance" value="true">

<param name="send_header" value="">
<param name="send_header_image_type" value="false">

<param name="poo" value="true">

<param name="thumbnail_width" value="100%%">
<param name="thumbnail_height" value="100%%">

<param name="security_click" value="0">
<param name="security_timer" value="0">
<param name="security_url" value="">
<param name="security_post" value="false">
<b>NOTE:</b> You need a Java enabled browser to edit the drawing example.
    $formatter->send_footer("", $options);
Beispiel #23
function macro_FullSearch($formatter, $value = "", &$opts)
    global $DBInfo;
    $needle = $value;
    if ($value === true) {
        $needle = $value = $formatter->page->name;
        $options['noexpr'] = 1;
    } else {
        # for MoinMoin compatibility with [[FullSearch("blah blah")]]
        #$needle = preg_replace("/^('|\")([^\\1]*)\\1/","\\2",$value);
        $needle = $value;
    // for pagination
    $offset = '';
    if (!empty($opts['offset']) and is_numeric($opts['offset'])) {
        if ($opts['offset'] > 0) {
            $offset = $opts['offset'];
    $url = $formatter->link_url($formatter->page->urlname);
    $fneedle = _html_escape($needle);
    $tooshort = !empty($DBInfo->fullsearch_tooshort) ? $DBInfo->fullsearch_tooshort : 2;
    $m1 = _("Display context of search results");
    $m2 = _("Search BackLinks only");
    $m3 = _("Case-sensitive searching");
    $msg = _("Go");
    $bchecked = !empty($DBInfo->use_backlinks) ? 'checked="checked"' : '';
    $form = <<<EOF
<form method='get' action='{$url}'>
   <input type='hidden' name='action' value='fullsearch' />
   <input name='value' size='30' value="{$fneedle}" />
   <span class='button'><input type='submit' class='button' value='{$msg}' /></span><br />
   <input type='checkbox' name='backlinks' value='1' {$bchecked} />{$m2}<br />
   <input type='checkbox' name='context' value='20' />{$m1}<br />
   <input type='checkbox' name='case' value='1' />{$m3}<br />
    if (!isset($needle[0]) or !empty($opts['form'])) {
        # or blah blah
        $opts['msg'] = _("No search text");
        return $form;
    $opts['form'] = $form;
    # XXX
    $excl = array();
    $incl = array();
    if (!empty($opts['noexpr'])) {
        $tmp = preg_split("/\\s+/", $needle);
        $needle = $value = join('|', $tmp);
        $raw_needle = implode(' ', $tmp);
        $needle = preg_quote($needle);
    } else {
        if (empty($opts['backlinks'])) {
            $terms = preg_split('/((?<!\\S)[-+]?"[^"]+?"(?!\\S)|\\S+)/s', $needle, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE | PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
            $common_words = array('the', 'that', 'where', 'what', 'who', 'how', 'too', 'are');
            $common = array();
            foreach ($terms as $term) {
                if (trim($term) == '') {
                if (preg_match('/^([-+]?)("?)([^\\2]+?)\\2$/', $term, $match)) {
                    $word = str_replace(array('\\', '.', '*'), '', $match[3]);
                    $len = strlen($word);
                    if (!$match[1] and $match[2] != '"') {
                        if ($len < $tooshort or in_array($word, $common_words)) {
                            $common[] = $word;
                    if ($match[1] == '-') {
                        $excl[] = $word;
                    } else {
                        $incl[] = $word;
            $needle = implode('|', $incl);
            $needle = _preg_search_escape($needle);
            $raw_needle = implode(' ', $incl);
            $test = validate_needle($needle);
            if ($test === false) {
                // invalid regex
                $tmp = array_map('preg_quote', $incl);
                $needle = implode('|', $tmp);
            $excl_needle = implode('|', $excl);
            $test = validate_needle($excl_needle);
            if ($test2 === false) {
                // invalid regex
                $tmp = array_map('preg_quote', $excl);
                $excl_needle = implode('|', $tmp);
        } else {
            $cneedle = _preg_search_escape($needle);
            $test = validate_needle($cneedle);
            if ($test === false) {
                $needle = preg_quote($needle);
            } else {
                $needle = $cneedle;
    $test3 = trim($needle);
    if (!isset($test3[0])) {
        $opts['msg'] = _("Empty expression");
        return $form;
    # set arena and sid
    if (!empty($opts['backlinks'])) {
        $arena = 'backlinks';
    } else {
        if (!empty($opts['keywords'])) {
            $arena = 'keywords';
        } else {
            $arena = 'fullsearch';
    if ($arena == 'fullsearch') {
        $sid = md5($value . 'v' . $offset);
    } else {
        $sid = $value;
    $delay = !empty($DBInfo->default_delaytime) ? $DBInfo->default_delaytime : 0;
    # retrieve cache
    $fc = new Cache_text($arena);
    if (!$formatter->refresh and $fc->exists($sid)) {
        $data = $fc->fetch($sid);
        if (!empty($opts['backlinks'])) {
            // backlinks are not needed to check it.
            $hits = $data;
            // also fetch redirects
            $r = new Cache_Text('redirects');
            $redirects = $r->fetch($sid);
        } else {
            if (is_array($data)) {
                # check cache mtime
                $cmt = $fc->mtime($sid);
                # check update or not
                $dmt = $DBInfo->mtime();
                if ($dmt > $cmt + $delay) {
                    # XXX crude method
                    $data = array();
                } else {
                    # XXX smart but incomplete method
                    if (isset($data['hits'])) {
                        $hits =& $data['hits'];
                    } else {
                        $hits =& $data;
                    foreach ($hits as $p => $c) {
                        $mp = $DBInfo->getPage($p);
                        $mt = $mp->mtime();
                        if ($mt > $cmt + $delay) {
                            $data = array();
                if (isset($data['searched'])) {
                } else {
                    if (!empty($data)) {
                        $hits = $data;
    $pattern = '/' . $needle . '/';
    if (!empty($excl_needle)) {
        $excl_pattern = '/' . $excl_needle . '/';
    if (!empty($opts['case'])) {
        $pattern .= "i";
        $excl_pattern .= "i";
    if (isset($hits)) {
        if (in_array($arena, array('backlinks', 'keywords'))) {
            $test = key($hits);
            if (is_int($test) and $hits[$test] != -1) {
                // fix compatible issue for keywords, backlinks
                $hits = array_flip($hits);
                foreach ($hits as $k => $v) {
                    $hits[$k] = -1;
            // check invert redirect index
            if (!empty($redirects)) {
                $redirects = array_flip($redirects);
                foreach ($redirects as $k => $v) {
                    $hits[$k] = -2;
    } else {
        $hits = array();
        if (!empty($opts['backlinks']) and empty($DBInfo->use_backlink_search)) {
            $hits = array();
        } else {
            if (!empty($opts['keywords']) and empty($DBInfo->use_keyword_search)) {
                $hits = array();
            } else {
                if (!empty($opts['backlinks'])) {
                    $pages = $DBInfo->getPageLists();
                    #$opts['context']=-1; # turn off context-matching
                    $cache = new Cache_text("pagelinks");
                    foreach ($pages as $page_name) {
                        $links = $cache->fetch($page_name);
                        if (is_array($links)) {
                            if (in_array($value, $links)) {
                                $hits[$page_name] = -1;
                            // ignore count if < 0
                } else {
                    if (!empty($opts['keywords'])) {
                        $pages = $DBInfo->getPageLists();
                        $opts['context'] = -1;
                        # turn off context-matching
                        $cache = new Cache_text("keyword");
                        foreach ($pages as $page_name) {
                            $links = $cache->fetch($page_name);
                            // XXX
                            if (is_array($links)) {
                                if (stristr(implode(' ', $links), $needle)) {
                                    $hits[$page_name] = -1;
                                // ignore count if < 0
                    } else {
                        $params = array();
                        $ret = array();
                        $params['ret'] =& $ret;
                        $params['offset'] = $offset;
                        $params['search'] = 1;
                        $params['incl'] = $incl;
                        $params['excl'] = $excl;
                        $pages = $DBInfo->getPageLists($params);
                        // set time_limit
                        $mt = explode(' ', microtime());
                        $timestamp = $mt[0] + $mt[1];
                        $j = 0;
                        $time_limit = isset($DBInfo->process_time_limit) ? $DBInfo->process_time_limit : 3;
                        // default 3-seconds
                        $j = 0;
                        while (list($_, $page_name) = each($pages)) {
                            // check time_limit
                            if ($time_limit and $j % 30 == 0) {
                                $mt = explode(' ', microtime());
                                $now = $mt[0] + $mt[1];
                                if ($now - $timestamp > $time_limit) {
                            $p = new WikiPage($page_name);
                            if (!$p->exists()) {
                            $body = $p->_get_raw_body();
                            #$count = count(preg_split($pattern, $body))-1;
                            $count = preg_match_all($pattern, $body, $matches);
                            if ($count) {
                                foreach ($excl as $ex) {
                                    if (stristr($body, $ex)) {
                                foreach ($incl as $in) {
                                    if (!stristr($body, $in)) {
                                $hits[$page_name] = $count;
                        $searched = $j > 0 ? $j : 0;
                        $offset = !empty($offset) ? $offset + $j : $j;
        $name = array_keys($hits);
        array_multisort($hits, SORT_DESC, $name, SORT_ASC);
        if (in_array($arena, array('backlinks', 'keywords'))) {
            $fc->update($sid, $name);
        } else {
            $fc->update($sid, array('hits' => $hits, 'offset' => $offset, 'searched' => $searched));
    $opts['hits'] = $hits;
    $opts['hit'] = count($hits);
    $opts['all'] = $DBInfo->getCounter();
    if ($opts['all'] > $searched) {
        $opts['next'] = $offset;
        $opts['searched'] = $searched;
    if (!empty($opts['call'])) {
        return $hits;
    $out = "<!-- RESULT LIST START -->";
    // for search plugin
    $out .= "<ul class='fullsearchResult'>";
    $idx = 1;
    $checkbox = '';
    while (list($page_name, $count) = each($hits)) {
        $pgname = _html_escape($page_name);
        if (!empty($opts['checkbox'])) {
            $checkbox = "<input type='checkbox' name='pagenames[]' value=\"{$pgname}\" />";
        $out .= '<!-- RESULT ITEM START -->';
        // for search plugin
        $out .= '<li>' . $checkbox . $formatter->link_tag(_rawurlencode($page_name), '?action=highlight&amp;value=' . _urlencode($value), $pgname, 'tabindex="' . $idx . '"');
        if ($count > 0) {
            $out .= ' . . . . ' . sprintf($count == 1 ? _("%d match") : _("%d matches"), $count);
        } else {
            if ($count == -2) {
                $out .= " <span class='redirectIcon'><span>" . _("Redirect page") . "</span></span>\n";
        if (!empty($opts['context']) and $opts['context'] > 0) {
            # search matching contexts
            $p = new WikiPage($page_name);
            if ($p->exists()) {
                $body = $p->_get_raw_body();
                $out .= find_needle($body, $needle, $excl_needle, $opts['context']);
        $out .= "</li>\n";
        $out .= '<!-- RESULT ITEM END -->';
        // for search plugin
        #if ($idx > 50) break;
    $out .= "</ul>\n";
    $out .= "<!-- RESULT LIST END -->";
    // for search plugin
    return $out;
Beispiel #24
 function word_repl($word, $text = '', $attr = '', $nogroup = 0, $islink = 1)
     require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/lib/xss.php';
     global $DBInfo;
     $nonexists = 'nonexists_' . $this->nonexists;
     $word = $page = trim($word, '[]');
     // trim out [[Hello World]] => Hello World
     $extended = false;
     if (($word[0] == '"' or $word[0] == 'w') and preg_match('/^(?:wiki\\:)?((")?[^"]+\\2)((\\s+|\\|)?(.*))?$/', $word, $m)) {
         # ["extended wiki name"]
         # ["Hello World" Go to Hello]
         # [wiki:"Hello World" Go to Main]
         $word = substr($m[1], 1, -1);
         if (isset($m[5][0])) {
             $text = $m[5];
         // text arg ignored
         $extended = true;
         $page = $word;
     } else {
         if (($p = strpos($word, '|')) !== false) {
             // or MediaWiki/WikiCreole like links
             $text = substr($word, $p + 1);
             $word = substr($word, 0, $p);
             $page = $word;
         } else {
             // check for [[Hello attachment:foo.png]] case
             $tmp = strtok($word, ' |');
             $last = strtok('');
             if (($p = strpos($last, ' ')) === false && substr($last, 0, 11) == 'attachment:') {
                 $text = $last;
                 $word = $tmp;
                 $page = $word;
     if (!$extended and empty($DBInfo->mediawiki_style)) {
         #$page=preg_replace("/\s+/","",$word); # concat words
         $page = normalize($word);
         # concat words
     if (empty($DBInfo->use_twikilink)) {
         $islink = 0;
     list($page, $page_text, $gpage) = normalize_word($page, $this->group, $this->page->name, $nogroup, $islink);
     if (isset($text[0])) {
         if (preg_match("/^(http|ftp|attachment).*\\.(png|gif|jpeg|jpg)\$/i", $text)) {
             if (substr($text, 0, 11) == 'attachment:') {
                 $fname = substr($text, 11);
                 $ntext = $this->macro_repl('attachment', $fname, 1);
                 if (!file_exists($ntext)) {
                     $word = $this->macro_repl('attachment', $fname);
                 } else {
                     $text = qualifiedUrl($this->url_prefix . '/' . $ntext);
                     $word = "<img style='border:0' alt='{$text}' src='{$text}' /></a>";
             } else {
                 $text = str_replace('&', '&amp;', $text);
                 // trash dummy query string
                 $text = preg_replace('@(\\?|&)\\.(png|gif|jpe?g)$@', '', $text);
                 if (!empty($this->fetch_images) and !preg_match('@^https?://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '@', $text)) {
                     $text = $this->fetch_action . str_replace(array('&', '?'), array('%26', '%3f'), $text);
                 $word = "<img style='border:0' alt='{$word}' src='{$text}' /></a>";
         } else {
             $word = preg_replace($this->baserule, $this->baserepl, $text);
             $word = str_replace('&lt;', '<', $word);
             // revert from baserule
             $word = _xss_filter($word);
     } else {
         $word = $text = $page_text ? $page_text : $word;
         #echo $text;
         $word = _html_escape($word);
     $url = _urlencode($page);
     $url_only = strtok($url, '#?');
     # for [WikiName#tag] [wiki:WikiName#tag Tag]
     #$query= substr($url,strlen($url_only));
     if ($extended) {
         $page = rawurldecode($url_only);
     } else {
         $page = urldecode($url_only);
     $url = $this->link_url($url);
     #check current page
     if ($page == $this->page->name) {
         $attr .= ' class="current"';
     if (!empty($this->forcelink)) {
         return $this->nonexists_always($word, $url, $page);
     //$url=$this->link_url(_rawurlencode($page)); # XXX
     $idx = 0;
     // XXX
     if (isset($this->pagelinks[$page])) {
         $idx = $this->pagelinks[$page];
         switch ($idx) {
             case 0:
                 #return "<a class='nonexistent' href='$url'>?</a>$word";
                 return call_user_func(array(&$this, $nonexists), $word, $url, $page);
             case -1:
                 $title = '';
                 $tpage = urlencode($page);
                 if ($tpage != $word) {
                     $title = 'title="' . _html_escape($page) . '" ';
                 return "<a href='{$url}' {$title}{$attr}>{$word}</a>";
             case -2:
                 return "<a href='{$url}' {$attr}>{$word}</a>" . "<tt class='sister'><a href='{$url}'>&#x203a;</a></tt>";
             case -3:
                 return $this->link_tag(_rawurlencode($gpage), '', $this->icon['main'], 'class="main"') . "<a href='{$url}' {$attr}>{$word}</a>";
                 return "<a href='{$url}' {$attr}>{$word}</a>" . "<tt class='sister'><a href='#sister{$idx}'>&#x203a;{$idx}</a></tt>";
     } else {
         if ($DBInfo->hasPage($page)) {
             $title = '';
             $this->pagelinks[$page] = -1;
             $tpage = urlencode($page);
             if ($tpage != $word) {
                 $title = 'title="' . _html_escape($page) . '" ';
             return "<a href='{$url}' {$title}{$attr}>{$word}</a>";
         } else {
             if ($gpage and $DBInfo->hasPage($gpage)) {
                 $this->pagelinks[$page] = -3;
                 return $this->link_tag(_rawurlencode($gpage), '', $this->icon['main'], 'class="main"') . "<a href='{$url}' {$attr}>{$word}</a>";
             if (!empty($this->aliases[$page])) {
                 return $this->aliases[$page];
             if (!empty($this->sister_on)) {
                 if (empty($DBInfo->metadb)) {
                 $sisters = $DBInfo->metadb->getSisterSites($page, $DBInfo->use_sistersites);
                 if ($sisters === true) {
                     $this->pagelinks[$page] = -2;
                     return "<a href='{$url}'>{$word}</a>" . "<tt class='sister'><a href='{$url}'>&#x203a;</a></tt>";
                 if (!empty($sisters)) {
                     if (!empty($this->use_easyalias) and !preg_match('/^\\[wiki:[A-Z][A-Za-z0-9]+:.*$/', $sisters)) {
                         # this is a alias
                         $this->use_easyalias = 0;
                         $tmp = explode("\n", $sisters);
                         $url = $this->link_repl(substr($tmp[0], 0, -1) . ' ' . $word . ']');
                         $this->use_easyalias = 1;
                         $this->aliases[$page] = $url;
                         return $url;
                     $this->sisters[] = "<li><tt class='foot'><a id='sister{$this->sister_idx}'></a>" . "<a href='#rsister{$this->sister_idx}'>{$this->sister_idx}&#x203a;</a></tt> " . "{$sisters} </li>";
                     $this->pagelinks[$page] = $this->sister_idx++;
                     $idx = $this->pagelinks[$page];
                 if ($idx > 0) {
                     return "<a href='{$url}'>{$word}</a>" . "<tt class='sister'>" . "<a id='rsister{$idx}'></a>" . "<a href='#sister{$idx}'>&#x203a;{$idx}</a></tt>";
             $this->pagelinks[$page] = 0;
             #return "<a class='nonexistent' href='$url'>?</a>$word";
             return call_user_func(array(&$this, $nonexists), $word, $url, $page);
Beispiel #25
function macro_TitleSearch($formatter = "", $needle = "", &$opts)
    global $DBInfo;
    $type = 'o';
    $url = $formatter->link_url($formatter->page->urlname);
    $hneedle = _html_escape($needle);
    $msg = _("Go");
    $form = "<form method='get' action='{$url}'>\n      <input type='hidden' name='action' value='titlesearch' />\n      <input name='value' size='30' value=\"{$hneedle}\" />\n      <span class='button'><input type='submit' class='button' value='{$msg}' /></span>\n      </form>";
    if (!isset($needle[0])) {
        $opts['msg'] = _("Use more specific text");
        if (!empty($opts['call'])) {
            $opts['form'] = $form;
            return $opts;
        return $form;
    $opts['form'] = $form;
    $opts['msg'] = sprintf(_("Title search for \"%s\""), $hneedle);
    $cneedle = _preg_search_escape($needle);
    if ($opts['noexpr']) {
        $needle = preg_quote($needle);
    } else {
        if (validate_needle($cneedle) === false) {
            $needle = preg_quote($needle);
        } else {
            // good expr
            $needle = $cneedle;
    // return the exact page or all similar pages
    $noexact = true;
    if (isset($opts['noexact'])) {
        $noexact = $opts['noexact'];
    $limit = !empty($DBInfo->titlesearch_page_limit) ? $DBInfo->titlesearch_page_limit : 100;
    if (isset($opts['limit'])) {
        $limit = $opts['limit'];
    $indexer = $DBInfo->lazyLoad('titleindexer');
    $pages = $indexer->getLikePages($needle, $limit);
    $opts['all'] = $DBInfo->getCounter();
    if (empty($DBInfo->alias)) {
    $alias = $DBInfo->alias->getAllPages();
    $pages = array_merge($pages, $alias);
    $hits = array();
    $exacts = array();
    if ($noexact) {
        // return all search results
        foreach ($pages as $page) {
            if (preg_match("/" . $needle . "/i", $page)) {
                $hits[] = $page;
    } else {
        // return exact pages
        foreach ($pages as $page) {
            if (preg_match("/^" . $needle . "\$/i", $page)) {
                $hits[] = $page;
                $exacts[] = $page;
                if (empty($DBInfo->titlesearch_exact_all)) {
                    $hits = $exacts;
    if (empty($hits) and empty($exacts)) {
        // simple title search by ignore spaces
        $needle2 = str_replace(' ', "\\s*", $needle);
        $ws = preg_split("/([\\x{AC00}-\\x{D7F7}])/u", $needle2, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE | PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
        $needle2 = implode("\\s*", $ws);
        $hits = $indexer->getLikePages($needle2);
        foreach ($alias as $page) {
            if (preg_match("/" . $needle2 . "/i", $page)) {
                $hits[] = $page;
    $idx = 1;
    if (!empty($opts['linkto'])) {
        $idx = 10;
    $out = '';
    foreach ($hits as $pagename) {
        $pagetext = _html_escape(urldecode($pagename));
        if (!empty($opts['linkto'])) {
            $out .= '<li>' . $formatter->link_to("{$opts['linkto']}{$pagename}", $pagetext, "tabindex='{$idx}'") . "</li>\n";
        } else {
            $out .= '<li>' . $formatter->link_tag(_rawurlencode($pagename), "", $pagetext, "tabindex='{$idx}'") . "</li>\n";
    if ($out) {
        $out = "<{$type}l>{$out}</{$type}l>\n";
    $opts['hits'] = count($hits);
    if ($opts['hits'] == 1) {
        $opts['value'] = array_pop($hits);
    if (!empty($exacts)) {
        $opts['exact'] = 1;
    if (!empty($opts['call'])) {
        $opts['out'] = $out;
        return $opts;
    return $out;
Beispiel #26
function do_post_rename($formatter, $options)
    global $DBInfo;
    $new = $options['name'];
    if ($new[0] == '~' and ($p = strpos($new, '/')) !== false) {
        // Namespace renaming
        $dummy = substr($new, 1, $p - 1);
        $dummy2 = substr($new, $p + 1);
        $options['name'] = $dummy . '~' . $dummy2;
    if (isset($options['name']) and trim($options['name'])) {
        if ($DBInfo->hasPage($options['page']) && !$DBInfo->hasPage($options['name'])) {
            $title = sprintf(_("\"%s\" is renamed !"), $options['page']);
            $formatter->send_header("", $options);
            $formatter->send_title($title, "", $options);
            $new_encodedname = _rawurlencode($options['name']);
            if ($options['pagenames'] and is_array($options['pagenames'])) {
                $regex = preg_quote($options['page']);
                $options['minor'] = 1;
                foreach ($options['pagenames'] as $page) {
                    $p = new WikiPage($page);
                    if (!$p->exists()) {
                    $f = new Formatter($p);
                    $body = $p->_get_raw_body();
                    $body = preg_replace("/{$regex}/m", $options['name'], $body);
                    if (!$options['show_only']) {
                        $DBInfo->savePage($f->page, '', $options);
                    $msg .= sprintf(_("'%s' is changed"), $f->link_tag(_rawurlencode($page), "?action=highlight&amp;value=" . $new_encodedname)) . "<br />";
            print $msg;
            if (!$options['show_only']) {
                $DBInfo->renamePage($options['page'], $options['name'], $options);
            print sprintf(_("'%s' is renamed as '%s' successfully."), $options['page'], $formatter->link_tag($options['name'], "?action=highlight&amp;value=" . $new_encodedname));
            $formatter->send_footer("", $options);
        } else {
            $title = sprintf(_("Fail to rename \"%s\" !"), $options['page']);
            $formatter->send_header("", $options);
            $formatter->send_title($title, "", $options);
            $formatter->send_footer("", $options);
    $title = sprintf(_("Rename \"%s\" ?"), $options['page']);
    $formatter->send_header("", $options);
    $formatter->send_title($title, "", $options);
    #<tr><td align='right'><input type='checkbox' name='show' checked='checked' />show only </td><td><input type='password' name='passwd'>
    $obtn = _("Old name:");
    $nbtn = _("New name:");
    print "<form method='post'>\n<table border='0'>\n<tr><td align='right'>{$obtn} </td><td><b>{$options['page']}</b></td></tr>\n<tr><td align='right'>{$nbtn} </td><td><input name='name' /></td></tr>\n";
    $rename_button = _("Rename");
    if ($options['value'] == 'check_backlinks') {
        print "<tr><td colspan='2'>\n";
        print check_backlinks($formatter, $options);
        print "</td></tr>\n";
        $rename_button = _("Rename and fix Backlinks");
    if ($DBInfo->security->is_protected("rename", $options)) {
        print "<tr><td align='right'>" . _("Password") . ": </td><td><input type='password' name='passwd' /> " . _("Only WikiMaster can rename this page") . "</td></tr>\n";
    print "<tr><td colspan='2'><input type='checkbox' name='history' />" . _("with revision history") . "</td></tr>\n";
    print "<tr><td colspan='2'><input type='checkbox' name='show_only' checked='checked' />" . _("show only") . "</td></tr>\n";
    print "<tr><td></td><td><input type='submit' name='button_rename' value='{$rename_button}' />";
    print " <a href='?action=rename&value=check_backlinks'>" . _("Check backlinks") . "</a>";
    print "</td></tr>\n";
    print "\n</table>\n    <input type=hidden name='action' value='rename' />\n    </form>";
    #  $formatter->send_page();
    $formatter->send_footer("", $options);
Beispiel #27
function do_post_fixbacklinks($formatter, $options = array())
    global $DBInfo;
    if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST' && !$DBInfo->security->writable($options)) {
        $options['title'] = _("Page is not writable");
        return do_invalid($formatter, $options);
    $options['name'] = trim($options['name']);
    $new = $options['name'];
    if (!empty($DBInfo->use_namespace) and $new[0] == '~' and ($p = strpos($new, '/')) !== false) {
        // Namespace renaming ~foo/bar -> foo~bar
        $dummy = substr($new, 1, $p - 1);
        $dummy2 = substr($new, $p + 1);
        $options['name'] = $dummy . '~' . $dummy2;
    if (isset($options['name'][0]) and $options['name']) {
        if ($DBInfo->hasPage($options['name'])) {
            $formatter->send_header('', $options);
            $new_encodedname = _rawurlencode($options['name']);
            $fixed = 0;
            $msg = '';
            $title = sprintf(_("backlinks of \"%s\" page are fixed !"), $options['page']);
            $comment = sprintf(_("Fixed \"%s\" to \"%s\""), $options['page'], $options['name']);
            if ($options['pagenames'] and is_array($options['pagenames'])) {
                $regex = preg_quote($options['page']);
                //$options['minor'] = 1; # disable log
                foreach ($options['pagenames'] as $page) {
                    $p = new WikiPage($page);
                    if (!$p->exists()) {
                    $f = new Formatter($p);
                    $body = $p->_get_raw_body();
                    $nbody = preg_replace("/{$regex}/m", $options['name'], $body);
                    // FIXME
                    if ($nbody !== false && $body != $nbody) {
                        if (!$options['show_only']) {
                            $DBInfo->savePage($f->page, $comment, $options);
                        $msg .= sprintf(_("'%s' is changed"), $f->link_tag(_rawurlencode($page), "?action=highlight&amp;value=" . $new_encodedname, _html_escape($page))) . "<br />";
            if ($fixed == 0) {
                $title = _("No pages are fixed!");
            $formatter->send_title($title, '', $options);
            if ($fixed > 0) {
                print $msg;
                print sprintf(_("'%s' links are successfully fixed as '%s'."), _html_escape($options['page']), $formatter->link_tag($new_encodedname, "?action=highlight&amp;value=" . $new_encodedname, _html_escape($options['name'])));
            $formatter->send_footer('', $options);
        } else {
            $title = sprintf(_("Fail to fix backlinks of \"%s\" !"), $options['page']);
            $options['msg'] = sprintf(_("New pagename \"%s\" is not exists!"), $options['name']);
            $formatter->send_header('', $options);
            $formatter->send_title($title, '', $options);
            $formatter->send_footer('', $options);
    $title = sprintf(_("Fix backlinks of \"%s\" ?"), $options['page']);
    $formatter->send_header('', $options);
    $formatter->send_title($title, '', $options);
    $obtn = _("Old name:");
    $nbtn = _("New name:");
    $pgname = _html_escape($options['page']);
    print "<form method='post'>\n        <table border='0'>\n        <tr><td align='right'>{$obtn} </td><td><b>{$pgname}</b></td></tr>\n        <tr><td align='right'>{$nbtn} </td><td><input name='name' /></td></tr>\n";
    if (!empty($options['value']) and $options['value'] == 'check_backlinks') {
        $button = _("Fix backlinks");
        print "<tr><td colspan='2'>\n";
        print check_backlinks($formatter, $options);
        print "</td></tr>\n";
    } else {
        $button = _("Check backlinks");
    if ($DBInfo->security->is_protected("fixbacklinks", $options)) {
        print "<tr><td align='right'>" . _("Password") . ": </td><td><input type='password' name='passwd' /> " . _("Only WikiMaster can fix backlinks of this page") . "</td></tr>\n";
    if (!empty($options['value']) and $options['value'] == 'check_backlinks') {
        print "<tr><td colspan='2'><input type='checkbox' name='show_only' checked='checked' />" . _("show only") . "</td></tr>\n";
    print "<tr><td></td><td><input type='submit' name='button_fixbacklinks' value='{$button}' />";
    print "<input type='hidden' name='value' value='check_backlinks' />";
    print "</td></tr>\n";
    print "\n        </table>\n        <input type='hidden' name='action' value='fixbacklinks' />\n        </form>";
    $formatter->send_footer('', $options);
Beispiel #28
function macro_foaf($formatter, $value)
    global $DBInfo;
    $xml_parser = xml_parser_create();
    preg_match("/([^,]+)?(?:\\s*,\\s*)?(.*)?\$/", $value, $match);
    if ($match) {
        $value = $match[1];
        $key = _rawurlencode($match[1]);
        $args = explode(",", str_replace(" ", "", $match[2]));
        if (in_array("project", $args)) {
            $options['project'] = 1;
        if (in_array("picture", $args)) {
            $options['picture'] = 1;
        if (in_array("homepage", $args)) {
            $options['homepage'] = 1;
        if (in_array("comment", $args)) {
            $options['comment'] = 1;
    $info = array();
    // XXX
    $rss_parser = new FoafParser($info);
    xml_set_object($xml_parser, $rss_parser);
    xml_set_element_handler($xml_parser, "startElement", "endElement");
    xml_set_character_data_handler($xml_parser, "characterData");
    $cache = new Cache_text("foaf");
    if (!empty($_GET['update']) or !$cache->exists($key)) {
        $fp = @fopen("{$value}", "r");
        if (!$fp) {
            return "[[FOAF(ERR: not a valid URL! {$value})]]";
        while ($data = fread($fp, 4096)) {
            $xml_data .= $data;
        $cache->update($key, $xml_data);
    } else {
        $xml_data = $cache->fetch($key);
    $ret = xml_parse($xml_parser, $xml_data);
    if (!$ret) {
        return sprintf("[[FOAF(XML error: %s at line %d)]]", xml_error_string(xml_get_error_code($xml_parser)), xml_get_current_line_number($xml_parser));
    $out = "<a href='" . $DBInfo->interwiki['FOAF'] . "{$value}'><img align='middle' border='0' alt='FOAF:' title='FOAF:' src='{$DBInfo->imgs_url_interwiki}" . "foaf-16.png'>";
    if ($options['homepage']) {
        $out .= "</a><a href='{$info['homepage']}'>{$info['name']}</a>";
    } else {
        $out .= "{$info['name']}</a>";
    $br = "&nbsp;";
    if ($options['picture']) {
        $out .= "<br /><img src='{$info['picture']}' />";
        $br = "<br />";
    if ($options['homepage']) {
        $out .= "{$br}<a href='{$info['homepage']}'>{$info['homepage']}</a>";
    if (strtoupper($DBInfo->charset) != 'UTF-8') {
        $out = iconv('utf-8', $DBInfo->charset, $out);
    return $out;
Beispiel #29
function do_keywords($formatter, $options)
    global $DBInfo;
    $supported_lang = array('ko');
    $page = $formatter->page->name;
    if (empty($options['update']) and !empty($options['value'])) {
        $page = $options['value'];
    if (!$DBInfo->hasPage($page)) {
        $options['err'] = _("You are not able to add keywords.");
        $options['title'] = _("Page does not exists");
        do_invalid($formatter, $options);
    if (!empty($options['update']) or !empty($options['refresh'])) {
        $lk = $DBInfo->getPage(LOCAL_KEYWORDS);
        $force_charset = '';
        if ($DBInfo->force_charset) {
            $force_charset = '; charset=' . $DBInfo->charset;
        $formatter->send_header("Content-type: text/plain" . $force_charset);
        if (!$lk->exists()) {
            print sprintf(_("%s is not found."), LOCAL_KEYWORDS);
        $raw = $lk->get_raw_body();
        # update keylinks of LocalKeywords
        $kc = new Cache_text('keylinks');
        $lines = explode("\n", $raw);
        $all_keys = array();
        foreach ($lines as $l) {
            $l = trim($l);
            if ($l[0] == '#' or !$l) {
            $ws = preg_split('/((?<!\\S)(["\'])[^\\2]+?\\2(?!\\S)|\\S+)/', $l, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE | PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
            $ws = array_flip(array_unique($ws));
            // delete delims
            unset($ws[' ']);
            $ws = array_flip($ws);
            $ws = array_map(create_function('$a', 'return preg_replace("/^([\\"\'])(.*)\\\\1$/","\\\\2",$a);'), $ws);
            // delete ",'
            $ws = array_unique($ws);
            $all_keys = array_merge($all_keys, $ws);
            foreach ($ws as $k) {
                $rels = array_diff($ws, array($k));
                $krels = $kc->fetch($k);
                if (is_array($krels)) {
                    if ($nrels = array_diff($rels, $krels)) {
                        $rs = array_unique(array_merge($nrels, $krels));
                        $kc->update($k, $rs);
                        print "***** updated {$k}\n";
                } else {
                    if (sizeof($rels) > 1 and is_array($rels)) {
                        $kc->update($k, $rels);
                        print "***** save {$k}\n";
        print "OK";
    $args = array();
    $formatter->send_header('', $options);
    if (empty($options['suggest']) and (!empty($options['key']) and is_array($options['key']) or !empty($options['keywords']))) {
        if (!empty($options['keywords'])) {
            // following keyword list are acceptable separated with spaces.
            // Chemistry "Physical Chemistry" "Bio Chemistry" ...
            $keywords = _stripslashes($options['keywords']);
            $ws = preg_split('/((?<!\\S)(["\'])[^\\2]+?\\2(?!\\S)|\\S+)/', $keywords, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE | PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
            $ws = array_flip(array_unique($ws));
            // delete delims
            unset($ws[' ']);
            $ws = array_flip($ws);
            $ws = array_map(create_function('$a', 'return preg_replace("/^([\\"\'])(.*)\\\\1$/","\\\\2",$a);'), $ws);
            // delete ",'
            if (!is_array($options['key'])) {
                $options['key'] = array();
            $options['key'] = array_merge($options['key'], $ws);
        if (!empty($options['common'])) {
            $raw = "#format plain";
            $lang = $formatter->pi['#language'] ? $formatter->pi['#language'] : '';
            $lang = $options['lang'] ? $options['lang'] : $lang;
            if (in_array($lang, $supported_lang)) {
                $common_word_page = LOCAL_KEYWORDS . '/CommonWords' . ucfirst($lang);
            } else {
                $common_word_page = LOCAL_KEYWORDS . '/CommonWords';
            if ($DBInfo->hasPage($common_word_page)) {
                $p = $DBInfo->getPage($common_word_page);
                if (!$p->exists()) {
                    $dict = array();
                } else {
                    $raw = $p->get_raw_body();
                    $raw = rtrim($raw);
                    $lines = explode("\n", $raw);
                    $body = '';
                    foreach ($lines as $line) {
                        if ($line[0] == '#' or $line == '') {
                        $body .= $line . "\n";
                    $body = rtrim($body);
                    $dict = explode("\n", $body);
                $commons = array_diff(array_values($options['key']), $dict);
            } else {
                $p = $DBInfo->getPage($common_word_page);
                $commons = $options['key'];
            if (!empty($commons)) {
                $raw .= "\n" . implode("\n", $commons);
                $DBInfo->savePage($p, "Common words are added", $options);
            $formatter->send_title(sprintf(_("Common words are updated"), $options['page']), '', $options);
            $formatter->send_footer($args, $options);
        $cache = new Cache_text('keyword');
        $keys = $options['key'];
        $keys = array_flip($keys);
        $cache->update($page, array_keys($keys));
        # update 'keylinks' caches
        #$kc=new Cache_text('keylinks');
        #foreach ($options['key'] as $k) {
        #    // XXX
        #    $kv=unserialize($kc->fetch($k));
        #    if (!in_array($page,$kv)) {
        #        $kv[]=$page;
        #        $kc->update($k,serialize($kv));
        #    }
        $raw = "#format plain";
        $lk = $DBInfo->getPage(LOCAL_KEYWORDS);
        if (!$lk->exists()) {
            $dict = array();
        } else {
            $raw = $lk->get_raw_body();
            $raw = rtrim($raw);
            $lines = explode("\n", $raw);
            $body = '';
            foreach ($lines as $line) {
                if ($line[0] == '#' or $line == '') {
                $body .= $line . "\n";
            $body = rtrim($body);
        if (!empty($options['key'])) {
            // XXX
            $ks = array_map(create_function('$a', 'return (strpos($a," ") !== false) ? "\\"$a\\"":$a;'), $options['key']);
            $raw .= "\n" . implode(' ', $ks) . "\n";
            $DBInfo->savePage($lk, "Keywords are added", $options);
        $formatter->send_title(sprintf(_("Keywords for %s are updated"), $page), '', $options);
        $ret = '';
        foreach ($keys as $key => $val) {
            $ret .= $key . ',';
        $ret = substr($ret, 0, strlen($ret) - 1);
        print "<tt>#keywords {$ret}</tt>\n";
        if (!empty($DBInfo->use_keywords) or !empty($options['update'])) {
            # auto update the page with selected keywords.
            $body = $formatter->page->get_raw_body();
            $pi = $formatter->page->get_instructions($dum);
            if (!empty($pi['#keywords'])) {
                $tag = preg_quote($pi['#keywords']);
                $nbody = preg_replace('/^#keywords\\s+' . $tag . '/', '#keywords ' . $ret, $body, 1);
                if ($nbody != $body) {
                    $ok = 1;
            } else {
                $nbody = '#keywords ' . $ret . "\n" . $body;
                $ok = 2;
            if (!empty($ok)) {
                if ($ok == 1) {
                    $comment = "Keywords are updated";
                } else {
                    $comment = "Keywords are added";
                $DBInfo->savePage($formatter->page, $comment, $options);
                print "<h2>" . _("Keywords are updated") . "</h2>";
            } else {
                print "<h2>" . _("There are no changes found") . "</h2>";
        } else {
            # user confirmation
            $link = $formatter->link_url(_rawurlencode($page), '');
            $keys = explode(',', $ret);
            $ret = '';
            foreach ($keys as $key) {
                if ($key and strpos($key, ' ') !== false) {
                    $key = '"' . $key . '"';
                $ret .= $key . ' ';
            $btn = _("Update with these Keywords");
            $form = "<form method='post' action='{$link}'>";
            $form .= '<input type="hidden" name="action" value="keywords" />';
            $form .= '<input type="hidden" name="update" value="1" />';
            $form .= '<input type="hidden" name="keywords" value=\'' . $ret . '\' />';
            $form .= "<input type='submit' value='{$btn}' />\n";
            $form .= "</form>";
            print $form;
        $formatter->send_footer($args, $options);
    if (!empty($options['all']) or !empty($options['tour'])) {
        if (!empty($optiopns['sort']) and $options['sort'] == 'freq') {
            $sort = 'freq';
        $formatter->send_title('', '', $options);
        $myq = '?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];
        $myq = preg_replace('/&sort=[^&]+/i', '', $myq);
        if ($sort != 'freq') {
            $myq .= '&sort=freq';
            $txt = _("alphabetically");
            $ltxt = _("by frequency");
        } else {
            $txt = _("by size");
            $ltxt = _("alphabetically");
        $link = $formatter->link_tag(_rawurlencode($page), $myq, $ltxt);
        print "<h2>";
        print sprintf(_("Keywords list %s (or %s)"), $txt, $link);
        print "</h2>\n";
        if (!$options['limit']) {
            $options['limit'] = 0;
    } else {
        $formatter->send_title(sprintf(_("Select keywords for %s"), $options['page']), '', $options);
        $options['merge'] = 1;
        $options['add'] = 1;
    print macro_KeyWords($formatter, $options['page'], $options);
    $formatter->send_footer($args, $options);
Beispiel #30
function do_atom($formatter, $options)
    global $DBInfo, $Config;
    global $_release;
    define('ATOM_DEFAULT_DAYS', 7);
    // get members to hide log
    $members = $DBInfo->members;
    $days = $DBInfo->rc_days ? $DBInfo->rc_days : ATOM_DEFAULT_DAYS;
    $options['quick'] = 1;
    if ($options['c']) {
        $options['items'] = $options['c'];
    $lines = $DBInfo->editlog_raw_lines($days, $options);
    // HTTP conditional get
    $mtime = $DBInfo->mtime();
    $lastmod = gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s \\G\\M\\T', $mtime);
    $cache_ttl = !empty($DBInfo->atom_ttl) ? $DBInfo->atom_ttl : 60 * 30;
    /* 30 minutes */
    // make etag based on some options and mtime.
    $check_opts = array('quick', 'items', 'c');
    $check = array();
    foreach ($check_opts as $c) {
        if (isset($options[$c])) {
            $check[$c] = $options[$c];
    $etag = md5($mtime . $DBInfo->logo_img . serialize($check) . $cache_ttl . $options['id']);
    $headers = array();
    $headers[] = 'Pragma: cache';
    $maxage = $cache_ttl;
    $public = 'public';
    if ($options['id'] != 'Anonymous') {
        $public = 'private';
    $headers[] = 'Cache-Control: ' . $public . ', max-age=' . $maxage;
    $headers[] = 'Last-Modified: ' . $lastmod;
    $headers[] = 'ETag: "' . $etag . '"';
    $need = http_need_cond_request($mtime, $lastmod, $etag);
    if (!$need) {
        $headers[] = 'HTTP/1.0 304 Not Modified';
    foreach ($headers as $h) {
    if (!$need) {
    $cache = new Cache_Text('atom');
    $cache_delay = min($cache_ttl, 30);
    $mtime = $cache->mtime($etag);
    $time_current = time();
    $val = false;
    if (empty($formatter->refresh)) {
        if (($val = $cache->fetch($etag)) !== false and $DBInfo->checkUpdated($mtime, $cache_delay)) {
            header("Content-Type: application/xml");
            echo $val;
    // need to update cache
    if ($val !== false and $cache->exists($etag . '.lock')) {
        header("Content-Type: application/xml");
        echo $val . '<!-- cached at ' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $mtime) . ' -->';
    if ($cache->exists($etag . '.lock')) {
        header("Content-Type: application/xml");
        echo '';
    $cache->update($etag . '.lock', array('lock'), 30);
    // 30s lock
    $URL = qualifiedURL($formatter->prefix);
    $img_url = qualifiedURL($DBInfo->logo_img);
    $url = qualifiedUrl($formatter->link_url($DBInfo->frontpage));
    $surl = qualifiedUrl($formatter->link_url($options['page'] . '?action=atom'));
    $channel = <<<CHANNEL
  <link href="{$url}"></link>
  <link rel="self" type="application/atom+xml" href="{$surl}" />
  <subtitle>RecentChanges at {$DBInfo->sitename}</subtitle>
  <generator version="{$_release}">MoniWiki Atom feeder</generator>

    $items = "";
    $ratchet_day = FALSE;
    if (!$lines) {
        $lines = array();
    foreach ($lines as $line) {
        $parts = explode("\t", $line);
        $page_name = $DBInfo->keyToPagename($parts[0]);
        // hide log
        if (!empty($members) && !in_array($options['id'], $members) && !empty($Config['ruleset']['hidelog'])) {
            if (in_array($page_name, $Config['ruleset']['hidelog'])) {
        $addr = $parts[1];
        $ed_time = $parts[2];
        $user = $parts[4];
        $user_uri = '';
        if ($user != 'Anonymous' && $DBInfo->hasPage($user)) {
            $user_uri = $formatter->link_url(_rawurlencode($user), "", $user);
            $user_uri = '<uri>' . $user_uri . '</uri>';
        $log = _stripslashes($parts[5]);
        $act = rtrim($parts[6]);
        $url = qualifiedUrl($formatter->link_url(_rawurlencode($page_name)));
        $diff_url = qualifiedUrl($formatter->link_url(_rawurlencode($page_name), '?action=diff'));
        $extra = "<br /><a href='{$diff_url}'>" . _("show changes") . "</a>\n";
        $content = '';
        if (!$DBInfo->hasPage($page_name)) {
            $status = 'deleted';
            $content = "<content type='html'><a href='{$url}'>{$page_name}</a> is deleted</content>\n";
        } else {
            $status = 'updated';
            if ($options['diffs']) {
                $p = new WikiPage($page_name);
                $f = new Formatter($p);
                $options['raw'] = 1;
                $options['nomsg'] = 1;
                $html = $f->macro_repl('Diff', '', $options);
                if (!$html) {
                    $f->send_page('', array('fixpath' => 1));
                    $html = ob_get_contents();
                    $extra = '';
                $content = "  <content type='xhtml'><div xmlns=''>{$html}</content>\n";
            } else {
                if ($log) {
                    $html = str_replace('&', '&amp;', $log);
                    $content = "<content type='text'>" . $html . "</content>\n";
                } else {
                    $content = "<content type='text'>updated</content>\n";
        $zone = '+00:00';
        $date = gmdate("Y-m-d\\TH:i:s", $ed_time) . $zone;
        if (!isset($updated)) {
            $updated = $date;
        #$datetag = gmdate("YmdHis",$ed_time);
        $valid_page_name = str_replace('&', '&amp;', $page_name);
        $items .= "<entry>\n";
        $items .= "  <title>{$valid_page_name}</title>\n";
        $items .= "  <link href='{$url}'></link>\n";
        $items .= '  ' . $content;
        $items .= "  <author><name>{$user}</name>{$user_uri}</author>\n";
        $items .= "  <updated>{$date}</updated>\n";
        $items .= "  <contributor><name>{$user}</name>{$user_uri}</contributor>\n";
        $items .= "</entry>\n";
    $updated = "  <updated>{$updated}</updated>\n";
    $new = "";
    if ($options['oe'] and strtolower($options['oe']) != $DBInfo->charset) {
        $charset = $options['oe'];
        if (function_exists('iconv')) {
            $out = $head . $channel . $items . $form;
            $new = iconv($DBInfo->charset, $charset, $out);
            if (!$new) {
                $charset = $DBInfo->charset;
    } else {
        $charset = $DBInfo->charset;
    $head = <<<HEAD
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="{$charset}"?>
<!--<?xml-stylesheet href="{$DBInfo->url_prefix}/css/_feed.css" type="text/css"?>-->
<feed xmlns="">
    Add "diffs=1" to add change diffs to the description of each items.
    Add "oe=utf-8" to convert the charset of this rss to UTF-8.

    header("Content-Type: application/xml");
    $out = '';
    if ($new) {
        $out = $head . $new;
    } else {
        $out = $head . $channel . $updated . $items . $form;
    $out .= "</feed>\n";
    echo $out;
    $cache->update($etag, $out);
    $cache->remove($etag . '.lock');