Beispiel #1
 protected function construct()
     $this->cache = new Prefix('precincts/violations');
     $this->precincts_cache = new Prefix('precincts');
     $this->data_model['images'] = function ($images) {
         return _json_encode(array_values(array_filter($images, function ($image) {
             return preg_match("#^(http[s]?://)#", $image);
     $this->data_model['location'] = function ($location) {
         return _json_encode(_float($location));
     $this->data_model['video'] = function ($video) {
         if (preg_match('/\\/(channel|embed)\\/([0-9]+)/i', $video, $m)) {
             $video = "{$m['2']}";
         } elseif (preg_match('/\\/(recorded|embed\\/recorded)\\/([0-9]+)/i', $video, $m)) {
             $video = "{$m['2']}";
         } elseif (preg_match('/(\\/embed\\/|\\/watch\\?v=)([0-9a-z\\-]+)/i', $video, $m)) {
             $video = "{$m['2']}";
         } else {
             $video = '';
         return $video;
Beispiel #2
  * Adding key into specified database
  * @param int|object	$database	Keys database
  * @param bool|string	$key		If <b>false</b> - key will be generated automatically, otherwise must contain 56 character [0-9a-z] key
  * @param null|mixed	$data		Data to be stored with key
  * @param int			$expire		Timestamp of key expiration, if not specified - default system value will be used
  * @return bool|string
 function add($database, $key, $data = null, $expire = 0)
     if (!is_object($database)) {
         $database = DB::instance()->{$database}();
     if (!preg_match('/^[a-z0-9]{56}$/', $key)) {
         if ($key === false) {
             $key = $this->generate($database);
         } else {
             return false;
     $expire = (int) $expire;
     $Config = Config::instance();
     if ($expire == 0 || $expire < TIME) {
         $expire = TIME + $Config->core['key_expire'];
     $this->del($database, $key);
     $database->q("INSERT INTO `[prefix]keys`\n\t\t\t\t(\n\t\t\t\t\t`key`,\n\t\t\t\t\t`expire`,\n\t\t\t\t\t`data`\n\t\t\t\t) VALUES (\n\t\t\t\t\t'%s',\n\t\t\t\t\t'%s',\n\t\t\t\t\t'%s'\n\t\t\t\t)", $key, $expire, _json_encode($data));
     $id = $database->id();
      * Cleaning old keys
     if ($id && $id % $Config->core['inserts_limit'] == 0) {
         $time = TIME;
         $database->aq("DELETE FROM `[prefix]keys`\n\t\t\t\tWHERE `expire` < {$time}");
     return $key;
Beispiel #3
  * Put or change data of cache item
  * @param string	$item	May contain "/" symbols for cache structure, for example users/<i>user_id</i>
  * @param mixed		$data
  * @return bool
 function set($item, $data)
     $data = @_json_encode($data);
     if (mb_strpos($item, '/') !== false) {
         $path = mb_substr($item, 0, mb_strrpos($item, '/'));
         if (!is_dir(CACHE . "/{$path}")) {
             @mkdir(CACHE . "/{$path}", 0700, true);
     if (!file_exists(CACHE . "/{$item}") || is_writable(CACHE . "/{$item}")) {
         if ($this->cache_size > 0) {
             $dsize = strlen($data);
             if ($dsize > $this->cache_size) {
                 return false;
             if (file_exists(CACHE . "/{$item}")) {
                 $dsize -= filesize(CACHE . "/{$item}");
             $cache_size_file = fopen(CACHE . '/size', 'c+b');
             $time = microtime(true);
             while (!flock($cache_size_file, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB)) {
                 if ($time < microtime(true) - 0.5) {
                     return false;
             $cache_size = (int) stream_get_contents($cache_size_file);
             $cache_size += $dsize;
             if ($cache_size > $this->cache_size) {
                 $cache_list = get_files_list(CACHE, false, 'f', true, true, 'date|desc');
                 foreach ($cache_list as $file) {
                     $cache_size -= filesize($file);
                     $disk_size = $this->cache_size * 2 / 3;
                     if ($cache_size <= $disk_size * Config::instance()->core['update_ratio'] / 100) {
                 unset($cache_list, $file);
             if (($return = file_put_contents(CACHE . "/{$item}", $data, LOCK_EX | FILE_BINARY)) !== false) {
                 ftruncate($cache_size_file, 0);
                 fseek($cache_size_file, 0);
                 fwrite($cache_size_file, $cache_size > 0 ? $cache_size : 0);
             flock($cache_size_file, LOCK_UN);
             return $return;
         } else {
             return file_put_contents(CACHE . "/{$item}", $data, LOCK_EX | FILE_BINARY);
     } else {
         $L = Language::instance();
         trigger_error($L->file . ' ' . CACHE . "/{$item} {$L->not_writable}", E_USER_WARNING);
         return false;
Beispiel #4
  * Is used as error handler
  * @param int			$level	Error level
  * @param null|string	$string	Error message
 function trigger($level, $string = null)
     if (!$this->error) {
     $string = xap($string);
     $dump = 'null';
     $debug_backtrace = debug_backtrace();
     if (isset($debug_backtrace[0]['file'], $debug_backtrace[0]['file'])) {
         $file = $debug_backtrace[0]['file'];
         $line = $debug_backtrace[0]['line'];
     } else {
         $file = $debug_backtrace[1]['file'];
         $line = $debug_backtrace[1]['line'];
     if (DEBUG) {
         $dump = _json_encode($debug_backtrace);
     $log_file = LOGS . '/' . date('d-m-Y') . '_' . strtr(date_default_timezone_get(), '/', '_');
     $time = date('d-m-Y h:i:s') . ' [' . microtime(true) . ']';
     switch ($level) {
         case E_USER_ERROR:
         case E_ERROR:
             file_put_contents($log_file, "E {$time} {$string} Occurred: {$file}:{$line} Dump: {$dump}\n", LOCK_EX | FILE_APPEND);
             $this->errors_list[] = "E {$time} {$string} Occurred: {$file}:{$line}";
              * If Index instance exists - execution will be stopped there, otherwise in Page instance
         case E_USER_WARNING:
         case E_WARNING:
             file_put_contents($log_file, "W {$time} {$string} Occurred: {$file}:{$line} Dump: {$dump}\n", LOCK_EX | FILE_APPEND);
             $this->errors_list[] = "W {$time} {$string} Occurred: {$file}:{$line}";
             file_put_contents($log_file, "N {$time} {$string} Occurred: {$file}:{$line} Dump: {$dump}\n", LOCK_EX | FILE_APPEND);
             $this->errors_list[] = "N {$time} {$string} Occurred: {$file}:{$line}";
      * If too many non-critical errors - also stop execution
     if ($this->num >= 100) {
          * If Index instance exists - execution will be stopped there, otherwise in Page instance
Beispiel #5
function OnActionLogout()
    global $user, $data, $db;
    $ret['ret'] = $user->Logout();
    if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') {
    } else {
        header("Location: /");
Beispiel #6
    function input($fieldName, $options = array(), $acOptions = array())
        $acFieldName = 'Ac' . $fieldName;
        $hiddenFieldOptions = array('type' => 'hidden');
        $fieldId = $this->_getFieldName($fieldName);
        $acFieldId = $this->_getFieldName($acFieldName);
        $controller = $this->_getControllerName($fieldName);
        $out = $this->Form->input($fieldName, $hiddenFieldOptions);
        $out .= $this->Form->input($acFieldName, $options);
        $url = Router::url(array('controller' => $controller, 'action' => 'autocomplete', 'ext' => 'json'), true);
        $acOptions += array('dataType' => 'json', 'parse' => '
function(data) {
	return $.map(data, function(row) {
		return {
			data: row,
			result: row.title
</script>', 'formatItem' => '
function(item) {
			return item.title;
        App::import('Vendor', 'Cholesterol.utils');
        $jsonAcOptions = _json_encode($acOptions);
        $script = <<<EOF
\$(document).ready(function() {
\t.result(function(e, item) {
        $this->Javascript->codeBlock($script, array('inline' => false));
        return $out;
Beispiel #7
  * @param array			$data Key => value array
  * @return array|bool	Return array(headers, body)
 protected function request($data)
     $socket = fsockopen($this->host[0], isset($this->host[1]) ? $this->host[1] : 80, $errno, $errstr);
     if (!is_resource($socket)) {
         trigger_error("#{$errno} {$errstr}", E_USER_WARNING);
         $this->connected = false;
         return false;
     if (empty($data)) {
         return false;
     } else {
         $data['key'] = md5(_json_encode($data) . $this->user . $this->password);
     $data = 'data=' . urlencode(json_encode($data));
     fwrite($socket, "POST /Storage.php HTTP/1.1\r\n" . 'Host: ' . implode(':', $this->host) . "\r\n" . "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n" . "Content-length:" . strlen($data) . "\r\n" . "Accept:*/*\r\n" . "User-agent: CleverStyle CMS\r\n\r\n" . $data . "\r\n\r\n");
     $return = explode("\r\n\r\n", stream_get_contents($socket), 2);
     return $return;
Beispiel #8
function _json_encode($val)
    if (is_string($val)) {
        return '"' . addslashes($val) . '"';
    if (is_numeric($val)) {
        return $val;
    if ($val === null) {
        return 'null';
    if ($val === true) {
        return 'true';
    if ($val === false) {
        return 'false';
    $assoc = false;
    $i = 0;
    foreach ($val as $k => $v) {
        if ($k !== $i++) {
            $assoc = true;
    $res = array();
    foreach ($val as $k => $v) {
        $v = _json_encode($v);
        if ($assoc) {
            $k = '"' . addslashes($k) . '"';
            $v = $k . ':' . $v;
        $res[] = $v;
    $res = implode(',', $res);
    return $assoc ? '{' . $res . '}' : '[' . $res . ']';
Beispiel #9
function poll_service($service)
    global $config;
    $update = array();
    $old_status = $service['service_status'];
    $check_cmd = "";
    // if we have a script for this check, use it.
    $check_script = $config['install_dir'] . '/includes/services/check_' . strtolower($service['service_type']) . '.inc.php';
    if (is_file($check_script)) {
        include $check_script;
    // If we do not have a cmd from the check script, build one.
    if ($check_cmd == "") {
        $check_cmd = $config['nagios_plugins'] . "/check_" . $service['service_type'] . " -H " . ($service['service_ip'] ? $service['service_ip'] : $service['hostname']);
        $check_cmd .= " " . $service['service_param'];
    $service_id = $service['service_id'];
    // Some debugging
    d_echo("\nNagios Service - {$service_id}\n");
    // the check_service function runs $check_cmd through escapeshellcmd, so
    // echo the command as it will be run after being escaped
    $escaped_check_cmd = escapeshellcmd($check_cmd);
    d_echo("Request:  {$escaped_check_cmd}\n");
    list($new_status, $msg, $perf) = check_service($check_cmd);
    d_echo("Response: {$msg}\n");
    // If we have performance data we will store it.
    if (count($perf) > 0) {
        // Yes, We have perf data.
        $rrd_name = array('services', $service_id);
        // Set the DS in the DB if it is blank.
        $DS = array();
        foreach ($perf as $k => $v) {
            $DS[$k] = $v['uom'];
        d_echo("Service DS: " . _json_encode($DS) . "\n");
        if ($service['service_ds'] == "") {
            $update['service_ds'] = json_encode($DS);
        // rrd definition
        $rrd_def = array();
        foreach ($perf as $k => $v) {
            if ($v['uom'] == 'c') {
                // This is a counter, create the DS as such
                $rrd_def[] = "DS:" . $k . ":COUNTER:600:0:U";
            } else {
                // Not a counter, must be a gauge
                $rrd_def[] = "DS:" . $k . ":GAUGE:600:0:U";
        // Update data
        $fields = array();
        foreach ($perf as $k => $v) {
            $fields[$k] = $v['value'];
        $tags = compact('service_id', 'rrd_name', 'rrd_def');
        //TODO not sure if we have $device at this point, if we do replace faked $device
        data_update(array('hostname' => $service['hostname']), 'services', $tags, $fields);
    if ($old_status != $new_status) {
        // Status has changed, update.
        $update['service_changed'] = time();
        $update['service_status'] = $new_status;
        $update['service_message'] = $msg;
    if ($service['service_message'] != $msg) {
        // Message has changed, update.
        $update['service_message'] = $msg;
    if (count($update) > 0) {
        edit_service($update, $service['service_id']);
    return true;
Beispiel #10
require_once '../includes/functions.php';
require_once 'includes/';
if (!$_SESSION['authenticated']) {
    echo 'unauthenticated';
$type = mres($_POST['type']);
if ($type == 'placeholder') {
    $output = "<span style='text-align:left;'><br><h3>Click on the Edit Dashboard button (next to the list of dashboards) to add widgets</h3><br><h4><strong>Remember:</strong> You can only move & resize widgets when you're in <strong>Edit Mode</strong>.</h4><span>";
    $status = 'ok';
    $title = 'Placeholder';
} elseif (is_file('includes/common/' . $type . '.inc.php')) {
    $results_limit = 10;
    $no_form = true;
    $title = ucfirst($type);
    $unique_id = str_replace(array("-", "."), "_", uniqid($type, true));
    $widget_id = mres($_POST['id']);
    $widget_settings = json_decode(dbFetchCell('select settings from users_widgets where user_widget_id = ?', array($widget_id)), true);
    $widget_dimensions = $_POST['dimensions'];
    if (!empty($_POST['settings'])) {
        define('show_settings', true);
    include 'includes/common/' . $type . '.inc.php';
    $output = implode('', $common_output);
    $status = 'ok';
    $title = $widget_settings['title'] ?: $title;
$response = array('status' => $status, 'html' => $output, 'title' => $title);
header('Content-type: application/json');
echo _json_encode($response);
Beispiel #11
function update_device()
    global $config;
    $app = \Slim\Slim::getInstance();
    $router = $app->router()->getCurrentRoute()->getParams();
    $status = 'error';
    $code = 500;
    $hostname = $router['hostname'];
    // use hostname as device_id if it's all digits
    $device_id = ctype_digit($hostname) ? $hostname : getidbyname($hostname);
    $data = json_decode(file_get_contents('php://input'), true);
    $bad_fields = array('id', 'hostname');
    if (empty($data['field'])) {
        $message = 'Device field to patch has not been supplied';
    } elseif (in_array($data['field'], $bad_fields)) {
        $message = 'Device field is not allowed to be updated';
    } else {
        if (dbUpdate(array(mres($data['field']) => mres($data['data'])), 'devices', '`device_id`=?', array($device_id)) >= 0) {
            $status = 'ok';
            $message = 'Device ' . mres($data['field']) . ' field has been updated';
            $code = 200;
        } else {
            $message = 'Device ' . mres($data['field']) . ' field failed to be updated';
    $output = array('status' => $status, 'message' => $message);
    $app->response->headers->set('Content-Type', 'application/json');
    echo _json_encode($output);
Beispiel #12
  * Set group data
  * @param array	$data	May contain items title|description|data
  * @param int	$group
  * @return bool
 function set($data, $group)
     $group = (int) $group;
     if (!$group) {
         return false;
     $update = [];
     if (isset($data['title'])) {
         $update[] = '`title` = ' . $this->db_prime()->s(xap($data['title'], false));
     if (isset($data['description'])) {
         $update[] = '`description` = ' . $this->db_prime()->s(xap($data['description'], false));
     if (isset($data['data'])) {
         $update[] = '`data` = ' . $this->db_prime()->s(_json_encode($data['data']));
     $update = implode(', ', $update);
     if (!empty($update) && $this->db_prime()->q("UPDATE `[prefix]groups` SET {$update} WHERE `id` = '{$group}' LIMIT 1")) {
         $Cache = $this->cache;
         unset($Cache->{$group}, $Cache->all);
         return true;
     } else {
         return false;
Beispiel #13
function list_services()
    global $config;
    $app = \Slim\Slim::getInstance();
    $router = $app->router()->getCurrentRoute()->getParams();
    $status = 'ok';
    $code = 200;
    $message = '';
    $host_par = array();
    $sql_param = array();
    $services = array();
    $where = '';
    $devicewhere = '';
    // Filter BY STATE
    if (isset($_GET['state'])) {
        $where = " AND S.service_status= ? AND S.service_disabled='0' AND S.service_ignore='0'";
        $host_par[] = $_GET['state'];
        if (!is_numeric($_GET['state'])) {
            $status = 'error';
            $message = "No valid service state provided, valid option is 0=Ok, 1=Warning, 2=Critical";
    // GET BY HOST
    if (isset($router['hostname'])) {
        $hostname = $router['hostname'];
        $device_id = ctype_digit($hostname) ? $hostname : getidbyname($hostname);
        $where .= " AND S.device_id = ?";
        $host_par[] = $device_id;
        if (!is_numeric($device_id)) {
            $status = 'error';
            $message = "No valid hostname or device id provided";
    // DEVICE
    $host_sql = 'SELECT * FROM devices AS D, services AS S WHERE D.device_id = S.device_id ' . $where . ' GROUP BY D.hostname ORDER BY D.hostname';
    // SERVICE
    foreach (dbFetchRows($host_sql, $host_par) as $device) {
        $device_id = $device['device_id'];
        $sql_param[0] = $device_id;
        // FILTER BY TYPE
        if (isset($_GET['type'])) {
            $devicewhere = " AND `service_type` LIKE ?";
            $sql_param[1] = $_GET['type'];
        $services = dbFetchRows("SELECT * FROM `services` WHERE `device_id` = ?" . $devicewhere, $sql_param);
    $count = count($services);
    $output = array('status' => $status, 'err-msg' => $message, 'count' => $count, 'services' => $services);
    $app->response->headers->set('Content-Type', 'application/json');
    echo _json_encode($output);
function get_devices_by_group()
    $app = \Slim\Slim::getInstance();
    $router = $app->router()->getCurrentRoute()->getParams();
    $status = 'error';
    $code = 404;
    $count = 0;
    $name = urldecode($router['name']);
    $devices = array();
    if (empty($name)) {
        $message = 'No device group name provided';
    } else {
        $group_id = dbFetchCell("SELECT `id` FROM `device_groups` WHERE `name`=?", array($name));
        $devices = GetDevicesFromGroup($group_id);
        $count = count($devices);
        if (empty($devices)) {
            $message = 'No devices found in group ' . $name;
        } else {
            $message = "Found {$count} in group {$name}";
            $code = 200;
    $output = array('status' => $status, 'message' => $message, 'count' => $count, 'devices' => $devices);
    $app->response->headers->set('Content-Type', 'application/json');
    echo _json_encode($output);
Beispiel #15
    /** Generate javascript block for jqGrid 
     *  @param $id string id of html element
     *  @param $gridOptions mixed jqgrid's option 
     *  @param $navGridOption mixed jqgrid's navigator options
    function script($id, $gridOptions = array(), $navGridOptions = array())
        $gridOptions = Set::merge(array('caption' => null, 'datatype' => 'json', 'mtype' => 'GET', 'gridModel' => true, 'url' => null, 'pager' => null, 'colNames' => array(), 'colModel' => array(), 'rowNum' => 5, 'rowList' => array(5, 10), 'viewrecords' => true, 'width' => '100%', 'jsonReader' => array('repeatitems' => false, 'id' => 'id')), $gridOptions);
        $navGridOptions = Set::merge(array('o' => array('add' => false, 'edit' => false, 'del' => false, 'search' => true), 'pEdit' => false, 'pAdd' => false, 'pDel' => false, 'pSearch' => array('multipleSearch' => true), 'pView' => null), $navGridOptions);
        if (!empty($this->pager)) {
            $pager = $this->pager;
        if (!empty($gridOptions['pager'])) {
            $pager = $gridOptions['pager'];
        if (!empty($pager)) {
            $gridOptions['pager'] = $pager;
        if (empty($gridOptions['colModel'])) {
        $jsonOptions = _json_encode($gridOptions);
        $jsonNavGridOptions = _json_encode($navGridOptions['o']);
        $jsonPEdit = _json_encode($navGridOptions['pEdit']);
        $jsonPAdd = _json_encode($navGridOptions['pAdd']);
        $jsonPDel = _json_encode($navGridOptions['pDel']);
        $jsonPSearch = _json_encode($navGridOptions['pSearch']);
        $jsonPView = _json_encode($navGridOptions['pView']);
        $code = '';
        if (!empty($pager)) {
            $code .= <<<EOF
var grid = \$('#{$id}').jqGrid({$jsonOptions}).navGrid('#{$pager}', {$jsonNavGridOptions}, 
\t{$jsonPEdit}, {$jsonPAdd}, {$jsonPDel}, {$jsonPSearch}, {$jsonPView});
        } else {
            $code .= <<<EOF
var grid = \$('#{$id}').jqGrid({$jsonOptions});
        if ($this->filterMode) {
            $code .= <<<EOF
grid.getPostData().filterMode = '{$this->filterMode}';
        if ($this->filterToolbar) {
            $code .= <<<EOF
\tcaption: '',
\ttitle: 'Clear Filter',
\tbuttonicon: 'ui-icon-arrowrefresh-1-n',
\tonClickButton: function() {
\tposition: 'last'
        if (!empty($this->exportOptions)) {
            $code .= <<<EOF
\tcaption: '',
\ttitle: 'Export to CSV',
\tbuttonicon: 'ui-icon-disk',
\tonClickButton: function() {
\t\tvar url = grid.getGridParam('url')
\t\tvar post = grid.getPostData();
\t\tvar param = [];
\t\tvar form = \$('#form_download_{$id}');

\t\tpost.gridId = 'form_download_{$id}';

\t\tvar inputs = '';
\t\tfor (p in post) { 
\t\t\tvar item = p + '=' + post[p]; 
\t\t\tinputs += '<input name="' + p + '" value="' + post[p] + '">';

\t\tdelete post.exportOptions;

\t\tform.attr('action', url).submit();
\tposition: 'last'
        if ($this->filterToolbar) {
            $code .= <<<EOF
        $script = <<<EOF
\$(document).ready(function() {
        return $this->Javascript->codeBlock($script);
Beispiel #16
 * file_put_contents(_json_encode())
 * @param string	$filename	Name of the file to read.
 * @param mixed		$data		The data to write
 * @param int		$flags
 * @param resource	$context
 * @return mixed
function file_put_json($filename, $data, $flags = null, &$context = null)
    return file_put_contents($filename, _json_encode($data), $flags, $context);
Beispiel #17
function list_oxidized()
    // return details of a single device
    $app = \Slim\Slim::getInstance();
    $app->response->headers->set('Content-Type', 'application/json');
    $devices = array();
    foreach (dbFetchRows("SELECT hostname,os FROM `devices` WHERE `status`='1'") as $device) {
        $devices[] = $device;
    $app->response->headers->set('Content-Type', 'application/json');
    echo _json_encode($devices);
function ack_alert()
    global $config;
    $app = \Slim\Slim::getInstance();
    $router = $app->router()->getCurrentRoute()->getParams();
    $alert_id = mres($router['id']);
    $status = 'error';
    $err_msg = '';
    $message = '';
    $code = 500;
    if (is_numeric($alert_id)) {
        $status = 'ok';
        $code = 200;
        if (dbUpdate(array("state" => 2), 'alerts', '`id` = ? LIMIT 1', array($alert_id))) {
            $message = 'Alert has been ackgnowledged';
        } else {
            $message = 'No alert by that ID';
    } else {
        $err_msg = 'Invalid alert has been provided';
    $output = array("status" => $status, "err-msg" => $err_msg, "message" => $message);
    $app->response->headers->set('Content-Type', 'application/json');
    echo _json_encode($output);
Beispiel #19
    $KEY = substr($data['key'], 0, 32);
    if (md5(_json_encode($data) . $STORAGE_USER . $STORAGE_PASSWORD) !== $KEY) {
} else {
switch ($data['function']) {
    case 'get_files_list':
        exit(_json_encode(get_files_list($data['dir'], $data['mask'], $data['mode'], $data['prefix_path'], $data['subfolders'], $data['sort'], $data['exclusion'], $data['system_files'], null, $data['limit'])));
    case 'file':
        exit(_json_encode(file($data['filename'], $data['flags'])));
    case 'file_get_contents':
        exit(file_get_contents($data['filename'], $data['flags'], null, $data['offset'], $data['maxlen']));
    case 'file_put_contents':
        exit(file_put_contents($data['filename'], $data['data'], $data['flags']));
    case 'copy':
        exit(copy($data['source'], $data['dest']));
    case 'unlink':
    case 'file_exists':
    case 'move_uploaded_file':
        exit(copy($data['filename'], $data['destination']));
    case 'rename':
        exit(rename($data['oldname'], $data['newname']));
    case 'mkdir':
Beispiel #20
if ($_SESSION['userlevel'] < 10) {
$export_device = $device;
if ($config['snmp']['hide_auth']) {
    $params = array('snmp_community', 'snmp_authlevel', 'snmp_authname', 'snmp_authpass', 'snmp_authalgo', 'snmp_cryptopass', 'snmp_cryptoalgo');
    foreach ($params as $param) {
        if (strlen($export_device[$param])) {
            $export_device[$param] = '***';
if ($vars['saveas'] == 'yes' && $vars['filename']) {
    download_as_file(gzencode(_json_encode($export_device)), $vars['filename']);
} else {
    if ($config['snmp']['hide_auth']) {
        print_warning("NOTE, <strong>\$config['snmp']['hide_auth']</strong> is set to <strong>TRUE</strong>, snmp community and snmp v3 auth hidden from output and export.");
    } else {
        print_error("WARNING, <strong>\$config['snmp']['hide_auth']</strong> is set to <strong>FALSE</strong>, snmp community and snmp v3 auth <strong>NOT hidden</strong> from output and export.");
    $form = array('type' => 'rows', 'space' => '10px', 'url' => generate_url($vars));
    // Filename
    $form['row'][0]['filename'] = array('type' => 'text', 'name' => 'Filename', 'value' => $device['hostname'] . '.json.txt.gz', 'width' => '100%', 'placeholder' => TRUE);
    // Compress
    //$form['row'][0]['compress'] = array(
    //                                'type'        => 'switch',
    //                                'value'       => 1);
    // Search button
    $form['row'][0]['saveas'] = array('type' => 'submit', 'name' => 'Export', 'icon' => 'icon-save', 'right' => TRUE, 'value' => 'yes');
Beispiel #21
function list_ipsec()
    $app = \Slim\Slim::getInstance();
    $router = $app->router()->getCurrentRoute()->getParams();
    $status = 'error';
    $code = 404;
    $message = '';
    $hostname = $router['hostname'];
    // use hostname as device_id if it's all digits
    $device_id = ctype_digit($hostname) ? $hostname : getidbyname($hostname);
    if (!is_numeric($device_id)) {
        $message = "No valid hostname or device ID provided";
    } else {
        $ipsec = dbFetchRows("SELECT `D`.`hostname`, `I`.* FROM `ipsec_tunnels` AS `I`, `devices` AS `D` WHERE `I`.`device_id`=? AND `D`.`device_id` = `I`.`device_id`", array($device_id));
        $total = count($ipsec);
        $status = 'ok';
        $code = 200;
    $output = array('status' => $status, 'err-msg' => $message, 'count' => $total, 'ipsec' => $ipsec);
    $app->response->headers->set('Content-Type', 'application/json');
    echo _json_encode($output);
Beispiel #22
  * Creates cached version of given js and css files.<br>
  * Resulting file name consists of <b>$filename_prefix</b> and <b>$this->pcache_basename</b>
  * @param string	$filename_prefix
  * @param array		$includes			Array of paths to files, may have keys: <b>css</b> and/or <b>js</b>
  * @return array
 protected function create_cached_includes_files($filename_prefix, $includes)
     $cache_hash = [];
     foreach ($includes as $extension => &$files) {
         $files_content = '';
         foreach ($files as $file) {
             if (!file_exists($file)) {
              * Insert external elements into resulting css file.
              * It is needed, because those files will not be copied into new destination of resulting css file.
             if ($extension == 'css') {
                 $files_content .= $this->css_includes_processing(file_get_contents($file), $file);
             } else {
                 $files_content .= file_get_contents($file) . ';';
         if ($filename_prefix == '' && $extension == 'js') {
             $files_content = "window.cs.Language=" . _json_encode(Language::instance()) . ";{$files_content}";
         file_put_contents(PCACHE . "/{$filename_prefix}{$this->pcache_basename}.{$extension}", gzencode($files_content, 9), LOCK_EX | FILE_BINARY);
         $cache_hash[$extension] = substr(md5($files_content), 0, 5);
     return $cache_hash;
Beispiel #23

 * LibreNMS
 * Copyright (c) 2016 Aaron Daniels <*****@*****.**>
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
 * Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
 * option) any later version.  Please see LICENSE.txt at the top level of
 * the source code distribution for details.
if (is_admin() === false) {
    $status = array('status' => 1, 'message' => 'ERROR: You need to be admin to delete services');
} else {
    if (!is_numeric($vars['service_id'])) {
        $status = array('status' => 1, 'message' => 'No Service has been selected');
    } else {
        if (delete_service($vars['service_id'])) {
            $status = array('status' => 0, 'message' => 'Service: <i>' . $vars['service_id'] . ', has been deleted.</i>');
        } else {
            $status = array('status' => 1, 'message' => 'Service: <i>' . $vars['service_id'] . ', has NOT been deleted.</i>');
header('Content-Type: application/json');
echo _json_encode($status);
    $NombreOtorgante = $xCR->getNombreOtorgante();
    $DomicilioDevolucion = "";
    //str_replace(",", ";",  EACP_DOMICILIO_CORTO);
    //============================== ELEMENTOS DE CONTROL
    $linea .= "{$TotalSaldosActuales}|{$TotalSaldosVencidos}|{$TotalElementosNombres}|{$TotalElementosDireccion}|{$TotalElementosEmpleo}|{$TotalElementosCuenta}|{$NombreOtorgante}|{$DomicilioDevolucion}";
    if ($xSoc->getEsPersonaFisica() == true) {
        if ($toJson == true) {
            $arrLinea = explode("|", $linea);
            $jsonNew = array();
            foreach ($itemJson as $ix => $item) {
                $jsonNew[$item] = isset($arrLinea[$ix]) ? $arrLinea[$ix] : "ERORR";
            $lineaJson[] = $jsonNew;
        } else {
            echo $linea . "\r\n";
    } else {
        $xLog->add("WARN\t{$idpersona}-{$idcredito}\t{$sucres}\tOmitir por ser Persona Moral " . $xSoc->getNombre() . "\r\n", $xLog->DEVELOPER);
    $xFil = new cFileLog();
    $xFil->setSendToMail($xHP->getTitle(), ADMIN_MAIL);
if ($toJson == true) {
    echo _json_encode($lineaJson, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);
Beispiel #25
 function json_encode($var, $obj = FALSE)
     return _json_encode($var);
Beispiel #26
$max_val = 0;
foreach (dbFetchRows($query, $param) as $return_value) {
    $date = $return_value['Date'];
    $loss = $return_value['loss'];
    $min = $return_value['min'];
    $max = $return_value['max'];
    $avg = $return_value['avg'];
    if ($max > $max_val) {
        $max_val = $max;
    $data[] = array('x' => $date, 'y' => $loss, 'group' => 0);
    $data[] = array('x' => $date, 'y' => $min, 'group' => 1);
    $data[] = array('x' => $date, 'y' => $max, 'group' => 2);
    $data[] = array('x' => $date, 'y' => $avg, 'group' => 3);
$graph_data = _json_encode($data);
    var names = ['Loss','Min latency','Max latency','Avg latency'];
    var groups = new vis.DataSet();
            id: 0,
            content: names[0],
            options: {
                drawPoints: {
                    style: 'circle'
                shaded: {
                    orientation: 'bottom'

 * LibreNMS
 * Copyright (c) 2014 Neil Lathwood <>
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
 * Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
 * option) any later version.  Please see LICENSE.txt at the top level of
 * the source code distribution for details.
if (is_admin() === false) {
    header('Content-type: text/plain');
    die('ERROR: You need to be admin');
$alert_id = $_POST['alert_id'];
if (is_numeric($alert_id) && $alert_id > 0) {
    $rule = dbFetchRow('SELECT * FROM `alert_rules` WHERE `id` = ? LIMIT 1', array($alert_id));
    $rule_split = preg_split('/([a-zA-Z0-9_\\-\\.\\=\\%\\<\\>\\ \\"\'\\!\\~\\(\\)\\*\\/\\@\\|]+[&&|\\|\\|]{2})/', $rule['rule'], -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE | PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
    $count = count($rule_split) - 1;
    $rule_split[$count] = $rule_split[$count] . '  &&';
    $output = array('severity' => $rule['severity'], 'extra' => $rule['extra'], 'name' => $rule['name'], 'proc' => $rule['proc'], 'rules' => $rule_split);
    header('Content-type: application/json');
    echo _json_encode($output);
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
 * Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
 * option) any later version.  Please see LICENSE.txt at the top level of
 * the source code distribution for details.
if (is_admin() === false) {
    die('ERROR: You need to be admin');
$transport = mres($_POST['transport']);
$obj = array('contacts' => $config['alert']['default_mail'], 'title' => 'Testing transport from ' . $config['project_name'], 'msg' => 'This is a test alert', 'severity' => 'critical', 'state' => 'critical', 'hostname' => 'testing', 'name' => 'Testing rule');
$obj['contacts'] = 'test';
$obj['title'] = 'test';
$obj['msg'] = 'test';
$obj['severity'] = 'test';
$obj['state'] = 'test';
$obj['hostname'] = 'test';
$obj['name'] = 'test';
$status = 'error';
if (file_exists($config['install_dir'] . "/includes/alerts/transport.{$transport}.php")) {
    $opts = $config['alert']['transports'][$transport];
    if ($opts) {
        eval('$tmp = function($obj,$opts) { global $config; ' . file_get_contents($config['install_dir'] . '/includes/alerts/transport.' . $transport . '.php') . ' };');
        $tmp = $tmp($obj, $opts);
        if ($tmp) {
            $status = 'ok';
echo _json_encode(array('status' => $status));
function list_bills()
    global $config;
    $app = \Slim\Slim::getInstance();
    $router = $app->router()->getCurrentRoute()->getParams();
    $status = 'ok';
    $err_msg = '';
    $message = '';
    $code = 200;
    $bills = array();
    $bill_id = mres($router['bill_id']);
    $bill_ref = mres($_GET['ref']);
    $bill_custid = mres($_GET['custid']);
    if (!empty($bill_custid)) {
        $sql = '`bill_custid` = ?';
        $param = array($bill_custid);
    } elseif (!empty($bill_ref)) {
        $sql = '`bill_ref` = ?';
        $param = array($bill_ref);
    } elseif (is_numeric($bill_id)) {
        $sql = '`bill_id` = ?';
        $param = array($bill_id);
    } else {
        $sql = '';
        $param = array();
    if (count($param) >= 1) {
        $sql = "WHERE {$sql}";
    foreach (dbFetchRows("SELECT `bills`.*,COUNT(port_id) AS `ports_total` FROM `bills` LEFT JOIN `bill_ports` ON `bill_ports`.`bill_id`=`bills`.`bill_id` {$sql} GROUP BY `bill_name`,`bill_ref` ORDER BY `bill_name`", $param) as $bill) {
        $rate_data = $bill;
        $allowed = '';
        $used = '';
        $percent = '';
        $overuse = '';
        if ($bill['bill_type'] == "cdr") {
            $allowed = format_si($bill['bill_cdr']) . "bps";
            $used = format_si($rate_data['rate_95th']) . "bps";
            $percent = round($rate_data['rate_95th'] / $bill['bill_cdr'] * 100, 2);
            $overuse = $rate_data['rate_95th'] - $bill['bill_cdr'];
            $overuse = $overuse <= 0 ? "-" : format_si($overuse);
        } elseif ($bill['bill_type'] == "quota") {
            $allowed = format_bytes_billing($bill['bill_quota']);
            $used = format_bytes_billing($rate_data['total_data']);
            $percent = round($rate_data['total_data'] / $bill['bill_quota'] * 100, 2);
            $overuse = $rate_data['total_data'] - $bill['bill_quota'];
            $overuse = $overuse <= 0 ? "-" : format_bytes_billing($overuse);
        $bill['allowed'] = $allowed;
        $bill['used'] = $used;
        $bill['percent'] = $percent;
        $bill['overuse'] = $overuse;
        $bills[] = $bill;
    $count = count($bills);
    $output = array('status' => $status, 'message' => $message, 'err-msg' => $err_msg, 'count' => $count, 'bills' => $bills);
    $app->response->headers->set('Content-Type', 'application/json');
    echo _json_encode($output);
Beispiel #30
  * JSON encode wrapper
  * - missing or broken in some php 5.x versions
  * @param mixed  $value
  * @return string
 public static function json_encode($value)
     if (self::useJsonLibrary()) {
         return _json_encode($value);
     return @json_encode($value);