public function request($post) { $proxy = $this->getProxy(); if ($proxy !== null && $proxy->host !== null && strlen($proxy->host) > 0) { $hpa = $proxy->auth; if ($hpa->user !== null && strlen($hpa->user) > 0) { $data = _hx_deref(new com_wiris_system_Base64())->encodeBytes(haxe_io_Bytes::ofString($hpa->user . ":" . $hpa->pass))->toString(); $this->setHeader("Proxy-Authorization", "Basic " . $data); } } parent::request($post); }
public function writeXml($rset) { $fout = php_io_File::write("RomanianDictionary.xml", false); $fout->writeString(_hx_deref(new haxe_Template(haxe_Resource::getString("header")))->execute(_hx_anonymous(array()), null)); $wordTemplate = new haxe_Template(haxe_Resource::getString("word")); $»it = $rset; while ($»it->hasNext()) { $row = $»it->next(); $properties = _hx_anonymous(array("id" => $row->id, "word" => $row->lexicon, "definition" => $row->htmlRep)); $fout->writeString($wordTemplate->execute($properties, null) . "\n"); unset($properties); } $fout->writeString(_hx_deref(new haxe_Template(haxe_Resource::getString("footer")))->execute(_hx_anonymous(array()), null)); $fout->close(); }
public function __construct($name) { if (!php_Boot::$skip_constructor) { if (_hx_deref(new EReg("^(\\d{1,3}\\.){3}\\d{1,3}\$", ""))->match($name)) { $this->_ip = $name; } else { $this->_ip = gethostbyname($name); if ($this->_ip === $name) { $this->ip = 0; return; } } $p = _hx_explode(".", $this->_ip); $this->ip = intval(sprintf("%02X%02X%02X%02X", $p[3], $p[2], $p[1], $p[0]), 16); } }
static function checkAuth() { S::$user = php_Session::get("PHP_AUTH_USER"); haxe_Log::trace(S::$user, _hx_anonymous(array("fileName" => "S.hx", "lineNumber" => 98, "className" => "S", "methodName" => "checkAuth"))); if (S::$user === null) { return false; } $pass = php_Session::get("PHP_AUTH_PW"); if ($pass === null) { return false; } $res = php_Lib::hashOfAssociativeArray(_hx_deref(new Model(null))->query("SELECT use_non_latin,webroot_writable,pass_hash_enabled,pass_key,pass_cost,hosted_settings FROM system_settings")); if (S_0($pass, $res) === "1") { S::hexit("ENCRYPTED PASSWORDS NOT IMPLEMENTED"); } $res = php_Lib::hashOfAssociativeArray(_hx_deref(new Model(null))->query("SELECT count(*) AS cnt FROM vicidial_users WHERE user=\"" . _hx_string_or_null(S::$user) . "\" and pass=\"" . _hx_string_or_null($pass) . "\" and user_level > 7 and active=\"Y\"")); return $res->exists("0") && S_1($pass, $res) === "1"; }
static function itemToString($b, $s) { switch ($s->index) { case 0: $b->add("a C function"); break; case 1: $m = _hx_deref($s)->params[0]; $b->add("module "); $b->add($m); break; case 2: $line = _hx_deref($s)->params[2]; $file = _hx_deref($s)->params[1]; $s1 = _hx_deref($s)->params[0]; if ($s1 !== null) { haxe_CallStack::itemToString($b, $s1); $b->add(" ("); } $b->add($file); $b->add(" line "); $b->add($line); if ($s1 !== null) { $b->add(")"); } break; case 3: $meth = _hx_deref($s)->params[1]; $cname = _hx_deref($s)->params[0]; $b->add($cname); $b->add("."); $b->add($meth); break; case 4: $n = _hx_deref($s)->params[0]; $b->add("local function #"); $b->add($n); break; } }
public function addRow($r, $txt) { $json = _hx_deref(new haxe_format_JsonParser($txt))->parseRec(); if ($this->columns === null) { $this->columns = new haxe_ds_StringMap(); } $w = $this->tab->get_width(); $h = $this->tab->get_height(); $resize = false; $_g = 0; $_g1 = Reflect::fields($json); while ($_g < $_g1->length) { $name = $_g1[$_g]; ++$_g; if (!$this->columns->exists($name)) { $this->columns->set($name, $w); $w++; $resize = true; } unset($name); } if ($r >= $h) { $h = $r + 1; $resize = true; } if ($resize) { $this->tab->resize($w, $h); } $_g2 = 0; $_g11 = Reflect::fields($json); while ($_g2 < $_g11->length) { $name1 = $_g11[$_g2]; ++$_g2; $v = Reflect::field($json, $name1); $c = $this->columns->get($name1); $this->tab->setCell($c, $r, $v); unset($v, $name1, $c); } }
function tink_core__Outcome_OutcomeMapper_Impl__1(&$f, $o) { switch ($o->index) { case 0: $d = _hx_deref($o)->params[0]; $_g = call_user_func_array($f, array($d)); switch ($_g->index) { case 0: $d1 = _hx_deref($_g)->params[0]; return tink_core_Outcome::Success($d1); break; case 1: $f1 = _hx_deref($_g)->params[0]; return tink_core_Outcome::Failure(tink_core_Either::Right($f1)); break; } break; case 1: $f2 = _hx_deref($o)->params[0]; return tink_core_Outcome::Failure(tink_core_Either::Left($f2)); break; } }
public function responseOut($ctx) { if (strtolower($ctx->request->get_httpMethod()) === "post" && $ctx->request->isMultipart()) { $_g = 0; $_g1 = $this->files; while ($_g < $_g1->length) { $f = $_g1[$_g]; ++$_g; $_g2 = $f->deleteTemporaryFile(); switch ($_g2->index) { case 1: $e = _hx_deref($_g2)->params[0]; $ctx->messages->push(_hx_anonymous(array("msg" => $e, "pos" => _hx_anonymous(array("fileName" => "TmpFileUploadMiddleware.hx", "lineNumber" => 120, "className" => "ufront.web.upload.TmpFileUploadMiddleware", "methodName" => "responseOut")), "type" => ufront_log_MessageType::$MError))); break; default: break; } unset($_g2); unset($f); } } return ufront_core_SurpriseTools::success(); }
public function testNdjsonLoop() { $t = harness_Native::table(new _hx_array(array())); _hx_deref(new coopy_Ndjson($t))->parse("{\"a\":1,\"b\":2}\n{\"a\":11,\"b\":22}\r\n{\"a\":111,\"b\":222}\n"); $txt = _hx_deref(new coopy_Ndjson($t))->render(); $t2 = harness_Native::table(new _hx_array(array())); _hx_deref(new coopy_Ndjson($t2))->parse($txt); $ca = null; if (_hx_equal($t->getCell(0, 0), "a")) { $ca = 0; } else { $ca = 1; } $cb = 1 - $ca; $this->assertEquals("a", $t->getCell($ca, 0), _hx_anonymous(array("fileName" => "JsonTest.hx", "lineNumber" => 55, "className" => "harness.JsonTest", "methodName" => "testNdjsonLoop"))); $this->assertEquals("b", $t->getCell($cb, 0), _hx_anonymous(array("fileName" => "JsonTest.hx", "lineNumber" => 56, "className" => "harness.JsonTest", "methodName" => "testNdjsonLoop"))); $this->assertEquals(1, $t->getCell($ca, 1), _hx_anonymous(array("fileName" => "JsonTest.hx", "lineNumber" => 57, "className" => "harness.JsonTest", "methodName" => "testNdjsonLoop"))); $this->assertEquals(2, $t->getCell($cb, 1), _hx_anonymous(array("fileName" => "JsonTest.hx", "lineNumber" => 58, "className" => "harness.JsonTest", "methodName" => "testNdjsonLoop"))); $this->assertEquals(11, $t->getCell($ca, 2), _hx_anonymous(array("fileName" => "JsonTest.hx", "lineNumber" => 59, "className" => "harness.JsonTest", "methodName" => "testNdjsonLoop"))); $this->assertEquals(22, $t->getCell($cb, 2), _hx_anonymous(array("fileName" => "JsonTest.hx", "lineNumber" => 60, "className" => "harness.JsonTest", "methodName" => "testNdjsonLoop"))); $this->assertEquals(111, $t->getCell($ca, 3), _hx_anonymous(array("fileName" => "JsonTest.hx", "lineNumber" => 61, "className" => "harness.JsonTest", "methodName" => "testNdjsonLoop"))); $this->assertEquals(222, $t->getCell($cb, 3), _hx_anonymous(array("fileName" => "JsonTest.hx", "lineNumber" => 62, "className" => "harness.JsonTest", "methodName" => "testNdjsonLoop"))); }
public function key() { $reg = "^"; $chars = _hx_explode("", $this->str); $ch = ""; $inKey = false; $keyName = ""; $matchIndex = 0; $keys = new Hash(); while (($ch = $chars->shift()) !== null) { if ($ch == ":") { $matchIndex++; $keyName = ""; $inKey = true; } else { if ($inKey && _hx_deref(new EReg("[^a-z]", "i"))->match($ch)) { $inKey = false; $keys->set($keyName, $matchIndex); $reg .= "([a-zA-Z0-9]+)" . $this->escape($ch); } else { if ($inKey) { $keyName .= $ch; } else { $reg .= $this->escape($ch); } } } } if ($inKey) { $keys->set($keyName, $matchIndex); $reg .= "([a-zA-Z0-9]+)"; } $reg .= "\$"; haxe_Log::trace("(key) From pattern: " . $this->str . " we created expression: " . $reg . " and found these keys: " . $keys, _hx_anonymous(array("fileName" => "Route.hx", "lineNumber" => 144, "className" => "sinatra.RouteParser", "methodName" => "key"))); return new EReg($reg, ""); }
function ufront_web_Controller_2(&$_g, &$result, $outcome) { switch ($outcome->index) { case 0: $ar = _hx_deref($outcome)->params[0]; $_g->context->actionContext->actionResult = $ar; break; default: break; } }
static function map($outcome, $transform) { switch ($outcome->index) { case 0: $a = _hx_deref($outcome)->params[0]; return tink_core_Outcome::Success(call_user_func_array($transform, array($a))); break; case 1: $f = _hx_deref($outcome)->params[0]; return tink_core_Outcome::Failure($f); break; } }
public function buildCond($whereParam, $sob, $phValues, $first = null) { if ($first === null) { $first = true; } $sb = new StringBuf(); $where = _hx_explode(",", $whereParam); if ($where->length === 0) { return false; } $_g = 0; while ($_g < $where->length) { $w = $where[$_g]; ++$_g; $wData = _hx_string_call($w, "split", array("|")); $values = $wData->slice(2, null); $filter_tables = null; if (Util::any2bool($this->param) && $this->param->exists("filter_tables") && Util::any2bool($this->param->get("filter_tables"))) { $jt = $this->param->get("filter_tables"); $filter_tables = _hx_explode(",", $jt); unset($jt); } haxe_Log::trace(Std::string($wData) . ":" . _hx_string_or_null($this->joinTable) . ":" . Std::string($filter_tables), _hx_anonymous(array("fileName" => "Model.hx", "lineNumber" => 386, "className" => "Model", "methodName" => "buildCond"))); if (_hx_deref(new EReg("^pay_[a-zA-Z_]+\\.", ""))->match($wData[0]) && _hx_array_get(_hx_explode(".", $wData[0]), 0) !== $this->joinTable) { continue; } if ($first) { $sb->add(" WHERE "); } else { $sb->add(" AND "); } $first = false; $_g1 = strtoupper($wData[1]); switch ($_g1) { case "BETWEEN": if (!($values->length === 2) && Lambda::hforeach($values, array(new _hx_lambda(array(&$_g, &$_g1, &$filter_tables, &$first, &$phValues, &$sb, &$sob, &$values, &$w, &$wData, &$where, &$whereParam), "Model_13"), 'execute'))) { S::hexit("BETWEEN needs 2 values - got only:" . _hx_string_or_null($values->join(","))); } $sb->add($this->quoteField($wData[0])); $sb->add(" BETWEEN ? AND ?"); $phValues->push(new _hx_array(array($wData[0], $values[0]))); $phValues->push(new _hx_array(array($wData[0], $values[1]))); break; case "IN": $sb->add($this->quoteField($wData[0])); $sb->add(" IN("); $sb->add($values->map(array(new _hx_lambda(array(&$_g, &$_g1, &$filter_tables, &$first, &$phValues, &$sb, &$sob, &$values, &$w, &$wData, &$where, &$whereParam), "Model_14"), 'execute'))->join(",")); $sb->add(")"); break; case "LIKE": $sb->add($this->quoteField($wData[0])); $sb->add(" LIKE ?"); $phValues->push(new _hx_array(array($wData[0], $wData[2]))); break; default: $sb->add($this->quoteField($wData[0])); if (_hx_deref(new EReg("^(<|>)", ""))->match($wData[1])) { $eR = new EReg("^(<|>)", ""); $eR->match($wData[1]); $val = Std::parseFloat($eR->matchedRight()); $sb->add(_hx_string_or_null($eR->matched(0)) . "?"); $phValues->push(new _hx_array(array($wData[0], $val))); continue 2; } if ($wData[1] === "NULL") { $sb->add(" IS NULL"); } else { $sb->add(" = ?"); $phValues->push(new _hx_array(array($wData[0], $wData[1]))); } break; } unset($_g1); unset($wData, $w, $values, $filter_tables); } $sob->add($sb->b); return true; }
static function main() { _hx_deref(new zcale_sys_db_tests_DatabaseTest())->run(); }
static function snap($this1, $period) { $time = null; switch ($period->index) { case 0: $d = _hx_deref($period)->params[0]; $time = datetime_utils_DateTimeSnapUtils::snapYear($this1 - 62135596800.0 + 62135596800.0, $d); break; case 1: $d1 = _hx_deref($period)->params[0]; $time = datetime_utils_DateTimeSnapUtils::snapMonth($this1 - 62135596800.0 + 62135596800.0, $d1); break; case 2: $d2 = _hx_deref($period)->params[0]; $time = datetime_utils_DateTimeSnapUtils::snapDay($this1 - 62135596800.0 + 62135596800.0, $d2); break; case 3: $d3 = _hx_deref($period)->params[0]; $time = datetime_utils_DateTimeSnapUtils::snapHour($this1 - 62135596800.0 + 62135596800.0, $d3); break; case 4: $d4 = _hx_deref($period)->params[0]; $time = datetime_utils_DateTimeSnapUtils::snapMinute($this1 - 62135596800.0 + 62135596800.0, $d4); break; case 5: $d5 = _hx_deref($period)->params[0]; if ($d5 === 1) { $time = $this1 - 62135596800.0 + 1; } else { $time = $this1 - 62135596800.0; } break; case 6: $day = _hx_deref($period)->params[1]; $d6 = _hx_deref($period)->params[0]; $time = datetime_utils_DateTimeSnapUtils::snapWeek($this1 - 62135596800.0 + 62135596800.0, $d6, $day); break; } return $time + 62135596800.0; }
public function edit($param) { $entry_list_id = $param->get("entry_list_id"); $cF = $this->getCustomFields($entry_list_id); $cFields = $cF->map(array(new _hx_lambda(array(&$cF, &$entry_list_id, &$param), "model_QC_0"), 'execute')); haxe_Log::trace($cFields->join(","), _hx_anonymous(array("fileName" => "QC.hx", "lineNumber" => 38, "className" => "model.QC", "methodName" => "edit"))); $fieldDefault = new haxe_ds_StringMap(); $fieldNames = new haxe_ds_StringMap(); $fieldRequired = new haxe_ds_StringMap(); $typeMap = new haxe_ds_StringMap(); $optionsMap = new haxe_ds_StringMap(); $eF = $this->getEditorFields(null)->get("vicidial_list"); $_g = 0; while ($_g < $eF->length) { $f = $eF[$_g]; ++$_g; $fieldNames->set($f->get("field_label"), $f->get("field_name")); if ($f->get("field_options") !== null) { $optionsMap->set($f->get("field_label"), $f->get("field_options")); } $typeMap->set($f->get("field_label"), $f->get("field_type")); unset($f); } $_g1 = 0; $_g2 = $cFields->length; while ($_g1 < $_g2) { $f1 = $_g1++; $fieldNames->set($cFields[$f1], _hx_array_get($cF, $f1)->get("field_name")); if (_hx_array_get($cF, $f1)->get("field_options") !== null) { $optionsMap->set($cFields[$f1], _hx_array_get($cF, $f1)->get("field_options")); } $def = _hx_array_get($cF, $f1)->get("field_default"); if ($def === null) { } else { switch ($def) { case "NULL": case "": break; default: $fieldDefault->set($cFields[$f1], _hx_array_get($cF, $f1)->get("field_default")); break; } } if (_hx_array_get($cF, $f1)->get("field_required") === "Y") { $fieldRequired->set($cFields[$f1], true); } $typeMap->set($cFields[$f1], _hx_array_get($cF, $f1)->get("field_type")); unset($f1, $def); } $cFields->push("entry_date"); $param->set("fields", $cFields); $sb = new StringBuf(); $phValues = new _hx_array(array()); $this->data = _hx_anonymous(array("fieldDefault" => php_Lib::associativeArrayOfHash($fieldDefault), "fieldNames" => php_Lib::associativeArrayOfHash($fieldNames), "fieldRequired" => php_Lib::associativeArrayOfHash($fieldRequired), "rows" => $this->doSelectCustom($param, $sb, $phValues), "typeMap" => php_Lib::associativeArrayOfHash($typeMap), "optionsMap" => php_Lib::associativeArrayOfHash($optionsMap), "recordings" => $this->getRecordings(Std::parseInt($param->get("lead_id"))))); $userMap = new haxe_ds_StringMap(); $sb = new StringBuf(); $phValues = new _hx_array(array()); $p = new haxe_ds_StringMap(); $p->set("table", "vicidial_users"); $p->set("fields", "user,full_name"); $p->set("where", "user_group|AGENTS_A"); haxe_Log::trace(_hx_string_rec($this->num_rows, "") . ":" . Std::string($param->get("owner")), _hx_anonymous(array("fileName" => "QC.hx", "lineNumber" => 108, "className" => "model.QC", "methodName" => "edit"))); $this->data->userMap = _hx_deref(new model_Users(null))->get_info(null); return $this->json_encode(); }
public function testNestedOutputHtml() { $table1 = harness_Native::table($this->data1); $table2 = harness_Native::table($this->data2); $alignment = coopy_Coopy::compareTables($table1, $table2, null)->align(); $table_diff1 = harness_Native::table(new _hx_array(array())); $table_diff2 = harness_Native::table(new _hx_array(array())); $flags = new coopy_CompareFlags(); $highlighter1 = new coopy_TableDiff($alignment, $flags); $highlighter1->hilite($table_diff1); $flags->allow_nested_cells = true; $highlighter2 = new coopy_TableDiff($alignment, $flags); $highlighter2->hilite($table_diff2); $render1 = _hx_deref(new coopy_DiffRender())->render($table_diff1)->html(); $render2 = _hx_deref(new coopy_DiffRender())->render($table_diff2)->html(); $this->assertEquals($render1, $render2, _hx_anonymous(array("fileName" => "BasicTest.hx", "lineNumber" => 117, "className" => "harness.BasicTest", "methodName" => "testNestedOutputHtml"))); }
function ufront_app_HttpApplication_22(&$_g, &$ctx, &$done, &$e, &$flag, &$m, &$moduleCb, &$moduleResult, &$modules, &$runNext, &$runNext1, $result2) { switch ($result2->index) { case 0: call_user_func($runNext1); break; case 1: $e1 = _hx_deref($result2)->params[0]; $_g->handleError($e1, $ctx, $done); break; } }
public function createImage($mml, $param, &$output) { $output = $output; if ($mml === null) { throw new HException("Missing parameter 'mml'."); } $digest = $this->computeDigest($mml, $param); $contextPath = $this->plugin->getConfiguration()->getProperty(com_wiris_plugin_api_ConfigurationKeys::$CONTEXT_PATH, "/"); $showImagePath = $this->plugin->getConfiguration()->getProperty(com_wiris_plugin_api_ConfigurationKeys::$SHOWIMAGE_PATH, null); $saveMode = $this->plugin->getConfiguration()->getProperty(com_wiris_plugin_api_ConfigurationKeys::$SAVE_MODE, "xml"); $s = ""; if ($param !== null && com_wiris_system_PropertiesTools::getProperty($param, "metrics", "false") === "true") { $s = $this->getMetrics($digest, $output); } $a = ""; if ($param !== null && com_wiris_system_PropertiesTools::getProperty($param, "accessible", "false") === "true") { $lang = com_wiris_system_PropertiesTools::getProperty($param, "lang", "en"); $text = $this->safeMath2Accessible($mml, $lang, $param); if ($output === null) { $a = "&text=" . rawurlencode($text); } else { $output["alt"] = $text; } } $rparam = ""; if ($param !== null && com_wiris_system_PropertiesTools::getProperty($param, "refererquery", null) !== null) { $refererquery = com_wiris_system_PropertiesTools::getProperty($param, "refererquery", null); $rparam = "&refererquery=" . $refererquery; } if ($param !== null && com_wiris_system_PropertiesTools::getProperty($param, "base64", null) !== null || $saveMode === "base64") { $bs = $this->showImage($digest, null, $param); $by = haxe_io_Bytes::ofData($bs); $b64 = _hx_deref(new com_wiris_system_Base64())->encodeBytes($by); return "data:image/png;base64," . $b64->toString(); } else { return com_wiris_plugin_impl_RenderImpl::concatPath($contextPath, $showImagePath) . rawurlencode($digest) . $s . $a . $rparam; } }
public function generate_links($config) { $router_params = _hx_deref(system_base_Paginator_1($this, $config))->params; $option_value = null; $uri_segment = 2; $full_tag_open = ""; $full_tag_close = ""; $first_link = "<<"; $first_tag_open = ""; $first_tag_close = ""; $first_link_id = "first_paginated_link"; $last_link = ">>"; $last_tag_open = ""; $last_tag_close = ""; $last_link_id = "last_paginated_link"; $next_link = ">"; $next_tag_open = ""; $next_tag_close = ""; $next_link_id = "next_paginated_link"; $prev_link = "<"; $prev_tag_open = ""; $prev_tag_close = ""; $prev_link_id = "prev_paginated_link"; $elipses = "..."; $separator = "-"; $number_class = ""; $cur_tag_open = ""; $cur_tag_close = ""; $num_tag_open = ""; $num_tag_close = ""; $link_class = ""; $nolink_class = ""; $sideband_width = 5; $sband = null; $hints = true; $options = Reflect::fields($config); $urls = new StringBuf(); $_g = 0; while ($_g < $options->length) { $option_name = $options[$_g]; ++$_g; $option_value = Reflect::field($config, $option_name); switch ($option_name) { case "this.base_url": $this->base_url = system_base_Paginator_2($this, $_g, $config, $cur_tag_close, $cur_tag_open, $elipses, $first_link, $first_link_id, $first_tag_close, $first_tag_open, $full_tag_close, $full_tag_open, $hints, $last_link, $last_link_id, $last_tag_close, $last_tag_open, $link_class, $next_link, $next_link_id, $next_tag_close, $next_tag_open, $nolink_class, $num_tag_close, $num_tag_open, $number_class, $option_name, $option_value, $options, $prev_link, $prev_link_id, $prev_tag_close, $prev_tag_open, $router_params, $sband, $separator, $sideband_width, $uri_segment, $urls); break; case "uri_segment": $uri_segment = system_base_Paginator_3($this, $_g, $config, $cur_tag_close, $cur_tag_open, $elipses, $first_link, $first_link_id, $first_tag_close, $first_tag_open, $full_tag_close, $full_tag_open, $hints, $last_link, $last_link_id, $last_tag_close, $last_tag_open, $link_class, $next_link, $next_link_id, $next_tag_close, $next_tag_open, $nolink_class, $num_tag_close, $num_tag_open, $number_class, $option_name, $option_value, $options, $prev_link, $prev_link_id, $prev_tag_close, $prev_tag_open, $router_params, $sband, $separator, $sideband_width, $uri_segment, $urls); break; case "sideband_width": $sideband_width = system_base_Paginator_4($this, $_g, $config, $cur_tag_close, $cur_tag_open, $elipses, $first_link, $first_link_id, $first_tag_close, $first_tag_open, $full_tag_close, $full_tag_open, $hints, $last_link, $last_link_id, $last_tag_close, $last_tag_open, $link_class, $next_link, $next_link_id, $next_tag_close, $next_tag_open, $nolink_class, $num_tag_close, $num_tag_open, $number_class, $option_name, $option_value, $options, $prev_link, $prev_link_id, $prev_tag_close, $prev_tag_open, $router_params, $sband, $separator, $sideband_width, $uri_segment, $urls); break; case "separator": $separator = system_base_Paginator_5($this, $_g, $config, $cur_tag_close, $cur_tag_open, $elipses, $first_link, $first_link_id, $first_tag_close, $first_tag_open, $full_tag_close, $full_tag_open, $hints, $last_link, $last_link_id, $last_tag_close, $last_tag_open, $link_class, $next_link, $next_link_id, $next_tag_close, $next_tag_open, $nolink_class, $num_tag_close, $num_tag_open, $number_class, $option_name, $option_value, $options, $prev_link, $prev_link_id, $prev_tag_close, $prev_tag_open, $router_params, $sband, $separator, $sideband_width, $uri_segment, $urls); break; case "full_tag_open": $full_tag_open = system_base_Paginator_6($this, $_g, $config, $cur_tag_close, $cur_tag_open, $elipses, $first_link, $first_link_id, $first_tag_close, $first_tag_open, $full_tag_close, $full_tag_open, $hints, $last_link, $last_link_id, $last_tag_close, $last_tag_open, $link_class, $next_link, $next_link_id, $next_tag_close, $next_tag_open, $nolink_class, $num_tag_close, $num_tag_open, $number_class, $option_name, $option_value, $options, $prev_link, $prev_link_id, $prev_tag_close, $prev_tag_open, $router_params, $sband, $separator, $sideband_width, $uri_segment, $urls); break; case "full_tag_close": $full_tag_close = system_base_Paginator_7($this, $_g, $config, $cur_tag_close, $cur_tag_open, $elipses, $first_link, $first_link_id, $first_tag_close, $first_tag_open, $full_tag_close, $full_tag_open, $hints, $last_link, $last_link_id, $last_tag_close, $last_tag_open, $link_class, $next_link, $next_link_id, $next_tag_close, $next_tag_open, $nolink_class, $num_tag_close, $num_tag_open, $number_class, $option_name, $option_value, $options, $prev_link, $prev_link_id, $prev_tag_close, $prev_tag_open, $router_params, $sband, $separator, $sideband_width, $uri_segment, $urls); break; case "first_link": $first_link = system_base_Paginator_8($this, $_g, $config, $cur_tag_close, $cur_tag_open, $elipses, $first_link, $first_link_id, $first_tag_close, $first_tag_open, $full_tag_close, $full_tag_open, $hints, $last_link, $last_link_id, $last_tag_close, $last_tag_open, $link_class, $next_link, $next_link_id, $next_tag_close, $next_tag_open, $nolink_class, $num_tag_close, $num_tag_open, $number_class, $option_name, $option_value, $options, $prev_link, $prev_link_id, $prev_tag_close, $prev_tag_open, $router_params, $sband, $separator, $sideband_width, $uri_segment, $urls); break; case "first_tag_open": $first_tag_open = system_base_Paginator_9($this, $_g, $config, $cur_tag_close, $cur_tag_open, $elipses, $first_link, $first_link_id, $first_tag_close, $first_tag_open, $full_tag_close, $full_tag_open, $hints, $last_link, $last_link_id, $last_tag_close, $last_tag_open, $link_class, $next_link, $next_link_id, $next_tag_close, $next_tag_open, $nolink_class, $num_tag_close, $num_tag_open, $number_class, $option_name, $option_value, $options, $prev_link, $prev_link_id, $prev_tag_close, $prev_tag_open, $router_params, $sband, $separator, $sideband_width, $uri_segment, $urls); break; case "first_tag_close": $first_tag_close = system_base_Paginator_10($this, $_g, $config, $cur_tag_close, $cur_tag_open, $elipses, $first_link, $first_link_id, $first_tag_close, $first_tag_open, $full_tag_close, $full_tag_open, $hints, $last_link, $last_link_id, $last_tag_close, $last_tag_open, $link_class, $next_link, $next_link_id, $next_tag_close, $next_tag_open, $nolink_class, $num_tag_close, $num_tag_open, $number_class, $option_name, $option_value, $options, $prev_link, $prev_link_id, $prev_tag_close, $prev_tag_open, $router_params, $sband, $separator, $sideband_width, $uri_segment, $urls); break; case "first_link_id": $first_link_id = system_base_Paginator_11($this, $_g, $config, $cur_tag_close, $cur_tag_open, $elipses, $first_link, $first_link_id, $first_tag_close, $first_tag_open, $full_tag_close, $full_tag_open, $hints, $last_link, $last_link_id, $last_tag_close, $last_tag_open, $link_class, $next_link, $next_link_id, $next_tag_close, $next_tag_open, $nolink_class, $num_tag_close, $num_tag_open, $number_class, $option_name, $option_value, $options, $prev_link, $prev_link_id, $prev_tag_close, $prev_tag_open, $router_params, $sband, $separator, $sideband_width, $uri_segment, $urls); break; case "last_link": $last_link = system_base_Paginator_12($this, $_g, $config, $cur_tag_close, $cur_tag_open, $elipses, $first_link, $first_link_id, $first_tag_close, $first_tag_open, $full_tag_close, $full_tag_open, $hints, $last_link, $last_link_id, $last_tag_close, $last_tag_open, $link_class, $next_link, $next_link_id, $next_tag_close, $next_tag_open, $nolink_class, $num_tag_close, $num_tag_open, $number_class, $option_name, $option_value, $options, $prev_link, $prev_link_id, $prev_tag_close, $prev_tag_open, $router_params, $sband, $separator, $sideband_width, $uri_segment, $urls); break; case "last_tag_open": $last_tag_open = system_base_Paginator_13($this, $_g, $config, $cur_tag_close, $cur_tag_open, $elipses, $first_link, $first_link_id, $first_tag_close, $first_tag_open, $full_tag_close, $full_tag_open, $hints, $last_link, $last_link_id, $last_tag_close, $last_tag_open, $link_class, $next_link, $next_link_id, $next_tag_close, $next_tag_open, $nolink_class, $num_tag_close, $num_tag_open, $number_class, $option_name, $option_value, $options, $prev_link, $prev_link_id, $prev_tag_close, $prev_tag_open, $router_params, $sband, $separator, $sideband_width, $uri_segment, $urls); break; case "last_tag_close": $last_tag_close = system_base_Paginator_14($this, $_g, $config, $cur_tag_close, $cur_tag_open, $elipses, $first_link, $first_link_id, $first_tag_close, $first_tag_open, $full_tag_close, $full_tag_open, $hints, $last_link, $last_link_id, $last_tag_close, $last_tag_open, $link_class, $next_link, $next_link_id, $next_tag_close, $next_tag_open, $nolink_class, $num_tag_close, $num_tag_open, $number_class, $option_name, $option_value, $options, $prev_link, $prev_link_id, $prev_tag_close, $prev_tag_open, $router_params, $sband, $separator, $sideband_width, $uri_segment, $urls); break; case "last_link_id": $last_link_id = system_base_Paginator_15($this, $_g, $config, $cur_tag_close, $cur_tag_open, $elipses, $first_link, $first_link_id, $first_tag_close, $first_tag_open, $full_tag_close, $full_tag_open, $hints, $last_link, $last_link_id, $last_tag_close, $last_tag_open, $link_class, $next_link, $next_link_id, $next_tag_close, $next_tag_open, $nolink_class, $num_tag_close, $num_tag_open, $number_class, $option_name, $option_value, $options, $prev_link, $prev_link_id, $prev_tag_close, $prev_tag_open, $router_params, $sband, $separator, $sideband_width, $uri_segment, $urls); break; case "next_link": $next_link = system_base_Paginator_16($this, $_g, $config, $cur_tag_close, $cur_tag_open, $elipses, $first_link, $first_link_id, $first_tag_close, $first_tag_open, $full_tag_close, $full_tag_open, $hints, $last_link, $last_link_id, $last_tag_close, $last_tag_open, $link_class, $next_link, $next_link_id, $next_tag_close, $next_tag_open, $nolink_class, $num_tag_close, $num_tag_open, $number_class, $option_name, $option_value, $options, $prev_link, $prev_link_id, $prev_tag_close, $prev_tag_open, $router_params, $sband, $separator, $sideband_width, $uri_segment, $urls); break; case "next_tag_open": $full_tag_open = system_base_Paginator_17($this, $_g, $config, $cur_tag_close, $cur_tag_open, $elipses, $first_link, $first_link_id, $first_tag_close, $first_tag_open, $full_tag_close, $full_tag_open, $hints, $last_link, $last_link_id, $last_tag_close, $last_tag_open, $link_class, $next_link, $next_link_id, $next_tag_close, $next_tag_open, $nolink_class, $num_tag_close, $num_tag_open, $number_class, $option_name, $option_value, $options, $prev_link, $prev_link_id, $prev_tag_close, $prev_tag_open, $router_params, $sband, $separator, $sideband_width, $uri_segment, $urls); break; case "next_tag_close": $next_tag_close = system_base_Paginator_18($this, $_g, $config, $cur_tag_close, $cur_tag_open, $elipses, $first_link, $first_link_id, $first_tag_close, $first_tag_open, $full_tag_close, $full_tag_open, $hints, $last_link, $last_link_id, $last_tag_close, $last_tag_open, $link_class, $next_link, $next_link_id, $next_tag_close, $next_tag_open, $nolink_class, $num_tag_close, $num_tag_open, $number_class, $option_name, $option_value, $options, $prev_link, $prev_link_id, $prev_tag_close, $prev_tag_open, $router_params, $sband, $separator, $sideband_width, $uri_segment, $urls); break; case "prev_link": $prev_link = system_base_Paginator_19($this, $_g, $config, $cur_tag_close, $cur_tag_open, $elipses, $first_link, $first_link_id, $first_tag_close, $first_tag_open, $full_tag_close, $full_tag_open, $hints, $last_link, $last_link_id, $last_tag_close, $last_tag_open, $link_class, $next_link, $next_link_id, $next_tag_close, $next_tag_open, $nolink_class, $num_tag_close, $num_tag_open, $number_class, $option_name, $option_value, $options, $prev_link, $prev_link_id, $prev_tag_close, $prev_tag_open, $router_params, $sband, $separator, $sideband_width, $uri_segment, $urls); break; case "prev_tag_open": $prev_tag_open = system_base_Paginator_20($this, $_g, $config, $cur_tag_close, $cur_tag_open, $elipses, $first_link, $first_link_id, $first_tag_close, $first_tag_open, $full_tag_close, $full_tag_open, $hints, $last_link, $last_link_id, $last_tag_close, $last_tag_open, $link_class, $next_link, $next_link_id, $next_tag_close, $next_tag_open, $nolink_class, $num_tag_close, $num_tag_open, $number_class, $option_name, $option_value, $options, $prev_link, $prev_link_id, $prev_tag_close, $prev_tag_open, $router_params, $sband, $separator, $sideband_width, $uri_segment, $urls); break; case "prev_tag_close": $prev_tag_close = system_base_Paginator_21($this, $_g, $config, $cur_tag_close, $cur_tag_open, $elipses, $first_link, $first_link_id, $first_tag_close, $first_tag_open, $full_tag_close, $full_tag_open, $hints, $last_link, $last_link_id, $last_tag_close, $last_tag_open, $link_class, $next_link, $next_link_id, $next_tag_close, $next_tag_open, $nolink_class, $num_tag_close, $num_tag_open, $number_class, $option_name, $option_value, $options, $prev_link, $prev_link_id, $prev_tag_close, $prev_tag_open, $router_params, $sband, $separator, $sideband_width, $uri_segment, $urls); break; case "prev_link_id": $prev_link_id = system_base_Paginator_22($this, $_g, $config, $cur_tag_close, $cur_tag_open, $elipses, $first_link, $first_link_id, $first_tag_close, $first_tag_open, $full_tag_close, $full_tag_open, $hints, $last_link, $last_link_id, $last_tag_close, $last_tag_open, $link_class, $next_link, $next_link_id, $next_tag_close, $next_tag_open, $nolink_class, $num_tag_close, $num_tag_open, $number_class, $option_name, $option_value, $options, $prev_link, $prev_link_id, $prev_tag_close, $prev_tag_open, $router_params, $sband, $separator, $sideband_width, $uri_segment, $urls); break; case "cur_tag_open": $cur_tag_open = system_base_Paginator_23($this, $_g, $config, $cur_tag_close, $cur_tag_open, $elipses, $first_link, $first_link_id, $first_tag_close, $first_tag_open, $full_tag_close, $full_tag_open, $hints, $last_link, $last_link_id, $last_tag_close, $last_tag_open, $link_class, $next_link, $next_link_id, $next_tag_close, $next_tag_open, $nolink_class, $num_tag_close, $num_tag_open, $number_class, $option_name, $option_value, $options, $prev_link, $prev_link_id, $prev_tag_close, $prev_tag_open, $router_params, $sband, $separator, $sideband_width, $uri_segment, $urls); break; case "cur_tag_close": $cur_tag_close = system_base_Paginator_24($this, $_g, $config, $cur_tag_close, $cur_tag_open, $elipses, $first_link, $first_link_id, $first_tag_close, $first_tag_open, $full_tag_close, $full_tag_open, $hints, $last_link, $last_link_id, $last_tag_close, $last_tag_open, $link_class, $next_link, $next_link_id, $next_tag_close, $next_tag_open, $nolink_class, $num_tag_close, $num_tag_open, $number_class, $option_name, $option_value, $options, $prev_link, $prev_link_id, $prev_tag_close, $prev_tag_open, $router_params, $sband, $separator, $sideband_width, $uri_segment, $urls); break; case "num_tag_open": $num_tag_open = system_base_Paginator_25($this, $_g, $config, $cur_tag_close, $cur_tag_open, $elipses, $first_link, $first_link_id, $first_tag_close, $first_tag_open, $full_tag_close, $full_tag_open, $hints, $last_link, $last_link_id, $last_tag_close, $last_tag_open, $link_class, $next_link, $next_link_id, $next_tag_close, $next_tag_open, $nolink_class, $num_tag_close, $num_tag_open, $number_class, $option_name, $option_value, $options, $prev_link, $prev_link_id, $prev_tag_close, $prev_tag_open, $router_params, $sband, $separator, $sideband_width, $uri_segment, $urls); break; case "num_tag_close": $num_tag_close = system_base_Paginator_26($this, $_g, $config, $cur_tag_close, $cur_tag_open, $elipses, $first_link, $first_link_id, $first_tag_close, $first_tag_open, $full_tag_close, $full_tag_open, $hints, $last_link, $last_link_id, $last_tag_close, $last_tag_open, $link_class, $next_link, $next_link_id, $next_tag_close, $next_tag_open, $nolink_class, $num_tag_close, $num_tag_open, $number_class, $option_name, $option_value, $options, $prev_link, $prev_link_id, $prev_tag_close, $prev_tag_open, $router_params, $sband, $separator, $sideband_width, $uri_segment, $urls); break; case "elipses": $elipses = system_base_Paginator_27($this, $_g, $config, $cur_tag_close, $cur_tag_open, $elipses, $first_link, $first_link_id, $first_tag_close, $first_tag_open, $full_tag_close, $full_tag_open, $hints, $last_link, $last_link_id, $last_tag_close, $last_tag_open, $link_class, $next_link, $next_link_id, $next_tag_close, $next_tag_open, $nolink_class, $num_tag_close, $num_tag_open, $number_class, $option_name, $option_value, $options, $prev_link, $prev_link_id, $prev_tag_close, $prev_tag_open, $router_params, $sband, $separator, $sideband_width, $uri_segment, $urls); break; case "link_class": $link_class = system_base_Paginator_28($this, $_g, $config, $cur_tag_close, $cur_tag_open, $elipses, $first_link, $first_link_id, $first_tag_close, $first_tag_open, $full_tag_close, $full_tag_open, $hints, $last_link, $last_link_id, $last_tag_close, $last_tag_open, $link_class, $next_link, $next_link_id, $next_tag_close, $next_tag_open, $nolink_class, $num_tag_close, $num_tag_open, $number_class, $option_name, $option_value, $options, $prev_link, $prev_link_id, $prev_tag_close, $prev_tag_open, $router_params, $sband, $separator, $sideband_width, $uri_segment, $urls); break; case "nolink_class": $nolink_class = system_base_Paginator_29($this, $_g, $config, $cur_tag_close, $cur_tag_open, $elipses, $first_link, $first_link_id, $first_tag_close, $first_tag_open, $full_tag_close, $full_tag_open, $hints, $last_link, $last_link_id, $last_tag_close, $last_tag_open, $link_class, $next_link, $next_link_id, $next_tag_close, $next_tag_open, $nolink_class, $num_tag_close, $num_tag_open, $number_class, $option_name, $option_value, $options, $prev_link, $prev_link_id, $prev_tag_close, $prev_tag_open, $router_params, $sband, $separator, $sideband_width, $uri_segment, $urls); break; } unset($option_name); } $current_page = system_base_Paginator_30($this, $config, $cur_tag_close, $cur_tag_open, $elipses, $first_link, $first_link_id, $first_tag_close, $first_tag_open, $full_tag_close, $full_tag_open, $hints, $last_link, $last_link_id, $last_tag_close, $last_tag_open, $link_class, $next_link, $next_link_id, $next_tag_close, $next_tag_open, $nolink_class, $num_tag_close, $num_tag_open, $number_class, $option_value, $options, $prev_link, $prev_link_id, $prev_tag_close, $prev_tag_open, $router_params, $sband, $separator, $sideband_width, $uri_segment, $urls); if ($current_page < 1) { $current_page = 1; } if ($current_page > $this->total_pages) { $current_page = $this->total_pages; } $urls->b .= $full_tag_open; $attribs = new system_base_Attributes(null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null); $attribs->set_id($first_link_id); $attribs->set_iclass($link_class); if ($current_page > 1) { $attribs->set_id($first_link_id); $urls->b .= $first_tag_open; $urls->b .= "<a href=\"" . Std::string($this->base_url . "1") . "\"" . $attribs->insert_attributes() . ">" . $first_link . "</a>"; $urls->b .= $first_tag_close; $urls->b .= $separator; $attribs->set_id($prev_link_id); $urls->b .= $prev_tag_open; $urls->b .= "<a href=\"" . Std::string($this->base_url . Std::string($current_page - 1)) . "\"" . $attribs->insert_attributes() . ">" . $prev_link . "</a>"; $urls->b .= $prev_tag_close; } $sband = system_base_Paginator_31($this, $attribs, $config, $cur_tag_close, $cur_tag_open, $current_page, $elipses, $first_link, $first_link_id, $first_tag_close, $first_tag_open, $full_tag_close, $full_tag_open, $hints, $last_link, $last_link_id, $last_tag_close, $last_tag_open, $link_class, $next_link, $next_link_id, $next_tag_close, $next_tag_open, $nolink_class, $num_tag_close, $num_tag_open, $number_class, $option_value, $options, $prev_link, $prev_link_id, $prev_tag_close, $prev_tag_open, $router_params, $sband, $separator, $sideband_width, $uri_segment, $urls); $urls->b .= system_base_Paginator_32($this, $attribs, $config, $cur_tag_close, $cur_tag_open, $current_page, $elipses, $first_link, $first_link_id, $first_tag_close, $first_tag_open, $full_tag_close, $full_tag_open, $hints, $last_link, $last_link_id, $last_tag_close, $last_tag_open, $link_class, $next_link, $next_link_id, $next_tag_close, $next_tag_open, $nolink_class, $num_tag_close, $num_tag_open, $number_class, $option_value, $options, $prev_link, $prev_link_id, $prev_tag_close, $prev_tag_open, $router_params, $sband, $separator, $sideband_width, $uri_segment, $urls); $attribs->set_id(null); $_g = $sband; while ($_g < $current_page) { $i = $_g++; $attribs->set_title(system_base_Paginator_33($this, $_g, $attribs, $config, $cur_tag_close, $cur_tag_open, $current_page, $elipses, $first_link, $first_link_id, $first_tag_close, $first_tag_open, $full_tag_close, $full_tag_open, $hints, $i, $last_link, $last_link_id, $last_tag_close, $last_tag_open, $link_class, $next_link, $next_link_id, $next_tag_close, $next_tag_open, $nolink_class, $num_tag_close, $num_tag_open, $number_class, $option_value, $options, $prev_link, $prev_link_id, $prev_tag_close, $prev_tag_open, $router_params, $sband, $separator, $sideband_width, $uri_segment, $urls)); $urls->b .= $num_tag_open; $urls->b .= "<a href=\"" . Std::string($this->base_url . Std::string($i)) . "\"" . $attribs->insert_attributes() . ">" . Std::string($i) . "</a>"; $urls->b .= $num_tag_close; $urls->b .= $separator; unset($i); } $urls->b .= $cur_tag_open; $urls->b .= "<span class=\"" . $nolink_class . "\">" . Std::string($current_page) . "</span>"; $urls->b .= $cur_tag_close; $sband = system_base_Paginator_34($this, $attribs, $config, $cur_tag_close, $cur_tag_open, $current_page, $elipses, $first_link, $first_link_id, $first_tag_close, $first_tag_open, $full_tag_close, $full_tag_open, $hints, $last_link, $last_link_id, $last_tag_close, $last_tag_open, $link_class, $next_link, $next_link_id, $next_tag_close, $next_tag_open, $nolink_class, $num_tag_close, $num_tag_open, $number_class, $option_value, $options, $prev_link, $prev_link_id, $prev_tag_close, $prev_tag_open, $router_params, $sband, $separator, $sideband_width, $uri_segment, $urls); $_g = $current_page + 1; while ($_g < $sband) { $i = $_g++; $attribs->set_title(system_base_Paginator_35($this, $_g, $attribs, $config, $cur_tag_close, $cur_tag_open, $current_page, $elipses, $first_link, $first_link_id, $first_tag_close, $first_tag_open, $full_tag_close, $full_tag_open, $hints, $i, $last_link, $last_link_id, $last_tag_close, $last_tag_open, $link_class, $next_link, $next_link_id, $next_tag_close, $next_tag_open, $nolink_class, $num_tag_close, $num_tag_open, $number_class, $option_value, $options, $prev_link, $prev_link_id, $prev_tag_close, $prev_tag_open, $router_params, $sband, $separator, $sideband_width, $uri_segment, $urls)); $urls->b .= $separator; $urls->b .= $num_tag_open; $urls->b .= "<a href=\"" . Std::string($this->base_url . Std::string($i)) . "\"" . $attribs->insert_attributes() . ">" . Std::string($i) . "</a>"; $urls->b .= $num_tag_close; unset($i); } $urls->b .= system_base_Paginator_36($this, $attribs, $config, $cur_tag_close, $cur_tag_open, $current_page, $elipses, $first_link, $first_link_id, $first_tag_close, $first_tag_open, $full_tag_close, $full_tag_open, $hints, $last_link, $last_link_id, $last_tag_close, $last_tag_open, $link_class, $next_link, $next_link_id, $next_tag_close, $next_tag_open, $nolink_class, $num_tag_close, $num_tag_open, $number_class, $option_value, $options, $prev_link, $prev_link_id, $prev_tag_close, $prev_tag_open, $router_params, $sband, $separator, $sideband_width, $uri_segment, $urls); $urls->b .= $last_tag_open; if ($current_page < $this->total_pages) { $attribs->set_id($next_link_id); $attribs->set_title(null); $urls->b .= $next_tag_open; $urls->b .= "<a href=\"" . Std::string($this->base_url . Std::string($current_page + 1)) . "\"" . $attribs->insert_attributes() . ">" . $next_link . "</a>"; $urls->b .= $next_tag_close; $urls->b .= $separator; $attribs->set_id($last_link_id); $urls->b .= $last_tag_open; $urls->b .= "<a href=\"" . Std::string($this->base_url . Std::string($this->total_pages)) . "\"" . $attribs->insert_attributes() . ">" . $last_link . "</a>"; $urls->b .= $last_tag_close; } $urls->b .= $last_tag_close; $urls->b .= $full_tag_close; $this->current_links = $urls->b; return $this->current_links; }
public function run($e) { switch ($e->index) { case 0: $v = _hx_deref($e)->params[0]; $this->buf->add(Std::string($this->resolve($v))); break; case 1: $e1 = _hx_deref($e)->params[0]; $this->buf->add(Std::string(call_user_func($e1))); break; case 2: $eelse = _hx_deref($e)->params[2]; $eif = _hx_deref($e)->params[1]; $e2 = _hx_deref($e)->params[0]; $v1 = call_user_func($e2); if ($v1 === null || _hx_equal($v1, false)) { if ($eelse !== null) { $this->run($eelse); } } else { $this->run($eif); } break; case 3: $str = _hx_deref($e)->params[0]; $this->buf->add($str); break; case 4: $l = _hx_deref($e)->params[0]; if (null == $l) { throw new HException('null iterable'); } $__hx__it = $l->iterator(); while ($__hx__it->hasNext()) { unset($e3); $e3 = $__hx__it->next(); $this->run($e3); } break; case 5: $loop = _hx_deref($e)->params[1]; $e4 = _hx_deref($e)->params[0]; $v2 = call_user_func($e4); try { $x = $v2->iterator(); if (_hx_field($x, "hasNext") === null) { throw new HException(null); } $v2 = $x; } catch (Exception $__hx__e) { $_ex_ = $__hx__e instanceof HException ? $__hx__e->e : $__hx__e; $e5 = $_ex_; try { if (_hx_field($v2, "hasNext") === null) { throw new HException(null); } } catch (Exception $__hx__e) { $_ex_ = $__hx__e instanceof HException ? $__hx__e->e : $__hx__e; $e6 = $_ex_; throw new HException("Cannot iter on " . Std::string($v2)); } } $this->stack->push($this->context); $v3 = $v2; $__hx__it = $v3; while ($__hx__it->hasNext()) { unset($ctx); $ctx = $__hx__it->next(); $this->context = $ctx; $this->run($loop); } $this->context = $this->stack->pop(); break; case 6: $params = _hx_deref($e)->params[1]; $m = _hx_deref($e)->params[0]; $v4 = Reflect::field($this->macros, $m); $pl = new _hx_array(array()); $old = $this->buf; $pl->push(isset($this->resolve) ? $this->resolve : array($this, "resolve")); if (null == $params) { throw new HException('null iterable'); } $__hx__it = $params->iterator(); while ($__hx__it->hasNext()) { unset($p); $p = $__hx__it->next(); switch ($p->index) { case 0: $v5 = _hx_deref($p)->params[0]; $pl->push($this->resolve($v5)); break; default: $this->buf = new StringBuf(); $this->run($p); $pl->push($this->buf->b); break; } } $this->buf = $old; try { $this->buf->add(Std::string(Reflect::callMethod($this->macros, $v4, $pl))); } catch (Exception $__hx__e) { $_ex_ = $__hx__e instanceof HException ? $__hx__e->e : $__hx__e; $e7 = $_ex_; $plstr = null; try { $plstr = $pl->join(","); } catch (Exception $__hx__e) { $_ex_ = $__hx__e instanceof HException ? $__hx__e->e : $__hx__e; $e8 = $_ex_; $plstr = "???"; } $msg = "Macro call " . _hx_string_or_null($m) . "(" . _hx_string_or_null($plstr) . ") failed (" . Std::string($e7) . ")"; throw new HException($msg); } break; } }
public function write($k, $v) { if ($this->replacer !== null) { $v = $this->replacer($k, $v); } $_g = Type::typeof($v); switch ($_g->index) { case 8: $this->buf->add("\"???\""); break; case 4: $this->fieldsString($v, Reflect::fields($v)); break; case 1: $v1 = $v; $this->buf->add($v1); break; case 2: $v2 = null; if (Math::isFinite($v)) { $v2 = $v; } else { $v2 = "null"; } $this->buf->add($v2); break; case 5: $this->buf->add("\"<fun>\""); break; case 6: $c = _hx_deref($_g)->params[0]; if (is_object($_t = $c) && !$_t instanceof Enum ? $_t === _hx_qtype("String") : $_t == _hx_qtype("String")) { $this->quote($v); } else { if (is_object($_t2 = $c) && !$_t2 instanceof Enum ? $_t2 === _hx_qtype("Array") : $_t2 == _hx_qtype("Array")) { $v3 = $v; $this->buf->b .= "["; $len = $v3->length; $last = $len - 1; $_g1 = 0; while ($_g1 < $len) { $i = $_g1++; if ($i > 0) { $this->buf->b .= ","; } else { $this->nind++; } if ($this->pretty) { $this->buf->b .= "\n"; } if ($this->pretty) { $v4 = null; $c1 = $this->indent; $l = $this->nind * strlen($this->indent); if (strlen($c1) === 0 || strlen("") >= $l) { $v4 = ""; } else { $v4 = str_pad("", Math::ceil(($l - strlen("")) / strlen($c1)) * strlen($c1) + strlen(""), $c1, STR_PAD_LEFT); } unset($l, $c1); $this->buf->add($v4); unset($v4); } $this->write($i, $v3[$i]); if ($i === $last) { $this->nind--; if ($this->pretty) { $this->buf->b .= "\n"; } if ($this->pretty) { $v5 = null; $c2 = $this->indent; $l1 = $this->nind * strlen($this->indent); if (strlen($c2) === 0 || strlen("") >= $l1) { $v5 = ""; } else { $v5 = str_pad("", Math::ceil(($l1 - strlen("")) / strlen($c2)) * strlen($c2) + strlen(""), $c2, STR_PAD_LEFT); } unset($l1, $c2); $this->buf->add($v5); unset($v5); } } unset($i); } $this->buf->b .= "]"; } else { if (is_object($_t3 = $c) && !$_t3 instanceof Enum ? $_t3 === _hx_qtype("haxe.ds.StringMap") : $_t3 == _hx_qtype("haxe.ds.StringMap")) { $v6 = $v; $o = _hx_anonymous(array()); if (null == $v6) { throw new HException('null iterable'); } $__hx__it = $v6->keys(); while ($__hx__it->hasNext()) { unset($k1); $k1 = $__hx__it->next(); $value = $v6->get($k1); $o->{$k1} = $value; unset($value); } $this->fieldsString($o, Reflect::fields($o)); } else { if (is_object($_t4 = $c) && !$_t4 instanceof Enum ? $_t4 === _hx_qtype("Date") : $_t4 == _hx_qtype("Date")) { $v7 = $v; $this->quote($v7->toString()); } else { $this->fieldsString($v, Reflect::fields($v)); } } } } break; case 7: $i1 = null; $e = $v; $i1 = $e->index; $v8 = $i1; $this->buf->add($v8); break; case 3: $this->buf->add($v ? "true" : "false"); break; case 0: $this->buf->add("null"); break; } }
function sys_ufront_web_context_HttpRequest_8(&$_g, &$callbackFutures, &$currentContent, &$errors, &$fileName, &$isFile, &$noParts, &$onData, &$onEndPart, &$onPart, &$partName, &$surprise, $outcome) { switch ($outcome->index) { case 1: $err = _hx_deref($outcome)->params[0]; $errors->push($err->toString()); break; default: break; } }
static function run($v) { return _hx_deref(new haxe_Unserializer($v))->unserialize(); }
static function addJsScriptToResult($originalResult, $path) { return _hx_deref(new ufront_web_result_CallJavascriptResult($originalResult))->addJsScript($path); }
public function serialize($v) { $_g = Type::typeof($v); switch ($_g->index) { case 0: $this->buf->add("n"); break; case 1: $v1 = $v; if ($v1 === 0) { $this->buf->add("z"); return; } $this->buf->add("i"); $this->buf->add($v1); break; case 2: $v2 = $v; if (Math::isNaN($v2)) { $this->buf->add("k"); } else { if (!Math::isFinite($v2)) { $this->buf->add($v2 < 0 ? "m" : "p"); } else { $this->buf->add("d"); $this->buf->add($v2); } } break; case 3: $this->buf->add($v ? "t" : "f"); break; case 6: $c = _hx_deref($_g)->params[0]; if (is_object($_t = $c) && !$_t instanceof Enum ? $_t === _hx_qtype("String") : $_t == _hx_qtype("String")) { $this->serializeString($v); return; } if ($this->useCache && $this->serializeRef($v)) { return; } switch ($c) { case _hx_qtype("Array"): $ucount = 0; $this->buf->add("a"); $l = _hx_len($v); $_g1 = 0; while ($_g1 < $l) { $i = $_g1++; if ($v[$i] === null) { $ucount++; } else { if ($ucount > 0) { if ($ucount === 1) { $this->buf->add("n"); } else { $this->buf->add("u"); $this->buf->add($ucount); } $ucount = 0; } $this->serialize($v[$i]); } unset($i); } if ($ucount > 0) { if ($ucount === 1) { $this->buf->add("n"); } else { $this->buf->add("u"); $this->buf->add($ucount); } } $this->buf->add("h"); break; case _hx_qtype("List"): $this->buf->add("l"); $v3 = $v; if (null == $v3) { throw new HException('null iterable'); } $__hx__it = $v3->iterator(); while ($__hx__it->hasNext()) { unset($i1); $i1 = $__hx__it->next(); $this->serialize($i1); } $this->buf->add("h"); break; case _hx_qtype("Date"): $d = $v; $this->buf->add("v"); $this->buf->add($d->getTime()); break; case _hx_qtype("haxe.ds.StringMap"): $this->buf->add("b"); $v4 = $v; if (null == $v4) { throw new HException('null iterable'); } $__hx__it = $v4->keys(); while ($__hx__it->hasNext()) { unset($k); $k = $__hx__it->next(); $this->serializeString($k); $this->serialize($v4->get($k)); } $this->buf->add("h"); break; case _hx_qtype("haxe.ds.IntMap"): $this->buf->add("q"); $v5 = $v; if (null == $v5) { throw new HException('null iterable'); } $__hx__it = $v5->keys(); while ($__hx__it->hasNext()) { unset($k1); $k1 = $__hx__it->next(); $this->buf->add(":"); $this->buf->add($k1); $this->serialize($v5->get($k1)); } $this->buf->add("h"); break; case _hx_qtype("haxe.ds.ObjectMap"): $this->buf->add("M"); $v6 = $v; $__hx__it = new _hx_array_iterator(array_values($v6->hk)); while ($__hx__it->hasNext()) { unset($k2); $k2 = $__hx__it->next(); $this->serialize($k2); $this->serialize($v6->get($k2)); } $this->buf->add("h"); break; case _hx_qtype(""): $v7 = $v; $i2 = 0; $max = $v7->length - 2; $charsBuf = new StringBuf(); $b64 = haxe_Serializer::$BASE64; while ($i2 < $max) { $b1 = null; $pos = $i2++; $b1 = ord($v7->b[$pos]); unset($pos); $b2 = null; $pos1 = $i2++; $b2 = ord($v7->b[$pos1]); unset($pos1); $b3 = null; $pos2 = $i2++; $b3 = ord($v7->b[$pos2]); unset($pos2); $charsBuf->add(_hx_char_at($b64, $b1 >> 2)); $charsBuf->add(_hx_char_at($b64, ($b1 << 4 | $b2 >> 4) & 63)); $charsBuf->add(_hx_char_at($b64, ($b2 << 2 | $b3 >> 6) & 63)); $charsBuf->add(_hx_char_at($b64, $b3 & 63)); unset($b3, $b2, $b1); } if ($i2 === $max) { $b11 = null; $pos3 = $i2++; $b11 = ord($v7->b[$pos3]); $b21 = null; $pos4 = $i2++; $b21 = ord($v7->b[$pos4]); $charsBuf->add(_hx_char_at($b64, $b11 >> 2)); $charsBuf->add(_hx_char_at($b64, ($b11 << 4 | $b21 >> 4) & 63)); $charsBuf->add(_hx_char_at($b64, $b21 << 2 & 63)); } else { if ($i2 === $max + 1) { $b12 = null; $pos5 = $i2++; $b12 = ord($v7->b[$pos5]); $charsBuf->add(_hx_char_at($b64, $b12 >> 2)); $charsBuf->add(_hx_char_at($b64, $b12 << 4 & 63)); } } $chars = $charsBuf->b; $this->buf->add("s"); $this->buf->add(strlen($chars)); $this->buf->add(":"); $this->buf->add($chars); break; default: if ($this->useCache) { $this->cache->pop(); } if (_hx_field($v, "hxSerialize") !== null) { $this->buf->add("C"); $this->serializeString(Type::getClassName($c)); if ($this->useCache) { $this->cache->push($v); } $v->hxSerialize($this); $this->buf->add("g"); } else { $this->buf->add("c"); $this->serializeString(Type::getClassName($c)); if ($this->useCache) { $this->cache->push($v); } $this->serializeFields($v); } break; } break; case 4: if (Std::is($v, _hx_qtype("Class"))) { $className = Type::getClassName($v); $this->buf->add("A"); $this->serializeString($className); } else { if (Std::is($v, _hx_qtype("Enum"))) { $this->buf->add("B"); $this->serializeString(Type::getEnumName($v)); } else { if ($this->useCache && $this->serializeRef($v)) { return; } $this->buf->add("o"); $this->serializeFields($v); } } break; case 7: $e = _hx_deref($_g)->params[0]; if ($this->useCache) { if ($this->serializeRef($v)) { return; } $this->cache->pop(); } $this->buf->add($this->useEnumIndex ? "j" : "w"); $this->serializeString(Type::getEnumName($e)); if ($this->useEnumIndex) { $this->buf->add(":"); $this->buf->add($v->index); } else { $this->serializeString($v->tag); } $this->buf->add(":"); $l1 = count($v->params); if ($l1 === 0 || _hx_field($v, "params") === null) { $this->buf->add(0); } else { $this->buf->add($l1); $_g11 = 0; while ($_g11 < $l1) { $i3 = $_g11++; $this->serialize($v->params[$i3]); unset($i3); } } if ($this->useCache) { $this->cache->push($v); } break; case 5: throw new HException("Cannot serialize function"); break; default: throw new HException("Cannot serialize " . Std::string($v)); break; } }
public function filter($str, $prop) { return _hx_deref(new com_wiris_plugin_impl_TextFilter($this->plugin))->filter($str, $prop); }
static function remotingError($error, $pos = null) { switch ($error->index) { case 0: $responseData = _hx_deref($error)->params[2]; $responseCode = _hx_deref($error)->params[1]; $remotingCallString = _hx_deref($error)->params[0]; return tink_core_TypedError::typed($responseCode, "HTTP " . _hx_string_rec($responseCode, "") . " Error during " . _hx_string_or_null($remotingCallString), $error, $pos); break; case 1: $errorMessage = _hx_deref($error)->params[1]; $remotingCallString1 = _hx_deref($error)->params[0]; return tink_core_TypedError::typed(404, "Remoting API " . _hx_string_or_null($remotingCallString1) . " not found: " . _hx_string_or_null($errorMessage), $error, $pos); break; case 2: $stack = _hx_deref($error)->params[2]; $e = _hx_deref($error)->params[1]; $remotingCallString2 = _hx_deref($error)->params[0]; $errorObj = Std::instance($e, _hx_qtype("tink.core.TypedError")); if ($errorObj !== null) { return tink_core_TypedError::typed($errorObj->code, $errorObj->message, $error, $pos); } else { return tink_core_TypedError::typed(500, "Internal Server Error while executing " . _hx_string_or_null($remotingCallString2), $error, $pos); } break; case 3: $e1 = _hx_deref($error)->params[1]; $remotingCallString3 = _hx_deref($error)->params[0]; return tink_core_TypedError::typed(500, "Error during callback after " . _hx_string_or_null($remotingCallString3) . ": " . Std::string($e1), $error, $pos); break; case 4: $err = _hx_deref($error)->params[2]; $troubleLine = _hx_deref($error)->params[1]; $remotingCallString4 = _hx_deref($error)->params[0]; return tink_core_TypedError::typed(422, "Remoting serialization failed for call " . _hx_string_or_null($remotingCallString4) . ": could not process " . _hx_string_or_null($troubleLine), $error, $pos); break; case 5: $responseData1 = _hx_deref($error)->params[1]; $remotingCallString5 = _hx_deref($error)->params[0]; return tink_core_TypedError::typed(500, "Error with response for " . _hx_string_or_null($remotingCallString5) . ": no remoting response found", $error, $pos); break; case 6: $data = _hx_deref($error)->params[1]; $remotingCallString6 = _hx_deref($error)->params[0]; return tink_core_TypedError::typed(500, "Call to " . _hx_string_or_null($remotingCallString6) . " failed: " . Std::string($data), $error, $pos); break; case 7: $e2 = _hx_deref($error)->params[0]; return tink_core_TypedError::typed(500, "Unknown exception during remoting call", $error, $pos); break; } }
public function loadTable($name) { $ext = $this->checkFormat($name); if ($ext === "sqlite") { $sql = $this->io->openSqliteDatabase($name); if ($sql === null) { $this->io->writeStderr("! Cannot open database, aborting\n"); return null; } $tab = new coopy_SqlTables($sql, $this->flags); return $tab; } $txt = $this->io->getContent($name); if ($ext === "ndjson") { $t = new coopy_SimpleTable(0, 0); $ndjson = new coopy_Ndjson($t); $ndjson->parse($txt); return $t; } if ($ext === "json" || $ext === "") { try { $json = _hx_deref(new haxe_format_JsonParser($txt))->parseRec(); $this->format_preference = "json"; $t1 = $this->jsonToTables($json); if ($t1 === null) { throw new HException("JSON failed"); } return $t1; } catch (Exception $__hx__e) { $_ex_ = $__hx__e instanceof HException ? $__hx__e->e : $__hx__e; $e = $_ex_; if ($ext === "json") { throw new HException($e); } } } $this->format_preference = "csv"; $csv = new coopy_Csv($this->delim_preference); $output = new coopy_SimpleTable(0, 0); $csv->parseTable($txt, $output); if ($output !== null) { $output->trimBlank(); } return $output; }
static function getValueType($value) { if (Std::is($value, _hx_qtype("String"))) { return "String"; } if (Std::is($value, _hx_qtype("Class"))) { return Type::getClassName($value); } if (Std::is($value, _hx_qtype("Enum"))) { return Type::getEnumName($value); } $name = null; $_g = Type::typeof($value); switch ($_g->index) { case 1: $name = "Int"; break; case 3: $name = "Bool"; break; case 6: $c = _hx_deref($_g)->params[0]; $name = Type::getClassName($c); break; case 7: $e = _hx_deref($_g)->params[0]; $name = Type::getEnumName($e); break; default: $name = null; break; } if ($name !== null) { return $name; } throw new HException("Could not determine type name of " . Std::string($value)); }