function render($args, $instance) { global $gantry; ob_start(); ?> <div id="rt-accessibility"> <div class="rt-desc"><?php _ge($instance['text']); ?> </div> <div id="rt-buttons"> <a href="<?php echo $gantry->addQueryStringParams($gantry->getCurrentUrl(array('reset-settings')), array('font-size' => 'smaller')); ?> " title="<?php echo _g('Decrease Font Size'); ?> " class="small"><span class="button"></span></a> <a href="<?php echo $gantry->addQueryStringParams($gantry->getCurrentUrl(array('reset-settings')), array('font-size' => 'larger')); ?> " title="<?php echo _g('Increase Font Size'); ?> " class="large"><span class="button"></span></a> </div> </div> <div class="clear"></div> <?php echo ob_get_clean(); }
public function __construct() { if (!isset($_SESSION)) { $this->initEnvironment(); } else { if (!validSession()) { die(_g('The session is invalid, please login again')); } } try { $this->initSmarty(); TableMng::init(); $this->_adminInterface = new AdminInterface(NULL, $this->_smarty); // AdminInterface has used global $smarty, workaround AdminInterface::$smartyHelper = $this->_smarty; $this->_moduleExecutionParser = new ModuleExecutionInputParser(); $this->_moduleExecutionParser->setSubprogramPath('root/administrator'); $this->loadVersion(); $this->initDatabaseConnections(); $this->_logger = new Logger($this->_pdo); $this->_logger->categorySet('Administrator'); $this->_acl = new Acl($this->_logger, $this->_pdo); } catch (MySQLConnectionException $e) { die('Sorry, could not connect to the database.'); } }
function edit() { global $basedomain, $app_domain; $userid['id'] = intval(_g('id')); $dataUser = $this->userHelper->getListUser($userid); if ($dataUser) { $getIndustri = $this->contentHelper->getIndustri($dataUser[0]['industri_id']); foreach ($dataUser as $key => $value) { $dataUser[$key]['perusahaan'] = $getIndustri[0]; } } if (_p('token')) { // upload image $uploadImage['status'] = false; if ($_FILES['image']['name'] != "") { $uploadImage = uploadFile('image', 'user'); } $dataarr = array(); $userid = intval(_p('id')); $addUser = $this->userHelper->updateUserProfile($dataarr, $userid); if ($uploadImage['status']) { $updateUser = $this->userHelper->updateUserImage($uploadImage['filename'], $addUser); } if ($addUser) { redirect($basedomain . 'user'); } exit; } // pr($dataUser); $this->view->assign('data', $dataUser[0]); return $this->loadView('user-detail'); }
public function getInput() { global $gantry; $buffer = ''; // get the sets just below foreach ($this->fields as $field) { if ($field->type == 'set') { $this->sets[] = $field; } } $buffer .= "<div class='wrapper'>\n"; foreach ($this->fields as $field) { if ((string) $field->type != 'set') { $selector = false; $enabler = false; if ($field->element['enabler'] && strtolower((string) $field->element['enabler']) == 'true') { $this->enabler = $field; $enabler = true; } if ($field->element['selector'] && (string) $field->element['selector'] == true) { $field->detached = false; $selector = true; if ($field != $this->enabler && isset($this->enabler) && (int) $this->enabler->value == 0) { $field->detached = true; } foreach ($this->sets as $set) { //Create a new option object based on the <option /> element. $tmp = GantryHtmlSelect::option((string) $set->element['name'], _g(trim((string) $set->element['label'])), 'value', 'text', (string) $set->element['disabled'] == 'true'); // Set some option attributes. $tmp->class = (string) $set->element['class']; // Set some JavaScript option attributes. $tmp->onclick = (string) $set->element['onclick']; // Add the option object to the result set. //$options[] = $tmp; $field->addOption($tmp); } } $this->activeSet[$field->type] = $field->value; //array_push(array($field->type => $field->value), $this->activeSet); $itemName = $this->fieldname . "-" . $field->fieldname; $buffer .= '<div class="chain ' . $itemName . ' chain-' . strtolower($field->type) . '">' . "\n"; if (strlen($field->getLabel())) { $buffer .= '<span class="chain-label">' . _g($field->getLabel()) . '</span>' . "\n"; } if ($selector) { $buffer .= '<div class="selectedset-switcher">' . "\n"; } if ($enabler) { $buffer .= '<div class="selectedset-enabler">' . "\n"; } $buffer .= $field->getInput(); if ($selector || $enabler) { $buffer .= '</div>' . "\n"; } $buffer .= "</div>" . "\n"; } } $buffer .= "</div>" . "\n"; return $buffer; }
public function displayDeleteSchoolYearConfirmation($schoolyear) { $promptMessage = sprintf(_g('Do you really want to delete the Schoolyear "%s"? WARNING: Problems will occur if you do this! Not all parts of the system support this!', $schoolyear->getLabel())); $actionString = 'deleteSchoolYear&ID=' . $schoolyear->getId(); $confirmedString = _g('Yes, I want to break the System and delete the Schoolyear'); $notConfirmedString = _g('No, I do not want to break the System and delete the Schoolyear'); $this->confirmationDialog($promptMessage, $this->sectionString, $actionString, $confirmedString, $notConfirmedString); }
function validate() { $data = _g('ref'); // exit; logFile($data); if ($data) { $decode = unserialize(decode($data)); // check if token is valid $salt = "register"; $userMail = $decode['email']; $origToken = sha1($salt . $userMail); $token = sha1('reset' . $decode['email']); $getToken = $this->loginHelper->getEmailToken($decode['username']); if ($getToken['email_token'] == $decode['validby']) { if ($decode['reset']) { $msg = $this->msg->display('all', false); $this->view->assign('msg', $msg); $ses_user = $this->loginHelper->getUserEmail($userMail, true); $newData['login'] = $ses_user; $this->view->assign('user', $newData); $this->view->assign('reset', true); return $this->loadView('user/reset'); } else { if ($decode['token'] == $origToken) { // is valid, then create account and set status to validate if ($decode['regfrom'] == 1) { $this->view->assign('enterAccount', false); $updateAccount = $this->loginHelper->updateUserStatus($decode['username']); if ($updateAccount) { $this->activityHelper->updateEmailLog(true, $userMail, 'account', 2); $dataUSer['username'] = $decode['username']; $dataUSer['password'] = $decode['password']; createAccount($dataUSer); logFile('account ftp user ' . $decode['email'] . ' created'); $this->view->assign('validate', 'Validate account success'); } else { $this->view->assign('validate', 'Validate account error'); logFile('update n_status user ' . $decode['email'] . ' failed'); } } else { $this->view->assign('email', $decode['email']); $this->view->assign('enterAccount', true); return $this->loadView('validateProfile'); } } else { // invalid token $this->view->assign('validate', 'Validate account error'); logFile('token mismatch'); } } } else { // invalid token $this->view->assign('validate', 'Validate account error'); logFile('token mismatch'); } } return $this->loadView('home'); }
function __construct($id = 'entity_name', $action = '', $method = 'POST', $css = 'form-horizontal admin-form') { $this->id = $id; $this->action = ''; //$action; $this->method = $method; $this->css = $css; $this->ret = _g('r', false); }
function __construct() { if (empty($this->short_name) || empty($this->long_name)) { die("A widget must have a valid type and classname defined"); } $widget_options = array('classname' => $this->css_classname, 'description' => _g($this->description)); $control_options = array('width' => $this->width, 'height' => $this->height); parent::__construct($this->wp_name, $this->long_name, $widget_options, $control_options); }
/** * Checks if the Table for the Temporary assignUsersToClasses data exists * * Dies displaying a Message when the Query could not be executed * * @return boolean true if it exists, else false */ protected function tableExists() { try { $stmt = $this->_pdo->query('SHOW TABLES LIKE "KuwasysTemporaryRequestsAssign";'); } catch (PDOException $e) { $this->_interface->dieError(_g('Could not check if the UsersToClasses-Table exists!') . $e->getMessage()); } return (bool) $stmt->fetch(); }
public function execute($dataContainer) { $this->entryPoint($dataContainer); if (isset($_GET['ID'])) { $this->dataFetch(); $this->displayTpl('change.tpl'); } else { $this->_interface->dieError(_g('Missing id of the user!')); } }
/** * Resets the userpasswords to the preset Password * Excludes the User with the ID 1, since he is usually the SuperUser */ protected function resetUserPasswords() { $presetPassword = $this->presetPasswordGet(); if ($presetPassword) { $this->_pdo->query("UPDATE SystemUsers\n\t\t\t\tSET password = '******'\n\t\t\t\tWHERE ID <> 1"); } else { $this->_interface->dieError(_g('Please set the preset password ' . 'before reseting the users passwords.')); } $this->_interface->dieSuccess(_g('The passwords were successfully resetted to the preset password.')); }
/** * Checks if a session already exists * @return bool true when a session already exists */ private function sessionExists() { try { $res = $this->_pdo->query('SHOW TABLES LIKE "UserUpdateTempUsers"'); return count($res->fetchAll()) > 0; } catch (\PDOException $e) { $this->_logger->log('Error checking for already existing Session', 'Notice', Null, json_encode(array('msg' => $e->getMessage()))); $this->_interface->dieError(_g('Could not check if this has done before!')); } }
/** * Fetches the helptext from the database * @return string The helptext as a string or false if entry not found */ protected function helptextFetch() { try { $res = $this->_pdo->query('SELECT value FROM SystemGlobalSettings WHERE name="helptext"'); return $res->fetchColumn(); } catch (\PDOException $e) { $this->_logger->log('error fetching the helptext', 'Notice', Null, json_encode(array('msg' => $e->getMessage()))); $this->_interface->dieError(_g('Could not fetch the helptext.')); } }
private function classChange($userId, $classId, $newClassId, $newCategoryId) { try { $stmt = $this->_pdo->prepare('UPDATE KuwasysTemporaryRequestsAssign SET classId = :newClassId, categoryId = :newCategoryId WHERE userId = :userId AND classId = :classId'); $stmt->execute(array('userId' => $userId, 'classId' => $classId, 'newClassId' => $newClassId, 'newCategoryId' => $newCategoryId)); } catch (\PDOException $e) { die(json_encode(array('value' => 'error', 'message' => _g('Could not move the User to the other Class!')))); } }
/** * Changes the Status of a Temporary Request Entry * * Dies with Json on Error */ private function changeStatus($userId, $classId, $statusId) { try { $stmt = $this->_pdo->prepare('UPDATE KuwasysTemporaryRequestsAssign SET statusId = :statusId WHERE classId = :classId AND userId = :userId'); $stmt->execute(array('statusId' => $statusId, 'classId' => $classId, 'userId' => $userId)); } catch (PDOException $e) { die(json_encode(array('value' => 'error', 'message' => _g('Could not change the Status of the User')))); } }
public function execute($dataContainer) { parent::entryPoint($dataContainer); try { $data = $this->temporaryAssignmentsRequestsOfClassGet($_POST['classId'], $_POST['categoryId']); $data = $this->requestsAtSameCategoryForRequestsAppend($data); } catch (PDOException $e) { $this->_logger->log('Error fetching the user-assignments', 'Notice', Null, json_encode(array('msg' => $e->getMessage()))); die(json_encode(array('value' => 'error', 'message' => _g('Could not fetch the User-Assignments') . $e->getMessage()))); } die(json_encode($data)); }
/** * Adds the temporary assignments to the jointUsersInClass-Table * * Dies displaying a Message on Error. * Only Entries with an StatusId that is not Zero will be added. */ protected function newAssignmentsAddToJoints() { try { $this->_pdo->exec('INSERT INTO KuwasysUsersInClassesAndCategories (UserID, ClassID, statusId, categoryId) SELECT userId, classId, statusId, categoryId FROM KuwasysTemporaryRequestsAssign re WHERE statusId <> 0'); } catch (PDOException $e) { $this->_interface->dieError(_g('Could not add the new Joints!') . $e->getMessage()); } }
/** * Looks the user for the given CardID up, checks if the Card is locked and returns the UserID * @param string $card_id The ID of the Card * @return string UserID */ public function GetUser($card_id) { try { $uid = $this->cardManager->getUserID($card_id); if ($this->userManager->checkAccount($uid)) { $this->checkoutInterface->CardLocked(); } } catch (Exception $e) { $this->checkoutInterface->dieError(_g('Could not find the User by Cardnumber %1$s', $card_id)); } return $uid; }
/** * Assigns the User to a Class * * @param int $userId The ID of the User to assign * @param int $classId The ID of the Class to assign the User to * @param int $statusId The ID of the Status * @throws PDOException If Things didnt work out */ private function userAssignToClass($userId, $classId, $categoryId, $statusId) { try { $stmt = $this->_pdo->prepare('INSERT INTO KuwasysTemporaryRequestsAssign (userId, classId, categoryId, statusId, origUserId, origClassId, origCategoryId, origStatusId) VALUES (:userId, :classId, :categoryId, :statusId, 0, 0, 0, 0)'); $stmt->execute(array('userId' => $userId, 'classId' => $classId, 'categoryId' => $categoryId, 'statusId' => $statusId)); } catch (PDOException $e) { die(json_encode(array('value' => 'error', 'message' => _g('Could not add the User to the Class')))); } }
function _url($get, $pars = false) { $g = array_merge($get); $route = _g($g, 'route', _g($g, '_route_', '')); unset($g['route']); $p = ''; if (!empty($g)) { $p .= '&' . http_build_query($g); } if ($pars) { $p .= '&' . http_build_query($pars); } return $route . $p; }
/** * Method to get the field options. * * @return array The field option objects. * @since 1.6 */ protected function getOptions() { global $gantry; $options = array(); $options = parent::getOptions(); $link_cats = get_terms('link_category'); $options[] = GantryHtmlSelect::option('', _g('All Links'), 'value', 'text', false); foreach ($link_cats as $link_cat) { // Create a new option object based on the <option /> element. $tmp = GantryHtmlSelect::option($link_cat->slug, $link_cat->name, 'value', 'text', false); $options[] = $tmp; } return $options; }
function render($args, $instance) { global $gantry; $gantry->addScript('mootools.js'); $gantry->addScript('gantry-totop.js'); ob_start(); ?> <a href="#" id="gantry-totop"><?php echo _g($instance['text']); ?> </a> <?php echo ob_get_clean(); }
/** * Показываем дату с учетом сдвига времени * * @param int $var Время в Unix формате * * @return string */ public static function displayDate($var) { //TODO: Исправить время сдвига $shift = (Config::$timeshift + App::user()->get()->config()->timeShift) * 3600; if (date('Y', $var) == date('Y', time())) { if (date('z', $var + $shift) == date('z', time() + $shift)) { return _g('Today') . ', ' . date("H:i", $var + $shift); } if (date('z', $var + $shift) == date('z', time() + $shift) - 1) { return _g('Yesterday') . ', ' . date("H:i", $var + $shift); } } return date("d.m.Y / H:i", $var + $shift); }
/** * Tries to get the ID of given Schoolyearnames allowing to upload it * * Dies displaying a message on Error * Adds the pair 'ID' => <schoolyearId> to each array-Element */ protected function schoolyearIdsAppendToColumns() { $schoolyears = $this->schoolyearsGetAll(); foreach ($this->_contentArray as &$con) { if (!empty($con['schoolyear'])) { $id = $this->schoolyearIdGetByLabel($con['schoolyear'], $schoolyears); if ($id !== false) { $con['schoolyearId'] = $id; } else { $this->errorDie(_g('Could not find the Schoolyear "%1$s"', $con['schoolyear'])); } } } }
function detail() { $id = _g('id'); $getProduk = $this->contentHelper->getArticle($id); if ($getProduk) { $content = unserialize($getProduk[0]['content']); $category = explode(',', $content['category']); $color = explode(',', $content['color']); $content['category'] = $category; $content['color'] = $color; $data = $getProduk[0]; $data['data'] = $content; } // pr($data); $this->view->assign('paket', $data); return $this->loadView('paket/detail'); }
/** * Fetches all Classes that are in the active Schoolyear * * Dies displaying a Message on Error * * @return array The Classes */ private function classesGetAllOfActiveSchoolyear() { try { $classes = $this->_pdo->query('SELECT c.*, ca.translatedName AS categoryName, ca.ID AS categoryId FROM KuwasysClasses c INNER JOIN KuwasysClassesInCategories cic ON cic.classId = c.ID INNER JOIN KuwasysClassCategories ca ON ca.ID = cic.categoryId WHERE c.schoolyearId = @activeSchoolyear'); return $classes; } catch (PDOException $e) { $this->_interface->dieError(_g('Could not fetch all classes of the active schoolyear')); $this->_logger->log('Error fetching all classes of the active ' . 'schoolyear', 'Notice', Null, json_encode(array('msg' => $e->getMessage()))); } }
public function pay() { $this->load->helper('multi_pay'); if (!$this->customer->isLogged()) { $this->session->data['redirect'] = $this->url->link(_url($_GET), 'SSL'); $this->redirect($this->url->link('account/login', '', 'SSL')); } $order_id = _g($_GET, 'order_id', _g($this->session->data, 'order_id')); if (!$order_id) { $this->redirect($this->url->link('account/order')); } $this->session->data['order_id'] = $order_id; // подтверждаем заказ (если он уже есть то там будет это проигнорировано) $this->load->model('payment/multi_pay_tools'); $this->model_payment_multi_pay_tools->order_confirm($order_id, ''); // просто перейдем на оплату разными способами для заказа $this->redirect($this->url->link('account/multi_pay/order', '&order_id=' . $order_id, 'SSL')); }
/** * Returns the count of conflicts solved and still open * Dies displaying a message on error * @return array Two elements, one with open and one with solved conflicts */ protected function conflictCountGet() { try { $res = $this->_pdo->query('SELECT ( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM UserUpdateTempConflicts WHERE solved = 0 ) AS openConflicts, ( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM UserUpdateTempConflicts WHERE solved = 1 ) AS solvedConflicts '); return $res->fetch(); } catch (\PDOException $e) { $this->_logger->log('Error fetching conflictcount', 'Notice', Null, json_encode(array('msg' => $e->getMessage()))); $this->_interface->dieError(_g('Could not fetch the data!')); } }
/** * Fetches the Temporary Assignments Grouped by Classes * @return array The Classes and some more information */ private function assignmentsGet() { try { $data = $this->_pdo->query('SELECT cu.translatedName AS weekday, COUNT(*) - ( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM KuwasysTemporaryRequestsAssign rad WHERE ra.classId = rad.classId AND (rad.statusId = 0 OR rad.statusId = 2) ) AS usercount, c.label AS classlabel, c.ID AS classId, ra.categoryId AS categoryId FROM KuwasysTemporaryRequestsAssign ra INNER JOIN KuwasysClasses c ON ra.classId = c.ID INNER JOIN KuwasysClassCategories cu ON cu.ID = ra.categoryId GROUP BY ra.classId, ra.categoryId ORDER BY usercount DESC, ra.classId'); return $data; } catch (PDOException $e) { $this->_interface->dieError(_g('Could not fetch the Temporary Assignments!')); } }
function render($args, $instance) { global $gantry; ob_start(); ?> <div class="clear"></div> <span id="gantry-resetsettings"> [ <a href="<?php echo $gantry->addQueryStringParams($gantry->getCurrentUrl($gantry->_setbyurl), array('reset-settings' => '')); ?> "><?php echo _g($instance['text']); ?> </a> ] </span> <div class="clear"></div> <?php echo ob_get_clean(); }