 function onAction()
     global $application;
     modApiFunc("Tools", "clearBackupSession");
     modApiFunc("Tools", "setDBStat", modApiFunc("Modules_Manager", "getTablesAndRecordsCount"));
     modApiFunc("Tools", "setCurrentBackupTable", 0);
     modApiFunc("Tools", "setCurrentBackupTableLimit", 0);
     modApiFunc("Tools", "setDBRecordsExported", 0);
     $request = $application->getInstance('Request');
     $filename = $request->getValueByKey('BackupFile');
     if ($filename) {
         modApiFunc("Tools", "setRestoreStatus", 'BACKUP');
         modApiFunc("Tools", "setRestoreFile", $filename);
         $filename = modApiFunc("Tools", "getRestoreFile");
         $full_filename = $application->getAppIni('PATH_BACKUP_DIR') . $filename . "/dump.sql";
         $handle = @fopen($full_filename, "rb");
         $backup_file_content = @fread($handle, 1024);
         $error = "";
         $backup_info = @_parse_ini_file($application->getAppIni('PATH_BACKUP_DIR') . $filename . "/info/backup.ini");
         if (!isset($backup_info["asc_version"]) || $backup_info["asc_version"] != PRODUCT_VERSION) {
             $error = "BCP_RESTORE_ERR_003";
         } elseif (!$backup_file_content) {
             $error = "BCP_RESTORE_ERR_001";
         } elseif (_ml_strpos($backup_file_content, "-- HASH: ") === false) {
             $error = "BCP_RESTORE_ERR_002";
         } else {
             $hash = _byte_substr($backup_file_content, 9, 32);
             $handle = fopen($full_filename, "rb");
             $md5_temp = '';
             $begin = _byte_strpos($backup_file_content, "\n") + _byte_strlen("\n");
             fseek($handle, $begin);
             while (!feof($handle)) {
                 $contents = fread($handle, 1048576);
                 $md5_temp .= md5($contents);
             $counted_file_hash = md5($md5_temp);
             //                :
             if ($hash != $counted_file_hash) {
                 $error = "BCP_RESTORE_ERR_002";
         if ($error) {
             modApiFunc("Tools", "setRestoreError", $error);
         } else {
             modApiFunc("Tools", "setStringsCountInRestoreFile", $filename);
     modApiFunc("Tools", "saveState");
  * see blowfish_ab_pad_text
 function blowfish_ab_unpad_text($text)
     if (empty($text)) {
         //Perhaps it's a wrong situation.
         return "";
     //        $pad_char = $text[_byte_strlen($text)-1];
     $pad_char = _byte_substr($text, -1, 1);
     $i = _byte_strlen($text) - 1;
     for (; $i >= 0 && _byte_substr($text, $i, 1) == $pad_char; $i--) {
     $new_len = $i + 1;
     $text = _byte_substr($text, 0, $new_len);
     return $text;
function _byte_substr_replace($string, $replacement, $start, $length = NULL)
    if ($length === NULL) {
        $length = _byte_strlen($string);
    return substr_replace($string, $replacement, $start, $length);
  * Calculates bitwise or of $num1 and $num2,
  * starting from bit $start_pos for number $num1
  * @param string $num1
  * @param string $num2
  * @param int $start_pos
  * @return string
  * @access public
 function bitOr($num1, $num2, $start_pos)
     //        $num1 = new Math_BigInteger($num1, 10);
     $num2 = new Math_BigInteger($num2, 10);
     $start_byte = intval($start_pos / 8);
     $start_bit = $start_pos % 8;
     $tmp1 = $this->int2bin($num1);
     $num2 = $num2->multiply(new Math_BigInteger(1 << $start_bit));
     $tmp2 = $this->int2bin($num2->toString());
     if ($start_byte < _byte_strlen($tmp1)) {
         $tmp2 |= _byte_substr($tmp1, $start_byte);
         $tmp1 = _byte_substr($tmp1, 0, $start_byte) . $tmp2;
     } else {
         $tmp1 = str_pad($tmp1, $start_byte, "") . $tmp2;
     return $this->bin2int($tmp1);
 function _httpsrequest($url, $URI, $http_method, $content_type = "", $body = "")
     if ($this->passcookies && $this->_redirectaddr) {
     $headers = array();
     $URI_PARTS = parse_url($URI);
     if (empty($url)) {
         $url = "/";
     // GET ... header not needed for curl
     //$headers[] = $http_method." ".$url." ".$this->_httpversion;
     if (!empty($this->agent)) {
         $headers[] = "User-Agent: " . $this->agent;
     if (!empty($this->host)) {
         $headers[] = "Host: " . $this->host;
     if (!empty($this->accept)) {
         $headers[] = "Accept: " . $this->accept;
     if (!empty($this->referer)) {
         $headers[] = "Referer: " . $this->referer;
     if (!empty($this->cookies)) {
         if (!is_array($this->cookies)) {
             $this->cookies = (array) $this->cookies;
         if (count($this->cookies) > 0) {
             $cookie_str = 'Cookie: ';
             foreach ($this->cookies as $cookieKey => $cookieVal) {
                 $cookie_str .= $cookieKey . "=" . urlencode($cookieVal) . "; ";
             $headers[] = _byte_substr($cookie_str, 0, -2);
     if (!empty($this->rawheaders)) {
         if (!is_array($this->rawheaders)) {
             $this->rawheaders = (array) $this->rawheaders;
         while (list($headerKey, $headerVal) = each($this->rawheaders)) {
             $headers[] = $headerKey . ": " . $headerVal;
     if (!empty($content_type)) {
         if ($content_type == "multipart/form-data") {
             $headers[] = "Content-type: {$content_type}; boundary=" . $this->_mime_boundary;
         } else {
             $headers[] = "Content-type: {$content_type}";
     if (!empty($body)) {
         $headers[] = "Content-length: " . _byte_strlen($body);
     if (!empty($this->user) || !empty($this->pass)) {
         $headers[] = "Authorization: BASIC " . base64_encode($this->user . ":" . $this->pass);
     for ($curr_header = 0; $curr_header < count($headers); $curr_header++) {
         $cmdline_params .= " -H \"" . $headers[$curr_header] . "\"";
     if (!empty($body)) {
         $cmdline_params .= " -d \"{$body}\"";
     if ($this->read_timeout > 0) {
         $cmdline_params .= " -m " . $this->read_timeout;
     $headerfile = tempnam($temp_dir, "sno");
     $safer_URI = strtr($URI, "\"", " ");
     // strip quotes from the URI to avoid shell access
     exec($this->curl_path . " -D \"{$headerfile}\"" . $cmdline_params . " \"" . $safer_URI . "\"", $results, $return);
     if ($return) {
         $this->error = "Error: cURL could not retrieve the document, error {$return}.";
         return false;
     $results = implode("\r\n", $results);
     $file = new CFile($headerfile);
     $result_headers = $file->getLines();
     $this->_redirectaddr = false;
     for ($currentHeader = 0; $currentHeader < count($result_headers); $currentHeader++) {
         // if a header begins with Location: or URI:, set the redirect
         if (preg_match("/^(Location: |URI: )/i", $result_headers[$currentHeader])) {
             // get URL portion of the redirect
             preg_match("/^(Location: |URI:)\\s+(.*)/", chop($result_headers[$currentHeader]), $matches);
             // look for :// in the Location header to see if hostname is included
             if (!preg_match("|\\:\\/\\/|", $matches[2])) {
                 // no host in the path, so prepend
                 $this->_redirectaddr = $URI_PARTS["scheme"] . "://" . $this->host . ":" . $this->port;
                 // eliminate double slash
                 if (!preg_match("|^/|", $matches[2])) {
                     $this->_redirectaddr .= "/" . $matches[2];
                 } else {
                     $this->_redirectaddr .= $matches[2];
             } else {
                 $this->_redirectaddr = $matches[2];
         if (preg_match("|^HTTP/|", $result_headers[$currentHeader])) {
             $this->response_code = $result_headers[$currentHeader];
         $this->headers[] = $result_headers[$currentHeader];
     // check if there is a a redirect meta tag
     if (preg_match("'<meta[\\s]*http-equiv[^>]*?content[\\s]*=[\\s]*[\"\\']?\\d+;[\\s]+URL[\\s]*=[\\s]*([^\"\\']*?)[\"\\']?>'i", $results, $match)) {
         $this->_redirectaddr = $this->_expandlinks($match[1], $URI);
     // have we hit our frame depth and is there frame src to fetch?
     if ($this->_framedepth < $this->maxframes && preg_match_all("'<frame\\s+.*src[\\s]*=[\\'\"]?([^\\'\"\\>]+)'i", $results, $match)) {
         $this->results[] = $results;
         for ($x = 0; $x < count($match[1]); $x++) {
             $this->_frameurls[] = $this->_expandlinks($match[1][$x], $URI_PARTS["scheme"] . "://" . $this->host);
     } elseif (is_array($this->results)) {
         $this->results[] = $results;
     } else {
         $this->results = $results;
     return true;
 function onAction()
     global $application;
     $URL_correct = false;
     $request =& $application->getInstance('Request');
     $HTTPSURL = $request->getValueByKey('HTTPSURL');
     $SessionPost = array("URLS" => array("HTTPS_URL" => $HTTPSURL), "SECURE_SECTIONS" => array("AllAdminArea" => $request->getValueByKey('All') ? "true" : "", "SignIn_AdminMembers" => $request->getValueByKey('SignIn_AdminMembers') ? "true" : "", "Orders_Customers" => $request->getValueByKey('Orders_Customers') ? "true" : "", "Payment_Shipping" => $request->getValueByKey('Payment_Shipping') ? "true" : ""), "Message" => "", "FirstTimeSettings" => $request->getValueByKey('FirstTimeSettings'));
     if ($HTTPSURL) {
         $HTTPSURL = "https://" . $HTTPSURL;
         $parsedURL = @parse_url($HTTPSURL);
         if (isset($parsedURL["host"])) {
             if (isset($parsedURL["path"])) {
                 $pos = _ml_strpos($parsedURL["path"], "/avactis-system");
                 if (!($pos === false)) {
                     $parsedURL["path"] = _ml_substr($parsedURL["path"], 0, $pos + 1);
             $HTTPSURL = $parsedURL["host"];
             $HTTPSURL .= isset($parsedURL["port"]) && $parsedURL["port"] != "" ? ":" . $parsedURL["port"] : "";
             $HTTPSURL .= isset($parsedURL["path"]) && $parsedURL["path"] != "" ? $parsedURL["path"] : "/";
             $HTTPSURL .= $HTTPSURL[_byte_strlen($HTTPSURL) - 1] != "/" ? "/" : "";
             $SessionPost["URLS"]["HTTPS_URL"] = "https://" . $HTTPSURL;
             $URL_correct = $this->sendRequest("https://" . $HTTPSURL);
                             if (!$URL_correct)
                                 $HTTPSURL = $parsedURL["host"];
                                 $HTTPSURL.= (isset($parsedURL["port"]) && $parsedURL["port"] != ""? ":".$parsedURL["port"]:"");
                                 $HTTPSURL.= "/".@parse_url($application->getAppIni('HTTP_URL'), PHP_URL_PATH);
                                 $HTTPSURL.= $HTTPSURL[_byte_strlen($HTTPSURL)-1] != "/"? "/":"";
                                 $URL_correct = $this->sendRequest("https://".$HTTPSURL);
             if ($URL_correct || $request->getValueByKey('SSLAvailable') == "false") {
                 $SessionPost["URLS"]["HTTPS_URL"] = "https://" . $HTTPSURL;
                 #https_config.php file content
                 $file_cotent = ";<?php  exit(); >\n\n";
                 $file_cotent .= "[URLS]\n";
                 $file_cotent .= "HTTPS_URL = \"https://" . $HTTPSURL . "\"\n";
                 #if ($SessionPost["SECURE_SECTIONS"]["AllAdminArea"] == "true")
                 #    $file_cotent.= "HTTP_URL = \"https://".$HTTPSURL."\"\n";
                 $file_cotent .= "\n[SECURE_SECTIONS]\n";
                 foreach ($SessionPost["SECURE_SECTIONS"] as $key => $val) {
                     $file_cotent .= $key . " = " . $val . "\n";
                 $file_name = $application->getAppIni("PATH_CONF_DIR") . "https_config.php";
                 $fp = @fopen($file_name, "w");
                 if ($fp) {
                     @fwrite($fp, $file_cotent);
                     if (!file_exists($file_name)) {
                         #Can't create file $file_name
                         $SessionPost["Message"] = "HTTPS_WRN_005";
                 } else {
                     #Can't write to the folder 'avactis-system'
                     $SessionPost["Message"] = "HTTPS_WRN_004";
             } else {
                 //Could't connect
                 $SessionPost["Message"] = "HTTPS_WRN_003";
         } else {
             //Wrong URL syntax
             $SessionPost["Message"] = "HTTPS_WRN_002";
     } else {
         if ($SessionPost["FirstTimeSettings"] == "true") {
             //URL - isn't entered
             $SessionPost["Message"] = "HTTPS_WRN_001";
         } elseif ($SessionPost["FirstTimeSettings"] == "false") {
             $SessionPost["Message"] = "HTTPS_WRN_006";
             $SessionPost["FirstTimeSettings"] = "";
         } else {
             $file_name = $application->getAppIni("PATH_CONF_DIR") . "https_config.php";
             if (file_exists($file_name)) {
                 #Can't remove file $file_name
                 $SessionPost["Message"] = "HTTPS_WRN_007";
     if ($SessionPost["Message"]) {
         modApiFunc('Session', 'set', 'SessionPost', $SessionPost);
     } else {
         // $SessionPost["hasCloseScript"] = "true";
         modApiFunc('Session', 'set', 'SessionPost', $SessionPost);
     if ($URL_correct) {
         //                    CZ         :
         $layouts_from_bd = modApiFunc("Configuration", "getLayoutSettings");
         foreach ($layouts_from_bd as $fname => $info) {
             $info =& $layouts_from_bd[$fname];
             //               ,                  ,               :
             $k = 'layout_' . $info['id'] . '_res';
             $res = $request->getValueByKey($k);
             if ($res === NULL) {
                 $res = array();
             } else {
                 $res = explode('|', $res);
             //                 Configuration        :
             $sections = array_unique(array_values(modApiFunc("Configuration", "getLayoutSettingNameByCZLayoutSectionNameMap")));
             foreach ($sections as $section) {
                 if (in_array($section, $res)) {
                     $info[$section] = DB_TRUE;
                 } else {
                     $info[$section] = DB_FALSE;
         modApiFunc("Session", "set", "ResultMessage", 'HTTPS_SETTINGS_SAVED');
         modApiFunc("Configuration", "setLayoutSettings", $layouts_from_bd);
         $request = new Request();
 function uploadImages(&$SessionPost)
     global $application;
     // not to duplicate the code.
     $images = array('SmallImage', 'LargeImage');
     foreach ($images as $image) {
         // if the file really exists.
         if (array_key_exists($image, $_FILES) && $_FILES[$image]['size'] > 0 && getimagesize($_FILES[$image]['tmp_name']) != FALSE) {
             // define an image type. It should be one of the allowed types.
             if ($application->isAllowedImageType($_FILES[$image])) {
                 // define the image file extension
                 $ext = $application->getImageTypeExtension($_FILES[$image]);
                 if ($ext != false) {
                     // upload a unique file name.
                     $uploadfile = $application->getUploadImageName($_FILES[$image]['name']);
                     // move the uploaded file to the general catalog.
                     if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES[$image]['tmp_name'], $uploadfile)) {
                         @chmod($uploadfile, 0644);
                         // save the file to view it to the user.
                         //                                $images_dir = $application->getAppIni('RELATIVE_PATH_IMAGES_DIR_ADMIN');
                         $SessionPost["ViewState"][$image] = basename($uploadfile);
                         if ($image == 'LargeImage') {
                             $large_image_path = $uploadfile;
                     } else {
                         $SessionPost["ViewState"]["ErrorsArray"][$image] = new ActionMessage(array("PRDADD_006", $image));
                 } else {
                     $SessionPost["ViewState"]["ErrorsArray"][$image] = new ActionMessage(array("PRDADD_005", $image));
             } else {
                 $SessionPost["ViewState"]["ErrorsArray"][$image] = new ActionMessage(array("PRDADD_005", $image));
         } else {
             if (array_key_exists($image, $_FILES) && $_FILES[$image]['size'] > 0) {
                 $SessionPost["ViewState"]["ErrorsArray"][$image] = new ActionMessage(array("PRDADD_005", $image));
     // generate small image from the large image
     if (@$_FILES['SmallImage']['error'] == UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE && isset($SessionPost["ViewState"]['LargeImage']) && !isset($SessionPost["ViewState"]["ErrorsArray"]['LargeImage']) && isset($large_image_path)) {
         $pi_settings = modApiFunc('Product_Images', 'getSettings');
         if ($pi_settings['AUTO_GEN_CAT_SMALL_IMAGE'] == 'Y' && function_exists('gd_info')) {
             $thumb_path = modApiFunc('Product_Images', 'genThumbnail', 0, $large_image_path, $pi_settings['CAT_IMAGE_SIDE']);
             $thumb_path_info = pathinfo($thumb_path);
             $large_image_path_parts = pathinfo($SessionPost["ViewState"]['LargeImage']);
             $large_image_basename = $large_image_path_parts['basename'];
             $large_image_ext = $large_image_path_parts['extension'];
             $large_image_basename_without_ext = _byte_substr($large_image_basename, 0, -1 * _byte_strlen("." . $large_image_ext));
             $thumb_path_parts = pathinfo($thumb_path);
             $thumb_path_ext = $large_image_path_parts['extension'];
             $thumb_short_name = "thumb_" . $large_image_basename_without_ext . "." . $thumb_path_ext;
             $thumb_path_2 = $application->_img_path($thumb_short_name);
             if (@rename($thumb_path, $thumb_path_2)) {
                 $SessionPost["ViewState"]['SmallImage'] = basename($thumb_path_2);
  * quoteadPrintableEncode()
  * Encodes data to quoted-printable standard.
  * @param $input    The data to encode
  * @param $line_max Optional max line length. Should
  *                  not be more than 76 chars
  * @access private
 function _quotedPrintableEncode($input, $line_max = 76)
     $lines = preg_split("/\r?\n/", $input);
     $escape = '=';
     $output = '';
     while (list(, $line) = each($lines)) {
         $linlen = _byte_strlen($line);
         $newline = '';
         for ($i = 0; $i < $linlen; $i++) {
             $char = _byte_substr($line, $i, 1);
             $dec = _byte_ord($char);
             if ($dec == 32 and $i == $linlen - 1) {
                 // convert space at eol only
                 $char = '=20';
             } elseif ($dec == 9) {
                 // Do nothing if a tab.
             } elseif ($dec == 61 or $dec < 32 or $dec > 126) {
                 $char = $escape . _ml_strtoupper(sprintf('%02s', dechex($dec)));
             if (_byte_strlen($newline) + _byte_strlen($char) >= $line_max) {
                 // MAIL_MIMEPART_CRLF is not counted
                 $output .= $newline . $escape . $eol;
                 // soft line break; " =\r\n" is okay
                 $newline = '';
             $newline .= $char;
         // end of for
         $output .= $newline . $eol;
     $output = _byte_substr($output, 0, -1 * _byte_strlen($eol));
     // Don't want last crlf
     return $output;
  * Prepares the query of type LOCK TABLES.
  * @return a string, containing the SQL query 'LOCK TABLES'
  * @param DB_LockTables object $QueryData
 function PrepareLockTablesQuery($QueryData)
     $SQL = ' LOCK TABLES ';
     $tables = $QueryData->getTablesToLock();
     if (sizeof($tables) > 0) {
         foreach ($tables as $key => $info) {
             $SQL .= $key;
             if (!empty($info['alias'])) {
                 $SQL .= ' AS ' . $info['alias'];
             if (!empty($info['locking_mode'])) {
                 $SQL .= ' ' . $info['locking_mode'];
             $SQL .= ', ';
         $SQL = _byte_substr($SQL, 0, _byte_strlen($SQL) - 2);
     } else {
         //Error - No Tables to Lock
     return $SQL;
Beispiel #10
  * Converts the answer from the remote host to the array of headers, cookies
  * and body.
  * @param $result answer from the remote host
  * @return array of headers, cookies and body
 function parseRequestResult($result)
     $headers = array();
     $cookies = array();
     $body = "";
     $dp = 4096;
     $delimiter = false;
     $dtrs = array("\n", "\r\n", "\n\r");
     foreach ($dtrs as $v) {
         // trying to find a delimiter pair - headers/body border
         $tdp = _byte_strpos($result, $v . $v);
         if ($tdp != false && $dp > $tdp) {
             $dp = $tdp;
             $delimiter = $v;
     if ($delimiter == false) {
         CTrace::wrn('Failed to parse response, I cannot guess headers/body delimiter.');
     $headers = _byte_substr($result, 0, $dp);
     $hstr = explode($delimiter, $headers);
     foreach ($hstr as $key => $string) {
         if (preg_match("/^HTTP/", $string)) {
         if (trim($string) == "") {
         $header_array = explode(": ", trim($string), 2);
         $header_array[0] = _ml_strtoupper($header_array[0]);
         $headers[$header_array[0]] = chop($header_array[1]);
         if ($header_array[0] == "SET-COOKIE") {
             array_push($cookies, $header_array[1]);
     $cookies = $this->parseCookies($cookies);
     $body = _byte_substr($result, $dp + _byte_strlen($delimiter) * 2);
     return array("headers" => $headers, "cookies" => $cookies, "body" => $body);
  * Converts the user inputed key into generic format (uppercase characters, no delimiters)
  * and applies the basic check (by length)
  * @param string $key
  * @return string generic key representation
 function _prepareKey($key)
     if ($key == null || _byte_strlen($key) == 0) {
         return KEY_BAD;
     } else {
         $_key = preg_replace("/[^0-9a-fA-F]/i", "", $key);
         if (_byte_strlen($_key) != KEY_LENGTH) {
             return KEY_BAD;
         return _ml_strtoupper($_key);
Beispiel #12
  * Sets the secret key
  * The key must be non-zero, and less than or equal to
  * 56 characters (bytes) in length.
  * If you are making use of the PHP mcrypt extension, you must call this
  * method before each encrypt() and decrypt() call.
  * @param string $key
  * @param string $iv 8-char initialization vector (required for CBC mode)
  * @return boolean|PEAR_Error  Returns TRUE on success, PEAR_Error on failure
  * @access public
  * @ Fix the caching of the key
 function setKey($key, $iv = null)
     if (!is_string($key)) {
         return PEAR::raiseError('Key must be a string', 2);
     $len = _byte_strlen($key);
     if ($len > $this->_key_size || $len == 0) {
         return PEAR::raiseError('Key must be less than ' . $this->_key_size . ' characters (bytes) and non-zero. Supplied key length: ' . $len, 3);
     if ($this->_iv_required) {
         if (_byte_strlen($iv) != $this->_iv_size) {
             return PEAR::raiseError('IV must be ' . $this->_iv_size . '-character (byte) long. Supplied IV length: ' . _byte_strlen($iv), 7);
         $this->_iv = $iv;
     // If same key passed, no need to re-initialize internal arrays.
     // @ This needs to be worked out better...
     if ($this->_keyHash == md5($key)) {
         return true;
     $k = 0;
     $data = 0;
     $datal = 0;
     $datar = 0;
     for ($i = 0; $i < 18; $i++) {
         $data = 0;
         for ($j = 4; $j > 0; $j--) {
             $data = $data << 8 | _byte_ord($key[$k]);
             $k = ($k + 1) % $len;
         $this->_P[$i] ^= $data;
     for ($i = 0; $i <= 16; $i += 2) {
         $this->_encipher($datal, $datar);
         $this->_P[$i] = $datal;
         $this->_P[$i + 1] = $datar;
     for ($i = 0; $i < 256; $i += 2) {
         $this->_encipher($datal, $datar);
         $this->_S[0][$i] = $datal;
         $this->_S[0][$i + 1] = $datar;
     for ($i = 0; $i < 256; $i += 2) {
         $this->_encipher($datal, $datar);
         $this->_S[1][$i] = $datal;
         $this->_S[1][$i + 1] = $datar;
     for ($i = 0; $i < 256; $i += 2) {
         $this->_encipher($datal, $datar);
         $this->_S[2][$i] = $datal;
         $this->_S[2][$i + 1] = $datar;
     for ($i = 0; $i < 256; $i += 2) {
         $this->_encipher($datal, $datar);
         $this->_S[3][$i] = $datal;
         $this->_S[3][$i + 1] = $datar;
     $this->_keyHash = md5($key);
     return true;
  * Extracts from the template text only the part, which must be used for
  * mapping.
  * @param string $text raw contents of the template file.
  * @return string template contents which contain between the seperators.
 function removeTemplateWrapper($text)
     static $begin_tpl_tag_expr;
     static $end_tpl_tag_expr;
     //        $begin_tpl_tag_expr = '/<hr>.*<!--.*BEGIN.*TPL.*\(DO.*NOT.*REMOVE!\).*-->/im';
     $begin_tpl_tag_expr = '/<\\s*!\\s*-\\s*-\\s*B\\s*E\\s*G\\s*I\\s*N\\s*T\\s*P\\s*L\\s*\\(\\s*D\\s*O\\s*N\\s*O\\s*T\\s*R\\s*E\\s*M\\s*O\\s*V\\s*E\\s*!\\s*\\)\\s*-\\s*-\\s*>/im';
     //        $end_tpl_tag_expr = '/<hr>.*<!--.*END.*TPL.*\(DO NOT REMOVE!\).*-->/im';
     $end_tpl_tag_expr = '/<\\s*!\\s*-\\s*-\\s*E\\s*N\\s*D\\s*T\\s*P\\s*L\\s*\\(\\s*D\\s*O\\s*N\\s*O\\s*T\\s*R\\s*E\\s*M\\s*O\\s*V\\s*E\\s*!\\s*\\)\\s*-\\s*-\\s*>/im';
     if (preg_match($begin_tpl_tag_expr, $text, $begin, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE) != 1) {
         _fatal(array("CODE" => "CORE_046"), $this->CurrentTemplateFilename);
     if (preg_match($end_tpl_tag_expr, $text, $end, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE) != 1) {
         _fatal(array("CODE" => "CORE_047"), $this->CurrentTemplateFilename);
     $begin_pos = $begin[0][1] + _byte_strlen($begin[0][0]);
     $end_pos = $end[0][1];
     if ($begin_pos > $end_pos) {
         _fatal(array("CODE" => "CORE_048"), $this->CurrentTemplateFilename);
     return _byte_substr($text, $begin_pos, $end_pos - $begin_pos);
Beispiel #14
  * Sets the secret key
  * The key must be non-zero, and less than or equal to
  * 56 characters (bytes) in length.
  * If you are making use of the PHP mcrypt extension, you must call this
  * method before each encrypt() and decrypt() call.
  * @param string $key
  * @param string $iv 8-char initialization vector (required for CBC mode)
  * @return boolean|PEAR_Error  Returns TRUE on success, PEAR_Error on failure
  * @access public
 function setKey($key, $iv = null)
     if (!is_string($key)) {
         return PEAR::raiseError('Key must be a string', 2);
     $len = _byte_strlen($key);
     if ($len > 56 || $len == 0) {
         return PEAR::raiseError('Key must be less than 56 characters (bytes) and non-zero. Supplied key length: ' . $len, 3);
     if ($this->_iv_required) {
         if (_byte_strlen($iv) != 8) {
             return PEAR::raiseError('IV must be 8-character (byte) long. Supplied IV length: ' . _byte_strlen($iv), 7);
         $this->_iv = $iv;
     $return = mcrypt_generic_init($this->_td, $key, $this->_iv);
     if ($return < 0) {
         return PEAR::raiseError('Unknown PHP MCrypt library error', 4);
     return true;
Beispiel #15
  * Decrypts $enc_data by the key $this->_dec_key or $key.
  * @param string $enc_data  encrypted data as binary string
  * @param object $key       decryption key (object of RSA_Crypt_Key class)
  * @return mixed
  *         decrypted data as string on success or false on error
  * @access public
 function decryptBinary($enc_data, $key = null)
     if (is_null($key)) {
         // use current decryption key
         $key = $this->_dec_key;
     } elseif (!Crypt_RSA_Key::isValid($key)) {
         $obj = PEAR::raiseError('invalid decryption key. It must be an object of Crypt_RSA_Key class', CRYPT_RSA_ERROR_WRONG_KEY);
         return false;
     $exp = $this->_math_obj->bin2int($key->getExponent());
     $modulus = $this->_math_obj->bin2int($key->getModulus());
     $data_len = _byte_strlen($enc_data);
     $chunk_len = $key->getKeyLength() - 1;
     $block_len = (int) ceil($chunk_len / 8);
     $curr_pos = 0;
     $bit_pos = 0;
     $plain_data = $this->_math_obj->bin2int("");
     while ($curr_pos < $data_len) {
         $tmp = $this->_math_obj->bin2int(_byte_substr($enc_data, $curr_pos, $block_len));
         $tmp = $this->_math_obj->powmod($tmp, $exp, $modulus);
         $plain_data = $this->_math_obj->bitOr($plain_data, $tmp, $bit_pos);
         $bit_pos += $chunk_len;
         $curr_pos += $block_len;
     $result = $this->_math_obj->int2bin($plain_data);
     // delete tail, containing of \x01
     $tail = _byte_ord($result[_byte_strlen($result) - 1]);
     if ($tail != 1) {
         $obj = PEAR::raiseError("Error tail of decrypted text = {$tail}. Expected 1", CRYPT_RSA_ERROR_WRONG_TAIL);
         return false;
     return _byte_substr($result, 0, -1);
 function return_bytes($val)
     $val = trim($val);
     $last = _ml_strtolower($val[_byte_strlen($val) - 1]);
     switch ($last) {
         case 'g':
             $val *= 1024;
         case 'm':
             $val *= 1024;
         case 'k':
             $val *= 1024;
     return $val;
 function getDirectorySize($directory)
     $total_size = 0;
     if ($directory[_byte_strlen($directory) - 1] != "/") {
         $directory .= "/";
     if ($dir = @dir($directory)) {
         while ($file = $dir->read()) {
             if (!is_dir($directory . $file)) {
                 $total_size += filesize($directory . $file);
             } elseif ($file != "." && $file != "..") {
                 $total_size += $this->getDirectorySize($directory . $file . "/");
     return $total_size;
 function onAction()
     global $application;
     $default_lng = modApiFunc('MultiLang', 'getDefaultLanguage');
     // getting the request data
     $request =& $application->getInstance('Request');
     $lng = $request->getValueByKey('lng');
     $label_data = $request->getValueByKey('label_data');
     // flag if there is an error
     $error = '';
     // checking the language
     if ($lng != $default_lng && !modApiFunc('MultiLang', 'checkLanguage', $lng, false)) {
         $error = 'ML_ERROR_INVALID_LANGUAGE';
         $lng = modApiFunc('MultiLang', 'getDefaultLanguage');
     // checking the label id
     // and setting the label name for future use
     if ($label_data['id']) {
         $tmp = modApiFunc('MultiLang', 'searchLabels', array('label_id' => $label_data['id'], 'lng' => $lng));
         if (!$tmp) {
             // label_id is incorrect
             $label_data['id'] = 0;
             $error = 'ML_ERROR_INVALID_LABEL';
             $label_data['label'] = 'CUSTOM_';
             $label_data['prefix'] = 'CZ';
         } else {
             $label_data['label'] = $tmp[0]['label'];
             $label_data['prefix'] = $tmp[0]['prefix'];
         // checking if the label is custom
         // while trying to change its name
         if (isset($label_data['custom_label']) && _ml_substr($tmp[0]['label'], 0, 7) != 'CUSTOM_') {
             $error = 'ML_ERROR_NOT_CUSTOM_LABEL';
     } else {
         $label_data['label'] = 'CUSTOM_';
         $label_data['prefix'] = 'CZ';
     // checking the label name for custom labels
     if (!$error && (!$label_data['id'] || isset($label_data['custom_label'])) && !$label_data['custom_label']) {
     // ckecking if custom_name contain invalid symbols
     if (!$error && !$label_data['id']) {
         for ($i = 0; $i < _byte_strlen($label_data['custom_label']); $i++) {
             $tmp = _byte_ord($label_data['custom_label'][$i]);
             if ($tmp < 48 || $tmp > 57 && $tmp < 65 || $tmp > 90 && $tmp != 95) {
                 $error = 'ML_ERROR_INVALID_CUSTOM_LABEL_NAME';
     // checking if the label name is unique
     if (!$error && (!$label_data['id'] || isset($label_data['custom_label']))) {
         $tmp = modApiFunc('MultiLang', 'searchLabels', array('label' => array('exactly' => 'Y', 'value' => 'CUSTOM_' . $label_data['custom_label']), 'type' => 'CZ_CUSTOM', 'lng' => $lng));
         if ($tmp && $tmp[0]['id'] != $label_data['id']) {
             $error = 'ML_ERROR_LABEL_EXISTS';
     if (!$error) {
         // we are ready to save the changes
         if (!$label_data['id']) {
             // inserting a new label
             modApiFunc('Resources', 'addLabelToDB', 'CUSTOM_' . $label_data['custom_label'], $label_data['def_value']);
             $label_data['id'] = $application->db->DB_Insert_Id();
             // saving the result message
             modApiFunc('Session', 'set', 'ResultMessage', 'ML_SUCCESS_LABEL_ADDED');
         } else {
             // updating the label
             modApiFunc('Resources', 'updateLabelText', $label_data['id'], $label_data['def_value'], isset($label_data['custom_label']) ? 'CUSTOM_' . $label_data['custom_label'] : '');
             modApiFunc('Session', 'set', 'ResultMessage', 'ML_SUCCESS_LABEL_UPDATED');
         // saving the multilang data if needed
         if ($lng != modApiFunc('MultiLang', 'getDefaultLanguage')) {
             $ml_label = modApiFunc('MultiLang', 'mapMLField', 'resource_labels', 'res_text', 'Resources');
             modApiFunc('MultiLang', 'setMLValue', $ml_label, $label_data['id'], $label_data['value'], $lng);
         modApiFunc('Session', 'set', 'ML_ReloadParentWindow', 'Y');
     } else {
         // form contain an error, saving it to session
         modApiFunc('Session', 'set', 'SavedLabelData', $label_data);
         // saving the result
         modApiFunc('Session', 'set', 'ResultMessage', $error);
     $req_to_redirect = new Request();
     $req_to_redirect->setKey('page_view', 'LabelData');
     $req_to_redirect->setKey('label_id', $label_data['id']);
     $req_to_redirect->setKey('lng', $lng);
Beispiel #19
  * Decrypts an encrypted string
  * The value was padded with NUL characters when encrypted. You may
  * need to trim the result or cast its type.
  * @param string $cipherText
  * @return string|PEAR_Error Returns plain text on success, PEAR_Error on failure
  * @access public
 function decrypt($cipherText)
     if (!is_string($cipherText)) {
         return PEAR::raiseError('Cipher text must be a string', 1);
     if (empty($this->_P)) {
         return PEAR::raiseError('The key is not initialized.', 8);
     $plainText = '';
     $len = _byte_strlen($cipherText);
     $cipherText .= str_repeat(_byte_chr(0), (8 - $len % 8) % 8);
     for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i += 8) {
         list(, $Xl, $Xr) = unpack('N2', _byte_substr($cipherText, $i, 8));
         $this->_decipher($Xl, $Xr);
         $plainText .= pack('N2', $Xl, $Xr);
     return $plainText;
  * Logical Right Shift
  * Shifts binary strings $shift bits, essentially dividing by 2**$shift and returning the remainder.
  * @param $x String
  * @param $shift Integer
  * @return String
  * @access private
 function _base256_rshift(&$x, $shift)
     if ($shift == 0) {
         $x = ltrim($x, _byte_chr(0));
         return '';
     $num_bytes = $shift >> 3;
     // eg. floor($shift/8)
     $shift &= 7;
     // eg. $shift % 8
     $remainder = '';
     if ($num_bytes) {
         $start = $num_bytes > _byte_strlen($x) ? -_byte_strlen($x) : -$num_bytes;
         $remainder = _byte_substr($x, $start);
         $x = _byte_substr($x, 0, -$num_bytes);
     $carry = 0;
     $carry_shift = 8 - $shift;
     for ($i = 0; $i < _byte_strlen($x); $i++) {
         $temp = _byte_ord($x[$i]) >> $shift | $carry;
         $carry = _byte_ord($x[$i]) << $carry_shift & 0xff;
         $x[$i] = _byte_chr($temp);
     $x = ltrim($x, _byte_chr(0));
     $remainder = _byte_chr($carry >> $carry_shift) . $remainder;
     return ltrim($remainder, _byte_chr(0));
 function __return_bytes($val)
     $val = trim($val);
     $last = _ml_strtolower($val[_byte_strlen($val) - 1]);
     switch ($last) {
         // The 'G' modifier is available since PHP 5.1.0
         case 'g':
             $val *= 1024;
         case 'm':
             $val *= 1024;
         case 'k':
             $val *= 1024;
     return $val;
  *            CZ layout config     .                                   .
 function static_parse_layout_config_file($layout_file_path)
     global $zone;
     global $application;
     $app_root_path = $application->getAppIni("PATH_ASC_ROOT");
     $config = array();
     $error = array();
     # Use $layout_file_path If it exists and readable
     if (file_exists($layout_file_path) && is_readable($layout_file_path) && is_file($layout_file_path)) {
         $config['PATH_LAYOUTS_CONFIG_FILE'] = $layout_file_path;
         $config['PATH_LAYOUTS_CONFIG_FILE'] = strtr($config['PATH_LAYOUTS_CONFIG_FILE'], '\\', '/');
         $isDefaultLayoutFileUsed = false;
         # Defining layout.ini directory location
         $config['DIR_LAYOUTS_CONFIG_FILE'] = dirname($config['PATH_LAYOUTS_CONFIG_FILE']) . '/';
         $config['DIR_LAYOUTS_CONFIG_FILE'] = strtr($config['DIR_LAYOUTS_CONFIG_FILE'], '\\', '/');
     } else {
         if ($zone != 'AdminZone') {
             $error = array("MAIN_ERROR_PARAMETERS" => array("CODE" => "CORE_056"));
             return $error;
     if (isset($config['DIR_LAYOUTS_CONFIG_FILE'])) {
         # Defining SITE_URL and SITE_PATH
         $layout_array = @_parse_cz_layout_ini_file($config['PATH_LAYOUTS_CONFIG_FILE'], true);
         # convert all array keys to upper case
         $layout_array = array_change_key_case($layout_array, CASE_UPPER);
         foreach ($layout_array as $layout_section => $layout_value) {
             $layout_array[$layout_section] = array_change_key_case($layout_value, CASE_UPPER);
         # Read [Site] section from layout.ini
         if (isset($layout_array['SITE'])) {
             if (isset($layout_array['SITE']['SITEURL'])) {
                 # Defining SITE_URL
                 $config['SITE_URL'] = $layout_array['SITE']['SITEURL'];
                 # check if SITE_URL is empty or ./ then set to current
                 if ($config['SITE_URL'] == '' || $config['SITE_URL'] == './') {
                     $config['SITE_URL'] = "http://" . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . _ml_substr($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], 0, _ml_strrpos($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], '/') + 1);
             } else {
                 $error = array("MAIN_ERROR_PARAMETERS" => array("CODE" => "CORE_032", "FILE" => $config['PATH_LAYOUTS_CONFIG_FILE'], "SECTION" => 'Site', "DIRECTIVE" => "SiteURL"));
                 return $error;
             if (isset($layout_array['SITE']['SITEPATH'])) {
                 # Defining SITE_PATH
                 $config['SITE_PATH'] = $layout_array['SITE']['SITEPATH'];
                 $config['SITE_PATH'] = strtr($config['SITE_PATH'], '\\', '/');
             } elseif (isset($application->appIni["PATH_ASC_ROOT"])) {
                 # Defining SITE_PATH
                 $config['SITE_PATH'] = $application->appIni["PATH_ASC_ROOT"];
                 $config['SITE_PATH'] = strtr($config['SITE_PATH'], '\\', '/');
             } else {
                 $error = array("MAIN_ERROR_PARAMETERS" => array("CODE" => "CORE_033", "FILE" => $config['PATH_LAYOUTS_CONFIG_FILE'], "SECTION" => 'Site', "DIRECTIVE" => "SitePATH"));
                 return $error;
             if (isset($layout_array['SITE']['SITEHTTPSURL'])) {
                 $config['SITE_HTTPS_URL'] = $layout_array['SITE']['SITEHTTPSURL'];
                 if ($config['SITE_HTTPS_URL'] == "" || $config['SITE_HTTPS_URL'] == "./") {
                     $config['SITE_HTTPS_URL'] = "https://" . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . _ml_substr($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], 0, _ml_strrpos($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], '/') + 1);
                 $config['SITE_HTTPS_URL'] .= $config['SITE_HTTPS_URL'][_byte_strlen($config['SITE_HTTPS_URL']) - 1] != "/" ? "/" : "";
                 $config['SITE_HTTPS_URL'] = $config['SITE_URL'];
         } else {
             $error = array("MAIN_ERROR_PARAMETERS" => array("CODE" => "CORE_034", "FILE" => $config['PATH_LAYOUTS_CONFIG_FILE'], "SECTION" => 'Site'));
             return $error;
         # Check if SITE_PATH and SITE_URL have '/' in the line end
         $config['SITE_PATH'] = _ml_substr($config['SITE_PATH'], -1, 1) != '/' ? $config['SITE_PATH'] . '/' : $config['SITE_PATH'];
         $config['SITE_URL'] = _ml_substr($config['SITE_URL'], -1, 1) != '/' ? $config['SITE_URL'] . '/' : $config['SITE_URL'];
         # Check if SITE_PATH exists
         if (!file_exists($config['SITE_PATH'])) {
             $error = array("MAIN_ERROR_PARAMETERS" => array("CODE" => "CORE_038", "FILE" => $config['PATH_LAYOUTS_CONFIG_FILE'], "SECTION" => 'Site', "DIRECTIVE" => "SitePath = " . $config['SITE_PATH']));
             return $error;
         # Define LAYOUT_TEMPLATE from layout.ini
         if (isset($layout_array['TEMPLATES']) && isset($layout_array['TEMPLATES']['TEMPLATEDIRECTORY'])) {
             # Defining LAYOUT_TEMPLATE
             $config['TEMPLATE_DIRECTORY_NAME'] = $layout_array['TEMPLATES']['TEMPLATEDIRECTORY'];
             # Check if there is '/' at the end of TEMPLATE_DIRECTORY_NAME path
             $config['TEMPLATE_DIRECTORY_NAME'] = _ml_substr($config['TEMPLATE_DIRECTORY_NAME'], -1, 1) != '/' ? $config['TEMPLATE_DIRECTORY_NAME'] . '/' : $config['TEMPLATE_DIRECTORY_NAME'];
             # Check template directory exists relative to SitePath directive
             if (file_exists($config['SITE_PATH'] . $config['TEMPLATE_DIRECTORY_NAME'])) {
                 # Path to current templates directory, based on layout.ini directive
                 $config['PATH_TEMPLATES'] = $config['SITE_PATH'] . $config['TEMPLATE_DIRECTORY_NAME'];
                 $config['URL_TEMPLATES'] = $config['SITE_URL'] . $config['TEMPLATE_DIRECTORY_NAME'];
                 $config['PATH_USERS_RESOURCES'] = $config['PATH_TEMPLATES'] . 'resources/';
                 if (isset($config['SITE_HTTPS_URL'])) {
                     $config['HTTPS_URL_TEMPLATES'] = $config['SITE_HTTPS_URL'] . $config['TEMPLATE_DIRECTORY_NAME'];
             } else {
                 $error = array("MAIN_ERROR_PARAMETERS" => array("CODE" => "CORE_035", "FILE" => $config['PATH_LAYOUTS_CONFIG_FILE'], "SECTION" => 'Templates', "DIRECTIVE" => "TemplateDirectory = " . $config['TEMPLATE_DIRECTORY_NAME']), $config['TEMPLATE_DIRECTORY_NAME'], $config['SITE_PATH']);
                 return $error;
         } else {
             # If TEMPLATEDIRECTORY directive is undefined then use system templates
             $config['TEMPLATE_DIRECTORY_NAME'] = 'avactis-themes/system';
             $config['PATH_TEMPLATES'] = $app_root_path . '/' . $config['TEMPLATE_DIRECTORY_NAME'] . '/';
             $config['URL_TEMPLATES'] = $application->getAppIni('HTTP_URL') . $config['TEMPLATE_DIRECTORY_NAME'] . '/';
             $config['PATH_USERS_RESOURCES'] = $config['PATH_TEMPLATES'] . 'resources/';
             if (isset($config['SITE_HTTPS_URL'])) {
                 $config['HTTPS_URL_TEMPLATES'] = $application->getAppIni('HTTPS_URL') . $config['TEMPLATE_DIRECTORY_NAME'] . '/';
         # Hard-coding system templates
         $config['SYSTEM_TEMPLATE_DIRECTORY_NAME'] = 'avactis-themes/system';
         $config['SYSTEM_PATH_TEMPLATES'] = str_replace('//', '/', $app_root_path . '/' . $config['SYSTEM_TEMPLATE_DIRECTORY_NAME'] . '/');
         $config['SYSTEM_URL_TEMPLATES'] = $application->getAppIni('HTTP_URL') . $config['SYSTEM_TEMPLATE_DIRECTORY_NAME'] . '/';
         $config['SYSTEM_PATH_USERS_RESOURCES'] = $config['SYSTEM_PATH_TEMPLATES'] . 'resources/';
         if (isset($config['SITE_HTTPS_URL'])) {
             $config['SYSTEM_HTTPS_URL_TEMPLATES'] = $application->getAppIni('HTTPS_URL') . $config['SYSTEM_TEMPLATE_DIRECTORY_NAME'] . '/';
     return $config;
Beispiel #23
  * Calculates bitwise or of $num1 and $num2,
  * starting from bit $start_pos for number $num1
  * @param gmp resource $num1
  * @param gmp resource $num2
  * @param int $start_pos
  * @return gmp resource
  * @access public
 function bitOr($num1, $num2, $start_pos)
     $start_byte = intval($start_pos / 8);
     $start_bit = $start_pos % 8;
     $tmp1 = $this->int2bin($num1);
     $num2 = gmp_mul($num2, 1 << $start_bit);
     $tmp2 = $this->int2bin($num2);
     if ($start_byte < _byte_strlen($tmp1)) {
         $tmp2 |= _byte_substr($tmp1, $start_byte);
         $tmp1 = _byte_substr($tmp1, 0, $start_byte) . $tmp2;
     } else {
         $tmp1 = str_pad($tmp1, $start_byte, "") . $tmp2;
     return $this->bin2int($tmp1);
 function writeLabel($Row, $Col, $Value)
     $L = _byte_strlen($Value);
     $this->__content .= pack("ssssss", 0x204, 8 + $L, $Row, $Col, 0x0, $L);
     $this->__content .= $Value;