Beispiel #1
function __wps__getTopic($topic_id, $group_id=0, $pagination=9999, $page=1) {

	global $wpdb, $current_user, $blog_id;	

	$html = '';
	$plugin = WP_CONTENT_URL.'/plugins/wp-symposium/';
	$previous_login = __wps__get_meta($current_user->ID, 'previous_login');

	$level = __wps__get_current_userlevel();

	// Check permissions
	$user = get_userdata( $current_user->ID );
	$can_view = false;
	$viewer = str_replace('_', '', str_replace(' ', '', strtolower(get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_viewer'))));
	if ($user) {
		$capabilities = $user->{$wpdb->prefix.'capabilities'};
		// Can view topic?
		if ($capabilities) {
			foreach ( $capabilities as $role => $name ) {
				if ($role) {
					$role = strtolower($role);
					$role = str_replace(' ', '', $role);
					$role = str_replace('_', '', $role);
					if (WPS_DEBUG) $html .= 'Checking view role '.$role.' against '.$viewer.'<br />';
					if (strpos($viewer, $role) !== FALSE) $can_view = true;
					if (WPS_DEBUG && $can_view) $html .= "CAN VIEW<br />";
	$everyone = str_replace(' ', '', __('everyone', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN)); // Handle some non-English translations of 'everyone'
	if (strpos($viewer, $everyone) !== FALSE) $can_view = true;
	// Can create topic?
	$can_edit = false;
	$viewer = str_replace('_', '', str_replace(' ', '', strtolower(get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_forum_editor'))));
	if ($user && $capabilities) {
		foreach ( $capabilities as $role => $name ) {
			if ($role) {
				$role = strtolower($role);
				$role = str_replace(' ', '', $role);
				$role = str_replace('_', '', $role);
				if (WPS_DEBUG) $html .= 'Checking create role '.$role.' against '.$viewer.'<br />';
				if (strpos($viewer, $role) !== FALSE) $can_edit = true;
				if (WPS_DEBUG && $can_edit) $html .= "CAN EDIT<br />";
	if (strpos($viewer, __('everyone', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN)) !== FALSE) $can_edit = true;
	if ($group_id > 0) {
		$sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".$wpdb->prefix."symposium_group_members WHERE group_id=%d AND valid='on' AND member_id=%d";
		$member_count = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare($sql, $group_id, $current_user->ID));
		if ($member_count == 0) { $can_edit = false; } else { $can_edit = true; }

	// Can reply to a topic?
	$can_reply = false;
	$viewer = str_replace('_', '', str_replace(' ', '', strtolower(get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_forum_reply'))));
	if ($user && $capabilities) {
		foreach ( $capabilities as $role => $name ) {
			if ($role) {
				$role = strtolower($role);
				$role = str_replace(' ', '', $role);
				$role = str_replace('_', '', $role);
				if (WPS_DEBUG) $html .= 'Checking reply role '.$role.' against '.$viewer.'<br />';
				if (strpos($viewer, $role) !== FALSE) $can_reply = true;
				if (WPS_DEBUG && $can_reply) $html .= "CAN REPLY<br />";
	if (strpos($viewer, __('everyone', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN)) !== FALSE) $can_reply = true;
	if ($group_id > 0) {
		$sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".$wpdb->prefix."symposium_group_members WHERE group_id=%d AND valid='on' AND member_id=%d";
		$member_count = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare($sql, $group_id, $current_user->ID));
		if ($member_count == 0) { $can_reply = false; } else { $can_reply = true; }
	// check for allow replies setting on forum
	$can_reply_switch = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare("SELECT allow_replies FROM ".$wpdb->prefix."symposium_topics WHERE tid = %d", $topic_id));

	// Can add a comment to a reply?
	$can_comment = false;
	$viewer = str_replace('_', '', str_replace(' ', '', strtolower(get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_forum_reply_comment'))));
	if ($user && $capabilities) {
		foreach ( $capabilities as $role => $name ) {
			if ($role) {
				$role = strtolower($role);
				$role = str_replace(' ', '', $role);
				$role = str_replace('_', '', $role);
				if (WPS_DEBUG) $html .= 'Checking reply comment role '.$role.' against '.$viewer.'<br />';
				if (strpos($viewer, $role) !== FALSE) $can_comment = true;
				if (WPS_DEBUG && $can_comment) $html .= "CAN COMMENT<br />";
	if (strpos($viewer, __('everyone', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN)) !== FALSE) $can_comment = true;
	if ($group_id > 0) {
		$sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".$wpdb->prefix."symposium_group_members WHERE group_id=%d AND valid='on' AND member_id=%d";
		$member_count = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare($sql, $group_id, $current_user->ID));
		if ($member_count == 0) { $can_comment = false; } else { $can_comment = true; }

	// Get list of roles for this user
	global $current_user;
    $user_roles = $current_user->roles;
    $user_role = strtolower(array_shift($user_roles));
    $user_role = str_replace('_', '', str_replace(' ', '', $user_role));
    if ($user_role == '') $user_role = 'NONE';

	// Get list of permitted roles from forum_cat and check allowed for this topic's category
	$sql = "SELECT topic_category FROM ".$wpdb->prefix."symposium_topics WHERE tid = %d";
	$category = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare($sql, $topic_id));
	$sql = "SELECT level FROM ".$wpdb->prefix."symposium_cats WHERE cid = %d";
	$level = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare($sql, $category));
	$cat_roles = unserialize($level);
    $cat_roles = str_replace('_', '', str_replace(' ', '', $cat_roles));

	if ($group_id > 0) {
		if (__wps__member_of($group_id) != "yes") $can_view = false;
	} else {
		if (strpos(strtolower($cat_roles), 'everyone,') !== FALSE || strpos(strtolower($cat_roles), $user_role.',') !== FALSE) {
			// can view
		} else {
			$can_view = false;

	if ( $can_view ) {

		// Get forum URL worked out
		$forum_url = __wps__get_url('forum');
		if (strpos($forum_url, '?') !== FALSE) {
			$q = "&";
		} else {
			$q = "?";
		// Get group URL worked out
		if ($group_id > 0) {
			$forum_url = __wps__get_url('group');
			if (strpos($forum_url, '?') !== FALSE) {
				$q = "&gid=".$group_id."&";
			} else {
				$q = "?gid=".$group_id."&";
		$post = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare("
			SELECT tid, topic_subject, topic_approved, topic_category, topic_post, topic_started, display_name, topic_sticky, topic_owner, for_info 
			FROM ".$wpdb->prefix."symposium_topics t INNER JOIN ".$wpdb->base_prefix."users u ON t.topic_owner = u.ID 
			WHERE (t.topic_approved = 'on' OR t.topic_owner = %d) AND tid = %d", $current_user->ID, $topic_id));
		if ($post) {

			// Store removal limit for votes
			$html .= '<div id="symposium_forum_vote_remove" style="display:none">'.get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_use_votes_remove').'</div>';
			$html .= '<div id="symposium_forum_vote_remove_msg" style="display:none">'.__('This post has been voted off the forum', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).'</div>';

			$html .= '<div id="__wps__forum_topic_header">';

				// Breadcrumbs
				$cat_id = $post->topic_category;

				$breadcrumbs = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare("SELECT title, hide_breadcrumbs FROM ".$wpdb->prefix."symposium_cats WHERE cid = %d", $cat_id));
				if ($breadcrumbs->hide_breadcrumbs == 'on') {

					$html .= '<div id="topic_breadcrumbs" class="breadcrumbs label">';

						$this_level = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare("SELECT cid, title, cat_parent, stub FROM ".$wpdb->prefix."symposium_cats WHERE cid = %d", $cat_id));

						if (get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_forum_ajax') == 'on') { 
							$html .= '<a href="#cid='.$this_level->cid.'" class="category_title" title="'.$this_level->cid.'">'.__('Back to', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).' '.trim(stripslashes($this_level->title)).'</a>'; 
						} else { 
							if (get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_permalink_structure') && $group_id == 0) {
								$html .= '<a href="'.$forum_url.'/'.$this_level->stub.'" title="'.$this_level->cid.'">'.__('Back to', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).' '.trim(stripslashes($this_level->title)).'</a>'; 
							} else {
								$html .= '<a href="'.$forum_url.$q."cid=".$this_level->cid.'" title="'.$this_level->cid.'">'.__('Back to', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).' '.trim(stripslashes($this_level->title)).'</a>'; 

					$html .= '</div>';

				} else {
					$html .= '<div id="topic_breadcrumbs" class="breadcrumbs label">';

						if (!get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_wps_lite')) {
							$this_level = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare("SELECT cid, title, cat_parent, stub FROM ".$wpdb->prefix."symposium_cats WHERE cid = %d", $cat_id));
							if ($this_level) { 

								if ($this_level->cat_parent == 0) { 
									if (get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_forum_ajax') == 'on') { 
										$html .= '<a href="#cid=0" class="category_title" title="0">'.__('Forum Home', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN)."</a> &rarr; "; 
										$html .= '<a href="#cid='.$this_level->cid.'" class="category_title" title="'.$this_level->cid.'">'.trim(stripslashes($this_level->title)).'</a>'; 
									} else { 
										if (get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_permalink_structure') && $group_id == 0) {
											$html .= '<a href="'.$forum_url.'">'.__('Forum Home', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN)."</a> &rarr; "; 
											$html .= '<a href="'.$forum_url.'/'.$this_level->stub.'" title="'.$this_level->cid.'">'.trim(stripslashes($this_level->title)).'</a>'; 
										} else {
											$html .= '<a href="'.$forum_url.$q.'cid=0" title="0">'.__('Forum Home', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN)."</a> &rarr; "; 
											$html .= '<a href="'.$forum_url.$q."cid=".$this_level->cid.'" title="'.$this_level->cid.'">'.trim(stripslashes($this_level->title)).'</a>'; 
								} else { 

									$parent_level = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare("SELECT cid, title, cat_parent, stub FROM ".$wpdb->prefix."symposium_cats WHERE cid = %d", $this_level->cat_parent)); 

									if ($parent_level->cat_parent == 0) { 
										if (get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_forum_ajax') == 'on') { 
											$html .= '<a href="#cid=0" class="category_title" title="0">'.__('Forum Home', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN)."</a> &rarr; "; 
										} else { 
											if (get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_permalink_structure') && $group_id == 0) {
												$html .= '<a href="'.$forum_url.'" title="0">'.__('Forum Home', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN)."</a> &rarr; "; 
											} else {
												$html .= '<a href="'.$forum_url.$q.'cid=0" title="0">'.__('Forum Home', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN)."</a> &rarr; "; 
									} else { 
										$parent_level_2 = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare("SELECT cid, title, cat_parent, stub FROM ".$wpdb->prefix."symposium_cats WHERE cid = %d", $parent_level->cat_parent)); 
										if (get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_forum_ajax') == 'on') { 
											$html .= '<a href="#cid=0" class="category_title" title="0">'.__('Forum Home', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN)."</a> &rarr; " ; 
											$html .= '<a href="#cid='.$parent_level_2->cid.'" class="category_title" title="'.$parent_level_2->cid.'">'.trim(stripslashes($parent_level_2->title))."</a> &rarr; "; 
										} else { 
											if (get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_permalink_structure') && $group_id == 0) {
												$html .= '<a href="'.$forum_url.'" title="0">'.__('Forum Home', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN)."</a> &rarr; " ; 
												$html .= '<a href="'.$forum_url.'/'.$parent_level_2->stub.'" title="'.$parent_level_2->cid.'">'.trim(stripslashes($parent_level_2->title))."</a> &rarr; "; 
											} else {
												$html .= '<a href="'.$forum_url.$q.'cid=0" title="0">'.__('Forum Home', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN)."</a> &rarr; " ; 
												$html .= '<a href="'.$forum_url.$q."cid=".$parent_level_2->cid.'" title="'.$parent_level_2->cid.'">'.trim(stripslashes($parent_level_2->title))."</a> &rarr; "; 
									if (get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_forum_ajax') == 'on') { 
										$html .= '<a href="#cid='.$parent_level->cid.'" class="category_title" title="'.$parent_level->cid.'">'.trim(stripslashes($parent_level->title))."</a> &rarr; " ; 
										$html .= '<a href="#cid='.$this_level->cid.'" class="category_title" title="'.$this_level->cid.'">'.trim(stripslashes($this_level->title))."</a>" ; 
									} else { 
										if (get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_permalink_structure') && $group_id == 0) {
											$html .= '<a href="'.$forum_url.'/'.$parent_level->stub.'" title="'.$parent_level->cid.'">'.trim(stripslashes($parent_level->title))."</a> &rarr; " ; 
											$html .= '<a href="'.$forum_url.'/'.$this_level->stub.'" title="'.$this_level->cid.'">'.trim(stripslashes($this_level->title))."</a>" ; 
										} else {
											$html .= '<a href="'.$forum_url.$q."cid=".$parent_level->cid.'" title="'.$parent_level->cid.'">'.trim(stripslashes($parent_level->title))."</a> &rarr; " ; 
											$html .= '<a href="'.$forum_url.$q."cid=".$this_level->cid.'" title="'.$this_level->cid.'">'.trim(stripslashes($this_level->title))."</a>" ; 
							} else {
								if (get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_forum_ajax') == 'on') {
									$html .= '&larr; <a href="#cid=0" class="category_title" title="0">'.__('Forum Home', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN)."</a>";
								} else {
									if (get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_permalink_structure') && $group_id == 0) {
										$html .= '&larr; <a href="'.$forum_url.'" title="0">'.__('Forum Home', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN)."</a>";
									} else {
										$html .= '&larr; <a href="'.$forum_url.$q.'cid=0" title="0">'.__('Forum Home', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN)."</a>";

						} else {
							// Lite mode
							$html .= '<a href="#cid=0" class="category_title" title="0">'.__('Forum Home', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN)."</a> &rarr; ";
							$html .= '<a href="#cid='.$post->topic_category.'" class="category_title" title="'.$post->topic_category.'">'.__('Topic list', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).'</a>';
					$html .= '</div>';

				// Quick jump, subscribe, Sticky and Allow Replies
				if (is_user_logged_in()) {
					$html .= "<div id='__wps__topic_options' class='label' style='width:95%;'>";

						$html .= '<div style="float:left; text-align:right;margin-bottom:6px;">';
							if (get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_suppress_forum_notify') != "on") {
								$forum_all = __wps__get_meta($current_user->ID, 'forum_all');
								$html .= "<input type='checkbox' title='".$post->tid."' id='subscribe' name='subscribe'";
								if ($forum_all == 'on') {
									$html .= " style='display:none;'";
								$subscribed_count = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".$wpdb->prefix."symposium_subs WHERE tid = %d and uid = %d", $post->tid, $current_user->ID));
								if ($subscribed_count > 0) { $html .= ' checked'; } 
								$html .= "> ";
								if ($forum_all != 'on') {
									$html .= __("Tell me about replies", WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN)."&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";
							if (current_user_can('level_10')) {
								$html .= "<input type='checkbox' title='".$post->tid."' id='sticky' name='sticky'";
								if ($post->topic_sticky > 0) { $html .= ' checked'; }
								$html .= "> ".__("Sticky", WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN);
								$html .= "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type='checkbox' title='".$post->tid."' id='replies' name='replies'";
								$allow_replies = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare("SELECT allow_replies FROM ".$wpdb->prefix."symposium_topics WHERE tid = %d", $post->tid));
								if ($allow_replies == "on") { $html .= ' checked'; }
								$html .= "> ".__("Replies allowed", WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN);
						$html .= '</div>';

						// Add Quickjump drop-down list
						if (get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_show_dropdown') && !$group_id)
							$html .= '<div style="float:right;">'.__wps__forum_dropdown($cat_id, $topic_id, $group_id).'</div>';				

					$html .= "</div>";

				// Forum options
				$html .= "<div id='forum_options'>";

					$html .= "<a id='show_search' href='javascript:void(0)'>".__("Search", WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN)."</a>";
					$html .= "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a id='show_all_activity' href='javascript:void(0)'>".__("Activity", WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN)."</a>";
					$html .= "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a id='show_threads_activity' href='javascript:void(0)'>".__("Latest Topics", WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN)."</a>";

					if (is_user_logged_in()) {
						$html .= "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a id='show_activity' href='javascript:void(0)'>".__("My Activity", WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN)."</a>";
						$html .= "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a id='show_favs' href='javascript:void(0)'>".__("Favorites", WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN)."</a>";

				$html .= "</div>";
				// Sharing icons
				if (get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_sharing') != '') {
					$html .= __wps__show_sharing_icons($cat_id, $post->tid, get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_sharing'), $group_id);
				// Edit Form
				$html .= '<div id="edit-topic-div">';

					$html .= '<div class="new-topic-subject label">'.__("Topic Subject", WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).'</div>';
					$html .= '<div id="'.$post->tid.'" class="edit-topic-tid"></div>';
					$html .= '<div id="" class="edit-topic-parent"></div>';
					$html .= '<input class="new-topic-subject-input" type="text" name="edit_topic_subject">';
					$html .= '<div class="new-topic-subject label">'.__("Topic Text", WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).'</div>';
					$html .= __wps__bbcode_toolbar('edit_topic_text');
					$html .= '<textarea class="new-topic-subject-text" id="edit_topic_text" name="edit_topic_text"></textarea>';
					if ($group_id == 0) {
						$html .= '<div class="new-category-div" style="float:left;">'.__("Move Category", WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).': <select name="new-category" class="new-category" style="width: 200px">';
						$html .= '<option value="">'.__("Select", WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).'...</option>';
						$categories = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM ".$wpdb->prefix.'symposium_cats ORDER BY listorder');			
						if ($categories) {
							foreach ($categories as $category) {
								if ($category->allow_new == "on" || current_user_can('level_10')) {
									$html .= '<option value='.$category->cid.'>'.stripslashes($category->title).'</option>';
						$html .= '</select></div>';
					} else {
						// No categories for groups
						$html .= '<input name="new-category" type="hidden" value="0">';

				$html .= '</div>';

			$html .= "</div>"; // __wps__forum_topic_header				

			// Topic starting post
			$html .= "<div id='starting-post'>";
				// Show topic header
				$html .= "<div id='top_of_first_post'>";
					$html .= "<div class='avatar' style='margin-bottom:0px; margin-top:6px;'>";
						$html .= get_avatar($post->topic_owner, 64);

						if (get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_forum_info')) {
							$html .= "<div class='forum_info'>";
								$sql = "SELECT count(*) FROM ".$wpdb->prefix."symposium_topics WHERE topic_owner = %d";
								$count = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare($sql, $post->topic_owner));
								$html .= __('Posts:', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).' ';
								$html .= '<span class="forum_info_numbers">'.$count.'</span>';

							$html .= "</div>";	
							if (get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_use_answers') == 'on') {
								$html .= "<div class='forum_info'>";
									// Get widget settings (also used under Replies)
									$settings = get_option("widget_forumexperts-widget");
									if (isset($settings[2]['timescale'])) {
										if (WPS_DEBUG) $html .= 'Getting Widget settings<br />';
										$timescale = $settings[2]['timescale'];
										$w_cat_id = $settings[2]['cat_id'];
										$cat_id_exclude = $settings[2]['cat_id_exclude'];
										$groups = $settings[2]['groups'];
									} else {
										if (WPS_DEBUG) $html .= 'Using default settings<br />';
										$timescale = 7;
										$w_cat_id = '';
										$cat_id_exclude = '';
										$groups = '';
									// Now get value of rating (how many answers during timescale)
									$sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".$wpdb->prefix."symposium_topics WHERE topic_owner = %d AND topic_answer = 'on' ";
									$sql .= "AND topic_date >= ( CURDATE() - INTERVAL ".$timescale." DAY )";
									if ($w_cat_id != '' && $w_cat_id > 0) {
										$sql .= "AND topic_category IN (".$w_cat_id.") ";
									if ($cat_id_exclude != '' && $cat_id_exclude > 0) {
										$sql .= "AND topic_category NOT IN (".$cat_id_exclude.") ";
									if ($groups != 'on') {
										$sql .= "AND topic_group = 0 ";
									$count = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare($sql, $post->topic_owner));
									if ($count > 0) {
										$html .= __('Rating:', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).' ';
										$html .= '<span class="forum_info_numbers">'.$count.'</span>';
									if (WPS_DEBUG) $html .= $wpdb->last_query;
								$html .= "</div>";

							if ($post->topic_started > $previous_login && $post->topic_owner != $current_user->ID && is_user_logged_in() && get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_forum_stars')) {
								$html .= "<img src='".get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_images')."/new.gif' alt='New!' /> ";
					$html .= "</div>";
					$html .= "<div class='topic-post-header-with-fav'>";
						$html .= "<div class='topic-post-header'>";

							if (get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_allow_reports') == 'on') {
								$html .= "<a href='javascript:void(0)' title='forum_".$post->tid."' class='report label symposium_report' style='display:none; cursor:pointer'><div class='topic-edit-icon' style='margin-top:-5px;' ><img src='".get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_images')."/warning.png' /></div></a>";
							$reply_posted_time = strtotime($post->topic_started);
							$reply_posted_expire = $reply_posted_time + (get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_forum_lock') * 60);
							$now = time();
							$seconds_left = $reply_posted_expire - $now;
							if ($seconds_left > 0) {
								$title = __('Lock in', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).' '.gmdate("H:i:s", $seconds_left);
							} else {
								$title = __('Admin only', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN);
							if (get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_forum_lock') == 0) {
								$title = __('No lock time', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN);
								$seconds_left = 1;
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								$now = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time() - get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_forum_lock') * 60);
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								} else {
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						$html .= "</div><div style='clear:both'></div>";
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								if ($post->for_info == 'on') { $html .= " CHECKED"; }
								$html .= ' /> ';
								$html .= '<em>'.__('This topic is for information only, no answer will be selected.', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).'</em>';
							} else {
								if ($post->for_info == 'on') { 
									$html .= '<em>'.__('This topic is for information only, no answer will be selected.', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).'</em>';

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										$html .= '<img id="'.$post->tid.'" title="'.$file['name'].'" class="remove_forum_post link_cursor" src="'.get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_images').'/delete.png" /> ';
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				$html .= "</div>";

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						$wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare("UPDATE ".$wpdb->prefix."symposium_topics SET topic_views = topic_views + 1 WHERE tid = %d", $post->tid) );
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					$wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare("UPDATE ".$wpdb->prefix."symposium_topics SET topic_views = topic_views + 1 WHERE tid = %d", $post->tid) );
			$html .= "</div>";		

			// Advertising code +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

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				$html .= "</div>";

			// Replies ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
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				FROM ".$wpdb->prefix."symposium_topics t INNER JOIN ".$wpdb->base_prefix."users u ON t.topic_owner = u.ID 
				WHERE (t.topic_approved = 'on' OR t.topic_owner = %d) AND t.topic_parent = %d ORDER BY t.tid";
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			$sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".$wpdb->prefix."symposium_topics t INNER JOIN ".$wpdb->base_prefix."users u ON t.topic_owner = u.ID WHERE (t.topic_approved = 'on' OR t.topic_owner = %d) AND t.topic_parent = %d ORDER BY t.tid";
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									$pagination_url = '/'.$url_parts[1].'/'.$url_parts[2];
							} else {
								$pagination_url = $forum_url.$q.'cid='.$post->topic_category.'&show='.$post->tid;
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								$html .= __wps__insert_pagination($page, $page_count, $group_id, $pagination_url);

					// Get current number of votes by this member to see if can vote
					$sql = "SELECT count(*) FROM ".$wpdb->prefix."symposium_topics WHERE topic_owner = %d";
					$post_count = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare($sql, $current_user->ID));

					// Div to show if can't vote yet
					$html .= '<div id="symposium_novote_dialog" style="display:none">';
					$html .= sprintf(__("Spam Protection", WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN), get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_use_votes_min'));
					$html .= '</div>';
					$html .= '<div id="symposium_novote" style="display:none">';
					$html .= sprintf(__("Sorry, you can't vote until you have made %d posts.", WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN), get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_use_votes_min'));
					$html .= '</div>';

					// For pagination
					$reply_count = 0;
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					foreach ($child_query as $child) {
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							if ($score == NULL) { $score = 0; }
							$reply_html = '';

							$reply_html .= "<div id='reply".$child->tid."' class='child-reply";
								$trusted = __wps__get_meta($child->topic_owner, 'trusted');
								if ($trusted == 'on') { $reply_html .= " trusted"; }
								$reply_html .= "'>";

								$reply_html .= "<div class='avatar'>";
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									if (get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_forum_info')) {
										$reply_html .= "<div class='forum_info'>";
											$sql = "SELECT count(*) FROM ".$wpdb->prefix."symposium_topics WHERE topic_owner = %d";
											$count = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare($sql, $child->topic_owner));
											$reply_html .= __('Posts:', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).' ';								
											$reply_html .= '<span class="forum_info_numbers">'.$count.'</span>';
										$reply_html .= "</div>";	

										if (get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_use_answers') == 'on') {
											$reply_html .= "<div class='forum_info'>";
												$sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".$wpdb->prefix."symposium_topics WHERE topic_owner = %d AND topic_answer = 'on' ";
												$sql .= "AND topic_date >= ( CURDATE() - INTERVAL ".$timescale." DAY )";
												if ($w_cat_id != '' && $w_cat_id > 0) {
													$sql .= "AND topic_category IN (".$w_cat_id.") ";
												if ($cat_id_exclude != '' && $cat_id_exclude > 0) {
													$sql .= "AND topic_category NOT IN (".$cat_id_exclude.") ";
												if ($groups != 'on') {
													$sql .= "AND topic_group = 0 ";
												$count = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare($sql, $child->topic_owner));
												if ($count > 0) {
													$reply_html .= __('Rating:', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).' ';
													$reply_html .= '<span class="forum_info_numbers">'.$count.'</span>';
												if (WPS_DEBUG) $reply_html .= $wpdb->last_query;
											$reply_html .= "</div>";	

									if ($child->topic_date > $previous_login && $child->topic_owner != $current_user->ID && is_user_logged_in() && get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_forum_stars')) {
										$reply_html .= "<img src='".get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_images')."/new.gif' alt='New!' /> ";

								$reply_html .= "</div>";	
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								$reply_html .= "<div class='__wps__reply_box'>";
									if ( (get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_use_votes_remove') == $score) && (__wps__get_current_userlevel() < 5) && ($score != 0) ) {
										$reply_html .= '<p>'.__('This post has been voted off the forum', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).'</p>';
									} else {
										if ( (get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_use_votes_remove') == $score) && ($score != 0) ) {
											$reply_html .= '<p>'.__('This post has been voted off the forum (only visible to site admins) with a score of', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).' '.$score.'.</p>';
										// Votes (if being used)
										if (get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_use_votes') == 'on' && ($child->topic_owner != $current_user->ID || __wps__get_current_userlevel() == 5)) {
											$reply_html .= "<div class='floatright forum_post_score' style='width: 24px; text-align:center;'>";
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													if ($post_count >= get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_use_votes_min')) {
														$reply_html .= "<img id='".$child->tid."' class='forum_post_score_change' title='plus' src='".get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_images')."/smilies/good.png' style='cursor:pointer;width:24px; height:24px;' />";
													} else {
														$reply_html .= "<img id='".$child->tid."' class='forum_post_score_change' title='novote' src='".get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_images')."/smilies/good.png' style='cursor:pointer;width:24px; height:24px;' />";
												$reply_html .= "</div>";
												$reply_html .= "<div id='forum_score_".$child->tid."' style='margin-bottom:3px'>";
													if ($child->score > 0) { $reply_html .= '+'; }
													$reply_html .= $score;
												$reply_html .= "</div>";
												$reply_html .= "<div>";
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														$reply_html .= "<img id='".$child->tid."' class='forum_post_score_change' title='minus' src='".get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_images')."/smilies/bad.png' style='cursor:pointer;width:24px; height:24px;' />";
													} else {
														$reply_html .= "<img id='".$child->tid."' class='forum_post_score_change' title='novote' src='".get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_images')."/smilies/bad.png' style='cursor:pointer;width:24px; height:24px;' />";
												$reply_html .= "</div>";
											$reply_html .= "</div>";
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										if (get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_use_answers') == 'on') {
											$reply_html .= "<div class='floatright'>";
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													if ($post->topic_owner == $current_user->ID || __wps__get_current_userlevel() == 5) {
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														if ($post->for_info == 'on') {
															$reply_html .= "display:none;";
														$reply_html .= "'>".__('Accept answer', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN)."</a>";
											$reply_html .= "</div>";
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											if ( ($child->topic_owner == $current_user->ID) || (can_manage_forum()) ) {
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													$title = __('Locking reply in', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).' '.gmdate("H:i:s", $seconds_left);
													$ttitle = '<br /><em>'.$title.'</em>';
												} else {
													$title = __('Admin only', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN);
													$ttitle = '';
												if (get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_forum_lock') == 0) {
													$title = __('No lock time', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN);
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													$reply_html .= "<a href='javascript:void(0)' class='floatright link_cursor edit_forum_reply' style='display:none; margin-right: 5px' id='".$child->tid."'><img title='".$title."' src='".get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_images')."/edit.png' /></a>";
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										$reply_html .= __wps__profile_link($child->topic_owner);
										$reply_html .= " ".__("replied", WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN)." ".__wps__time_ago($child->topic_date)."...";
										if (isset($ttitle)) $reply_html .= $ttitle;
										$reply_html .= "</div>";
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													$reply_text = str_replace('[code]', '<pre>', $reply_text);
													$reply_text = str_replace('[/code]', '</pre>', $reply_text);
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												$reply_text = str_replace(chr(13), "<br />", $reply_text);

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										foreach ($images as $file) {

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											$reply_html .= '>';

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											} else {
												$reply_html .= $file->filename;
											$reply_html .= '</a> ';
											$reply_html .= '<img id="'.$child->tid.'" title="'.$file->filename.'" class="remove_forum_post link_cursor" src="'.get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_images').'/delete.png" /> ';
											$reply_html .= '</div>';	
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											$targetPath = get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_img_path')."/forum/".$post->tid.'/'.$child->tid;

										if (file_exists($targetPath)) {

											$handler = opendir($targetPath);
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											while ($file = readdir($handler)) {
												if ( ($file != "." && $file != ".." && $file != ".DS_Store") && (!is_dir($targetPath.'/'.$file)) ) {
													$file_list[] = array('name' => $file, 'size' => filesize($targetPath.'/'.$file), 'mtime' => filemtime($targetPath.'/'.$file));
											// sort by datetime file stamp
											usort($file_list, "__wps__cmp");

											$cnt = 0;
											$handler = opendir($targetPath);
											foreach($file_list as $file) {

												$reply_html .= '<div style="overflow:auto;">';
												global $blog_id;
												if ($blog_id > 1) {
													$url = get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_img_url').'/'.$blog_id.'/forum/'.$post->tid.'/'.$child->tid.'/'.$file['name'];
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													$url = get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_img_url').'/forum/'.$post->tid.'/'.$child->tid.'/'.$file['name'];
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												if (strpos(get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_image_ext'), $ext[sizeof($ext)-1]) > 0) {
													// Image
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													$reply_html .= ' class="wps_gallery_album" title="'.$file['name'].'">';
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														list($width, $height, $type, $attr) = @getimagesize(parse_url(get_bloginfo('url'),PHP_URL_SCHEME)."://".parse_url(get_bloginfo('url'),PHP_URL_HOST).$url);
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															$width = $max_width;
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														$reply_html .= $file['name'];
													$reply_html .= '</a> ';
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													// Video
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															$reply_html .= '<div id="mediaplayer'.$video_id.'">JW Player goes here</div> ';
														} else {
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															$reply_html .= '<div id="mediaplayer'.$video_id.'">JW Player goes here</div> ';
															$reply_html .= '</div>';
															$reply_html .= "<a href='#' class='jwplayer' title='".$file['name']."' rel='mediaplayer".$video_id."'>".$file['name']."</a> ";															
														$reply_html .= '<script type="text/javascript"> ';
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														$reply_html .= '		image: "'.WPS_PLUGIN_URL.'/jwplayer/preview.gif",';
														$reply_html .= '		file: "'.$url.'",';
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													$reply_html .= '<img id="'.$post->tid.'/'.$child->tid.'" title="'.$file['name'].'" class="remove_forum_post link_cursor" src="'.get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_images').'/delete.png" /> ';
												$reply_html .= '</div>';

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								if ($signature != '') {
									$reply_html .= '<div class="sep_top"><em>'.__wps__make_url($signature).'</em></div>';
								// Check for any comments now for side image (then used below)
								$sql = "SELECT * FROM ".$wpdb->prefix."symposium_topics WHERE
										topic_parent = %d ORDER BY tid";
								$comments = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare($sql, $child->tid));
								if (WPS_DEBUG) $reply_html .= $wpdb->last_query;
								if ($comments)
									$reply_html .= "<div class='__wps__forum_comment_bubble'><img style='border:0;box-shadow:none;width:32px;height:32px;' src='".get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_images')."/comment.png' /></div>";

								$reply_html .= "</div>"; // End of reply box
								// Comments on the reply
								$reply_html .= "<div class='reply-comments'>";

									$reply_html .= "<div class='reply-comments-box'>";
									if ($comments) {
										foreach ($comments AS $comment) {
											$reply_html .= "<div id='comment".$comment->tid."' class='reply-comments-reply'>";
												$reply_html .= get_avatar($comment->topic_owner, 32);
												$reply_html .= "<div class='reply-comments-box-text'>";

													$reply_html .= "<div class='topic-edit-delete-icon'>";
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														if (get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_allow_reports') == 'on') {
															$reply_html .= "<a title='comment_".$comment->tid."' href='javascript:void(0);' style='padding:0px' class='report_post symposium_report reply_warning'><img src='".get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_images')."/warning.png' style='width:14px;height:14px' /></a>";
														// Delete comment
														if ( ($comment->topic_owner == $current_user->ID && $seconds_left > 0) || (current_user_can('level_10')) ) {
															$reply_html .= "<a href='javascript:void(0)' class='floatright link_cursor delete_forum_reply' style='display:none' id='".$comment->tid."'><img src='".get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_images')."/delete.png' /></a>";
													$reply_html .= "</div>";

													$reply_html .= "<div class='started-by'>".__wps__profile_link($comment->topic_owner)." ".__('commented', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN)." ".__wps__time_ago($comment->topic_date)."</div>";
													$reply_html .= __wps__buffer(stripslashes($comment->topic_post));
												$reply_html .= "</div>";
											$reply_html .= "</div>";
									$reply_html .= "</div>";
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								if ($can_comment && $can_reply_switch) {
									$reply_html .= "<div class='quick-comment-box-show'>";
										$reply_html .= '<a class="quick-comment-box-show-link" href="javascript:void(0);">'.__('Add a quick comment...', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).'</a>';
									$reply_html .= "</div>";
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								$reply_html .= "</div>";
								$reply_html .= "</div>"; // End comments on the reply
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			} else {
				$html .= "<div class='child-reply'>";
				$html .= __("No replies posted yet.", WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN);
				$html .= "</div>";
				$html .= "<div class='sep'></div>";						

			$html .= "</div>";

			// Quick Reply
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						$html .= '<div class="reply-topic-subject label">'.__("Reply to this Topic", WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).'</div>';
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						// For admin's only set this as the answer
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							$html .= '<br /><input type="checkbox" id="quick-reply-answer" /> '.__('Set this as the answer', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).'<br />';
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							// Attach an image...
							if (get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_forum_uploads')) {
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									__('Attach file', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN),
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							$html .= '</div>';	

					$html .= '</div>';
				} else {
					$html .= "<p style='margin-top:10px'>".__("This topic is closed, no replies are allowed.", WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN);

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					$html = $topic_subject.' | '.html_entity_decode(get_bloginfo('name'), ENT_QUOTES).'[|]'.$html;

			} else {
				if ($group_id == 0) {
					$html .= "<p>".__("You are not permitted to reply on this forum.", WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN);
					if (__wps__get_current_userlevel() == 5) $html .= '<br />'.sprintf(__('Permissions are set via the WordPress admin dashboard->%s->Options->Forum.', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN), WPS_WL_SHORT).'<br />';	
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					if (get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_forum_login') && !is_user_logged_in()) {

						$html .= ' '.__wps__show_login_link(__("<a href='%s'>Login...</a>", WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN));

					$html .= "</p>";

		} else {
			$html = __('Sorry, this topic is no longer available.', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN);
	} else {
		// Final check if it's just not there
		$sql = "SELECT tid FROM ".$wpdb->prefix."symposium_topics WHERE tid = %d";
		if ($wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare($sql, $topic_id))) {
			if (is_user_logged_in()) {
				$html .= __("You do not have permission to view this topic, sorry.", WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN);
			} else {
				$html .= __wps__show_login_link(__("You do not have permission to view this topic, sorry. <a href='%s'>Log in...</a>", WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN), false);
			if (__wps__get_current_userlevel() == 5) $html .= '<br /><br />'.sprintf(__('Permissions are set via the WordPress admin dashboard->%s->Options->Forum.', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN), WPS_WL_SHORT);
		} else {
			$html = __('Sorry, this topic does not exist.', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN);

	// Filter for profile header
	$html = apply_filters ( 'symposium_forum_topic_header_filter', $html, $topic_id );

	return $html;	
			if ($replies) {				
				foreach ($replies as $reply) {
				// Show avatar
					echo '<div class="my-forum-reply">';
						if ( ($reply->topic_owner == $current_user->ID || current_user_can('manage_options')) && (!$wps_forum->is_topic_locked($reply->tid)) ) {
							echo '<a href="'.$wps->get_forum_url().$wps->get_url_q($wps->get_forum_url()).'catid='.$catid.'&tid='.$tid.'&del_id='.$reply->tid.'" class="delete">Delete reply</a>';
						echo '<div class="my-reply-avatar">';
							$wps_user = new wps_user($reply->topic_owner);
							echo $wps_user->get_avatar(60);
						echo '</div>';
						echo '<div class="my-reply-author">';
							echo 'Reply by '.$reply->display_name.' '.__wps__time_ago($reply->topic_started);
						echo '</div>';
						$post_text = __wps__make_url(stripslashes($reply->topic_post));
						$post_text = __wps__bbcode_replace($post_text);
						$post_text = str_replace(chr(13), "<br />", $post_text);
						echo '<div class="my-reply-text">';
							echo $post_text;
						echo '</div>';
					echo '</div>';
			// Reply field
			echo '<div style="margin-left:118px; margin-bottom:15px;">';
				echo '<strong>Add a reply:</strong><br />';
				echo $wps_ui->forum_reply('Reply', 'my-submit-button', 'my-reply-textarea', true);
			echo '</div>';
		} else {
			if ($tray == 'in') {
				if ($mail->mail_to == $current_user->ID) {		
					$msg = str_replace("[reply_button]", '<input type="submit" id='.$mail->mail_from.' rel="'.stripslashes($mail->display_name).'" title='.$mail_mid.' class="message_reply __wps__button" value="'.__('Reply', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).'" />', $msg);
				} else {
					$msg = str_replace("[reply_button]", '', $msg);
			} else {
				if ($mail->mail_from == $current_user->ID) {		
					$msg = str_replace("[reply_button]", '<input type="submit" id='.$mail->mail_to.' title='.$mail_mid.' rel="'.stripslashes($mail->display_name).'" class="message_reply __wps__button" value="'.__('Reply', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).'" />', $msg);
				} else {
					$msg = str_replace("[reply_button]", '', $msg);
			// Message
			$msg = str_replace("[message]", stripslashes(__wps__bbcode_replace($mail->mail_message)), $msg);
			// Emoticons
			$msg = __wps__buffer($msg);
			// Layout for HTML
			$msg = str_replace(chr(10), "<br />", $msg);
			// Mark as read
			if ($tray == "in") {
				$wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare("UPDATE ".$wpdb->base_prefix."symposium_mail SET mail_read = 'on' WHERE mail_mid = %d AND mail_to = %d", $mail_mid, $current_user->ID) );
			// Fetch new unread count
			$unread = "?!";
			if ($tray == "in") {