if (UserMay("Admin_EditTeams")) { ?> <th style="width:40px"></th> <?php } ?> <th>Team_id</th> <th>Leader</th> <th style="width:100px">Team Name</th> <th>Users</th> <th>Date Added</th> </TR> <TR id="filterRow" class="filterRow"> <?php if (UserMay("Admin_EditTeams")) { ?> <td></td> <?php } ?> <td> <input id="tbTeamIdH" Type="TEXT"> </td> <td><Input id="tbNameH" TYPE="TEXT"></TD> <td> <SELECT id="ddlTeamH" style="width:100%"> <OPTION value="%">Any</OPTION> <?php $teams = $DB->getTeams();
?> <th style="width:40px"></th> <?php } ?> <th style="width:80px">UserName</th> <th style="width:80px">First</th> <th style="width:80px">Last</th> <th style="width:70px">Team</th> <th>Perms</th> <th>Status</th> </TR> <TR id="filterRow" class="filterRow"> <?php if (UserMay("Admin_EditUsers")) { ?> <td></td> <?php } ?> <TD> <Input id="tbUsernameH" TYPE="TEXT"> </TD> <td><Input id="tbFirstH" TYPE="TEXT"></TD> <TD><INPUT id="tbLastH" TYPE="TEXT"></TD> <td> <SELECT id="ddlTeamH" style="width:100%"> <OPTION value="%">Any</OPTION> <?php $teams = $DB->getTeams();
<?php include "./findconfig.php"; include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/" . $ROOTPATH . "/Includes/Top.php"; if (!UserMay("Admin")) { AccessDenied(); } $DB = new conn(); $DB->connect(); $sql = "select count(*) from users where status != 'deleted'"; $usercount = $DB->query_scalar($sql, 0); $sql = "select * from admin_history join users on admin_history.user_id = users.user_id WHERE table_name = 'users' ORDER BY datetime DESC LIMIT 1"; $result = $DB->query($sql); if ($result) { while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $users_username = $row["Username"]; $users_firstname = $row["FirstName"]; $users_lastname = $row["LastName"]; $users_date = $row["datetime"]; } } $sql = "select count(*) from teams where status = 'Active'"; $teamcount = $DB->query_scalar($sql, 0); $sql = "select * from admin_history join users on admin_history.user_id = users.user_id WHERE table_name = 'teams' ORDER BY datetime DESC LIMIT 1"; $result = $DB->query($sql); if ($result) { while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $teams_username = $row["Username"]; $teams_firstname = $row["FirstName"]; $teams_lastname = $row["LastName"]; $teams_date = $row["datetime"];
<?php include "./findconfig.php"; include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/" . $ROOTPATH . "/Includes/Top.php"; if (!UserMay("Admin_EditStorage")) { AccessDenied(); } $DB = new conn(); $DB->connect(); // Form Vars if ($_REQUEST) { if ($_REQUEST["Action"]) { $action = $_REQUEST["Action"]; //echo $action; if ($action == "addNew") { // ALL FORM INPUTS MUST BE SANITIZED $StorageLocationName = $DB->sanitize($_REQUEST["LocationName"]); $description = $DB->sanitize($_REQUEST["Description"]); $sql = "INSERT INTO storagelocations (storagelocation_name, description ) VALUES ('" . $StorageLocationName . "', '" . $description . "')"; $DB->execute_nonquery($sql); $DB->addHistory('storagelocations', $_SESSION["user_id"], "insert", ""); header("Location: ManageStorage.php"); } } } $DB->close(); ?> <div class="navMenu" id="navMenu"> <div id="bullets"> <div class="navHeaderdiv"><h1>Locations</h1></div> <div class="navBulletBorderTop"></div>
<?php include "./findconfig.php"; include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/" . $ROOTPATH . "/Includes/Top.php"; if (!UserMay("Admin_EditProducts")) { AccessDenied(); } $DB = new conn(); $DB->connect(); // Form Vars if ($_REQUEST) { if (isset($_REQUEST["Action"])) { $action = $_REQUEST["Action"]; //echo $action; if ($action == "addNew") { // ALL FORM INPUTS MUST BE SANITIZED $ProductType = $DB->sanitize($_REQUEST["ProductType"]); $ProductName = $DB->sanitize($_REQUEST["ProductName"]); $ProductModel = $DB->sanitize($_REQUEST["ProductModel"]); $ProductDescription = $DB->sanitize($_REQUEST["ProductDescription"]); $sql = "INSERT INTO products (product_type, product_name, product_model, product_description) VALUES ('" . $ProductType . "', '" . $ProductName . "', '" . $ProductModel . "', '" . $ProductDescription . "')"; $DB->execute_nonquery($sql); $DB->addHistory('products', $_SESSION["user_id"], "insert", ""); header("Location: ManageProducts.php"); } } } $DB->close(); ?> <div class="navMenu" id="navMenu">
} } } $row["dts"] = $dts; #see if user can see this if ($user["dtoffice"] == "" || $user["dtoffice"] == "_" || in_array($user["dtoffice"], $dts)) { $retArray[] = $row; } } } $output = $retArray; //$output = $sql; $DB->close(); } if ($id == "getNewInventoryTable") { if (!UserMay("ViewInventory")) { AccessDenied(); } $DB = new conn(); $DB->connect(); $user = getLoggedUser($DB); $sql = <<<SQLEND \t\t\tselect inventory.inventory_id, inventory.product_id, inventory.invoice, inventory.dtoffice, products.product_model, products.product_name, inventory.serial, inventory.status, inventory.status_date, inventory.status_data, inventory.storagelocation_id, sl.storagelocation_name as slname, inventory_status.status_name, inventory_status.preposition, inventory.status_data_text, inventory.DateAdded, inventory.DateReceived, users.username AS AddedByName \t\t\tfrom inventory \t\t\tjoin products on inventory.product_id = products.product_id \t\t\tjoin storagelocations sl on inventory.storagelocation_id = sl.storagelocation_id \t\t\tjoin inventory_status on inventory.status = inventory_status.status_id \t\t\tjoin users on inventory.AddedBy = users.User_ID SQLEND; $and = false; if (isset($_POST["productID"])) {
<?php include "./findconfig.php"; include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/" . $ROOTPATH . "/Includes/Top.php"; if (!UserMay("Admin_EditComm")) { AccessDenied(); } $F = new FormElements(); ?> <div class="navMenu" id="navMenu"> <div id="bullets"> <div class="navHeaderdiv"><h1>Templates</h1></div> <div class="navBulletBorderTop"></div> <div class="navBullet navBulletSelected" id="custBullet"><a href="#" id="custBulletLink">Add New Template</a></div> <div class="navBulletBorderBottom"></div> </div> <div class="navPageSpacing"></div> </div> <div class="pageContent" id="pageContent"> <div class="contentHeaderDiv"> </div> <div class="commandBox" style="background-color: #EDECDC"> <h1>Add Template Element</h1> <FORM ID="templateForm" method="POST" ACTION=""> <div style="float: left; width: 43%;">
<?php include "./findconfig.php"; include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/" . $ROOTPATH . "/Includes/Top.php"; if (!UserMay("Admin_ViewTax")) { AccessDenied(); } ?> <?php $DB = new conn(); $F = new FormElements(); ?> <div class="navMenu"> <div class="navHeaderdiv"><h1>Manage Tax Rates</h1></div> <div id="bullets" style="height:auto;" class="navContent"> <div id="bulletManageInventory" style="height:auto;" class="navContent"> <div class="divFilters"> <div> <label>Company:</label> <INPUT style="width:100%" id="tbFilterCompanyV"> </div> <input id="btnSubmit" type="submit" value="Submit"> <input id="btnReset" type="submit" value="Reset"> </div>
<?php include "./findconfig.php"; include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/" . $ROOTPATH . "/Includes/Top.php"; if (!UserMay("Admin_EditFinance")) { AccessDenied(); } $DB = new conn(); $DB->connect(); $F = new FormElements(); $CompanyName = ""; $Address = ""; $City = ""; $State = ""; $ZipCode = ""; $ContactName = ""; $Phone = ""; $Extension = ""; $Email = ""; $Reserve = "0"; $LoanOptions = ""; $Action = "addNew"; // Form Vars if ($_REQUEST) { if (isset($_REQUEST["id"])) { $id = $DB->sanitize($_REQUEST["id"]); $sql = "SELECT * FROM finance_options WHERE id = '" . $id . "'"; $result = $DB->query($sql); if ($result) { $financeDetails = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); $CompanyName = $financeDetails["CompanyName"];