function MonLatency($ina, $opa, $sta, $lim, $ord) { global $link, $modgroup, $self, $srtlbl, $tgtlbl, $latlbl, $latw, $loclbl, $locsep, $conlbl, $stslbl, $laslbl, $avglbl, $maxlbl; ?> <h2><?php echo $latlbl; ?> <?php echo $stslbl; ?> </h2> <table class="content"><tr class="<?php echo $modgroup[$self]; ?> 2"> <th colspan="2" width="20%"><img src="img/16/trgt.png"><br><?php echo $tgtlbl; ?> </th> <th width="40"><img src="img/16/bchk.png"><br><?php echo $tstlbl; ?> </th> <th><img src="img/16/bbrt.png"><br><?php echo $laslbl; ?> </th> <th><img src="img/16/form.png"><br><?php echo $avglbl; ?> </th> <th><img src="img/16/brup.png"><br><?php echo $maxlbl; ?> </th> </tr> <?php if ($ord) { $ocol = "name"; $srt = "{$srtlbl}: {$tgtlbl}"; } else { $ocol = "latavg desc"; $srt = "{$srtlbl}: {$avglbl} {$latlbl}"; } $query = GenQuery('monitoring', 's', 'name,test,latency,latmax,latavg,location,contact,class,icon', $ocol, $lim, array('latency', $ina), array('>', $opa), array('0', $sta), array('AND'), 'LEFT JOIN devices USING (device)'); $res = DbQuery($query, $link); if ($res) { $row = 0; while ($r = DbFetchRow($res)) { if ($row % 2) { $bg = "txta"; $bi = "imga"; } else { $bg = "txtb"; $bi = "imgb"; } $row++; $l = explode($locsep, $r[5]); TblRow($bg); echo "<th class=\"{$bi}\"><img src=\"img/" . ($r[7] == "dev" ? "dev/{$r['8']}" : "32/node") . ".png\" title=\"{$conlbl}: {$r['6']}, {$loclbl}: {$l['0']} {$l['1']} {$l['2']}\"></th>\n"; echo "<td><a href=\"Monitoring-Setup.php?in[]=name&op[]=%3D&st[]=" . urlencode($r[0]) . "\">{$r['0']}</a></td><th class=\"{$bi}\">" . TestImg($r[1]) . "</th><td>"; echo Bar($r[2], $latw, 'mi') . " {$r[2]}ms</td><td>" . Bar($r[4], $latw, 'mi') . " {$r[4]}ms</td><td>" . Bar($r[3], $latw, 'mi') . " {$r[3]}ms</tr>\n"; } } ?> </table> <table class="content" > <tr class="<?php echo $modgroup[$self]; ?> 2"><td><?php echo $row; ?> Devices, <?php echo $srt; ?> </td></tr> </table> <p> <?php }
} if (file_exists("log/devtools.php")) { # Based on Steffen's idea include_once ("log/devtools.php"); } } ?> </div> <div style="float:right"> <?php if($rver and $guiauth != 'none'){ ?> <a href="Other-Defgen.php?so=<?= $sysobj ?>&ip=<?= $ip ?>&co=<?= $dev[15] ?>"><img src="img/16/geom.png" title="<?= (($verb1)?"$edilbl Def $fillbl":"Def $fillbl $edilbl") ?>"></a> <?php } if($isadmin){ if( is_array($mon) ){ $most = TestImg($mon[3]); }else{ if ($mon == 1 and $dev[1]){ if($dev[14] & 3){ $mma = explode('/', $mema); if($dev[21] > 100){ $most = AddRecord('monitoring',"name='$dev[0]'",'name,monip,test,device,memalert',"'$dev[0]','$dev[1]','uptime','$dev[0]','$mma[0]'"); }else{ $most = AddRecord('monitoring',"name='$dev[0]'","name,monip,test,device,memalert","'$dev[0]','$dev[1]','uptime','$dev[0]','$mma[1]'"); } }else{ echo AddRecord('monitoring',"name='$dev[0]'",'name,monip,test,device',"'$dev[0]','$dev[1]','ping','$dev[0]'"); } }else{ echo "<a href=\"?dev=$ud&mon=1\"><img src=\"img/16/bino.png\" title=\"Monitor $addlbl\"></a>"; }
} if(in_array("totpoe",$col)){ TblCell($dev[31].'W','','align="right"'); } if( in_array("cfgchange",$col) ){ TblCell( $dev[32],"?in[]=cfgchange&op[]==&st[]=".urlencode($dev[32]) ); } if( in_array("cfgstatus",$col) ){ TblCell( $dev[33],"?in[]=cfgstatus&op[]==&st[]=".urlencode($dev[33]),'',DevCfg($dev[33]),'td-img' ); } if( in_array("time",$col) ){ $cbup = ($dev[36])?"$buplbl:".date($datfmt,$dev[36]).", $sizlbl:".DecFix($dev[34])."B".", $chglbl:".DecFix($dev[35])."B":''; TblCell($cbup,"Devices-Config.php?shc=$ud"); } if( in_array("test",$col) ){ TblCell("$loslbl:$dev[36] OK:$dev[37]","Monitoring-Setup.php?in[]=name&op[]==&st[]=$ud","class=\"$bi\"",TestImg($dev[34]),'td-img'); } if(in_array("poNS",$col)){ $pop = NodPop( array('device'),array('='),array($dev[0]),array() ); if($pop){ TblCell($pop,"Nodes-List.php?in[]=device&op[]==&st[]=$ud",'',Bar($pop,100,'si').' ','td-img'); }else{ TblCell(); } } if( in_array("logNS",$col) and !isset($_GET['xls']) ){ $log = array(); $log[$dev[4]] = "bblf;$fislbl $dsclbl"; $log[$dev[5]] = "bbrt;$laslbl $dsclbl"; #TODO add if only timestamps are used in DB? $log[$dev[32]] = 'dril'; $lqry = GenQuery('configs','s','time','','',array('device'),array('='),array($dev[0]) );