  * generate project based on template
  * @param array $services . note: here '/' in each service name is replaced by '__', to avoid dealing with packages
  * @param string $amfphpEntryPointUrl 
  * @param String absolute url to folder where to put the generated code
  * @return null
 public function generate($services, $amfphpEntryPointUrl, $targetFolder)
     foreach ($services as $service) {
         $service->name = str_replace('/', '__', $service->name);
     $this->services = $services;
     $this->amfphpEntryPointUrl = $amfphpEntryPointUrl;
     Amfphp_BackOffice_ClientGenerator_Util::recurseCopy($this->templateFolderUrl, $targetFolder);
     $it = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($targetFolder);
     foreach (new RecursiveIteratorIterator($it) as $file) {
         if (In_Array(SubStr($file, StrrPos($file, '.') + 1), $this->codeFileExtensions) == true) {
             $this->fileBeingProcessed = $file;
Beispiel #2
 private function HandleResponse($File, $Data)
     if ($File === 'API/SupportedAPIList.json') {
         $Data = JSON_Decode($Data, true);
         if (!isset($Data['apilist']['interfaces'])) {
             return false;
         foreach ($Data['apilist']['interfaces'] as $Interface) {
             $File = __DIR__ . '/API/' . $Interface['name'] . '.json';
             $Interface = JSON_Encode($Interface, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT | JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES) . PHP_EOL;
             if (!File_Exists($File) || StrCmp(File_Get_Contents($File), $Interface) !== 0) {
                 File_Put_Contents($File, $Interface);
         return true;
     } else {
         if ($File === 'ClientManifest/steam_client_publicbeta_osx' || $File === 'ClientManifest/steam_cmd_publicbeta_osx') {
             foreach ($this->ClientArchives as $Archive) {
                 if (Preg_Match('/"' . Str_Replace('.', '\\.', $Archive) . '\\.([a-f0-9]{40})"/m', $Data, $Test) === 1) {
                     $Test = $Test[1];
                     if (!isset($this->ETags[$Archive]) || $this->ETags[$Archive] !== $Test) {
                         $this->Log('Downloading {lightblue}' . $Archive . '{normal} - checksum: ' . $Test);
                         $this->ETags[$Archive] = $Test;
                         $this->URLsToFetch[] = array('URL' => 'https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/client/' . $Archive . '.' . $Test, 'File' => '.support/' . $Archive);
                     } else {
                         $this->Log('Matched {lightblue}' . $Archive . '{normal}, but we already have it cached');
                 } else {
                     $this->Log('{yellow}Failed to find {lightblue}' . $Archive);
         } else {
             if ($File === 'Random/ValveGroup.json' || $File === 'Random/SteamModerators.json') {
                 $Data = SimpleXML_Load_String($Data);
                 if ($Data === false || empty($Data->members->steamID64)) {
                     return false;
                 $Data = Array_Values((array) $Data->members->steamID64);
                 $Data = JSON_Encode($Data, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);
             } else {
                 if ($File === 'Scripts/Dota2/heropickerdata.json') {
                     $Data = JSON_Decode($Data, true);
                     $Data = JSON_Encode($Data, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);
                 } else {
                     if ($File === 'Scripts/Dota2/heropedia.js') {
                         $Data = preg_replace('/\\?v=[0-9]+/', '?v=ayyvalve', $Data);
                     } else {
                         if (SubStr($File, 0, 13) === 'ItemSchemaURL') {
                             $Data = JSON_Decode($Data, true);
                             if (isset($Data['result']['items_game_url'])) {
                                 $this->URLsToFetch[] = array('URL' => $Data['result']['items_game_url'], 'File' => str_replace('ItemSchemaURL', 'ItemSchema', $File));
                             return true;
                         } else {
                             if (SubStr($File, -4) === '.zip') {
                                 $File = __DIR__ . '/' . $File;
                                 File_Put_Contents($File, $Data);
                                 $Archive = SubStr(StrrChr($File, '/'), 1);
                                 if (SHA1_File($File) !== $this->ETags[$Archive]) {
                                     $this->Log('{lightred}Checksum mismatch for ' . $Archive);
                                     return false;
                                 $this->ExtractClientArchives = true;
                                 return true;
                             } else {
                                 if (SubStr($File, -5) === '.html') {
                                     if (StrrPos($Data, '</html>') === false) {
                                         return false;
     $File = __DIR__ . '/' . $File;
     $Folder = dirname($File);
     if (!is_dir($Folder)) {
         $this->Log('{lightblue}Creating ' . $Folder);
         mkdir($Folder, 0755, true);
     if (File_Exists($File) && StrCmp(File_Get_Contents($File), $Data) === 0) {
         return false;
     File_Put_Contents($File, $Data);
     return true;
Beispiel #3
 $dHostingScheme = Current($dHostingScheme);
 $Result = $Link->Query(SPrintF("SELECT * FROM `package_variable` WHERE `packageid` = %u", $dHostingScheme['id']));
 if (Is_Error($Result)) {
     return $Link->GetError();
 $dQuotas = MySQL::Result($Result);
 if (Is_Error($dQuotas)) {
     return ERROR | @Trigger_Error(500);
 foreach ($dQuotas as $dQuota) {
     $dHostingScheme[SubStr($dQuota['varname'], StrrPos($dQuota['varname'], '_') + 1)] = $dQuota['value'];
 $HostingScheme = new Tag('HostingScheme');
 $HostingScheme->AddChild(new Tag('ServersGroup', new Tag('Name', 'По умолчанию')));
 $HostingScheme->AddChild(new Tag('Name', $dHostingScheme['planname']));
 $HostingScheme->AddChild(new Tag('PackageID', $dHostingScheme['planname']));
 $HostingScheme->AddChild(new Tag('CostDay', Round($dHostingScheme['price'] / $Course, 2)));
 $HostingScheme->AddChild(new Tag('CostMonth', $dHostingScheme['price']));
 $HostingScheme->AddChild(new Tag('IsReselling', 1));
 $HostingScheme->AddChild(new Tag('QuotaDisk', $dHostingScheme['disklimit']));
 $HostingScheme->AddChild(new Tag('QuotaSubDomains', (int) @$dHostingScheme['subdom']));
 $HostingScheme->AddChild(new Tag('QuotaDBs', (int) @$dHostingScheme['baseuserlimit']));
 $HostingScheme->AddChild(new Tag('QuotaFTP', (int) @$dHostingScheme['ftplimit']));
 $HostingScheme->AddChild(new Tag('QuotaEmail', (int) @$dHostingScheme['maillimit']));
Beispiel #4
    return ERROR | @Trigger_Error(500);
$UProfile = array('Name' => $ProfileName, 'Attribs' => $Attribs);
$Upload = Upload_Get('Document');
switch (ValueOf($Upload)) {
    case 'error':
        return ERROR | @Trigger_Error(500);
    case 'exception':
        # No more...
    case 'array':
        $Format = SubStr($Upload['Name'], StrrPos($Upload['Name'], '.') + 1);
        $UProfile = Array_Merge($UProfile, array('Format' => StrToLower($Format)));
        return ERROR | @Trigger_Error(101);
$Answer = array('Status' => 'Ok');
if ($ProfileID) {
    $IsUpdate = DB_Update('Profiles', $UProfile, array('ID' => $ProfileID));
    if (Is_Error($IsUpdate)) {
        return ERROR | @Trigger_Error(500);
  * @param array $services . note: here '/' in each service name must be replaced by '__', to avoid dealing with packages
  * @param string $amfphpEntryPointUrl 
  * @return string folder where the data was written
 public function generate($services, $amfphpEntryPointUrl)
     $this->services = $services;
     $this->amfphpEntryPointUrl = $amfphpEntryPointUrl;
     $dstFolder = 'ClientGenerator/Generated/' . date("Ymd-his-") . get_class($this);
     Amfphp_BackOffice_ClientGenerator_Util::recurseCopy($this->templateFolderUrl, AMFPHP_BACKOFFICE_ROOTPATH . $dstFolder);
     $it = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($dstFolder);
     foreach (new RecursiveIteratorIterator($it) as $file) {
         if (In_Array(SubStr($file, StrrPos($file, '.') + 1), $this->codeFileExtensions) == true) {
             $this->fileBeingProcessed = $file;
     return $dstFolder;
Beispiel #6
         } else {
             print "table_taxonomy NOT FOUND! {$table_taxonomy} id:  {$id}  \n\r <br>";
             $clean = CI::model('core')->deleteDataById($table_custom_fields, $q1['id']);
         //p ( $q_check );
 $file_path = MEDIAFILES . 'pictures/original/';
 $it = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($file_path);
 $display = array('jpeg', 'jpg');
 $existing_files_on_hard_drive = array();
 $existing_files_on_hard_drive_full = array();
 $existing_files_do_be_deleted = array();
 $table_media = $cms_db_tables['table_media'];
 foreach (new RecursiveIteratorIterator($it) as $file) {
     if (In_Array(SubStr($file, StrrPos($file, '.') + 1), $display) == true) {
         //echo $file . "<br/> \n";
         $bname = basename($file);
     $existing_files_on_hard_drive_full[] = $file;
     $existing_files_on_hard_drive[] = $bname;
     $q = "select count(id) as qty from {$table_media} where filename='{$bname}'   ";
     //p ( $q );
     $q = CI::model('core')->dbQuery($q, md5($q), 'media');
     if ($q[0]['qty'] == 0) {
         //print 'delete: ' . $file;
         $existing_files_do_be_deleted[] = normalize_path($file, false);
     } else {
         //print 'found';