Beispiel #1
 function widget($args, $options)
     $Shopp = Shopp::object();
     $title = $before_title . $options['title'] . $after_title;
     if (empty(ShoppCollection()->id)) {
         return false;
     $menu = shopp(ShoppCollection(), 'get-section-list', $options);
     echo $before_widget . $title . $menu . $after_widget;
Beispiel #2
  * Returns the proper global context object used in a shopp('collection') call
  * @internal
  * @since 1.2
  * @param ShoppOrder $Object The ShoppOrder object to set as the working context
  * @param string     $context The context being worked on by the Theme API
  * @return ShoppCollection The active object context
 public static function _setobject($Object, $context)
     if (is_object($Object) && is_a($Object, 'ProductCollection')) {
         return $Object;
     switch ($context) {
         case 'collection':
         case 'category':
             return ShoppCollection();
         case 'subcategory':
             if (isset(ShoppCollection()->child)) {
                 return ShoppCollection()->child;
     return $Object;
Beispiel #3
  * Display the widget content
  * @param array $args Display arguments including before_title, after_title, before_widget, and after_widget.
  * @param array $options The settings for the particular instance of the widget
 function widget($args, $options)
     if (!empty($args)) {
     if (empty($options['title'])) {
         $options['title'] = __('Product Filters', 'Shopp');
     $title = $before_title . $options['title'] . $after_title;
     $Collection = ShoppCollection();
     if (empty($Collection)) {
     if ('' != shopp('collection.get-id') && shopp('collection.has-faceted-menu')) {
         $menu = shopp('collection.get-faceted-menu', $options);
         echo $before_widget . $title . $menu . $after_widget;
  * Wraps mark-up in a #shopp container, if needed
  * @author Jonathan Davis
  * @since 1.1
  * @param string $string The content markup to be wrapped
  * @param array $classes CSS classes to add to the container
  * @return string The wrapped markup
 static function wrapper($string)
     $classes = array('shoppage', 'shopp_page');
     $views = array('list', 'grid');
     $view = shopp_setting('default_catalog_view');
     if (empty($view)) {
         $view = 'grid';
     // Handle catalog view style cookie preference
     if (isset($_COOKIE['shopp_catalog_view'])) {
         $view = $_COOKIE['shopp_catalog_view'];
     if (in_array($view, $views)) {
         $classes[] = $view;
     $boxes = shopp_setting('row_products');
     if (empty($boxes)) {
         $boxes = 3;
     $classes[] = 'shopp_grid-' . abs($boxes);
     // Add collection slug
     $Collection = ShoppCollection();
     if (!empty($Collection)) {
         if ($category = shopp('collection.get-slug')) {
             $classes[] = $category;
     // Add product id & slug classes
     $Product = ShoppProduct();
     if (!empty($Product)) {
         if ($productid = shopp('product.get-id')) {
             $classes[] = 'product-' . $productid;
         if ($product = shopp('product.get-slug')) {
             $classes[] = $product;
     $classes = apply_filters('shopp_content_container_classes', $classes);
     $classes = esc_attr(join(' ', $classes));
     $id = false === strpos($string, 'id="shopp"') ? ' id="shopp" ' : '';
     return '<div' . $id . (!empty($classes) ? ' class="' . $classes . '"' : '') . '>' . $string . '</div>';
Beispiel #5
  * Handles rendering the [catalog-collection] shortcode
  * @author Jonathan Davis
  * @since 1.1
  * @param array $attrs The parsed shortcode attributes
  * @return string The processed content
 static function collection(array $atts = array())
     $Shopp = Shopp::object();
     $tag = 'category';
     if (isset($atts['name'])) {
         $Collection = new ProductCategory($atts['name'], 'name');
     } elseif (isset($atts['slug'])) {
         foreach ($Shopp->Collections as $SmartCollection) {
             $slugs = SmartCollection::slugs($SmartCollection);
             if (in_array($atts['slug'], $slugs)) {
                 $tag = $slugs[0] . "-collection";
     } elseif (isset($atts['id'])) {
         $Collection = new ProductCategory($atts['id']);
     } else {
         return '';
     $markup = shopp("catalog.get-{$tag}", $atts);
     ShoppStorefront()->shortcoded[] = get_the_ID();
     // @deprecated in favor of the shopp_collection_shortcode
     $markup = apply_filters('shopp_category_shortcode', $markup);
     return apply_filters('shopp_collection_shortcode', $markup);
Beispiel #6
     * Iterate over the product variants or provide markup for a product variants chooser widget
     * @api `shopp('product.variants')`
     * @since 1.1
     * @param string       $result  The output
     * @param array        $options The options
     * - **mode**: `loop` (loop, single, multiple) Iterate over the variants with `loop` or provide an variant chooser widget using a `single` drop-down menu for all variants or `multiple` menus
     * - **defaults**: Specify a default option that is displayed as the initial selection for the `menu`
     * - **before_menu**: Markup to add before the widget
     * - **after_menu**: Markup to add after the widget
     * - **label**: `on` (on,off) Show or hide the menu name labels from the `menu` widget
     * - **format**: `%l (+%p)` The variant option label format
     *   - **%p**: shows the current variant price including available discounts.
     *   - **%l**: show the option label.
     *   - **%s**: show the stock amount of a product in inventory
     *   - **%d**: show the discount amount of an on sale variant.
     *   - **%r**: show the original price (the non-sale price) of the product variant.
     *   - **%u**: show the SKU for the product variant.
     * - **required**: `You must select the options for this item before you can add it to your shopping cart.` The error message to show when adding to the cart without selecting an variant when the **required** option is `on`
     * - **taxes**: Include or exclude taxes from prices
     * - **class**: The class attribute specifies one or more class-names for the menu elements
     * @param ShoppProduct $O       The working object
     * @return bool|string True if the next variant exists, or false otherwise, or the variant chooser markup
    public static function variants($result, $options, $O)
        $string = '';
        if (!isset($options['mode'])) {
            if (!isset($O->_prices_loop)) {
                $O->_prices_loop = true;
            } else {
            $price = current($O->prices);
            while (false !== $price && ('N/A' == $price->type || 'variation' != $price->context)) {
                $price = next($O->prices);
            if (false !== current($O->prices)) {
                return true;
            } else {
                $O->_prices_loop = false;
                return false;
        if (shopp_setting_enabled('inventory') && $O->outofstock) {
            return false;
        // Completely out of stock, hide menus
        if (!isset($options['taxes'])) {
            $options['taxes'] = null;
        $defaults = array('defaults' => '', 'disabled' => 'show', 'pricetags' => 'show', 'before_menu' => '', 'after_menu' => '', 'format' => '%l (%p)', 'label' => 'on', 'mode' => 'multiple', 'taxes' => null, 'required' => __('You must select the options for this item before you can add it to your shopping cart.', 'Shopp'));
        $options = array_merge($defaults, $options);
        $taxes = isset($taxes) ? Shopp::str_true($taxes) : null;
        $taxrates = self::_taxes($O, 'price');
        $collection_class = ShoppCollection() && isset(ShoppCollection()->slug) ? 'category-' . ShoppCollection()->slug : '';
        if ('single' == $mode) {
            if (!empty($before_menu)) {
                $string .= $before_menu . "\n";
            if (Shopp::str_true($label)) {
                $string .= '<label for="product-options' . (int) $O->id . '">' . Shopp::esc_html__('Options') . ': </label> ' . "\n";
            $string .= '<select name="products[' . (int) $O->id . '][price]" id="product-options' . (int) $O->id . '" class="' . esc_attr($collection_class) . ' product' . (int) $O->id . ' options">';
            if (!empty($defaults)) {
                $string .= '<option value="">' . esc_html($options['defaults']) . '</option>' . "\n";
            foreach ($O->prices as $pricing) {
                if ('variation' != $pricing->context) {
                $currently = Shopp::str_true($pricing->sale) ? $pricing->promoprice : $pricing->price;
                $disable = $pricing->type == 'N/A' || Shopp::str_true($pricing->inventory) && $pricing->stock == 0;
                $currently = self::_taxed((double) $currently, $O, $pricing->tax, $taxes);
                $discount = 0 == $pricing->price ? 0 : 100 - round($pricing->promoprice * 100 / $pricing->price);
                $_ = new StdClass();
                $_->p = 'Donation' != $pricing->type && !$disable ? money($currently) : false;
                $_->l = $pricing->label;
                $_->i = Shopp::str_true($pricing->inventory);
                $_->s = $_->i ? (int) $pricing->stock : false;
                $_->u = $pricing->sku;
                $_->tax = Shopp::str_true($pricing->tax);
                $_->t = $pricing->type;
                $_->r = $pricing->promoprice != $pricing->price ? money($pricing->price) : false;
                $_->d = $discount > 0 ? $discount : false;
                if (!$disable || 'show' == $disabled) {
                    $string .= '<option value="' . $pricing->id . '"' . ($disable ? ' disabled="disabled"' : '') . '>' . esc_html(self::_variant_formatlabel($format, $_)) . '</option>' . "\n";
            $string .= '</select>';
            if (!empty($options['after_menu'])) {
                $string .= $options['after_menu'] . "\n";
        } else {
            if (!isset($O->options)) {
            $menuoptions = $O->options;
            if (!empty($O->options['v'])) {
                $menuoptions = $O->options['v'];
            $baseop = shopp_setting('base_operations');
            $precision = $baseop['currency']['format']['precision'];
            $pricekeys = array();
            foreach ($O->pricekey as $key => $pricing) {
                $currently = Shopp::str_true($pricing->sale) ? $pricing->promoprice : $pricing->price;
                $disable = $pricing->type == 'N/A' || Shopp::str_true($pricing->inventory) && $pricing->stock == 0;
                $currently = self::_taxed((double) $currently, $O, $pricing->tax, $taxes);
                $discount = 100 - round($pricing->promoprice * 100 / $pricing->price);
                $_ = new StdClass();
                $_->p = 'Donation' != $pricing->type && !$disable ? (double) apply_filters('shopp_product_variant_price', Shopp::str_true($pricing->sale) ? $pricing->promoprice : $currently) : false;
                $_->i = Shopp::str_true($pricing->inventory);
                $_->s = $_->i ? (int) $pricing->stock : false;
                $_->u = $pricing->sku;
                $_->tax = Shopp::str_true($pricing->tax);
                $_->t = $pricing->type;
                $_->r = $pricing->promoprice != $pricing->price ? money($pricing->price) : false;
                $_->d = $discount > 0 ? $discount : false;
                $pricekeys[$key] = $_;
            // Output a JSON object for JS manipulation
            if ('json' == $options['mode']) {
                return json_encode($pricekeys);
            $jsoptions = array('prices' => $pricekeys, 'format' => $format);
            if ('hide' == $options['disabled']) {
                $jsoptions['disabled'] = false;
            if ('hide' == $options['pricetags']) {
                $jsoptions['pricetags'] = false;
            if (!empty($taxrate)) {
                $jsoptions['taxrate'] = Shopp::taxrate($O);
            $select_collection = !empty($collection_class) ? '.' . $collection_class : '';
            if (!empty($options['defaults'])) {
$s.opdef = true;
            if (!empty($options['required'])) {
$s.opreq = "<?php 
                echo $options['required'];
new ProductOptionsMenus(<?php 
            printf("'select%s.product%d.options'", $select_collection, $O->id);
            echo json_encode($jsoptions);
            $script = ob_get_clean();
            foreach ($menuoptions as $id => $menu) {
                if (!empty($before_menu)) {
                    $string .= $before_menu . "\n";
                if (Shopp::str_true($label)) {
                    $string .= '<label for="options-' . esc_attr($menu['id']) . '">' . esc_html($menu['name']) . '</label> ' . "\n";
                $string .= '<select name="products[' . (int) $O->id . '][options][]" class="' . esc_attr($collection_class) . ' product' . (int) $O->id . ' options" id="options-' . esc_attr($menu['id']) . '">';
                if (!empty($defaults)) {
                    $string .= '<option value="">' . esc_html($options['defaults']) . '</option>' . "\n";
                foreach ($menu['options'] as $key => $option) {
                    $string .= '<option value="' . esc_attr($option['id']) . '">' . esc_html($option['name']) . '</option>' . "\n";
                $string .= '</select>';
                if (!empty($after_menu)) {
                    $string .= $after_menu . "\n";
        return $string;
Beispiel #7
  * Start the element output.
  * @see Walker::start_el()
  * @since 2.1.0
  * @param string $output   Passed by reference. Used to append additional content.
  * @param object $category Category data object.
  * @param int    $depth    Depth of category in reference to parents. Default 0.
  * @param array  $args     An array of arguments. @see wp_list_categories()
  * @param int    $id       ID of the current category.
 public function start_el(&$output, $category, $depth = 0, $args = array(), $id = 0)
     $smartcollection = $category->taxonomy == get_class_property('SmartCollection', 'taxon');
     $categoryname = $category->name;
     $href = get_term_link($category);
     $classes = '';
     if ('list' == $args['style']) {
         $classes = 'cat-item cat-item-' . $category->term_id;
         $Collection = ShoppCollection();
         if (isset($Collection->slug) && $Collection->slug == $category->slug) {
             $classes .= ' current-cat current';
         if (!empty($Collection->parent) && $Collection->parent == $category->term_id) {
             $classes .= ' current-cat-parent current-parent';
     $total = isset($category->count) ? $category->count : false;
     $title = Shopp::__('View all &quot;%s&quot; products', $categoryname);
     $filtered = apply_filters('shopp_storefront_categorylist_link', compact('href', 'classes', 'categoryname', 'title', 'total'));
     extract($filtered, EXTR_OVERWRITE);
     $link = '<a href="' . esc_url($href) . '" title="' . esc_attr($title) . '" class="' . $classes . '">';
     $link .= $categoryname . '</a>';
     if (empty($total) && !Shopp::str_true($linkall) && !$smartcollection) {
         $link = $categoryname;
     if (false !== $total && Shopp::str_true($products)) {
         $link .= ' (' . intval($total) . ')';
     $link = apply_filters('shopp_storefront_categorylist_item', $link, compact('href', 'classes', 'categoryname', 'title', 'total', 'products', 'linkall', 'smartcollection'));
     if ('list' == $args['style']) {
         $output .= "\t<li";
         if (!empty($classes)) {
             $output .= ' class="' . $classes . '"';
         $output .= ">{$link}\n";
     } else {
         $output .= "\t{$link}<br />\n";
Beispiel #8
  * Handles loading, saving and deleting categories in a workflow context
  * @author Jonathan Davis
  * @since 1.0
  * @return void
 public function workflow()
     $defaults = array('action' => false, 'selected' => array(), 'page' => false, 'id' => false, 'save' => false, 'next' => false, '_wpnonce' => false);
     $args = array_merge($defaults, $_REQUEST);
     extract($args, EXTR_SKIP);
     if (!defined('WP_ADMIN') || $page != $this->page()) {
         return false;
     $adminurl = admin_url('admin.php');
     add_screen_option('per_page', array('label' => __('Categories Per Page', 'Shopp'), 'default' => 20, 'option' => 'edit_' . ProductCategory::$taxon . '_per_page'));
     if ('delete' == $action && wp_verify_nonce($_wpnonce, 'shopp_categories_manager')) {
         if (!empty($id)) {
             $selected = array($id);
         $total = count($selected);
         foreach ($selected as $selection) {
             $DeletedCategory = new ProductCategory($selection);
             $deleted = $DeletedCategory->name;
         if (1 == $total) {
             $this->notice(Shopp::__('Deleted %s category.', "<strong>{$deleted}</strong>"));
         } else {
             $this->notice(Shopp::__('Deleted %s categories.', "<strong>{$total}</strong>"));
         $reset = array('selected' => null, 'action' => null, 'id' => null, '_wpnonce' => null);
         $redirect = add_query_arg(array_merge($_GET, $reset), $adminurl);
     if ($id && 'new' != $id) {
         $Category = new ProductCategory($id);
     } else {
         $Category = new ProductCategory();
     $meta = array('specs', 'priceranges', 'options', 'prices');
     foreach ($meta as $prop) {
         if (!isset($Category->{$prop})) {
             $Category->{$prop} = array();
     if ($save) {
         // Workflow handler
         if (isset($_REQUEST['settings']) && isset($_REQUEST['settings']['workflow'])) {
             $workflow = $_REQUEST['settings']['workflow'];
             $working = array_search($id, $this->worklist);
             switch ($workflow) {
                 case 'close':
                     $next = 'close';
                 case 'new':
                     $next = 'new';
                 case 'next':
                     $key = $working + 1;
                 case 'previous':
                     $key = $working - 1;
             if (isset($key)) {
                 $next = isset($this->worklist[$key]) ? $this->worklist[$key] : 'close';
         if ($next) {
             if ('new' == $next) {
                 $Category = new ProductCategory();
             } else {
                 $Category = new ProductCategory($next);
         } else {
             if (empty($id)) {
                 $id = $Category->id;
             $Category = new ProductCategory($id);
  * Interface processor for the category editor
  * @author Jonathan Davis
  * @since 1.0
  * @return void
 public function editor()
     global $CategoryImages;
     $Shopp = Shopp::object();
     if (!current_user_can('shopp_categories')) {
         wp_die(__('You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.'));
     $Category = ShoppCollection();
     if (empty($Category)) {
         $Category = new ProductCategory();
     $Price = new ShoppPrice();
     $priceTypes = ShoppPrice::types();
     $billPeriods = ShoppPrice::periods();
     // Build permalink for slug editor
     $permalink = trailingslashit(Shopp::url()) . "category/";
     $Category->slug = apply_filters('editable_slug', $Category->slug);
     $pricerange_menu = array("disabled" => __('Price ranges disabled', 'Shopp'), "auto" => __('Build price ranges automatically', 'Shopp'), "custom" => __('Use custom price ranges', 'Shopp'));
     $uploader = shopp_setting('uploader_pref');
     if (!$uploader) {
         $uploader = 'flash';
     $workflows = array("continue" => __('Continue Editing', 'Shopp'), "close" => __('Categories Manager', 'Shopp'), "new" => __('New Category', 'Shopp'), "next" => __('Edit Next', 'Shopp'), "previous" => __('Edit Previous', 'Shopp'));
     do_action('add_meta_boxes', ProductCategory::$taxon, $Category);
     do_action('add_meta_boxes_' . ProductCategory::$taxon, $Category);
     do_action('do_meta_boxes', ProductCategory::$taxon, 'normal', $Category);
     do_action('do_meta_boxes', ProductCategory::$taxon, 'advanced', $Category);
     do_action('do_meta_boxes', ProductCategory::$taxon, 'side', $Category);
     include $this->ui('category.php');
Beispiel #10
echo esc_html($rss['link']);
echo get_option('rss_language');
echo esc_html("Copyright " . date('Y') . ", " . $rss['sitename']);
while (false !== ($item = ShoppCollection()->feed())) {
    if (empty($item)) {