<?php $SkipCompCode = true; require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/config.php'; $JsonResponse = array('compatible' => true, 'ianseoversion' => ProgramVersion, 'minappversion' => $AppMinVersion, 'maxappversion' => $AppMaxVersion); if (empty($_REQUEST['version'])) { $JsonResponse['compatible'] = false; } else { $AppMinVersion = explode('.', $AppMinVersion); $AppMinVersion = sprintf('%03s-%03s-%04s-', $AppMinVersion[0], $AppMinVersion[1], $AppMinVersion[2]); $AppMaxVersion = explode('.', $AppMaxVersion); $AppMaxVersion = sprintf('%03s-%03s-%04s-', $AppMaxVersion[0], $AppMaxVersion[1], $AppMaxVersion[2]); $AppVersion = explode('.', $_REQUEST['version']); while (count($AppVersion) < 3) { $AppVersion[] = 0; } $AppVersion = sprintf('%03s-%03s-%04s-', $AppVersion[0], $AppVersion[1], $AppVersion[2]); if ($AppVersion < $AppMinVersion or $AppVersion > $AppMaxVersion) { $JsonResponse['compatible'] = false; } } SendResult($JsonResponse);
if ($r = safe_fetch($Rs)) { $tgtType = $r->EvFinalTargetType; $Error = 0; } $arrowIndex = $_REQUEST['arrowindex'] + 1; if (empty($_REQUEST['arrowsymbol'])) { $tmpLetter = ' '; } else { $tmpLetter = GetLetterFromPrint($_REQUEST['arrowsymbol'], 'T', $tgtType); if ($tmpLetter == ' ') { $Error = 1; } } if (!$Error) { UpdateArrowString($MatchNo, $Event, $EventType, $tmpLetter, $arrowIndex, $arrowIndex); } $JsonResult = array(); $JsonResult['error'] = $Error; $JsonResult['matchid'] = $Event . "|" . ($EventType ? "T" : "I") . "|" . $MatchNo; $JsonResult['distnum'] = 1; $JsonResult['arrowindex'] = $arrowIndex - 1; $JsonResult['arrowsymbol'] = $_REQUEST['arrowsymbol']; $JsonResult['curscore'] = 0; $JsonResult['curgold'] = 0; $JsonResult['curxnine'] = 0; $JsonResult['score'] = 0; $JsonResult['gold'] = 0; $JsonResult['xnine'] = 0; } SendResult($JsonResult);
<?php require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/config.php'; require_once 'Common/GlobalsLanguage.inc.php'; require_once 'Common/Lib/CommonLib.php'; $json_array = array(); if (empty($_REQUEST['lang'])) { $ServerUrl = Get_Tournament_Option('ISK-Lite-ServerUrl', '', $CompId); foreach ($Lingue as $lang => $text) { if (!file_exists($CFG->LANGUAGE_PATH . $lang . '/ISK-Lite.php')) { continue; } $json_array[] = array('id' => $lang, 'name' => $text, 'md5' => md5_file($CFG->LANGUAGE_PATH . $lang . '/ISK-Lite.php'), 'urlFlag' => $ServerUrl . $CFG->ROOT_DIR . 'Common/Languages/' . $lang . '/' . $lang . '.png', 'urlFile' => $ServerUrl . $CFG->ROOT_DIR . 'Api/ISK-Lite/' . basename(__FILE__) . '?lang=' . $lang); } } elseif (preg_match('/^[a-z_0-9-]+$/sim', $_REQUEST['lang'])) { $json_array = getArrayLang($CFG->LANGUAGE_PATH . $_REQUEST['lang'] . '/ISK-Lite.php'); $json_array['MD5'] = md5_file($CFG->LANGUAGE_PATH . $_REQUEST['lang'] . '/ISK-Lite.php'); $json_array['LanguageName'] = $Lingue[$_REQUEST['lang']]; } // Return the json structure with the callback function that is needed by the app SendResult($json_array); function getArrayLang($file) { $lang = array(); include $file; return $lang; }
<?php $AppMinVersion = '0.8.5'; $AppMaxVersion = '1.9.9'; require_once dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/config.php'; // if there is no callback no need to go further... if (empty($_REQUEST["callback"])) { die; } $CompCode = empty($_REQUEST['compcode']) ? '' : $_REQUEST['compcode']; $DeviceId = empty($_REQUEST['devid']) ? '' : $_REQUEST['devid']; // should it be worth to send back an error to the device? if (!$CompCode) { if (empty($SkipCompCode)) { SendResult(array('error' => get_text('ISK-Lite-NoCompCode', 'Api'))); } } else { $CompId = getIdFromCode($CompCode); } function SendResult($Result) { header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *'); header('Content-Type: application/json'); echo $_REQUEST["callback"] . '(' . json_encode($Result) . ')'; exit; } function getGroupedTargets($TargetNo, $Session = 0, $SesType = 'Q', $SesPhase = '') { global $CompId; // get all targets associated/grouped together with the target requested $SubSelect = "select TgGroup, TgSession, TgSesType\n\t\tfrom TargetGroups\n\t\twhere TgTournament={$CompId}\n\t\tand TgTargetNo='{$TargetNo}'";