function DisplayDetails() { global $self; global $DisplayOrder; global $TypeOrder; global $WinSizeLabels; global $RRDoffset; global $GMToffset; global $TZname; require_once 'av_init.php'; $db_aux = new ossim_db(); $conn_aux = $db_aux->connect(); ?> <script language="Javascript" src="js/detail.js" type="text/javascript"> </script> <?php $tright = UNIX2DISPLAY($_SESSION['tright']); $tleft = UNIX2DISPLAY($_SESSION['tleft']); $profile = $_SESSION['profile']; $profilegroup = $_SESSION['profilegroup']; $detail_opts = $_SESSION['detail_opts']; $is_shadow = ($_SESSION['profileinfo']['type'] & 4) > 0; print "<h3>Profile: " . Util::htmlentities($profile) . "</h3>\n"; if ($detail_opts['channellist'] != '') { $_tmp = explode('!', $detail_opts['channellist']); } else { $_tmp = array(); } if (count($_tmp) == 0) { $graph_channels = '@EMPTY'; } else { $graph_channels = ''; foreach ($_tmp as $_t) { $graph_channels .= $_t . ';' . Av_sensor::get_nfsen_channel_name($conn_aux, $_t) . ':'; } $graph_channels = preg_replace('/:$/', '', $graph_channels); } ?> <table style='font-size:14px;font-weight:bold;width:100%' class='transparent'> <tr> <?php for ($i = 1; $i < count($DisplayOrder); $i++) { $label = $DisplayOrder[$i]; if ($label == $detail_opts['proto']) { $label = 'any'; } print "<td>"; print $label; print "</td>\n"; } print "<td style='font-size:14px;font-weight:bold'>" . gettext("Profile info:") . "</td>\n"; // Empty right element print "</tr><tr>\n"; for ($i = 1; $i < count($DisplayOrder); $i++) { $label = $DisplayOrder[$i]; if ($label == $detail_opts['proto']) { $label = 'any'; } print "<td>\n"; if ($graph_channels != '@EMPTY') { $arg = implode(" ", array($graph_channels, $label, $detail_opts['type'], $_SESSION['profileinfo']['tstart'], $_SESSION['tstart'], $_SESSION['tend'], $_SESSION['tleft'], $_SESSION['tright'], 288, 100, 1, $detail_opts['logscale'], $detail_opts['linegraph'])); $arg = urlencode($arg); } else { $arg = ''; } print "<a href='{$self}&proto={$label}'> " . "<img src=rrdgraph.php?cmd=get-detailsgraph&profile=" . Util::htmlentities($_SESSION['profileswitch']) . "&arg={$arg} border='0' width='165' height='81' alt='{$label}'></a>\n"; print "</td>\n"; } print "<td style='vertical-align: bottom;'>\n"; $str = strftime("%b %d %Y - %H:%M", $_SESSION['profileinfo']['tstart']); $expire = $_SESSION['profileinfo']['expire']; if ($expire == 0) { $expire = 'never'; } else { $d = (int) ($expire / 24); $h = $expire % 24; $d_ext = $d == 1 ? '' : 's'; $h_ext = $h == 1 ? '' : 's'; if ($d) { $expire = "{$d} day{$d_ext} {$h} hour{$h_ext}"; } else { $expire = "{$h} hour{$h_ext}"; } } $maxsize = ScaleBytes($_SESSION['profileinfo']['maxsize'], 1, 1024.0); if ($maxsize == 0) { $maxsize = 'unlimited'; } print "<table style='font-size:12px;font-weight:bold;border:none;width:100%'>\n"; switch ($_SESSION['profileinfo']['type'] & 3) { case 0: $type = 'live'; break; case 1: $type = 'history'; break; case 2: $type = 'continuous'; break; default: $type = 'unknown'; } $type .= $is_shadow ? ' / shadow' : ''; print "<tr><td>Type:</td><td>{$type}</td></tr>"; print "<tr><td>Max:</td><td>" . Util::htmlentities($maxsize) . "</td></tr>"; print "<tr><td>Exp:</td><td>{$expire}</td></tr>"; print "<tr><td>Start:</td><td>{$str} {$TZname}</td></tr>\n"; $str = strftime("%b %d %Y - %H:%M", $_SESSION['profileinfo']['tend']); print "<tr><td style='border:none'>End:</td><td style='border:none'>{$str} {$TZname}</td></tr>\n"; print "</table>\n"; print "</td>\n"; if ($graph_channels != '@EMPTY') { $arg = implode(" ", array($graph_channels, $detail_opts['proto'], $detail_opts['type'], $_SESSION['profileinfo']['tstart'], $_SESSION['tstart'], $_SESSION['tend'], $_SESSION['tleft'], $_SESSION['tright'], 576, 200, 0, $detail_opts['logscale'], $detail_opts['linegraph'])); $arg = urlencode($arg); } else { $arg = ''; } ?> </tr> <tr> <td colspan='4' align="center" valign="top" style='padding:0;'> <br> <img id='MainGraph' style='position:relative; top:0px; left:0px;' onclick="DragCursor.set(event);" src=rrdgraph.php?cmd=get-detailsgraph&profile=<?php echo Util::htmlentities($_SESSION['profileswitch']); ?> &arg=<?php echo $arg; ?> border='0' alt='main-graph'> <img id="CursorDragHandle" style="position:absolute;display:none; " src="icons/cursor-line.png" alt="Line Cursor"> <img id="StartDragHandle" style="position:absolute;display:none" src="icons/cursor-start.png" alt="Start Cursor"> <div id="StartLine" style="position: absolute;display:none; width: 1px; height: 200px; background-color: black;"></div> <div id="SpanBox" style="position:absolute;display:none; height: 200px; background-color: #B1FFA1; filter:alpha(opacity=40); opacity:.40;"></div> <div id="StopLine" style="position: absolute;display:none; width: 1px; height: 200px; background-color: black;"></div> <img id="StopDragHandle" style="position:absolute;display:none" src="icons/cursor-stop.png" alt="Stop Cursor"> <form style="display:inline;" name="slotselectform" id="slotselectform" action="<?php echo $self; ?> " method="POST"> <input type="hidden" name="cursor_mode" id="cursor_mode" value=""> <input type="hidden" name="tleft" id="tleft" value=""> <input type="hidden" name="tright" id="tright" value=""> </form> </td> <td style="vertical-align:bottom;padding:0;"> <table style="margin-bottom:1pt;border:none;width:100%"> <tr> <td><span style='font-size:14px;font-weight:bold;margin-bottom:1pt'> t<SUB><?php echo _("start"); ?> </SUB> </span> </td> <td style="font-size:16px;color:#555555;"> <!-- input type="text" name="box_tleft" id="box_tleft" value="" SIZE="16" MAXLENGTH="16" style='font-size:10px;' readonly --> <b id='box_tleft'>- <?php echo _("update"); ?> -</b> </td> </tr><tr> <td><span style='font-size:14px;font-weight:bold;margin-bottom:1pt'> t<SUB><?php echo _("end"); ?> </SUB> </span> </td> <td style="font-size:16px;color:#555555;"> <!-- input type="text" name="box_tright" id="box_tright" value="" SIZE="16" MAXLENGTH="16" style='font-size:10px;' readonly --> <b id='box_tright'>- <?php echo _("update"); ?> -</b> </td> </tr> </table> <table style='font-size:14px;font-weight:bold;border:none;width:100%'> <?php for ($i = 1; $i < count($TypeOrder); $i++) { $label = $TypeOrder[$i]; if ($label == $detail_opts['type']) { $label = 'flows'; } // Make first letter uppercase of label to print $printlabel = strtoupper($label[0]) . substr($label, 1); print "<tr><td>" . ($printlabel != "" ? gettext($printlabel) : " ") . "</td></tr>\n"; print "<tr><td style='border:none'>\n"; if ($graph_channels != '@EMPTY') { $arg = implode(" ", array($graph_channels, $detail_opts['proto'], $label, $_SESSION['profileinfo']['tstart'], $_SESSION['tstart'], $_SESSION['tend'], $_SESSION['tleft'], $_SESSION['tright'], 288, 100, 1, $detail_opts['logscale'], $detail_opts['linegraph'])); $arg = urlencode($arg); } else { $arg = ''; } print "<a href='{$self}&type={$label}'> " . "<img src=rrdgraph.php?cmd=get-detailsgraph&profile=" . Util::htmlentities($_SESSION['profileswitch']) . "&arg={$arg} border='0' width='165' height='81' alt='{$label}'></a>"; print "</td></tr>\n"; } ?> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan='4' style="border:none"> <table border="0" style='width:100%;margin:0pt;border:none'> <tr> <td style="border:none"> <?php echo _("Select"); ?> <select name="CursorMode" id="ModeSelector" onchange="SetCursorMode(<?php echo Util::htmlentities($_SESSION['tstart']) . ", " . Util::htmlentities($_SESSION['tend']) . ", " . Util::htmlentities($_SESSION['profileinfo']['tstart']) . ", " . Util::htmlentities($_SESSION['tleft']) . ", " . Util::htmlentities($_SESSION['tright']) . ",576, {$RRDoffset}"; ?> )" size=1> <?php if ($detail_opts['cursor_mode'] == 1) { print "<option value='0'>" . _("Single Timeslot") . "\n"; print "<option value='1' selected>" . _("Time Window") . "\n"; } else { print "<option value='0' selected>" . _("Single Timeslot") . "\n"; print "<option value='1'>" . _("Time Window") . "\n"; } ?> </select> </td> <td style="text-align: right;border:none"> <?php echo _("Display"); ?> : <form action="<?php echo $self; ?> " style="display:inline;" method="POST"> <select name='wsize' onchange='this.form.submit();' size=1> <?php $size_label = 'unknown'; for ($i = 0; $i < count($WinSizeLabels); $i++) { if ($i == $detail_opts['wsize']) { print "<option value='{$i}' selected>" . $WinSizeLabels[$i] . "\n"; $size_label = $WinSizeLabels[$i]; } else { print "<option value='{$i}'>" . $WinSizeLabels[$i] . "\n"; } } $status = $detail_opts['cursor_mode'] == 0 && !$is_shadow ? '' : 'disabled'; $peak_search_label = $status == '' ? _("Search Peak") : _("Peak search not available"); ?> </select> <input class="small av_b_secondary" name="adjust" value=" << " type="submit" title="<?php echo _("Back"); ?> <?php echo $size_label; ?> "> <input class="small av_b_secondary" name="adjust" value=" < " type="submit" title="<?php echo _("Previous time slot"); ?> "> <input class="small av_b_secondary" name="adjust" value=" | " type="submit" title="<?php echo _("Center cursor"); ?> "> <input class="small av_b_secondary" name="adjust" value=" ^ " type="submit" <?php echo $status; ?> title="<?php echo $peak_search_label; ?> "> <input class="small av_b_secondary" name="adjust" value=" > " type="submit" title="<?php echo _("Next time slot"); ?> "> <input class="small av_b_secondary" name="adjust" value=" >> " type="submit" title="<?php echo _("Forward"); ?> <?php echo $size_label; ?> "> <input class="small av_b_secondary" name="adjust" value=" >| " type="submit" title="<?php echo _("Goto last slot"); ?> "> </form> </td> </tr> </table> </td> <td style="border:none"> <form action="<?php echo $self; ?> " method="POST"> <table style="border:none;width:100%"> <tr> <td style="border:none"> <input type="radio" onClick='this.form.submit();' name="logscale" value="0" <?php if ($detail_opts['logscale'] == 0) { print "checked"; } ?> ><?php echo _("Lin Scale"); ?> </td> <td style="border:none"> <input type="radio" onClick='this.form.submit();' name="linegraph" value="0" <?php if ($detail_opts['linegraph'] == 0) { print "checked"; } ?> ><?php echo _("Stacked Graph"); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="border:none"> <input type="radio" onClick='this.form.submit();' name="logscale" value="1" <?php if ($detail_opts['logscale'] == 1) { print "checked"; } ?> ><?php echo _("Log Scale"); ?> </td> <td style="border:none"> <input type="radio" onClick='this.form.submit();' name="linegraph" value="1" <?php if ($detail_opts['linegraph'] == 1) { print "checked"; } ?> ><?php echo _("Line Graph"); ?> </td> </tr> </table> </form> </td> </tr><tr> <td colspan='4' style="border:none"></td> <td style="border:none"></td> </tr> </table> <?php if ($_SESSION['tleft'] == $_SESSION['tright']) { $tslot = "timeslot " . strftime("%b %d %Y - %H:%M", $_SESSION['tleft']); } else { $tslot = "timeslot " . strftime("%b %d %Y - %H:%M", $_SESSION['tleft']) . " - " . strftime("%b %d %Y - %H:%M", $_SESSION['tright']); } $num_channels = count(array_keys($_SESSION['profileinfo']['channel'])); $proto_index = 1; foreach ($DisplayOrder as $p) { if ($detail_opts['proto'] == $p) { break; } $proto_index++; } $statpref = explode(':', $detail_opts['statpref']); $max_colspan = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < count($statpref); $i++) { $pref = $statpref[$i]; if ($pref == 0) { $arrow_style[] = ''; $arrow_style[] = 'style="display:none;"'; $colspan[] = 5; $max_colspan += 5; } else { $arrow_style[] = 'style="display:none;"'; $arrow_style[] = ''; $statpref[$i] = $proto_index; $colspan[] = 1; $max_colspan += 1; } } $_i = 0; if ($detail_opts['statvisible'] == 1) { $stattable_style = ''; $down_arrow_style = ''; $right_arrow_style = 'style="display:none"'; } else { $stattable_style = 'display:none;'; $down_arrow_style = 'style="display:none"'; $right_arrow_style = ''; } ?> <br><br><b> <table style="width:100%" cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'> <tr> <th class='thold'> <a href="#null" onClick="ShowHideStat();" title="<?php echo _("Hide Statistic"); ?> " ><IMG SRC="icons/arrow.yellow.down.png" name="flows" id="stat_arrow_down" border="0" <?php echo $down_arrow_style; ?> align="left" alt="<?php echo _("Hide stat table"); ?> "></a> <a href="#null" onClick="ShowHideStat();" title="<?php echo _("Show Statistic"); ?> " ><IMG SRC="icons/arrow.yellow.right.png" name="flows" id="stat_arrow_right" border="0" <?php echo $right_arrow_style; ?> align="left" alt="<?php echo _("Show stat table"); ?> "></a> Statistics <?php echo $tslot; ?> </b> </th> </tr> </table> <form action="<?php echo $self; ?> " method="POST" id="statsform"> <input type="hidden" name="srctrigger" value="src"> <table id="stattable" style='font-size:14px;font-weight:bold;<?php echo $stattable_style; ?> ;border:none;width:100%' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='3'> <tr align='center'> <th class='theader' colspan="2"><?php echo _("Channel"); ?> </th> <th class='theader' id="label0" colspan='<?php echo $colspan[0]; ?> '> <a href="#null" onClick="CollapseExpandStat(<?php echo $num_channels; ?> , 0, <?php echo $proto_index; ?> );" title="<?php echo _("Collapse"); ?> " ><IMG SRC="icons/" name="flows" id="arrow0_down" border="0" <?php echo $arrow_style[$_i++]; ?> align="left" alt="<?php echo _("collapse"); ?> "></a> <a href="#null" onClick="CollapseExpandStat(<?php echo $num_channels; ?> , 0, <?php echo $proto_index; ?> );" title="<?php echo _("Expand"); ?> " ><IMG SRC="icons/" name="flows" id="arrow0_right" border="0" <?php echo $arrow_style[$_i++]; ?> align="left" alt="<?php echo _("collapse"); ?> "></a><?php echo _("Flows"); ?> </th> <th class='theader' id="label1" colspan='<?php echo $colspan[1]; ?> '> <a href="#null" onClick="CollapseExpandStat(<?php echo $num_channels; ?> , 1, <?php echo $proto_index; ?> );" title="<?php echo _("Collapse"); ?> " ><IMG SRC="icons/" name="flows" id="arrow1_down" border="0" <?php echo $arrow_style[$_i++]; ?> align="left" alt="<?php echo _("collapse"); ?> "></a> <a href="#null" onClick="CollapseExpandStat(<?php echo $num_channels; ?> , 1, <?php echo $proto_index; ?> );" title="<?php echo _("Expand"); ?> " ><IMG SRC="icons/" name="flows" id="arrow1_right" border="0" <?php echo $arrow_style[$_i++]; ?> align="left" alt="<?php echo _("collapse"); ?> "></a><?php echo _("Packets"); ?> </th> <th class='theader' id="label2" colspan='<?php echo $colspan[2]; ?> '> <a href="#null" onClick="CollapseExpandStat(<?php echo $num_channels; ?> , 2, <?php echo $proto_index; ?> );" title="<?php echo _("Collapse"); ?> " ><IMG SRC="icons/" name="flows" id="arrow2_down" border="0" <?php echo $arrow_style[$_i++]; ?> align="left" alt="<?php echo _("collapse"); ?> "></a> <a href="#null" onClick="CollapseExpandStat(<?php echo $num_channels; ?> , 2, <?php echo $proto_index; ?> );" title="<?php echo _("Expand"); ?> " ><IMG SRC="icons/" name="flows" id="arrow2_right" border="0" <?php echo $arrow_style[$_i++]; ?> align="left" alt="<?php echo _("collapse"); ?> "></a><?php echo _("Traffic"); ?> </th> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"> </td> <?php for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) { $col = 1; foreach (array(gettext("all:"), 'tcp:', 'udp:', 'icmp:', gettext("other:")) as $_type) { if ($statpref[$i] == 0) { $_style = ''; } else { if ($statpref[$i] == $col) { $_style = ''; } else { $_style = 'style="display:none;"'; } } print "<td id='id.0.{$i}.{$col}' {$_style}>{$_type}</td>"; $col++; } } print "</tr>\n"; // for simplified testing foreach (explode('!', $detail_opts['channellist']) as $channel) { $_SelectedChannels[$channel] = 1; } foreach (array('', '_tcp', '_udp', '_icmp', '_other') as $_type) { $flows_sum[$_type] = 0; $packets_sum[$_type] = 0; $bits_sum[$_type] = 0; } $row = 1; $rateval = 1; foreach ($_SESSION['profileinfo']['channel'] as $channel) { $ch_name = $channel['name']; $ch_id = $channel['id']; if (Session::am_i_admin()) { $del_incon = "<img src='/ossim/vulnmeter/images/delete.gif' align='sub' onclick='remove_source(\"{$ch_id}\")' style='cursor:pointer;' border='0'>"; } else { $del_incon = ''; } print "<tr>\n"; # channel exists in profile $statinfo = ReadStat($profile, $profilegroup, $ch_id); $rateval = 1; if ($detail_opts['ratescale'] == 1) { $rateval = $_SESSION['tright'] - $_SESSION['tleft'] + 300; } $bgcolour = "bgcolor='" . Util::htmlentities($channel['colour']) . "'"; print "<td {$bgcolour} style='width:10px'></td>\n"; if (array_key_exists($ch_id, $_SelectedChannels)) { print "<td align=left><input type='checkbox' name='" . Util::htmlentities($ch_id) . "' value='" . Util::htmlentities($ch_id) . "' onClick='this.form.submit();' checked>{$ch_name} {$del_incon}</td>\n"; $cellcolour = "bgcolor='#f2f2f2'"; } else { print "<td align=left><input type='checkbox' name='" . Util::htmlentities($ch_id) . "' value='" . Util::htmlentities($ch_id) . "' onClick='this.form.submit();'>{$ch_name} {$del_incon}</td>\n"; $cellcolour = ''; } # print flows $i = 0; $col = 1; $mark_char = ($_SESSION['profileinfo']['type'] & 4) > 0 ? 'S' : 'x'; foreach (array('', '_tcp', '_udp', '_icmp', '_other') as $_type) { if ($statinfo) { $_val = ScaleValue($statinfo['flows' . $_type], $rateval); $flows_sum[$_type] += $statinfo['flows' . $_type]; } else { $_val = $mark_char; } if ($statpref[$i] == 0) { $_style = ''; } else { if ($statpref[$i] == $col) { $_style = ''; } else { $_style = 'style="display:none;"'; } } print "<td {$cellcolour} id='id.{$row}.{$i}.{$col}' {$_style} align=right>{$_val} </td>"; $col++; } # print packets $i = 1; $col = 1; foreach (array('', '_tcp', '_udp', '_icmp', '_other') as $_type) { if ($statinfo) { $_val = ScaleValue($statinfo['packets' . $_type], $rateval); $packets_sum[$_type] += $statinfo['packets' . $_type]; } else { $_val = $mark_char; } if ($statpref[$i] == 0) { $_style = ''; } else { if ($statpref[$i] == $col) { $_style = ''; } else { $_style = 'style="display:none;"'; } } print "<td {$cellcolour} id='id.{$row}.{$i}.{$col}' {$_style} align=right>{$_val} </td>"; $col++; } # prints bits $i = 2; $col = 1; foreach (array('', '_tcp', '_udp', '_icmp', '_other') as $_type) { if ($statinfo) { $_val = ScaleBytes($statinfo['traffic' . $_type], $rateval, 1000.0); $bits_sum[$_type] += $statinfo['traffic' . $_type]; } else { $_val = $mark_char; } if ($statpref[$i] == 0) { $_style = ''; } else { if ($statpref[$i] == $col) { $_style = ''; } else { $_style = 'style="display:none;"'; } } print "<td {$cellcolour} id='id.{$row}.{$i}.{$col}' {$_style} align=right>{$_val} </td>"; $col++; } print "</tr>\n"; $row++; } ?> <tr bgcolor='#dee7ec'> <td colspan="2"> </td> <?php # reprint the header as a footer for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) { $col = 1; foreach (array('all:', 'tcp:', 'udp:', 'icmp:', 'other:') as $_type) { if ($statpref[$i] == 0) { $_style = ''; } else { if ($statpref[$i] == $col) { $_style = ''; } else { $_style = 'style="display:none;"'; } } print "<td id='id.{$row}.{$i}.{$col}' {$_style}>{$_type}</td>"; $col++; } } print "</tr>\n"; $row++; ?> <tr> <td colspan="2">TOTAL</td> <?php # print flows $i = 0; $col = 1; $mark_char = ($_SESSION['profileinfo']['type'] & 4) > 0 ? 'S' : 'x'; foreach (array('', '_tcp', '_udp', '_icmp', '_other') as $_type) { $_val = ScaleValue($flows_sum[$_type], $rateval); if ($statpref[$i] == 0) { $_style = ''; } else { if ($statpref[$i] == $col) { $_style = ''; } else { $_style = 'style="display:none;"'; } } print "<td {$cellcolour} id='id.{$row}.{$i}.{$col}' {$_style} align=right>{$_val} </td>"; $col++; } # print packets $i = 1; $col = 1; foreach (array('', '_tcp', '_udp', '_icmp', '_other') as $_type) { $_val = ScaleValue($packets_sum[$_type], $rateval); if ($statpref[$i] == 0) { $_style = ''; } else { if ($statpref[$i] == $col) { $_style = ''; } else { $_style = 'style="display:none;"'; } } print "<td {$cellcolour} id='id.{$row}.{$i}.{$col}' {$_style} align=right>{$_val} </td>"; $col++; } # prints bits $i = 2; $col = 1; foreach (array('', '_tcp', '_udp', '_icmp', '_other') as $_type) { $_val = ScaleBytes($bits_sum[$_type], $rateval, 1000.0); if ($statpref[$i] == 0) { $_style = ''; } else { if ($statpref[$i] == $col) { $_style = ''; } else { $_style = 'style="display:none;"'; } } print "<td {$cellcolour} id='id.{$row}.{$i}.{$col}' {$_style} align=right>{$_val} </td>"; $col++; } print "</tr>\n"; $row++; ?> <tr><td colspan="2"> <INPUT class="small av_b_secondary" TYPE="submit" NAME="MultipleSources" Value="<?php echo _("All"); ?> "> <INPUT class="small av_b_secondary" TYPE="submit" NAME="MultipleSources" Value="<?php echo _("None"); ?> "> </td> <td colspan='15' style='text-align: left;'> <?php echo _("Display"); ?> : <input type="radio" onClick='this.form.submit();' name="ratescale" value="0" <?php if ($detail_opts['ratescale'] == 0) { print "checked"; } ?> ><?php echo _("Sum"); ?> <input type="radio" onClick='this.form.submit();' name="ratescale" value="1" <?php if ($detail_opts['ratescale'] == 1) { print "checked"; } ?> ><?php echo _("Rate"); ?> <?php if (!$statinfo) { print "x: " . _("No Data available"); } ?> </td></tr> </table> </form> <style type="text/css"> #av_msg_container { width: 60% !important; } .flowlist .tr_flow_data{ font-family: Courier, "Courier New", monospace !important; } </style> <script language="Javascript" type="text/javascript"> function remove_source(id) { if( confirm("<?php echo Util::js_entities(_('This Netflow source is going to be deleted. This action cannot be undone. Are you soure?')); ?> ") ) { $.ajax({ data: {"action": 1, "data": {"sensor": id}}, type: "POST", url: "nfsen_ajax.php", dataType: "json", beforeSend: function () { window.scrollTo(0, 0); var layer = "<div id='loading_container' style='width:100%;height:100%;position:absolute;top:0px;left:0px;'></div>"; $('body').append(layer); show_loading_box('loading_container', '<?php echo Util::js_entities(_("Deleting Netflow source...")); ?> ', ''); }, success: function(data) { hide_loading_box(); $('#loading_container').remove(); if(data.error) { notify(data.msg, 'nf_error'); } else { notify(data.msg, 'nf_success'); setTimeout("document.location.reload();", 1500); } }, error: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) { hide_loading_box(); $('#loading_container').remove(); notify(textStatus, 'nf_error'); } }); } } window.onload=function() { SetCookieValue("statvisible", <?php echo $detail_opts['statvisible'] ? 1 : 0; ?> ); var curdate = new Date(); GMToffset = <?php echo $GMToffset; ?> + curdate.getTimezoneOffset() * 60; CursorMode = <?php echo intval($detail_opts['cursor_mode']); ?> ; if ( CursorMode == 0 ) SlotSelectInit(<?php echo preg_replace('/[,\\)]/', '', Util::htmlentities($_SESSION['tstart'])) . ", " . preg_replace('/[,\\)]/', '', Util::htmlentities($_SESSION['tend'])) . ", " . preg_replace('/[,\\)]/', '', Util::htmlentities($_SESSION['profileinfo']['tstart'])) . ", " . preg_replace('/[,\\)]/', '', Util::htmlentities($_SESSION['tleft'])) . ",576, {$RRDoffset}"; ?> ); else WSelectInit(<?php echo preg_replace('/[,\\)]/', '', Util::htmlentities($_SESSION['tstart'])) . ", " . preg_replace('/[,\\)]/', '', Util::htmlentities($_SESSION['tend'])) . ", " . preg_replace('/[,\\)]/', '', Util::htmlentities($_SESSION['profileinfo']['tstart'])) . ", " . preg_replace('/[,\\)]/', '', Util::htmlentities($_SESSION['tleft'])) . ", " . preg_replace('/[,\\)]/', '', Util::htmlentities($_SESSION['tright'])) . ",576, {$RRDoffset}"; ?> ); <?php if (array_key_exists('anchor', $_SESSION)) { print "location.hash='" . Util::htmlentities($_SESSION['anchor']) . "';"; unset($_SESSION['anchor']); } ?> } </script> <?php $db_aux->close($conn_aux); }
function DisplayDetails() { global $self; global $DisplayOrder; global $TypeOrder; global $WinSizeLabels; global $RRDoffset; global $GMToffset; global $TZname; require_once 'classes/'; require_once 'classes/'; require_once ''; $db_aux = new ossim_db(); $conn_aux = $db_aux->connect(); $sensors_list = Sensor::get_list($conn_aux); $db_aux->close($conn_aux); ?> <script language="Javascript" src="js/detail.js" type="text/javascript"> </script> <?php $tright = UNIX2DISPLAY($_SESSION['tright']); $tleft = UNIX2DISPLAY($_SESSION['tleft']); $profile = $_SESSION['profile']; $profilegroup = $_SESSION['profilegroup']; $detail_opts = $_SESSION['detail_opts']; $channels = array_keys($_SESSION['profileinfo']['channel']); $is_shadow = ($_SESSION['profileinfo']['type'] & 4) > 0; print "<h3>" . _("Profile") . ": <font size='+1'>{$profile}</font></h3>\n"; $_tmp = explode('!', $detail_opts['channellist']); $graph_channels = count($_tmp) == 0 ? '@EMPTY' : implode(":", $_tmp); ?> <table style='font-size:14px;font-weight:bold;width:100%'> <tr> <?php for ($i = 1; $i < count($DisplayOrder); $i++) { $label = $DisplayOrder[$i]; if ($label == $detail_opts['proto']) { $label = 'any'; } print "<td>"; print $label; print "</td>\n"; } print "<td style='font-size:14px;font-weight:bold'>" . gettext("Profile info:") . "</td>\n"; // Empty right element print "</tr><tr>\n"; for ($i = 1; $i < count($DisplayOrder); $i++) { $label = $DisplayOrder[$i]; if ($label == $detail_opts['proto']) { $label = 'any'; } print "<td>\n"; $arg = implode(" ", array($graph_channels, $label, $detail_opts['type'], $_SESSION['profileinfo']['tstart'], $_SESSION['tstart'], $_SESSION['tend'], $_SESSION['tleft'], $_SESSION['tright'], 288, 100, 1, $detail_opts['logscale'], $detail_opts['linegraph'])); $arg = urlencode($arg); print "<a href='{$self}?proto={$label}'> " . "<img src=rrdgraph.php?cmd=get-detailsgraph&profile=" . $_SESSION['profileswitch'] . "&arg={$arg} border='0' width='165' height='81' alt='{$label}'></a>\n"; print "</td>\n"; } print "<td style='vertical-align: bottom;'>\n"; $str = strftime("%b %d %Y - %H:%M", $_SESSION['profileinfo']['tstart']); $expire = $_SESSION['profileinfo']['expire']; if ($expire == 0) { $expire = 'never'; } else { $d = (int) ($expire / 24); $h = $expire % 24; $d_ext = $d == 1 ? '' : 's'; $h_ext = $h == 1 ? '' : 's'; if ($d) { $expire = "{$d} day{$d_ext} {$h} hour{$h_ext}"; } else { $expire = "{$h} hour{$h_ext}"; } } $maxsize = ScaleBytes($_SESSION['profileinfo']['maxsize'], 1, 1024.0); if ($maxsize == 0) { $maxsize = 'unlimited'; } print "<table style='font-size:12px;font-weight:bold;border:none;width:100%'>\n"; switch ($_SESSION['profileinfo']['type'] & 3) { case 0: $type = 'live'; break; case 1: $type = 'history'; break; case 2: $type = 'continuous'; break; default: $type = 'unknown'; } $type .= $is_shadow ? ' / shadow' : ''; print "<tr><td>" . _("Type") . ":</td><td>{$type}</td></tr>"; print "<tr><td>" . _("Max") . ":</td><td>{$maxsize}</td></tr>"; print "<tr><td>" . _("Exp") . ":</td><td>{$expire}</td></tr>"; print "<tr><td>" . _("Start") . ":</td><td>{$str} {$TZname}</td></tr>\n"; $str = strftime("%b %d %Y - %H:%M", $_SESSION['profileinfo']['tend']); print "<tr><td style='border:none'>" . _("End") . ":</td><td style='border:none'>{$str} {$TZname}</td></tr>\n"; print "</table>\n"; print "</td>\n"; $arg = implode(" ", array($graph_channels, $detail_opts['proto'], $detail_opts['type'], $_SESSION['profileinfo']['tstart'], $_SESSION['tstart'], $_SESSION['tend'], $_SESSION['tleft'], $_SESSION['tright'], 576, 200, 0, $detail_opts['logscale'], $detail_opts['linegraph'])); $arg = urlencode($arg); ?> </tr> <tr> <td colspan='4' align="left" valign="top"> <img id='MainGraph' style='position:relative; top:0px; left:0px;' onclick="DragCursor.set(event);" src=rrdgraph.php?cmd=get-detailsgraph&profile=<?php echo $_SESSION['profileswitch']; ?> &arg=<?php echo $arg; ?> border='0' alt='<?php echo _("main-graph"); ?> '> <img id="CursorDragHandle" style="position:absolute;display:none; " src="icons/cursor-line.png" alt="<?php echo _("Line Cursor"); ?> "> <img id="StartDragHandle" style="position:absolute;display:none" src="icons/cursor-start.png" alt="<?php echo _("Start Cursor"); ?> "> <div id="StartLine" style="position: absolute;display:none; width: 1px; height: 200px; background-color: black;"></div> <div id="SpanBox" style="position:absolute;display:none; height: 200px; background-color: #B1FFA1; filter:alpha(opacity=40); opacity:.40;"></div> <div id="StopLine" style="position: absolute;display:none; width: 1px; height: 200px; background-color: black;"></div> <img id="StopDragHandle" style="position:absolute;display:none" src="icons/cursor-stop.png" alt="<?php echo _("Stop Cursor"); ?> "> <form style="display:inline;" name="slotselectform" id="slotselectform" action="<?php echo $self; ?> " method="POST"> <input type="hidden" name="cursor_mode" id="cursor_mode" value=""> <input type="hidden" name="tleft" id="tleft" value=""> <input type="hidden" name="tright" id="tright" value=""> </form> </td> <td style="vertical-align: bottom;"> <table style="margin-bottom:1pt;border:none;width:100%"> <tr> <td><span style='font-size:14px;font-weight:bold;margin-bottom:1pt'> t<SUB><?php echo _("start"); ?> </SUB> </span> </td> <td style="font-size:16px;color:#555555;"> <!-- input type="text" name="box_tleft" id="box_tleft" value="" SIZE="16" MAXLENGTH="16" style='font-size:10px;' readonly --> <b id='box_tleft'>- <?php echo _("update"); ?> -</b> </td> </tr><tr> <td><span style='font-size:14px;font-weight:bold;margin-bottom:1pt'> t<SUB><?php echo _("end"); ?> </SUB> </span> </td> <td style="font-size:16px;color:#555555;"> <!-- input type="text" name="box_tright" id="box_tright" value="" SIZE="16" MAXLENGTH="16" style='font-size:10px;' readonly --> <b id='box_tright'>- <?php echo _("update"); ?> -</b> </td> </tr> </table> <table style='font-size:14px;font-weight:bold;border:none;width:100%'> <?php for ($i = 1; $i < count($TypeOrder); $i++) { $label = $TypeOrder[$i]; if ($label == $detail_opts['type']) { $label = 'flows'; } // Make first letter uppercase of label to print $printlabel = strtoupper($label[0]) . substr($label, 1); print "<tr><td>" . gettext($printlabel) . "</td></tr>\n"; print "<tr><td style='border:none'>\n"; $arg = implode(" ", array($graph_channels, $detail_opts['proto'], $label, $_SESSION['profileinfo']['tstart'], $_SESSION['tstart'], $_SESSION['tend'], $_SESSION['tleft'], $_SESSION['tright'], 288, 100, 1, $detail_opts['logscale'], $detail_opts['linegraph'])); $arg = urlencode($arg); print "<a href='{$self}?type={$label}'> " . "<img src=rrdgraph.php?cmd=get-detailsgraph&profile=" . $_SESSION['profileswitch'] . "&arg={$arg} border='0' width='165' height='81' alt='{$label}'></a>"; print "</td></tr>\n"; } ?> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan='4' style="border:none"> <table border="0" style='width: 100%;margin:0pt;;border:none;width:100%'> <tr> <td style="border:none"> <?php echo _("Select"); ?> <select name="CursorMode" id="ModeSelector" onchange="SetCursorMode(<?php echo $_SESSION['tstart'] . ", " . $_SESSION['tend'] . ", " . $_SESSION['profileinfo']['tstart'] . ", " . $_SESSION['tleft'] . ", " . $_SESSION['tright'] . ",576, {$RRDoffset}"; ?> )" size=1> <?php if ($detail_opts['cursor_mode'] == 1) { print "<option value='0'>" . _("Single Timeslot") . "\n"; print "<option value='1' selected>" . _("Time Window") . "\n"; } else { print "<option value='0' selected>" . _("Single Timeslot") . "\n"; print "<option value='1'>" . _("Time Window") . "\n"; } ?> </select> </td> <td style="text-align: right;border:none"> <?php echo _("Display"); ?> : <form action="<?php echo $self; ?> " style="display:inline;" method="POST"> <select name='wsize' onchange='this.form.submit();' size=1> <?php $size_label = 'unknown'; for ($i = 0; $i < count($WinSizeLabels); $i++) { if ($i == $detail_opts['wsize']) { print "<option value='{$i}' selected>" . $WinSizeLabels[$i] . "\n"; $size_label = $WinSizeLabels[$i]; } else { print "<option value='{$i}'>" . $WinSizeLabels[$i] . "\n"; } } $status = $detail_opts['cursor_mode'] == 0 && !$is_shadow ? '' : 'disabled'; $peak_search_label = $status == '' ? _("Search Peak") : _("Peak search not available"); ?> </select> <input class="lbutton" name="adjust" value=" << " type="submit" title="<?php echo _("Back"); ?> <?php echo $size_label; ?> "> <input class="lbutton" name="adjust" value=" < " type="submit" title="<?php echo _("Previous time slot"); ?> "> <input class="lbutton" name="adjust" value=" | " type="submit" title="<?php echo _("Center cursor"); ?> "> <input class="lbutton" name="adjust" value=" ^ " type="submit" <?php echo $status; ?> title="<?php echo $peak_search_label; ?> "> <input class="lbutton" name="adjust" value=" > " type="submit" title="<?php echo _("Next time slot"); ?> "> <input class="lbutton" name="adjust" value=" >> " type="submit" title="<?php echo _("Forward"); ?> <?php echo $size_label; ?> "> <input class="lbutton" name="adjust" value=" >| " type="submit" title="<?php echo _("Goto last slot"); ?> "> </form> </td> </tr> </table> </td> <td style="border:none"> <form action="<?php echo $self; ?> " method="POST"> <table style="border:none;width:100%"> <tr> <td style="border:none"> <input type="radio" onClick='this.form.submit();' name="logscale" value="0" <?php if ($detail_opts['logscale'] == 0) { print "checked"; } ?> ><?php echo _("Lin Scale"); ?> </td> <td style="border:none"> <input type="radio" onClick='this.form.submit();' name="linegraph" value="0" <?php if ($detail_opts['linegraph'] == 0) { print "checked"; } ?> ><?php echo _("Stacked Graph"); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="border:none"> <input type="radio" onClick='this.form.submit();' name="logscale" value="1" <?php if ($detail_opts['logscale'] == 1) { print "checked"; } ?> ><?php echo _("Log Scale"); ?> </td> <td style="border:none"> <input type="radio" onClick='this.form.submit();' name="linegraph" value="1" <?php if ($detail_opts['linegraph'] == 1) { print "checked"; } ?> ><?php echo _("Line Graph"); ?> </td> </tr> </table> </form> </td> </tr><tr> <td colspan='4'></td> <td></td> </tr> </table> <?php if ($_SESSION['tleft'] == $_SESSION['tright']) { $tslot = "timeslot " . strftime("%b %d %Y - %H:%M", $_SESSION['tleft']); } else { $tslot = "timeslot " . strftime("%b %d %Y - %H:%M", $_SESSION['tleft']) . " - " . strftime("%b %d %Y - %H:%M", $_SESSION['tright']); } $num_channels = count(array_keys($_SESSION['profileinfo']['channel'])); $proto_index = 1; foreach ($DisplayOrder as $p) { if ($detail_opts['proto'] == $p) { break; } $proto_index++; } $statpref = explode(':', $detail_opts['statpref']); $max_colspan = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < count($statpref); $i++) { $pref = $statpref[$i]; if ($pref == 0) { $arrow_style[] = ''; $arrow_style[] = 'style="display:none;"'; $colspan[] = 5; $max_colspan += 5; } else { $arrow_style[] = 'style="display:none;"'; $arrow_style[] = ''; $statpref[$i] = $proto_index; $colspan[] = 1; $max_colspan += 1; } } $_i = 0; if ($detail_opts['statvisible'] == 1) { $stattable_style = ''; $down_arrow_style = ''; $right_arrow_style = 'style="display:none"'; } else { $stattable_style = 'display:none;'; $down_arrow_style = 'style="display:none"'; $right_arrow_style = ''; } ?> <br><br><b> <a href="#null" onClick="ShowHideStat();" title="<?php echo _("Hide Statistic"); ?> " ><IMG SRC="icons/arrow.yellow.down.png" name="flows" id="stat_arrow_down" border="0" <?php echo $down_arrow_style; ?> align="left" alt="<?php echo _("Hide stat table"); ?> "></a> <a href="#null" onClick="ShowHideStat();" title="<?php echo _("Show Statistic"); ?> " ><IMG SRC="icons/arrow.yellow.right.png" name="flows" id="stat_arrow_right" border="0" <?php echo $right_arrow_style; ?> align="left" alt="<?php echo _("Show stat table"); ?> "></a> Statistics <?php echo $tslot; ?> </b> <form action="<?php echo $self; ?> " method="POST" id="statsform"> <input type="hidden" name="srctrigger" value="src"> <table id="stattable" style='font-size:14px;font-weight:bold;<?php echo $stattable_style; ?> ;border:none;width:100%'> <tr align='center'> <td class='theader' colspan="2"><?php echo _("Channel"); ?> :</td> <td class='theader' id="label0" colspan='<?php echo $colspan[0]; ?> '> <a href="#null" onClick="CollapseExpandStat(<?php echo $num_channels; ?> , 0, <?php echo $proto_index; ?> );" title="<?php echo _("Collapse"); ?> " ><IMG SRC="icons/" name="flows" id="arrow0_down" border="0" <?php echo $arrow_style[$_i++]; ?> align="left" alt="<?php echo _("collapse"); ?> "></a> <a href="#null" onClick="CollapseExpandStat(<?php echo $num_channels; ?> , 0, <?php echo $proto_index; ?> );" title="<?php echo _("Expand"); ?> " ><IMG SRC="icons/" name="flows" id="arrow0_right" border="0" <?php echo $arrow_style[$_i++]; ?> align="left" alt="<?php echo _("collapse"); ?> "></a><?php echo _("Flows"); ?> : </td> <td class='theader' id="label1" colspan='<?php echo $colspan[1]; ?> '> <a href="#null" onClick="CollapseExpandStat(<?php echo $num_channels; ?> , 1, <?php echo $proto_index; ?> );" title="<?php echo _("Collapse"); ?> " ><IMG SRC="icons/" name="flows" id="arrow1_down" border="0" <?php echo $arrow_style[$_i++]; ?> align="left" alt="<?php echo _("collapse"); ?> "></a> <a href="#null" onClick="CollapseExpandStat(<?php echo $num_channels; ?> , 1, <?php echo $proto_index; ?> );" title="<?php echo _("Expand"); ?> " ><IMG SRC="icons/" name="flows" id="arrow1_right" border="0" <?php echo $arrow_style[$_i++]; ?> align="left" alt="<?php echo _("collapse"); ?> "></a><?php echo _("Packets"); ?> : </td> <td class='theader' id="label2" colspan='<?php echo $colspan[2]; ?> '> <a href="#null" onClick="CollapseExpandStat(<?php echo $num_channels; ?> , 2, <?php echo $proto_index; ?> );" title="<?php echo _("Collapse"); ?> " ><IMG SRC="icons/" name="flows" id="arrow2_down" border="0" <?php echo $arrow_style[$_i++]; ?> align="left" alt="<?php echo _("collapse"); ?> "></a> <a href="#null" onClick="CollapseExpandStat(<?php echo $num_channels; ?> , 2, <?php echo $proto_index; ?> );" title="<?php echo _("Expand"); ?> " ><IMG SRC="icons/" name="flows" id="arrow2_right" border="0" <?php echo $arrow_style[$_i++]; ?> align="left" alt="<?php echo _("collapse"); ?> "></a><?php echo _("Traffic"); ?> : </td> </tr> <tr> <th colspan="2"> </td> <?php for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) { $col = 1; foreach (array(gettext("all:"), 'tcp:', 'udp:', 'icmp:', gettext("other:")) as $_type) { if ($statpref[$i] == 0) { $_style = ''; } else { if ($statpref[$i] == $col) { $_style = ''; } else { $_style = 'style="display:none;"'; } } print "<th id='id.0.{$i}.{$col}' {$_style}>{$_type}</td>"; $col++; } } print "</tr>\n"; // for simplified testing foreach (explode('!', $detail_opts['channellist']) as $channel) { $_SelectedChannels[$channel] = 1; } $row = 1; foreach (array_keys($_SESSION['profileinfo']['channel']) as $channel) { $has_perm = 0; foreach ($sensors_list as $s) { if ($channel == $s->get_name()) { $has_perm = 1; } } if (Session::am_i_admin()) { $has_perm = 1; } print "<tr>\n"; # channel exists in profile $statinfo = ReadStat($profile, $profilegroup, $channel); $rateval = 1; if ($detail_opts['ratescale'] == 1) { $rateval = $_SESSION['tright'] - $_SESSION['tleft'] + 300; } $bgcolour = "bgcolor='" . $_SESSION['profileinfo']['channel'][$channel]['colour'] . "'"; print "<td {$bgcolour} style='width:10px'></td>\n"; if (!$has_perm) { print "<td align=left><input type='checkbox' name='{$channel}' value='{$channel}' onClick='this.form.submit();' disabled><font style='color:gray'>{$channel}</font>  </td>\n"; $cellcolour = ''; } elseif (array_key_exists($channel, $_SelectedChannels)) { print "<td align=left><input type='checkbox' name='{$channel}' value='{$channel}' onClick='this.form.submit();' checked>{$channel}  </td>\n"; $cellcolour = "bgcolor='#f2f2f2'"; } else { print "<td align=left><input type='checkbox' name='{$channel}' value='{$channel}' onClick='this.form.submit();'>{$channel}  </td>\n"; $cellcolour = ''; } # print flows $i = 0; $col = 1; $mark_char = ($_SESSION['profileinfo']['type'] & 4) > 0 ? 'S' : 'x'; foreach (array('', '_tcp', '_udp', '_icmp', '_other') as $_type) { if ($statinfo) { $_val = ScaleValue($statinfo['flows' . $_type], $rateval); } else { $_val = $mark_char; } if ($statpref[$i] == 0) { $_style = ''; } else { if ($statpref[$i] == $col) { $_style = ''; } else { $_style = 'style="display:none;"'; } } print "<td {$cellcolour} id='id.{$row}.{$i}.{$col}' {$_style} align=right>{$_val} </td>"; $col++; } # print packets $i = 1; $col = 1; foreach (array('', '_tcp', '_udp', '_icmp', '_other') as $_type) { if ($statinfo) { $_val = ScaleValue($statinfo['packets' . $_type], $rateval); } else { $_val = $mark_char; } if ($statpref[$i] == 0) { $_style = ''; } else { if ($statpref[$i] == $col) { $_style = ''; } else { $_style = 'style="display:none;"'; } } print "<td {$cellcolour} id='id.{$row}.{$i}.{$col}' {$_style} align=right>{$_val} </td>"; $col++; } # prints bits $i = 2; $col = 1; foreach (array('', '_tcp', '_udp', '_icmp', '_other') as $_type) { if ($statinfo) { $_val = ScaleBytes($statinfo['traffic' . $_type], $rateval, 1000.0); } else { $_val = $mark_char; } if ($statpref[$i] == 0) { $_style = ''; } else { if ($statpref[$i] == $col) { $_style = ''; } else { $_style = 'style="display:none;"'; } } print "<td {$cellcolour} id='id.{$row}.{$i}.{$col}' {$_style} align=right>{$_val} </td>"; $col++; } print "</tr>\n"; $row++; } ?> <tr><td colspan="2"> <INPUT class="lbutton" TYPE="submit" NAME="MultipleSources" Value="<?php echo _("All"); ?> "> <INPUT class="lbutton" TYPE="submit" NAME="MultipleSources" Value="<?php echo _("None"); ?> "> </td> <td colspan='15' style='text-align: left;'> <?php echo _("Display"); ?> : <input type="radio" onClick='this.form.submit();' name="ratescale" value="0" <?php if ($detail_opts['ratescale'] == 0) { print "checked"; } ?> ><?php echo _("Sum"); ?> <input type="radio" onClick='this.form.submit();' name="ratescale" value="1" <?php if ($detail_opts['ratescale'] == 1) { print "checked"; } ?> ><?php echo _("Rate"); ?> <?php if (!$statinfo) { print "x: " . _("No Data available"); } ?> </td></tr> </table> </form> <script language="Javascript" type="text/javascript"> window.onload=function() { SetCookieValue("statvisible", <?php echo $detail_opts['statvisible'] ? 1 : 0; ?> ); var curdate = new Date(); GMToffset = <?php echo $GMToffset; ?> + curdate.getTimezoneOffset() * 60; CursorMode = <?php echo $detail_opts['cursor_mode']; ?> ; if ( CursorMode == 0 ) SlotSelectInit(<?php echo $_SESSION['tstart'] . ", " . $_SESSION['tend'] . ", " . $_SESSION['profileinfo']['tstart'] . ", " . $_SESSION['tleft'] . ",576, {$RRDoffset}"; ?> ); else WSelectInit(<?php echo $_SESSION['tstart'] . ", " . $_SESSION['tend'] . ", " . $_SESSION['profileinfo']['tstart'] . ", " . $_SESSION['tleft'] . ", " . $_SESSION['tright'] . ",576, {$RRDoffset}"; ?> ); <?php if (array_key_exists('anchor', $_SESSION)) { print "location.hash='" . $_SESSION['anchor'] . "';"; unset($_SESSION['anchor']); } ?> } </script> <?php }