Beispiel #1
     * Look for a file
     * @param string $search_text The search text entered, which contains tokens
     *                            representing either file name or file content
     * @param int $page The page we are showing the contents for
     * @param int $categories An array of category ids to filter on (i.e. results
     *                        must be in one or more to be included), or NULL to not filter
     *                        by category
     * @return array A data structure equivalent to the return value of "get_listing",
     *               containing the filter listing
    function search($search_text, $page = 1, $categories = NULL) {
        global $CFG, $COURSE, $OUTPUT, $USER;

        $ret = array();
        $shared = 0;
        $oid = 0;

        // Set id
        if (!empty($USER->id)) {
            $uid = $USER->id;
            $cid = 0;
        if (!empty($COURSE->id)) {
            $cid = $COURSE->id;
            $uid = 0;
       // setting userid...
        if ($this->context->contextlevel === CONTEXT_USER) {
            $userid = $USER->id;
        } else {
            $userid = 0;

        $courseid = $COURSE->id;
        $uuid = false;
        if ($ruuid = $this->elis_files->get_repository_location($courseid, $userid, $shared, $oid)) {
            $uuid = $ruuid;
        } else if ($duuid = $this->elis_files->get_default_browsing_location($courseid, $userid, $shared, $oid)) {
            $uuid = $duuid;
        $uuuid = $this->elis_files->get_user_store($USER->id);
        if ($uuid == $uuuid) {
            $uid = $USER->id;
        } else {
            $uid = 0;

        $canedit = self::check_editing_permissions($COURSE->id, $shared, $oid, $uuid, $uid);

        $ret['canedit'] = $canedit;

        $ret['detailcols'] = array(array('field'=>'created',
        $ret['dynload'] = true;
        $ret['nologin'] = true;
        $ret['showselectedactions'] = true;
        $ret['showcurrentactions'] = false; // do not show current actions for search results because we are not in a folder

        // Can only have either course or user id set
        if (!empty($cid) && !empty($uid)) {
            $cid = 0;

        // Set permissible browsing locations
        $ret['locations'] = array();
        $this->elis_files->file_browse_options($cid, $uid, $shared, $oid, $ret['locations']);
        $ret['list'] = array();

        // Obtain the list of matching files
        $query = $this->get_search_query($search_text, $categories);
        $response = elis_files_utils_invoke_service('/moodle/lucenesearch?searchquery='.rawurlencode($query));
        $sxml = RLsimpleXMLelement($response);

        if ($sxml and $entries = $sxml->xpath('//entry')) {
            foreach ($entries as $entry) {
                // Include shared and oid parameters
                $uuid = (string)$entry->uuid;

                if ($properties = $this->elis_files->get_info($uuid)) {
                    if (strcmp($properties->type, "cmis:folder") !== 0 &&
                        strcmp($properties->type, "folder") !== 0) {
                        $params = array('path'=>$uuid,
                        $encodedpath = base64_encode(serialize($params));
                        $filesize = isset($properties->filesize) ? $properties->filesize : '';
                        $created = isset($properties->created) ? $properties->created : '';
                        $modified = isset($properties->modified) ? $properties->modified : '';
                        $owner = isset($properties->owner) ? $properties->owner : '';

                        $alfresco_version = elis_files_get_repository_version();
                        if ($alfresco_version == '3.2.1') {
                            $thumbnail = $OUTPUT->pix_url(file_extension_icon($entry->filename, 90))->out(false);
                        } else {
                            $thumbnail = $OUTPUT->pix_url(file_extension_icon($entry->icon, 90))->out(false);
                        $ret['list'][] = array('title'=>$properties->title,
                                               'size' => $filesize,
                                               'thumbnail' => $thumbnail,

        return $ret;
Beispiel #2
 * Utility function for getting alfresco ticket.
 * @uses $CFG
 * @param string $op       Option for refreshing ticket or not.
 * @param string $username The username to use for user authentication.
 * @return string|bool The ticket value or, False on error.
function elis_files_utils_get_ticket($op = 'norefresh', $username = '') {
    global $CFG;

    if (ELIS_FILES_DEBUG_TRACE) print_object('elis_files_utils_get_ticket(' . $op . ', ' . $username . ')');

    $alf_username = !empty($_SESSION['elis_files_username']) ? $_SESSION['elis_files_username'] : NULL;
    $alf_ticket   = !empty($_SESSION['elis_files_ticket']) ? $_SESSION['elis_files_ticket'] : NULL;

    if (!empty($username)) {
        $username = elis_files_transform_username($username);
        $user = $username;
        $pass = '******';
    } else {
        if (!isset(elis::$config->elisfiles->server_username) || !isset(elis::$config->elisfiles->server_password)) {
            return false;

        $user = elis::$config->elisfiles->server_username;
        $pass = elis::$config->elisfiles->server_password;

    // We must include the tenant portion of the username here if it is not already included.
    if ($user != elis::$config->elisfiles->server_username) {
        if (($tenantpos = strpos(elis::$config->elisfiles->server_username, '@')) > 0) {
            $tenantname = substr(elis::$config->elisfiles->server_username, $tenantpos);

            if (strpos($user, $tenantname) === false) {
                $user .= $tenantname;

    // Make sure that we refresh the ticket if we're authenticating with a different user than what
    // the current ticket was generated for.
    if (empty($alf_username) || (!empty($alf_username) && $alf_username !== $user)) {
        $op = 'refresh';

    if ($alf_ticket == NULL || $op == 'refresh') {
        // Authenticate and store the ticket
        $url = elis_files_utils_get_url('/api/login?u=' . urlencode($user) . '&pw=' . urlencode($pass));

        // Prepare curl session
        $session = curl_init($url);

            curl_setopt($session, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, true);

        // Don't return HTTP headers. Do return the contents of the call
        curl_setopt($session, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
        curl_setopt($session, CURLOPT_USERPWD, "$user:$pass");


        // Make the call
        $return_data = curl_exec($session);

        // Get return http status code
        $httpcode = curl_getinfo($session, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);

        // Close HTTP session

        if ($httpcode == 200 || $httpcode == 201) {
            $sxml = RLsimpleXMLelement($return_data);
            if (empty($sxml)) {
                return false;
            $alf_ticket = current($sxml);
        } else {
            return false;

            debugging(get_string('errorreceivedfromendpoint', 'repository_elisfiles') .
                      (!empty($response->code) ? $response->code . ' ' : ' ') .
                      $response->error, DEBUG_DEVELOPER);

        if ($alf_ticket == '') {
            debug(get_string('unabletoauthenticatewithendpoint', 'repository_elisfiles'), DEBUG_DEVELOPER);

        $_SESSION['elis_files_ticket']   = $alf_ticket;
        $_SESSION['elis_files_username'] = $user;

    return !empty($alf_ticket) ? $alf_ticket : false;
Beispiel #3
 * Utility function for getting alfresco ticket.
 * @uses $CFG
 * @param string $op       Option for refreshing ticket or not.
 * @param string $username The username to use for user authentication.
 * @return string|bool The ticket value or, False on error.
function alfresco_utils_get_ticket($op = 'norefresh', $username = '')
    global $CFG;
        print_object('alfresco_utils_get_ticket(' . $op . ', ' . $username . ')');
    $alf_username = !empty($_SESSION['alfresco_username']) ? $_SESSION['alfresco_username'] : NULL;
    $alf_ticket = !empty($_SESSION['alfresco_ticket']) ? $_SESSION['alfresco_ticket'] : NULL;
    if (!empty($username)) {
        // So that we don't conflict with the default Alfresco admin account.
        $username = $username == 'admin' ? $CFG->repository_alfresco_admin_username : $username;
        // We must include the tenant portion of the username here.
        if (($tenantname = strpos($CFG->repository_alfresco_server_username, '@')) > 0) {
            $username .= substr($CFG->repository_alfresco_server_username, $tenantname);
        $user = $username;
        $pass = '******';
    } else {
        $user = $CFG->repository_alfresco_server_username;
        $pass = $CFG->repository_alfresco_server_password;
    // We must include the tenant portion of the username here if it is not already included.
    if ($user != $CFG->repository_alfresco_server_username) {
        if (($tenantpos = strpos($CFG->repository_alfresco_server_username, '@')) > 0) {
            $tenantname = substr($CFG->repository_alfresco_server_username, $tenantpos);
            if (strpos($user, $tenantname) === false) {
                $user .= $tenantname;
    // Make sure that we refresh the ticket if we're authenticating with a different user than what
    // the current ticket was generated for.
    if (empty($alf_username) || !empty($alf_username) && $alf_username !== $user) {
        $op = 'refresh';
    if ($alf_ticket == NULL || $op == 'refresh') {
        // Authenticate and store the ticket
        $url = alfresco_utils_get_url('/api/login?u=' . urlencode($user) . '&pw=' . urlencode($pass));
        // Prepare curl session
        $session = curl_init($url);
            curl_setopt($session, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, true);
        // Don't return HTTP headers. Do return the contents of the call
        curl_setopt($session, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
        curl_setopt($session, CURLOPT_USERPWD, "{$user}:{$pass}");
        // Make the call
        $return_data = curl_exec($session);
        // Get return http status code
        $httpcode = curl_getinfo($session, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
        // Close HTTP session
        if ($httpcode == 200 || $httpcode == 201) {
            $sxml = RLsimpleXMLelement($return_data);
            if (empty($sxml)) {
                return false;
            $alf_ticket = current($sxml);
        } else {
              debugging(get_string('errorreceivedfromendpoint', 'repository_alfresco') .
                        (!empty($response->code) ? $response->code . ' ' : ' ') .
                        $response->error, DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
            return false;
        if ($alf_ticket == '') {
            debug(get_string('unabletoauthenticatewithendpoint', 'repository_alfresco'), DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
        $_SESSION['alfresco_ticket'] = $alf_ticket;
        $_SESSION['alfresco_username'] = $user;
    return !empty($alf_ticket) ? $alf_ticket : false;
Beispiel #4
     * Get info about a specific node reference.
     * @param string $uuid A node UUID value.
     * @return object|bool A node object or false on error.
    function get_info($uuid) {
        if (ELIS_FILES_DEBUG_TRACE) mtrace('get_info(' . $uuid . ')');

        if (!$this->get_defaults()) {
            return false;

        if (self::is_version('3.2')) {
            $node = elis_files_node_properties($uuid);
        } else if (self::is_version('3.4')) {
            //Check that the uuid is valid before trying to get the object
            if (!elis_files_request(elis_files_get_uri($uuid, 'self'))) {
                return false;
            if (!$node = $this->cmis->getObject('workspace://SpacesStore/' . $uuid)) {
                return false;

            $type = '';
            $node = elis_files_process_node_new($node, $type);
            $node->type = $type;

        // ELIS-5750: the following requires the updated webscript: nodeowner.get.js
        if (!empty($node->uuid) && strpos($node->type, 'document') !== false && ($response = elis_files_request('/moodle/nodeowner/'.$node->uuid))
                && ($sxml = RLsimpleXMLelement($response)) && !empty($sxml->owner)) {
            foreach ((array)$sxml->owner AS $val) {
                // error_log("nodeOwner: {$val}");
                $node->owner = $val; // ($val != 'admin') ? $val : $this->config->admin_username;
        return $node;