public function delete($key) { $err = Qiniu_RS_Delete(new Qiniu_MacHttpClient(null), $this->_Bucket, $key); if ($err !== null) { return false; } return true; }
public function testBatchStat() { $key2 = 'testOp2' . getTid(); Qiniu_RS_Delete($this->client, $this->bucket, $key2); $entries = array(new Qiniu_RS_EntryPath($this->bucket, $this->key), new Qiniu_RS_EntryPath($this->bucket, $key2)); list($ret, $err) = Qiniu_RS_BatchStat($this->client, $entries); $this->assertNotNull($err); $this->assertEquals($ret[0]['code'], 200); $this->assertEquals($ret[1]['code'], 612); }
public static function deleteFile($filepath) { // 获取插件配置 $option = self::getConfig(); // 初始化 SDK self::initSDK($option->accesskey, $option->sercetkey); // 删除 $client = new Qiniu_MacHttpClient(null); return Qiniu_RS_Delete($client, $option->bucket, $filepath); }
/** * 删除存储的文件 * @param type $qiniuFileName 云存储里的文件名 */ public function deleteFile($qiniuFileName) { $key1 = $qiniuFileName; $client = new Qiniu_MacHttpClient(null); $err = Qiniu_RS_Delete($client, $this->_bucket, $key1); if ($err !== null) { var_dump($err); } else { echo "Success! \n"; } }
public function delete($filename) { $this->setBucketAndKey($filename); Qiniu_SetKeys($this->accessKey, $this->secretKey); $client = new \Qiniu_MacHttpClient(null); $err = Qiniu_RS_Delete($client, $this->bucket, $this->key); if ($err !== null) { return false; } else { return true; } }
public function testPut() { $key = 'tmp/testPut' . getTid(); $err = Qiniu_RS_Delete($this->client, $this->bucket, $key); list($ret, $err) = Qiniu_RS_Put($this->client, $this->bucket, $key, 'hello world!', null); $this->assertNull($err); $this->assertArrayHasKey('hash', $ret); var_dump($ret); list($ret, $err) = Qiniu_RS_Stat($this->client, $this->bucket, $key); $this->assertNull($err); var_dump($ret); $err = Qiniu_RS_Delete($this->client, $this->bucket, $key); $this->assertNull($err); }
public function testPut() { $key = 'testPut' . getTid(); $err = Qiniu_RS_Delete($this->client, $this->bucket, $key); $putPolicy = new Qiniu_RS_PutPolicy($this->bucket); $upToken = $putPolicy->Token(null); list($ret, $err) = Qiniu_Put($upToken, $key, "hello world!", null); $this->assertNull($err); $this->assertArrayHasKey('hash', $ret); var_dump($ret); list($ret, $err) = Qiniu_RS_Stat($this->client, $this->bucket, $key); $this->assertNull($err); var_dump($ret); $err = Qiniu_RS_Delete($this->client, $this->bucket, $key); $this->assertNull($err); }
public function testLargePut() { $key = 'testRioLargePut' . getTid(); $err = Qiniu_RS_Delete($this->client, $this->bucket, $key); $putPolicy = new Qiniu_RS_PutPolicy($this->bucket); $upToken = $putPolicy->Token(null); $putExtra = new Qiniu_Rio_PutExtra($this->bucket); $reader = new MockReader(); list($ret, $err) = Qiniu_Rio_Put($upToken, $key, $reader, QINIU_RIO_BLOCK_SIZE + 5, $putExtra); $this->assertNull($err); $this->assertEquals($ret['hash'], "lgQEOCZ8Ievliq8XOfZmWTndgOll"); var_dump($ret); list($ret, $err) = Qiniu_RS_Stat($this->client, $this->bucket, $key); $this->assertNull($err); var_dump($ret); $err = Qiniu_RS_Delete($this->client, $this->bucket, $key); $this->assertNull($err); }
public function testPutWithPersistentOps() { $key = 'testPutWithPersistentOps' . getTid(); $err = Qiniu_RS_Delete($this->client, $this->bucket, $key); $putPolicy = new Qiniu_RS_PutPolicy($this->bucket); $putPolicy->PersistentOps = 'avthumb/mp3'; $putPolicy->PersistentNotifyUrl = 'http://someurl/abc'; $upToken = $putPolicy->Token(null); list($ret, $err) = Qiniu_Put($upToken, $key, "hello world!", null); $this->assertNull($err); $this->assertArrayHasKey('hash', $ret); $this->assertArrayHasKey('persistentId', $ret); var_dump($ret); list($ret, $err) = Qiniu_RS_Stat($this->client, $this->bucket, $key); $this->assertNull($err); var_dump($ret); $err = Qiniu_RS_Delete($this->client, $this->bucket, $key); $this->assertNull($err); }
public function actionDelmv($id) { Yii::import('application.vendors.*'); require_once 'Qiniu/rs.php'; require_once 'Qiniu/io.php'; $bucket = Yii::app()->params['bucket']; $accessKey = Yii::app()->params['accessKey']; $secretKey = Yii::app()->params['secretKey']; $mvModel = new Mv(); $mvInfo = $mvModel->findByPk($id); if ($mvInfo != NULL) { Qiniu_SetKeys($accessKey, $secretKey); $client = new Qiniu_MacHttpClient(null); $err = Qiniu_RS_Delete($client, $bucket, $mvInfo['mv']); } //上传业务数据库中数据 if ($mvModel->deleteByPk($id)) { Yii::app()->user->setFlash('delmvstatus', 'YES,删除视频成功 :)'); } else { Yii::app()->user->setFlash('delmvstatus', 'Sorry,系统出错,删除视频失败 :('); } $this->redirect(array("imv")); }
/** * Delete a file * * @param $path * @return bool */ public function delete($path) { $err = Qiniu_RS_Delete($this->getClient(), $this->bucket, $path); return $err === null; }
function deleteQiNiu($filePath) { //这里写入七牛的空间名 $bucket = "1111"; //$bucket = "gavinwen-topic"; $key1 = basename($filePath); //这里写入七牛的accessKey和secretKey $accessKey = 'sVv4Xk-11'; $secretKey = '333-11222'; Qiniu_SetKeys($accessKey, $secretKey); $client = new Qiniu_MacHttpClient(null); $err = Qiniu_RS_Delete($client, $bucket, $key1); if ($err !== null) { return false; } else { return true; } }
public static function deleteFile($key) { Qiniu_SetKeys(W2Config::$Qiniu_accessKey, W2Config::$Qiniu_secretKey); $client = new Qiniu_MacHttpClient(null); $err = Qiniu_RS_Delete($client, W2Config::$Qiniu_bucket, $key); if ($err !== null) { if (defined('IS_SQL_PRINT') && IS_SQL_PRINT) { var_dump($err); } return false; } else { return true; } }
function wpjam_qiniutek_update_file($file, $echo = true) { global $qiniutek_client; if (!$qiniutek_client) { $qiniutek_client = wpjam_get_qiniutek_client(); } $wpjam_qiniutek = get_option('wpjam-qiniutek'); $qiniutek_bucket = $wpjam_qiniutek['bucket']; $file_array = parse_url($file); $key = str_replace($file_array['scheme'] . '://' . $file_array['host'] . '/', '', $file); $err = Qiniu_RS_Delete($qiniutek_client, $qiniutek_bucket, $key); if ($echo) { if ($err !== null) { $msg = ' 发生错误:<span style="color:red">' . $err->Err . '</span><br />'; } else { $msg = ' 清理成功<br />'; } } return $msg; }
var_dump($err); } else { var_dump($ret); } # @endgist # @gist copy $err = Qiniu_RS_Copy($client, $bucket, $key1, $bucket, $key2); echo "\n\n====> Qiniu_RS_Copy result: \n"; if ($err !== null) { var_dump($err); } else { echo "Success! \n"; } # @endgist # @gist delete $err = Qiniu_RS_Delete($client, $bucket, $key1); echo "\n\n====> Qiniu_RS_Delete result: \n"; if ($err !== null) { var_dump($err); } else { echo "Success! \n"; } # @endgist # @gist move $err = Qiniu_RS_Move($client, $bucket, $key2, $bucket, $key1); echo "\n\n====> Qiniu_RS_Move result: \n"; if ($err !== null) { var_dump($err); } else { echo "Success! \n"; }
public function delete($key) { $err = Qiniu_RS_Delete($this->client, $this->bucket, $key); if ($err !== null) { throw new QiniuDeleteException($err->Err, $err->Code, $key); } else { return true; } }
<?php /** * 删除文件 * * @version $VersionId$ @ $UpdateTime$ * @author 404 <*****@*****.**> * @copyright Copyright (c) 2011-2012 404 <*****@*****.**> * @license MIT License {@link} */ require_once 'bootstrap.php'; if (empty($_COOKIE["uid"]) || (int) $_COOKIE["uid"] < 1) { header("Location: login.php"); exit; } $uid = $_COOKIE["uid"]; if (isset($_GET["id"])) { $id = trim($_GET["id"]); # check user is valid or not $userRow = $db->getOne("SELECT id FROM users WHERE id='{$uid}' LIMIT 1"); # if is this user ok, then if ((int) $userRow["id"] > 0 && !empty($id)) { $fileRow = $db->getOne("SELECT file_key FROM uploads WHERE id='{$id}' LIMIT 1"); $err = Qiniu_RS_Delete($client, $bucket, $fileRow['file_key']); if ($err == null) { $res = $db->execute("DELETE FROM uploads WHERE id='{$id}' AND user_id='{$uid}'"); } } } header("Location: index.php"); exit;
/** * 图片裁切处理 * * @access public * @param string $imagename,$width,$height,$xset,$yset 基本参数 * @param string $path 附件源路径 * @param string $url 附件源地址 * @return string */ public static function crophandle($imgname, $width, $height, $xset, $yset, $path = NULL, $url = NULL) { $options = Helper::options(); $settings = $options->plugin('HighSlide'); $filedata = self::filedata($path, $url); $imgdir = $settings->storage == 'local' ? $filedata->dir : $filedata->url; $imgfile = $url ? $url : $imgdir . $imgname; $thumbdir = $settings->storage == 'local' ? $imgdir : __TYPECHO_ROOT_DIR__ . __TYPECHO_PLUGIN_DIR__ . '/HighSlide/tmp/'; if (!is_dir($thumbdir)) { if (!self::makehsdir($thumbdir)) { return false; } } $thumbfile = $thumbdir . 'thumb_' . $imgname; $thumbpath = $filedata->dir . 'thumb_' . $imgname; //预览尺寸适应 list($imgwidth, $imgheight, $imgtype) = getimagesize($imgfile); $imgtype = image_type_to_mime_type($imgtype); $adjust = $imgwidth > 442 ? $imgwidth / 442 : 1; if ($url) { $adjust = $imgwidth > 248 ? $imgwidth / 248 : 1; } $xset *= $adjust; $yset *= $adjust; $width *= $adjust; $height *= $adjust; //缩放规格 switch ($settings->thumbfix) { case 'fixedwidth': $scale = $settings->fixedwidth / $width; break; case 'fixedheight': $scale = $settings->fixedheight / $height; break; case 'fixedratio': $fix = explode(':', $settings->fixedratio); $scale = $fix[0] / $fix[1]; break; } $newwidth = $width * $scale; $newheight = $height * $scale; //采样 $newimg = imagecreatetruecolor($newwidth, $newheight); switch ($imgtype) { case "image/gif": $source = imagecreatefromgif($imgfile); break; case "image/pjpeg": case "image/jpeg": case "image/jpg": $source = imagecreatefromjpeg($imgfile); break; case "image/png": case "image/x-png": $source = imagecreatefrompng($imgfile); break; } //渲染 imagecopyresampled($newimg, $source, 0, 0, $xset, $yset, $newwidth, $newheight, $width, $height); switch ($imgtype) { case "image/gif": imagegif($newimg, $thumbfile); break; case "image/pjpeg": case "image/jpeg": case "image/jpg": imagejpeg($newimg, $thumbfile, 100); break; case "image/png": case "image/x-png": imagepng($newimg, $thumbfile); break; } chmod($thumbfile, 0777); $thumbsize = filesize($thumbfile); if (strpos($url, $options->siteUrl) === false) { //七牛上传 if ($settings->storage == 'qiniu') { self::qiniuset($settings->qiniuaccesskey, $settings->qiniusecretkey); $client = new Qiniu_MacHttpClient(null); Qiniu_RS_Delete($client, $settings->qiniubucket, $thumbpath); $policy = new Qiniu_RS_PutPolicy($settings->qiniubucket); $token = $policy->Token(null); $extra = new Qiniu_PutExtra(); $extra->Crc32 = 1; list($result, $error) = Qiniu_PutFile($token, $thumbpath, $thumbfile, $extra); if ($error !== null) { return false; } unlink($thumbfile); } //又拍云上传 if ($settings->storage == 'upyun') { $upyun = self::upyunset(); $upyun->delete($thumbpath); $upyun->writeFile($thumbpath, file_get_contents($thumbfile), TRUE); unlink($thumbfile); } //百度BCS上传 if ($settings->storage == 'bcs') { $bcs = self::bcsset(); $bcs->delete_object($settings->bcsbucket, $thumbpath); $result = $bcs->create_object($settings->bcsbucket, $thumbpath, $thumbfile, array("acl" => "public-read")); if (!$result->isOK()) { return false; } unlink($thumbfile); } //本地附件源移动 } else { rename($thumbfile, $thumbpath); } return $thumbsize; }
*/ if (!empty($_SESSION['uid'])) { $uid = $_SESSION['uid']; require_once '../qiniu/io.php'; require_once '../qiniu/rs.php'; $qiniu = (include '../qiniu/qiniu.php'); require_once '../connect/PdoConnect.class.php'; $db = (include '../connect/dbconfig.php'); $accessKey = $qiniu['accessKey']; $secretKey = $qiniu['secretKey']; $bucket = $qiniu['bucket']; $pdo = new PDO_CON($db['dbtype'], $db['host'], $db['user'], $db['pasw'], $db['dbname']); $conn = $pdo->get_conId(); Qiniu_SetKeys($accessKey, $secretKey); //1 $sql = "select headpicture from ws_user where id = {$uid} "; $res = $pdo->ExceSQL($sql, $conn); if (!empty($res[0]['headpicture'])) { $client = new Qiniu_MacHttpClient(null); $err = Qiniu_RS_Delete($client, $bucket, $res[0]['headpicture']); } //2 $newname = time() . rand(10000, 99999) . '.jpg'; $putPolicy = new Qiniu_RS_PutPolicy($bucket); $upToken = $putPolicy->Token(null); list($ret, $err) = Qiniu_Put($upToken, $newname, $pic1, null); $sql = "update ws_user set headpicture = '{$newname}' where id = {$uid} "; $pdo->ExceSQL($sql, $conn); //3省 } print json_encode($rs);
/** * @param $upload */ function CloudStorage_Del(&$upload) { global $zbp; $bucket = $zbp->Config('CloudStorage')->CS_Bucket; switch ($upload->Metas->CS_Tpye) { case '1': define('OSS_ACCESS_ID', $zbp->Config('CloudStorage')->CS_Ali_KeyID); //ACCESS_ID define('OSS_ACCESS_KEY', $zbp->Config('CloudStorage')->CS_Ali_KeySecret); //ACCESS_KEY require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/api/oss/sdk.class.php'; $os_service = new ALIOSS(); $os_service->set_debug_mode(FALSE); $object = str_replace("http://" . $bucket . "", '', $upload->Metas->CS_URL); $os_service->delete_object($bucket, $object); break; case '2': require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/api/qiniu/io.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/api/qiniu/rs.php'; $accessKey = $zbp->Config('CloudStorage')->CS_QNiu_KeyID; $secretKey = $zbp->Config('CloudStorage')->CS_QNiu_KeySecret; Qiniu_SetKeys($accessKey, $secretKey); $client = new Qiniu_MacHttpClient(null); $object = str_replace("http://" . $bucket . "", '', $upload->Metas->CS_URL); Qiniu_RS_Delete($client, $bucket, $object); break; case '3': define('BCS_AK', $zbp->Config('CloudStorage')->CS_Baidu_KeyID); //AK 公钥 define('BCS_SK', $zbp->Config('CloudStorage')->CS_Baidu_KeySecret); //SK 私钥 require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/api/bcs/bcs.class.php'; $baidu_bcs = new BaiduBCS(); $object = str_replace("" . $bucket, '', $upload->Metas->CS_URL); $baidu_bcs->delete_object($bucket, $object); break; default: break; } return true; $GLOBALS['Filter_Plugin_Upload_DelFile']['CloudStorage_Del'] = PLUGIN_EXITSIGNAL_RETURN; }
public function actionEditblog($id) { $label = new Article(); $labels = $label->findAll('userid=:uid', array(':uid' => Yii::app()->session['uid'])); //$labesArray是对应于id,label键值的一维数组 $labesArray[0] = '--请选择--'; foreach ($labels as $l) { $labesArray[$l->id] = $l->label; } $blog = Blog::model(); $blogInfo = $blog->findByPk($id); $blogInfotmp = $blogInfo; //存储到session[blogid] 防止imageUP后台处理时有添加一条记录到blog表中 Yii::app()->session['blogid'] = $id; //七牛上传类 Yii::import('application.vendors.*'); require_once 'Qiniu/io.php'; require_once 'Qiniu/rs.php'; $bucket = Yii::app()->params['bucket']; $accessKey = Yii::app()->params['accessKey']; $secretKey = Yii::app()->params['secretKey']; if (isset($_POST['Blog'])) { $post = $_POST['Blog']; //$post['view'] = 0; $post['time'] = time(); $post['userid'] = Yii::app()->session['uid']; $blogInfo->attributes = $post; if ($blogInfo->validate()) { /** * 处理图片 * require_once 'UPimage/UPimage.php'; //图片缩略类 * $resizeimage = new resizeimage("1.jpg", "320", "240", "1","2.jpg"); * 1.缩略图 * 2.文章图片 删除就行 添加记录由后台异步处理 //删除文章时处理 */ //echo CheckUploadFiles($_FILES['thumb']);die; //1 //a 查出缩略图片并 b删除七牛上的图片 传递一个特殊的字符串 $images = ""; //拼接图片以@方式 if (CheckUploadFiles($_FILES['thumb'])) { //删除图片 $file = $_FILES['thumb']; $type = ".jpg"; if (count($file['name']) != 0) { foreach ($file['name'] as $key => $f) { if (ImageTypeCheck($file['name'][$key], $file['size'][$key])) { $newname = time() . rand(10000, 99999) . $type; Qiniu_SetKeys($accessKey, $secretKey); $putPolicy = new Qiniu_RS_PutPolicy($bucket); $upToken = $putPolicy->Token(null); list($ret, $err) = Qiniu_Put($upToken, $newname, file_get_contents($file['tmp_name'][$key]), null); if ($err === null) { //成功 $images .= "http://" . Yii::app()->params['bucket'] . "." . Yii::app()->params['domain'] . "/" . $newname . "@"; } else { //失败 } } } } //删除图片 $imgs = GetImageFileName($blogInfotmp->image); Qiniu_SetKeys($accessKey, $secretKey); $client = new Qiniu_MacHttpClient(null); foreach ($imgs as $i) { if (!isset($client)) { $client = new Qiniu_MacHttpClient(null); } $err = Qiniu_RS_Delete($client, $bucket, $i); } } else { //没有上传图片 不做任何操作 保持原来的图片 $images = $blogInfo->image; } //$post['image'] = $images; $blogInfo->attributes = $post; //2 //删除文章文字配图 和业务数据库中的记录 // Qiniu_SetKeys($accessKey, $secretKey); // $client = new Qiniu_MacHttpClient(null); // $imgageModel = Image::model(); // $textImage = $imgageModel->findAll('blogid=:bid',array('bid'=>$id)); // foreach ($textImage as $ti){ // if(!isset($client)) // $client = new Qiniu_MacHttpClient(null); // // $err = Qiniu_RS_Delete($client, $bucket, $ti->image); // } // $imgageModel->deleteAll('blogid=:bid',array('bid'=>$id)); $blogInfo->image = $images; $blogInfo->content = $_POST['content']; if ($blogInfo->save()) { /** * 注销blogid 必须的 */ Yii::app()->session['blogid'] = null; Yii::app()->user->setFlash('sendblogsuccess', '修改文章成功 :)'); $this->redirect(array('articles')); } } } $data = array('labels' => $labesArray, 'blogModel' => $blogInfo); $this->render('editblog', $data); }
function qiniudel($file_path) { require_once CSCMSPATH . 'uploads/qiniu/io.php'; require_once CSCMSPATH . 'uploads/qiniu/rs.php'; Qiniu_SetKeys(CS_Qn_Ak, CS_Qn_Sk); $client = new Qiniu_MacHttpClient(null); if (substr($file_path, 0, 1) == '/') { $file_path = substr($file_path, 1); } $err = Qiniu_RS_Delete($client, CS_Qn_Bk, $file_path); if ($err !== null) { //失败 return FALSE; } else { //成功 return TRUE; } }
$sk = $row3['p_sk']; } function deleteShare($key1, $con) { $shengji = "update sd_file set cishuo = '1' where key1 = '{$key1}'"; mysqli_query($con, $shengji); $shanchu = "delete from sd_ss where filekey = '{$key1}'"; $shanchu1 = "delete from sd_sskey where filekey = '{$key1}'"; mysqli_query($con, $shanchu); mysqli_query($con, $shanchu1); } switch ($policyType) { case 'qiniu': Qiniu_SetKeys($ak, $sk); $client = new Qiniu_MacHttpClient(null); $err = Qiniu_RS_Delete($client, $bucketName, $ming); if ($err !== null) { echo "bad.删除失败"; } else { echo "ok.删除成功"; deleteShare($key1, $con); } break; case 'local': $deleteAction = @unlink(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . "/" . $fileDir . "/" . $ming); if ($deleteAction) { echo "ok.删除成功"; deleteShare($key1, $con); } else { echo "bad.删除失败"; }
public function Delete($path, $false = false) { //global $dropbox; $arr = self::parsePath($path); try { $client = self::init($path); //判断删除的对象是否为文件夹 if (strrpos($arr['object'], '/') == strlen($arr['object']) - 1) { //是文件夹 self::deleteFolder($client, $path); } else { Qiniu_RS_Delete($client, $arr['bucket'], $arr['object']); } return array('icoid' => md5($path), 'name' => substr(strrchr($path, '/'), 1)); } catch (Exception $e) { return array('icoid' => md5($path), 'error' => $e->getMessage()); } }
/** * Delete file from qiniu cloud * @param string $fileName file name * @param string $privateBucket whether store file in private bucket */ public function deleteFile($fileName, $privateBucket = false) { if ($privateBucket) { $this->change2Private(); } Qiniu_setKeys(QINIU_ACCESS_KEY, QINIU_SECRET_KEY); $client = new \Qiniu_MacHttpClient(null); return Qiniu_RS_Delete($client, $this->bucket, $fileName); }
function ftp_delete($path) { // $path = discuz_ftp::clear($path); switch ($this->curstorage) { case 'upyun': $path = substr($path, 0, 1) == "/" ? $path : '/' . $path; return $this->curobj->delete($path); case 'aliyun': $path = substr($path, 0, 1) == "/" ? substr($path, 1) : $path; $return = $this->curobj->delete_object($this->config_ext['bucket'], $path); return substr((string) $return->status, 0, 1) == 2 ? 1 : 0; case 'qiniu': $this->curobj = new Qiniu_MacHttpClient(null); $path = substr($path, 0, 1) == '/' ? substr($path, 1) : (substr($path, 0, 2) == './' ? substr($path, 2) : $path); $err = Qiniu_RS_Delete($this->curobj, $this->config_ext['bucket'], $path); return $err === null ? 1 : 0; case 'grand': return 0; } return @ftp_delete($this->connectid, $path); }
public function testPut_mimeLimit() { $key = 'testPut_mimeLimit' . getTid(); $scope = $this->bucket . ':' . $key; $err = Qiniu_RS_Delete($this->client, $this->bucket, $key); $putPolicy = new Qiniu_RS_PutPolicy($scope); $putPolicy->MimeLimit = "image/*"; $upToken = $putPolicy->Token(null); list($ret, $err) = Qiniu_PutFile($upToken, $key, __FILE__, null); $this->assertNull($ret); $this->assertEquals($err->Err, "limited mimeType: this file type is forbidden to upload"); var_dump($err); }